PATENTS! NOTICE TO INVENTORS. Tbere was never a time In the history of our coantry when the demand for inventions and improvements in the arts and soienoes generally was eo great as now. The conveniences of tncikind in the faotory and workshop, the household and on the farm, as well as in official life, require oontinnai accessions to the appurtenaooe and impliments of each in order to save labor, time and expense. The political change in the administra tion of government does not affeot the progress of the American inventor, who being on the alert, and ready to per ceive the existing deficiencies, does not permit the affairs of government to de ter bim from Quickly oouoeiving the remedy to overoome existing discrepan cies. Too great oire cannot be exer 0!sed in choosing a competent and skill ful attorney to prepare and prosecute an application for patent. Valuable in terests have been lout and destroyed iu innumerable iustanoes bv the employ ment of inoompetent counsel, and es pecially is this advice applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, no pay" system. Inventors who entrust their business to this class of attorneys do so at imminent risk, as the breadth and strength of the patent is never con sidered in view of a quick endeavor to get an allowance and obtain the fee. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderbnrn, General Manager 618 F street, N. W.,VvaHhington, D. C, representing a large number of impor tant daily and weekly papers, and gen eral periodicals of the eountry, was in stituted to nroteot its natrons from the unsafe methods heretofore employed in this line of business. The said Con pany is prepared to take charge of all patent business entrusted to it for rea sonable fees, and prepare and prosecute applications generally, inolnding me. ohanioal inventions, design patents, trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer ences, infringements, validity -eports, and gives especial attenion to rejected cases. It is also prepared to entur into competition with any firm iu securing foreign patents. Write for instructions and advice. Philip VV. AvmFrr. K1H F Ktreet, P. 0. Box 385. Washington, D. C. VITOCK RHANIM. Wliiln yon aiiniiyonr ubncriiti.iti paid up yen csn knap your new. I in rrneor own-no. Allvn. T. .1 . Inna. Or. Horsns (1(1 on Infl ahoiililur; wtttln tHinnon lf r hip, nmlr hit on riht enr, itiul iinir hit on tha left; rarii. Mop row county. Annttronir. J. I'.. Aliiinn, Or. T with our nn dor it on IxTt Hlionlilnr of hurium; cull lo mtuin on hri hip. Allium. . D.. K'nrlit Miln. Or Curtis hrnnd Ollnii loft hip mi l humus artinn lirunil on rixht iiiii i nr. Hiiozii I'.itfiit miih. A lkiim, J. J., Uxppti'.r, Or. Horana, ,? roin- riM'-tu.l on li.ft Huhk: cuttM". aninaon loft hut HiirH. I W H-i'l am Iloram tinimhil I) 11 nn lol1' hio: oh tin tha H'n on loft II ink. rropolf rir t fitr, ni-ilttrcmp in Urn li.'fl.. Hhiiko in Morrow I .unity. Hiirlholini'W, A. O, Alplnn, Or. Iluran hr ni'lo I 7 K on nlth'ir Hliouhior. Ititnirii in .Mor- -l,W OOllllt V iiHiiniHtor.J. W lliinlinnn. Or. Tullla hrnnil. e.l H on loft Inn awl thitrli: anlil in nur. Ilroiiiior. 1'i'lnr, lioimnlinrry Oriitfon Korana lirnn loil I'll on loft xhoiihlor. Cull In miiuu on nirht l'l Mnrk. M Nf C, I rook. Or -On rtiittln, M Y ooiiiioiiIimI on loft hio. niopotl loft nur, nn ilur h-ilf ertin oil rmlit. Iliirmw, asma Itrnrifl on loifi ulioulilor. Hhiik in Uraiit hiiiI Morrow county. ltrot.nia.ti, Jerry, l,otin, Or.-lforana hruiiilHil 7 on ru;tit; imttla It on iha loft antii. I.ft Hir Imlf cro(i ml riht o'tr nonar alona. Ilnrtoii. Win.. II pprior, Or. - 1 1 oram, J Hon r. w 1,1 lliu t; out Co wiiuit on right hip; split in ain'll Hr. Ilrowu, Is, l.ninuton, II'. HonMw III on tha rlitit atitti.; cult la wnn on ritfhtlupi ramie, Mor row miilllly. Ilrown, J. ('., Iloppni-r. Or. lloraaa, rtrnl C wiih ,1o in o.f tor oil ,fl hip; railla, ohmim, Hrowii, W. J., a-iih. UroKoii. Morses V Imr nvor II, on the loll alioiiMcr. t'atllaaainanu lolt hln. Ilmar. W. Ilil"ir. Or.-lloraaa, Ion tintlul OM r1 'l llip OHlllo, KI!1H, Willi uplil in tat-'ti atr. Horn. I. O., Uopptmr, Or llorana, I' II on loft Im'iMor; oiC'ln ait'tiaon loft Mil. Itrowtilaa, W.J., Koi.Or-('iittl. .Ill roniinrtail on loft ni'lo; rmp on loft ear anil twnaiilttaatttl iiiiil'IU pita-a rut out on rinM ear: on horana a'tnia limml on II. loft IhiKhi IIhiikh in t llo, (Irmit wiuntv, ( 'nriiHi Wnrnn. U'iinr. Or.- MoriM.4 tirntnl l O nil tltfht Mllllni fftlllH (thriM ltHn.1 on r ,'tit ril. orop nn,l Mplit in mtoli inr. ILmiin in i.imoI uiti Morrow noiiotow. m. (:., Hloti.Or - V lion hiira on loft litl.O l' wiih ,iii'rtr oin-m or II. on loft fllioiil,i.r kn.l oil loft MllH on nil in,Ii a olor fl tnntm. n iofi MloMit...r only on nit horitmovtr H)Ntr. All ru'oio in i.miit i',ni"iy. Ihih.CIiw. II., iiioli or lii. Or. llor II C on ritfltl t,Mi!,,-r; riti In mup oii iImIiI lop. linn,' Miin tool I ' 'iol ill o.iiinllo. I oriurnll. M M, On'lowiy. Or ri tin crop out of tM'-t ..or mo iiiMlorlot, wititlv in fiirMl.-n.l. ImiImm l,lf i-irolrt V on , f lttt., Itnlti. Ii,r. o mi'l I 'im' iMn p,,ui lio-. Coil, I. II . I i'ill l'i. ' Ifcmliln rfmm on ph. 1 1 top on I'tiMI.. wnI1-w fork iii, I uu.r lot Mi ihMmi, l'lit III loft Mr. lUiiir in lir'il -iini. "it p'f'p, ii-orl."l A it't'l i"r iNittit on ii.oil."r I ir iioi.ko.i or,p,,n .,fi Mir punolio.! nppr lot in riifhl. Wllioni, orop -l rot' i 'i'l n" I, .r Imlf crop m Infl ni, At' in ur iiit i.,uutv. ,B.k. , J..IuOr. Il,.ri ion rilil h,ml ,r I ,,1'lf.. M'tin rifc'hl li,,, Mir nmik .jtinrw riop iol l. 'l K'i-1 "ol'l " . )!. I iio'ii. II V., 1 ifi.oavlhn. Or. llorMW, on ,.f .,M. ., r M. IUi I'o.n. Or Cmiln, (' wlih 9 lit i' ...r. t.or.MI I ! ,oi lof 'op. I t. t.rnil, H. 1 . M-ooi'liolil . Iirnnl Co, Or -, In n l'l clr,-l w it I, tr l. '"Hil on loft .to hi I I n : i-h'1 t i liniiol on Ihilli lllt. Him k Ml. t..f t.iM l,ll. nr 'o ,1'iwlHli. I loil-t,.. M, IUi I o- Or M'iriw lintn f.l . o ritf'.t lop. ' It. 1'fnu I.-I ui. imi liro t I I on hi. r-M tirflil ll.itfl., i I liu1'-! oil liwlil limil'l' r. n,l rut oil 1.11,1 ,,1 11 i.i II ,, ,.., W. M .li.ill.iwitt or t nl. II l.m rtiii m, I. swallow mi n. h Mri hitrna. II on l .l tli Hi - . H..o! lf IIm I.1111MIM oil I. -'I l .oil l.l. l'HU H'II on lofiiop. h,,i l r,Ki.l f,i I I ' M , lUH-ioiu, Of M.,ro l,riii..s I j KiHh, I I ' W il ll I 4 II Oil loll l...t .1 .f i ,q. n oil lu'.l loo lit' 4 in M irr-i t..itui) , .. .. .... I. , ll ..,. In I 'll. I ,.f rti. top, too" wiiti lMr ttiolMf on riiiM .. , ,1 .-f M I". Ili i n"t Or l..r y f I ,-1 I ', I I . i " l mi ril.l l , .0 It,,,!, I . I, f ( II IX I nlil. I.,, , ,. Mr, fi tiiioiii 1' .hi l.-ft i I-, rr.,p nil t.-!t r.,. l.,i h ti I..'. I 101 lo'i l.,p 1.. if 1. r I',.', t 'i 1 Or II 0 t.n,, n I l. M n, 'ii'-r ,' U o II Mt alit'a, I... hi M n I I niiiHi'." It , 11. I,. 1 -, 1 i'u r ... I S I. , , " .1 . t H If . (I.P l.rfl I I .1,, 1 . o, t .. . -.1 I . . I I I. "ll' II tr I I., a 1 I in I. Il . ' '' II I .... r.l l. ... m lli- a a.. ,11 ' Ii . Or ,.n I..." . I-, -a. Il '," I .1 1,1 II , 'tl. ....... .. ... In a II, I !' ! ,..,a imi i t t,,p r. o II -. i... II i u.lo "a lti aii-.-ii I . mi ia'tfn r.rt-.a ou of! I ' la I" II ' I J I. U I iaif, ir II I farima w .i . no a',,,1 r ' ii I. on t 'i ai lU-itf. in M .fro o" I a-.,. I I ua .i, ri l, . lata, J..I.1 it Or CalHal' II r i' I to p. li o iMaraitinlil ihl wr, Ha In '.'.. I . "It M', IM ...M al. .o, ! .. i.n t 'I 11 , il ii t II.., H1 ul .. t. I , Mm .r. a , 4 ll.'li.i.Hl -llaaa Ilia II M i. M .a l . i ..,11.1 ', a ' 1 , itt , .' . I . U a 'i I i' I.... M . Hay laft a , i I 0,,t aip a wJ karvw mm. II II naaa I tat, I, I I.(i ! a ..,l-l I ,m M ia taM aw. tatav aa I CHORUS. Tempo di False. SAY THE SWEET WORDS. fS Words by S. M. PLATT. Music by CCORCE J. ZOLNAY. )r " " . f m m oon, You have said the bit - - ter; Changed to tears by - r rr-g-S-rf-- I $-?-r-T F-rS--! n I 1 , r I gTT"" " - m&E hjj-zJLieZ--j-E grP 3 Say the sweet words, toy tlicr.i f.oen, Von have said the bit - ter; , - Itr --'S' :tZ -J: :-L-:3 g S thjs dim moon, . You can see them gl.t - - ter; Say the sweet words p j ' J l ' Ppp55 -- - 1 o-g r-w w trz. g r r ggfcfcF4 E d ypk -xtr- p-j! 1 T- -a-l . . ' ' ' 2: if 1 pJ. a cm S , p Changed to lears by this dim moon You may sec them glit tur ; Say the sweet words fZITj g l- - - ijJS?1 lJTZ " "f t": ZEE : 3 q H i1 i H soon. 1 pray, Mine is pit - lous plead - ing ; Haste to draw'lhe slcel a- way, XT T- keepblced . . ing. w -J- ' - - - yt. " i i 1 j?- . ft33Hgr-EgfegS I ' 'I III I I lT T I 1 M IM I . i I," II Mw 1 " r 1- T 1 - -- : " -t- -aJ H ' j i-" gq 1 vm 1 1 L-, p s - - k i j; 1 - i i Jr-' r i . , Juiikin, 8. M., Iloppnnr, Or Huram, horn In m J on left Hlioiihlur. Ckltlo. tha utmt. UllllKli "n li'li.hl Milo. .lolum .n, Mi, I, ma, f tr - lloraoa. rirolaT nn loft Blillo; ohiiIii, Hiiio on riht hip, umlnr hall iron in ri '' "' unlit n Infl ear KimiH', Mikn, llnppner. Or.-Iloram hrnmliwl KNY on loft hip null Ih immfl ami drop oil laft our: uniir wioponina riio Kirk J. T.. Iliiiiimnr, Or. Ilonim HH nn Infl lloilir; okIIIh. rtHoll lofl llip. Kirk. Jhmh. Iloppnnr. Or.: horaa 11 on Infl kiuililiirs eattla aauie on rixlitanlu, uuilorlut on riirtil aur. kiinilMrlnnil.W.f.. Mount Varnon. Or. I Lull ml I la oil rmht anil lofl aiiloa. awallow fork in If ft Bur ami miliar cmp in rinht mr. Iloraaamm' liruml on left aholihliir. l(Hlla III llralll county. Lofton, HlnptiHn. Coi, Or. H I. on loft hip on rmtila. prop anil aplit on right mr, llorann aiiuia lirauil on lift ahoulilnr. Ilauna (iranl county. I.intiallan, John W jr-i' Or.-Ilorww liriimloil half-i'irila J I, runnnplarl on loft aliniil lor. Cattla. aamr on loft hln. IUua, nmr liai iini'on ljlii'y. J W lliipiniar tr Ihirnni bramlail I, ami A '"I lort ahouhlor; roll la mm on loft hip, wuttla oynr riMht -yn, thraa alila in right Uiril, OaorKa, lluppnar. Or. Ilnnw liramlail loiiliia II inn no. li Noiiintimaa callail awmtf It, on laft alioiihlar. Minor, Haw, riappnor or.-fattla, M I) od hip; honav M on Infl lioulilar. Moraan, H. N., Ilmipuar. Or. Iloram, M ) on loft aliotihlai rattla aauia on laft hip. Mill-hull. Oaoar. lona, nr.-Iloram, JJ on rilil hio: mllla, 77 on rmht aula. MoClaraii, l. It., Ilrownayilla. Or.-llormr, ritfura lion iNton alionlilar. nnttla, M'i on loo M-Oirr, Kniiik. I'm Vallny, Or.-Mil la alio Willi t.ia-rnirk on eattla on rilta aa, nmlar in twh mr; horam aama liraml on laft litta. I Mi'llnlai, ... i ,. Hamilton. Or. -On lloraaa. with hftlt I'iri'la nmlar on laft alum Mar; on I attia, four liara aoniiiM'tail on top on tha rmht aula Itmiaa iu Itrant CimiiiIv. Nail. Amlmw. lama Hi-k.Or.- lloraaa A N nun nm'tail on loft ahiMililnr; rattla mma on laith hipa, Norl)ka, K. Hilyarton. Or. Iloram, eirrla ton laft Himh: railla mma on laft hip, Ollror. Joo.h, I ii) i m City, Or. A ton rattla on laft lop. on horam, miii on laft thmh, I Una in llrant aiHiuly Ollor, I'arry. lliiton. Or.-1 O un lafi aloi.',o Olp llnrinau, 1'iairla City, Or.-On aattla, O 1,1 o.iMiwoiail on loft hipt Itoram on laft aliflr ' wartla mi maa llanaa in Itrant aiaiuly. 'oaioii, i ilava, K.ialit lttla.Or.- Iloram, ijnar tor rifola loolil tot joft aloaihlar ami 24 on loft lop. aula, folk in loft mr, 'lalil I'mopa.!. V on loft hip. IUl o'l r laht Ml la. I'a'kar A lilmaon. Ilariluian.ttr,- Iloram I I'm . fi iiiml lor. I'n-i r ii a I. Inli liiii. Or, llnr-m liraml a V 1,1 'ii-lm.. I'll il,., ni, lor ; roll la tiah l hip. Ilaiiaa Moir..w aotiiily. I'ilr, J. H litloliMi. Or. Ili.tvm. JK run 110,1 oi lofl aluml.lar. railla, wamaon laft hip, nx lr till III moh mt IV'tia, A C, lotiM, trr : huram tliamoliil I oa I tilr. .aula, J II J r.tiiiMia., on Iha loft lop, uppar alopa In laft mr atol ahp tn tha tia'.l. IIimmI, nitmw, llarilttian. Or. - Iloram, apiary rtioM with ipiat1r'iri-la oyat il on lafi atiftn llm.o.aor. t Ima, lloppnar, Of.- Iloram. t II ot lofl tntii.if . Kuali llnw . tlappnar, lr - Iloram tinn l".l 1 an Ho fla'il alioili'lt; railla. on tha lofl hip rr,,p rl Ml mr an. I ilawlap on na k, IUoa il II or., anil a'llnlnlimroili'ltm. Iioo, rtinliaw. la-iinaiiai. Or - l.aa. Iii tnl A II iw liahl atnaihlaf, taol ipiartia rm la ta liiai.,1. rattla mma on riahl hip lla a H"'r"W r.ti ly. Iliaa, Win. II lairtlla, r-IIH K.narai W OI, ,iiar1o rlf-la oyaf l.p oa mtllaiHl riahl hl ,,.! . i rl rial,! mr an. I aplil In laft. Horn to.., low". I on lofl l.iMii.tay, Ikaoaa la M.rnw l,,,.l ami iiiHiam o.H,nlim. I 11,1. i . Il.. em. Or 1 1., ram. JO ia ! l.'l i,..til,lar. t aula, O m rUhl hls I irki.all. J W . II.--alawty. f - II. .rm , I. m . I.. I il , hi lafi h.4il,4i laima in I a,,, ii, I C ll.. .',al.Or II. nam laii,UI , u.fl a.o,; . , , all ,n aa,a ,,n ftt hip i . ,'i li . I .' tit 1 1.. ram 'l, ,l.l, n' .lr II ioi toft railla II Wi'a ,ii ..t ,t on tiai,t ti'p, rroi oil itaM anr n-l ' a , i li,. ..n . ',l l iii-l t lUi ga in Min.w j I. . i a ii a" I I oialiHa roai.iim j a-t.l I. . Ai'-noa lit ll.tram ttrati lnr f I oi, i-fl .1. oil l.f mi .n hip, I fo I ... nnt anil ,o l,f' l.ta l In ...,' I A I .ll-l l , I'r H iram ahalaat i H .... I..' alilln. oaHIn J M ,n laf hi),, aajiH,a f-,-a in t i.i m. a.lntt,ti la Inty. t ti li.., II -t . 't Iloram, I IPti U 'I l,,. . Ml, m ua.naUfl hip. Hl.ttnt J..I n . Ot-Nl raiaara mm I. 'm t (l,l l ip mli.n, WM H ttjl I kip. , ri .p . it na' i rat a.,,1 au la hit ia Ml mt, Haa.a lt i.ra I ,-.n,.,ia i,ila t'.a akaMayll',. Or. Iloram h" Un) H . .'ia4..o,.n, oa'lla. ita o Urt aK,,ni Im a,rai Jm, Or , t.aitnl .lnnkin.H. M.. Iloiuinnr. Or Huram. homo. riptit..ll!.nierpriiie,ur. niirao, u-on len r.nK,- . . -r- la Ja lafi al..-.l l- ral'ta lha ". alao I sn lla ya ia W nt,,w ao-l Itlptaai at .aliaal . , i . Ila-I nan. Or . i-."m n a ... . y. i ..t... ,..'-! t. -.. ! t .at '! I at. la j V.a J II IN (. p I i l.o .- r.. ,n ri mr. . ' . I , 11.,,... la. ia) ' I. ' a ... I- , i a-'la at 't ,nfl hip ' a.-. , t It ll. ,,.-. IM I a! 'la C ,a , 'l an r t I f I a' 4'-l la an av. i aiapi k-aaaj t .-a Infl fc.nlar I a,.-, i-m-., J A Hit aa- iw- It wa. tal M, amwili awaav. Mi aiw, -- Copyright, i8,M, by The New York Musical Record Co. hay the fcweet word.-a. --a..,-' - , j . ..: Tiipata.8.T.,Enierprlaf),0r. Horam. C-on led aliou Iilor. Tumor K. W., Happnar, Or, Hmall oapltiil T left ahonlilor, horam; cattle Mine on left hip with aplit in IhiIIi ran. Thornton, II, M lona. Or Horam hrnnited 1IT coiiiiwUkI on loft atitln; ahaap aama hranil. VauilHriMHil. M.T.. Or; Horam H V oon nncUal on rmht houlclor,i'nitlu, aamn on riglil Imp Walliriilui', Win . tloiuuiar. Or. Iloram, 0. L. 1 on tha loft Hhoiililnr; cattla anma on rit(ht hip. crop oil laft mr anil rmht aar luppml. Wilaon, Joim 0., naliun or lloppnar, Or. Iloram liminloil J" on the hi ft hoillilor. llangr Morrow ooiinty. Uarrnii, W II. Calali, Or Cattla W with nuartat riri'la over it, nil laft aiila, aplit iu rivht mr, Huram aama liraml on laft ahoahler. IUiikhi" (Iriiut ooiiiily. Waila, H'uiry, lluppnar. r. Iloram hnuiilart nra of apailoa on loft ahoulilnr ami laft. hip Cattla hranila)! mma on laft aula ami laft hip, WolfliiKur. John, John Hay City. Or On horaay thraa iiarallol Iwra on laft ahoulilnr: 7 on anmn. hit in Vaith mra, lUiina in Omul anil Maihuar Ooitiltlm. WiMMlwanl, John, I'appnnr, Or. Iloram, 01' oonnartiitl on laft ahoiihlor. Watkina, I .latin, lloppnar. Or. lloraaa bnuniad UK oounartaiinn laft at inn, Wallaoa. Charlm. Happnar, Or. Cattla, W on naht lliiii.h"l in loft mr: horam, W on nght alioiiliiar wum miuaon lort atimiulor. Whlltiar hnai., riiiuiiimion, Hakar Co., Or. Iloram hrantlail W li nonmaitail on laft a'naihlnr Williaina, yaaoo, air rl ovar thraa laira on laft hip, taith rlU and Itoram. Itauaa llnuit rtritnty. Williaina. 4 . lainat raak. Or Iloram. oitat tar rirola ovar Ihrm latra on lofl hip; rattla mint ami alit tnmrtt mr. Itanaa in Oranl nainly Wtan. A. A., lloppnar. Or. Iloram ninniiiat A on ahoulilnr; I a'tla. mma tin rmht hip. V'Hiim. J, M.. loaaaiiarnr.tlr. Il.a-aaa hnunW X oi tha rlalit ahioilrl- ALL WHO CULTIVATE FRUITS FLOWERS VEGETABLES l or Pleasure or Profit, Shouhl ar that Ih Journal thrv auhairlU Iu ia in !ti an. I ii, oat raliab.a auiltoiny obiatuablw. UiUi a.aa. w. r ' . f SUm rOMHOSTM THC LIST. Il ilaala pr an (rally with frultaanil (ataMaa, "ii, m 'a ant imafii, an.) iiitrll lit nri'l of hofiK'ulitit ayaiamatii ally an I thoiinmiity. h Hltiairaiaa anj lra,riara mriho. ol ruinta. tin. inipii.vr.l arialiraan4 latiot ilavi.y tl la, without Uouut, The Paperforthe People! i ww rmr y WHmaarai. Unwlman fp anl raiahu r h.otiiu.iaial u,ka Mil applHaiioa Ameritaf) Gafdeniix IO fullofl St., N.Y. mi Oiftii, Tndtni'lt, Ott'gt Pitwiti, Cepp'gtin, As4U r'l amiamt ro4wW4 f MODERATE Flit. tsranmlla w4 wirtr) y la team tart WKaVm) terf. .44rms prIsi CLAIMS CO. JOHN WIDOIRBURN, kaa4 Allarwr, UTS Trauma la avata rf anans-hatt ,4 , ISa ! a taraltal iwta Hi t'nl rn4 Katm. far tw t rra pt naa at wralaaw lag Iwalr aat Hyai w la-aaaaatMl I a mi iiatt, a4 aav a hapa) SWUM TUtaa IWWI aw) It I taWMIftaw)iwSfaajaa mm Wlut HtranKar iot for a I'enoy at an Klrviatril Hoail Stutton. At the CdiifrroNs Ktrcet elevated sta tion at evening ilurino; a rush a man, evidently a Htniii(rer, came aloni; and halted in front of the initehinu which offers a htiek of truin for one tiennv hhoved into the slot. This man, says a Chicago paper, curried an overcoat, a liirjre vulise and an umlirellii. lie evi dently tiK'ured out in his mind that it would la.' a kihmI idea to take some jfum home with him. So he took out a pen ny, but hold it for a moment as if loath to part with it. lie knew that the penny was ifood. it was 'hacked by a Ifood government, but he apm-ared to Us doubtful an to the ijuulity of the gum. The thronif of people jostled him and the train Rung was sounded. Carefully he selected a slot, and still more care fully did he insert the coin into the small (ipeiiifiir. It went nlnntt three- fourth of the way in ami stuck, lie rulitn'il hold of the machine and sluaik it. The ivnttv remui I stuck f.'ist. lie put down his Itigiriie, his emit titnl umlirrllit, tisik out u new knife. oM'iied hawk bhule and with it strove to re cover his motiev. The iHMipIo nut auuinst him. swore at him, a Inn a. t UniK'ked him down. He broke the blade of his knife, and just then n in it it hurrviiio; tn cutcli a train atuiiiMt-d over the vulise. in it his fiait hiinif in the iirmhole nf the overcoat, pliint'il fornunl, kicked the vuHm "lx-li Hint siiiualicd a bottle, of horse liliiiuelit. The inun ilropK-d his knife and ran after his valist., ntnl when he pnthereit up the fra.'inetita of Inn bui:iriiro and his turn cunt he ri tiirncd to the slot machine In tiud that some one hud stolen Ins knife. Hut he didn't swear. He simply said: "And they call thia clvtlUatiou." DOO AND COYOTE. Th lluwlad Vtolf at last Tarn t po Ih llouml. There wen-Ihref of ti In a wagon driying from Springilule. on the mil rml. to Hunter a Hot Springs, auya the Nurthwi-t MkMiuie. We fordid the al.nii.-li Diiil tltirilig the s, um.ii ,,( high wstt-r In the ellow t,.ii,. ut nit lhe In s tn t lie bridge - the w ntt r lllling the wagon la, and taking the horses alupnt nff their feet at times In Iheanirlif lhe rtirrvtil. tne of the dogs front I lie lintel joined us on l.rra tlrina a mil.) fuced jrllow cur with no lighting miuliti.s. lie ms trotting almig mi the rmid a few nals alien. I of the liorsta when there eaine loja Ing ar.a the i.pcii country a tig rttyotr. innUiiig alraigtit f..r lii'u. Away went the d..g and after him the Wolf The dog rna.le a aland and l.s,k a nip at tlit wolf, then the wolf run mi mr nur jntrailtil. inn as s..i aa the dog bad otrtul.t ti his t ttfiuy lie ehattged hi mind alsiut attacking him and ttirtia.l tsick. Now the wolf .iiiticd rourage and ttaifc up thf rlitiar, running th )rllow rur elear up tn the prnvh nf th holrl at the aprlng. Th psrty tn tlm tram a giaal deal fun out of Ilia lmrl. turn alsmt lintiL Mrmlauhall. tha Undlord. whipi.1 p th tram S ti l we tsutmv l alnng at a trrtfrndoii r. ahoiiling: g. It w..r and " go it " Th Ian II. r.l trlU-d rninuta.-r mriit t' SUb. th d. g. but Mli had tin min i ! f"T tuaalai wild tht aharpt aithrd. if -itnai vmw, aad s hapiiy t. 'What tliinirs u fellow will see when he. hasn't his gun with him," remarked one of the men in the wayon. WELCOME THIEVES. Thou Who Are A hie. to far Well for What Tin y HU-hI. "What do you do with kleptoma niacs?" was the question recently put to the proprietor of a large shop. "We send them bills for what they take when we know them. If they are strangers, we act according to circum stances, A few days ago a lady was in the shop with her daughter a beauti ful little girl of twelve years. The girl was seen slipping a roll of costly ribbon into her satchel. Wc spoke to the mother, who became indignant. She opened the satchel to convince us that we were mistaken, when it was found to contain three lace handker chiefs, two pairs of gloves, and the rib bon. All these urticlcs had been ap propriated. " "That was a plain case of stealing. What did you do?" "Well, we UHik the things back and said nothing. We can't afford to ar rest wealthy people and injure our trade by making enemies among our rich eusomcrs. "You were speaking of sending out bills for stolen goods; re they ever paid?" "Always where the person is klep tomaniac. We never have anv trouble in that wav. I have known of shot which kept a regular list of kleptoma niacs. W henever they lost anything they sent bills to all of them. As they all settled for the stolen goods, you cuu imagine that the business was a profitable one, eun't youT t'ronnmf anil Arilrlr. The duchess nf I'.tickinghr'-'. in her "tilimpses nf Kour Continents." tells an iimu-.itig Maori story Is lnnging to the sTiisl when these natives were at war witli Kugliiud. All sorts of tricks went nn. such as are in it only fair but cotntiif tillable iu war. W hen the Maoris Mere iu want of bullet they used to show a dummy In lhe bush; of course, It wus immediately fired at. A Inun in the background pulled It down by a string. ' oh!" thought the llritisli sol dier, "we've done for him." rpcame the dummy again, cautiously; bang! latig! went the llritisli r I lies. Down fell dummy, ami this went on till aotnn j "fN mnrksman thnn usual rut thg I iliimiiiv's roiwi, Nn Maori would go nn the tr.-e to splice It. fur that ruposure ! tin ant certain death. The bullets were nil nut of a little earth IwuW which the Maoris had made la hind the tree win ro tlio dummy appeared, and wire uaM nter ariln. It was a long tone U fore this artil.-r w a ills.-ovt.rysl. The,cn nf lhe I'.rltiah. royal family h.'W a eoniiu. p l il te feeling In their atr-'iia , nf ,ine Itnlnstries, N-t- till nf I',, in Wore I'.ri'i'll ailha at the urt ti.i. ut,..t . r, an 1 i ott the ipm i has nr.Jt n .1 M.ine Irish s.plins for tlj. t r- m- . ., ti ,.f I'ripft .a Alit nf Hrase, tha I ri le t.i U' nf t'i.' , M ll nf UuaaU. Th.-y are a,t..,,iir. ,v m ublin firm, and the .I...,,-,. contain small (roll ah t-nr v'i In n-..f'iintj I'llea' film! Itrklat I'll. htmi-toma Mutator; infn llehl ( ; an I al'; finwl a eight; antaj ,y , .....l.l..... If .It.... i ... ... I " . in,.. ti t. ,t t't''ir ;tntt.,. im, inb nflan b'r. art ' 'a' , 1st", ml' it rr . , i r a i Ol at w a v ar j. , lie lit-nr, ; and hl. i ta. , to i itiivt ai,. . and in matia frfsiitt u Inmnf At tlrnva-iala, i.f The Slcnlncance nf Many of Them Shroud ed In Myaterjr. What the learned Dr. Aiken once called "A Visible Image of an Invisible Thing," in fact the emblem, has so lit tle record in modern times, that even the encyclopedias give concerning it only the dictionary definition. Yet two centuries ago it formed the subject for the work of some of the best writers, painters and engravers of Eu rope; while antiquity has illustrated it in a myriad of forms, the meaning of which is in thousands of instances lost to us in the mystery and darkness that overshadows the history of so much of human life. Any object which presents at a glance a meaning beyond its mere ap pearance is an emblem. The torch for Illumination, the scales for Justice, the anchor for Hope, the owl for Wisdom, the butterfly for the Soul, the scythe and hour-glass for death. The first at tempt at writing was emblematical, and Chinese writing is so to this day. So were the Egyptian hieroglyphics and the same can be said of our own Indian picture writing. All coinage, from the first Hebrew shekel to the last American dollar; all the Hags of all nations; all state or na tional seals, are emblematical of some thing. The cross, the crown, the scep ter, the miter, every church steeple in every land, mosque, minaret and pago- 1 da, temple and ahrtne, idol and fetish. all are emblems. Every letter in every language, every figure, the sign of every trade and pro fession, the roses of England, the lilies of France, Ireland's shamrock and Scotland's thistle, are all emblems. And yet. strangely enough, it Is only by persistent search that one can find out even the least about the origin of this class of art, the meaning of its varied forms, the hidden sense taring often lost utterly while only the form remains. 'attrj paitu.iu na . at .Cw una , ,,, ,, MJ o ,no pu u, .4,am,p u, .JII;,U -.t"- w lnmojv puotnwip on iiti)jnii luaruinjo xy HOUN III! in i nun I I I KIPC- lllll 11 I i i IHUUIIIIL j -:AVITH I nDDS : s .caves No Con:tipnt:on. - Crtrr II, wr'l a. ft i,i..nar'm. i. k k ,., i M.lai a Ha,,!. , ,.l,l , ill la li.a a,..l.l St.. I I I a .1 jk . . ' '' iwrwin pr., u ! if ki. all W.MrJata Itrewt. PRIZKS ON PATENTS. 1100 and Perlmpn Jtakr a Fortune. We aeon re patents and to induce people to keep track of their bright idens we offer a prize nf one huudred dollars to be paid nn the flint of every mouth to the per sou who submits lo na the most nieritoiious invention during the preceedirjg mouth. We will also sdvertise tbe iuventnm free of charge in the National Recorder, a weekly news paper, published in Washington, D. 0., whioli bus an exteneive circulation throughout the United Htateg and ia devoted to the interests of inventors, NOT 80 HARD AS IT SEEMS. The ides of being able to invent some thing strikes most people as beiti? very difficult ; this delusion the coropsoy wishes to ilidpel. It ia the wimple things and small inventions timt mnke tbe greatest amount of money, and the com plex out s are seldom priititsble. Almost eer)body, at some time or another, conceives an idea, which, il patented, would probably be worth to bim a fortune. Unfortunately snob idess are natially diamiased without tbonubt. The simple iDventu ns like the rsr window which could be easily rlid np and down withont breaking lhe rmrf dear's back. the same pan, collar butbm.thennt look, tbe bottle stopper, the snow shovel, are things that almost everton sees some way of Improving upon, and it is these kind of inventions that bring tbe greatest returns tn the an'hor. The pnr we nffer will be paid at the eudofesoh month, whether lbs appli cation has been acted npon by the Patent Olllce or not . Every competitor mnsl apply for a pateut on bis invention fbrnugb ns, and whether be secures tbe prlte nr not, the inventor will have a valuable patent. TUE MESS CLAIM COMPANY, Pmur W. Aviarrr. (len'l Manager, 611 F HI. N. W. Wsablngton, 1. C. P. 8. The reapnnaihilifjr of tbia company may h iudtfei from tbe fact Ibst Its stock is tield by klaint aevei,.,n Somlrad of the leading nrwapsiera of tha United Htalts. ,f. mm : s ! D to Tnko'Km. ' itrt'trAit n?'' aaa tiuniM, VU pi