Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 30, 1895, Image 3

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    Take Notice.
, L The snm of five cent per line will be
3hare;ed for "cards of thank," "resolutions of
respect," list of wedrtinn presents and donors
nd obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself Rive as a matter of news,) and
ooticesof special meeting for whatever purpose
2. Notices of church and society and all other
3ntertainmenU from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
ent a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
lpon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
ponsible for his or her communication. No
orrespondence will he published unless the
writer s real name is signed as an evidence of
ood faith.
. ing Auent, 21 Merchants Exchange,
jau lrancisco, 1b onr authorized agent. This
paper is kept on tile in his oflice.
Oive your business to Heppner people,
2nd therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Stage for Hardraan, Monument, Long Creek,
John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows :
Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday.
A rrives every day at 6 p.m., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the Interior country.
.., , u WALT. THOMPSON, Prop.
Phill Cohn, Agent.
You can get the best beer
In Heppner at G.
ro'e's, 5 oents per glass.
B. Ted-
If yon Want the finest liquors, cigars, etc.,
eall.at fed's
City Hotel Bar!
Here and There.
Don't overlook Johnny Hager for good
M. CurriKB.ll, of Butter creek, was Jin
V rid ay.
Eil. Day was over from Butter creek
Try Spray's hama and bacon, the best
in town.
W. A. Johnston is down to Portland
on business.
Spray's pressed baef, something new,
Sua for luuohes.
Ayera guarantees his poison. Only
$2.5Q per dozen. tf.
Photographer Dowe will return to
Heppner in July.
'Squire Burnett represented Lexing
ton Satuidny last.
01 Justice and wife were visitors to
Heppner Saturday.
The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works,
nulla Walla, Wash.
J. W. Beckett was a visitor from
Eight Mile Friday last.
D Cox is carrying bis neck in a sling
on acoount of a carbunole.
Dr. J. H. Fell is over at Prairie City
to attend to business affairs.
Attend the cnnoert at the opera house
Saturday evening, May 11th.
Tom Kimsey is still suffering from a
severe attack of the rheumatism.
John Her, of the Lexington seotion,
was seeu on our streets Saturday.
Walter Brnudage is just recovering
from a severe attaok of rheumatism.
Tbe Weekly Sun and tho Gazette $2.75
per year, both strictly in advauoe.
O. D. Allison and Hon. H. C. Gay
were over Friday from lihea creek.
T. W. Avers, Jr., is up at Pendleton
looking after the squirrel poison busi
ness. J. P. Hnyden, representing Lnng &
Do., of Portland, was with Friday
Now is the time to kill squirrels; and
Swacgart's "Sure Shot" is ttie stuff to do
it with. tf.
Gihonsen Bros, are making a special
Out on largs family groups; call and
get their pnoei. tf
Press Thompson cam1 in Saturday,
and says that he baa just reoovered from
a severe attack of grip.
John M. Brown, of Lone Hock, was in
town Saturday. Mr. Brown is a promi
nent stockman over there.
Ben French came in Friday from
Camas Prairie, lie saya that grass it
pretty good in that seotion.
Miss Anna Brown's concert by class
and local talent at the opera housa
batnrday evening, May lltb.
For good meat, full weight and cash
prices call on Johnny Uager, the new
butcher, tf it door to the post oflice.
Advertising in a paper of circulation
paa. That is the reason why the Ga
zette ia securing so many nice iiew ads.
Improve your fowls and double your
production of fguK. W. W. Hmead can
tell you bow it is done. Information
free. tf.
Mt a lows fi Srrivner, tbe blacksmiths,
hnrfhiHrs and wikhI butchers, at the
old Gunn stand, Main street, Heppner.
Call on the boys.
Mathews Bros., City hotel barbershop,
tonsorial artist. lUirculting, ahaving,
ehttnpnning, etc., dona soitotitlOHlly.
lli.tbi at '25 cents apiece.
J. C. Launshtiry, night operator al
Willows cime op no tbe engine Monday
returning yesterday afternoon. This
ks bis tint visit to Heppner.
Jonathan Hemt aoj W. M. F.tr have
rtfingut ont N. H. t betstona's black
smitli shop an I nll emdaot a bauoaaa
at the old sUoJ hereafter.
(I. B. Halt, the tonsorial artist, can
be funnd at hi parlors, Matlock corner,
where be will dispci at ("polar prices,
haves, shampoos, La trout, etc.
IWn Tsrker cam down from tbe mill
yeeterdav and drparUd on the down
train fur I'urtlau I wiiti a portion of bis
aw mill whfc'tl reO ntly wrerked.
Mi lli 'li's Cure, ll great Cntlyh and
Croup Cure, is In great demand. 1'orkvl
atxa e intama I want fla d.iaaa nol it'K?.
t'liilJren love It. hild by T. W. Ayara
Hemao Jl!w!l will era ln cal bis
lot with the Diluors i.f Anslk.n Htalmo,
Grant ronn'y, and try bis luck, to wash
lug Ihs nul l ff'ta ti e farinaa of tbat
Two smtert from ti I.a Or stile
Catholle ahvi Visiiel llpl.r last
wek, fiihciiing e'llrfh rtpti'in and
"!i. Ir Wa lesrn tby did B't tttret
with ry r"i eneeei,
lUo llitiakr. Ilviff ef at th alan-l
f"finrly oc Mpid ty Jarry I'.lin, will
pay a rtii In traU f r rgi A' a
rV'ttil'Ma lina of gt'it'tr ( I ha Pwas
f rifta fur rah. rVa a l. a
B. F. !iaifgrt la iret.r o furnish
h'ta "rtura sunt" s'iirr p'.ison 10
tl'!l InU Ma I s slflr fara4
a la'ga r i . r ft- nx S asl,ir."'.i r d
I I. tm !: al. t It baa ltt lal.
II t.a i l f I I 1 eilcffniis.lat,a it
pt. If,
S w Is I I.a lima to gt lHa Vtarkly
(I'erf .Msn, tba ImI aaaspapaf r,f
tha Met. Ulh ll.! Ha.U-ih 'f-rl
If In a lssru-a.t if m.a , 1 1. . .ll f
r n ti . f tss; . rs esa l. n la
la I 'is slsts. I' -s' Im w.ll yiv as t
I r'ti.' iH an a ". Itl ..l I itiM.l.tt, Uett.
I ls'.U', an atrrutur .
ta i-'t k4 isWtiO-.
M. D. dayman and Chris Hansen
came together in Gid Hatt's barber shop
yesterday morning, Hayman winning
he contest in one rontid. Chris' faoe
looked mnob the worse for the battle at
the closi, while Mr. Hayman Buffered a
dislocation of one of the metacarpal
bones of tbe right band. Each settled
in the usual manner before Judge Hal
lnok. The row was all caused by Chris
abusing Hayman because be would not
allow the former to nse profane and
vulgar language in tbe City hotel oflioe
earlier in the day.
Martin Massinger, the exoentrio old
German, who suffered so much with
rbeumHtiem and starvation up at bis
mountain ranch recently, was brought
down from Mr. Mikesell's plaoe yester
day and is now at A. Abrahamsick's
home. Massioger is still very ill and
without means The county should
provide for him, as he is very muoh in
need of a physician and medicine.
In the spring, tbe human body needs
assistance to throw off the stagnation
produced by winter diet. As tbe
temperature rises under the growing
heat of the sun's rays we feel tired,
half sick and low in spirits, because the
Wood is sluggish and full of impurities.
Dr. J. H. McLeon's Strengthening
Cordial and Blood Purifier is a reliable
Bpriug remedy to invigorate the bodv
and give tone to the digestion. Price
$1 per bottle.
Harry Booth, a well known young
man of Salem, Oregon., hasben arrested
for obtaining 8100 under false pretenses
at Caldwell, Idaho last fall. Harry has
been employed by tbe State Insurance
Co., for the past five years, and his many
friends will not believe him guilty of
the above oharge until proven so by a
oourt of justioe.
Frank Shepardson, an engineer on the
Southern Pacific Ry., who resides at
Los Angeles, Cal, was troubled with
rheumatism for a long time. He was
treated by several pbysioiaus, also
visited the Hot Spnngi, but received no
permanent relief uotil housed Chamber-
Ihiii's Pain Balm. He says it is tbe best
medicine in the world for rheumatism.
For sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Cj.
A Long Creek girl recently sent her
photograph to her best fellow and
wrapped it in a newspaper on wbiob
was printed the advertisement of a stove
firm. A portion of the print adhered to
the photograph, and the young man was
very much surprised to see staring him
in the foo in bold pica type, the follow
ing words: "See tbe name on the leg."
Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening
Cordial and Blood Purifier is admirably
adapted to make "a little health go a
long wbv." Its curative power is
largely attributable to its stimulant,
tonic and nutritive properties, by which
he energy of the system is reornited.
It is pleasant to the taste, easily borne on
the stomach and harmless under pro
longed use. Prioe $100 per bottle.
Blind Jim, who lost bis eyesight in a
fight with the Snake river Indians, is
still with tbe Columbia river band.
While Jim lost bis sight many years ago,
bis tongue is as loose as ever, and be
still knows how to tBlk a quarter out of
almost every person who has ever been
friendly to him. Jim also has a
remarkable memory.
F. J. Hallook, Green Mathews and
Otis Patterson left Sunday for Ditch
oreek of a fishing trip. They will be
absent a few days. We learn that many
trees have blown down in the mountains
which will perhaps necessitate con
siderable road making by tbe Ditch
creek anglers.
For the beoefit of his many inquiring
friends, our accommodating conductor,
Billy Dunn, desires us to state that he
snooeeded in landing "ne tront while
out fishing Sunday. He now bones the
boys will not embarrass him with further
enquiries as to big luok and ability as a
L. W. Briggs is in reoeipt of the in
formation that his brother, J. L. Briggs,
cf Joplin Mo., was elected senior vioe
commander for the department of
Missouri, and his wife, state president of
the W. K. C, at the recentstate encamp
nient at Macon, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. M. O'Brien, parents of
Mrs. Wra. Dunn, accompanied by their
dangbters, Mrs. Mary Powell and Miss
Belle O'Brien, of Omaha, are visiting
with the family of Wm. Dunn of this
city. After visiting here they expect to
locate in Portland.
Fred Bock, an experienced botcher
from Portland, has accepted a position
in Hayes & Mutbewa butcher shop,
where he will rv the publiu in the
best of style. Fresh meats and honest
weight to everyone.
The I. O.O F. and IM.eksl.'s cele
brated the 7tiih anneversary of the order
in tbia city last Friday evening. A
timptuon banquet and appropriate
nsroises were the features of tbe even
ing's entertainment.
T. W. Ayere, Jr., is making squirrel
poison that he guarantees. No kill on
pay, and sella it t T oents per can, 6
eai.a for tl fx); tl') per dozen. Get a
i sample and try it. if.
II. V. Gates, .f Hillslmro, who baa
been in the city for more than a week
psst lonking after bis interests, departed
for borne Hst'irdsy afternoon.
Green Mutbewt for ahaving, ha'r-
rulllng, shami'Miing and all other or
Id that line. Bailie at any time during
business boure. CM. Junes, assistant.
J. C. Barrett, represent a Hn Fran
Oiscq bona, and Ben Hinsbeim-r, re pre
setting Ciiaa. Ilegele A Co ,nf Portland,
ere 10 thle cily over Sunday.
Geo. Wright, one of Morrow poiinlv'e j
mutton m itiarehs, em ia Hsturday
after a hard aeasou'e rustling down at
C. A. Rhea'..
Arthur Minor pnt Hun 1st angling
for front mil nn Dilehrreek. llreiort
the water very inn Idy end fishing poir
as yet.
Hugh Fild arrived from Brownsville
last evening to . k after bis Interests
In thi aerlioo. lie will remain several
Horner llallork an I wifa, after a short
visit with Heppner relative, departed
fur Ibaif boo. a in i'euJletoa lust Friday,
F.ngineef I'atlara n end Fireman
Durham mada trip t 1,a Dalle
rinmlay with a branch line riigine.
Joe and Tb'ia. Wnolery fda np from
I'ina Sunday nn Iheir bicycles, Disking
the trip In alnt'ist tea bonis.
WeMed-l'imB nr faneyseelng Will
gv to iha bona r lake aremg al home.
Mr. Mary Henderson. a
F.I. It t'lsh'.p and Frank Ie at,
! down Iha l.rs.iob I ilia yesterday fslu'D'
ing I t fcl-M.
j Vst,Ul LsniHry work by Mrs. C.
N , M.mntain ll nise. Mend tig
1 6lly d'-ne.
I Try Aiers' runnel p.an hf'ira
'hating any ntbaf, duly iV) t
d' r.. tf.
Ibie, Nl-rfi rlnrnel fr.m a bosses
. visit la piM Hx-k lat Frl lsy.
i ly.ni s-rsk. rls ; roan 1 steak, 4 rs
! rib t'esk, 5 na., al f praya.
' YA H .s-nm ef f..r I' r !n1 ls
; Thnrs Uy fietit m.
It- k nil f .r L II 4 tjn!hr hit al.
Ii till U-'i"
t. M ri.ee', I. !t I IJ- il-w, m Iu
i'.r ii t, U rUi!i. Li
Miss Bbrqer Indicted Miss Mary
Berger, tbe Eugene dressmaker, was
indioted last Saturday by the federal
grand jury, at Portland on seven counts
for sending obscene and offensive letters
through the mails. Many of our readers
will rimember something of this case
which oaused such a stir among the
elite of Eugene last fall. Letters were
received by muny prominent ladies of
that city cautioning them to beware of
Miss Berger and speaking of her as a
lewd and lasoivioua womau. All those
who reoeived these letters were friends
and customers of the dressmaker, and
consequently felt much sympathy for
her, and of course were willing and
anxious to assist her iu locating the
author. To this end the matter was
brought before District Attorney
Murphy, whe vieited Eugene, looked
over the oase carefully and after a
thorough examination the dressmaker
herself was bound over to await the
action of the grand jury, muoh to the
surprise of many of her friends who had
uot thought of her as a "posing martyr."
The cri ue charged agaiust Miss Berger
is a 6erious one, punishable, under the
revised statutes, by a fi.ie of $5000 or
imprisonment for live years at bard
labor, at tbe discretion of the court. In
any oase, should all of the couuts in the
indiotment agaiDst ber be proved, the
punishment would be very severe.
"We take pleasure in recommending
ChamberlaiL's Couh Remedy because
it is praised by all who try it," says 3.
W. Cox & Son, druggists, Marshfield,
Oregon. No one afflioted with a throat
or iuog trouble can use this remedy
without praising it. It always gives
prompt relief. It is especially valuable
for colds as it relieves the lungs, m tkes
breathing easier and aids expfOtoration.
A cold will never result in pneumonia
when this remedy is taiien and reason
able oare exeroiaed. For sale by
Slocum-Johnson Drug Co.
A Georgia editor recently sent out
letters to several farmers, requesting
them to get up a club of subscribers.
One of the answers he reoeived waa as
follows :
"Esteemed Sir: My nearest neighbor,
who is a nigger, lives three miles away,
acd be takes everything but a ne ws
paper." A Household Treasnre.
D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y.,
says that he always keeps Dr. King's
New Disooyery in the house and bis
family have always found the very beet
results follow its use; that he would not
be without it, if procurable. G. A. Dyke
man, Druggist, Catskill, N. i, says that
Dr. King's New Disoovery is undoubted
ly the best oougb remedy; that he has
used it in bis family for eight years, and
it has never failed to do all that is claim
ed for it. Why not try a remedy so
long tried and tested. Trial bottles free
atT. W. Ayers, Jr., Drugstore. Regular
size 000. and SI.
Anyone having one, two and three-year-old
steers for sale should see Sam
Kinsman at Heppner. tf.
Record: Old gentleman Shurte, who
has been confined to bis room sinoe last
fall, is sinking quite fast, and, it is
thought, oan only last a few days at
E. B. Stanton whs down from Eight
Mile Saturday last, and says I but fall
graiu is doing pretty well regardless of
dry weather. Spring grain is much
New Home and five olhrr makes of
sewing maohiiies at oost for oasb Will
exchauge for lumber. Machines from
812 up. Address N. A. Leach, Lexing
ton, Oregon. tf.
Harvey Akers, of Gooseberry, reports
his brother, the father of U. L. Akers,
as muoh improved in health. The old
gentleman has been seriously ill for
some time.
Captain Sweeuey, U. H. A , San Diei.o,
Cal. says : "Hliiliih's Cata'rb Remedy ia
the first medioiue I have ever found thai
would do me any goud. Price 5t)o.
T. W. Ayers, Jr.
Al Emerson foiiul a g .Id nupget in
the craw of an Eight Mile 1 hu ken
Saturday aa large as tao Wheal grains.
Hi is is the seooud disc ivery of Ibe kind
for Al this year.
"Scotch" Miller, father of Mrs. Frank
Kellogg, of this pIsi'M, ia dutigerouely I I
at Salem. Mr. ami Mrs. Lellogg were
notified by telegraph Friday and imme
diately weut dciwu to halciu.
Ansel White who left Sirilaf'ruz early
in lMUi ia wauled. Any tangible infor
mation Oiliceriinig biiu will he liberal I)
paid f .r. Address 11 II. O'tiarry, No.
4i'J H. Seventh Ml red, ha Jose, Cl.
Condon Globe: II Is re reeling to
learn that wheat la gradually ou Ibe rise.
Iha pi loo paid at Arlingtuu now for
first ilas wheat la .'W c. nls a bushel,
with proapeele for a ait ill further rise.
Kellogg A B isworlh have cuiiinenoi d
10 pubii.rj Ibe hake CheUn Herald, hi
Lake Chrlan, Wash. I'.eil li asotlitls
rll known In Heppner people, having
'itkid In Iha Uni -lie ullloc fur emue
lime. We wish tba bujs success.
Newa: she poeiolIi.M 1 11 Cracker
.ree uisinni U'-reioiora sin.an as
Kureka tiaa b'wn ibsng dt Bourne i
honor of Iha lalenied free silver advo
cate, Jolialhsu B'dirbM, of I'onUnd. wbu
bae extensive Interests in th.it .! iou
... .. a a .....
1 aaer i.iane: 11 01. win ii. hi in
reporie thai bis brother 111 law, Mr. t".
M. hsilon, has j'isi arrived Iu lb nly
frmn Danville, Jud and wi. I
k iiI iih him in iha (mure In the
law bus ne iiud-r tbe firm name o
King A Ms 1 loo.
Notice All tt and elvrr liirg
mailer most r-hi U il.'a of!.. i... ir
than Moiid'iy no.ti f .r ik.Is)'s Issue,
an I 11 .1 later III oil Ihursdsy Ihh.ii f..f
Iri'lay'e Issue. Iha nhi.e i,f train
lima render Una rule n..p riva and il
ill bt adhered lo 111 vry liislaiirja,
The f"llollig s'ltellie. ti,r iT-nrg
leeard l"r preif I list h,s a an a are
adulterated, B prared reiei lly in ..t,e
of iha (Kroisti paters: ".K) f"ii al,.
ran show that niy lai iw e.. 1,110 ii
thing It J'l'ion Iu ii'aiih eill , l.t
be ot srijl In bun f'ea i, charge "
Ffbaiige; Tb' trso,
,S ll a' a
u I l.s Ma"!
I ar t..l in j
m. A n.,!4
kukibg ais iha ' I'sf l
i shoiil l lea Ihsnkf ll It. .1 they
j Mininlri Miirintf, Miaaonn
1 waa i.rn ana in laiem etui i.in in a
f ti! llisiikilig Iha 1 ..jl f f . i'l..os
i' .11 during il.a e isis,
) I'r K. A. angl.se. the i ilrt.l si
s- u . ' d mm a Mis
II .as al.o ais il's.r ,', of f,nt S" i
r..n a in al M.ee. r'ull t ail , oil
J Mr 1 l'"!,' at. t rron' f Hai
I.. . ii J.TVucI essi a in d t,t,irf a"-i . I
1 1 .(. t s''!' r i v tt li.11 g
'k.a.Wj. Il I
Harvesting in Gilliam. tt will
surprise onr Eastern readers to learn
that D. C. Henry, whose exoellent
farm lies four miles south of Condon, is
cutting wheat this week with a reaper
Mr. Henry did not get through cntting
last fall when the thresher quit work, so
he just left it till this spriug. The grain
is in just as g )od condition now as it
was last fall and will yield just as muoh
to tbe acre. This speaks volumes for
our mild climate and fertility of the soil.
This is the choicest portion of the
Uuited States, and considering the large
amount of vacant land yet in this
county, the population of the oounty
onght to be ten times as great as it is at
preseut. Condon Globe.
When your heart pains you and un
usual palpitation is frequeut, accom
panied sometimes with sbotness of
breath and low spirits you are tsuffering
from a disordered stato of he liver,
digestion is imperfect and there is wind
on the Btomaoh. If allowed to remain
the trouble will ultimately reach the
kidneys and becomes dangerous to life.
Steps should be taken to stay its pro
gress on the appearance of the first
symptoms. Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver
and Kidney Balm is especially adapted
for disorders of this kind. Price $1 per
Birthday Party. Miss Myrtle Sarg
ent celebrated her sixteenth birthday
Friday evening April 20th at ber borne
at the Grand Central hotel, by inviting
ber numerous friends to while away a
few hours in barmeless amusement.
After a number of games had been
indulged in, a bounteous repast was
spread and the many invited guests did
justioe to the oconsion. Those present
were: Misses Edith Potter, Floss and
Mary Farusworth, Eva Brians, Bessie
and Loitie Mast ers, Maud Cochran,
Ardella Reed, Mable Herren, Mamie
Ellis, Minnie Matlock, Maiy Howard
and Mabel Glassoook, Mr. Jas. Morgan,
E. J. Merrill, Walter Van Duyn,
Homer Harrington, Niok Wiliingbam,
Osoar Hurt, Osman Hager, J. W. Wells,
Frank Borg, E. D. GilhouBen and Harry
Bagley. At twelve o'olook the party
was brought to a close and all took their
departure for their separate places of
abode, declaring they bad never enjoyed
themselves better and wishing Miss
Myrtle many happy returns of the day.
Rurklen's Arnica Salve.
Ibe best salve in the world for cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
tever Sores, letter, Obapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all skin eruptions
and positively cures Piles, or do pay
required, it is guaranteed to give
perfeot satisfaction or money refunded.
riPoe 25 cents per box. For sale by
T. W. Ayers. Jr.
Wheat, bu 8
Flour.bbl 2
Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, cwt. 2
" " three " 8
Sheep, muttons, head .... 1 50 fl 2 25
" stock 1 50 0 1 75
Hogs, ou foot, cwt 3 00
Hogs, dressed 4 00
Wool 5 8
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 40
Eggs, doz.
Chickens, doz
Potatoes, per cwt.
3 00
Wheat, cwt 8 H5 M
Flour, bbl 2 Ik) fc 8 15
Beeves, stall fed 4 60 (u 5 00
Muttons, owt 6 00 C't 8 00
Hogs, cwt.
4 50 it 5 25
Wool Eastern Oregon..
Butter, B)
Eggs, doz
Chiokeus, doz
Turkeys, tti
7 8$
10 bi 14
Uti 15
5 00 t$ 6 00
15 (A 18
Wheat, cwt K, ot 1)5
Flour.bbl 2 Wit 3 15
Beeves, owt 3 00 tt 3 60
" dressed 4 00 (.( 6 00
Muttons, live sheared... 2 50 oi 3 IX)
" dressed 4 00 t 4 fit)
Hogs, on foot 3 50
dressed 4 5()
Wool Lantern Oregon... 5 ft B
Hutter 22,'jO 25
F.ggs, doji
Chit kens, doz 2 50 3 50
1 urkeys, Dfdnwsed. . 12
MVst W I I Vaf lai f IT "OR A KINO.
mtHCN 4 LNAMiaio cms.
Ova r One Million Hropla w.sr tha
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our hoe art equally Mt If factory
Thr ls I Ns bast value for tha asan.
Ins aqual austam shnsa la alyla ana III.
Thilr arsartng auallllaa ara awsurrassad.
1 lis arla ara nilirm,slaapsa aa sula.
f rom II la I j sar4 ar lhr mln,
, 11 yuui d-irr cnia supply uu can, hold by
llaatrr tshoaa nama still sliortlf p.
pr-Mrlirrs. Atfiit Wahtad. A (ply at onra
mHm. '
PTfl '
I l J
I '
11. A. HUNS AK lilt, Prop.
Tired Feeling
Means danger. It is a serious
condition and will lead to disas
trous resulU il it is not ever
come at once. It is a sure sign
that the blood is impoverished
and impure. The best remedy is
Which makes rich, healthy blood,
and thus gives strength and elas
ticity to tho muscles, vigor to
the brain and health and vitality
to every part of the body.
Hood's Sarsaparilla positively
Makes the
Weak Strong
" I suffered with tired feeling
and run down condition, and I was
generally out of order. I am now
taking niy third bottle of Hood's
Sarsaparilla and the tired feeling is
gone and I feel like a different
man. I recommend Hood's Snrsa-pai-illa
to all who suffer as I did."
J. F. Rigseckek, Shaw, Oregon.
Only Hood's
Hood's Pills
easy to hnv, ensy to
take, easy in effect 25c
OPENS JUNE 1, 1895.
GEO. 8CHON EWALD, Mansqis.
Kstabllshert Inst year in a roman
tic dell of the : SHcrementn Cnnvon,
just below aiiii in full view (if (trawl
old Mmsta It was a Krent lilt anil
promlHi'S still more eiicnurnginu; re
sults for the present vear." T J.
Loktun, at Castella, Is still in charge
and will answer all innulrles.
A l ew candidate for public favor
tills year is
Also in the Shasta region, about
a mile and a half from Iiinismulr.
It is a genuine paradise lor hunters,
!lhers and seekers of health and
pleasure. Kasy to reach (near the
railroad), slghtlr, and hII the ne
cessities of camp life eaxilv procur
able. All Inquiries about SIiiihih
Victim ramp, if addressed to W. '.
dray, Ilox 4, Duiinmulr, Cal,, will
receive prompt nttenllon.
Camping in The
lma, Wrights, Ijiurel, (llenwood,
Feluni. Hen ljimouil,
Kouliler Creek.
j Reduced Rates
During the Tamping season will be
nmdu by Ibe
'or full particulars address
E. T. KOUKItS, A.st. l.tT. I'ass.
July 2A. Or any 8. I'. ( o. Agent.
Spray Your Fruit Trees
U ill'
1 11
Now Is thn time lo hsvs your fruit Inn's
prsyed. I bsvi'oiieol the llnest prsy l'iini.t
Iu Ibe insrket slid use (lie most I'lli'i tusl rcmc
dies, and giisisutin my work, liisrtti'S li'nx.11
sbie. I can Ih found st llorucr & W siren s. or
write me at Heppner, (in gon. Ia
sT s Jvr. HAijirjc.
Notice of Intention.
4 Aprils. i...
Notice Is liercliV ifUi'o lhi.1
I III' folios lug nsilli'd Sillli r hns liollci'iif
his luli'iitliMi to tnske IImhI proof Iu sttorl oi
his il 0111. sod Hint Mid 1 . r ... I will l.i. rosde
iM'Inrr J. VV. Morrow, roiiiiiv i li rk, st Heppner,
Ori'irou, on June s, l i., i -
lid Nil. lis'.l lor Ibe W, , l sud W.
NK's s.h' 'i, 1 t ,1, s ol llsoge n I W M
He lisirii'S His billow Itg witiM'.is to prots
his 1 oniiimoiis resldi 111 uiMiii sod i iiiilisiiiiii
I ol sslil Isml, tlr:
II. A. Hern-n. A. J Hlevenson, Krsi.k Mnrrlll,
si.d l II pisliir, sll ol Heppner, Morn.a in.
II. r. Hll.-ns.
"-" l'..i.i.r
Teachers' Examination.
V"T' r H MKIiUlV f.W t H 7 II AT
i' lbs p'iriKis.. o iiMklug su 'ts'iiiuitlii.
,n ..I
sil r.oiis no insv oll.'f lli.'ii.u n . in, 11
dsti'S lur It-si lir. ol liif . i.Hi.,,f 11,1. i ,iin,f V(
I r .In Slid Ills dlploiKss, III. ro'.oly m. i,iM,j
mh 111,1. 1, .li i, I ll r. ..I i ,. , .i,i.
ri.ml' siii.ii si I o 1 li k p 111 V) mi,,
l'l.-l llii. I eh Us) i.l t,rit I-.,
s N S A i IMl-IMI!
AJ I'o, s bii.il ii.t f Mi'froA 1 it 10.
iLiii;-rfnv 1 10 in t iit 1 ii .
ii i.i'ii 1 ) ri r. a . : a i n-i-
: A
litiio limy do
t'' l hi lo 11
ji iiiisngfl a, Hiiiiittt'il liy h nii'nr
ryclij of vr .iccsi t lint Hill
f'p h'l liiKiaitinl l.ifnrn it,
SliMwrrai.f ur'liiicri will fullnw,
1 1 . 1 . 11
Hiirriiiil.il ,y iM.rn
c l'i tun )
I riu.
l!nili- 11 fftif rl linn i.f fMrrr.
I, llur.tja.kr-r mrrir-a Titinrr,
(rl fi. Hi low Harr.
I iiliitr.
ware tn.l Cro kery, Cinta,
r, ('oi.f.'di"iiNii", lAc.
Old Blackman Stand
Iicjaljrdidioiis !
jrm wiinti
That is what our competitors have to
say of
Minor Ss Co.
That there is nothing left to out on that
they have reaohed the bottom on
77 TE CLAIM to carry the largest and best
selected stock to be found in this city.
No Cheap-John goods kept in stock, you can
find them elsewhere.
We boast on the quantity and quality we
handle, but as to our own honesty we have
nothing to say ; we are like the rest of the human
race, born to cheat, misrepresentation and fraud.
a i
Sunday Dinners
n 11
Free 'Bus for Customers to and
from all trains.
Is the Place for .Fresh
Tho tty Instituio
. I)
1 I A n n a
It to Advertisers at
fice. Yon need it in your business, and
matter of business we nuit sell it.
Tin: Pattf.kson PiMii.isniNr, Co.
Land Patents
I.mpI .hU iiIh a run l f..r aUlrr in Urn r.Wtr,t jk-hhIMo ( n e.
Contested Cases
CoiiU Ht.-l mm inl. llii titly atnl ekillfully ImmUrd.
Old Claims and Disputes
(l rlnirna ami ilisi.tili a (.. . ,!iJy m tll.-.l.
lli laon lnlil lna!a iip lln f ipf rlaiti'a nn r Il.a irrtl.rl taBl
laa an. I li,. lirla.sn rlsitnspls ui.il.r Iha alurral Isas so. I suiixnilof si
1 rl.ioisuis; an sls-i le-la-xri -Ui'n'i's no -r any lit I'tiMi Uti I Isas an I tba
I Ksil'i.s'l r"ti lahi.s imI Umr t'snir.s. st ti, ami t,.ir ffsiilcca, aojar
t ahainiji I .so. I si, H. I, ... I .and llrsria
I hi lsli tna laxf ari iifiiitf a'aiila in Mi aliotlrsl -'ssiMs bm f .r arlllsra
I,., Lass (X'tiii In iih iba Isas ao'l. r a I irh lb. if sil.tra v.ra ms ls, ami aha
: ara ni.o.. ai,. aurris l t.y .Matt In Is-na nl ll.sir psl. i.ls, rna. by Tlltliof
lrrKi'sriiip t,K, ran lis sssily si.'l sm.i y fm-..i
I Aitri's aiat yirn In all tnallrra islsiii t la Il.a i-i.l.ha Ish ls, sialty nn
j stlriia a'tstiif on lrf Il.a Isas liti Lata lasao fcsti!y j.ssp. fiil,lit. fnf
. 1 1, a iIisimsI .( tba I'ttl.lin ..insa
If f.tt ant tmif lan. .alanl In a hurry-If ynsj cant ynnr land trtaii.saa, of
I any il.aranirf. aHti.. to l.y skdlliil ainl iniUi.t all-trn-ya, an I ri'ttipt:y j .
I --s I iif, mtif to
John Wi ddi.hi'UI'n, Gi n. Man.,
Has been re-opened by Mrs. J. B. Rperry who will
conduct it in a strictly first-class manner, with the
view of pleasing the trade in general.
People from Country Districts will be
maae to jen at home.
B. SPERRY, Lessee.
Groceries, Cheap for
For tho Ohio oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Hslem, Oregon,
The iloHt llruufiful Town on the Coatt.
I'sll at Ihs flumi office for psrllcnlsrs.
HtrlctlyconUdviillal. I resiineht nrivsU' ami sura
OF . . .
a ureat fmnr.J.ii
Popular Prices