Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 07, 1895, Image 3

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    Take Notice.
L The sura of five cents per line will be
jharged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of I
respect," nsw 01 weaaint; presents and donors,
nd obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
5ntertainnients from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of 6ve
..ents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
lpon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
ponsible for his or her communication. No
.orrespondence will be published unless the
writer's real name is signed as an evidence of
(ood faith.
. ing Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange,
ian Francisco, is onr authorized agent. This
paper is kept on file in his office. .
Give your business to Heppner people,
2nd therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize tho'se who patronize
Stage for. Hardman, Monument, Long Creek,
John Day and Canyon City, leaves as followB :
Every day at 6 a. m., except 8unday.
Arrives every day at 6 p. m., exoept Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
Phill Cohn, Agent.
You can get the best beer. 4 4
' in Heppner at G. B. Ted
rowe's, 5 cents per glass,
If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc.
call at Ted's
City Hotel Bar!
Here and There.
Don't overlook Johnny Hager for good
Try Spray's hams and bacon, the best
in town.
Spray's pressed beef, something
fine for lunobes. .
bis poison.
return to
Lust Friday Geo. Fell got up a raffle
on one of his $100 bioycles, Benny
Patterson winning with number 87.
Vbe raffle was gotten ap with numbers
ranging from 10 to 137, eaoh sealed up
in an envelope.' The party drawing
paid as many cents as equal the number
drawn, and was settled by corresponding
numbers to those sold being placed in
envelopes in a receptable, from which
one envelope was drawn and the number
contained therein to be the winning
number. Benny's bicycle therefore oost
him 87 oents.
An eastern firm recently advertised
that they wonld Bell a recipe which whs
sore to promote personal beauty for 25
cents. A yonng lady in Eugene Bent
the money and got full yalue in return
as follows: "Mind your mother and
stay at home at nigbt," If she , regards
the recipe she will become beautiful in
soul, which after all is the richest
dower a girl oan have.
Frank Bhepardson, an engineer on the
Southern Pacific By., who resides at
Los Angeles, Cal., was troubled with
rheumatism for a long time. He was
treated by several physicians, also
visited the Hut Springs, bat received no
permanent relief until he.used Chamber
lain's Pain Balm. He says it is the best
medicine in the world for rheumatism.
For sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co.
S. P. Haney, who lives near Lexing
ton, has inveuted a harness buckle
whioh will undoubtedly be a sucoess.
He showed a representative of this paper
a model of same fashioned for the
harness tug, and it will work as well on
any part of the harness s there. Mr.
Hauey has applied for a patent.
W. H. Ssyers, of Douglas, came up
Saturday k attend a regular communi
cation of Heppner Lodge No. 69, A. F. &
A. M. He brought along some fine
samples of the apples raised in bis
orchard, but says this year's orop will
be short The crop of small fruit will
also be cut down half.
Dr. E. A. Vaughan, the rew dentist,
will soon leave and we would advise
those who are desirous of fine work to
come in at onoe. Full sets without
plates, bridge and crown work and the
most ililfionlt oases in dentistry attended
to with satisfactory results. Everything
guaranteed. tf
Hon. W. B. Ellis lectured to the
young people Ssiturdny nimt at tne
opera house, and was listened to by
quite a large number of the Heppner
people. Bis remarks were well received,
and oonsisted of some excellent advioe
to all, and especially to the young men
and women.
Milt Morgan has purchased one of
Deleval's Baby Separators, No. 2, aud
now turns iu bis milk, fresh from the
cows, and carries the oream borne leaving
the skimmed milk. It saves a great
deal of trouble and is very economical.
Bob Foster, an old landmark of the
Heppner section but for some years a
resident of Colorado, oame in Friday to
help Sam Palmer pilot bis sheep back
to the latter locality. Bob looks well
and is the same "Bob."
Subscribers to the Weekly Sun, the
coming paper ot Uregon, si per year
With the (Jazatte, both in advance,
82.75 per year. A good combination,
Two of the people's papers at one prioe
Subscribe at the Gazette ofiioe.
Frank Wilmortb got in Friday from
Slate creek. Okanogan county, Wash
overland. He eaya that a town has
been started at Slate creek and that
everything is booming. Frank has been
gone since Nov. 1st.
Fred Bock, an experienced butcher
from Portland, has accepted a position
in Hayes & Mathews butoher shop,
where be will serve the publiu in the
best of style. Fresh meats aud honest
weight to everyone.
The Halem Journal, published bv
Hufer Bros., has two cyclists out on the
road in the interest of the Journal and
good roads. The boys have no "wheels'
in their beads, though, laconically
Thou. Nelson, who ran the Record at
this place during the last year of its
existence, has concluded to start
paper at Pilot Rock, Umatilla county
and will leave for that point tbia week
T. W. Avers, Jr., is making squirrel
poison that he guarantee. No kill no
pav, and sells it at 'L oents per can, 0
oats for 81 50; 82.0) per dozen. Get
sample aud try it. tf.
Fbom Los Angeles. The Gazette
the only Semi-Weekly Heppner Gazette
is in receipt of the "Carnival' or the
"La Fiesta" number as they express it
in Spanish, ot the Los Angeles Times,
for which we sincerely thank Heppner's
former resident and our good friend,
Homer McFarland. This carnival of
flower, pretty maidens, matchless and
gaily caparisoned horses, drawing
chariots and other vehioles, is of yearly
occurrence, aod the description of this
year's event, occurring April 20tb, is
very interesting. Would that we all
could live at "The Home of the Angels,"
whioh is the Euglisb interpretation ot
the Spanish "Los Angeles." Homer
says that the impression that got put
from a former letter written to oua of
bis Heppner friends that things are
quiet down there is not oorreot; on the
contrary quite lively and buildings are
going up evry day. Continuing,
Homer says that "I see Harry Woods
quite often. He is working for the
Terminal R. R Co. Wm. Lnssier, for
merly of Heppner, is here. Also our
old friend, Alex Greenwald, formerly
traveling for H. Rosenfeldt & Smith Co.,
of Portland. I meet quite a lot of
people here from Oregon and Washing
ton. The small fruits have just begun
to come into market, such as straw
berries, blackberries, etc. Strawberries
5 cents a lb., and very fine. Oranges
are too oommon here to eat. The kind
you folks get at Heppner sell here for
50 cents per box." Homer concludes by
hoping that Heppuer will regain her
times of 15-cent wool and 65-oent wheat.
Ayers guarantees his poison. Only
$2.50 per dozen. tf.
Ansou Wright was one of Heppner's
visitors Saturday.
E. O. Adkins left yesterday for his
home at HilUboro,
Photographer Dowe will
Heppner in July.
Read "Coin's" publications.
Carlos Boyd, agent.
The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works,
Walla Walla. Wash.
J. H. Carmiohael and wife were over
from their ranoh Friday last.
The Weekly Sun and the Gazette $2.75
per year, both striotly in advauoe.
W, . Johnston left for Baker City
yesterday to be absent a tew days.
Joe Eskeleon, Ralph and Rosa Benge
were in from Social liidge Saturday
Pat Kilkenny is over from Mike
Kenny's after a hard spring's rustling.
Now is the time to kill squirrels: and
Swaggart's "Sure Shot" is thestutlto do
it with. tf.
J. W. Vaughan oame up from Lexing
ton Friday lust and remained over
Gihonscn Bros, are making a special
out on large family groUDs; call and
get their prioes. tf
Albert Slnoum will shortly go up and
start Hamilton Bros.' sawmill, at the
bead ot Rhea oreek.
The first baled wool of the season was
started eastward Saturday from Henry
Heppner's warehouse.
Leet Greenwood came in Saturday
after a three-month deal with ranch
matters out at Tom Matlook's.
For good meat, full weight and oash
prices call on Johnny Hager, the new
butoher, next door to the post ollloe.
The O. A. R.,.nf Lexington and Arling
ton have decided to give a Fourth of
July celebration at Lexington this year.
Improve your fowls and double your
production of eggs. W. W. Hroead can
tell you bow it is done. Information
free. tf.
Geo. Aiken left Sunday with two
horses for the Lewistoo raoa. Wm.
Covins will also be ap there with a
Ot course you have noticed that L.
Blumeutlial is out fur business this
spring. Uis $3.50 suits are attracting
attention. tf.
Have yon read "Coin's Financial
School" and bit other book? It not
yoo. should see Don Carlos Boyd and
get them.
On last Friday night the branch
locomotive no the op trip ran into a
mod of sheep and killed ebmt a
huudrsd and fifty.
Meadow & Herivner, the blacksmiths,
borwbcMrs aud wood lintuber. at the
old Ouun stand, Main street, Heppner.
Call on the boys.
Frequent showers for a week pnt
bave proved a blowing to Morrow and
adjoining counties. Good crops are
sltu(l a sure thing now.
Mathews Bros., City bote! barber shop,
t'laetirial artinta. lUlrcntting, hsvitr,
binpmifg, etc., done scientifically.
Bath at 25 cents apiece,
Kree Grena, tbe bir-hearted and
Irrepressible Free, sat thai ibe repent
rain have work wonders in growing
mountain art fur samn.fr teed.
O. B. 1111, the tnnsorial arti.t, can
be r in nd at hi parlors, Matlock corner,
where be will dipene at txipnlsr prions,
abavr, sbainiKHM, haircuts, etc.
lUal "Coin's Financial Hchnol," and
then take ap bis oilier publications.
They are all cicvinain , interesting,
lm Carlos Ud, agent, r- bim.
Bo Hiwer, tbgrnr at tbe stand
formerly npid by Jerry Cohn, will
pay H cut to trade lT egg. AIo a
(Nrupele lie of grt.reris at lb lowest
lrice for each. rVe ad.
Th eeMrM Ktt-irVy Jek, Eagle,
, II stand the seon at Wiliis Hlswane
htery stable, Tfii.s riolle
and will b ma le atnleation.
be I'? hiiuons ur Willis Meaart. tf.
U. F. fiifgH ts prt-pared t furnih
Li "Hrtfa Wiiil" .)lif fl p'twm ill
LolmitSe lot fU ha lfdl receive!
a lfe ''!' r frm Wmhlrifioe and rh baa , brglntnrtf Hh tba be jtr.
IH' r,"f woere 11 umm tiw .11,1 j nir prirra fiocniar inn II. ow
II I.m a ,t frW-1 H tteriomale ti. I'M! ! Aia sell ! iolla Wt lUktog i'n
pei. I dr, a f'wl ae the IjmI (a , market
W. V. Uirk lefl Ffl.l rof Bins' OBiSM etteaper. ne new ai. a
,.,roii. ' fr IH M!h w regK.a. Ua
tv.gan r.uny, If "ill fcine
I r IM o
V,r U tt.a lima t" g't ll vVll
tteg.nin, It.e gte fceppef tf
Wfl .'oiy 1 vr wt 1 mf
fired. It t gn'ttlt.l I 'I Ctve
Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
pecial me. tion All who have used
Electric Bitters sing tbe same Bong of
praise. A purer roedioine does not exist
ud it is guaranteed to do all that is
aimed. Eleotnc Bitters will cure all
isenses of the Liver aud Kidneys, will
remove Pimples, Koils, Salt Rheum and
other affections caused by impure blood.
Will drive Malaria from the system
and prevent as well as oure all Malarial
fevers. For cure of Headache, Consti
pation and Indigestion try Electric
Bitters Eutire satisfiiction gnaran'eed,
-or mouev refuuded. Proe 50o. and $1
per bottle at T. W. Ayers, Jr., drug store.
New Home aud five other makes of
sewing machiue at ooat tor cann. w ill
exchange for lumber. Machine from
812 op. Address N. A. Leach, Leiing
ton, Oregon. tf.
Saturday French k Co. reonived at
Heppner thirteen car-load of two and
three-year-old oattle 200 head wbiob
they drove out to their ranch near
William Bharon, formerly of Heppner,
writes from Great I alls, Montana, tbx
everything i booming up there, and that
tbe bard times didn t strike them very
Hi 1 lot) 'a Cure, tlie great uotigii am
Crnnti Cure, ta in great demand. I'oeket
size contains twenty five doses noly 25c
Children love it. Hold by T. W. Ayers
Tbe Gazette is in receipt of th
twentieth annual rennrt of the Cbarnbe
of Commerce, Portland. For this
are nnder obligations to Mr. Fran
M otter.
Bob Wilklns wa exhibiting a live
F.agia in Uenpner Hiturday w hich
caught in a tro early lot week. II
measured five feet from lip to tin vt
T. il Howard make a specialty In
Slpplyttig stockmen Wltb all needed
artii-le, beide carrying a general line.
Hee Lie new ad. tf .
Wanted Plain or fancy sewing. Will
go to the bnne or lake sewibg at borne.
Mr. Mary lindron.
Wanted Inndry work by Mr. C.
Nelson, old Mountain House. Metidiug
neatly done.
Try Ayera squirrel poison before
bating any . other. Only 12 50 per
doin. tf.
Iin steak. Set. ; ronod stsak, 6 rU;
rib siesk, i eta., at ppraye.
Lectures. Mrs. Lucia Additon, state
lecturer of the W. G. T. U., talked to a
large and appreciative audienoe at the
M. E. oboroh, Sunday morning on a
temperanoe text taken from the bible;
also from a similar text Sunday evening
at the M. E. church, South. On yester
day afternoon Mrs. Additon talked to
those interested in the oause ot temper
anoe at tbe M. E. cbnroh, and last
evening lectured to a goodly number of
people at the M. E. oburob, South, on
the subject ot "Labor aud Capital."
Mrs. Additon is a pleasing talker and is
very well informed on the snbjact that
she has undertaken to present to tbe
Bilious Colic.
Persons who are subject to attacks of
bilious colio will be pleased to know that
prompt relief may be bad by taking
Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. It acts quickly and
can always be depended upon. In many
cases the attack may be prevented by
tnking this remedy as soon as the first
indication of the disease appears. 25
aud 50 oent bottles for sale by Slooum
Johnson Drug Co.
71 B
Is a necessity because the tonic of winter
air is gone, and milder weather, increased
moisture, accumulated impurities in the
blood and debilitated condition of the
body, open the way for that tired feeling,
nervous troubles, and other ills. The
skin, mucous membrane and the various
organs strive in vain to relieve the im
pure current of life. They all welcome
a aakat .
Not a Success. The editor of this
paper is not a cyclist. More than one
person in Heppner knows that. Yester
day it was demonstrated plainer than
any lesson in "Coin's Financial School."
Geo. Fell came along by Bill John
ston's with bis brand new 15100 wheel,
and it looked so easy to ride it. "Pat"
accepted an invitation to try; the rest
was easy. Going down tbe sidewalk at
a lively paoe, tbe blamed machine got
to going sideways, and before we knew
what was tbe matter Alex Gunn's fence,
the bioycle and several feet of ribs were
mixed up some. The doctor said none
of them were broken the ribs but the
wheel did not fare so well. This all
reminds our reporter of Bill Nye's
experience with a fine bull he was im
porting from Jersey . When Bill tried
to put a new engagement ring in bis
nose be let off a deafening roar aud
mussed tbe American np Rmuoh in the
chest that tbe doctor on board the ship
worked on bim all the afternoon, and
even then there were eight feet more
intestines than be could use. It was
like putting tbe mainspring back into
an old Waterbory WBtoh, be said. Bill
doesn't like anything foreign, anyway,
from a bull down to Osoar Wilde. Any
further intimacy with a bicycle on onr
editor's part will occur iu a 40 acre field.
Change in Business Saturday last
E. W. Rhea, son ot C. A. Rhea, pur
chased the half interest of Harry Warren
in the firm of Horner & Warren, and the
firm will hereafter be known as Horner &
Rhea, who will conduct the business at
the old stand. The public have tried
the old firm aod have not found them
lacking in those business essentials
whioh characterize every popular busi
ness house, and they will find that in the
change the bouse has not lost one whit
of its good standing. Mr. Rhea is a
rleppner boy and was born on Rbea
oreek, this oouuty. He is a steady
youog man of good business qualifi
oa'ions, and the Gazette prediots for him,
as well as his worthy partner, a bright
future. .
Two Lives Saved.
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction
City, 111., was told by her doctors she had
consumption and that there was no hope
for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's
New Discovery completely cured her
a isd she says it saved her life. Mr. Tbos.
Eggers, 139 Florida St., San Francisoo,
suffered from a dreadful cold, approach
ing consumption, tried without result
everything else then bought one bottle
of Dr. King's New Disoovery and in two
weeks was cured. He is natuaally thank
ful. It is bucIi results, of whioh thesa
are samples, that prove tbe wonderful
efficacy ot this medicine in ooughs and
oolds. Free trial bottle at T. W. Ayers,
Jr., drug store. Regular size 50o. aud
Mabbikd in PortIiAnd. Conduotor
Charles R. Miller, ot the O. R. & N. run
between Pendleton and Portland, was
married Wednesday afternoon at 4
o'olook in Portland. Tbe bride was Miss
Allie Gilmore, formerly ot Arlington and
lately a resident ot Portland. Mr. and
Mrs. Miller left Portland today for San
Francisoo to join the thirty days'
exonrsion of tbe Order of Railway Con
ductors. There will be extended very
hearty congratulations to the newly
wedded oonple by tbe numerous friends
of Mr. Milter in Pendleton. Mrs. Miller
is known in Pendleton and Is spoken of
as a very estimable yonng lady. They
will reside in Portland on their return
from the wedding journey E. O. Both
are very well known in Heppner and the
Gazette extends its well wishes.
000 s
to assist Nature at this time when she
most needs help, to purify the blood, tone
and strengthen the laboring organs and
build up the nerves.
" I was not able to wait on mvself and
could not gain any strength until I began
taking Hood's Sarsaparilla about three
months ago. Now I am doing my house
work. My right lung was badly effected,
and in the spring and summer i was very
weak, but Hood's Sarsaparilla has done me
much good and I have great confidence in
it." Mas. E. R. Knight, Tecumseh, Okla.
The Blood
"I have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla and it
has always built up my system, given me
a good appetite and cleansed my blood."
Thomas Kroger, Tulare, California.
That is what our competitors have to
say of
Allixor & Co.
That there is nothing left to out on that
they have reached the bottom on
Ditto the afler-dlnner pill and
a iiu iaiuuy cainaruc.
Notice of Intention.
J Aprils. IMS. Notice is hereby Riven that
the following named settler has tiled notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said nroof will ho imuln
before J. VV. Morrow, county clerk, at Henmier.
Oreuon, on Jnne 8, 1895, viz :
Hd No. 6S51 for the Vi',4 SK1 Kec. 18 and WA
NE4 Sec. 19, Tp 3, 8. of Range '21 E. W. M.
He names tne follow ng witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said laud, viz:
I). A. Herren, A. J. Stevenson, Frank Merrill,
and D. li. Btalter, all of Heppuer, Morrow Co.
3M--10 Register.
Notice Of Dissolution.
partnership heretofore existing between
a D. Horner and H. E. Warren, under the firm
anieot Horner dt Warren, a general nierchsu
ue establishment owned and noinliicttil lu
Heppner, Oregon, hss thlsdiiy been dissolved
muiuai couseni, li. K. warren having
sposed of his interest to K. W. Rhea. Tim
ow firm, to be known as Homer & Rlim.
assumes all Indebtedness., collect all accounts
na continues business at the o i locution In
the First National Bank building, Heppner,
11. E. WARREN.
Heppner, Or., May 4, 1W5. II3 !.
J Or., May (i, !.".
Boldln.Mrs Auguste Tyburn, Mrs Sarah
Markley, John
When ealllnir
When yonr heart pains yon and un
usual palpitation is frequent, accom
panied sometimes with botneet) d
breath and low spirit yon are tufrring
from disordered state of be liver,
digestion is imperfect And there is ind
on the stomach. If allowed to remain
the trouble will ultimately reach 'he
kiilnes and becomes dangernu to life.
Steps should be taken to stay its pro
gress on the appearance of the first
symptoms. Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver
and Kidney Hal in is especially adapted
for disorder of this kind. Price $1 per
In tbe spring, the human body need
assistance to throw off the stagnation
produced by winter diet. A the
temperature rises nnder the growing
heut of the sun's rsvs we feel tired,
halt sick and low in spirits, hecanae tbe
Mood Is sluggish aud full of impurities.
Dr. J. II. Mi L"n's Htrenglhenu g
Uoriiial and mood runner is a reliable
spring remedy to invigorate tbe imdv
and give tone to tbe digestion, rnre
SI per bottle.
Tai Hcnpbeu Kthuskh. When the
westher permits, tbe shearers are bard
at work now. Several crews were in
town yesterday and report tbe sheep
tongber to shear this year than usual,
owing to dry weather which put the wool
into condition to catob the dirt and sand.
The Tone Jnokin ort w, eotnpod of
Tone Jurikins, On fitillmau, Dave
iloldertnsn, Jaa. Grace, Tom Hobool-
craft and Krneat Berwick, have jnt
sheared oat Joe Vey's band cumbering
U.OUO bead. The fl weei were ery
heavy, averaging, prbp, close to
twelve pound apiece. Th WatkiiiS
crew ar now at work on "Judge'
Duttoo's sheep, and if lhwtbf clears
np will soon make short work .r it.
This orew i eornp'Md f lien and Hob
Watkina, Jeff Jon, Mouth (lurch, Rent..
tisnnt, Johnny MoPerri'i, Wm. Mo-
C'r.nsck, Hilly Crauk, liilly Hie art
and Fred Shilling, all bom shesrers.
Wsll lln hardaoii and numerous other
(oral and foreign shearers are busy at
work in the neighborhood, and era long
.i . u ..... n .l- .n i .... i .
shorn and ill start r r summer rang
in tbe Hues aod Greet; In. o.
Hrkkri'r ortna rKtsinaKOT. Ameri
can history, ssys the li.wton Herald, is
frnitful iu the reoord of the failure of
men who have songht tbe presidency of
tbe nation. Siooethe days of Andre
Jackson there has not been an instance
of a nian bn has striven for the f'fBoe
actively for any considerable period in
advance of nomiuaiions who baa been
snoceesful in attaining it. Tbe list of
such seekers is a list ut most eminent
men of their respective eras, beginning
with Clay, Wrlter and Calhoun, It
im lndca further Cass, Douglas, Keward
and Chase, and it ends witb Illaine and
Hherman. Considerations of expediently
have ruled out some of these men; they
defeated Clay and Haward. IVraonal
I rivalries operated to bring shoot tbe
.il-.. ...I... I.t. r..a ..l Itt.i...
lillwiv 111 "igriii, m.i'M i'ipih"
There has been a fatality abont electio
esmli'lste when nomination was
eenred, a Is seen in tne case of Clay
Caas and lilaioe. The ix-ailiou of an
avowed oan.li.iat for lb presidency
lbs most difficult one in wbieb a politi
eian oan be placml
E CLAIM to carry the largest and best
selected stock to be found in this citv.
No Cheap-John goods kept in stock, you can
find them elsewhere.
We boast on the quantity and quality we
handle, but as to our own honesty we have
nothing to say ; we are like the rest of the human
race, born to cheat, misrepresentation and fraud.
Has been re-opened by Mrs. J. B. Sperry who will
conduct it in a strictly first-class manner, with the
view ol pleasing the trade In general.
People from Country Districts will be "
made to feel ut home.
rs a Specialty ! Popular Prices!
Free 'Bus for Customers to and
from all trains.
MRS. J. B. SPERRY, Lessee.
for these letters please say
J. I". Wii.i.um, 1'. M.
He ke Brocery
To Mike Hiss lively !
ix the mil r.itv Tuu.K,
And nfier their new Invoioe r.f Tea and
Oilfe at (it i lie that will inske a sense
Ilia Willi" llouae Ijrwerv fames
Fancy and Htila ( iroreriea. Wood and
YVillnwware, (ilasro and Crockery
and linsare.
Vrtue. I.
Arid !!.( alio are all lir l out and
j bavs thai tired Miug ut sick bdcb
tesn tt fell 1 1 all tbes)Uiottjs iy
, Ukina II 'Kid's rWsapsrilia, bk'lt givrs
, A?M.Ui. ""i" TV,"4 VhT oette. ei.Ul an I bl,ly aire.tfit. and
year M slarr r.ir sale should see Ham !
k iu.n.t n.h., . i tb.ifotitfl.ly btiriH the I.Ih-. It aUo
WrKsrUod Mrpar.lU Co., Lav
hai.rf'd ti.xir ba'iui to an alwilnts
ll'rfd" IMIs mtm av lo , ra.y In
1liir rtr eoratafa ilb the l".. I setn.n and nre in ff-rt.
Dr. J. II. Mclean's Hiratigil.n.ln
('..filial and liliK.d 1'unll-r la admit sidy
a ll lf. tornik"a little bradb it'
lona ." It rnralive t.wrr
IhfK.d stlrilmlal.U It I1 slimulstit,
tnic snd nntritive tiriartiMi, by hirb
the en'riff of tbe )! TO I fnruilr..
It I lla.ar.t to the ta,eilx Ixirt.e an
It. stomach snd harmless nnder (rfo
li.b.l n. 1'noe 1 1 l ir lottle.
lliflieet .rirMe .aid f-r rHointrf tire
dure in einbatig for k-hhI. .Nr giMid
arrivinit daily.
Call and siamin to m fur tonraclf,
"lt iloor to tl.e til t.l.lel,
Heppner, Oregon.
ere. a k l si illia.eufr lu i(ftion
bi arlburn and iti ia.
scales' aria aJ.
Tb Wat salts in tbe fld fo eqta.
ftoiiaa, fWra. I'll', Hall li.in.,
'f , i'ettf. Col td Hand.
I In alnc.f .f oi. '.
e .rrhinaMfi ,.f ea.pr ea n a l
i. ii. . iW).l ail ktt
Sat I. ka apfi'iia Ime 'f.
d. Nt)stlJi loie f"qiiry I fii.e
sine the rsln snd tb Isrmei's fo are
ot l lobs' a th7 '.
C ti n H ?. V, H. A ,Mn I .,
('I. ; '!.!. (,si'll. iir t, l I
t'. f.'t l,..n'il I, lt f I tlml
il I d ln a jr s"' l." I'rx ti .
T. V. A)t. if.
Vii ! f t It.i ! e.Uis.
" . 1 n-.ii n.l Fri'lus.. fftiiti.,!
HOW II K T Ot T or IT.
Wfeirg, I kno o i: not
like it, bnt I shall bate t ttt lQ to
t 'p si !,' i. I hiatib II. i t'i" i.f
; r ihV.n "
I ll'i.'iaii l (ntluitMllr -""Not like
'il' Wbr, the tl that MfVM ll.at
a.qnir I th not baeilrblbtt,
:l I, 111 ertfd"
! Wife-'tia h. I thottttbt, I ll.uk
I II (- M)7'
o o
t"i d c i"
v, Vi vy
m-.J 10:
QiTicial Predictions
zy tirno may be elpected at Ben
lIuDBukor'n, followed by a regular
rycloue of low prices that will
swoop all opiMisition before it.
Showers of purchitHers will follow,
Buccoedod by a general clearing
IteHidoM a K(,neral line of (jroeer
Ich, IluuHiikcr carried Tinware,
Wood and Willow Ware, GlaHs
ware and Crockery, Cigars, Tobac
cos, CoiifectionaricH, Etc.
Old Blackman Stand
(HurrrMMir to Ji-rrjf Dihn,)
IJ. A. IlUNSAKEll, Prop.
Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for
Cash Only.
AttornuyN fit
u KITS Kit,
Taf IW,
All bulnMMi ettndrd to In a pmtaitt and sat lf actor
manner. Nolariee 1'nl.lw and Ci.llir.fs.
ltillUtU4l.alse. ' ,U. kh.(, 1. , AjUt.'l , I, .at-
t -n av A lt.'.f'-ul,l,fa. i-te
tt 1 1 .? 1 bill - ; 19,
, 4 I l.l titiil ! In tiilti- la I f
!- I'. Il.kef, snd I j 11 tli asiiaal
J. l , l tilM os thai SJlll bill. 4
a f t-'tea it a ll eb-n a
.f tas r il '
CI CUnC isTmaftr.
M V w IIWUriTto a ino.
ftla..4lliMUU IHf
..a b .. .
t. Aiir..
' lfl.l.i'i:!
Oee Miimmi l-wtU in
W. L Douglas $3 & $4 Sloes
All our shoe art equally Mtltfattory
!hf a Sa alM Ik mmmwf,
mmI a la . I a4 t.
Jf .miiim w..ml,
VM ba aw.WM w.iM4 n
f r-wai .a t a .fcf
, U fM 't. tM-1 J
1 Xf .tJ
i , r
li!rr tt'iH j !;,, ei !...!;, ,
klalUl. AtttMll4. 'i IIHN
Land Patents
Land patctil actjred for m-ttlert in Iho lifrttt jxniMe tim.
Contested Cases
Cent. td cmi a itilclligi t.t!y atid skilSfully l.iitil!. d.
Old Claims and Disputes
OKI rlaiina and disputi-s sjm i-dily m ttlcl.
)Ma Individual l.atnif Hft.Hn Una rlaim ntUt tl.e sir' (en ll.rel land
). and Hi' betaien eUirnat.te ntd.f the Miiefl e n I arienliofal
eUimani; an I Ui Iwla-mn 'titni'.t i lr uf l lit .i.imi'' ln I ! and tt.a
Uirf-l erft aii an I It.r if irm.lo., end tl.e 'aii Stl tl.' ir urtblers, Under
i.s heni. I,nd and H-ti h. ln llfaeia,
hlftsllf n.a-1 i f M .iritia a'tH in the lilt I ail l Itii. f r Settlers
h'll.ate r.mi-lird il li aiiUr al.irh ll.rir ei.liw- re ma.U, snd bo
are S'.l .-! Slid ai.ffK I i f .1. 1) In the aai nl llielf .tt,ta, e(n bt 1 lllliuj
Iff. fn'fHi Kiel, ran tm d and lr fefiM.-d
A'lviee aia-i in ail n.aller telatliis' t '',' l'l. elallf nn
I'.ii.f ria.f-st aa-lff ! tie7 ebtch I feiljr (M-d .ruvt.liii foe
It, iiia i.t II. ul.lm ! n.ain.
If .nt ...f la. I lei.t la tiff If fnt land Imainena, nf
Srt rl.ataft'.f, a'ter. I I bt el illlul l I riilfrl ti.-f ti-j , and r..ii,i llf d,s
a. I f( tllUlii
Jons Vi i mm i'1'i'i-N, C,f . Man,,
r.u. ti i.jns,
Vi aibii-li4. U Oi