admits what it denied in a former statement, namely: That the silver lollar remained the same as to the number, of grains ot pure sil ver contained, from 1792 to 1873. erily, light breaketh upon the OregoniaD. According to Dr. Howard, a ell known London physician, fuck the flipper" is none other OTIS PATTERSON, A. W. PATTERSON, . . . Edtor Business Manager THE ISSUE IS BEFORE IT. than a brother uhveician who is at aggravating debt with wbiob he wbb present confin.-d in an asylum for ",red ' r " J 1 U tit, tirma oli With hut littin hnnfi in . ... I nil IIIC VIIUO nuu "i'u unv I lubiiup, h.,u uo biuce JJis incar- the futnrecr ever being able to lift the ceratiou has cone raving mad. mm-Km. He mHnced. however, to he story rends well and may cr get along somehow, nnd although worry may not be true. and toil had streaked bis hair with silvery strands ana caused nis iooks to . . , . i j A Detroit paper proposes a MnPy WB9 D ' e,uowu" J riff iu UA BIA f ifa ef.11 ha "m" wu,lJustu ul tcualu fB,l,f hnr.nnhr.mlv hik manfully under the I l i 1 M i " r ' eacu ot coia ana suver. io use The Ohicngo Inter-Ocean, the most prominent Republican news paper west of New York, concludes an editorial in these words: "The farmers, the laborers, the mechanics, the small business men, in fact the whole people have been taught by the hard times, which have made life a difficult burden to bear, that there was something radically wrong. In their distress they have been looking for that wrong, and, looking, they discover ed that ono-haif the primary money of the world had been destroyed, so far ns legislation could destroy it. Having made that discovery they are preparing to demand of governments the restoration of that half of primary money. We believe they are in dead earnest and will not rest until it is done. Una is the condition, that our statesmen must deal with. The people are going to deal with the conditions as they see tht-m, am smarting under their wrongs they may, unless wisely guided, do some things that it would be much better to leave undone. It is only the party and the leaders who have courage of righting the wrong am: nro in full sympathy with the peo pie in their hardship, who can hope to lend them right. In tlio past the republican party and its leaders Imvu always been equal to such uprisings of Immunity. Let us hope that it will be again." The Hatchet, of Forest (Jrove is talking some solid sense ou the money question. KliAl) "Coin's" Hi'i io's of publica. tious and g't hoiuo light ou tl financial subject. burden of accumulating debt, and we haggling with the question; 16 to rind him after a lapse of sixteen years , or the question does not merit on the farm with his shoulder at the le claims made for it, and we will wheel 8,rngl,D on U1S 10V1B? T . , . . dutiful BDouse. too. shows plainly the go along with the single gold ., , . j , n, " , t t evidenoe of toil and sorrow in the standard, appreciated 100 per farr0ws creeping under ber eyes Bnd in ent., measured in those things her silvery looks. During this inter- used to buy money. vening period since we left them in the sixth year ot their residence on tne IT IS presumed by some, judg- to take np the thread ot our lrur fmm rpmnrlra t .ml in moo , . 0 ' ., . wife hHS blessed Jerry with two more tho United states t-hould decide in nMllUa T?r.wt .n Mrv. m hi favor of free silver coinage that the aged respectively 7 and 5 years Mirandy fit ill . i J iiu mucin niaii'Ktnan cornea out in a golden heading wliii ni ust mean thai it is gold-bug fioin top to bottom. MolUKiw lias t'lecle more dol gates to tho coining republican club convention than any county in llusteru Oregon. Ti'iiliiBU: cvcloins an chronicled ns lirfvin visited tho middle West, crn stale!, attended by the usual lo:8 of lifo and property. I. I By James Judson Martelle. CHAPTER III. N OUR lost chapter we left Jeremiah in the sixth year of his residence on the homestead fioan cinlly worse off than ever, and the to her the biggest crop we've ever bed yet, Ibis year, but those fellers in town what know nbout it stz as how wheat won't be worth much this fail, owiu' I believe they said, to overproduction io other oountries." "All right," answered John, "I'll 'tend to things, an' ef you've no objections, Mr. Judkins, guess as how after milkin'a over I'll take the gray critter an' go over to Si Hodges fer a spell t'oight. Seem's how he's been owiu' nie a few dollers fer nigh onto three yars now an' knowio' how he sold a oo.v Inst week, I j iet thot he mought pny me." ONE OF MARK TWAIN'd DESPERADOES. An Old Stage Drivera Account of the Killtne of Jules by Slaite. "We liked to work fur Slarte; he knew h'iw to Ufe gond men wcl;," said Jaok Welle, the stuje driver, as be fingered the lines that guided the four-horse team. He hud been one of the henchmen of the Hlaile immortalized by Mark Twain the man-killing filade, mnre feared on the pining of the west Mian any other man of his dsy, Buys the New York Sun. Now the old-time driver was minded to talk of his old chief as the stige rolled over the "Well, John, of course you can go, , Simla Fe trail. but I m not sure as to whether it s not "Whfn von talk of Slade's doiocs von Si's gal yere goin' to see more'n gittin' must remember that those were tough the money. times that he lived in and tough men be John blushed deeply, and to hide his had to deal with. No soft man could embarasBmcnt hastily finished his have kent thincs straisbt as he did when supper and getting his milk pails pro- he was superintendent on one or another ceeded to the corral to milk the oows, 0f Ben Hollidnv's staoe lines across the followed by Jerry who always helped puins and mountains. There were red him. Indians and white outlaws to deal with The milking over and John donned Ljght along, and you had to fhht 'em his best clothes, mounted the gray ruare wjth. their own weapons. Muny's the and struck out for Si Hodges where he n;Bht I've been waked up out of my shortly i fter arrived and put in the H9ep to get np on a stage box with my evening courting Miss Martha Hodges Henry rifla beside me, not knowing what Plenty, Yet Starving. The thin, emaciated persons we see every day are actually starving for nourishment. Ycu may eat until you are stuffed, but unless your food is assimilated it does you no good. The kind of food that makes tissue and enriches the blood is found in Cod-liver Oil, and the easiest most palatable form of Cod-liver Oil is Scott's Emulsion But Scott's Emulsion is more than this. It contains Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda, a nerve tonic and constructive agent The nutrients in Scott's Emulsion, therefore, are just what is needed to build up the sys tem and overcome wasting tendencies. Children gain flesh and strength on Scott's Emulsion when no other form of food nourishes them. They almost all like it Don't be persuaded io accept a substitute ! Scott & Bowne. New York. All Druggists. 50c. and 31. nation would go into the markets and buy silver to coin. No such thing. Those having silver bullion would take it to the mints and get nilver dollars for it, or silver certifi- U now a y Mu g lady of "sweet sixteen and is muob help to her mother in the performance of arduous household duties and iu looking after minor details about the farm, jeabus comments of the neigh bors to the contrary,, cates representing the same, as with the occasional aid of Billy, owners of gold bullion now take wbo hn9 "ached age of 13 gold, or its equivalent, in exchange yettr8' Dut1wtl ,s . muet, ,0' B ? ""f ' I,,r.,ta rlmnnbirinn fi r I Full rf fn n In or that product. . , . work T. is Karah iIaBe age 10 years and Robert and Mary, TlIE Portland Telegram, "the making up the family of five children. shadow," talks about silver and The spring of 1894 finds Jerry more says that its remonetization would hrr th"n ever. wiD tbe help no one except the silver mine Lntjre couutrv , .Ithonuh. there 18 OWI10I8. It the argument Ot the vrv nrnneet of n hnnntirnl hnrvenl tli w , , , . , Telegi am nnd like papers that free outlook for market is not at all en coinage would result in no appre- couragiug. He is in debt somewhat, ciatiou iu the value of silver as too. to merchant of Heppoer, who are , .,, , , . not wont at a rule to crowd their compared with gold, tho Gazette credit()rSi bll who must have money to would like to know where this meet their obligations falliug due, and wonderful assistance to the mine Jerry's lot falls with that of many others owners comes in. T ie fact is. if " "i r . . i i r i , i which to square up these little bills, " amiinnhnif tn Buffnrn nntnlrAil HnllurB :l l -i ... l ii ii " " " - 11, UlUbl HlbO IIBH1SI ail OlUerS. Tim fuilnr. ,,f l,nk in IWtUnd and other ooast cities oaiiftes an intense If ANY more bonds are Bold iutereal in business oirclee io tleppner, before next Oct. 1, the Morgan- "d every man who Las a dollar out Inllmcl.ild iatfi.ii;..nta l.nvn sta idiug is eager to get it in lest he u I i tit. it .ii . I. : n . : f ... t - ii i 1 1 iiiti i oe lue inner inrouu uio nmiMij rttttioii r if mirrlinmiirt irm nt ta last price paid $1.0 1, though the bllima ,h,,m, (or , wbo doe8 D0t have same bonds are selline in the furetimiiuht enmiBh to look alter bin markets now lit 1.21i. It is on interests deserves to be the loser. noticeable that tho syndicate's CHAPTER iV. i.. : .ii ii. . ..ii """ln " l;u' U,,K " "Matilda, tomorrer's Saturday an' 111 even paying a premium for it to hev to go to town an' see that ar agent prevent it going to the mints, in 'bunt extendm' the mortgage 'uother Hidrr to bling nbout another sale 'e,4ri "early run me to my grave r i , riM - . , a reauv wurrji i au irjiu io pity n o i, of bondrf. lhis is ciiouLrh to make . . ... ' . and hi'hiiis ii mi ir provhlMiioe ilon l u ........ ,, iiiiHiimi-K. i lie ,iep ,, ,,relty ,, fit jk hev to country is going to tho devil or to Kivi up. Ilmng it'a 8nturdy the the populihtrt, wo don't know which, oliiMrru won't hev to go io ukule an' about a fast as it run. William an' .Sarah Jane can help John tlie hired instn, plant in an oovenu i . . . 'fi i . i TO ro.NSI'MITlVKS lueiu iier. iiiun fp'iKO rftreiiimn Jiidkii.a In hm wife. Matilda, one rriday The nuilKruigiii'il having Uen restxred evening in Airil. IS'.K. "An while I'm io lieahh by himm.Im nirNi,,, it,.r hoiTt- i, ,,.. i, couimutl Ji-rrv. "I reckon I'll of whom he was greatly enamored, for getting all about the objeot of bis visit as be has stated it to Jerry, that ol collecting tbe amount owing him by Hi xo be continued, A Terrible Visitant. Pain is always a terrible visitant, and often d'imioiles itself with oue for life This inflation is preveutible, in ofte o1 rheumatism, by a timely resort to Uos- tetter's Stomach Bitters, which ohecta tbe enoroaohments of this obstinate ami dangerous malady at the outset The term "dangerous is used advisedly, lot rheumatism is always liable, to attuck the vital organs and terminate liff No testimony is mori conclusive and concurrent than that of physicians wh. testify to the excellent effect of thf Bitters in this disease. Persons mam a wetting in rainy or snowy weather. and Wbo are exposed to draughts. should use the Bitters as a preventive o' ill effeots. Malaria, dyspepsia, liver and kidnev trouble, nervusriess and de bility are also among ttie ailments t" which this popular medicine is adaoted For the infirmities, soreness end stiffoeBt of the aged it is highly beneficial. FltOM THE MINES. OlVE to nilver the same privileges hh are given t pold. That is true biiiietalliion. l-i thi'ie ntiythini; wrong about that? liepublicim. Til K MiMlioii of hu.'ll lieUHpapi'lft as tho Chicago Iiitor-Oceau mid Toledo lUadeou the silver (juehtioii ought t ) and lot iniii'h m ight. They urn both sluing fur silver. T. K. It'ilU'llls lias begun (he publication of l'lio (Jul. I Hill Mlin r down nt i.i I Mill, Jm-Uon, county, I lire's mr pa,"!'. K." "May yi'ii I'Mig an I prosper." 'I'll K Siilem M'lti'Miiuiii in worry ing itbiitll ."nil t d.'lltlH M.'MMil. I'd ill itiiNthllig but gold (Inn country M Vi r h i I nnd iicver mii have It silver do l ir H til Ii'hk than it fn AMilotiiii I'.XiMii wim du'y rlccte I iiior f Tt'iiiii-Hsiv, In- ItH I MTU I'ollliti- I out I") ll.o lgi. bit lie hid Tllllicy, Inn ppon nl and llm tsit iiiciiiiibei.t. Im Imtii pill it,t I In' pbu'C Mor f llf so ' do-1 Call ll lad f. r ii i b ut n i e biMiig gr.M'inid sirtlly lliil i ii 1 1. 1 i luiii Ho y w i I I " ot r Iraine I, Mc Kit b y, lb- I. l( nii in nti-1 Al!. soli sic nil bio I) to i.ui ill that I. -I. Alltll !litt'Ug!ily tliAtumii tht of uur !:! ffo'i d, inn Tor n.-vrrnl years with a svsrs lung m11 cMimi, sml that dread ilmeHae, t'oii. hi in lt k xi. i Miixmim to make known to Ihh f.'llnw ii(T.Tem the mriina of rurs. Co thuss wliii diwire it. be will cheerful. ly send, fu'o of etinrgs. a copy of the pre- .oripiiiin imed, which they will flint a urn ome fur (Nitisiiinpiiiin, Astlimi, On try hu' make hoiuh arraugement Iu pay Ihem store bills, though it do ice m they're awful large for the thing we not." Well," rr.lie.t Matildn, "you cnu lake (Ue t utter from tbe Inst inrrh, llriiucliihs Mini all llirniit ami lung churuiu' so the egga aa has been iiiala.iiea. lie liopea all surTerers will K(,Ui,rrd io au' Myrandy fan go 'long. hm remedy s ii I invaliiMhlii. TIiiwk , . , . . i .. i . fer she do ored a ue ralico drees so itu m n.iiliiiig, ami iimy .ro slil'ing, 1,1 presentable like at preaohiu, ill pii's.n .,lre., u-v. LDW A HI) A. Au Islul i ickly right iu tny i piiiinn, n.M., luiiokl) n, W. l Jiiull w. i,u,,-.,, kretilierslietnoalbtitneell the Inoe 'ihiuit seem' suy o' the signls, scriu'a how she's young lady now." "Yen, ia. I'm Bolo'," broke In Mirmidy, bo had b'-rn au niiobirteii linti-ner, and wlm was tliinkuig i f a lisiiiUiitne )oiing nirrchaiit she had seen ou a fuiiiiHf viail til lleppner and nt l lOlir MII.K M tTri.Kt. Ira Miller lesvet Tuesday on a sheep- liritrmg tour, Mr. C. A. 11 pm i able ones mors to Ki t ar.iiind williout prnldlica. A. tt . Niiluig lui-k Ins rang" stock to MlK IIHMIIlllllll a fl nit-r rsiigi-, hmiliy be the siitiuat rliira of S iu,Uy ai'h 1 1 nfll Hr. I.t entry on lm at ban I. I'. I. II i I ah i h i. a harrow t. iln run inlii loa I.mI aouii lima Stfii la side In nti our alrwla again J. II. Hi'lliiik-tirH k sn l f unity have Im"!! hnvmg a "Ifg uf Ids grip, all of Hi. in li .ing wk si III am 1 1 til'. I ioi.. r.l oid thai l'ie alali) bv'urrr uf lbs W. C T. T. sill U lurs at F.i.dil VI ile hrtt Hiinday at lluVlurk a. m. ('h H'nln mtUa Irip l.i I na t'n loy laal, an I alati-allial wheat Is 'J In 3 ihmiU liiher In I ins than ll-'iiir w of Hm p.i,U of Una aceli n haia (..u-'lii I.'. I Io haul their grata Io Inns. We ha a a iakmi fain siiim I r l .al, ah f'i haa itir trrgt-iaium .m l -if.ii;y an I liaa r i. Ida f.rro-r l l.i fr. on.. ,,a j. anna', sn I ln. l s' him ., il. r , iia an I l.rigiilrr r.Mpc!a f l sit all iii ltul harts'l J. V. I i i if Mil . Or . May O h, l"' ..... . - - i a i ii.; i.... .!) ! fof Sllllf 1 ...... . "If I oi.iild only si'll out so get out of del l I d d.i II an' stsrl la anew," ssiJ Jerry wlm was alsa)s Ihiiiking of the liiorigag anl Lie llidrlilrduras, sflrf it ha I lro il. rbnirly seiilrj that aa to snv'tiipssy Inru li loan the tin I day sml I he oilier children, Sarah Jan Slid William Site In h.'li I ho hired tiian. ", Jriry, ahy tlnit'l y-.ti try an tin ll," atiawefnl hia wif. This rvrlaliii' nrr in" Unit the ruorigags an' ia lelliu' no )m Irrnlile, an' I J Wlilll.l grat-iona Ihrt jril hi1, .lit Si.tuol bill'. " ll's lmnaible " snassrml Jerry. "Kvcrtlhing's down Io Imlris'k au' the I'lai an' at k, to tny ihiId, wonldo I sell frr fiu.iig'i t. par oof drbla anJ the Intere.l said front the luf IgSiie." "rWma la me, Jrj," auasre4 hia ifr, ''as lm )mi uoght ess one o' ll ni haiika in town an sf Ihry w,.nldu'l lbs pl.' a' pay the .Ul la. With 1 b it's r-iiu' us Iff litis sn' eknhti Id c l l I'm sn l Imtlu' tn' cSoIIiimi, ws can iMrf H'l mil i ilrl I sura sngh," i "Ull," ili. Jsirr. "ll d 'h't m Ed. Gazottb : Id tbe full glare ot the morning sun sitting in my camp at the old Brittei stage station, two mi'es east of McEwen I find myself penning a few lines fo those to read who might feel an interest in my whereabouts. I have just oome from the snowt regions of tbe Greenhorn where I bnvt been prospecting f r s ime of the sub stance ot which John Shrrtn iu and M Cleveland propose Io make good mone of, but the search has been fruitless, anil now I propose to trade a few days' worV (or some of the "inevitable" that I run be able to ward oil the trying criei. spoken of by A. Lincoln in a letter writ ton tu a trieud in Illinois in 'Cl. lit says: "1 see In the near lutnre a onset which unnerves me And onuses me t tremble for the safety of my country,' and then he speaks of the itggregnticu ol wealth iu the hands of tho few and tin calamitous results of the same. Itn there seems to be a fair prospect of m being able to exchange work fur iniine here; so I think I am tolerably safe yei awhile, especially so long as my pure has not entirely uollapsed. Tbe different mines in Grant and Baker counties are juat starting up witl f .ii r prospects ahead and the liiinberuu iuterrsts are beginning to boom al un Powder river. Times are a little flusl here now but hhuda are coming io fmn all direc'ioni. Every dity lessens thr chaiicea for procuring work at remunera live wages. There is but little snow ii the mountains and tbe minirg seaaoi ill last "quick," excepting ii. quart)!. We stopped a few days in Hnaanville but Huasn not being at hmu we though best to shoye on to brighter prospect shrtvl, snd our esr have been mad. scqusinted with the whoop f ihe Imlt vsnqueros wl.i'e dashing st fnll speed down sums of lbs fnrky o'ifTt of Emlen Uregoii, sml swinging Ihe reals in s manner that timid make the Morrow cniinly powlnjs aland back, and rrt inine in m srm m tuning i, viol in Ideas monillsins srs not overly faatid- I ius, l ilt tqiinltii their more d- lo alr siatrr ill ind ulgence snd urpss lliem in enterprise snd tlsring. Hut leal I should are the green monster p'tiniins the ryes of "The (iirl I 1-eft Holund Me," I thltik II brat tl stop drhnetting lbs character of lUker counly girls, and pail my neighbor's cow which is o viailing my camp. Th who know m tx at know Ihst I siu nut much t.f a ha". I al III tiuaineaa, lull charily iwrllli. .In in h lirnt a) iniraliy detusi.da, sn.l I inn! comply with il.-in. W il l. lli SKI. Hatrrsi frtTi. , May 4. Itti. was waiting along tne way in the shape of Indians or mad agents, Yes, Jim Slade was a gnod deal of a desperado and did a good bit of killing. I don't think he'd have killed so many people if it hadn'r been for his wife. She was a high strnng Texas woman, and was nrond to have a husband who was famous among men for his deeds. But Jennie wat a kind friend to all the boys who worked for her husband, and would tend them in sickness like a mother. About the affair with Julesr I sup pose that's what gave Slade his repnta rion more than any other thing. Jules kept a store at the station where Slade made bis headquarters. He had a boy that worked for him, and one day Slade s-nt this boy off to do something or other tnd it, made Jules angry, nnd be used oretty hard wo'ds abnnt, Slade noo send, ing some man of bis own on his errands, ilade heard of what Jnles bad been say- ng and o ime in to see him about it. "'You ought not to talk like that about me, Jules,' he said. 'I won't stand il, and you ought, to know it.' "Til talk about any man I please,' s tid Jules ' 1 MIDWAY PLAISANCE nun1. :!, The daughters of tbe iWidway might have been made more fair if they bad purchased their finery at L. BLUMENTH AL'S. And their hus bands a d male relatives and attendants ought to have each bought one or. our merchant's ALL WOOL 88 50 SUITS. He is not aoenstomed to supplying accoutrements for Commanches or Hotten tots, but we dare say that the daughters and sons of the forest might find mm h to edify them in his store. We would not promiee that any of it oame from Paris or Hong Kong, but as an American store with American ideas, Blnmeuthal 'I'd like to see the color of deals cbiefly with the American article. . .. x -ii n i i nTrrtinwrrrriTlo tuemanthatl'd be afraid to speak my The fashouable gent or laay win nua wnBi tuey wan ar, uuuu&xnai.o. minn Bbout.' There is something for everybody and somebody may Have everytuing, proviuea "Well, that made Slade angry, beoause somebody has the prioe. And such suits and dry goods for so little mouey 1 he knew it was meant for n slur, bebeing -m-rr.-. -w-r . -r L. 13LU MINIMAL,, a very dark complexioned man. Then he slapped Jules' face. When be turned to go out of the door Jules picked up a nn from behind the counter and shot HEPPSER. him in tbe shoulder. Slade fell, terribly vounded, and we all thought he was lone for. We oarrieil him into the bona and then one of the hostlers and I ar rested Jules and were going to hang him We'd already got a wagon tongue up and a rope around his neck when the sheriff and some of the other men took him away from us. They got np some kind of a eourt and jury And Jules was acquitted. He't stay theie for Slade to get well, but, went off down the roal on another division and went into business there. Hlade oame round all ig'it at las', but iiisteid of going after lull", aa people might think he would, h just kept on bis division and looked tftxr his stages and stations. "Jules had some oattle that be bad left on the range round the station when 'ie went away. And word same to him hat they were being stolen or killed. t last lie linarii tint MIikH was away from the station and so np he came in vuupanv with the sheriff, to ses about 'hem. I guess Slade had Something to i.. i. t.ft -. . .. (.; n liu iihiiiik tun. rci'im nr. tuuiuj,ly y- leeauae he wasn't away, and be walked LCinQ 1 cllCntS n on J iile and the sheriff ss Ibey stood n the btrroora of lbs station. At the old Btand, corner of May and Main streets. OKEGON : YOU SHOULD PWME For a "big feed" when you come to Heppner and stop at the CITY ! HOTEL Popular Prices! Comfortable Rooms! Airs. 10 ixi Ji-ticllej.", Prop Otis Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER i s D UALIy AT Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible time. Now Jole..' said be, To hers to ContCStC(l CaSCS We our qiarrel out. Pull your pistol .. . , VonicBieu cusps imenigeDuy ana eKiiiiuiiy Handled. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and disputes speedily settled. Contests Between individuals having cor.llirtirg claims under the sirricnlli.ral land Isws.audlhose between claimants under Ibe Mineral I.sws and sirrinntlnral claimants; ami also between claimants under any of tbe pnblio land laws ami the luiirosn compsnu-s snu incir grsntees, ana the states and their grantees, under t'ie Swemp'Lsntl and Hchiol-Land Grants. Hpertalty made of securing pstents in the shortest possible time for settlers who hsve complied with lbs Isws under whiob their ei.tnea were made, and wbo are annoyed and worried by delays in the issue of their patents, csnst-d by Trifling ftrrrKU'nrl.r wiuuo ran ub many ami pinviiiij rniovea, Advice also given Io sll matters relsiing U ll.e pnblio Ismla, eepedslly on rvolnts arising nnder the new Isws which bsvs been recently passed providing fof Ibe di'iK.ssI of the public domain. If yoa want your land patent In a hurry if yoo want your land bnsiness, ft any rhsrscter, attended to by skillful and (X'ffipeteol attorneys, and promptly dis posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wkddkrhurn, Gen. Man., Wsshinfflon. I) C. l.i in. nit lbs lr iu. but I'll ses em" i "V Tlrr4. Weak. Vrtnaa Means irnpurs bloml, snd ovarwnrk nr iMi mncli slraio n brain snd bly l li only say trt ru's ia In f-e.l Ihr neivs on t ors Tli' nl mn.. c rufy thai Ihs lal lil.Mt.1 purl ll-r, ihs Ini uttrvs lunie ss.l srrgMi l.tlil.Ur Is llisxl's haraapanlU What U baa tlons f..r t'lhers aill slan do fnt )a-II.m's l'nfa. Nrf .ttlaneaa, f Imi, .ms ef appelii and genera .Uliiloy all diaai'i'ar tl rri ,hi.r NtXaps'lUs IS .-'.it..ntly lakn. an I i all.tng b'rM, aseel aleep, alr.n g b ..) , ' a'.sr. ai il . an I In a wnf.l, li-ai'h sn l ; l. .in-. f .!os the ! S4farar l, la. I Tle alronrf int all mill hi Is H fa a Idal tl.sf sr in I g-t to work.' "Jules refused it draw bis gun. H'ade take, liim ones again to do so, and then t'i'it tiim. AaJnlea Isy there dead on I i- (1 r SU U said to Ihs sheriff : ' VVlisi do lh Indisusdo sheo they've hsva killed sn enemy?' " l'he slierifT said : 'They scslp 'em and cut their esrs fl.' "SUd t.wik out his pocet knife and 9Ut Jnlfs' sirs off. Thf say lis sfter- ar l carrie I 'em shout io bis vest pocket bnit tbi.t I bavu'l got anything to "7" There is m'.re essrrli Id this section f Ihe C'limlry tlitu all ntoer dieeaaes ut l. g-ilier. and until ihs last few ears was supxaej to be inourshls for a gresl many )ears ihslora pro- i.iiiii. e.1 ii s I'h sI disease, sn.l prMcrilwd fal rrnii-dit-a, sn . b) e 'iia'anlly lallmg i.t cure illi .ca ir"'uient, prnnniliinsd il i.icnrabl. h. incc baa proves csisrrb I l Ih s iliS'Sao, and lliere f.r rxi'iirnt ciitiluiinal trealmnl. Ha l's I'alarrli Cure nianiif iK-lnrrd by r . J. ( hi-ii'V A t .i ,Tle.. Dliin, la Hi. nW C .iistilutKinal eursno Ihs msrket. It la tak. D Milrnallv lo tloae from It) Irxpa ( s lraak nnful. It seta direotl) ti the bl '-vl sn.l mnenus surlaesa ol the syalem. They offer ens hundrd d.tlUrs fr sny rsas It lai's In sure. Vn I for rirvolars sod lealinioOlsU. A.ldrraa. t J . (Ml EN EY A CO., Toledo, O. ;f".1..l. by lrnifi!ia.s. (3 rn's. T. O. Boi. 3S5. Vit.-h-ll M imiof : Ket. J T. Mmre l"ok hi .lr art nr (r Ul pner ImI elr,rUy s.-rotiipanied by J a Mans f).-. W nn..rUt.d M. M'M-rs in. en la emu g Ik. k W S ( erk sn.l na i f H'M.d's' Itiia pla' I.IS f il'I'S b 'OS. Notice of Intention. i ANnorrii F. at i.i.kmik. onrnow, I 4 i rtl Wv Nll. la hrrr'.y f Ken Ihal lh ..l.l l.l( l.amo.1 attlrr ht flirit tinll.aiil hi Intpiitt'i.t lo mat. AMal .r,M,f In an..rl ..I tin iaim a". I Ihal aal.l n-.l lll Im, l-l,ir J. M Morro. routitt i iris, al lr.iirr, Orrt'in, un J in , l... i Pal I aa luMI MC, III Xa. M lot lh l , nr., w, a.., yt M iw i, 1e a l !.' . r. K W V ll namra lit ln eg (itifra i,, r,t hu t ioq au'l r.iiiliai..ii ol Hi..!. li p K Hr'ft A. I na... Fra. Mrrrt:) I' B Slallrr, S.I l ll 1-ii.r, X .ffi. (,i (rrgoo. B. f Hit a.11 "W Kril.lrr. Hlllrra I loa l.tlirlt la IwtoHlllttf SI Wfll I s. I ii Snl si p")o.,f aa ,, lire I ii.. , Miraii t. . .iK.ial ii... Ii m All alii is na. ,,..,ii .. I I . f 1 I . I.I.I I I I II . I i. I'll . I .lUil iiu n . ..n . .1 ''III' i int. t,"i 1 1 i Bin, (in- i - - - - , H.. , Hi. f ll.e l.eit. .la I...I ..,.1 I "S ' " ll''ltt has r Mil" I Ihe c ilu'hui 'li tli nt ci I r fil u't Murk, Mi I tl. it tfdliii sliott ef jultt'i'ti r'i I'liiuli.ii uf rO.'iii.l, J'sp ai.l tLulUlU Will I e r:!i'lr. I L'lliaq Ukly h I'.n.'e I i throw t tT Hi slarfnslli'D pro,ue l.y aitilrr tlat. At Ihs emp'liif fiar nnlef h g.lg lie.l of Ilia a.ii.'a rata we fe lire.l, I ( ' -k an I ..w Is aptrila, lr'l Ins t I . . I la p'.lrfW sn.l f ill of Impqriliaa. II.. J II M.t...n'a M'r.Lvlliroir S . - i'.i 1 1 1' ii. ia-v on in r. i lm - - . l. f. i.i. ti'..e. I... U..I.. l'f Hal ar I in. io. I i iriu.r ia a r' .isitiytiia; ' . . si"nrf In Inviiorsla th t.vly ss III ai I I il J l.s a'f ts an I la.1 ' ""n u "I" ''" a. girs !... la lbs itgrstim l'fk liistt mtmtt fpitm I Ik s a.iti.l s.i)a l..ii,..iMw, o malM ran J.i f.1B , , ,,f ,,nf,fc, ,,l,l,., and sou,,!!,!!.'. rf..alwas I'll try " "t'all et.f ,ct.e. 1.1 ... i J. 1,0 an' tl f lnt.lrsa l.i supif, - a,, 1 Mrs Jul. sho lit HIS IISU.-1'I MUlter ml ll.e . . a... iw a..... i... ...I. i i IMW'l.l.iill , Urn Its. ni" ti.'B-'w li I'M l nan I lual., , .ilir lite lilts .1 l .'l 1 1 ! i .1 II It S'lalanl. r. Io ili all Ihal la I rel'S- Id He fa II rme an , fn,ir. alilst ions pfppsrsl.y !' Sbsafsrs fcats Ssoth-r lerto 1t lrf t'll. I .li.p.ara .( Hie l.ner and kit'..., Bl i ,,.,.1 il,. fatuilt til ' ''" " "' ebOh'Uf bt f .g ltB. a. . i. h,ii i!... , lias was a.ifigaMoebef ta sl.i-ij ! ihorro.gbhred rsjis. !.. , aft-,.,,,,,, raual .f Imi I.I . t tl"S) . saisf. . . .r. ..rf. bill - M ay S. i!lil'in Vaa-ls f-m H sy.t.m "J. us, Shl J'). ls..J an s " ' ' ' w,n " .a.rt 1 1. a t I . I ab'l In llllm Is by I ..-..! aa a. l aa r.fp s I MaU'1,1 i., i. . , .,t rr afc' tt ras llaSl ,m '- 1U 1 i.. r H.... a-I la I .. lis aftiraal The Or Of tflau I I i.iiii is i ri'i.-iii' K A it II. u a't. t? - I -111" "I lUalarh, C. i... a I In ! ii t I le.-ifr Il if. - ! !. a.l f .cltn iars'st I. so l ay rl t,..'.ei 4't s-. ssii II Ultra 'ss flaias Janp at I Wilura fin ' r' I 1 ' ' b-'. i.o. Aa ilj"S O..I' a? Am-m. I,,,,,.- .. i., . I ii.p.. .,,, , ,.f s.m.sHKkii.f will lists i-rttei-a sa a-l ii'k.eal Wrb- llslsrs liis an'sMlbM y-nsl-efc ,M iMt. ,., ;, ..waIJsa Han f.' t juI fcUib i'lasief. at s,t.Htfal pstr. 1 )J,U fl . it vas ia in sss n ses us j -'. .) w tnt I I s o" Ihal I loir J a t'-'l t-'icp I ai'l 1 1 rl.p at I Notice Of Dissolution. v0Ttr: it iirsrliTivri tiut Tr, S (''..!.!. Ip l,rl. l ,f. mm,,) llr,n II t H o.,.f ai. II I Warran, nti.lpr r,a arts tiancl ll.,rir-r a s.rfii. a mfrhan. A-m,l n an. rnt..u tl In M f..r tr(.. n st Id a.l.f n i.. I t tnnt.iai rnnapnt. M f rr.n Sal f Ma 1. !..! in K H lit.ra H. f,w Sm. In I ..a aa Unr A Sha. wttnraal i ! tp. aa r. .;,! a I awnio.ta i..rni,i,imlitil'i. al Ilia t.i tivai.n a tl.a I:. tt altul.a Caal buodln(, ll.jpn.r. ft r W.isays, II I W AkRII nrs. O . a 4. IV alt Niw Is I ha lime Ii ga tl.a Wplf Oregon ian, Ihs grpa'pat seaspsvf rf l, a WH, Ultb llta ;).i.'p U.ib f si ly In slyaerp.f tf nos af. . N t e rhir.a.i..i ..f ea'aj anra ean ! nsdp s Ihp Sal. I'rai a Wi (i. aa a Here are THRKE POINTS Which ve viish ytu to Ili'raetniK : FinxTi-We Keep HARDWARE Sr.rrSD: i.fTt.r it CIIKAP Tnir.D: W. sell l;OR CASH re fbnbJcl tj pivt icon f'-r It d..l!r tlao tie Haunt rlUr' muth.H 9 GILLIAM UJU TLi.sai WiUaal I. W. A, Ji.Jnivvmiai Vrtksltn tts wtl V('r k.sisssa at