Suppose the silver men should in turn say that the gold-bugs are all Cleveland democrats. Is there not as much reason in one asser tion as the othpr? If the Ore- gonion doesn't pull down the man who is managing the tail of their kite pretty soon, he will have proven to all that he is a twin brother of Vanderbilt's son-in-law. The silver men in the republican party have heretofore taken "the medicine," even when they failed to get what they knew was right l3ttvare that they are not forced to do otherwise. ENGLAND AND SILVER. The Milwaukie Republican flab Com Down to the Point and Say What They Want. As a bimetallism Balfour, the conservative leader of the British house of commons, can be listed with the most ardent supporters in this country, as the following from one of his iecent speeches would indicate : "Some persons admit that mono metallism in a large portion of the world has depreciated prices and put a bounty on imports. Thus, for instance, Great Biitain brings from India and other countries wheat at a price below its legitl mate value, and these persons de clare it is an advantage to the con Burners and tlieiel'ore benefits the mass of the community. But I am convinced that no body in tho city is so foolish as to suppose that the interests of Great Britiaii benefit generally by an unlimited fall in prices, and that no large number of city men are so unscrupulous as to desire that the debts owed them by foreign nations shall be artifi cially augmented by a change in the value of the currency in which they are paid. "If Britons turn to tho world at large they will find the case mucli stronger. To consider home inter ests alone in framing a currency, while Great Britian is connected with foreign countries by every commercial tie, is a violation of the common sense of every practical business man. When tho country depends for its ery bread on foreigns and if it were cut off il would not live a day and would have ruin staring it in tho face it is tho height of folly to attempt isolation respecting tho currency medium. I do not believe that the common sense of tho nation will long tolerate such state ol things. In view of what is pro ceeding in America, (Jerinany and France, and even in (!reat I5ritain, I am convinced that all classes will soon combine to ond the re proach to our civilization." It now appears that Paul Schulze, who committed suicide a few weeks ago, was defaulter to the amount of nearly $150,000, and, as an exchange remarks, the papers who lauded his life, and held him up as a shining example to the rising generation, have now chang ed their tune, and are heaping abuse upon his mouldering bones. How like Shakeppeare : "The evil that men do lives after them. The good is oft interred with their bones." Interest in the Durrant mur der case in San Francisco has not abated. The inquest upon the remains of Minnie Williams result ed in charging tho crime to Dur- raiit, whose preliminary hearing is now in progress. Practically no new testimony has been developed, though tho authorities claim they have woven a net around the pris. oner from which it will be impos sible for him to escape. To Make I'm e Blood I'lipre is nn medioine he fore the people jqnitl to Hood's SurnapHrilla. It ih tbe HiiiinlHid irini medicine nd blood puriflur and it poHRPBHeg peculiar merit whinli others try in vriiD. to rennh. It rr ally miikns the weak strong;. Do not opulent to purify your blood this spring. I like Hood's NirRRpnrilU now. Hood's Pills become the favorite oHthhrtio with every one who tries tbera. iM. per box. SUNDAY BCHOOli CONVENTION. 1'HE Oregonian ravctt about "Coin's Financial School," but it prints not a word of it. The Weekly and Daily Sun are the leading papers of tho state and one or tho other should bo in every household. The (lazetto believe in tho or ganization of bimetallic league ns tho best moans ti get binietallistH together to work for tho goo of tho rnusn in their respective par ties. I'ltKsiKENr ClKVUAM) is the head of the gold bug putty. His Chicago letter and hi ileil with Knglitdi bankers nttot that. lie publican. TllE gold dollar, ' ,h has canned tho initio of our faniiH, our homes Mini uur property t de. pnciatu fit I per cent , in n "din honest" All tho cry of the gold bug cannot change tho Ichhuii that the logic of events ha taught. Kepublicaii. Srwroit John H. Mirrum. in repotted to have cui t that if the detn u-ratio putty tunic coiiC',n. fioim in fnor of Mher, which the republican n film, to d , lie in ftftaid that icgnr.llci. of hit their luUt'tke tln-y will nwecp tho country. The program his been tunned for the Tenth Annual Convention of the Oregon Slntfl Sunday Hohool AnsHoirttion, to be held in the First Ooncrptfiitionnl ehuroh Portland, May 7, 8 ai d 9. The topion for treatment ore all in line with the convention theme, "Better Thinus, While the entire program is designed to lie of lutereHt to every attendant, each one ih certain to 11 ml something of xpeohil value in li in particular line of Sunday sellout effort. The primary department is given the prominence that it demands, ns being of perhaps the first importance. Three papers on vnrious points in primary teaching are provided for, as well as 'lonrerence of till primary workers. At tins contereiinfl the matter of a state primary superintendent will iindouht eilly he brought up, ami if it meets with favor the State Asaooiiitiou will be asked to Bill audi an nfhVer to the list for the ensuing year. Normal work wilt be fully treated, and the question of the adoption of a uniform state course and the appointment of a normal supsrln ten, lent will have attention. Huch vital topics as Grading, Hinging and The Home Class Department will be ably presented; the (.'liiiiitiuiiia work will be under the direction of Kef. II. W, Young, of Portland. On Wednesday evening the program will include organ l?fltioni by Miss Frances Jones, one of Portland's best orgsuists, and a iii irtetle by Mi.a Hindi, Mr. Hlnllock, and Messrs. Wlaller and Montgomery. feature of the coti rent ion k ill be the live sitiinltaneoiis conferences, at four lYInrk Wednesday afternoon, of primary or kern, secretaries, superintendents, touchers nf boy and teachers of girls. I'he special interest of each delegation ill determine which one he shall attend. In each conference only such topic and problem are to be considered a con cern toucher or olH.vrs of that particular .lima. Indication already point to a very lvg attendance. This t a ma dm veution, and the invitation was ritendrd 1 1 all Holiday school workers lu the late. Kiitetlainiii"lit will be provided fur such delegate a tend their names In . A Morse, chairman. iUl Vn Her hi.. I'lillmid Attention I dlled In Ih neiVeaily for taking receipt Irom Ih Su'eiit st tuns of biijing railroad ticket to l'.irtUn I, )( reduced rat tor return trip is desired. The h iutlietn I'sciltc Co. barfT-cte.l a chsng Id it inannrr of handling fietirnoii fare which make tin imperative. This (a also re.,nre, by the O It. A N. Co. Th return rst l one third of regular far By James Judson Martelle. CHAPTER II. CTTLTBOUGH not blessed with many r of the riches of this world's goods, Jeremiah Judkins set bravelv to work on his new homestead. He soon had erected thereon a neat cottage, iu which to enconce his estimable wife and daughter, who, by their preservance and tender words of encouragement, lent energy to Jerry's ambitions hopes in perpetnatiDg bis aims and desires of building for them a pleasant aud prosperous home. After erecting his oottiige, the furnishing of whioh con sisted of very few of tbe modern comple ments and luxuries of home life now enjoyed by tbe prominent and enter prising Jerry, he at onoe began fenoing and otherwise improving bis little farm. Out of the few dollars remaining in his pocket, after paying for the transporta tion of himself and family from the overornwded East to the free aud bound less West, where it is possible for one to attain, by perseveranoe and a little pluok and energy a model home, be purohased a spBn of horses and borrowing a plow, prooeeded to cultivate about forty or fifty Bores, sowing the same in wheat, from whioh that fall he harvested in the neighborhood of 1,600 bushels realizing from tbe sale thereof nearly 1 nnn ttt.-.i. .1 vi.iuu. wuu mis money Jerry was enabled to further improve bis farm and stock it with what horses he needed, a few hr.KS, cows, chickens, etc. He also bought a plow, harrow, wagon and other needed farming implements. Although these implements cost him double what they should, he was forced to purchase them for the further improvement and proper cultivation of his place, While chronicling the aotioos of Jerry we must not forget to mention that while he was busy with the arduous labor of the season just reoorded, his wife was also lending all possible aid in beautifying tbe home surroundings by setting out fruit and shade trees, plant ing flowers and putting in garden, and although compelled to pay an enormous prioe for household articles and knlck necks, that go so far toward making a home pleasant and ils surroundings one of love, contentment and Deace. the good wife suooeeded through eoonomt oal management and the marketing of her poultry produce and garden truck, in accnmulating sufficient funds with which to buy such articles as necessity demanded. With his increased facilities for oulti vating his land, the third year of Jerry's stay on the farm he undertook to cultivate 120 acres, but the eoorraous price of the necessities of life and cost of labor which he wbs compelled toemploy drew so heavily on Jerry's pocket-book that failure stared him in the face; so as i last resort, in a vain eodeavor to recuperate his losses and save the results of his days of toil and the pretty home, made deur to him by loving wife and two ohildren, Jerry came to the conclusion that the only ay out of bis financial dilemma was t mortgage his place, thinking that he could easily rai-w tho mortgage aftei harvesting his orop in the fall; this he did and would probably have come out all right but for failure of orops However, out of what little he realized by the small amount of grain that he did harvest, after paying his hired help aud store bills, whioh were enormous, he managed to pay the Interest on the mortgage. Other incidental expenses nu t and Jerry II mN himelf at the end of the thir l )esr worss off financially than ever; with an irou-clad mortgage on everything lis possexse and a family of three children and a helpful wife to provide for. He brave the brewing storm manfully, however, aud goe to work with an energy and will, born of n indomitable desire to uoceed, and endeavor to onon mora become an independent to 'in, free from the bondage of an octnniilaiing debt. Hut, alasl in thi world our fonndest hopes are oft tiiix s criirthe 1 and opportunitie disap pear, even a I bey appear almost wilhm our reach, lteverse had com in the fortune of Jerry and theold saying, that "Misfiittiitir do not Come singly" Is amply illustrate I hi ess. Folio ing th failure of crop and Ih mortgage of It. farm rm eii-kneae in th family, hi Iwu eldest children being taken ill with typhoid fever, requiring weeks of careful nursing, bight and day, from th fond and lovn.g parent and an ripen lull in Hi way of niediciu ami a hyiciati'e Care to Ih amount of several hundred dollar. Al lat, hovrver, by careful naming the lull one wrr brought safely through and wer one roor shU In rnj y Ih brsntifal sun, shin and balmy spring duv which had crrpl around during their cnnvlcue. Jerry with a burden en hi mind and a d. heavy heart, iH Cloned by being heavi'y Men with debt, went about hi oik in tti Wginiiiuf of lb fourth year irriuig nisi lit loi on Hit eartu waa BED-HOT HESOLCTION'S. Tbe following resolutions were adopt ed by the Milwaukie Republican Club of 129 members, 80 being present, on the eve of tbe 24th iost. : "Resolved, By the Milwaukie Repub lican Club, that their delegates to the state convention are hereby instructed to preseut the following preamble aud resolutions to the convention, and en deavor by all honorable means to have tbe same adopted : "Whereas, The United States is now a debtor nation, while England is a oreditor nation, it is neither honest nor good business policy for Amerioans to legislate to increase the buying power of the dollar they must pay to Englishmen and other creditors for the interest Bnd prinoipal of their debts, and thus de crease tbe paying power of American labor and its products; and "Whebeas, There is good reason to believe that American silver was demon- etized in 1873 as the result of British suggestion and gold in the American congress, aod the same power with its friends in the United States is now con tending against the re-enaotment of our coinage law as it was before 1873; and, Whebbas, England is our commercial enemy, and there is no reason to believe her rulers are any more friendly to the American people and their goyercmeot today than the English rulers were in 1776 and in 1812; therefore, be it "Resolved, by the republican clubs of OregoD, in oonventioo assembled, that any tariff or financial policy or law re commended to Americans uy English men and their friends and sympathizers ia the United States, shouid be looked upon and treated with that degree of suspicion which a wiseand prucleut man would oonsider tho proposals of a seoret enemy; aDd "Resolved, That we demand the free and unlimited ooinage of silver and gold by our government at the ratio of 16 ounces of silver to one ounce of gold. with full legal tender powers to both, without askiDg or waiting for tbe con sent or agrtemeut of Great Britian or anv other nation, and demand that this question be referred to a direct vote of the people at the ballot-box. "Wuebeas, It is the sense of the Mil waukie Republican Club that a promise by a candidate to the people is one of the most saored agreements ; and "Whereas, We have before us the pledge of Senator 8. A. Dawson to vote and use all bis influence in favor of a law calling a constitutional convention at the earliest possible date to submit to the voters of Oregon a new constitution, including the initiative and referendum system of makiug law; and "Whebbas, Senator Dawson willfully violated his pledge; therefore, be it "Resolved, By the Milwaukie Republi can Club that Senator Dawson, in our opinion, has forfeited the respect aud ootittdenea of all houorable men, bihI that he Is unworthy of holding any position of trust or hntior. "Resolved, that our secretary is hereby requested to send a copy of this reset- tutlon to the press and to Honutor Dawson. "Resolve 1, That wo favor the building, owning and operating of the Nicaragua onnal by the Uuited States government, aud tbe strict enforcement of the Monroe doctrine agnuiht the efforts ,f Great Britain to ohtaiu territory com manding the canal. "Resolved, That we reiterate the demand of many republican e unity conventions, including our own, for 'a constitutional convention at the earliest IHMMihle d.ite for the purpose of rtviMng the Oonstilutiou of Oregon and including therein the inialive and n feremlinu in its strongest form, and further, we now favor it application to the moat im portant national laws." with big, rough, coarse-fibred twine, whioh leaves splinters in tbe fleece, but should not be tied more than twice each way round the fleeoe." Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications as they cannot reaoh the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one wav to oure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies DnafnSH is caused by an inhViraed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus taehiBn Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when'it isentirelv dosed, deafness is the resu't, and unless the inflimmation can be taken out aud this tube restored to its normal con dition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine caws out of ten are oaused by catarrh, whioh is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous surfaces We will give One Hundred Dollars for any oase of deafness (oaused bv catarrh) that cannot be cu-ed by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circular free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. jrjgfSold by druggists, 75o. i ftf" JT 2 YEA a discovery of the greatest possible benetit to in.unki was made in medicine. Physicians univcr-a:! roc Constable, Waldev is Home. Con stable Walden is hume after a long, but fruitless chase after the tall, slim horse thief. He and Sheriff Houser followed the man who took Bowker's horse for nearly two weeks and were finally com pelled to abandon the chase. They were frequently but three or four hours behind the man, whose name is supposed to be Hugh Wedlock, but the letter's familiarity with the country aod wary propensities were too mnoh for the officers, aud thy returned. Biwker's horse and saddle were recovered, but the horse will never be much good any more having one of its hind legs nearly cut, in two, presumably by a rope or piece of wire. La Grande Chrrnicle. Bnccimaa Cases. S. H. Clifford, New Casspl, Wis., was troubled with Denralgiaand rheumatism, his s'oiiiaoh was disordered, his liver was iiffectpd to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, aud he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edwad Shepherd, Harrishnrg, Ills. had a running sore on his leg of eight years's landing. Used three bottles of ElPctrio Bitters Rnd sevenboxesof Buck len's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had five large fever sores on his lpg, doc tors said he was iucnrable. One hottle of Electric Bitters and one box Buoklen's Arnica Salve oured him entirely. Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr. MONTHLY REPORT Of Hrppner Fulilic tSchonls for Month End log April 19, 1805. e 3 Cm 8 . S a a Sis 1 To 55 4114 2 42 Xi 25 3 59 45 35) i si 39 34 7 H6 II tl'i Totul . . . 311 212 17054 A. W. WlEB, Prill. The lone Republican Club have elected Ben Case and F. W. Valsiger as deleg'ites ii the state convention of republican clubs. .unkind eg- nized its beneficent results and welcome.! it m cue ot the most valuable remedial agents that has bn devel oped in medicine, because it covered such a wice range of usefulness and brought into requisition the most remarkable food-medicine in existence. Th w uiscu v ery was Scott's Emulsion and this wonderful nutrient was Cod-liver Oil, but until it was made available in Scott's Emulsion it was almost useless, but by their process of emulsifying at and making it palatable and easy of assumin'uo;i. and seiner to it the Hvoophosphites of Lime and Noda, they have given the world a remarkable cnr.rnve nent : n TTroeinrr HiMws both in children &v a. lulls. 1JU Oil VV uiuvvvv, Scott & Bowne, New York. All Druacista. CO.:. ;a;J 31. Yon Spun) Pkepe For a "big feed" when you come to Heppner and stop at the CITY HOTEL Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms ! Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop. Attorneys at IvMW, All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. HEPPNER, OREGON 3$0 c& T9 a mi Bill's Pills MAY NOT BE ON SALE ATrT SLOCUM-JOIINSTOX DRUG CO.'S STORE But there are hundreds of reliable brands of pure drugs, and the trumpet; never proclaimed more wejcouie news to the public Pure drugs mean that no bad results follow treatment by pbyai-ciun. 0., I M I ITI 00 HIV, l'rop. SIM-Kicp, mug 8AM MEADOWS. W. P. SCRIVNER. JF,33&3&!2: 1 Hillutu Cnllr. Persons who are suhjenl to attacks of bilious coho will lis pli-ased to know that prompt ridirf may be had by taking I'liaiuberlain'i ('..lie, Cholera and Iharrlip U- nu-dy. It ant qui, kly and ou al)s be ilrpended itui, Innmny the attack may lie prfvetitt-d I y thkuiK this reuirdy a oou a the Hint indication i.f the disrase appear'. and M cert Uiitlcs for sale by Slociini Jiilmson 1 r u k Co. An airwaMe TAiatlve andTfmvi Toinej. Bold tiy DniirrrlM or sent by mall. 2oO60q. and per pnrkstre. Fnmplci free. If A "IT Pi The Favorite TOCTHfmn JJ I1U tortheTocUandlireUi,iio. For tiiiv by 1. . Ayers, jr., Druifxltt -ARE YOU 1 'I. SIKN lllwaaalna i.f the A!tnntni:i of I'arrfutly I'srllnc W'H.I f.,r Markrt Hk.T I llf ,a.l. Tbrr U bi-ititf aitiil.-d on the chH the qUfSllnil nf pri paratmu of wmi f,.r luaikvt. Fruit mm know .. thni the manner In wliirli the prolui't is h.uidlrd and II. charai ter of Ih psi'k M tuucli to di Willi th 1 1 1 rn; . (r.ntisry fruit put up ia firnl cl. hp will out nil Ih Usl fruit pul up in shipshi uisiim r. Il is lirinu arm d that thi ' trtioof wool, and trad j niriiala nJ Vel fttlvnoalinK ,e Xrromo of mor care In putting up th pit, 0 nl-oiit to th sharp inspecli m t.f Kt- MAKING the MOST OF YOURSELF? There It our mucnlll Hiilch will help ymi to Hi t t I KIIhjr l.'nt'hhiK ymi to know Slid Bp' prvrisi your fit. The Phrenological Journal wide awake up-to date viHiiivnt ul Human Nature. Are you using 1H0UGHT and TACT in Cringing up Your Children? Thr 1 Culture li'.r!inriit helft mothers lid l-i-tier to itudy the chsrarterlatlr ol mil i-lilld a Kuldvto Iti proper devrlopmeiit. is'iiil ten cfiiii (or uiiiple njjr id the I'hrrno- ii'ijo journal. r ;.ru x w y.A vn., Pui n.iieti. .'T 1 ( :ui St , New York. W e i' a liui !lt ol k'li ful txiokt. II ti fire Tint lit r if II.'. , 1 1 I,,, f -Mi I li!H' ii lrU ml. I.' I'f . ini Inn il 11 ht Wtlllrr. WV'I, WO W,tl tin A till lipi ''it tllflt h'tlli' f I II... klllll-tf t'l'lll rt 1 TIIRKK POINTS iro tiuyrs. The aruuirtil W.ums i ti more -,lent l the Aue,., . W1 ,..( Wl,ir, S ih VOU to rrwliro It is iUi;etel Itial be must! p 1 ... . I ..m. I Ill IUl III I" I I an. I haiikrililrv seemr,! I.l al.ra him in , " " "' Trii-I i-r ! ' ' t . ...l 1 ..... . 1 . ,. . 1 llie f.. lie was Jel.rn.ine.1 l.i brat. Ih. ' m lh oil M iiiliieru paciflii, and one Qf h on O. K N. The wfrlary, F. H. IWk. t,ar.l o and thoiuh certain fadure Portland, Wd fillluali allilnaal tnfor in Ml loll oil rriiet. MEADOWS & SCIUVNER, Have succeeded A. M. Gunn in the l'luckBinitbing Business and are prepared to do all kinds of WSITHHB, REPHIR1HG iD EM-M. Call A Wsgnn Khnp run In connection. Satisfaction guaranteed. on them at the old Gunn shop, MAIN STREET, - law. . I1EPPNEU. 1 J't mfm MONEY Ji ZiSX ABSOLUTELY 1 i inetesi SEWING MACH1I1E MADE F. OH OCll DEALERS can aell you mi chines cheaper than yon ran trt r! n her. The NEW IIOTIR t our beat, but we make cheaper kind, urh ii tb CLIMAX, I DUAL au.t oilier lllch Arm Vail Nickel llai?l Sewing machines for $1 S. 00 and l. Call on our ot or write us. X Wir.i your trade, and If prleea, tonne and aquar dealing will win, we will have It. We challenge the world to ti Wacom BKTTI.H &0.fl) Sew.nie narlilne for ISO. OO, or a better c :). wing machine for 20.O() thrn -u emn boy from no, or our Aarnti, OKSO0MESEWI8GKAC!:ir.. Hoeros. II in. M Vlo fcjric-. :.,. t.iill. Ills ST. 111 IK, MO. IJAUA. ItJlAM j4iasiico,r4i. atiaia,i4. roit LI BV Hie New Hone Stuitg Mat-hioc Co. 257 Mnrkut Ht. Hun Francisco. Cal. jl a IMiiusi z i r3000 PARCELS OF MAIL" FUES vi v il! FOR 10 KENT bUMPS E5 -Tgi Viyn ,l(r'K'Jiar prlte -V',) your ml t2?i J7i drwi If rwvlvtMl within IX. rm 1 att" "r '1Hr bo,dl' l? VaKttrf iirlnteil on (riiinmH rv " HUM!, nitr I'irwmiT .'v .,.,!.... a. si urt H ttiit-viiiH iMiMtiiiitfni : fnnti itil tt llhtifni m1 nmfHifuo tiiirt ftiu'll nn-flva prottHtti.v, thotiwtiMt" n H 111 tilt lMMkN. IMttTt fiHNiifl therwrt. KXIHAI W wll' u1m print tml iiit'imy mwIm on .' rl yMir IlilM'l WKinwn Ul Jm, -hum Mtt k on vutir iivliipMi,rMN,kB, ph, u jm'vr'nt ilii-lr l 'Iiik hm. J. A. M'ami Ki'HlVIIII', ,t rnrw. r ' i.rv l'-f nn-clvfO itiv.'rfiiHiMrit )urwi ninl ov.t HiMMl Vnrrrln nt ! !!. My wllriwti you wnit.Ti nntti pnliUlitnt imI niHiinfm irnvn nrv Hrrlvlin il.illy, on VHliihk tr 1 of umtl from nil WrU of Uiu V Krlu- tW WORLDS AI K Dl RECTORY CO. No. U7 Praiikford and G Irani Ave. Phi. Pa. The regular nberlptlon price of tbe Hemi-Weekly Unzette i t2.C0 and tbe resnUr price ot the Wee kly Oreuoniao i 81.50. Anyone atibarribing for the Odette and paying for one year in advance ran set Udb the Oar.elte and Weekly Oreennian for f.. All old n seribera paying their anbecriptiona for one year in advance ill be entitled to tbe lame. Hlage leavea f..r Echo Momlavi, Vedne(lny. an.l Friilaya, retnrtiing 00 Tueadaya, Tburadave and Hatorilaya. U. WaJe. I'rop. T. W. AyeraJr., aifetit. IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT in 1 it Mrin m inarkrl. It In-a a d la uln( in ' iet and endeavor to aolueve oat.f alm...t rvttaln .li.a.ler. Tht..rf. , ,r",a S,',r imniej frm retted ti ia lh ay .lnrn.tb lourtli ""' ""'i',tirrr cer kiuda and fii'ti ear; It ,lrld n I he farm all ' l'lil-r It.ia oi'li'ion of lh ahile Ir,r"f, ami la tiwi r-r..f; tban etrf .. . 1, .. , ! Uiliuo lint d iiirai(i ,, tfrnara rirf r.ii'ii t V ni Tl Jj rt. Ili.f.i , ,1 , ,, rert an I ..n.4 ait.. lii hi. r hnt ai d tf'eat. f aitenti-o t.i ,a ay t he itndr.irfnr.l liatltiit iTen reat.ire ll t rallli li eliilld luralia, allrf aillT'f h t r . trial )rare anti a a.-tem hmg .. i'ti mi, and thai ilrra I d a.r, t'.in. ltiii lii.ti, I aiinia In null a n 11 l.i I ii f. ii m atklt.'fi.fa IliA fin-iia ..t ma lii, j at,,, d ir il. tie aill 1 hrrrlul. 1 1 ... t : . .. I . .. ; Ik ,th.l (im nt tliKrA ft b i.f llt 1 Itnlll ' MlA hl.l.'J Al l fl,,,a,t k.,tll,. t . . i . . a .a . . ttO II a 1 1 1 rf II tl lfl tIplAlr. Tltffn l A : ' " "'iini iiiirr iMniinii"n. ami nni. . . ' nkA ...1. it.... .L.i,- 1 1 1 . 1 1.... . iiifrr nit 1 ei ! tffi ti v pii'n.i. nte i m miriuinu m int-iit iHiii mil turii mlli lIO a . a a i 1 n.alali... II. all al.!T-ref1,r'r,'' J ,f "l'l ,, aeerl La I' T : I Id f.iil.., lent Ii m 11 any ,u l U'U they pf ar their w,i fr 1 urdai.f ei Coiiraemenl an.l tielp lnrh 1 market. raja tl W..,. IU v,rter: "l t,ia; i f Iht pret arinrf i f ,,,t fur eiMiut.-r Oirj mi n. r lin.l." (ttorit li.'rtv. t.t ! Vi j i y tli.i idl.cra. Tli f.lil r.f tl.. n.-ruM l..r i f c 11 r I'll. til l' I a a Till" 1 1 l'i'f mil a . I.S.r rna f ti'. !l ni III , t .Ua hi. ., ' i .ii at I.f l.i )," "ellwrj !i. I !'.' M, I tlill ill .iv.r rwa r jhu.i.h. ..... I r-i,r., aa,t,,.',t,, w.tefe ""! "-a1 rael...J j ad l. I ht) angrfeati .ui B.feqbrntlB d ......rf.t,-pie.f.ldi.a.-l.rt, ., ! ' th.l-aaM f.I.e.. , n.-ih.,.f f.m...M, ,,.,,,.... ,..(llf. ! M ili'a (!. ial .lira. , a "' . " , ,J "-,t''',f . I ,l.,all,-. II l ll)A ( " . r.,.m ,,,fr., W tl UV lifia.kiin, .N. V. j'Hill Kvl'a II - I anil tit'ify It! x.d. i War y inr t' -tin !rl... i, frtjntale ) . uf I ..' an I l.nke I .. if h- l rlear a. aUII, , UV au fl lda If l ri i a Tirt ri .iii r..enietn in it,. re.,MS I f -. j , ,,. (f , ,lt, ,, a nan s..rkmrn- Vn fan fr-.a tt.a J -I o fr..,., ,t .,.(, f,.fp.n ,lMbM l-..,,k.,.tt U lil t !..! ! keep ,. t.'i.!. a. ,1 it Ul . llM ttt 'a '. I Ihalttetlreora riusri-Wt' Keep MARDWARK Si ii.Mi: -Wo ulT.-r it C1IKAP Tiur.t: Wr -ill FOR CASH rt rnat.lcl to give mor for it ilollar tliatt tie uaunl ..lUr'a wnrlli." CILLIAM vS: BISHKK ADDRESS A ttnttt OU rOaTAL CAKD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney. P. 0. Box 463. Vashinrgton, D. C. :.,ZH?lt.mA,iith" V? .r'-11'" ee4 BlnrT ,T, or o. n Ih. 1,1. aittoiuiejl it an. .rt.all, of holirrt.Mhl,d ( .....! l..-.r. h.ih.t dia.ho.i- . oi,i..,,.n.ili.dl.l nol irm.ffir ti hit.,t Ii.... a.... .Iln.rnl nrM.n Ihur omn l.i,r f.,, .t,t,i . ....l aa I., in ,nrir. U h.. .inr. H..4 ..r r.m.,;. ' ' U.r. . av fthlMii. .mulM tf ar.,irf l-M aeliher Mnw nr child. thAA i ii .a, a. make ae Uiflccac alb. auidxr ae r.d m.j 1. 1.,!.. ':?" I""" "' '- aar I' aim. Of wa. due lo arm. Hrvtr. of (,i 11 a.Air?,n?SJl'yHmh'iT'"9 UU" ' ed If Ii.. aol.tirr'. rtf.ta" 1.1 ! k '"""" ""' llay..i.) la almo.tailc till' Ma a. .nlillrd If a...llrf left aell tier I . or frameftWi. of rlr, .1 i lhy ai. Maw it make aodiCctcnca bib, uiU.r aervtd a.iti1lfMti.1at.rar. r-ea'lo.'tdaBderoa law m.i.'. r.. ti 1 tew.. -11 ho.. 1 la.... aar riahia. ' ""'TP 1 tot higher ralea aa.l.r aiaer 1 hnuund. ot ml iirr. froia ft tia fee moms al,h rwiea ...t., ... , n..'oy aw accoaatef ?.MtZiJl??l" " u auoluf oihr. wketheraaatwaemewwraot. 'aau.ta lot aw pb.kb.4. awl a.iSd.ff. a4 Milot..l.M.4 In Im.of dotr la rera'ararmv a. a... .. .. . at.d.4. wa.ih.t hniH f.,f ..abiiiianr U 1 mr"mTO' 7 laeeU.a w.f art alaa arlt aadlb'ir w..1ow o( ih. ailach llawh fiHl rvi- ... Ual-di.a war. of l-ia.o I ait. mni.tuUXtCliZ?''9 - nae. M.alraa Mat aolalvraaadUifii w daw. ijT7 M d'f.ari.1. - aowi aiaw.BUltow, .1 .,!, w y,if , 0f t, of 4,1,4 ,.. I...I nMl t..r. n'"a.l4 f .f K..4..I. .,., ,;., i.w f w 4 M 4 laluiaiatiea. S'.n S..,, f, . 1 THC PIIC55 c"A MS CCmy" "' Mm" WWEITO) (biKi. lVw'1 f jart It' If