PATENTS! NOTICE TO INVENTORS. Tbere was never a time in the history of onr coaotry when the demand for inventions and improvements io the arts and eoienoes generally was so great as now. The conveniences of mpjkind in the factory and workshop, the household and on the farm, an well as in official life, require continual accessions to the appurtenance and implimeuts of each in order to save labor, time and expense. The political change in the administra tion of government does not affeot the progress of the American inventor, who being on the alert, and ready to per ceive the exxfiting deficiencies, does not permit the affairs of government to de ter bim from Quickly oouoeiving the remedy to overcome existing discrepan cies. Too great ore cannot be exer o'sed in choosing a competent and skill ful attorney to prepare and prosecute an application for patent. Valuable in terests have been lobt and destroyed in innumerable instances bv the employ ment of incompetent oounsel, and es pecially is this advioe applicable to those who adopt the '"No patent, no pay" system. Inventors who entrust their business to this class of attorneys do so at imminent risk, bs the breadth and strength of the patent is never con sidered itv view of a quick endeavor to get an allowance and obtain the fee. THE PREHS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedilerburn, General Manager 618 V street, N. W,,WBshington, D. 0., representing a large number of impor tant daily and weekly papers, Bnd gen eral periodicals of the country, was in etituted to nroteot its natrons from the unsafe methods heretofore employed in this line of business. The said Com pany is prepared to take chiirge of all patent business entrusted to it for rea sonable fees, and prepare and proseonte applications generally, inoluding me. chanioal inventions, design patents, trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer ences, infringements, validity reports, and gives especial atteuion to rejected cases. It is also prepared to eutar into competition with any firm In securing foreign patents. Write for instructions and advice. PiiitiiP W. AvriiRTT. filH V Street, Jnnkin, 8. M., Heppnur, Or. Horeea, horaa. thoe J on left ahoulder. Cattle, the uui. Kanin Cifht Mile. Johrein. Felix, Lr ne. Or. Hdimh. rim leT on left stifle; cattle, same on right hip, under half imo in rit unit aulit n left ear Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horsee brnndnd KNY on left hip cattle same and crop off left ear: timtar alni, on the right Kirk, J. T., Heppner, Or.-Horsea 89 en left shonlder; cattle. rlt on left hip. Kirk. Jeese, Heppner, Or.; home 11 on left hoalder; cattle same on right Bide, nnderbit on nirht ear. Knmberland.W.G..Monnt Vernon. Or. I Lot) oatt le on right and left side, swallow fork in 1( fl ear anil nminr cion in right ear. Hcireeesame brand on left shoulder, ltange in Grant county.. Lioften,- Btepnen. oi, ur. b u on inn uip on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horse same brand on left shoulder. Kange Grant county. . Lienallen, John W., Lli"t Or. Horse, branded half-circle JL connected on left shonl der. Cattle, same on left hio. Kanite, near liex incton Leahey, J. W. Heppner Or. Horses branded li and A on 1"" shoulder; cettle same on left hip, waltle over right ye, three slits in right ear. Lord. George, Heppner. Or. Horees branded double H coi.necU Sometimes called 8 swing H. on left shoulder. Minor, Oscar, neppner. Or. Cattle, M D on right hip; horse. Mon left shoulder. Morgan. H. N., Heppner. Or. Horses, M ) on left shonldet cattle same on left hip. Mitchell. Oscar, lone. Or. Horses, 77 on right hip; cattle, 77 on right side. MoClaren, D. (r., Hrownsville. Or, Horses, Figure Son each shoulder: cattle, M2 on hin McUirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe with toe-cork on cattle on ribs Bnd tinder in each ear: horses same brand on left stifle. McHalev. ... .. naniiitiin. Or. )n Horses. with half circle under on left shoulder; on battle. four bars connected on top on tne ngnt siue Ititnca in tritrit I nlirilv. Neal. Andrew. Lone Kock.Or Horses A N con nected on left shonlder: cattle same on both hips. Nordyke. K., Hilverton. Or. Horses, circle 7 on left thigh: cattle, same on left hip. Oliver JftaeTth. ('.envon Cit.v. Or. A 2 on cattle on left hi p: on horses, same on left thigh, liange in tirant county. Oiler, ferry. Lexington, ur. r J on ibii Olp, Herman, Prairie City, ur. un cattle, u IjP connected on left hip; horses on left stifle and warlle on nose. Kange in Grant county. Pearson, Olavo, Eight Mile, nr. Horses, Quar ter circle shield on left shoulder and 24 on left hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped. 24 on loft hip. Uange on Kiirlit Mile. Parker Gleason. Uardman.ur, norses ir on left shoulder. 1 1 1 er. r.ii:-i, i j"aimk uwii, ... . .w, e li (L K connected) on left shoulder; cattle a tnur.n nirht hit. uange. Morrow ConriTlf, 'our .1. i! . ijexington. ur. -norses. jr. con nected oi left shouliler; cattle, same on left hip. nnilor bit in each ear. Pettys, A. (;., lone, Ur.: horses oiamono r on ulu.nliler: cattle. .1 H J connected, on the left hip, upper slopo in left ear and slip in the right. Ilniri Amirnw. TIardman. Or. Horses, sonars orow with quarter-circle over it on loft stifle. Keningor, Chris, Heppner, ur. norses, u a on left shoulder. Itush Bros.. Heppner, Or. Horses branded i ,,n iVm riitit. shftiililer: cattle. IX on the left hip crop off left oar and dewlap on neck. Uange ii Mi.rr.kU, utxl uil ill! tl illg COUtl ties. Iteaney, Andrew. Lexington, Or. Horset branded A li on right shoulder, vent quartet circle over brand; cattle same on right hip. ituuvn Morrow county, ItoyBB, Win. 11, Uairyvnie, ur nil oonnectet ill TAVERN OF- Castle Crass o IT OPENS JUNE GEO. SCHONCWALD. 1. ii u 1895. OJi BIO BCTTEE CHEEK. Note Taken by a Couple of Heppner Gentlemen Who Recently paid a visit to That Fertile and Productive Section. Through the courtesy of Messrs. Philips & Saling, the enterprising orchard men, who recently paid a visit to the Big Butter oreek section, about 25 miles northeast of Heppner, in the inter ests of their business as orobardists, we p. 0. Box 385. Washington, D. C. IP Luxury, Good Cheer, Hospitality, De lightful and Healthful Pastimes, Matchless Mountain Scenery. SWEET BRIER CAMP. Established last year In a roman- are enabled to give our readers a brief tic Hell ot tue sacremento Canyon, ... ... . , . . . justtieiow and in full view of grand outline of the possessions and industries old Shasta It was a great hit and . - .. , , promises still more encouraging re- ul boiub ui tue leaaing, prosperous ana suits lor the present year. T. J. . 5 . LoKTiiH.atcasteiia.isstiU in charge progressive residents in that favored and and will answer all Inquiries. . . , . , , . , A l ew canmaate lor public favor im.- -i.. nu. n thisvearis "wiu" uuuuijr. iuh hjouiitiiiiou or SHASTA VICINO CAMP Por' crPa ' ftH kinds in good condition Also in the Shasta region, about every prospeot of a large yiald the a mile ana a nait trom Uunsmulr. , , , It isagenuineparadiseforhuiitcrs, uouimg uarvesi. wavmg neias 01 grain pleasure. Kasy to reach (near the ao(l beautiful patches of alfalfa, which ranroHU), signtiy, ana all the ne- , . .. ccssities of camp life easily procur- in this highly productive seotion attains u,le All lunniriui ohit Ul,aDfa Vlcino camp, li aaaressea to W. (;. n IUlu ul ucanj iwu iaat iu ufigui, Gray, liox 4, Duiismuir, Cul., will ... , , . receive prompi aiieiuion. poci vuo c;o u cvcijr unuu, icuuiuk Anrlinntmnnl fn tha Brtana arA fr, tha CamDina in The SANTA CRUZ MOUNTAINS im8luBtioQ of the OQlooker B Pioture of love, contentment and happiness sur rounding the home affiliations of the prosperous and hospitable residents of Reduced Rates Butter creek. With the exception of During the Camping season will be I peaches and apricots the fruit orop will maue oy mo t reaon u noj excel me productiveness ot former years in its high standard of excellent quality and quantity. The stock interests are flourishing and the numerous herds ot the prospering residents are fast fittteuiog and bucom iug sleek and trim for market upon the succulent grasses of the ranges and pasture lands. Leaving Heppner Monday morning, April 29th, Messrs, Phillips & Saling started on their trip to Butter oreek. Arriving at noon of that day at George Ourrau's place, of Black horse, where they enjoyed every hospitality at the proceeded on to Felix Johnson's where was found a good orchard and some fine alfalfa. Messrs. Phillips & Saling arrived home Thursday eveniDg end are loud in their praise of the fertility and pro ductiveness of the Butter creek seotion visited by them and more especially as to the general prosperity and marked hospitality predominant amoDg the enterprising people ot that section with whom tbey came in oontact. They were also very successful in their, business, having gotten eyery orchard that needed work. ilma, w'riKhts, Laurel, Glenwood Felion, Ben Lomond, Boulder Creek. Piles! Piles! itching Piles, by mptoms Moisture; lutense itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swayne s Ointment stops the itching and bleed lutr, heals ulceration, ami in most oases removes the tnmors, At, druggists, or by mail, for 50 cents. Dr. SwayneA Son, Philadelphia, IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT . I,. .IJWWilWII JI.JIIIWBl-UII IS Ml I III tills M LOCAL MARKET REPORT. Wheat, bu 8 35 Flour.bbl 2 25 Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. 2 50 " " tnree " " 3 00 Sheep, muttons, head 1 50 2 25 " stock 1 00 fcfi 1 50 Hogs, ou foot, cwt 3 00 Hogs, dressed 00 Wool 5 8 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 40 Eggs, doz 6i Chickens, doz 3 00 Turkeys Potatoes, per owt 40 For full particulars address r. KUlifcUS, Asst. Iyer. rass. Ajrt., Portland, Okkoon. July 26. Or any S. P. Co. Agent. ARE YOU MAKING the MOST OF YOURSELF? VTOCK BRANIW. While you aeep your subscription paid up yen Can keep yournranj in rreeor onrne. Allyn. T. J., lone. Or. Horses 0(4 on left shoulder; cuttle same on left hit), nnder bit on rixht ear, anil upper nil on uih iiiii; rniiKe, mor row oounty. Armstrong, J. O., Alpine, Or. T with bar nn der it on left slionlilur of horses', cattle same on left hip. A Miami O. TV. Kiuht Mile. Or. Cattle brand. O I) on left hip and hors'is same brand on rinht ehoiihler. Uantrn. I'.mlit Mile. Adkins, J. .1., llHip!ier, Or. Horses, J A con nactml on l"ft Hunk: cattle, sainnon Inft hip. H'lird. 1). W and s in. Ilorsm branded I) II hill! OS 1 tin tllS SU'llS Oil l"ft ( 1 III k cropolT riiht ear, niidurcrop iu tlie left. RaiiKe in Morrow l ouniy. Bartholainew, A. O., Alpine, Or. Horses (irHiidHil 7 V. on either sliouldnr. limine iu Mor- 1IW oount V uuuilster. J. W.. Hanlman, Or. 'attlo brand. d H on left hip and thiuh: stdit in each ear, Hrennnr, Peter, liooselmrry Orcijon Horses branded I'll on loft shouliler, Cul I In same on ritiht side. Hurkn, M HI C, lumif Cnwk, Or On cattle, MAY conuiM'teil on left hip, eiop olf left ear, un der half crop oil null!. Horses, same brand on ..lft shoulder, limine iu Uralit and Morrow llnminan, Jerry, l,ena, Or. Horsee braudml 7 on riitht shouliler; rattln II on the 1 f t side, Iveft ear half enip 'Old rujht ear nnoer slope. Harton, Win.. HnpHnr, Or. -Horses, J 11 on riitht thiirhi cattle same on ritiht hip; split in each ear, Hmwn. Isa, IjminKtun, Or. Horsoe III on the riuht stine; imtlle aiiieon right hip; range, Mor row eoiitity. Drown, J. ('., Heppner. Or. Horsni, oircle C with dot In net terou bift hip; cattle, saine. Brown, W. J , lotia. Oregon. Ilnrii W lisr over It, uu the led iilioiilder. Cattle same ou lull hip. itoyer, W. .. Heppner, Or.-Horses, hot brand no ri.rli' liip cattle, same, Willi split in sPt llorg, P.O., Heppner, Or. Hornne, !' on left linilhlnr; cattle, same on left hip, llmwnln. W. J., Kot.Or-l'nttle, J II eotinei'teil on li.ft sliln; rropon l't ear and twosiiliteaml middle plire cut out on right ear; on liorstw sinne I. mud on the left thigh; Range hi Fox vally, Omni mnutv. Cannier Warren. Wagner, Or.- Ilorwn brand (xlOiin right etitlHj cattle (three bars) mi right rile), crop and split in each ear. Range In iirt,l Mini Morrow eiMintitm. I sin, K , 1 aleb.l r V l on hors on left slltho U with niiurtcr circle over it, on hot stioulder id on left slitl on all colt nuler 5vears;on All firiil croo ( same brand on loft shouliler. Range in Morrow (1 rant and (iilliain counties. Itanbir. J. W.. Heppner, or. Horses, ju oi left shoulder. Cattle, O "u rigut tup. Soicltnall. J. W.. Oooselierry. Or. HorBe branded 81 on left shoulder; ranije in Mom" county. Hailing, C I; Hoppner, or norses nranuea on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Humiimrt. II. V .. liemugton. ur. Horses villi iIkhIi under it on left stifle; cattle li with dash under it on right hip, crop off right ear and each child as a guide to Its proper development. waoitleil on ngnt ui nil leg. uange in morrow, 1 1 i I hum and Umatilla counties. Hwaggart. A. ljAthena. Or. Horses brande-1 ! on left .shoulder: cuttle same on lort tup. urn on ear. waltle on left, hind leg. Straight W. K., Heppner, Dr. Horses shaded H ou lefi stillo; cattle ,1 Hon left hip, swallow fork in right ear, nnderbit in left, f Hupp. Tlios., Heppner, Or. Horses, H A f on Journal is a wide-awake up-to-date exponent ol Human Nature. in Bringing up Your Children? The Child Culture Department helps mothers nd teachers to study the characteristics ol Hcnd ten cents for sample copy of the Phreno logical journal. FOWLER & WEI.L8 CO., Publishers. 27 East 21st Ht., New York. There Ib one magazine which will help you to Ulll 'I' Vti t l,v tiia,.hlni7 vrtn to kiw.iv unit on. "Id'c'ropotT right ear and split in left. Horsei predate your elf. The Phrenological hands of their Reuiul and entertaining host and hostess and partook of a sumptuous dinner. Proceeding; on they Arc. nnu usmn THOUGHT and TA0J rrived Bt Mr- Heory Thompson's place I ,n ft,a annninit 1 1, i .-, . , i . 1 , f u iuvj cwutug, .ciuniumg UTC1 uikui, leui)4 treated with marked hospitality VI r. Thompson has a fine orchard from which he will gather a large amount of fruit. His crops are looking fine and stock sleek and fat. He has a pretty place and home surroundings that are ynonomous of prosperity, happiness and oontentment, After partaking of an excellent break fast Tuesday morning Messrs. Phillips & Saling prooeeded on down Butter creek o Mr. M, Oorrigall's place where they found a fine large orchard and a beautl fill field of alfalfa. Mr. Corrigall is one of the leading and prosperous Bhepp men f Morrow county and his herds are well taken oare of. On down they cams to the Que farm if Mr. D. McCJarty, whore it was their pleasure to feast their eyes on the Quest leld of alfalfa grown in Eustern Oregon Staudiug Dearly two feet iu height and lying in one body of DO acres on the east side of the creek aud !K) acres on the west side, the waving grass presented truly a beautiful sight to behold. Mr. McUarty is blessed with pretty home CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt 8 8734 97M flour, bbl 2 50 f 3 50 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 ( 5 00 Muttons, cwt bO0SWJ HotfB, owt i 50 5 25 Wool Eastern Oregou.. 7 di 84 Butter, lb 6 13 Eggs, doz. 14 15 Potatoes new, per ot.. . 1 25 1 50 " old. " ... 30((i 75 Chiokens, doz 3 00 6 00 lurkeys, lb 11 15 PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat, bu if 52 53 Flour.bbl 180 2 35 Beeves, owt 2 25 3 50 ' dressed MuttODs. live sheared ... 2 25 (3 2 75 ' . dressed, lb 04 U 04 Hogs, on foot 3 50 & o 75 dressed, lb 04i Wool Eastern Oregon... 05 07 Butter 1 15 Eggs, doz 08 n . Q8lA Chickens, doz : 3 00 4 50 Turkeys, K) dressed. 14 left liio: cattlr Hume on left hip. Hlirier.John. rox. Or. NO connected on horses on riuht hip: cattle, same on right liio crop oil right ear and under hit in left ear. Range in urant county. Hmith Bros., Hussnville, Or, Horses, brand) II. '.. on shoulder: cutt le, lime on loft xhoii der. Hmiires. James. Arlington, Or,; horses branded JHotiliift shoulder: cuttle the same, also nose waddle. Range ui ilorrow and ttilliain eo inties Htephens, V. A,, llnrdiiiun. Or-; horses HHon riizlil si Hie; cun le Horizontal u ou ma rignt sine Htevenson, .urs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, f ou riuht till : swallow-fork in left ear. Hwaggart. (, W., Ileppiinr, Or. Horses, 44 tin left, shoiildci : cattle, 44 on left hip, Hoerrv. K. O.. Heiiimer. Or. Cattle W C on left hii. crop off right and nnderbit iu left year, ilewluo: horses W Con left shoulder. Thompson, j . A., Heppner. nr. Horses, Eon left shouliler: cattle. 2 on left .shoulder. rii)iiit.H.T..r.ulorpriBe.Or. Horses. U-on left shoulder. I urner It. W., Heppner, Or.-Nmall capital T loll ahoiilihT, iiorsesi cattle name on left hip with split in botti ears. Thornton, II. M.. lone, Or. Horses branded HT connected on left st die; sheep same lirand. Vundnriiool. II. T., I'iin. Or: - Horse II V con nected on right shoulder;cattle, same on right hio Walliridge, Win . Iliiipner, Or. Horses, TJ. I. on the left slioiilder; entile same on right hip. crop oil lett ear anil right ear lopneii. Wilson, John O., Hiilein or Heppner, Or. Horses hranoeil J', Morrow eouiilv. Warren. W II. Caleb, Or-Caltle W with ipiarlm circle over it. oil left side, split lu right ner. Mono same brand on left shoulder. Raiigein Uraut county. Wad". Henry, Heppner, Or.- Horses branded ace of spades on lett shouliler and left tup ( Httle branded same on lefl sole anil left hip. Wol finger, John, John Hay City, Or- On home three parallel Imm on left shoulder; 7 ou stiewp, hit ill Isiib ears. Range in Orant and Malhuor rmunt les, Westward, John, Hnppnar, Or, Horses, UI connected on lefl shoulder. Walk l us, l.ishn, llepptmr, Or, Homes branded UK rontiecleil on left HM. Wallace. Charhw. Heppner. Or. Cattle. W or right llineh.linle iu left ear; iKimee, W on righ' shouliler miiik saiiieoii pill shouliler, Whittier Itroe.. niiiiiiugioii. Maker Co,, Or. Ilornaai lirandisl W II comieiMeii oil lefl shoulder Williams. Vaneo. Hamilton. Or,-Quarter eir ch over three Itars on left top, lailh catlie anil liomiM. itanwe Oram eoiiiiiy. W illiams. J i. I King t rni'k. Or llorsea, mist ter circle over tlire Imm on left hip; cattle same ne I slit in mftch r. lUnge in Ornnt county Wren, A. A., Iliiipner. Or.- Iliin riiiiiiinsA A mi shoulder; Cattle, shiiim on rtglit hip. young. J, H., OiNwntmirif.llr. llom limndM I'M on the right shtetlil We nlso pulillsh a long list of Mi( books. XIO-39. ANOfC c vcl 4 . rvl u r T a. r - "V8 IT 13 0L'JTLY Vl MACHIHE ..i i. a MADE AVU oil OUll IlI'.AI.rRS ran ell Murronndiiigs and all the berediti.meuts you ins t hine cheaper than you can K t rlei where. IheNlIW IIO.ISIC t our beat, but weninKe rhrnnsr Kind, aurli at the Lin AX, UM:f, and oilier 1IUU Arm Full Nlrkel rii.Kd Keviliiir. fflarblnra for C 1 fi. 00 and up. Call on onr agent or write uu. We unr ; your trade, and If prlcer, terms lliat go to make life worth the living, Vt present Mr. M . Curly has iu his charge 1(M) head of fine beef steen which he is ceding and fattening for market for Mr. Ham Kinsman Arriving at Oncar Thompson's the nu.uiiarrae... nu. ...... . m . , , , ,, m xc i "-- - - " .. . Illicit. We rhallcnire the woi V 'odjrea 1IKTTI II CiO.OO Newlni X. at hlne lor aao.oo.or a inm r u wins machine lor a JU.uu inna oi run bur Irom ne. or our Aui nl. T:I'"AVEOMESEWISGKdCi'I!;SCO. l)a". ". Po"Tii.ii. I i"s iK(iMir i., t.ii;' i i' u ".ii'iiswh kuiiaAXi'M'sru ATisi4.u run aic by 'flic Nt'W llonjc Settiii Maeliiiie Co. 257 Market Ht. Han Francisco, Cal. ft shoulder onlr on all horses over 5 fears range in Hrsnl coiintv. ( ate, t hus. R Vlns-in or lna. Or. Horsoa II C on right shoulder; catile snine on right III p. itntig,. Vlorntw and tluiatllla eoiioto. Corrigall, M M.Onllew iy. Or CaHle crop nut of lach ear and underlet, wattle in foreii,; horses Imlf circle V on hdt litte. Range Mor. n and I' mat 1 1 la coiiMies, Curl,!'. II . John IKv, Or.- Ooub'e rn on w'h hip on cattle, swallow fork and under hit in right ear, split in left ear. Ilungs in (Irani Mtmiiy. on sheep, ieverteil and ter imhmi uu sliiinlder. Kar maikoil uti. cn.p oil li.ft ear ,l hml lliM.r lot III right. Wethers crop III right and under half crop iu left mr. All ra"it I n lira"! ouui v. Ctmk. V J.leia Or. - lloraea. Uion ri.rl.t -KimiI der, I sole, aauieon right hip: Mir mark square crop oft left snd split in right. t iirnn. K. V., I urrihsville. Or. -llnrtes. on lefl alilK Cot Kd. M. Hard-nan, Or -Caitle, ('with t in cwnter: h.irs-Ni i'K on le'l iin. CtM'itran, II. r.. V.iiiiniH'tii. Iiratit Co, Or. -.,r. l,iaitd".l rm-le wiih lar lM.naili. on left h'-ul'l-r. i-nlile .nuie brand on ImMIi 1iImi, tnaik under .l.te- le.lh ears and dewlap. limine, II . Ilsr linmi Or HorM hrsn l".! on rigtit l-ip. I allle lirnnd-l the satne. Al., lira-el. i i o- i-ir i'kiii -iiiviii - , , . , ... , " ! . ., , ..t.i, ..... ..,1 i i w. -111, sinl a iIhmi. .e.l nilirt sul ihiiir. thsl .teller ' ' '' fJ h "I V ! "'l'"V.-x , siwlihw tit-ila ,.,., u- U i,.l,,--. 1), -IVllU till..,, 1 M-.rills-B. I'ul l-mr Ui'M miMBS Will rigtil .ele. swailowdork in m. h eat, h.irww, II II $1800.00 GIVEN AWAY TO INVCNT0RS. tiwnnevervmnnth ivn sws In snv enswlie a. ALL WHO CULTIVATE FRUITS FLOWERS VEGETABLES the creek was found. Mr, Tuouiiihud has the tint-at place ou Duller creek Waving IIoIiIh of graio and alialta meet 'be eve and hold one for a time spell l mud in wonder and nruni-ment at the treat iroiliii'tiencs of t It it rich and tortile soil, Mr. Thompson's home inrruundingt are pleasant l i look upou and give one the true Impressiuii that irospcrity, love, contcntmi'Ut arj happi neaa are the reigning ideal of Mr, l'Unraison' home aflihatious. The lu it iihice arrived at (in the crt was that nf Mr. J. 11. Huylor, where Meaara. I'hillioi A Saling partook of an M eel lent (Imner and enj yed Ihe enter talning xiiidy ami aospitalitr ot their tUMt aud hoslcsa fur au hour nr tuore, Mr. rUjIur has a One orchard, a liuiir I t)t , f. ir. pajiur oaa a une oronard, a itmir or i lcasurcorrroiit. nl field of waving alfalfa and grain .rOT: "-.M. ;'-,.,. J..r. .her .bKrlb. ft -.I .lek atook. and, above ,.-nw,h,.. w.-i.n ' , ". .! Ii-annfttl home ahei. ADDRESS A LETTER OB POSTAL CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P. 0. Box 463. Washington, D. C. Honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who served ninety days, or over, in the late war are entitled, if now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disability was caused hv service or not, and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances. . WIDOWSofsuchsoldiersandsailorsareentitled fif not remarried) whether soldier's des was due to army service or not, if now dependent upon their own rabor for support. Wicf" not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldier's death was due to service. CHILDREN are entitled (if under sixteen years) in almostall cases where there was Bu widow, or she has since died or remarried. .jj.j .ui.. ji.j i. PARENTS are entitled if soldier left neither -widow nor child, provided BoWier died In service, or from effects of iervlce, and they are now dependent upon their own lifbor for sup port. It malces no difference whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or naVSoldlera of the late war, pensloued under one law, may apply for hither ratea under other '""Thousands' 1 from $3 to $,o per month under the old la- are "titled to higher rates under new law, not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned, but also for others, whether due to service or not. , Soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty in regular army or navy since the war are also entitled, whether discharged for disability or not. Survivors, and their widows, of the Black Hawk, Creek, Cherokee and Seminole or Flor. Ida Indian Wars of 1838 to 1843, are entitled under a recent act. Mexican War soldiers and their widows alsoentitled, if sixty-two years of age or disabled 0rO?d claim's completed and settlement obtained, wheth:r pension has been granted under Jater laws or not. , , .. . ,., , Rejected claims reopened and settlement secured, if rejection improper or illegal. Certificates of service and discharge obtained for soldiers and sailors of the late war whu have lost their original papers. Send for laws and information. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Address, THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P.O.B0X463. """SGTON,B.e : WITH. PI : lira : W Youfe BOUND to Take 'Em. Leaves No Constipation -4 ''We take pleasure in recommending ClmmberUii's Ooruh Eemedy beoause it is pruned by till who try it," Briys J. V. (Jox & Son, dniutjiets, Marslifield, Oregon, tin one alllioted wit ti a throat or lung trouoie chu use lliis remedy without pruiBiui; it. It hIwhjb given prompt relief. It is espeoiHlly Vftlunble tor coIiIh hb it relieves tbe lungs, ruikes brentliintr easier and aid expeotoration. A cold will never result lu piieumonlH wht'ti thir) remedy in la en and reHNou- able oare exeroised. For sale by Slocum-Johnuon Dm Co. Cores it, as well sa all Biliousness, Sick Headache and Malaria. The only comfortable pill in the world. Sold by all rirnstriHtB nr mnt by mail on receipt of price. 25 cents per box. PRENTISS MEDICAL CO.. 411 California Street. Hbd Francisco, Cal. LEGAL BLANKS Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . . . PRIZES ON PATENTS. How to ji-t 11(10 anil l'rrhupa Make Fortune. Mrmimllir brat patit for onrrllMita, ami llw tlr, i i. llti. Ktb-i i Io tm -.utait iitv.ntf a T 114. k 4 iIh-ii I'M til Nlr.L Al Hi. .m UaM M iiJi in liiifre.. un the mtK Uk.1 llil IT'S THH SIMPl.n.TKlVIAL INVCNTIONS THAT ItXD roKFLNCS, h m tt r r-ttitulM whkhcAti wfy ! I up Ml !ft lull. Kit llr - . I .ii!. Mr II. m ,ranl I I V i,n l-fl ati-ul'l..f, fait." M-ua in 1,-fitnp. Imir ir fitil r'-n-rir I H., IUr-liimi, Ur ll.. timn.... lninilM.1 I il Ii li 1 1 txi It-It .li'iit i.r i i-nl. Il--n uu rirflit I'M. Il-"tf in M -rr.. ,-,.-inir. Cl. .,...'. I, li.. i.MHf tir - i-il, l.Y ,,n rti! ini li i V lli lf Hii l-f mi riiiiil h..-il...r" H. I. Ili i'ii lt II ,tmn. V un ri.'l.l I !" ; ra'-ln. r -in luM I, -,r UliK. liy lU tltUlk HI -IIHllu4g Iw IMTCN4 IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT STEMS. ftUthoflty OblIUblw '.Ktriiu' . sum roRCMOsriH rue list. Ii i1i.lpr.rtl, lt wlihfriilunn.l (ut-1. iirr uuui .im ii. wr i , un. t o rf turn Uf ill i.l Iti-ftli-tlltlir kV.trttitflli Ally unit itiriiiiKilr. li Illii.irair.aa4 Urwtllra llirth,.U f flllliva tmn, uiipr.xr.l aria-lir.n4 la'n.f . ...ving tlrvi. va, tl la, itliuul O.iuM, We peenre pnteiitti aud to indnw people to kiep track ot their brijihl idea we offer a prize of one hundred dollars to bo paid on the tiret of every mouth to the person who tmbmits to ne the tn'ont meritoiiotiR invention donntt Hie precHcdin month. We will ulec advertiNe the invention free ofcharife in tbe National lti-corder, a weekly news paper, puhliNheii in WaKhinKton, 1. C which ban tin exleiinive circulation tliroiihout the United .Stated md ie devoted to tbe intereMw of inventor. NOT BO 1IAKD AS IT KKKMH. Tbe ide of being able to invent gome tliiriai mnkcH iuohI people a bein ( ver) dilliiMill; this deltiaion the cotniiHli) wlHlim to dit-pel. It in the mmple Ihli.yi and mimll invr-ntiona liiat make tlx Kr-Htt-Ht anioutit of money, and the com pl x otii'a- are Peldom pn.iitnlile. Almost i v.r)li i(l)', at imiie time or unother, (MHiCfiUH an idea, which, it patented, would pri' lie worth to bint fortune. I'tiforiniiately ench ideas are limiilll) diamip'-eil witbunt tliotltfbt. The mtni'le Invriitii ns like the car window which t'niitd be eamly alid up and down witlimit brcjkiuii tlie paasetitfer's buck, the mu e pan, colUr button, the nut lock, the bottle utopper, the snow (hovel, art tliinna ihHt altniMit everyotie ees imr way of itnproviiiK upon, and it is then kind of infeiitiniia that bril)(f theifrealeal n-luriiH to tbe mitlnir. The pr'r i-lT-r will tie paid hi tin eiidtiffacli month, whether the sppli oilmti Ims lnu act-. upon by tin l'atent Olllce or not . Kvery rotnpettlot tiniKt apply fi-r a patent lin Ida liiveiitini tll'i'lUh II , and win II. er lie arcurea th pri?,.-nr ni. the iuvrntr will Lave 'I'tM'.'.mnaj .mini" ium'in'.'". pfaaMWMMawy -i FOR INVENTIONS. Ertual witli trie interest of those havin? clnlm9 arainst trie rovernment Is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli. able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. with the view ot protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneyi and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct It terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an Invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to. gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at onc advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary, if others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY. 618 P STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, D.C. o. ox 43 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. nr Cut this out and send it with your UHWinh-S ?rssss The Paperf or tbe Peoplel V . li ,lni r. Iri4 rtl,llt. tmrnti n ... N hhw.iH I I love and hpl 'Ul ll-a Wllhill. Ou d.iwu the rri-ck to the flue farm of IL X. Mi.titii-1,1, where wa f mud nrn. itiK Bel li of viiif Kram and liiliirnut valuable patent lf.lf. a pretty hmoeand all ll.eui .ile.n Tllr. I'.Hr.SS CLAIM COMl'ANY, appurtenaiHVB that in make life ou- of j ISI I t-H- V. Aviartr. U-n'l Manatter, eiiji)neul, raoe and eo.uf.irl on tl.ei C1 r N. . W . afliltiutoii, 1. C, t.rui, f I . ' H. the n-'pt'iiailiihty of t ArrUlLj .1 ,.f M. I ,l'ly tliay l i'ld.-rd from the faet - i II.. I 11. .1... k 1. I.. I I l. Itor-rs Ibe eetitleiuca tontnl line ,nn,rr, f ,, l.,,Ltf newanafere o' orotiar l, a ll-Kl o a,rir o t xcvli.-r t llic I,l Hutu. It f .-. rf II, .,,,.-,.. Mr I Ht Met dr I" I M, W Ut K o.-f t, ..'i kfi i I - i-r.i(i i. ' Mtt, hnr- Mii" If m ! l.-fi Ihi I H. l!l liia.Me-r I'M ..f tt'V j lit tn V f ft-w I 'ii t J U i'.(mh j II K M, II- Ij, I Vila r-i. l,.ti lib lilHf T'K'te tl" W l ie fiaftil ' li-Vtn M 'tf' ,'!l I nttHj m't'i i llitiittti J.k. IU'i'l..i itr I ,!(!,. i wi, , : tn ent'iff l.t' r" t' f id I tli tu . 't lrnsi J nil llat'it tftMti, IU tl; ' ' '!' trtt t'j I iiii-i.i tr I mi f mU Mh.-f of) mm rillif, t( ftatl.t hl I I- 't I ', ttH" f.ii , f tafM (-r V t I't fl kfl Ibttltt IM Hf 4) IUU. Mt..t, r. Mr UmU tl i, ,tU.' .IU i'S tn.liii I.-'' 1-r I !'lm M u ilt ltl$l ti aj I'iM'M A-ft Wh 1'f.t I ' Mt ej't 1 ll U-f ; a,"), a-r.,.. ra 11 i t, lUtiat it M tn tt I I aiVtM tUM. r ! rt, J .,!,', iv tU r.(i.r . tirft.l lui, h M iitt f il.t li uhtl, fl tten rr" Httt.a M, lUvi'vsf, Or H a UI fce-trl Mt th iffl .It . l.a,N M I t'imnk,, M A Or. - H.. ..f. kmt ,,He t i- !.'( tu n. .. ., t,. 'Vest, Y V m Or It , M t. m ,u' I ' 1 "W I ti ! U'1 t, li im .at M , J ) M t r M t p'i t , H M B lttjt, rf It J .. k't ' tl 4 tm f4' ' iHfil iH i Tt rait, t Sk h mil 1 1 u( at' I hun.' i 4 ih l j . t. (r 4 "NailHtal K font ) ( ; kfl. h 4 tl ttirwt, (If Hi fi tt I t tttittll. ' ill tc oltr r L i.nii nil U t t.n.l Satf ( l!iM4 i till' . tttirft, I1 rlll W UMlt U i n,H K tirtil tu 'irilMt. JOHN VI ODf RHI RN h CO., Mttilart ol AmfKi snj I Mflg rftUnl, 615 I Mrrrt. N.W.. I f Av,'.rr .ri''fr't.r f,v ; Amerkan Cirdcnin, I JO Fultufl St., N.Y. 111 growth and between fmr and five hundred h 'a I of flue liu kln liK- wliu-li Mr. It-gnra ia roiem- an I f itir-iiin (, r maiki t The parly rniiaiiii-tl ofrr lnwl-l here an-l ere r-iyally enterl4iin-1 ait I I'lil The fidlitwitijf In itnm J. Wo lua liv tlirt .r w li-1 ou l.i the Uniinf II J Uilohp't h,,r- Itiey fun it I a a"-l orehrd sol a fl-l. of bi'iftt w I lao I. 3000PARCELSC?MAIL".Hr2 ! v J v IV' " ' t-ClUT IIAWPI 1 r 4 ; ii r.i J i.l . vij -uj. iii t- t-i I -i -''r j I'. - -l l r l -n ,nuiitl TIvCAK Tn,HC Mis COPYRIGHTS. tajr red) trail' 1 1 I , I f r- I. -.l.l, A ItarndbetMli ff I f f -ii itf.fl i. 1,4 rirt 4 ' I , ft H,.m -I ftrr 4 a.. F'a-tjia m kaa r I t I- li,id I t-e t Iire, t... U , n A (V rWrs ' "ik ImiIIHi- 4 Mrt I' . 4 ' ' I ' I V - f l ... i. I. " I r bil - iin.-t it 11 1 4 ft - i wr I ..' i )Mltoe. i f f r ' 4 . . , nl im n ii n I I ' ' ' 9 t. r, at . Hn- liitti n'-i hK'ini !- I I ... 4. . 1 , f ,,f . '' a 'kl -t ' ' -U ' U, W ' .. ai - . til-' A.htft) ia, i vl lrVai'AT. Civiats.Tfidt Jti'tt. trip Pittfttt, Cpjr k4 all r Mi t4wr4 r MOOCRATC Ml UNJH 4 sV4tV 1r Ia tBtWtwnfcw tef-v A 41i PRISS CLAIMS CO JOHN WtOOCRiURK, ma wamiuthvIxc h t'a: 4 na4 C fc.ait-wn M ta ill. 4 tlaV a, , fWlPi t l 4Mrtr i'ftw tutc-r j n raii flf..lWt,ltt , tttlaixt 4 anttir - r ii aw. f i i i ' V 411 r I" .lfl j'Fl' . . IL IJM.II ,..lll- ll.'iiriiii4 h twa'l np Hi cr-tk i ..t n..mi smi "t lhy arn I al l'i f-jrui of Mr J.. ill ..Vl-.?) ,- u.-i a.i.1 -; '- . .... , li, "l J ... ' i.'" r lUfkrr i-t tl HH lli-r li lnnlnf l ,rt -I- ' t- - ' J . Ill.lit, 1-iii rra.'rd Willi Wllkd liu.pi- 1 1. . , T' I lt.rm tn !-.Tl . UliU. Mr lnk-r ,. inrM i Uc, a i , i u Tl'lif ,-TVi 'r-'aVrii - ... I i .i . i . i, i, i I ' . n)( .11. M . -" imi i (iri-uar.i au-i nue a,n lai K I tt a. . . I 1 J T 1. - - t at .1!, t tfl i Wal.l ... .a I a...--.-, a . t . I It . . . i .,..,.. ..... , bl,. iMurr fr t.M.. rUlt PI li r ( UH V CO niwk where llii-y arntrJ la du luue al ; h ftaii.t.., i m i.trr,i am. rnr.a-1.1 the le of Mr 0. M Lie- Ure wm t-hia. r. foim I a pli. ori hr-l and tf lr ii" alU!fil I n iranl arwth. Mr Lirgi The tegular nleriptl.n lr r-f lb k ........ l ,.i.. . ....... ... i hmi- ekl Iml'lle la 92 ' end Uu , ' wilaf pru- id the Weekly tlnr-n1' - ' k t l-.r.,,, ,.i.r., ft- (a Si At-y autwnl-tra- f .r It .ma oi'i'-nir.i. .;.-. II.,--I, t.. i.,ii t ,r !.- yrartt o-i iii I.!iU linti.-r ef.rk ! ih !' t t t-'tti i' il. in Url t Or.rfi.nian f f f I AM I'll ll -i it- !' I'nr aiit'it.'i"-ra f -f I on r ia a lisuce wiltba Li.'.lt i w Unti-r rf.rk t !!. Ue i f ) iu. iKi iU.a . f 'im I ' s t.l nii'1,,1,1 an I i io aifaifa C I U. . ' ",rt .il. - . aajaaaiatlaai ; rtUaaM-aaaaaaaaaiaaaaa. tnnr f?-i.' J VI lywa mm . . a. "aa. 1 fiiK Lancasiiiri-: Insurance Co. I MANCIIICMTKU, 1C2VC3IANI W, rATTERSON. AGKNT. ioewt it me worm if,: Keeley Iniule -OK- For the Cuio Oi Liquor, Opium atd Tobacco Habits It ti luratH at Mi-m, Otrnn, The Mut llfautiul Tou n on theOxut. I Tall al tba ritirTTI nfttra for r-a'tlmi.r. trlrtlyciiiitMliiittKl. 1 o-alli-Fiit n air au-l ,urf ! cure. OUR STOCK OF ... SPACE IS TOO HKAVY ANT) WI ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri fice. -You need it in your l)uines, and as a matter of business we nui;t svll it. The P.utekso.n rcLLiiiiiNu Co. WMawaai'tMrHai'.4aMLVwa4 e arty tuva 4ioor I' d Ihta (tb t