in the Talue of silver, everything else will meet it relatively, except gold, and its purchasing power will at no time fall below what it was in the palmy days of the double standard. Isn't this fair? MB. STEVENV OPINIONS. From The Dalles Chronicle. A gentleman named Stevens, the inventor of the roller process tor making floor, was in tbe city from Monday coon until midnight. There is no particular significance to this statement, other than a wish to use him as an illustration The Gazette acknowledges the of the oiroumsoribed area in whioh a receipt of a copy of the thirty- B mAD' i(1ea8 my eb Bnd flow BD(1 be -,. l ,.. t iun T iUr.., sansrsotory. Mr. Stevens man f hi m n i n , s Association ot Portland, Oregon. It is one of the solid and worthy j iubtitutions of the metropolis. WIVES EASILY OBTAINED. in South America, were discovered hy How Charity ulruTGln in Marriage 1 an Indian who was in pursuit of an OTIS PATTERSON, A. W. PATTERSON, COIN A HARD is a wealthy man, having sold his patents, and is now traveling over the oouutry, partly to see the scenery, and partly in search of audiences that will absorb bis ideas and not talk back. Mr. Stevens Eli Perkins is getting funny 18 V "' raD,d- ue ,alliea 10 a over in Colorado and other West- . , ,. Editor em states, and according to him iD five minuteB than the oraziest silver- Business Manager the silver men are all fools and he ite could invent in a century. ? is the same smart Eli. A well Mr- Stevens stated that in the East I fvn B,i.. . l.J u. R ANTAGONIST, versed silver advocate will never I luo 0,1,01 '"" rep. uu. u , j j-j. jil per cent ot tne voters, wnue toe poia bugs represented 95 per cent of the rjy Mr, remns, ana in turn mey votinK population. He stated that can take his arguments and flay before the present administration was him alive. ohosen 812,000,000 had been subscribed for building factories on fox river, PRESIDENT CLEVELAND, in his Wisconsin, Mr. Stevens' borne, but that The Oraconian has tackled "Coin's Financial School" and has made a sorry job out of it. In an endeavor to show that a new measure was made for silver, as compared with gold, when the letter to the governor of Mississip- the 80heme w abandoned, and now ratio of 15 to 1 was increased to pi says plainly what means that he JVi! er fl7 "vexed b.y 12.- 9 n 1 . n,,i 1 l ' 11 c ! 1 1 1 . . 000,000 worth of dams, mills and 1G to 1 in 18,34, it ignores the fact know8 more about money than all mHohirjery down to Oshkosh. "Why," that the amount of pure silver in the rest of the democratic party, said Mr. Stevens, "Fox river has a fall the dollar remained the same i!rom an(j aj other parties thrown in, f eighty-tive feet in thirty-three miles, 1792 to 1873, and that at all times Lnd that if his appointees don't rnd is lliT"er thBD your river here-" the value ot silver and those Btar,d "up to the rack," they must . . t v TT ... lit . . , statements, and after listening to bun imngB useu to uuy money WHi expect to officially Jose meir Heads. for a fbW moment8 we n0 loilBer doubt. relatively the same, with the single 'his is a pretty pass, indeed, but ed bis first statement that be was an exception of gold as bullion for a the Oregonian will commend it. inventor, only he bas not retired from Bhoit period, but as the double Cleveland Rnd Scott belong to the business, aranrlnril wm in use it marie nn nfH.unl.. to Tl,J Mr. Stevens probably repeats what he , ,, , i 10 U4""DW""- believes concerning tbe proportion of real diflerence. And from the fact fomer is no more the representa- siiver Bnd goid advocates as be has seen that gold was the only exception tive of the principles of Jefferson them. He forms his conclusions from in the matter of relative values, it and JackBon than is the meanest the opinions of those he oomes in con. was but just and right that the Innsv reservation Indian tact with, and as thBt class is his own, number of grains in a $10 piece . . wettltby PePlw' their belie,B would -.M-,iM,l t oAll to consumptives. probably be in the proportion stated. W0.0iDUuUW.u -x.a u.Lunvt . The trouble with Mr. Stevens' rating is pure gold to 2.32 grains of pure The undersigned having been restored that he only meets a class representing gold. This left the ratio in exact to health by simple means, after suffer- eny one per cent of tbe voting popu figures, 16.045 ounces of silver 'J !. Ninety-five per cent of that one worth one ounce of gold. In 1837 sumption, is anxious to make known to Per oeDt Bre 8old bW; but ot the 99 Per ... , 11 his fellow sufferers the means of cure, cent that Mr. Stevens did not meet the iuo 4 uiiuuy ul pui b gmu iu an Xo th(me wno deHire it be win ch(wf ,. peroeDtftBe doe8 oot ran tilat way bu eagie was increaseu 10 zoi.z grains, y ". 're uuurtje, copy uhub pre- rBtber direotiy oDDcsite I unrintifin iiuhiI artiinh fhnv xa' flnrl a leaving the ratio as it exists now, Lnre oure for Consumption .Asthma. 0- Free silver is the issue for the next 10 to 1, or to be exact, 15.988 tarrh, Brouchitis and all throat and lung campaign, and we lose our guess if it ., , tii maladies. He hopes all sufferers will does not win. as the snorts rhv "hands nnncfifl or silver to one of told 1.. ..:!..! i....ui u. u,eBUU w'u ub tpris say, ubuub o iihh nin rwuiwuy hh i ih iuviuaum. iuuhh But as stated beforo, the amount desiring the prescription, which will oost to Deserrlngr Italian Feasants. At the far end of Naples lies the lit tle church of Santa Maria Annunziata, which, once a year, on the day of Our Lady, wakes up into a brief life and excitement. In a silent row before a high altar kneel thirty girls, all in black garments, with folded hands, and eyes fixed on the picture of the Madonna before them. These are orphans from the neigh boring foundling asylum, says the Chi cago Inter Ocean, and once a year those who have reached the age of eighteen are brought here to the church and may be chosen in marriage by any honest man whose papers are in order and whose character is good. At the door leading to the sacristy leans a gray-haired priest, the head of the asy lum. By and by a young man makes his way from the back of the church and hands him a packet of papers. These the priest reads carefully, and, being satisfied, he gives them back and leads the candidate toward the row of girls. Their eyes are fixed more steadfastly than ever on the altar, their hands are clasped tighter together, their faces turn a shade paler, their hearts beat quicker as the young man walks slowly along the row. At last he stops; his choice is made. He stretches out his hand with a little smile. The girl rises, casts a long look, half thanks, half entreaty, at the picture of the Madonna, puts her hand into that of the stranger, and together they disappear into the sacristy. The ice being thus broken, other suitors come forward. antelope. lie was climbing the steep slope of a hill and seized a busn to neip himself up. The plant gave way and he started to fall backward, but by a For Thin Children. Children are always thin and pale when they do not assimilate enough fat. This seems strange, perhaps, desperate effort saved himself, and, it is literally true. Unless there is a neaiiii ab- falUng forward, cut his nose against aj .n f f fc f d h00& becomes depleted, -?ie geof to-8tew if Slfw awav. vitality becomes low.and the body Stopping to stanch the flow of blood, u: 1 L :.. ! il. ,1 ,ii :iu uijwiiiiK, uu iiiHjr )riive n wrumuK, ul yma mivi-i iu urn uunui w,n p(1HH() R(1(lrP1(l(,( Khv EDWARD A remained the same up to 1873. WILSON, Brooklyn, N. Y It cannot be denied that the demonetization of silver in 1873 junll-w. down." It will be as the Columbia to Fox river, Wisoonsin, even though Mr. Steven's ideas of that creek are some what exalted. What is the "Waverley?" caused a decline, so-called, in the Watch for it. is coming. An Entertainment. Tbe young peo ple of the . E. Epworth Leaue are preparing a drama in five acts, entitled, "Millie the Quadroon" which will be presented to tbe amusement-loving peo value ot silver as compared with Hee the new spring ml of tbe White the standard, gold. On the other u"UHe U'ooery hand, if the subject is investigated Fr""k Walerbury is over frnra Long ve f Ueppner and vicinity at the opera it will bo noted that while silver t, , . t . I'"ue iu the near future. This drama , r. m ; : 11 ,i . Alex Oralmra was in Saturday night pictures life as it was before tbe civil nun i.(iiiiiu iu in ivv, tin Dunn iiuui'n rom tne lower conutry. i , . , 1, 11 , , lumouwni u.iuny. war, Bud shows to what depth of degre. imvo Kiimu iu u&u 1.ii1..i.u.mi, jr yon want the nest tiioyc'e on eartb, dtion mankind will stoop. It baa a that nothing has grown more WRlt for tue "Waverley." good moral and should be witnessed by valuable as compared with trold ns . M- u?y. WM. ,n .rr?ra Monument every one. Tbe cast of characters ii I?.: 1 1 u,.i....l.... , monev except the bullion of which ' " ... made up of a number of those who ap U iu .. I .Pi.. M.iJ.VTr"' ",Vl111" were P P-ared a short time since in Ih. drain v ......... v.... ...vf.vr, iij in 1 rnill IjHT in irr (in VfR Hr MV, POliclUHlvcly IU Ills puhllcatloiiH. Dim Hornnr lias gonp down to Hacra With this claim established tlie m,,,,tl) to work Ht u, BB,,lllu b,IMiueM rpwt in piiHV. l'lirt, of th lnlinf John Onrdts Ims bnught sixteen head , , , , , . 1 . , of draft linrHiiH for the drive lo Moutaua, ticrforninil bv tn M inimt ih (iikon . .. , . , "How Jeremiah Jndkins Became iroin 11 mid given 10 ns iornmr Itieh" will be continued in our next lwtu. co-worker, silver, that the standard The "Waverley- is th hiulient of all may come buck to where it was in fri"10 tioyol, but does not ot - I Q t Jlik 1ST.'! 11M1I tin Hint tlin priulitiir in in. I . . . , k. , . A J ITnoiH Billy Miller, of Hiilem, father (ii urn iiii.iii-y nun 1110 Ui-oior (r Mr. Frank Kellogg, u improving in plannl in a position to pay, winch ",',UUl FIRST STRIKE ON RECORD. a "Out in the Streetx," iu conjunction witb a number of other local aotors. This is a profenHiotial play, whereas the one given before was ho amateur. It will ie oarefully rehearsed before being pre sented and promise to bo a grand suc cess, lime 01 presentation two hours and thirty minutes. Further particulars will be published iitlie near future. Roman Flute Players, II. C. 300, Successful ly Resented Exclusion from a llunquct. Livy, in his famous book, "The An nals," ix., 30, relates in the following suggestive words the story of a singular strike which occurred at Rome in the year 300 li. C, and was probably the first strike ever known: "That year occurred an event lit tle worthy of being related and which I would pass in' silence had it not ap peared as involving religion. The flute players, dissatisfied because the latest censors had forbidden them to take part in the banquet in Jupiter's tem ple, according to the ancient custom, withdrew, every one of them, to Tibur, so that nobody was left at Rome to play during the sacrifices. This inci dent shocked the religious sentiment of the senate, and the senators sent messengers to invite the inhabitants of Tibur to make every effort in order that the players should be restored to the Romans. The Tiburtines, having promised not to neglect anything necessary for that purpose, caused the flute players to come to the place where the senate met and exhorted them to go back to Rome. Seeing that they could not prevail upon them to do so they employed a stratagem in keep ing with their character. On a day of festival, under the pretext that music would increase the joy of the feast, every citizen invited the flute players individually to his house, and wine, of which people of that profession are usually fond, was given to them in such quantities that they fell into a deep sleep. They were thrown into wagons and transported "to Rome They only became aware of what had happened on the day after, when dawn surprised thein' lying on the carts, which had been left in the forum. A large crowd had assembled and they were induced to promise that they would rcmaiu at Rome. The right of attending the buuqucts wus restored to these flute pluyers." he chanced to look at the stone which had done the damage, when, to his as tonishment, he perceived it was almost pure silver. This story may be apochrvphal, but a taie wnicn comes from Mexico is tolerably well authenticated. Ac cording to this narrative, one of the richest mines in that land of mineral wealth was found by a rabbit. An Indian was hunting rabbits, and his dog chased one to a hole in a hillside. The Tndian hesitated for a moment whether to dig out the rabbit he had seen enter or go in pursuit of another. Determining Anally that one rabbit in a hole was worth more than half a dozen on a rocky hillside, he got a spade and went to work. Before he had turned over half a dozen spadefuls of earth he had for gotten all about the rabbit, for he made the thrilling discovery that he was handling almost solid silver. The man dropped his spade and ran to his employer with the intelligence, the latter returning with him to the spot to see for himself and verify the dis covery. The rabbit escaped; at least it is supposed it did, for it enters no more into the story, but its memory is preserved in the name of the mine, Which, being translated into English, signifies the "Rabbit's Den." It would have been well for the Indian if he had escaped when the rabbit did, for, according to the story, the poor fellow was murdered by the Spaniard, who desired to keep the secret of the mine and was afraid that the Indian might reveal it and the gov eminent might step in and claim either the whole or a large part of the pro ceeds, languishes for the need of proper nourishment. Scott's Emulsion is useful to children, especially in two ways. It is Cod liver Oil emulsionized, thus being easily assimilated and rendered palatable, with the Hypophosphites. of Lime and Soda added to tone up the nervous system and nourish the bones. This combination of these potent t thin children need to irivo them aesh, color and vitality. Almost all children hue u. Don tbe persuaded to accept a suostituloi Scott & Bowne, New York. All Druggists. 50c. mid Si. The Die-est gives an account of some experiments on the effect of alternat ing electric currents on animal organ isms, described in a paper read before a recent medical congress at Rome, It aly, and which corroborate the views of D'Asonval, relerred to recently, ine current used was an alternating one, and it was found that animals sub jected to from fifteen hundred to two thousand volts were not easily killed, and that death resulted mostly from asphyxia caused by the sudden stop' natre of respiration. Frequently breath' ing started again spontaneously, and the animal recovered completely. In no case was there any physiological change noted, though in a few there were mechanical lesions, in themselves cause for death. This further confirm' at.ion of D'Arsonval's formula, "A man shocked by electricity should be treat ed as if drowned," renders it still more important that the electrician should make himself acquainted with the prop er means of resuscitation from the er fects of electric shock. ' - VU1 NO LTO"1""" "V 11 TalRIug Tftroiig His Hat! The man who talks through his hat is everywhere in evidence very objection able evidenoo it is, too, in most oases. Tbe man of intelligence oovers his cranium with one ot IT. T. K. HOWARD'S fine straw hats, which is in itself a sign of prosperity and good taste. He also buys his groceries, gents' fur nishings, stockmen's supplies, etc., Bt T. R. HOWARD'S. Mr. Howard makes a speoialty in those things required by sheep and cattlemen. Kemember the plaoe, ..mmrrn HEPPNER BLOCK, Main St., Four doors south of the Uty hotel. Bill's Pills MAY NOT BE ON SALE ATmi SLOCUM-JOHNSTON DRUG CO.'S STORE But there are hundreds of reliable brands of pure drugs, and tbe trumpet never proclaimed more welcome news to the public Pure drugs mean that no bad results follow treatment by physician. 8 mm di go PHlIt( COII3V, 1 Top. ..11 . .1 . Ml I in mii'iiy iii)tNKiiuti ho long hh gold, ami iiornsHiirily ilclitrt, ri'ipiiro nioro every tiny to luy tlio Htiuuliirtl money. If tlio foIluj pnpprs fall no utterly luinl in a few ilweoiinecteil comments on "Coiu'h Fiuiuiciul tSi'liool" ami iptotiitionrt from mime, what munt tlm renult lie if they hIioiiI.I pulilisli tlin IxMik in chapters for theeilifkition of their reader, with coimnentH tlieitxni. It would produee a ryeloue in favor of liinii'tiillistn and they know it, and dare not do it. HONORARY DEGREES. IrH retnarkaMe, even funny, to eo the Orepmiau and iU ad mirer admit the iiet'eNnity for the u He uf silver iiHhtimdnr.l money !y "international ai eminent," and then in tin' M'line lireutlt defend the ninnle pild htHiidiird and te- dare that it in a jnxt Mnndard of luertwureand that ptiee have fallen because of over-production, ete. One thine certain, if the lant AMcrtiou in true there in no iim fur nilver, further than n token money, and tho d-mand for free coinage under Urn imtiiti re. . t . : . 0 ; . . Mrieiiou m iiiiertiaiiouul pi r- llllBo!t w utterly tlele Why The Valno of a Krlmil Oirhi'lm. I.M. ''Vnr nir nix tn I .Tim. Irf'itlifl Inn been "irxipninii" with .... i. 1.1...1 .n. :....:.. IIIH rout (if lllA tllllllllullilfl fill A fftftl I r ... ... , - , . , .. I.I.. .. WfcKff paHt I n,,tl 'linil'rcv null in lllirii unnuiu lif . .. . , Wink. At llic HilKk-eHtlnii of a Iriend 1 Lawrmwe Hwim'Ii name in from tlin . . . .... .Inhii Day oouutry Friday f .r frniuht for "''" Iuim .-r, , ami am Pt'le CariH. now rre or irn ir.miiicn. iiurriiein 1 inriiniMi. lour uriiiiiKiii 'il 11 in liitn to no IupvpIh talk until yon ixiwdcr to bs lknii div. or mnda into a ft,... ft, II' .-I H 1. ! 1 L . I " " iinvr uri-ii inn i nvtr li'j , wim i will ot ph. ia lletipiier tuoti. Sen the tirt and Imirtli rmtfHi of tin I M .hkiki.. At llm homii of Mr. and (Ui'tld Honin of th l.ioul bnppeuingi t....i... i .1.1. 1... u.. liiv at I ii'nlm k Win. K. llrnniii. of Henry lUpimnr hm pal Lmn KW. ..,,,., ,, MlM nnr,u ;vi, of clip in iri."H, IihIci Mud itartvd It pant- I , ., . ,, ... , . waid. mi ill lillllilicr. iiuunin rmuiiy, ikv. aiikiiii eiiu-iiui'iK. S... l)r,Hk.ll i. !.......! nnl ""'y f,w rrieinU ami rltivM of the (lUrk canyon runcbagmo. iiid will ir cmtiactintf partiM wer pfMi'nl An lilt attonlmii to funning. iirnprmt wr.l.luirf .lituirr wm ftlnu on Kvurv pari of lh "Wivirlev" in "I lh fnnturM. Mr. lVnbla ii a brothrr guiraiiiiiil lo I utiiiiiiMtlHi iiittrrnKlb, of Mr. Mi'aduw and Mr. Frank AJkiui and U wo1 1 known iu Una county, while iltliHliihty atiil wiirkiintimhip, Mi Kdith l'l'tter bail tnia called limiii' bv i!ii lllitf of liir m titer. Mra, Si. II. rotter, of ilnod Itm r. Tim Ucppnor W. V. T V. rfmlina rnm ha lnen iniivi'd In Ilin l.lelilrnttial litiil.ling, I'l i'inil.i Ilia t'ujr tnili-1, hi 111 Piiltller linn eCIr( d IU demriid ll 1 M Nl tica. of ln'p and will on tiaf On drit ready Ie atari F.adward. .I,m V17, 1 h llnller crk h''tman. a otr ypaler.lay and I diairniia iif diRKiiiii of imiiw liwi llim ppritig. X ttr I Daininni;!, alio iim. n Iw alili V .1 MaMri, la baek from II nniaiil and wilt alioitly alarl mil pr".rclinrf. Tin re r a iiniiiUf uf ni in Viiillelin wIhi t aurry. irjf mtttf, ihxy did hut wail fur Ilia 'Wavrrlry.' Mr t.upi Aildilna will a.llifaa lb ii!pl of llaidman HaliirdiV rucmnif Krii, and Hun,,r ruxruiug i. 11 u'elnck lliea f Fitfhl MiU tVlilrr. Ilr-ioa MallifW for alitln, liaif. i iiiiiinc. hant.Miinf and all ullirr work iIim biida ia well and fatorahly known in Oilliam eotinly. Mr. an I 5trt. Detinii will .K'al m lliti cily, be having accrpt rnl a pixutinn In Mradowa A Serivurr'a tilat katnttb aliop. Tb (latiU tbewera ('oti(raliitalliinii en Mr. and Mrt IVnnia, tailing thiMu a bappr aud t'u'(rout hli. .ilic - All iiraa and ativrrliaiog mailer nnil raeh thia nfftca md lar Ibaa Mundajr irnun for l'iir.U' lnnip, and tint la'er titan Thiiraday BHn ft r Frulav't imu. Tba chapk uf Ira n lint run jera Una rula Impi rau and il ill It a llirrrd Ie tu evnry Irtalaoea. nait drcatli detiumdiiii; the ue of ailver aa titli lnti motley if lla ltat lia. Halt a al any I 11. a .lurintf 11 1 .. .. I tiumiiM bnan. I', M. Joltrt, allanl, KoM la jfa.I eitoii-li and auppliea tlm tlemaiidn of our country? Tlie fact ia nliiiitteil that pdj ha KaM'i Vat, t liar f tnr l' .iiirXi,n, rrgtilal year Uiattta and make inr la. clir lur arrit Ja a Thfra will t a oar lead of imports! j. k arrif Ia Arling. ta,, on Frtdajr. May 10, I They a III U at Ual Hoe l a alabla for a few data aflr Ibrir arrival, and will Im i ti al by J, W. Magntr. llravy oil brtika lietMia aill ) tak'B ia t afl ill tnntf yonrj (,,r j,rk.t A Vii.. Tlmaa Whan They Wera Ileatowad Vpon I nwlllliiK SulijiTtn. It la to tic aupposed, "in tbe judg ment of charity," ut least, that col lege degreea are never conferred in them. dnj'H except iih they are deserved. Thia tiaa not always la-en true, how ever, and partly for this reason, partly, perhaps, out of a feeling of modesty, some, men have shunned honorary titles almost as earnestly as others have coveted them. Speaking aliout this aulijcct, the llostou Watchman rjivs: Judge 1'eters Is authority for the statement that after l.a Fayette bad la-en made a doctor of laws by one of our colleges, Huron Stiila-n was in great feiir lest he should meet with a siiinlur mishap. Having to pas through acid- lego tiwn where the inariiiiis hud la-en thus distinguished, the old warrior baited his men and thus addressed them: "You shall spur do burse veil, and ride trial de tiwn like do mischief, for. If doy catch you, dey make one dm tnr of you. The tough old aoldier had nu mure respect fur uoh a distineiiun than bis eimiitrvmim. Hutidet, who refused to accept the degree uf doctor of music fiHitn (furd. "Vat. frowr niv nmiiey away f.r (tat tle bUa khead'i visit! 1 no rant to be vuii doctor." Tltt-ru i a atury that nut lung ago, when college degreea were watterei s. nnr what lavishly, an llhUrnte rich limn, having la-en linitured withude gree by a eullego whleli he had laid un tier ibligutiiiii, niade a wager that b ruitld idit4tu a almi'.ar huimr f ir hi servant. II.- mi the wager, and. encourage by bis siitH-e-m, made another that he nil.l ul. tain a degree fur bUlmrse This titue, however, lie lat. The e lege authorities gut w tttd of bis game, and. In auvtr tu hU letter requesting a doctoral for and . tbe presideu wrote a courteous ttute. sjulng that though the trusteea vtert- vt rv anaiou lo oblige ao gil a friend of then lege, they had found on rxi.iuiimti. of the rrconta that llmiigh they bad one colt f rrvd a degree upon a Jiteka tin re sit no precedent for cotiferrtiig t!te upon a ln-re. In Mr. Montague's "Tales of Nomad" he says that in the old the lioer seldom used his pen when he did there was a regula motion in the house. "Hush. Be quiet all of you. Drive out the ducks and the geese, and the pigs and the fowls. Father is going to write his name." And then the old gentleman, with el bows souared on the table, would seize the pen with a flourish, and put ting on a determined look, as H he were going to tackle an adversary, would bend down his head until it nearly touched his loft arm, write his name with many a splutter, and then, throwing down the pen and pushing the chair, would look round with an air of mingled pride and resignation and say: "1 have done it." risen Ul ltirehnlli.i Istaer mice ' aa a belt. -i.V. :.',. an I Hohl I r nilver n th uiuii. tied and the r' W' " Jf . . i Slurknirn - nil r, tlx J .1 n ptICta ff llutart things M-l , ,f .ii,,, !,. (.,,. ttnlral puichastt money have fallen in i ,,, t'" ctwk.on iba Hill tt!kt- .ttftP fonactjnom-e, and the only ay . iivo thrt delt'ir and pivtt the creditor lrttk dollar for dollar, r-ijtinl in lu tt4 capacity t.i Ihe fine of 17.1, ia tu n ti,t ailver mil ciihniico it t ulti", aa coin- phred Villi o h, I ) iliCteli. ,14 ita ileiiiai?-! in lltn riip'n if) f -r whidi I MiHhy iu l;s liif,;,,'" MilJ.U CftiUiiU WU iUtitl ti'l Ur, ai d II li rnl ,na fi ,"41 rf bati l. I V.i. 1 r .ii, -I Una Ii, ; Uati. Ili 'iitin tmi Mw hittpta', lln Mirf and M'irottuoni, amtleg rvary day I Minlay i. rsn dty ri-'-l I 'Mt lav, hti.ittpat a I Cnr.p I r'l r..iilt l.l II, inlrnir. P. l Ii,i aifi-nl. S IN TtoMtUy vii Ing Mfa lti l A I I' n ditura .t a 1 k In iba Uh ra.-f lr(inr a i, M el.ittfri. at.. o U.'r-ralav t-tiig Mia. A I l i a itl bttj I a i- .-.ia al It ! it t.f u. u, i; iit, ii t .r c tut) 1 1 iti n mi ii. I S YOU SHOULD PpPP For a "big feed" when you come to Heppner and stop at the CITY HOTELS Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms ! Airs, 101x1 Bradley, Prop. There is a species of fish in the In dian ocean which have a very remark able peculiarity," said a Philadelphia naturalist. "1 his fish ia provided with a short snout, which it uses very much as a MMirtNinan uses a gun. Swimming lose iH-neath the hurfuce of the water, it waU-hes the flies Hitting about di rectly overhead, and having mdected one to ita fancy, suddenly thrusts its head out of the water, and with un erring marksmanship discharges sev eral drops of water at its victim. Con fused, and with its wings drenched and rendered temporarily useless by the watery projectiles, the Insect drops to the surface of the water, where it is gobbled up bv its voraciou enemy These fish are said to be able to bring down a fly in this manner from the height of two or three feet." Here are THREE POINTS Which we wib you to llemembor : FlusT. We Keep HARDWARE Kkcond: We offer it CHEAP Tiuni: We ell FOR CASI We are enabled to pve mote for a dollar than the naual iK.llar'i worth." The Kentucky 1 u Jack, 1 1 SHIS Jack, formerly the property of C. S. Kirk & Sons, will stand the Season at Willis Stewart's Sal, Heppner. Terms made known on application. J. R. SIMONS. Our Iteputnticm for a raooit miner. I IIIU Anln.l 14 In.ltM la fvrlan Im sir. The fstivHi silver mine uf l,il.i, GILLIAM cS: hishep: Main Street, Heppner, Or. mm wrupow f, M MVMI art ta tatsttv ai unit T P.llf lirurvMxetaret tfmm L KiOWia aJ I4U1 t r. rn t-i. (ret. K0 H0SSffi2CT f M ta If . h(t, it, VMM MKAPOWS & SCHI.VNER, Have tuHvI. A. M (lunn in th I'laeaamitbii g ltuainea an I are jireimrtHl Ut . all kiiula uf BLRGKSmilHIHG. BEPfllRlHS HP HQRSESHQEIHG. A i-Ml IH-p rw U ttjnfi't$.lft. !iitt..i ';Jii-1. I'ltJ M 1. it 1 '.4 ia taof. MAIN yiUKKT. Ut. . llKlTKK.l. 1. V) u o i 2 0 H C m (I) be 0 UR COMPETITORS arc doin- their best to reach our mark hut thev can't do it till they adopt our principle of selling only First Class Goods at I Ionest Prices. Wc don't claim to he the cheapest house on earth but we do try to deal honestly with all. ( heap K..W ari dear at any r-rie, atnl our tea r th teat that th rnouey will lay. iK.u t forget th place. 1. O. THOMPSON COMPT. , )Mmm NOTARY PUBLIC ,u iiuuuuouu 00NVEYAN0ER AC