Take Notice. 1. The sura of five cenU par H& will be vrTwre,wi11 be no Preaching at the M. K ohuroh, South, ontil the third hanfed for "card, of thanKj,:-" uri0n. I 7- i ,D .JUDe OU BCCOUDt of the espect," lisU of we jcliiiK presents and flonorg ",8,r,Ict conference whioh convenes at nd obituary notice, (other than those the edit! I Pendleton May 30th. The rmstnr U res mil nhltuarv none', nthwthun th. j,.' or shall himself Rl re as a mutter of newB and nntUWHOf BDeCial nfifiti ftfffc fnr v1.an. L . 2. Notice of c nurcft und society and all other jntertaiiimenta irom which reveuue 1 to be de rived, sha.1 be i charged for at the rate of five ,ents a line. ,7 hem rules will be strictly adher ed to In every inate.nce. Advertising rates reasonable and made known lpon applicf ,tiop , 1 u Vt e hol enci, nd every correspondent re-ponslM-j for j,ib or her communication. No orresp judence will be published unlesB the writer r, roal name 1 signed as an evidence of ood .aith. T P. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8 jLJ. Ins ABent, 21 Merchants Exchange, 4.n Francisco, is onr authorized agent. This paper is kept on file in his office. Give your business to Heppner people, nd therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize jou. TIME TABLE. Sriwre for Hardman, Monument, Loner Creek, "John Day and Canyou City, leaves as follows : Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday. A rrives every day at 6 p. m., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the interior conn try. WALT. THOMPSON, Prop. Phiil Cohn, Agent. You can get the best beer In Heppner at G. rowe's, 5 cents per glass, B. Ted- If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc., call at Ted's City Hotel Bar! Here and There. S. Joues, a tobnooo mun Sundayed here. Dnu't overlook Johnny Hager for good meat. Try Spmy'Bhama and bacon, the best in towu. Spray's pressed beef, something new, fine for lunohes. Mrs. Geo. Swaggart visited relatives here last week. on D rank Adkins, requests the Gazette to state that though be will be in Heppner utV ouuuay, no services will be held, owing to quarterly meeting at the M. E. church, it beiog the custom for eaoh pastor to give way for the other respective oocasions. frank Bhepardson, an engineer on the Southern Paoiflo By., who resides at Los Angeles. Cal., was troubled with rheumatism for a long time. He was treated by several physicians, also visited the Hot Springs, but received no permanent relief until housed Chamber lain's Pain Balm. He says it is the best medicine in the world for rheumatism. For sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co. This office is under obligations to Milt Morgan for a choioe roll of butter from bis Sand Hollow dairy. Mr. Morgan has lately purchased a cream separator, and though the product of his dairy has always been of the best, hereafter it will excel anything made in the old-fashioned way, judging from the quality of the sample which the shop has "sampled" to its entire satisfaction. Dr. J. H. MoLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blond Puriflor is admirably adapted to mnke "a little health go a long way." Its curative power is largely attributable to its stimulant, toniu and nutritive properties, by which the energy of the system is reoruited. It is pleasant to the taste.easily borne on the stomach and harmless under pro longed use. Prioe $1 00 per bottle. Salem Journal: The following is a comparison of the cost of clerk hire of the oonamfttees on engrossed bills of the latlegislatiire: Senate MoGinn, ohair man, $2070; House Hehlbrede, chair man, $772. Senator MoGinu paid his olerks 84 and $5 a day for forty days, and Representative Seblbrede paid bis clerks only for the time they aotually worKea. Now is the time to eet the Weekly Oregonian, the greatest newspaper of the West. With the Gitzette, both strict ly in advance, for one year, $3. No better combination of newspapers oanbe made in the state. Besides we will give as a premium an additional journal, the Web foot Planter, an agricultural paper. Come in now and subscribe. Only tf. return to Don Ayers guarantees bis poison $2.50 per dozn. Photographer Dowe will Heppner in July. Read "Coin's" publications. (Carlos Boyd, agent. The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works, vValla Walla, Wash. Isaao Howard, brother of Dick How ard, is up from the valley. Hon. J. N. Brown returned from Canyou City Saturday last. The Weekly 8nn and the Gazette $275 per year, both strictly in advauoe. Now is the time to kill squirrels; and Swaggart's "Sure Shot" is the stuff to do it with. tf. . Rev. Adkins will preaob at the Avers school bouse, ou Butter creek, Huuday, May 2(3 Geo. Hubbard called on the Gazette ofHce Saturday while iu from Cass Matlock's. Gihousen Bros, are making a special out on large family groups ; call and get their nnoes. tf Tom Barnett and John McMillan were visitors from the lower country to the metropolis yesterday. For good meat, full weight and cash prices call ou Johnny linger, the new butcher, next door to the post office. Improve your fowls and double yonr croiluction of eggs. W. W. Hmead can tell you how it is done. Information free. The Pine C'ty Republican Club has elected U. M. Long and J. M . Shaw as representatives to the state convention, May 22. Mrs. Catherine Spray left early last we-k for Suleta to mke an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Cbaa. Charlton. Cororoeuoeuietit exeicises nf Higb Bohool at opera house, My 17tn. Admission 10: reserved seats 25 cents. 3t, Of course yon have noticed that L. BlumeothHl is out for business this spring 11 11 $8 60 suits arc attracting attention. tf. Have yon read "Coin's Financial Hflli.Mil" and bis other books? If Dot you should ice Poo Carlos Boyd and get them. Meadows & Scrivner, lb blacksmiths, liirphrs an I wood butcher, at the old Guun stand. Main street, lleppner. Call on the boys. Tin paper that Uks the lead in nicely written ami tastily arraug' d ads. lit the Oregooian. It pays to Lava competent ad. man. Mathews Bros., City hotel barbershop, tona.irial artlt. lUircntting, shaving, aWntMKilng, etc., done scientifically. Baths at 26 cents apiece. According to "P"'1 from IVrnlMon, J 1I111 tisj.-n has Miri hswd the KJ. ('. W. L. Saling and D. C. Bovd have deoided to open an ice cream parlor, ooufectionery and cigar store, and bave rented the room in the Minor building, next door to Green Mathews' barber shop. Of oourse th3 Gazette extends its wishes for sucoess, and believes bv strict attention to business there oan be no other result. A friend of the printer suggests that the man who only devotes a week to the advertisement of a new thing and then rails because be did not get great returns is like the boy who studied with a lawyer for two days and then went home and said: "The law ain't what it's oracked up to be. I'm sorry I learned it." . O.: Spokane's election resulted in the reelection of M'yor Belts, populist, and the ohoice of two populiBt and three republican oounoilmen, and republican comptroller and treasurer. Tbe oitizeos ticket was not much iu it, though it is thought it caused the election of Belt. Dr. . A. Vanghan, the new dentist, will soon leave and we would advise those who are desirous of Que work to come in at once. Full sets without plates, bridge and crown work and tbe most ditfionlt oases in dentistry attended to with satisfactory results. Everything guaranteed. tf Tbe Gnzette made slight reference to a little trouble whioh occurred in town last week, stating that bard words were used. See Driskell shvb that there was no harsh language need on his part, and regrets muoh that there was any diffi culty at all. Ed. O. Allen, who recently sold bis Blak Butte mine to John Gagen, of Pendleton, for 860.000, has taken a half interest In the Ooldeu Rule hotel in part payment, and having leased the other half will shortly take charge of that popular hostelry. SnhscriWs to tbe Weekly Sun, tbe coming paper of Oregon. 41 per year. With the Uaz-tte, both tn advance, 92.75 per year. A good combination. Two of the people' papers at one pries. Subscribe at the Oai-tte nftlca. An assault and battery esse before Jndge Ffeeland, hut nf Oregon va. Chan. Valebtine with C. Ld as pros ecuting witness, rama op Saturday. The tmuble arnea iiver road wort. Mr. Valentine was aoqnitted. About twelve days ago, out near Mallory's mill, five year old eon cf Win. MrDsniel rnt bis knee with a (i icon of glass. Erysipelas set in, and lhnrday Dr. hhipley wna called, lie left the patient better Fliday. Fred Bock, an experienred butcher from Portland, lia accepted a imwiHou in Hues A- Mathewa hotelier shop, here be will erv the public in the beat of tyle. Fresh meal and honest weight to everyone. Call on McPrlau! Mercantile Co. and riot their apoct! prifion gents fo. fin-h-lng gH.(l. hosiery and tmd-rw.tr. Tliey keep a Oompleiw line and !! these Allen Black Bulla mine m Grant coaoty, ; lower than they bava ever len koon the consideration bring $.Vl.lM). i 10 Ileppiier. a. O. B. !Ut, lha tonaorial nrti-t, eau ' HninnUv lt Harry Warren retnn.ed bo f.ianJ at li parlora, Matlock Corner, 1 fr. fa hi trip ! Portland, coming f ri m where be will dipene at ipolar pfic-s, j W lilow Junction Mi a bircle, nikking liiiutHHHi. baireuta. etc. lha fort live miles in nine l.our. In- J.W.H,dckn.ilandN.U McV.yha.l':!;'''V--b',,''',''M ' ,,,M lrO elded aa delegate from ta ' l',,- liooaeberry lWpnl.'i"n Club to tbe! T. W. Avrra. Jr.. 1. Disking aTilrfe atata gnU-ring. M.y 22. at Portland. j hal b uar.Mees. N kill no " " .. , . . , I pav. and sell It at 'It cent per ran. f. "Com 'a financial Hcb,, snd . , f,,r , 5,,. I r doeo. Get a then ta.a np hi other l"l,",' I sau.pla and try It. tf. They ara ail nivineing. interMting. l) . C.rl Uo d..genu iabtm. N' H. m- and flt. .j b m akea . ' sewing michltiv at ct for rab. Will FoutJ A revolver 00 roal baiwen 1 .vr.t)aitlf f,,f lumt-r. Mrl.ina from Heppner and U r Lryie s ranrn j ,12 ,, A 1 lre.s N. A. I-e h, Idling- too, Orrgoa. ir. A. J. iUv. repreaenting th wool flrm Tickets for commencement exercises for sale at Phil Conn's drug store. Get thim at once. Thomas Cotter, a wool buyer, repre senting C. S. Moses & Co., of San Francisco, is in tbe city. W. G. Scott has returned from a visit to Iowa, where he guvs times are better than they are in the West. J. O. Miiggs and J. W. Spickn'.ill were in from Gooseberry preciuct yesterday, leaving tor home this morning. J. M. Jager, of the Brownsville Woolen Mills, spent several days in the city departing yesterday afternoon. FraDk Le, the genial wool buyer, returned Friday evening from a short business visit to outside points. Died At Lexington, Friday last, of consumption, G. W. Brock, aged about 55enrs. Mr. Brock bad beeu ill for some time, Geo. Holmes snd Snra Walker invaded the metropolis of Morrow county Satur day on business, leav'mg for home Sun day morniDg. Bob Watktns, the well-known shcep Bbearer, who lives out at 'The Saddle." won the Waverly bicycle put uo by F. J. Hallock. Lucky boy. 'Gene Oilman returned late last week from a tour of the county, and will short ly to visit Grant county on business for the McFarland Mercantile Co. Jay P. Lucas has gone down to Polk onunty to reside, having resigned as clerk of Gilliam county, jay iB a good boy and Eastern Oregon will miss him. Shilob's Cure, the great Cough and Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pocket size 0 jntains twenty-five doses only 25c. Children love it. Sold bv T. W. Ayers Jr. Wm. Browm oame in yesterday and got bis meersohaum pipe wbioh was advertised 'is being found in a recent issue of the Gazette. Great is printer's ink. Green Mathews for shaving, hair cutting, shampooing and all other work in that line. Baths at any time during business hours. CM. Jones, assistant. Mrs. Luoie Additon gave her fnrewell leoture at tbe opera house Sunday even ing last. It was well attended, more reople being out than at any of her previous lectures. Captain Sweeney, D. S. A , Sun Dieto, Cal. says : "Shilob's Cata'rh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me auy good." Price 50c. T. W. Ayers, Jr. Charley Besserer has taken charge of tbe Walla Walla Union as receiver. He will make the paper one of the best in Eastern Washington, judging from bis past work in tbe newspaper held. Anv inventor in Eastern Oregon who desires the services of Bn attorney iu Washington, D. O , will fiud it to his advantage to call on or address this pa per, otf Geo. Fell has resigned as manager of the M. O. L & T. Co warehouse to take the position as wol buyer for II. O. Judd & Root. Robert Hynd has succeeded George iu the warehouse. The Concert. N'o entertainment of any nature, of late occurrence in this city, has had a larger attendance than Miss Anna Brown's concert at tbe opera house last Saturday evening, nearly every seat being filled. Besides local talent, Miss Brown was also ably assisted by her class of pupils, who showed the results of proficient training and culture. In faot a number of surprises were in store for the audience, as some of the best presentations of tbe evening were by those unknown as soloists. Miss Brown's excellent rendition of "Le Carneval de Venise," wasmuch appreci ated as were the tnBny other numbers in whiob she appeared. As an aooompanist, Mi83 Matlock also more than acquitted herself creditably. The instrumentsl duets by Misses O'Brien, Minor and Matlock were also rendered in an excellaut manner. Both vocal and instrumental selections are always appreciated, and tbe audience last Saturday evening was no exoeption to the general rule, judging from the applause s liberally bestowed upon tbe participants. wnen yonr heart pains you auu un usual palpitation iB frequent, accom panied sometimes with sbotness nf breath and low spirits you are tsuffering from a disordered state of he liver, digestion is imperfeot and there is wind on tbe stomach, it allowed to remain the trouble will ultimately reach the kidneys and becomes dangerous to life. Steps should be taken to stay its pro gress 00 the appearance of the first symptoms. Dr. J. H. MoLean's Liver and Kidnev Knlm is esneoiallv adsnted for disorders of this kiud. Price $1 per bottle. Surprisb Party. A" number of the young people of this ony tenaerea Miss Anna MoHaley a surprise party at her home in north Heppner on last Friday evening. Tbe guests first as sembled at the M. E. ohuroh, South, immediately after league services, and all marched together to the home of Miss McHaley. Tbe ladies furnished the cakes and sandwiches, the gentleman the tropical fruits and E. D. Gilhousen a bountiful supply of vegetables. All seemed to enjoy themsplves until a late hour when they took their departure. Those present were as follows : Misses Mabel Leezer, Mabel Herren, Myrtle Horner, Eva Brian, Elsie Laoy, Lillian Bisbee, Maggie Adkins, Jennie Noble and Cora Hart, Messrs. Osman Hager, Will Kellogg, E. J. Merrill, Walter Van Dnyn, E. D. Gilhousen, Jas. Hart. John Horner, Dr. Eugene Vaugban and H. T. Bagley. THIS MAN. HAS STRUCK BOTTOM That is what our competitors have say of Minor Ss Co. That there is nothing left to out on that tbey have reaohed the buttom on everything. Knights of the Maccaliees. The State Commander writeB us from Lincoln, Neb., as follows: "After trying other medicines for what seemed to be a very obstinate oough in our two children, we tried Dr. King's New Discovery and at the end of two days the oough entire ly left them. We will not be without it hereafter, as our experience proves that it will cure where all other remedies fail." Signed, F. W. Ptevens, State Com. Why not give this great medicine a trial, as It is guaranteed and trial bottles are free at the drug store of T. W. Ayers, Jr. Mining Operations John Rash got in Thursday last from bis prosper ing tour of Grant county, He found some good prospeots, but having to return immediately m order to tHke his old position with 8, transportation company up m Yellowstone park, be was oonripelled to come baok without knowing their full value. However, John Rasmus is busy doing some development work on property in three and one-half miles of Susanville with fair assurance of success, The Sound con.paiiy that went over to work the sand on tbe John Day to catoh the fine gold, tried Junotion and Juniper bars, the latter near the mouth of Mallory creek, but without suooess, and have gone to pieoes. Vic Groshens and others are working on the North Fork, just above the the mouth of Pottamus, and are earning from $2 to 82 50 per day to the man. The problem of how to successfully save tbe fine "Hour" gold seems to be unsolved, as tnany!have tried it without success. Meets Win Sdocess. In tbe intro duction and sale of bis squirrel poison, r, B. F. Swaggart was yery successful on his rscent trip to Eastern Washington Repeated tnalB oonvinoed the peopl. up there that it would kill the squirrels, and through recommendations from the leading agriculturists the authorities of, rtspectively, Columbia and Walla Walla counties adopted the Swaggart poison lor free distribution. This is a HepDuer enterprise, and it is pleasing to the Gazette to know that it snooeeded so well, for money spent at home with home institutions is muoh better than patronizing outs'de oonoems. Mr. Swaggart contemplates leaving soon for another trip up through Washington. C7 hi 3 corrniOHTKB or carry the largest and best E CLAIM to selected stock to be found in this city. No Cheap-John goods kept in stock, you can find them elsewhere. We boast on the quantity and quality we handle, but as to our own honesty we have nothing to say ; we are like the rest of the human race, born to cheat, misrepresentation and fraud. It has been suggested that the pqmr- rel pests oonld be gotten rid of by in- nnculaticg them with some fatal disense whioh would beoorae contagious. The GHzette must say that it is worth trying. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, Bruises, Hores, Ulcers, Hull llheum, Fever Sores, fetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblain, Corns, and all skin eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It la guaranteed to give Derfeot satisfaction or money refunded riPce 25 ceut per box. For sale by T. W. Ayers. Jr. A FOREIGN INDUSTRY. Ilut E. O.: E. II . Clarke and George T. Davis have returned from a buggy ride to and from Heppner. Going and coming they interviewed sheepmen and found shearing well under way. Charles Cunningham is the ouly heavy sheep man who bns finished shearing, others being now Dtuhing the work with all possible haste. It May Do as Much for You. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes that be bad a severe kidney trouble tor a number of years, with severe pains in bis back and also that his bladder was aUVcted. Untried many so-oalled kid ney cures but without any good result . Almnt a year ago he began use of Eleo- trio bitters and found reliel at once. Electric Bitters is especially adopted to the onro of nil Kidney Bud Liver troubles snd often gives almost instant relief. One trial will prove onr statement. Price only 50o. for Inrge bottle. At drug store of T. W. Ayers, Jr. The Only A F I HI XiJ Re-Opened! rniiu mi 1 fin iifinn m 1ALM nUlEiL 5 m 3J II 4,1(1 I St fw "'1 .'1 1 .t, mi Hub been rc-opened by Mrs. J. B. Sperry who will conduct it I11 a strictly nrst-chus manner, with the view of pluHDlng the trade, in Kuncrul. People from Country Districts will be made to feci at home. Sunday Dinners a Specialty ! Popular Prices! Free 'Bus for Customers to and from all trains. on. b sra by Calling "O Mr lyd, pro'in tus jfopriy ao4 pit'g f.r this nol o. Htockmo-Yoti can ema tba J.bo Ii. atlh innr l.-t). !! Biile li C.mu rrrk.U th IWl till liM lg. atul II all fl liW !f Utd. fo'g' t !' 11 j J. tl. It tier, ."f I'-o Hetoa. N. 8. j H'unou.ol lb D-.it... J. K. McUao. .1 iwil'toD. an I Cic'l-r Charitoa, j f .fruerly i'f ll'ppn". b l1 ad- ii.ttt-l I froe la tb xirts f Ibia Ute. Tb ft-tl Km ickf ik. E!. .11 1i d t' at W ilh hteaart a ,rfy Ubl. I "it. f ra"ab!t and wiil t- to 1 kn "a a at 1 '"- ?w p a.n.-.o tt tlli a'twa'U (f. ; I'fi f. M. II It-' an. anpe'iaUnl-bl ,.f ! w! Jtlrotr"i'y a .1 a MiJt r.f l.n fre.k. .- nnnUy U.' le' )' tr I f Hlm. I'M., jl ,(,, ia i I t- !..t f-if -rfal Jy U M"i(1 n"!'"'lti f-iri.nr. . "Hit iv.. .t"' (' tn !, ... I. I .t li I ! .t tag !f f. is W ( rf-a i 4 it.t.i r. !." ''' " ttJ. M lltll A f 1'oftl.ol. rrivd FroUy erei.ng Ut and will " n I a x.rtioo i,t lbs seaon at thl I I. It. Iloaarl mtke a tprmtiy in 'anpplvl'g m',,i,t, iib sll nee 11 j rti. , imi rarryin a gbrI liii hr bi b al. tf. Wanted l"laiii f fney erig Will frt to t, b'n "f tti (K-aiujf si bom. Uf. Maty lleid"faii. Antii Kg fit tt.st I will l. baok " f" 0 P .rlUii l t tttibaik In bulfi bf. W.t,t-,l-Ion Irr oik I7 Mr. C, i.;.. o(. Mountaia llt. Mt. I.ng beatlr d . T'f Arf' rii'f4 jf ia rf -r hnif.g any tb-r. On If tiV tf dt-r., 1' tsitit 'r.k. ' : f"1ft I 'k, fn I J t ti . a fm, t ft; , J, "f IUe ' r.f fr m lt m Utk ti. 8fl f ti k- We Us Million or Split Meel Klne Don't Make Any. "I've handled and sold forty thou sand giosH of split key rings since 1807," huhl the little mun In an over coat and a white sweater, "and not one of thcin was of American make." "Why, how is that?" Bhkcd a New York Sun reporter. "Because there are none made In this country," replied the little man, with a smile that lifted one corner of his gray mustache. "No, sir," be con tinued, "the milking of split steel rings la an art that wo haven't got hold of yet, somehow, and I must say I often wonder at it." " here tire they made, then?" "The la'st. hir, urc tnudc uhout fifty seven inileKiiutside of Paris, ut a little manufacturing town whose liuine I cutl't just How reeull. The next liest rings are Hindu in Mieilield. Kii,;lnnd, while rinjrs of ii.ferior ciiiulit.v, luuile from Swedish Iron, areiiiiinuf.ietiin.il in Alsace. I don't know that the steel in the French ring U any Ix-ttcr than thut used )' the Slietlh Id luiitiuf.K' turers. but tin- I ri iichiiicn in liiir as i:i so many things, h ive .t the hull d mukiiig their tlilujrs 1 U v. 11. Tlx Shi'fileld rinu's lire ili .lied with nil and emery, and that gives thetu u dull steely b"k. while the French rius are Milished by the dry prs-i sH. with what they call 'emeu powder,' a sort of cirs r-nige." "What are the extremes In sie of split rings? 'the iiiiiii wtis asked. "The sinuhe.l tii "t I i i r hnii.ll. d." he r plii'd. "were three-i.ixt. i nths of an Iticli uersM. 'I I, y are il.h d when they relic h this country and are ire. I in eheup jewelry. 'Hie l.ir'e .l key riinfs I ever sdd wire t nnd a In. I.' Hi. lies III ilinilieter, and those I s.. I to the wsr.h ns at ing Sing. In f.iet. tbey are cullel prl n riiig. T)..il In y ring with the iw.i little kno'H, r lss through which you slip the key. Is 111 so a I reneli muntif.ictnre, blid ileleed I bare iirver m ell an Aiiierlciui key ring except that eliillisy little tiling w here ym hare to move around a siuitll round double Ute with a liotcli in It, and then spring out the open end .f the ring through tin notch. I m 11 .t ." eon cludeil the IHtla titan, iit'isinly, "I i.ft. n wureh r why ) doti I make nti nvrr here, lirrn now there a forty-fire p-r nut. duty on them, and tl.ey could I. ild at l.uif their pr. (it pri.-w and ti!l bring a i' l proiiv. , Vhy, jut ttoiik. I 11 over one hutt i drrd and ftfty thousand r.n 1 ymr, land there must ! m;i!i..ii f ll.irti bandied erery year tn tb. cmii' ry." Want Mitiibhki, Poison. A every person knows, the squirrels are increas ing with amazing rapidity where people have not the means to buy poison and it will reunlt In many losing their crops entirely. Wrn. Peuland is there fore distributing petitions for circil hit mo among the people for signatures, and we learn that such petitions bearing sufficient names will be considered by the county court, (iilliam comity has appropriated money for tbe purchnse of poison for public use, and there is no res Kin as tar as the tti-z -tte can so.. why our county cannot tuke similar action, if it is the will of the taxpayer If oicthing is not dona to Mnist onr turners and others engHged iu raimnir. crop tln-re will be little left by harvest time. The; (liiz-tte Je'irns that WhIIii WhIU nii'l ; Intnl.!:! counties. WhsIi have rcei,t;y piirchnscd poison for pilhllO ilisti ilmtioii. Tbe r.p I f..nd f.f siitit.g In hi par tlrn with bi r n tary on rr, warm day. II l a treit ttrtire f gure. M-n'r I tt.il. In t'. pore wh.te role- of f tiii it frture arid linmiif ulatr r'.f t..inr. He l a j reri- Slid fa te'.e.u rnan. and '-n tleer r I tietrr .tmlmwf ". nft l,i. h Ci i S :.. k , ,! , 1 'J ,,. I r 1 I b -1 Mil. Sa Ul.r..l. t.t . l.e Sl l l.nli f ''. tl tl.F 1 nil !. I H I c 10. ' .l.e 1 ' , , i I '.'.;- n t 1 1 ' I. a! -lev ( of r'.'f a;..l I'M'tt aiAtwt In the i ring. IliH bnni'tii bisly need HSHistHliee tn llirow tilT the Murfnatlnti produced by winter die). A the tctnpei store rit U'ider the urowing liei.l of tae sunV raa e fi-el ti'ed, j l.uif sick ami low in innts, li.-t Hiio the l.lii til In e'.iitfgish and full of IIiii iui'ik. I Jr. J. II. Mrljemi' Kireligthetiii g Cordial Hint I'.lii'i.l Purillor is a rt-linble eprti.g retie-dr til IliTtgnrale the Imdv it'itl tfive tii'.o to the il lil loll Pries 1 p-r lei tie. Ills I.U1 Bll'.ksN.-J. M. Sttll lil.OelJ wh iiroiigbt up from Monument Kutiir- lay sn I im st pri K.-iit at th- f cil'.ice I f CI.sh. HalUllte near I, litf Clerk i.ff' ring fr in a broken ha 1 ,t fra- tiire j the r.-olt (if an seeidcnt lis met aitli while titkisg 1 ntR not of thai rim r-N k iit ar In tei.J. iice. lr. Henderson reiloiwd the ttAatut Sillcll.f 1 tiiorr-ititf, pine which tUta Mr Htubble fl-lil Iih letted finite rsr. It will lie .iiii" lime, ttuaerer, bf-ir b rii me la liuth aisiu a lie la an ag goilts- llisil. lie wna rn-,iii,siil l to (hi l-lty l,r cveral iiirrnbts of hi Until) - loog ! I'feelt Kagle. I'lle! I'll.! H kl I'llr. h)tiiptom Momtute; inttiM llcl.it.g ml running; net! at M1il, ore ,jr ert hllig. If allowed to C.litinue tuuior form, hirlt i,fln I.!". I and ulcerst. te-etimltig err or. HwnVMKa OiarnssT atop lh itehihg attd t.Ued 111 it. Ii'si iilcrti"ti, and in iii.t e rt-more lb tumor. At drnggil. r tit mail. f..r Vlm-nt. Iir.Haajns rVm, l'l,lllelplil". ll trait ro tas Mian.-Ilman Col- II, S in, leii-llitig and In father, i f It t tbm ln-fry rttnntrt, Morrow roiint, iri'l iu 1itigCmk .istu' Ur eremi.g en font to th hutir.i;a tiiiln-. Titer k- i I t llit -i..o pro pet ting an I will rtiin In tl.st rt..li ui.'il tirt if y fl'.d artttifg lt wv nan t n,nl. J l,)r li.fitoi Ih Y.tm ll,l M-ftow f ni,'r i) a f.i tr. I a a .ft. l' ! It il fit.' t,i a f.'W I-.1 ' r l i'" k I -d'r Great and thoroughly re liable buildinor-up medicine nerve tonic, vitalizcr and Blood Purifier Dcfoic the people today, and which stands preeminently above all other medicines, is HOOD'S . Saroapanlla It h is won its hold upon the hearts of the people by its own absolute intrinsic merit. It is n t what we snv, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does that tells the btory: Hood's Cures Even when all other prepar. ations and prescriptions fail. ' Formerly every year I had an erup tion on my body, and a kind of biting pain beside. I havo had It now for four rear every summer, but alnca I began taking Hood's Hamaparllla bava bsd no trace of it. I have taken sren bottle." Fkki Fostkr, 3101 Black St., Denver, Colorado. Get HOOD'S "11 H f:tl- nre t-",'-1i-. mild. flee. I1UUU a I UlSia, All UniKtuia. Hm). V? Im.. MUUwLMtJ C3 CLIrM? uTMtirjr. WllWt TIT FOH A KING, . CORDOVAW, raise a ntMiimo cm. ?4.3S0flNtCAL'aKCRta 3.WP0tlCE,3SOlC3. .1 wnDtriUf... . 2.l7.?BCY$'3CM33lSr:::i i-Anii-3 r . f - run rn rTi nrnr 0f On Mlllloa t'Kifi r I s W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our nhoes art equally aat Isf actory MRS. J. B. SPERRY, Lessee. Attorneys tit. ICIA-V, All busiuesg attended to in a prompt and antisfnetory manner. Notaries I'oblic and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL HANK BDILDINQ. QKITNEH, OREGON Fr:::: ti PUKDICTION FDIt IIKITNKIt: A bree 7.y timo inny Imps piloted at 13on HuiiHiikoi'H, followctl by a regular rycluiio f low prices Mint will swoop all ojiptiHitioa before it Sliuwors (if purcliiiHerg will follow, HticotM-diid by a genoral clearing term. HoHiiloH a (jt'iieral lino of (iroccr Ioh, lluiiHukor onrries Tinware, Wood mill Willow Ware, (JIuhh wnro and Crockery, CiarH, Toliac ooH, ('oiifectioiiHi ieit, Ktc Old Blackman Stand (Hiieeemuir tn Jiftjf Cnlill.) JT TNv lv th M Iim tuf tSt nny s trtia 1h pk r nilrii,MimiJ ttn .t. tSV Xtual UM.I.HM th.wa In al.la ana III. tH?lr v-varlng aulltt sr utiawrtiaaavd. I mm i la 4 r tHSr tnakr. II your J-1 taiiti-a aui ).! r ' t .11. t )-s!.-r ati ia nsoie mill .horltr ap pesrb-re. Airenl mite.. . . ly at title- ni4i. !;MiiLra,," M,.es..l. I r.Tl ''WA Waratog. 1p Vjjj 11 f' UHK, t nlrr. CLtjl Cmnpast. 1J. A. IIUNSA'KHK, Prop. Out' Kcptilut ion lr r- 1 1 1 : 1 1 I )':tlili. X -ftaJrtfa. e. - s. aa, - r a.wanaita 'ft U 2 V 0 0 f I r -- w 1 a) a Maaal o 0 UR COMPIiTITOUS arc doin'' their Kt'l' ('!. Iti -I pnn'r '.tr !(.. 1, 1 ! r f H.r t; n . ini, fn-.i).,! ) i,r I 1 a al, I I'.hi 1 I. I t.if . at.l. , kl. I 11 wh1 tf 1al M-ra ai.4 -tnrl I . m ttt li ' i' t-t iiu: MAkU.N 1 ivi: Atr v., cn H. a II...4. C HttK ! f..r IVI.o M..iiU, tv.. eadii), and r'ri-U), riiit..i.i in Toia-'!, Jli1' l '! I St.,i. II 'A a,e, l'rt.i . T. , A r l , V 'I, 111- il ia I, r iti alsa- l . (...f .. I l....,n .1,1, all n 1 , 1 . . da t"t M-itiilay at.. I l-n-i ,f ' dr 1 -.! " Hi !r, hi. aat I ri.. p i ' it l-j tti iBUf.v'. I', t.i.n, best to reach our mark hut they can't do it till they adopt our principle of selling only First Class Goods at I Ioncst Prices. Wc don't claim to he the cheapest house on earth hut we do try to deal honestly with all. Clieat ifi!) am dear at any g.r Mel mf b'aa ar tli . t ll.-tt tli" liioiiey will buy. l)-n't f'tr' t IliK plm e. ! C. TIIOMPSOX COMP'Y. Ik tilkiii NOTARY PU3LIC '-CONVEYANCER t'Al.h II ,w st U..4 Wit'6at!U b'M Cta. C'larr, h t4l ill aaf Uai- t. U.laV ata, tifjur, iu