Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 03, 1895, Image 3

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    Take Notice.
1. The Burn of five cents per line will be
?harged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," HbU of weddinn presents and donors,
iiid obituary notifies, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
aotices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
jntertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
,eut a line. These rules will be strictly adher
isd to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
lpon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
ponsible for his or her communication. No
.orrespondence will be published unless the
writer s real name is Bigned as aa evidence of
ood faith.
. ing Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange,
inn Francisco, is onr authorized agent. This
paper is kept on file in his office.
Give your business to Heppner people,
2nd therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek,
John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows :
tvery day at 6 a. m., except Sunday.
Arrives every day at 6 p. m., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
Phill Conn, Agent.
Chas. McDowell and Frank Roberts,
who room ai the City hotel, were sud
denly awakened yesterday morning
about 5 o'clock, to tbe fact that they
were heing "touched off." However, aa
both had fortunately made a deposit tbe
previous evening, they turned over and
were soon asleep, leaving tbe uninvited
truest to ritie their pooketa at leasure.
This is tbe boys' report cf tbe affair,
though Porter Hay m an, who is authority
on botel rules and regulations, according
to "Marquis de Queen Lil," olaims that
it was Bimply a case of John Barleycorn
getting in the wrong room.
You can get the best beer
a a in Heppner at G. B. Ted
rovve's, 5 cents per glass. 4 a
If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc.,
call at Ted's
City Hotel Bar!
Here and There.
return to
Don't overlook Johnny Hager for good
M. M. Briarly is over from Grant
Try Spray's hams and bacon, tbe best
in town.
Spray's pressed beef, something Dew,
fine for luuohes.
Ayers guarantees his poison. Only
82.50 per dozen. tf.
Photographer Dowe will
Heppner in July.
W. A. Johnson returned from a brief
visit below Monday night.
The Niles-Vinson, Marble
Walla Wulla, Wash.
Attend the free leotnre tomorrow
evening by Hon. VV. R. Ellis.
Born To the wife of Joe Hayes, of
this city, Tuesday last a boy.
Albert Carsnr and Owen Parden are
over from the Wagner country
If you don't see what you want, "ask
for it, remarked China to Japan.
The Weekly Sun and tbe Gazette $2.75
per year, both stnotly in advuuoe.
Mrs. Hiok Mathews has been quite
eiok, though she is now convalescent
Rev. Jenkins has been holding
protracted meeting down at Lexington
John Scotland returned to Heppner
Tuesday evening after an extended ab
Now is tbe time to kill squirrels; and
Swaggart'i "Sure Shot" is the stuff to do
it with. tf
Win. Dunn and wife departed Wed
nesday afternoon for a brief visit io
A number of immigrants to North
Yakima passed through town tbe first
of the week.
In the spring, the human body needs
assistance to throw off the stagnation
produoed by winter diet. As the
temperature rises under the growing
heat of the sun's rays we feel tired,
half sick and low in spirits, because tbe
blood is Bluggish and full of impurities.
Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening
Cordial and Blood Purifier is a reliable
spring remedy to invigorate tbe body
and give tone to the digestion. Price
$1 per bottle.
Fossil Journal: Little Phil Heppner,
in Arlington is again in the lead this
season as in former ones. He again can
boat of the first 3oO bags of wool in bis
warehouse. We also understand he
paid B. K Searoy 38 cents a bushel for
wheat. ThiB prioe is certainly the
highest that has been paid this season.
Good for you, Little Phill Keep tbe
good work a going,
frank Bhepardson. an engineer on the
Southern Paoifio Ry., who resides at
Los Angeles, Cal., was troubled with
rheumatism for a long time. He wbs
treated by several physicians, also
visited the Hot Springs, but received no
permanent relief until he used Chamber
Uio's Pain Balm. He says it is the beet
medicine in tbe world for rheumatism.
For sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co.
Morrow oounty has disposed of 34.000
sheep this spring as follows: Earle &
Fosber, Lander, Wyo., 10.000 bead of
yearlings; E. Betteher, Nebraska, 5000
2-year-olds; James Wright, Taooma,
5000 2-year-olds; John Gates, Deer
Lodge Mont., 8000 2 year-olds; J. W.
Wilson, Wyoming, bO(K) yearlings and
2-year-olds. Prioe, $1 per head for
yetrhngs and $150 for 2-year-olds.
Pr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening
Cordial and Blood Purifier is admirably
adapted to make "a little health go a
long way." Its curative power is
largely attributable to its stimulant,
tonic and nutritive properties, by wbioh
the energy of the Bystem is reoruited.
It is pleasant to the taste.easily borne on
tbe stomach and harmless under pro
longed use. Prioe $1.00 per bottle,
Canyon City News: Dr. J. H. Fell
and wife arrived Bt their borne in
Prairie City a few days Bgo. We an
nounced a month or so sinoe, that the
Dr. would looate at Heppner. But we
are pleased to contradict that statement
now, as biB health is so in nob improved
that he will remain in tbe John Day
Dr. E. A. Vaugban, tbe new dentist, Send for
ill Boon leave and we would advise Address,
those who are desirous of fine work to
oome in at onoe. Full sets without
plates, bridge and crown work and tbe
most dimoalt oases in dentistry attended
to with satisfactory results. Everything
guaranteed. tf
Sam Palmer arrived from the East
"Will you have the chicken dressed?
asked the poulterer.
"No," replied young Mrs. Hunnimune;
you may send it to me er in the
altogether." Washington Star.
Teacher (to new buy) Billy, are you
not fond of robbins, with their cheerful
Billy Yes, but I can't never bit the
derned things. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
'Jenny has married a man wbo plays
poker. Isn't that dreadiul," said a
Harlem woman to her husband.
"It isn't half as bad as marrying a
man who thinks he oan play poker, but
oan't,'' was the reply. Texas Sittings,
A Household Treasure.
D. W. Fuller, of Canajobarie, N. Y.,
says thnt be always keeps Dr. King's
Mew JJisooyery in tbe bouse and his
family have always found the very best
results follow its use; that he would not
be without it, if procurable. G. A. Dyke-
man. Druggist, Catskill, N . ,, says that
Dr. King s New Disoovery is undoubted
ly the best cough remedy! that he has
Used it in his family for eight years, and
it has never failed to do all that is olaiui
ed for it. Why not try a remedy so
long tried and tested. Trial bottles free
at T. W. Ayera, Jr., Drug Store. Regular
size 50o. and $1.
Hon. W. R. Ellis' leoture tomorrow
evening is intended especially tor the
young people, though all are invited to
attend. The lecture begins at 7:30.
Doo. Wilson, the sheep buyer, was
thrown from his caynse Tuesday morn
ing while out exercising the ill-mannerly
brute. He received no serious injuries.
Fred Hallook, Oreen Mathews and
Otis Patterson returned last night from
Dit,oh creek fishing trip. They appar
ently caught more luck, fisherman's
luck, than fish.
Walt. Thompson runs stage between
Heppner and Monument, arriving every
day exoept Monday and leaving every
day exoept Sunday. Shortest and cheap
est route to the interior. P. Oohn,
For Sale. A thoroughbred regis
tered Hereford bull Maywood, No.
28,606. This bull was bred in Illinois by
Geo. T. Baker, and is just tbe animal
you want to breed s'ook that will bring
a good price. I will sell cheap as I
have another of same stock; or will trade
for good miloh oows.
8tf. F. O.Buckncm.
(regular prk iSc) your ad
dress If received within H
days w ill be for 1 year boldly
Lnmeu ou summm
bels. Only Directory
guaranteeing I23.00U
customers; from pub
lishers and umnufac
II SMlK probabiy, thousands ol
U.UJ'M S vahmhle honks, oftltera
All trr and euch
.,rt ihorpnn. K.VIKtl w e Wll
also print and prepay postage on aw oi
your label addresses to you ; which
Stiu r,.. vnnp envelooes. books, etc., tt
prevent their being lost. J.A. akk
fot Keldsville, N. C., writes : "I nm
I mv35 cent address In your I.lRhtnniji
Directory I'-e received my fw ml.lresi
labels aiid over 3000 ParceU ol
'ITrail. lay auurets yuu mn.-.
among publishers and manufm'turere
.are arriving dully, on valiial)lM;arcel
Ot man iroiu an i w u. ,i-
-I samples.maKazmeM.ete
aSLUiAH "" ana eucn nareei
with one of your printed aiUlresslabel!
By balance on band last report
By balance on band last report
By cash of E. L. Podbery
To oash paid interest and orders u2 31
$ 1050 53
650 00
102 31
$ 752 31 752 31
By cash on hand $ 0 0
T :
XJ Or., Apr. 29, 1895.
Adams urviue
Eliott M
CharleB L
When calling
Duncan W R
Dennis Major
Harper M
Warren E 0
for these letters please say
J. P. Williams. 1'. M.
State of Oregon, )
County of Morrow, j
I, Frank Gilliam, do hereby oertify that the foregoing is a true and correct
statement of the amounts received, paid out and remaining on band, in the oounty
treasury of said county for the six months ending on the 31st day of March
A. D. 1895. Witness my hand this 19th day of April, A. D. 1895.
Frank Gilliam, County Treasurer.
Anyone having one, two and tbree-year-old
steers for sale should see Sam
Kinsman at Heppner. tf.
Mrs. Jerry Cohn oame up from Port
land Tuesday to join her husband and
visit with relatives in tbia city.
W. W. Bunn arrived in town Monday
and left Wednesday morning for John
Day with the family ot Ed. Hall.
Newt Whetstone writes back to Hepp
ner friends that be has arrived at
Lewiston, and finds about 100 men to
every position.
T. W. Ayers, Jr., returned last Monday
from the upper country where he has
been indrodiicing bis squirrel poison.
We learn be met with good success.
For the Six Months Ending
March 31, 1895.
Of tbe County Clerk of Morrow County, State of Oregon, showing the amount
and number ot olaims allowed by tbe oounty court of said county, for what al
lowed, amount of warrants drawn, and amount of warrants outstanding and
unpaid, from the 1st day of Oct., 1894, to tbe 31st day of March, 1895, both
Of tbe financial condition of the County of Morrow, in the State of Oregon, on the
31st day of Maroh, A. D. 1895 :
To warrants drawn oa he Countv Treasurer, and outstanding and un
paid $33595 83
To estimated amount of interest accrued thereon 700 00
Total Liabilities $34295 83
By funds in hands of County Treasurer applicable to the payment of
county warrauts $ 942 24
By estimated unpaid ourrent taxes applicable to tbe payment of county
warrants 41430 46
Total Resources H2372 70
There is more oatarrh in this section
ot the oountry than all other diseases
put together, and until the last few
years was supposed to be inourable.
For a great many years doctors pro
nounced it a local disease, and prescribed
local remedies, an.i byoonstantly failing
to cure with local treatment, pronounoed
it inourable. Scienoe has proven catarrh
to be a constitutional disease, and there
fore requires constitutional treatment.
Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
oolv constitutional cure on the market
It is taken internally in doses from 1U
drops to a teasot onfnl. It acts direotly
on the blood and mucous surfaces of
the svBtem. They offer one hundred
dollars for any case it fails to oure,
circulars and testimonials,
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O
tSTHold by Druggiits, 75 cents.
Born To the wife of Jeff Hayes, of
Lone Rock, formerly of this city, Sun
day, April 28th a kirl. From late
reports we learn tbat Jeff is slowly
Amount ot
claims allowed.
Sheriff's acoount
Clerk's acoount
Stationery account
Criminal aooount, Justice court..
Fuel aooount
Coroner's aooount
Insane account
Cou'-t bouse and jail account....
Stock inspector's salary
County treasurers aooount ...
County judge's account
School superintendent's account.
Expense aooount
Uistriot attorney's aooouut
Jury account
County commissioners' account. .
Pauper aooount
Road and bridge account
Amount of war
rants drawn.
Total amount claims allowed and drawn.
13G2 63
1330 00
287 74
941 61
103 75
9 50
5 00
29 50
159 H9
249 99
4r,0 00
3 15 25
182 73
105 00
48 00
70 U0
537 50
1062 48
$ 7289 67
$ 1362 63
1389 00
287 74
941 61
103 75
9 50
5 00
29 50
159 99
249 99
450 00
345 25
182 73
105 00
48 00
70 00
537 50
1002 48
W W ! .
That is what our competitors have to
say of
Minor s Co.
Tbat there is nothing left to out on that
they have reached the bottom on
$ 7289 67
Outstanding unpaid oounty warrants on the 31st
day.of March, 1895
Estimated interest ucorued thereon
Total amount of unpaid county warrants.
3 33595 83
$ 33595 83
$ 700 00
8 700 00
Monday night to enter the list of sheep recovering.
bnvers. We Wro tbat he purchased
6000 head of 2-year-oldi the following
day at the regulation prioe of $1.50.
Ham informs our penoil pusher tbat Bob
Foster will also arrive soon to take his
baud over the trail.
Earle & Tosher, of Lander, Wyo., who
Miss Martha Neville began her term
ot school out on Hiliton creek last
Monday. She bad intended beginning
some few weeks since, but was com
pelled to wait uutil tbia week on acoount
of sioknesa in tbe neighborhood.
MoFarlnnd Mernnntilfl f!n. have
bought 10,000 yearlinus, are tbe first to 0hanged their business to an absolute
tart over the trail with their band. 0Hn bams, beginning with the new year.
They, left Heppner last weanesaay. Their prioes oompare with the lowest
a special
call and
Gihonsen Bros, are making
out on large family groups;
get their prioei.
Mrs. Ellor Brock arrived on Tuesday
eveuiutf't train from Hillsboro and is the
guest ot relatives in this county.
For good meat, full weight and cash
prices call oo Johnny Hager, the new
butcher, next door to the pott office,
Geo. Smith woke up yesterday morn
iug minus a watch and an Booouut book,
however, be recovered same later in the
Improve your fowls and donble your
production of man. W. W. Sraead can
tell you bow it it done. Information
free. tf.
I. N. Ungbes. the Wagner merobant,
Arrived from Portland Taetday, and
departed from home Wednesday morn
ing. Meadowt A Hcnvner, tbe blaekmitht,
borKosboert and wood butcher, at the
old Ounn stand, Main ttret, Heppner.
Call oo the boy.
Matbewi Urot.,Ciy bot barber shop,
tu torial artist. Hir";t tbaving,
hampnoing, etc., done cieutifloally.
Battit at 25 cent apiece.
fleo. F. Roberta, the well knon rep-
renentativ of -an ISroi., wbo handle
nriiiciiiallv broom, witodenware and
matches, Wedneadayed in this city
(1. B. Halt, tbe tomorial artist, can
be found at hit parlort, Matlock oroer,
where n will disprnM at popular pnw,
bavet, abmpo, bairouta, etc
Church Mm n.nal at tbe oport
bn on Monday. Preaching ninrulo
and evening by J. 11 or J. W. Jrnkioe. A
cirdsal imitation Utrndi-d to all to
hi In' Cure it Ml nn guarantee.
It cure Incipient CoiinnrnpiioO. It t
the tied Cough Cureotily nti ertjl dx".
ctt.. 'J on , and II HdJ by T. W.
Ayer. Jr.
Kid H ilTingUtn. wbi wm ntn lime
.i i . . .
lid repofletl Oe'i, riit" over ll
KomiI M .ii Uy. Kid rUiiii ti t a
rouen elite at ever, and In fact hx.it
Utter tl.Q usual.
Iin Hntieaker. the grocer at the ttanj
formerly iw upie.l by Jer Cohn, will
(. m e-ot to tfU for g- AIo a
cN.mpleie line of grni at tbe loweet
rte for Cb. he
Holler. enerpherlef with ao
overdue ol J l .y, M ,rrete4 Tuet Ujr
Mk'M and ! in the Hotel de lioberta.
However. olt to Hi of H-
f.f ef lUlloCt, I, d,Cllf-eJ lb
folio!!, DloftiUl.
B. F. HMM t tf-t''l to fifotth
hi "rtnr Mmt" I'lifel (w.ieoii in
boe ,,ta e ,m already rneive t
a Mite orlrr ttm WmMmToo and
I Ulii. I'.ety Where it t,M l-0 Be4,
It b bo f.l I to tte rtiiint-l (! Iiiti
I n omer rem.ede-l of bit
tti otlir otitry rf ty tooffiin' by
retiM teff tfnit'il efn j't
from f Me 1 er lb ft. lb
f il- an -I n.en than tb'ee
fel and w ird-ej M n .rineiit.
S..w i lb lim to gl tb Weekly
O'er'tiien, lt f'ee'eel ne (.( f
H e tte.1. tt.fft Ibe'l ' t--n ' "
I; i i 1r.-e,f if oh I V beer
p. tr!ii' ri of t-M l-e ti l
IB (I. ' K'-ei '. I
Bud Willinghain. Henry Vanderpool
and Ed. Long, of Heppner, muke the
trip with them. Bud as bend man and
hd. as cook.
Also sell the Golden West Baking Pow
der, as good at tbe best in the market
and obeaper. See new ad. a
A devioe baa been patented at Colum
bus, led., by which steam whistle are
to be sounded by electricity, from
any given point all steam whistles in
the United States can be Bounded
simultaneously. The object it to sound
whistles on correct time.
fluck lea's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Dicers, Salt Hlieuin,
Fever Sores, letter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblain, Corn, and all skiu eruptions
and positively euret Tiles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to (five
Statb op Oregon. )
County of Morrow, )
I. J. W. Morrow. Couety Clerk of the Connty of Morrow, State of Oregon,
do hereby certify tbat tbe foregoing is a true and oorreot statement of the number
and amount ot claims allowed Dy ine county court oi bhiu oonaiy, ior me su
months ending on the 31st day or March, iM'.to, on wnat account the enine
were allowed, and tbe aiuount of warrants drawn, and tbe amount of warrants
outstanding and unpaid as tbe same Bppear upon the reoords ot my oflioe and in
my omoial eustouy.
Witness my hand ana tne seal ot ine county court or snui county mis juin any oi
April, A. D. 1805. J. W. Mohbow, County Clerk.
Of tbe amount of money and warrant reoeived for tines and money paid to the
Count Treasurer by the Sheriff of Morrow oouuty, Oregon, for thesis months
ending on tbe 31t day ot March, A. V. 1895.
mE CLAIM to carry the largest and best
cpWfpd stnr.W to he found in this citv.
No Cheap-John goods kept in stock, you can
find them elsewhere.
We boast on the quantity and quality we
handle, hut as to our own honesty we have
nothing to say ; we are like the rest of the human
race, born to cheat, misrepresentation and fraud.
Subtcriliera to the Weekly Sun. tbe Pt ijatisfaction or money refunded
enmina paper of Oregon, el per year.
With tbe list -Me, both id advance,
82.75 per year. A good combination.
Two of the people' paper at one prioe.
Subscribe al tbe Gazette ollioe.
Fred Bock, an experienced batcher
from Portland, bat accepted a position
in Hayea Matbew butcher shop,
wbere be will eerve tbe pnblio in tbe
hestofttyle. Fresh meats and boneet
weight to everyone. "
Wm. Molotoab. J. Maninn. V. V,
Dinirmtn and Geo. K. Robert, all Jolly
Iraveliug men, oame np on Tuesday
evening' branoh line expree, and epeut
tbe following morning interviewing our
busines men.
T. W. Ayrrt, Jr., it making i'ilrrel
tMiiaon tbat be guarantee. No kill on
pnv, and sell it at 2-' cent per can, 6
caii for tl 5i: 8151 per dozen, (jet a
ample and try it. tf.
K I. 1111 and Nmily left Wednesday
morning f r their home in John Pay
They were on their return trip from
Portland where Mr. Hall ba been in
tbe boeplUl tibdrr treatment lor tumor
New Until and Ot other make ol
e.ing niacliinee at diet for eu. Will
excliabg for lumher. Midline from
ill np. A 1dre N. A. Leach, Leung
too, Oregon. tf,
Green Matbewt for livlng, bair
catling. tbhrniMMiing and all olln r work
In thai line. Haiti al any tune during
limine hoot. CM. Junta, ailnt.
IM Is-yd wm brought liefur J n U
FreeUn l Tui-ftday morning o charge
of lining (ihreti Ungtiuge on our Itleele,
fof which be heeeeeed ll-i
Wanted I'lain or fancy eewing. Will
go to lb bmiee or lak trWItig al home,
Mra .f I ltiil(reon.
Wanl-d I-ann Iff work by Mr. C.
$r.mt, old Mountain lloll. Mending
fevfcllv dot,.
Try Areft 'Oirrel prton iMr
ruing any other. Ouly 12 50 per
di ten. tf.
Lin i"k. Bel.; roatdtak, 0 rl ;
rib tek, ft ct., at prty.
ril'o 25 cent per
T. W. Ayera. Jr,
box. For sale by
Alex Gnnn and family departed yester
day for Detroit. Michigan, where they
expect to make their future home. They
bave been resident or Heppner a
number of years, and their many frieudt
regret to tee them leave na.
In coin ami currency.
In county warrant ..
Oct. Nov. Dec.
c l m 777
Feb. March.
t 181 Hi t Olt (W Ki:a 117 I JiiO 2 t 'M II I'.Th'J Al
1(1 IK) 2i'. h7
ToUl received f 1 HI bl (M J IlltlJ 7 I irno ! I r.2 01 I'iVM 117
Nov. Pw.
i Jan.
To County Trcuurar
I h r.j r.'il in iiuii iT I m I 1 ui
Ms nil
Total pRld toTreuurer.
i 1N r..'!t li'H Oil IWiW 97 W I T.l 01
I'lT.'il 07
I'JT'il 07
' S.
Statu or Ohroon,
tViiintv of Morrow.
1. G. W. Harrimrtoii. abenff ol taid eouiity. do hereby a rtify that Ibe for
going uiinent i correol aud true. Wilnee my hau l Ihi -x day nf April,
A. V. lo'.5. O. W. IIaHIiINuton, Wlierill ol Morrow Uoilrny.
Of lb County Tfeaaurer of Morrow County, Oregon, for Ibe ix mortii rmling
Ion the 3II day ot Man n, A. v. 1.k. oi money reneiveu ami run oui, irmq
wbmn received and from what touroe, an 1 on what aROoiint paid oi t:
ilr. Iharlrm U. lanthrr
Wall Walla, Wab.
M l lUyman, lb all aronnd trW al
lb tit hotel, in lb twll It'll long
ttiC, bicri be wore with pri.pr dirf
bily, Ibutuh Urn lu be I ol ll
recently on a foul m it, form of an
fceaadlt With Ger.rge VVtahlnglun
I, li ,e wbicb b !) ke( bard by.
A baty act.
"W Uk planr io reeommending
: Cl ambefUu' Cnb Unl lci
ll i pfe-l by a! bo try II." I.
i W. Cot tn. d'oit. Mrbfletd,
j Gfrg ,u. Ne one fT,ic( I eit'i a ll roal
' vf l'in tfofio: ra n lii reme-ly
l'b"lt en-T ll It ! !'"
(.'..t,il felnf. It i e,.'ia'iy
a I l w l relite t,! !',. ft,
t. :. i g an I m"i on,
A f' l I " 1 tetf fe1il in $r ni'i l
ijrt.al.it V.eV' "'"a t!. I n ar, J r.-.f
Inflammatoiy Rheumatism
Much Treatment Without Avail
Hood's Sartaa.-ui'ta Effects Bonofl
clal Chant In Constitution
"C. 1. Hood il Io., Umell, M.!
lr.r hlr: At the of f)yirI
eourtned to my he! with Inllatiiiuatury
rheumatiain. I a trrl-d by a l'l
plivairian.hut relief 'inly ruie io m with
III" wnn ' tier, r or i era iIih torii.f
rtl'J m hut llllte B e d. We ri-acl leilll
Ui- jr-t rhiie He-d Hfarilla
eoiiM Tft In the entire i nt il ut Ion.
Y com lu rl.-4 Io g'. It ! nl n't II ha
Mad New Young Men of Mo.
After lak ine th eonieiiie of ihri tmt
U I ut ni to ! li'.'.le, I bar
rontlriu'd to lake It and bt trnt rniaexl j
a flay I r ) montha, lnr:t.g the l4
Hood's5 Cures
Inlff itrir nor iv tne aince rae I
fell ny of the ar-tin'oma if tlie rtro
ol nil rhM'ni''' lro...." (ma. J.
KiKiieH. iia tti'U, V. .V. g on.
Hood'O Pill rw;f t'teti nl
l V Hf. I iu"f t AU l'.iat. SB.
, , , , .. . ; i. M
rituM WHAT wil IU t
UK I.I V 1 11.
1,1 KAI.
To amt nn band lt reporl
' " amount reo"id from J. W. Morrow, fe, fine.
j " " O.W. llarrli.Kli.ii, In a A taira
" nute liind.nrileroo. oo'rl
Inei'letitat Fund
- - " K. I Freelmid, fine. , . .
" V. A. Hte.hen. ....
- - - - Lnoy M Tlioiiia-m.reluii.l
.'V. 61
li U
2 ni h.'.
nun cm
HaalH-cn rn-(iu-hfil liy Mr. J. It. Hpcrry who will
ciinilui t It In at i li t 1 y flrat claaa niKiiiicr, llh Ilia
view ol iialii( lliu traite In gcntTHl.
People from Country Districts will be
made to fed at home.
rs a Specialty ! Popular Prices!
Free 'Bus for Customers to and
from oil trains.
MRS. J. B. SPERRY, Lessee.
b Keoley UUs
OK j
For tho Curo o
Liquor, Opium ud Tobacco Habits
It I liM-ati-d at Kalem, ()irnii,
77i .Vof llniutiul Town on the C'onW .
fall al the (UraiT nlTli-e for nartlruUr.
etMrllcoiiUi,iilll "reainmiit .rlatnij aur
Attorneys tit
I w. ot I nil M
All liiitne attended to in a I'tumpl and tif-tory
luanner. Nolarie I'iiIiIm? and (illerlur.
i : . :
t M'tt M I AIU Ol T.
Ity amount i I not on Oiiinlf Warrant
Ily ainouiil Mid nut no tchool Hnt. Harranlt.
Ity tiklanr un'ral fund no band
Ity beletio chaul fund no hand
iitVIK M.
f ll'Hll.
rt Mi
f III.' 1.
i n 77
'.! 01 lilt Kl
hit or mrrM.
Ity rb rm l,n 1
I It raeh t,f (I. W. liarntiKtno. lal.
'1 ii raeh
to hlOl
Hotict of Intention.
4 t.et . a ..rtna la f fitan ll.at
I, It, i a. o . , ka fi . t,-.l.i.
. , i.,i..n t" ! al .-l In a i . ..I
h a r.ai a- t "t eat I ' el I "a la
I. (..) k M-rf...r.-i'-lf rll. tl le..af,
''ir, eJ i a, ,
, ) .aC1,
II 1 i l .f l .. , ' ail 4
M , m.t . 1 i. I ..! I a K " I W W
M- .".. a Ii. a I. ! .. I.. ' a
It . t. . - a . a .li ' a n
..I aa. I '1 il
I- M . A I a i I a -.
a . It . a . '; i.-, , !, 'A -i i .
hool Mt ai rt.
Ity tlnHi no hn I lt report
Ity rob of (I. W. lUrr Intton, Ui
1 il paah , ,
l' llnr.
X.'J It
at I Kl
'at I 'I Kl
til hi
laantfTI rt U
Land Patents
I.riinl iitti-ti(4 aiTtirr-iI fr acUliT in tho oliortcet xiiilio tirun,
Contested Cases
('n.iti'xtt'ii riiNiH ihti !!i( hlly ami t-V. ill fully liiiuJU-t,
Old Claims and Disputes
(il l rlaiiiiH ainl (1 in utaH ujii-cilily acttlfsl.
',eleea inditidnal bm' em tin line rUim timler lh a-rlriill'.rl land
. and tin helaren elaimniit tinder Id Mu eral I and aifrienllnral
rlairnaiila; an I li leten -Uiinaiil nn lr ny f lt inlilin land U and lh
lUilmad r-.(i, aim and tin If vrantee. and lh elatr and their H ran tee, nndef
iihern Land and Ki'b hi) IaihI (Irani.
HU1I ttiadnf erurina' itelil IB the boeleal ,.aail,U 1 1 III fof rltler
holie ra.tiidiei ith lb tuid-r hlrli Ibeir ri.trle er txade, and b4
! ar annoaed and rrieil by ilela)t In lha teen nl Ibeir lel,la, canted by Trifliof
Irrttn'aritiet hleh ran t eily and e'lily required,
A lie ! ie In all mailer relalinn I II. imhlie Un.l. llly no
l-ilnl artalhtf nn .r lb firm l blnll ! eeO feeeOlly e. .rol lllig fief
II. ,1 ,.-..t ..I H m t ., I, tin iL.tnaln
j If yon vanl .ir land itenl In a Lurry -II tnl yntir land lmlne, of
an rl.af.eiaf alt.l,,lr.l In lit k ll M 11 1 Mil tf Itiljelehl Hof, ), an I To,l I, Ui-
' -"ee I of, fle In
I' tia.Ui.ee taal rr-.t . ,
. fah irf Ilia liaitr .
1 ii raali
To ti6lf
John Wi.tJDi.ur.uiiN, Gi n. Man.,
f. l'.fctf, ' -"i.ltrei
Ut to J MbMtlle.
., aia'rtaj. tut
filva-V Laa
1'. O. aU, H
WmUii.!.. U 0.