Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 10, 1895, Image 4

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There wab never a time In the history
ofonr omiutry when the demnnd for
inventions nn improvements io the arts
Bnil sciences geni-mlly whs bo great an
now. The conveniences of mpjkiud in
the fuotory nnil workshop, the bonnehold
and oa the farm, bh wI: bs in officio!
life, require continual HCoiwons to the
appurtenance Biid impliments of encli
in order to nave labor, time and expense.
The political change in the Bdminmtra
tion of government does not affect the
progress of the American inventor, who
beiug on the alert, and ready to per
ceive the existing deficiencies, does not
permit the affairs of government to de
ter bim from quickly oouoeiving the
remedy to overcome existing discrepan
cies. Too great cire cannot be exer-o-Ved
in oLoosing a competent and skill
ful attorney to prepare and prosecute
an application for patent. Valuable in
terests have been lost ond destroyed in
innumerable instances bv the employ
ment of incompetent counsel, and es
pecially is this advice applicable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
pay" system. Inventors who entrust
their business to this olass of attorneys
do so at imminent risk, bs the breadth
and strength of the patent is never con
sidered in view of a quick endeavor to
get an allowance and obtain the fee.
John Wedderburn, General Manager
618 F street, N. W.,Wasliirigton, D. C,
represeming a large number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals of the eonntry, was in.
stituted to urotuot its natrons from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
in this line of business. The Haid Con
pany is prepared to take charge of all
patent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, and prepare and prosecute
applications generally, including me
chanical inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer
ences, infringements, validity reports,
and giVHS especial attenion to rejected
cases. It is also prepared to ent)r into
competition with any firm in securing
foreign patents.
Write for instructions and advice.
Philip W. Avikrtt,
MS F Ktreet,
P. 0. Box 385. Washington, D. C.
Whiln yon "M vmir anlwnriptliin pnid up yro
em krtep your bmnl in freeof nhHrge.
Allvn. T. J., Ioiih, Or. Ilnrww Mi on left
ihiiiililur; ruttln Btiirm on li'ft liip, nnilnr bit. nn
riirM. nr, anil upir bit on the liift; muni), Mor
row dimity.
AriiiKtronv, J. ('.. Alpinn, Or. T with bur nn
(lur H on loft Hbouliliir uf liomiw; onttle Mine
on lfl bin.
Alliami, . I)., Kiif'it, Miln. Or. VH lirnnH,
ODnr) Infl lii Hii'l Iiii'iks nmiiA lirninl uu riitht
ImiiMnr. Khiiuii Kinlit. Miln.
A'ikina, J. J., Hmititier, Or. Ilomns, .TA con
nii.'ttul on tM Hunk: nn'il... anin'oin lfi ti'n.
Iliinl, I), W nil B in. HorBi brum) -it I) H
on I'm. li'ti liio: i tl (hi bhiib oti l"ft ti ink.
rmpolT r i if ' t fin. ntiiliirrrop in tin ltfl. Khiiuii
in Morrow ('.unity.
lt'iriliolirn"r, A. ft., Alpinn. Or. II onion
bninilin K nil "llbor Bliotilil ir, Hiuikd in Mor
row 'Mllltll v
ifriTiniMior. J. V 11'irilmnn. Or. ChIMo tirariil.
ul It on l"fl tiip Hii'l tliiirlii Bplit In B-ii'li Bur.
HrmiiM'r, I'mI'T, iiooHMb'irry Orison HiirBB
tintii'l.'il I'll on loft Hliimlilor, Cull In biiiiih on
fHflll Blll'l
llnrkn. M Ht (, lio.iu rriwk. rii mill",
MAY ciiniii'i'lml on loft bin. niopoll ,ift mir, nn
llt.r It'llf nrno oil rMit. tluri'i-., n'iiiib tirnnil ,
bilfl nlioiihlor. Uuiiit. ill I i mill hihI Morrow
Ilrni'iiiui, .trrv, li'im, Or-llnriB lintniliMl 7
on ritfbl alinil.l.r; r-iiilo tl on dm left iit.
."ft t!r Im'f rrop nil rmM iir iittti,r bIoom
lliirtnii, Win . H i"i"r, Or. Ilonnw, J II on
riulii ilimli, riiillo hiiuhi on riirtit Inp; Bplit in
wicli iur,
Mi.iwn. Ibb., I,itiiiirt'iii, Or. Mura... H ,,n t'n
rit'hl Ntitlii; i'hIiIh Hitiiiiion riubt Inp; rntitfi, .Mor
row county.
Mi-own, .1. , Mipii""r. Or. Hnra.a, niri'U
(' Willi (lot in v tor on I of I lop; run lo, bbmii.,
Hrowii, W, J., U'lm, Ori-non, H.trat'B W lur
IIVIT It, Oil tllO It'll nllllllllllT. t'lttllll BHIUIIII b it
Ilovnr. W. !., II'MM"''. "r.- Ilorww. tmi
liraml on ri jb Inp nniili, aniiiti, Willi uplit in
ooh oir.
Ilor. I'.O., Hoppnor, Or llnnm, I" II on Infl
Imiitlor: cbiiIo. BH'oBon b'ft litn.
Ilr.. iil.. W.J, Ko, lr -I 'nil Ik. J II roniiM-liBl
on l"ft Bi'le; rrop on loft mr mnl two bpIIIbhioI
iniil.llf ppB'fi nut out on ritflit nnr; on horBi Bimn
brnii'l on tlx b'ft Hindi; lbiun in Km tnlb y,
(Irmil cbiiiiiIv,
i NrBiirr Wnrrn. Wmrnnr. Or. - MorrM4 brnnl
11 O on ritrbl Btitlo; f'Btlln (tlirvB InirB) on
ritflit rilM, rrop mi'lBptii in mii-h far, lUugr in
li'i'il nm'I Hiirnin rou'iiioB.
I nui.K... Bloli.l r V l on horwoB on lofl atirlil
11 Willi oimrtor rlrvlr or It, on lofl Blioublor
Niil on b'ft BlitlM on ntl cilia q -ilnr AtfNtiB.on
l"f( ahonl'lor only on nit boraBwoVfir &yB.tr. All
mtur I" ttfnnl rou'ity.
l iiB,riiBB. H., iiiM'tn or liiin. Or. Mora
II I' on rtrftil ati"Mll"r; rt'lln bboib on rliflil lilp.
ItnilirB .irrW B'I'I l!,iiBilln 0lll"B,
orrii'ill. M M. lM"Wiy. Or IVttf rrop onl
of m.'l. i-i.r hi"I lo'tbol'it. wtii'V in foroli -B(.
borwabrOf ri". V on b'ft iIiIIb, Itiitiifi M'r.
ow nn'1 I -nn' i'Ib r."i' lii.
I'lil. I. tl . J 'l'll ln. Or ll.iiililn rr.a on
bbi'Ii liiit itnrHl'la, i'1'in f-irk no I ini-lor lol
In lulil Hr, ai.lil in b'fl oBf. IIb-ikb hi flrBol
r"ior. nil aii"'p, li'f.rt'l h'i I apo.r Imoiii
on i.ol l--r r -ir itiit ko.i bw'bi, rfp on loft B-r
t.-l M.".'f lot III r'll'tl. Wol'iBr". rritp ill
t no I tin t.r balf rrop in bf nor. All roi'ic''
ii UfH'it r.'ii'iif. j
I' J.,litlr. H.'raBa ln r.rl.l.b.i .1 !
dor ! ,i ' t.. bb iib "ii r -4tii too- BBjf IIIBlk Bpi'-r"
(I..,,, .'I , 'I B',, Bp'il 111 tl I,
iirrt'i. H V., iimio-Tilii. Or. tl-iiB, ti
Ir'l 'i'-b.
l ot I I M . Itir I-'ib'i. Or l' tn, ( will,
a to o-iilor. l,.,i.B i t ", lt 'oti, t
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Jnnkin, 8. M., Heppnur, Or Horsen, boras.
hoe J on loft shoulder. Cattle, the name.
Ranifp B'lwht Mile.
.fohrs -n. Fplix. Jna, Or. ForanB. cirrleT on
left Mine; cattle, same on riffht hip, miller half
won in riftt nnrl anlit n left ear
Konny, Mik, Heppncr, Or. Horsen brnnilivl
KNY oo left hip cattle same and crop off left
ear: nniior slope on the rltrht
Kirk J. T., Heppner. Or. Horsen 89 on left
shoulder: cattle, niton left hip.
Kirk. Jesse, Heppner. Or. : hniw 11 on left
sbonldor; cattle same on right side, underbit on
" tSiimhnrlnnd.W. (i.. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on
cattle on ritsiit and loft sides, swallow fork in l ft
ear and under ciop in riuht enr. HorBeBsama
brand on left shoulder. hinsje in (irant roiinfv.
Lofton, Hlephen. Fox. Or. H L on left hip
on chHIb. rrop and split on rinht ear. Horses
same brand on lift shoulder. Jlanne (irant
Lierjiillnn, John W., Or. Horner
branded half-circle JL connoctefl on left nhonl
der. Cattle, same on left bio. Ilan-je, near lyex
inuton Louhoy. J. W. Heripner Or. Horses branded
h ami A o i left stioulder; cettle same on left
hip, waltle over rii;ht -ye, three slits in right
Iiord, HRorRO, Heppner. or. Horses nranded
double II oirt.necU Sometimes called e
swine H. on left shoulder.
Minor, -Oscar, neppner. nr. '"attle, 11 D on
ritrht hip; horse. M on loft shoulder.
Morean, H. N.. Heppuer, Or. Horses, M )
on lefi s'ionldi cattle same on left hip.
Mitchell. Oscar, lone. Or. Hors is, 77 on right
hip: cattle, 77on right aide.
Mndlaron, 1). (t., Hrownsville, Or, Horses,
Fiirure 5 on each shoulder; cattle, M2 on hip
Mndirr, Krank. Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe
with top-cork on cattle on ribs and under in
each enr: horses same brand on left stifle..
McHiiley. . i .. Hamilton. Or. on Morse".
with half -jirclfl under on left shonldor;on cattle,
four burs connected on top on the right side
Itnnge in Grant County.
Neal. Andrew. Lone Kock.Or. Horses A N con
nected on left, nhonldnr: cattle same on both hips,
Nordyke. K., Hilverton. Or. Horses, circle 7 on
left thigh: naitle. name on left hip.
Oliver. Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A S on cattle
on left hip: on horses, same on left thigh. Range
in Grant county.
Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on left
Olp. Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattle, 0
LP connected on left hip; horses on left stifle
and wartle on nose. Ranirn in Orant county.
Pearson, Olave, Eight Mile. Or. Horses, quar
ter circle shield on left shoulder and 24 on Infl
hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right oropped. 24
on left hin. Ksnge on Right Mile.
Parker A flleason, Hard man, Or, Horses IP od
left shoulder.
Piper, Kree-t, Lexington, Or.--Hordes brand-
e K (L f. connected) on lott shoulder; cattle
a me on right hip. Range. Morrow connty.
Piper, J. H., Lexington. Or. -Horses, JK con
nected oi left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip.
under bit in each ear.
Pattys, A. (!., lone, Or.: horses diamond P on
sbonldor; cattle, J H J connected, on the
left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in the
Hood. Andrew, Hanlman, Or. Horses, stinare
crosi- with qunrtor-rirele over it on left stifle.
Kenitigor, Chris, Heppuer, Or. Horses, C 11 on
left shoulder.
Rush Hros.. Heppner, Or.---Horses branded X
on the righi shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hip
crop off left ear and dewlap on neck. Range n
Morrow and ad ioining counties.
Reanoy, Andrew. Ijexington, Or. Horse
branded A K on right shoulder, vent rjunrtei
circle over brand: cattle same on right hip.
Range Morrow county.
Koyee, Wm. H, liairyville. Or Tl It connectet
with ipmrler circle over top on cattle on rii'bt, hi
and crop off right ear and split in left. Horsen
B'tine brati'l on left stioulder. Range in Morrow
Orant and (Jilliain counties.
Rector. J. W.. Heppner, Or. Horses, JO ol
InftBliouldor. Cuttle, ()on right hip.
Spicknall, J. W., ( loosflberry. Or. Horse
branded ill on left shoulder; laugo in Jlorro
Hm itiv. (: (' Heppner. Or Horsen branded
on left shoulder; cuttle same on loft hip.
HwHiwart, H. I1.. Lexington, -Or. Horsen
with dash under it on left stitle: cattle H with
dash under it on right hip, crop off right ear and
wield led on right bind leg. Range in Morrow.
(iilliain and Umatilla counties.
Hwaggart. A. L., Athena. Or. Horsen brande-1 J
on lefl sboulder: nettle same on left hip, Cror.
nn ear, wattle on left bind leg.
HI might W. K Heppner, Or. Horsen nhnded
J H ou lefi stifle; call le j H on left hip, nwallow
fork in right eio. nnderbit in left.
happ. Thon., Hiippner, Or. Horsen, 8 A P on
left hip: cattle Hume -on left hip.
Hhri'T.John. Km, Or. NO connected on
horsoB on right hip; oattie, aame on right hip,
crop oil right ear and under hit in left ear. Hangs
in iirant i-oiiiilv.
Hnnlh Itros . Musanville, Or, Home, branded
II. on shoulder; cattle, nine on left Nliouldor.
Hiiiiros, Jaines. Arlington, Or,; tiorsen branded
.IS on left shoultlor: catlle the same, also rump
wii'ldle. Hung" in Morrow and tiilliam co iiitieB
Hleihons, V. A., Ilnldmall. Or-; horses H-Soi
right nillo; ciiMlo horizoeitil 1. on Hie right side
HU'voiison, Mrs A. .1.. Iloppuor. Or. Cattle, h
on right hit : swallow-fork m left ear.
Hwiiifgart. II. W., Ileppuor. Or. Horsen, (I in
left should" : rat tin. 41 on loft hip.
Hnerrv, I' . Iloiiniier, Or. Cattle W (' or
left hin. crop olf right and iiuderliil in left year
llewhin; hortes W I' on left shoulder.
I houipsoii, J . A., Ilotipner. I Ir. Ilornen, J on
b-fi should r: i-allle, 2 on loft shoulder.
T'iiii'eiM.H.'r.,Ki,.iBiprisi'.Or. Hon", ('-on left
I'u,ii ,r II. W.. Honpner, Or.-Small capital T
b-'t sliMiild-'r. borsos; cat lie same on b'ft hif
with spill In bolli eiil-B.
Ihorol-m, tl. M.. lonrt. Or. Horses braii'led
II T t-oMiiocte'l o'l left at itlii; she-'p same toiind.
VuM...ii I It. 'I'.. I"ia, Or: Hors-BtHVcon
iie'-t-sl on right Bhoiilder;i-altle, name ou rigid
In i
Well, ridge. Wm . H'-pininr. Or. Horson. U,
onlhoh-'l shoulder; ral I le biiiiib on fight hip
I'H'poft left eiirioid ruihl ear lopi""!.
WlNoe, .lelili (,, Hiilelll or llopltller, Or.
ll,,rNi.a l,i b-IJonlbe lefl shoulder. Ibtug,
MotTt-w 1-otiely.
Wiirteu W ll.l'iilet'.Or-Calile W with nnarlm
'vlo over It. ou left sole, Bplit iu rulit ear
ll.irs'-B Bnlilrt bland oil left Hholllder. RaUgell
llr'tllt eenilly
Wa le. Henry, lloppnnr. Or. Horaen brnndeC
no "f b(,ii. on bill ahmilJor and left hip
I'Hitie hiniidot Baiiieoti lefl aide ami left tup,
VV"I linger. John, John hay I'Hv Or- in tioraBv
Ihr.te p.tr'illel bars on loft shoulder; T on alieep
bit 111 Iniih ears. Iliuign in Orant and Malhiiet
WiHslwanl. John, llt.pnnr. Or. -Horaen, Dl
eo'tli-B-hsl on left stioulder.
Wstkinn, I.isI.b, Hpttmr, Or. II onvi branded
I r. miiliM'lwl on left alilla,
Wallsee. I'liarbm. Heppner. Or. 4'stlU, W
rilftit Itiigti, tiolr 111 left ear; boraoa, H' on rink'
attoilbler Bono Mtneoll left abiHlbler.
Wbttlier hro , riutiiiiigiiMi. Knkerrii.. Or. -ItorMBi
braiitbsl VV H e"tiii.s-tl on lefl a! teilder
Wtllisina, imhhi, Haiiuilon.Or.Oiiarter rir
rle iHf tlir tHr nn lf I luif both cnlil mm
liorM, Km iir (iTtun Mint jr.
w 1 1 1 1 Hit in, l ii, lilntl tmH, IIT lliirtww,
lr imm'Ii itvfr tlmw ltr on .fi (,,,. mitl aiii
d'ii lit in tir luiiitfd in it ni iNtttntv
Oft niHtiitiMr; km if, miiiim ufi ritfht tiiii.
l ..m Mi rttflit ah.Mtl.t
f it-- o( v mwS iviv fn any m K fw
lit mftti itriln.(
r MM iir llir hrt pfttf.U ftr mtr rllfitt.
oM U mtr )- lit utiK IM taul Ut4
rr s Tim simh it.tkivi a inventions
M i jt, mu. tuu hm t'tUef I II f.tf ltSl mM
.- i m ft I f I i"H-f ( , MlnWW nn .
wilfi. 1 iy u limit ! k-mrilii.g i Mt n
i ir it .it t?t ii 4 in k ? if firM?
m tu i n .i l 4iitnal, M rM, fci 4 uf (ImmH
l lw(.tu 4(.nl.lMrtMti,.lltMM.ll
in.h.4l.fnMf. fMAilftiMi-uiiirfHi "tiib.
,H . a( J I t.,H -Ml It i M.tH hl tHa4
AH., mt. iiMd I K Miw hr tm ftSnutk
JOHN wmni kiu RN A CO..
M V ,V I .
t . tva ' . . a,
'' It iihi t . m, 4
.... i.--.,
t .. . I , a
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- .a aa. . ff.-i
a - i b
- - . ft t-. ,M
i . .
III.'. . J
Castle Crags
OPENS JUNE 1, 1895.
ceo. scHONCwmo, Manages.
Luxury, Good Cheer, (Iusjiilality, De
liditful and lleallliful Pastimes,
Matchless Mountain Scenery.
Established last year in a roman
tic dell of the Sacrcinento Canyon,
just below and in full view of grand
old Shasta It was a great hit and
promises still more encouraging re
sults for the present year. T J.
LoPTtis, at Castella, 1b still in charge
and wiil answer all inquiries.
A i.ew candidate for public favor
this year is
Also In the Shasta r -gion, about
a mile and a half from Duiisinutr.
It is a genuine paradise for hunters,
fWhers and seekers of health and
pleasure, Kasy to reach (near the
railroad), nightly, and nil the ne
cessities of camp life easily procur
able. All inquiries about .Shasta
Vicinn Cump, If addressed to W. C.
Gray, Box 4, Diiiismuir, Cal., will
receive prompt attention.
Camping in The
Alma, " rights, Laurel, Glenwood,
Fclion. Ben Lomond,
Boulder Creek.
Reduced Rates
During the Camping season will be
made by the
For full particulars address
K. V. KOUEKsi, Asst. tier. "ass. Agt.,
July 211. Or any S. P. Co. Agent.
There Is one magazine which will help you to
HIH'CKEO by teaching you to know and ap
pi'iciiile your elf. The Phrenological
Journal I a wide-awake up-to-date exponent
of Human Nature.
Are you using THOUGHT and TACT
in Bringing up Your Children ?
The Child Culture Department helps mothers
nd teachers to study the characteristics of
each child as a guide to Its proper development.
Send ten cents for sample conv of the Phreno
logical Journal.
FOWLER & WKL.LS CO., Publishers.
27 East 2lBt 8t., Now York.
We aluo publish a lonn Ut of helpful booki.
The Bust
Wli Oil Ol'lt Ii:AI.FItt cm sell
ynil mi clilnr rhraprr iliar ton ran
cililMWhtra, The NEW ITOMt'.U
our beat, but ve mik rbcupcr L lad,
iul a ibe ( Lin.lX, lUIIU mid
oilier High Arm full MrUrl 1'UtnJ
Sfiing Marblnra for $15.U0and nji
Call ou our agent or write u. . e
war: your trade, and If prlc ra lcrm
anil r njuare dealing- will win. we w ill
hiia II, We challenge Ilia world t
V"ud.irK UKTTI.lt HU.UO Kewlmr
r:achlna for ISU.UO, or a better '.(.
' wlna itlachlne for f 20.00 than you
. buy from na, or our Agt-uf .
v::. uome sewing iuciunco.
t-JUI'-B. V.a, Hoa-ro, MtaS. I'BIOII V '"'. X X
Uai- t im sr. ui ia, a.t. ,ii.ab. iaa
i-iJI hat lati, -u ATIBIa.(ia.
ron ti bv
Tlif New lliict Sewiiig M;ii'!iiiit Co.
2.17 Matknt Ht. Hnn Kmt.cii.eo, Cal
I'or rirasurc or Profit,
Mioalil r IVai tl J,irn,it Oib nbatrlt
iu is i i a i . .1 i,i,.i .t rclieu.e
auiluBiiiy ubimiwble.
1 1 HIV'
studs rmvosTH rue list.
!l.1ra!Bpfa.-lic'!,,.ihfriili an.t t,!,
In . , ael in and 1. . i , ui, , , v, i t.,a
It. I of l-.oi , i,,i,r ataiiiiial , ,i !
It 1 llMi.-n, l,, i l!!,i, ,,
tlrB.fi!, lerlNtN'a .( rtlll.4.
It-n. in'!.'r. rirl r.BllJ
1m ,f ti. i'im ilfvra.
It la, iIovhI il'tulH,
The Paperforthe Peopfel
IIMa I'r (.' BBBtKrril.
lrav.- if B) cp ml Vlt, c'mUvt M
l-,ll.tuinl l.-eka Ml ,.a h.i,,,,,
i Jfl C4fdcnir, JO fwllofl St., VY.
wlit I : B
C:H:iTn.' tilt, fi'MXUw?.,
A 4 B.I IVal r. .'tva. awla, 1,4 f, ,
feB..!. K ('aa 0 toa.i,artt4aaat
MaWra. S4lraM
Ma'a4 SI1BTW1,
.O.nn. W.BHiton.Bj.tvG
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Their Unbroken Run of HI Luck at
a Game of Chance.
Bow the Black River Indians were
Cleaned Ont by the l'uyallupj in
the Great Twenty-Six Day "8lng
Gamble" Near Tacoma.
Capt. Jack had to walk from the Puy
allup reservation way over to the Black
River reservation, savs the Tacoma cor
respondent of the San Francisco Exam:
iner. lie had nothing with him except
his clothes and histemper,bothof which
were very much worn, from the results
of the recent protracted "sing gamble."
The "sing gamble" is the great contest
between two tribes of the Puget Sound
Indians for the trophies of the year and
for such blankets, wearing apparel, ve
hicles and horses as can be spared to be
used for 6takes, and sometimes more
than should be spared. This year the
"pot" at the beginning of the gamble
consisted of twelve Winchester rifles of
the latest pattern, eleven sound horses,
seven buggies, one hundred blankets,
forty-three shawls, an uncounted pile
of mats, clothing for men andwomen,
some badly worn and some in good con
dition, but mostly worn, and forty-nine
dollars in money.
This year the "sing gamble" was
held in the barn of Jake Tai-ugh, com
monly known as Charley Jacobs, whose
place is four miles from Tacoma. At
the beginning of the "sing gamble"
sixty-seven old men and women, many
of them wrinkled, many of them gray
headed, gathered at Jake's big barn,
which had been cleared of all hay,
grain and other stores.
On the ground, which serves as a
floor, were laid two mats woven from
straw and weeds and Hags, hach of
these mats was three feet wide and
six feet long. Between the mats was
the space of about three feet. Around
these squatted the serious gamblers of
the ancient races, many of them wear
ing brilliant colored blankets, others
arrayed in combination costumes picked
up at the reservation or in the town.
As a necessary preparation to the
game, the drummers, one for each tribe,
took positions in front of their drums,
made of horse hide drawn over one end
of a stout frame two feet and six inches
deep. Beating heavily on these drums
with sticks, the sound is similar to that
from a bass drum, save that it is more
sonorous and is readily heard a distance
of half a mile. As the drums beat the
Indians begin their chants or wails,
the men shouting: "Ili-ah, hi-ah, hi-ah,"
and the women moaning an accompani
ment between the shouts of their
braves, sounding something like this:
Mm-uh, mm-uh, mm-uh."
The players gather around the mats,
seven being permitted on each side.
One mat is for the Puyallups, the other
for the Black Rivers. The dealer for
each side sits at the head of his mat,
fingering deftly ten wooden chips
about two inches in diameter and a
quarter of an inch thick. Kine of these
are of the same color, but the tenth is
different in color, though similar in
buupe anil dimensions. The shulllcr
handles the chips rapidly, like an ex
perienced faro dealer playing to a big
board. He transfers t hern from one hand
to another, hides them under a pile of
shavings made from the cedar bark
growing close to the sup, resembling
much the product called excelsior. He
divides the chips into two piles of five
each, and conceals each pile under the
shavings. Mysteriously he waves his
hands forward and backward, cross
wise and over and over, making pusses
like the manipulations of a three-card
inotite denier. The drum keeps up its
constant beat, the Indiuns at the mats
and those looking cm with interest
clap their hands und stamp and chant
in time to the drum.
Now is the time fur the Indian ns
signed to guess to point to one of the
two piles. The game is entirely one of
chance, there being no possible meuns
fur the closest observer to detect in
which pile the deuler places the odd
Colored chip. It is the custom of the
nunc, however, for the giicssman to
ponder fur some time before decid
ing which pile to select. This adds in
terest and excitement to the sH'cula
tii hi. Finally he decides, and with his
finger points to one of the piles. The
dealer rolls the chips across the mat to
the farther end. If the guess is right
the Hide for which the- guesM-r is noting
aoorcH one point. If the guess is wrong
the trilie to w hich the dealer helongs
acore a iint, and the other side takes
the inning -Ihnt is to say, the ileal.
John Townllis wn captain of th
l'uynlliip team, nud now is the nrnM
popular man in the trilie on account of
the remarkable victory of his side uftcr
a 1. . . . .. a . . , . i I .
me M'MBinit oi ni ariv u iiionin. aim ui-i
on Account of the 1 1 it lit ity and value of
the mt. dipt. Jack, the leader of the
uiiBiicceBsful HUck Uiver team, proved
a tliurini(.'h fpurt, for, in addition to hit.
contribution to the atake of his tnl
In fttuki'd nud loa-t Iim greatest trena
il re. a big knife, hi principal decora
tion , ahiny lirns-i rin', all hi money
sixty dollar!, hit watch, hi rille and
hi liiiruea. hla lnigy and hi lii.rae.
He advised his colupiwiiiili on the team
to Itt even thing they had cx.vpt their
ciittoe. lie insisted that thev should
keep thiBe, in order that thev Ink-lit
j h ire some way to get home. He wu
j not s.i careful of himself n of thein. for
' lie h id to wb'.U when tlie tiiue eiiuie,
1 ,,,. of thr men and (he s.i,,u , !,,,
j I'l'Mlo.l home in their cues f. !t f!,r
', sbarpiiea (,f the weather, for all iris and
troiiM-r were rxei-a-d'.iigly enroo when
the ktxtieth liU liud gimp to the
I'uyaltiip i ihI of the l-sird.
At lli lt Jmrt of the tr.utible the
.Hack Hirer pluni-ed wild'y. The run
of In, U of Die l'n llui had ln-cn r.-n-staiit,
and l apt Jek annoiitniM to hi
follow ,-r t tint tin Oould Hot on Mine.
I.ii. k must turn, and her was a hniie
f.-r tliem to k-i t evrrv tnotaMc tlnni.
cX'Ti'l that win. h l loti.- (,, tlie i'or.
rr.,i,t. trsn.f rr.-l fr tl... -M-.;ip
""'"..r.tt-n. ...i tt,.. r.,.,:t i,
t. ......
lri.oft!ie iib-- .f thorn 1b tt pr.
tf.t t pUnt f-. mi .'ii'u'b Ii
i"ili'f''i,.' il.i Ni'nn S..r;
a I f .'H'a timt !. t!,.n, tn u r
B'a'.e I'wC'ni f'. r ,.-. f ..,f
. i.rn",.t( It la .;. ,f... l.f.Mi
und -r the t-r"V ..f i,.-.ii .-.:?
lt l.n b. M ft Irr.t tl-. nv
.e rn'it r t.. i a i'rn t-n.
A reffH.H f v.!l rf tttn
lrti. Utll,,f1lf .t V,a. h.
i I. ln!. f,.( .,. t j, , , ,, in
t..-- ...tt li,.. I l.. II, I ,
I r U.,i r.v in.! v e i, ,, ,
The End of a Flyln; Machine.
A sad accident lately happened to a
flying machine at Sydney, N. S. W. The
inventor did not accompany the ma
chine on its trial trip, and as no one
volunteered the machine was allowed
to go alone. The following account of
its performance has been sent over:
"Hissing and snorting, it slid along
the tram for a distance of one hundred
feet, when, having reached the end of
the rails, instead of lifting its wings
and floating gracefully across the har
bor, it bumped against the rocks and
toppled over on to the beach, part of
it becoming submerged by the waves.
Some of the hot cinders from the fur
nace came in contact with the light ma
terials of which it was constructed and
set them on fire and in a few moments
a portion of the framework and the ma
chinery were all that remained of this
production of inventive genius. The
manager explained that the trial was a
failure because there was not sufficient
wind to fill the sails, and no one had
been placed inside to sail it."
Wliest, bu $ 35
Flonr,bbl 2 25
Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. 2 50
" " three " " 3 00
Sheep, muttons, head 1 50 2 25
" Btock 1 00 & 1 50
Hogs, ou foot, cwt 3 00
Hogs, dressed 4 00
Wool 5 8
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 40
Eggs, doz 64
Chickens, doz 3 00
Potatoes, per owt 40
Wheat, cwt $ S1H 91
Flour, bbl 2 50 (Sj 3 50
Beevps, stall fed 4 50 (3 5 00
Muttons, owt 6 00 (8 0!)
flotrs, cwt 4 50 & 5 25
Wool Eastern Oregon.. 7 (ji 8'
Butter, lb 6 (ffi 13
Eggs, doz 15
Potatoes new, per ot.. . 1 25 1 50
old, " ... 8l)(rt 75
Chickens, doz 3 00 600
Turkeys, lb 11 (6 15
Wheat, bu $ 52 53
Flour, bbl 1 80 2 35
Beeves, owt 2 25 3 50
" dressed
Muttons, live shesred. . . 2 25 (J? 2 75
dressed, lb 04 & M
Hogs, on foot 3 50 U 3 75
" dressed. It) 01
Wool Eastern Oregon... 05 07
Butter 7K 15
Eggs, doz 08 08 1
Chickens, doz 3 00 (g 4 50
Turkeys, lb dressed 14
"We take plensure in recomrrjemling
Chamberlsir-'a Cough Remedy because
it is praised by till who try it," says j.
W. Cox & Son, druggists, Marshfield,
Oregon. No one afflicted with a throat
or lung troiioie can use this remedy
without praising it. It alwioa givir
prompt relief. It is especially valnsble
for colds us it relieves the limci, ru ikti
brenthini? essier and Mids expeotnrntion.
cold will never result in pneumonia
when this remedy is la'ien nnd respnn
iblo cire exercised. For mite by
Sloenm JnhiiHon Drug Co.
How to ;it f 1 00 ami I'iIi;iib Jink a
Kort 11 ne.
Wo si'iuirp iiiili-ritu am) to iiulucp
x'0.! to ki'pp truck of thi'ir Ijrinbl
ilt'iis we dITit a priz (if one hundred
tolliirs tu he raid on the flitit ot every
nnrilh li tht i.Hrsnii who snhmits to ui
Ii" ii"it iii.'ri!iii imiH invention ilnnny
Im tin Ti'f'.liinr month. We will nler
liVeltl-i' till' il.VIMitlliM f-pa) of I'lllirL'S in
In- Nn'inu.il 1:. ooril-r weekly mwn
m"'r, iil.lislii I in WiiBhituriiiti, 1). C,
litoli Inm nn txleii'ive rironliilior
liriiii'iliniit tin Ui'itril S'HtCB Mini ii-levol'-il
l Him intfrcntB of invinitiim.
The iilfn of licit'ij hi i le to invpnt me
tniitf Hlki'H omul (ifoiila hn lieiuit Vt-r)
'illioult; Dim ili'liiHinii the roiritiNin
ihI.i'N In 1 ih pel. It Hthe min'le tliiniff
.ml uniall luvfiitiniM Hint nmke Itif
rniiti Bt Hnxmiil of money, hihI tli cutn
Ii x ontu Hie Bi'l'luiti i.i,i!itnlilL'. Aiiii'.s'
Vir)liiiilv, hi K'Hiiu lime or enotlier,
oiicisie in iilos, whii ti. If n.tei.liJ,
mini i ri liiihly li worlli In him k
ortiiiip. I'l f'-rtiliiMtt ly unob iiteH are
iBii.iily ili-mi'f,l b ii limit ihunnl't. The
iiniili-Invr-iitii na) like the rhr wil ilnw
aIi'i'Ii rniitil he eaaily sliil up i r l il "n
tittioiit lirenkitiit tti" iHeetitfHr's lurk,
lie ami, e i nn, rulUr button, the nut look,
hn hut lie Bt"iu'r, the eim Bli-ivel, art
dii'i: Hint alni'Mit everyone sees snma
bv of iinir.iviiif npnii, ni'.l it IS thixie
Bii'il of invention that lirinutlir armtrsl
-ri'ui'H in the HiiMmr.
I ,h r r.- e i T-r will l .m I sit the
li'l cf em'll til 'lilli, liellier the k'(li
BBjtimi I'BBi tti-en aeti upon hy the
1'iitei't ( Hire or not . F.trery enmetitof
HiiibI ni't'ly fur a i ntent on his uTritin
li'i'titih iib. m .I In tl er lie B.TnreB the
iinz'-r not. the tuvrntur hsve
in'mb-IiI patrllt.
tiik r;tr.ss ci, aim comimny,
I'l'it.tc W. AviNirr. lii-n'l Maiier.
fit V N. W. W.hit.!l ui. II. C
P. "v The lraH.iBliiliy of ll,r
oni ittf n av tw jiiitjnt from the tW
lliBl IU ali, k I I a-1 , 1 ,y atkinl tafil.f.f,
.nn la i.f II f. hul.( i rai Ber ot
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JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
P. O. Box 463. Washington, D. C.
Honorably discharged soldiers and snllors. who served ninety days, or over. In the late war,
are entitled, if now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disabiluv
was caused by service or not, and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances.
WlUOWSof such soldiersandsailorsareentitled (if not remarried) whether soldier'sdePJJ
was due to army service or not, if now dependent upon their own labor for support. Wiir
not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldier's death was due to service.
CHILDREN are entitled (if under sixteen years) in almostall cases where there was n.
widow, or she has since died or remarried. , .
PARENTS are entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child, provided soldier died in
service, or from effect of service, and they are now dependent upon their own labor for sup
port. It makes no difference whether soldier served or died ia late war or in regular army or
Soldiers of the late war, pensioned under one law, may apply for hlsrl16' rates under other
laws, without losing any rights.
Thousands of soldiers drawing from $2 to $10 per month under the old lar ire entitled to
higher rales under new law, not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned, but
also for others, whether due to service or not. .
Soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty In regular army or navy since-the war are also
entitled, whether discharged for disability or not.
Survivors, and their widows, of the Black Hawk, Creek, Cherokee and Seminole or nor.
Ida Indian Wars of 1838 to 1842, are entitled under a recent act.
Mexican War soldiers and their widows also entitled) if sixty-two years of age or disabled
Dr dependent.
Old claims completed and settlement obtained, whethsr pension has been granted under
Jater laws or not.
Rejected claims reopened and settlement secured, If rejection improper or illegal.
Certificates of service and discharge obtained for soldiers and sailors of the late war who
have lost their original papers.
Send for laws and information. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Address,
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
P. O. Box 463.
nras : mm : pb !
Youro BOUND to Take 'Em,
Leaves No Constipation,
Cnres it, as well b all B'lliniiRneta, Kick Hendimhe nnd Mulnrin. The only
oomfohtabi.r pill in thR worhl. Holil by nil rlmi'irnfe or ptnt hv mnil on
receipt of price, 25 cents per bin. TKENTlhS MEJJICAL CO..
411 Galifornin Street. Hun l-'nii.t ino.-i, Cnl.
Equal with the Interest of those having claims against the Kovernment Is
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain theii
patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and rcli.
able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not
entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney.
With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorney
nd of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, v.e have n
tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to
Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct It
terferences. Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., lite.
If you have an Invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to.
gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at one
advised as t the best course tc pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If
others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement hy
others, submit the matter to u for a reliable OPINION before acting ou the
P.o.aox.3 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
Mr Cut this out and sand it with your uuusb
Tiik Lanxasiiirk Insurant.-: Co.
oi MANCiii:H'ricu, ic.-viiyvn.i
Oho tin. iioMt Iti tlB world
ills Keelsy kli.ul.
I J ' VATJ-V1'
'Liv i' I -'. ' ,f
Vis k P
It to Advertisers at ;
ficc. You need it in
elJ 1 NGTON, D. C
Plenty of them at the
Gazdte Office
For tho Guru o
I.Kjuor.Ojiium at. Toteo Habits
It I niM t fulrnt, (llrif.ni,
7V .V f llmutiful Tim tt on f7i-0i.f.
rit at fh limm nfre f.-r r-riuiiiira,
Blr.i ilr i-.ii.Ii -In. tial. 1 lwii,i .(l .ria . ti.,'. tiu
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spaci-: is
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