Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 10, 1895, Image 3

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    TIME TABLE. I Reoord : Little Phil (Seppner) baa the
I Orei) it of disposing of toe first twoolip of
StHce fur Hft.dmnn, M'vum, it, Lontr Crpok, wo I iu bis warehouse tbis season, one
John Pay snd an..;i City. le-.)SH toh.-ws: . ., th t 71 Thn ,.11,
Kvctviwu a' a. in..etfCpt i.in.lHV. t hi no, lne other at ID6 rollowing
Aniviwevery .uyat p. in.. eu epi Monday. ' Uetu flow Uef.pner bUOWS the differouutj
i Hi 1 nest, iiiti-Kv-l Kiiil best line to or i in riees between the two nlac-8: A!
l'Vttus Suld Iloui M. U. Jj. S l.lv.6
warehouse tulav 18,000 lbs. of wool at
from tue ii.t.'rinr .-'iii'ifry.
WALl". TliOMioON, Prop.
PhlU Cuhn. Ageut.
You can get the best beer e
4 4 in Heppner at G. B. Ted
row e's, 5 cents per glass.
If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc.,
call at Ted's
City Hotel Bar!
Here and There.
Concert tomorrow evening.
Bob Shaw is up from Portland.
Hon. J. N. Brown is over at Canyon
Don't overlook Johnny Hager for good
Try Spray's bams and
in town.
bacon, the best
B. C. Wills, of Lexington, was in town
E S. Cox was down from Hardman
Tuesday last.
A. Andrews and bod were up from
Alpine Monday.
Teachers' examination and county
court this week.
Spray's pressed beef, something new,
fine for luucbes.
return to
Ayers guarantees bis poison. Only
$2.50 per dozen. tf.
Attend the oonoert tomorrow evening
at tbe opera house.
Photographer Dowe will
Heppner in July.
Raad "Coin's" publications.
Carlos Boyd, Hgent.
The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works,
Walla Walla, WaBh.
The Sunday night lecture or temper
anoe meeting will ba held at tbe ball.
Hon. Joseph N. Dolph is up at 1'eDdle
ton in attendance on supreme oourt.
J. W. Vanghan hHS acoepted a position
with The McFarland Mercantile Co.
The Weekly Sun and the Gazette $2 75
per year, both strictly in advauoe.
Albert sWum is having bis house
painted and E. Q. Hloeuin is doing tbe
Now is the time to kill squirrels; and
SwBggart's "Sure Shot" ia the stuff to do
it with. tf.
Lee Kilbourne dropped in from David
eon Monday and will begin to baul his
wool soon.
Qibousen Bros, are making a special
out on Itirge family groups'; call and
get their prioes. tf
C. W. Qilliousen departed the first of
lust week for the inner country on
photographing tour.
For good meat, full weight and cash
prices call on Johnny Hager, the new
butcher, next door to tbe post office.
Alfred Troedson, son of Swnyne Troed-
son, of Douglas, made this rlhce a pleas
But call while in the city Wednesday.
Isa Brown writes the Gazette that be bi.s
nrivod from Veruouia, Columbia county,
to M aintain Dule, Washington oounty
Improve your fowls and double your
production of egijs. W. W. Hmoad can
tell you bow it ia done. Information
free. tf
Commencement exetcises of High
School at opera bouse, Msy 17th
Admission 10; reserved seats L'O cents
Of course yon have noticed that L.
Blumeuthal is nut for business this
spring. His J8 50 suits are attracting
attention. tf.
Have yon read "Coin's Financial
School" and bis other books? If Dot
you should see Don Carlos Boyd and
get them.
Meadows A Scnvner, the blacksmiths,
bnrsesborrs aud wood butchers, at tbe
old Go on at ami, Main street, Heppner.
Call on tbe boys.
The Lexington Ropnh'iosn Club have
elected J. T. McAllstar sod J. W.
Yangbnn to represent tbem at tbe oom
kg olub couveution.
Mathews Bros., City hotel barber shop,
totisorial artists. lUircntting, shaving,
shampooing, etc., done scientifically.
Batbs at 25 cents apiece.
(1. B. Haft, the tonsorial artist, can
be fonud at hi parlors, Matlock corner,
where be will dispense atpopnlar prices,
shaves, sliamp ios, bairouts, etc.
Ila "Coin's Financial School " and
then take up bis other publications.
They are all citvinetng, interesting.
Don Carlos Boyd, agent. Hee bim.
K. H. Clarke, tbe veteran wool tnsn,
whom everv m m. woman and child In
the Heppner bills knows, came in over
land from 1'eudletoD Mouday, returning
Ben Honsaker. the grocer at tbe stand
formerly nccnpid by Jerry Cobn, will
pay H ceot in trade f ir egga. AIo a
complete line of groceries at tbe lowest
pnoe for eh. Mee ad. a
Htockmeti You can cross tbe John
Day with nur el.eep, tel?e miles
below Cnis creek, on tbe Hill Walker
bridge, and it lll cl JoU 12.50 per
band. lWt forget this. If.
Fonnd A silver mounted, ruerabaura
tUe, long s'em and eu.ber niouthpiere.
I'lCked up lies' the ctirnhntie, nn the
brilge between J. W. Morrow's heio lot
and pasture. Call at Osi-tte ofTioa.
Tbe eeMifnted Keotueky Jek, Egle,
w.ll stand H e eee..n at Vt illis Mtewari'e
livery eUhle. Terms a'C reasonable
and will If made known on application.
Nm I'an Kmona or Willis htewarL tf.
6 cents. (The editor of the Reoord has
forgotten that there is a difference in
wool the same as in other things )
Frank Sbepardson, Bn engineer on the
Southern Pacific Ry., who resides at
Los Angeles, Cal., was troubled with
rheumatism for a long time. He was
treated by several physicians, also
visited the H"t Spring, but received no
permanent relief until be used Chamber
lsiu's Paiu Balm. He says it is tbe best
medicine in tbe world for rheumatism.
For sale by Slocum-Johcson Drug Co.
Mrs. Kate Sperry is makings specialty
of Sunday dinners, and desires to excel
anything of the kiod eyer given in
Heppner. With her appreciation of
what pleases tbe palate, and thorough
experience in tbe culinary department,
she will succeed. Her dinner at the
Palace next Sunday will he a grand
Affair. Some of tbe prinoipal features of
the bill of fare will be roast turkey,
strawberries and oreara. Take it easy
nn tbe sabbath ana patronize rs.
Sperry's dinner.
Dr. J. H. MoLean's Strengthening
Cordial and Blood Purifier is admirably
adapted to mnKe "a little health go a
long wav." Its curative power
largely attributable to -its stimulant,
touic and uutntive properties, by which
ihe energy of tbe system is recruited
It is pleasant to the taste.eaeily borne on
the stomach and harmless under pro
longed use. Prioe $1 00 per bottle.
Last Wednesday evening a reception
was giveu Mrs. Lucie Additon at the
home of Mrs. W. R. Ellis, of this city
An npnropriiite program of songs and
recitations, an address by Mrs. Additon
and impromptu remarks were given for
tbeentertainmentof thevtsitors. follow
ing the feast of reason CHtne a feast or
viands to wbicb all did justioe. In all
tbe evening was pleasantly spent.
C. P. Johnson, brother of Surveyor
Johnson, of Grantcounty, bas driven bis
sheep out to Mahogony ridge to shear,
The "strikers" began work Thursday
last. Mr. Johnson has tried shearing
Dear the railroad market for some years
and finds that there is money in having
the sheep do what was formerly accom
plished by long, tiresome and expensive
Died Near Donglas, Ore., May 5th,
1805, with hemorrhage of the lungs,
Mrs G. Short, sister of Mrs. John Ely.
The funeral took plaoe at Olex. Monday,
Mav 6tb, at 2 o'olook p. m., Rev. W. W.
Gregory, of Lexington, officiating. Two
daughters are left to mourn tbe loss of
their mother, tbe husband and father
having died several years ago.
Dr. E. A. Vanghan, the pew dentist,
will soon leave and we would advise
those who are desirous of fine work to
come in at onoe. Full sets without
plates, hridge and crown work and tbe
most difficult oases in dentistry attended
to with satisfactory results. Everything
guaranteed. tf
Dr. L. F. Shipley was down in the
lone section a few weeks Rgo, and farm
ers were bine and faces long; a trip tbis
last week showed a dill Tent ooudition
of matters. Round, happy faces were
no exception and lower lips were in no
danger of interfering with tbe pedal ex
T. M.: The attorney-general has rend
ered an opinion that tbe secretary of
state is the only proper auditiog e ffiner
of the state government, sustaining Mr.
Kiocaid in bis refusal to send out money
to state institutions in lump sums and
let a number of persons do the auditing.
8uhorihers to the Weekly Snn, the
coming paper of Oregon, Jl per year,
With tbe GsZ'tte, both in advance,
9275 per year. A good combination.
Two of the people's papers at one price
Subscribe at the Gazette oflice.
The Last. Mrs. Luoia H, Additon,
state lecturer of Oregon, who has
been holding meetiag ia this city, will
deliver h)r list I ctnr; ou Sunday even
ing next. Her vie.vs on the great
queallons of tlio d ty iire practical and
far-reaching, and will interest all
interested in the alTurs of state and
nation. The following topics outline
her talk of Sunday eve: "The Vital
Issue; What is it?"; "Cantrsl Thought
of the Labor Question ;" "Dutv of
Nation to Protect its People;" "Farm
Mortgages, Why?"; "No Time for
De9pots;" "Lab'jr Organization;" "New
Folitioal Economy;" "'ew Humane
Philosophy ;" "Kingdom of L iW and
A Humorous Fact
About Hood's Sarsaparilla it expels bad
humor and creates good humor. Aonttle
for bloo I is what Hood's Sarsaparilla
vigorously figbis, and it is always vic
torious iu expeiliug foul taints and giv
ing the vital nud the quality and quan
tity of perfect health. It cures scrofula,
salt rheum, boils and other blood dis
Hold's pills act easily, yet promptly
and efficiently on tbe bowels aud liver.
25 cents.
All members of the Woman's Christian
Temperance Union, in Morrow oonnty,
are hereby notified that a convention
will be held Bt Heppner, Monday, May
13th, at 9 a. m., sharp, for the purpose
of perfecting a oounty organization.
State Organizer L. H. Additon will
open the session with a bible reading at
9 a. m., after which the enrollment of
members of ooo veution with election of
offloers, eta., will be the order of the
day. Tbe aims and methods of tbis
world-wide organization will be pre
sented. Every honr will be interesting.
All who are interested in the work, wbo
do not reside where a Union already
exists, are cordially invited to come and
join tbe oounty organization.
Mhs. H. BBiaas,
President of Morrow Co.
Decree op the Bosses. Some time
ago a row was kicked up m tbe demo
cratic oanip over the action of several
prominent government offioials who
chose to take the responsibilities of run
ning their respective iftiues. Lately a
former employe of tbe ffioe of ooilector
of internal revenue, J. Randolph Harri
son, sent in an affidavit charging Mr.
Blackman with numerous things that
bis wife had been put on tbe pay-roll at
S 100 per month for which no set vices
bad been given in return, etc., but
principally setting forth the all-important
foot that Harrison bad lost bis job.
Judging from the reports from Washing
ton, tbe bead officials have been forced
to take coguizance of tbe "howling," but
Mr. Blackman says that be knows
nothing about it, and bas received no
official notice from bis superiors. The
rumpus all grew out of tbe retention
temporarily of J. Frank Davis, a
competent man and a republican, as Mr.
Blaokman's chief olerk, and for this tbe
Oregon democracy- Cols. Kilfother,
Powers and Davis proposes to discipline
tbe collector. When the true facts are
learned, it will be found that envy aud
jealousy are tbe prime onuses of tbe
disturbance, and Mr. Blackman will be
allowed to run the office, for which be
gave bonds, to suit himself, at 'least bo
far as clerk hire is concerned. Mr.
Davis will shortly leave the employ nj
tbe collector, as was planned early in his
administration, tbe place to be taken by
J. B. Mollny. But intended changes
have been delayed no doubt through the
aggre-siveness of "the bosses," for no
true man likes to be driven around like
a sheep.
Piles! Pill's! Hi lling: Tiles.
bvmptoms Moisture; intense itohing
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue
tumors form, which often bleed aud
ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swaynbs
Ointment stops tbe itching aud bleed
inir, beals ulceration, and in roost cases
removes the tumors. At druggists, or
by mail, for SOoents. Dr.Swayues Son
Those wbo did not bear Mrs. Additon's
lecture on the "Ethios of Labor," lest
Tuesday, missed an intellectual treat.
This lady possesses a good voioe,
enunciates clearly and with all, im
presses one with au earnestness of
purpose and womanly insight into tbe
intricate mechanism of political economy,
which is thoroughly in touch with all
tbe advanced intellectual thought of
the day. Yreka (Cal.) Journal.
' Everybody knowing themselves in
debted to me, no matter bow small the
amount, is requested to call and settle
by cash or note.
4t. Pi B. MoSwokds.
A few days ago it was chronicled in
these columns tbat harvesting was yet
in progress on a ranch in Morrow oounty
and in less than twenty miles south of
tbis ranch, Joe Bannister informs this
paper tbat ioe was put up last week.
Out at Will Mallory's sawmill last win
ter logs were piled on snow banks.
More snow fell and melting aud freezing
followed, leaving when the logs were re
moved a fine lot of iae.
A Happy Husband.
Delaware, Ohio. "After four mouth's
use of Simmons Liver Regulator ray
wife is almost entirely relieved of
Chronic, Constipated and Bleeding
Piles." W. B. Leeper. Your druggist
sells it in powder and liquid; the powder
to be taken dry, or made into a tea.
That is what our competitors have to
say of
Minor Ss Co.
That there is nothing left to out on that
they have reaohed the bottom on
Mrs. Additon is a foroible speaker and
with so great a subject for her theme,
did not fail to carry her audience with
ber. Her arguments were logical and
invincible and her visit to this city was
truly a benediction. Baker City Democrat.
Mrs. Additon charmed all with ber
womanly oonvinoing address. Ore-gonian.
F. J. Manniog, representing Tbe
Palatine Ins. Co. as special aent and
adjuster, was here Wednesday to look
after J. W Mullock's loss He was
aooompanied by E. G. Sprowl, repre
senting The Liverpool and London and
Globe Ins. Co. They will return in a
few days to finish adjusting tbe loss, to
deoide whether the company will rebuild
or pay the the loss.
The Oorbin crew are shearing up at
Dave Herrin's and will run the entire
season. It is composed of liarve Corbin,
Bill Duncan, Miles McKelvey, Gus Bale,
Lishe Watkins, Geo. French, Jack Mo
KeDZieand three other boys who our
informant did not know.
Last evening the friouds and neighbors
of Rev. Frank Adkins aud wife, surprised
them at their homo iu Heppuer, aud
judging from the number of well tilled
baskets going in tbat direction, they
must have had quite a feast.
J. D. Hickey leaves for the Green
horn mountains, near Austin Station,
next week, with his sheep.
Cor. Pacific Ensign: Mrs. Lucie H.
Additon delivered a lecture on the
Relatioua of Temperanoe to Labor ana
Capital" at the First Congregational
ohurch, Berkeley, Thursday evening,
14tb inst. Mrs. Additon is a foroible
and oonviuoicg speaker. Her language
is well chosen, brief and comprehensive
She is well informed upon tbe questions
of tbe day, aud able to handle tbem in a
masterful mauner. Those wbo do not
agree with ber often are convinced by
her clear and pleasant style of present
ing faots and argument.
Chas. Valentine was in Wednesday on
B F. S?ggart U preprd to furoih J
hi "iHiir html" iiffl poison in
bleale lol H lrd received
a U'tre "rdrr from Wellington and
Mbo, I'.ve'y Mire it !i ln nwd.
It li Dot failed to eiUrmmate the little
p.t. ' I
It .bCurfeo a'id S Drlktl bal hnrl
,r t rntii '' j" U. aul H-'b'
drr kmlm at I r 1'lJ
,thM.. e..n.mrie at onee. !ffr
Jit ! ,'f :t-r kt lie the 00l I'l"-m-al.
N H Ui.u ii ti'.t la 1 i-lv fro;n
Iit'in. una.e I'DI-iui I by bi I'U,
I'renk. eam I tip tr.f. Time
r d ill end mmtrf err. tuoogS wbo
the (irli n I op!id, " W li't" MS
timet aill l lily.
FiM-k tr" I- bowhl ebnnl fAUez-k
f wool Ur lh at Ifo a 5 1 (
petite t-r poind. All the wt mil to
Ifieel bv' t beo ennfln4 H tbe
rnrrUa of M' Le; at ImI tbit wee
tbe up l- M rdy
Mr. T . H-e. ri""w'
T,.n. , ' ft i ).' V i t t
tuy 1 ' I n n- l' H H li ! fjU
f if a dti I f ever it."
iut drpP". Iif rf iJ",f t"i.le
it . iit. free T' J T.
W, If its,
The Guzette regrets to say that from
all appearances Rev. Homer Gray line
gone away without settling up with his
creditors. Ilia family bave roiiowa
him to bis present location, and where
that is, we wot not of.
Fred Bock, an experienced butcher
from Portland, bas accepted a posmon
in Haves k Mathews butcher shop,
wbere be will e-rve the publlu in the
bent of style. Fresb meats and bonest
weight to everyone.
John Flemming was Instantly killed
by John Bosim near Enterprise tbe 2nd
inst. The two were neighbors and
quarreled over some trilling thing,
resulting in Bonira shooting Flemming
with a shot gun.
Call on MoFarUnd Mercantile Co. and
note their aoecial prices on gents furnish
ing goods, hosiery and uud-rwure. Tuey
keep a complete line and aell these
lower than they have ever beeu known
in Ueppuer. a
T. W. Ayera, Jr., is making sq-iirrel
Hiison that he guarantees. No kill on
pav, and edle It at 2-" oenta per csn. 6
eai.a for 11 60; 82 5.) per dozen. Get a
sample and try it. tf.
Tearbers' examination is In progress
at the C"nrt ho'i thia week aith seven
appliesms, Mrs E. L FreeUnd aititig
Mhm Bligr. The examination b-g in
Wednesday aud will be 0 onolu.led to lay.
Will Brown l "rnaeMng" muttons
this spring alotig with the rmt f the
"strikers." Morrow eonnty furnishes a
go idly nunih-r of loail ahearers, and
eomewill take iu tbe circuit
County r.iirt met tM week, finishing
U labors yesterday. C"m. Maker and
Howard were lutb in atixidaure Ibis
trim and eonaidrnhle important bui
cea a arcomplinbed.
New Home and five olber mafcea ol
sewing machine at eoet for eab. Will
efhauga for lomtw. MarMne from
llinp. Address N. A. Uacb, Ltimg.
tun, Oregon.
Geo. Lund and JohnHpiv-t a ind
in a week In town after a aeaaon s
77FE CLAIM to carry the largest and best
vAL cplprrpfl ctnrlr to tap fnnnri in this ntv.
No Cheap-John goods kept in stock, you can
find them elsewhere.
We boast on the quantity and quality we
handle, but as to our own honesty we have
nothing to say ; we are like the rest of the human
race, born to cheat, misrepresentation and fraud.
Bilious Colic.
Persons wbo are suhjeot to attacks of
bilious colio will be pleased to know tbat
prompt relief may be bad by taking
Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and
Diarrbcea Remedy. It acta quickly and
can always be depended upon. In many
cases the attaok may be prevented by
inking this remedy as soon as the first
indication of the disease appears. 25
aud 50 oeut bottles for sale by Slooum
Johnson Drug Co.
K. W. Rhea ia oonfloed to his borne
witb grip.
Hon. W. R. Ellis went to Portland
Tuesday last.
Conductor W'ra. Dunn and wife re
turned Tuesday from Portland.
Ed. Holland was np trom bis posses
sions below Lexington Tuesday,
Geo. T. Davis, representing Koshland
4 Co., waa here early in the week.
Bob Curran says bis percentage of
1 mil be will go far over 100 per cent.
Mat Moogrove is in town on business
f ir bii firm, Fleiscbuer, Mayer & Co.
Growers and merchants will notice
Henry Ueppner's new warehouse ad.
Tbe sradiiaiingexercisestbia year will
be a graud sucot-Hs. All should aiteud
Wool ia coming in rapidly, but tbe
bulk of il bas nut bwo shorn from tbe
beep ct.
Our merchants are spreading them
selves to gt the trjd. Advertising
pays and pays big.
Have you pr'Minred ticket lor the
concert tomorrow evening T If not, get
tbem at Ay era' drug store.
M. Frank Kellogg has Murmd from
Salrui, leaving In" (nllit-rinlKW, Mr. Mil
ler, in an iirproved con.lition.
Dokmn't Work Oct. Tbe Gazette's
sonbbler oorne.-ed up Hugh Folds, Wm.
Penland and Nat Webb long enough
Wednesday to ask them how they were
getting along in tbe sheep business
undor the present regime low prices for
wool, cheap herders, and cheap shearing.
It is well known tbat tbe gentlemen
mentioned are among ourlcading sheep
men, and their experieuoe must be of
more tbau ordinary interest. Mr. Webb
said be wasn't raiuh pleased with it,
though conditions might improve in tbe
future, and the others nodded assent.
This seotiou produces a quality of wool
which is uiuoh desired by manufacturers,
aud the prioes here may prove better
than tbat of other localities similarly
situated in other stntes.
Scrofula in the Blood
Causes Glands of the Neck tc
Swell Up
This Trouble and a Case of Rheu
matism Cured by Hood's.
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
" Dear Sirs: A little o.er a year ago 1
bad a swelling come on the side of my
neck. J- was iu very poor health generally
and doctored two
months with the
family physician
w ho said my com
plaint was a bilioui
attack. His treat'
ment failed to help
me so I determined
to try Hood's Sar
saparllla. To my
great Joy, the swel
SWfc ' Ai-i ling on ina siue oi
kfrtorsA wfcii my neck dlsap-
VmSim pewed. I was ben.
Mi-s. vr. it. Mullein t-e efited for my other
Muadow, Wain. ailments. After
taking three bottles of the medicine,! have
not had a sick day since. I for one, rec
ommend Hood's Sarsaparilla to the affile-
Hood's5 Cures
ted, knowing what It has done lor me in
the past. My husband was afflicted with
rheumatism and had that tired fooling.
He took Hood's Sarsaparilla and found It
Just the Medicine Needed.
We believe it will do all that lsclalmcd for
It. If given a fair trial. Both of us have
used Hood's Vegetable run ana are wu
pleased with them." Mrs. W. R. Mal
U knee, Meadow, Washington.
N. B. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla,
Siday Dinners a Spo
nil nn in
m hhm nuiCL
Hsiheen re-opened by Mra. J. B. Rperry who will
courtuet It In a strictly flmt-elan manuer, with the
view of pleasing Ihe trade in general.
People from Country Districts will be
made to feel at home.
Popular Prices
Free 'Bus for Customers to and
from all trains.
MRS. J. B. SPERRY, Lessee.
I.OOd'S Pills are purely vegetable, and do
not gripe, purge, or pain. Bold by all druggists.
rotllng nvr Him hills and Ihrmwh
dlla. playing godmolbi-r to la)iul
little lainblet.
T. ft. llowar ! make a peilty In
npplvl-t t'ckinin wi'b all nedd
rtt. ii.- carrying a gnrl lm.
hie rw ad. tf.
Wiinti d - 1'Wio ff fncy wng Will
g i to lb honw tt tea avamg at bom.
Mrs. M'j lfud-ron.
W ht ! t,nndfy
S . n, l M iiintain
tn'',f d n.
Try Arete' Tilrfl r.ta tf,ir
huing any oiur. Only 1'Ji ir
d..t-n. tf.
n k, 1 et. ; ntjo 1 itrsk, 6 r ;
fib atrak, 5 c a., at hpraya.
Jus Uatrrhury, brother of Frank
Wateibtiry, osniH iu Tiii sdny from tbe
Sound ai-cliou and ill I' Cula in (Irani
K. A. liatclirtt, tri.veling freight
agent lor tb Northern I'hciuo, la in He
iity nn biiineM rouiiHot'd with tbat
lien Hwsggart returned lat ninM
from the Wada Walla nnintry where li
has dmpiised of a large amount of
squirrel poisou.
W. K Cy g I kicked by a horse a
few days ago an I suff'-rrd a frorture of
arib. Aci) is aluit as bad as a
birycls, it arni.
Mra. Mary IVl-'s n, dngbUr of Mr.
and Mrs. J. 11. Ilonl, koninptiled by
l.er )mhg son, left )ttdy fur lr
borne at Mesttle.
John H tojlau 1 lfi yMrdy aith two
ell loa t""l psck lorMi for the h' I of
Middle Vmk ab-M lo. MKgart'
rsrKi'e will fC-iv In a'teiili n.
K ri'e CI"V-r It ot, the grit IIUki I
pintK-r, giv lfel.n and elrarma ti u,, macli
!'. t'liliipl lion and rnr-s I n.i.lion,
l't ct , W els , II H .id by T. W. Af,
rk l. Mr. T. I Jud '(J!i r refUn I D at W. r-
II .n. M'Oding j ,!)' tuey la sf8. atl Utu I Ins nm (
nnr!.i'it iii'f fir S73 ! abanl lio
. . ... ik .... ... -1 t
g' qrtl'Hltig. IM H'iUio-r iil wu.--..
23 rnt. I
Two Mvra Harrd.
Mrs. Pboebe Thomas, of Junction
City, III., was told by ber doctors she Lad
consumption and that there was no bope
for ber but two bottles of Dr. King's
New Disoovery completely cured her
and she asys il saved ber life. Mr. Tbos,
Eggers, 139 Florida St., Han Francisco,
suffered from a dreadful cold, approach
ing consumption, tiied without result
everything else then bought one bottle
of Ir. K i fix's New Disoovery and in two
weeks was cured. He is naluaally thank
ful. It is such results, of wbioh thsa
are aamplea, that profit the wonderful
elll 'aoy of this uidicine in ooonhs and
nobis. Free trial bottle at T. W Ayeia.
Jr., drag store, ltegulsr sire udc. and
To Kill IIokmh Tbe report tbat
borsea will soon be eUnghte red in I'ort-
I laud, the meal to be c mined and shipped
In foreign conutiiia, I true, Tba
1- II 1C
c impitny wbicb is to be known aa tba
Western racking A Fertilising Company,
filed artiilea of innorpora'ion in the
i Hire of lli oounty clerk of Multnomah
county. Tbe incorporators are lleo
Helling, M. fSli-bel and H. Kinsman.
Ot i-ots are t buy and iJ"l in boraea
and other anlinst. ilt, hide, wool
also to kill and alangbler horsni and
other animals, and to ntilne and dis
pose of lbs hi and caroaasiHi thereof
ti bny, aril, manufacture, and generally
deal In frrtilixing products; to can,
smoke and ph k la moat. Capital stock
120 X. The (i-fiie suppose that the
Kiiatnan referred to Is Ham Kintman,
of llrppner.
When onr ,rt pa'iia yott an I nn
n ui,l ok iiitstioo is treiiiient. acooiu
i.snl'd soiurtimea wilb lotriea of
tirratb and low apirils yoo are HnlTf'ng
from a ilinf l-r-l state ot b liver
dmestion ia impurfect and there la aind
If alloae.l to remaiu
ih irouhU will ultimstily reach Hi
kidn)a and liorornes dsngorona to lif.
Hit a should be Isken li star Ha .ro
grM nn tbe appeared'' of the flril
o,r'"m. IH.J. il. Melan's I.l'
ard Kidney Holm Is ieially adapted
for diftvirdert of this kind. I'riel r
1 la II I I II II l
lM Daily
We Sell as Low or Lower than Any of
Our Competitors.
Wc keep a complete line of everything.
Special Prices on Gents' Furnishings.
The National Hank HuiMinc,
Will, y
Heponcr, Oregon
M I 1 I I I I I 1 I
-l ItKAbV-
To link
Attorneys fit
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries l'ublic and Collectors.
: : ! ; !
ibd warn mm
Storage and Forwarding.
ft 7IIK filt'K r.KV TltAliK,
And ofT-r their new InV'ile of Teas and
CnfTwa at prices that will limits a sensa
tion. The Vbi ll'iii" (Irorer csrrif-e
Fmey and H'aple (irenee. Wood and
Willowwere, (ilaesaare and (,'rockeiy
and linwsre.
Highest .rmi paid for country pre
dure in eictiauge for gooU. Nra goo li
arriving daily.
('ail and nsri.lne .i see for yonrsrlf.
,N'et d-or t' the (My hotel,
Heppner, Oregon.
Win. I baled and Aonsitrned. Hoec l atlenli m paid to
wool llisl It niav lw under cover and in g mhI coudilioo
for lriotion of b'iers.
Remember the Upper Warehouse.
Ore. Proprietor.
Aralea Mlve
The Imi aalve In lb world f" fflts,
j ftrttieea, H-'ea. llre. Wsll It'ienm,
F.r ". t!lr. ntj.l (li.,
t MiliUl'ia. I ".. o l u eriip'l .i.a
ol i.iii,iy r if . I',:.-, ff in t
r.ire., t M gitit' I !' '
p"l'C aotiafaeteva or Sb v refun,e I.
6$ H' at. for ty
jT, W. Ayata. ff.
j (Jree Mlbeas f-.f Sl aving, f,t f
rnlting. sbatnfiotng ant all olh.r work
In lhl line, lisli aatany loin dil'.ng
bosinees boors. CM. Jobee, aeaislanl.
' far ii fortnnt '! nutt-rs loo b g in
fegli it tbe killing of stieep oo
:ie I r-nnb. F'g' I ' " b i' l.
'..i t ut C l.ti. c .t 1 !
I i, i o i h t.
A. W , rller'in. I(li nt f t'e(J
( ll, Wlit tiu i 1 I ie III! IkI I.
ti. U). Me MiwtuM'l by
111 led, lone I iiib V be a
. Ujls liitie
Mia Wi'la Minor nelebraled her ninlh
b ritnlsy We lne.ly tt wlih b the f.,.
lowing llllle folks were preeenl: h.lilh
V.nslisn. Note Mtlok, K.Ka IVi',
Mf MeHre.1e. Iqella Seleoo, Kdllb
llge, Nellie W ilkin, F.dna Van I 'urn,
Al'a Ilit. Oree (iraeawKid, Isiles
l'-'k"-. f',er1ha r I.eah M nor,
, ',.... .o. N . Alkioa. ;r II l-
i-k I KiJ H g.f
'nlo'e Cure i'd on a glsruMee,
lieu'ee i.n..i"i,l (' I eiiu 'I .1 It IS
n, e tel (VingbCil'ei'rily o.e eeol a r!ae,
2Jet.. tVjs s.atiHl H-.i4r.fl. W,
( a ;tr, Jr.
ij -J
(i AM Mt AP'l"
v.. C n l;IVM.
Hlaga leavee f if YrUn Mndata, '
Wednesday, and Fridaa, retnrr.ing on
To-.Ul. 1b'ird and pti'lia
Ai.l..r. f T. W A. t-I' . '
j U'a . Il.i.o.t ! et.j1. ii.inn
iipoer .1 M o on i i.i. i . i w iii ir
j Uy S''e t Uy i i g e' 'j
! day eioepl 'ln lav. Hho'lel I rt p j
, set molt o tte Iannis. Y, On, 1
llnvw iirrcoi"l A.
liuniiion" an. I aro
M, (Sunri
llli'Lellllf l.il g
all kiiula of
t..Ul. (a.)
main aTui:i:T,
i t tut i . t U m ''