Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 26, 1895, Image 4

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Tbere was never a time In the history
of our coantry when the demand for
inventions Bnd improvements in the arts
and sciences generally was so great as
now. The conveniences of mpjkitid in
the faotory and workshop, the household
and oo the farm, fli wli as in official
life, require oontinnai Hccf-ss'ons to the
appnrtenauce and impliraents of each
in order to save labor, timeaod expense.
The political chance in the administra
tion of government does not affeot the
progress of the American inventor, who
being on the alert, and ready to per
ceive the existing deficiencies, does not
permit the iiffnirs of government to de
ter bim from Quickly oouoeiving the
remedy to overoome existing discrepan
cies. Too great cire cannot be exer
0!sed in oLoosing a competent and skill
ful attorney to prepare and prosecute
an application for patent. Valuable in
terests have been lout and destroyed in
innumerable instances bv the employ
ment of incompetent counsel, and es
pecially is this advioe Applicable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
pay" system. Inventors who entrust
their business to this class of attorneys
do so at imminent risk, as the breadth
and strenifth of the patent is never con
sidered in view of a quick endeavor to
get an allowance and obtain the fee.
John Wedderburn, General Manager
618 U' street, N. W.,Washington, D. 0.,
representing a large number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals of the eoiintry, was in
stituted to oroteot its natrons from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
in this line of business. The said Oon
pany is prepared to take charge of all
patent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, and prepare and nroseonte
applications generally, including me.
cbaninal inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, labels, eopvriilits. interfer
ences, infringements, validly rennrtn,
and gives especial at'enion to rejected
cases. It is also prepared to ent.ir into
competition with any firm iu securing
foreign patents.
Write for inatriietiona and advice.
Philip VV. Avihrtt.
1118 V Htreer,
P. 0. Dox 885. Washington, D. 0.
vtm:k bkaniis,
Whtln yon hm yntr nuhHrrintioTi fmirt np yen
0'in ktmp yuurhrHM in rrf fti'irtffl,
AMvn. T. 'I . Or. Il'irnon (( nn Inft
ft1imiM"r; cnHl -ntn nn l"ft hit), nnir hit on
ritfht tmr, H'ul titiMr hit on tliu lift; nint, Muf
row ooutity.
AnntroTHf. J. Alpiim. Or, T witli Uht nn
Hnr it on loft Hhontilttr of tmrHHn; rHtlln nHinn
(in litft hii.
AliiMfin. O. 1).. Kiifht. Miln, Or.-CntM hmml.
O Ihiii lft lni H'i'l horN Hiinifi hiHixl on riulit
liiiuldnr, KmitfM Kmht Miln.
AlktiiH, J. J., MMMmtr, Or. Horw. .TA fton
n'tn dm '"rt Hunk: ni'M'. Rtn nn ft ).'.
liuni. I) W n i l in. Htirii'M hrftntl-fl I) It
nnttlnM liiii: t'' Ihi M'rn (! lft n i!k
rrnpnff ri t . itMiltrrrnp in lt ft. Hudkh
in Morrow "tuiiy
Hurt h'llfi-ti" w. V 0 , AMnn, Or. Tloriri
hrari'l" ! 7 K n nHtmr th(iiill r. itrniK't in Mnr-
tviiiiiWl'T, F. W., Il'iriliimn. Or. fnM brain).
1 H tin l"ft H'i'l thttrh; oiit in ino)i nr.
Hit'tiin'r, l''tMr. ii'inmtKrry rn ran - (rftm
irHti'l I I' It on Inft h(i mi 1 (mt. ThIIIm nnniti on
riwht mil"
Htit kM. M HI f I .oh if rrwnk. Or -On rMtln,
M A Y roiiii'M-io 1 on htft ho. niop off ltff wir, nn.
ilitr h'tlf t'poti otl rt"ht. Ilifi', 'tni onnl on
Jot ft tthoiihtHr. ll-iiiKft iti 1 1 runt Mini Morrow
c. unity.
lirHi'imti, Jfrrv, l.nim. Or - MnrNin tirftmltxl 7
on rutht nh'iiili-tr; nHl H on th h'fr iit,
L'ft -r hn'f mp ti'l rurht ir notnr lnn
Hurt on, Wm.. M pon-r. Or. - Horn". J M n
ritfht t'lM'i. hu imi oti riifht tup; nplit in
Wi -U H'tr,
Mritwn .I, !itinirt.m. Or. flnrMM til on fhi
rlht fttith; ch 1 1 H'tiiii on ritfht hip; rnittfn. Mor
row enmity.
Mmwn, t. ('., H"Pt"'"r. Or.-Mora. rircln
( itti (o' i r on l,,f' hip: fVl. nn.
Ilrowri, W , (rt-i((in Hor4 Unr
over It, on tliH W'ft Nliniilltr. i'Kt 1 1 1 nuui on !((
liovf. W. O., H tiiir, Or.- H r hot
Itrfttiit ' r. 'li hip rtttlln, MMitm, With ltt in
iwii'h rr,
it or. IV O.. tpptifr. Or-HorwHi, ' on Iwfl
hotiltMr, ph"1" numi ift hflt,
Itrownhw. W J , Knt.i r (VtU. J II fnttnct1
nn rron on I f t Mf nnl two iMtn nihI
nii'l lh nil on on rin-l r; on hnr tn
iimml on thu ttt thigh; Unnipi in ot VHllny,
tirmit ionv,
i Hmtm Wnrrn, Wit", Or - Mom Itrnntl.
in) (I on tlttUi titl- r itttn (thrnn Ur) on
ritiht rttn, fop mu tplit m wh nr. ItrtOKH hi
(i'Hit n'o Worrow contitni.
rniti.K., uti'h.t r - V ll on hor on loft ntfr1
V it h uiiitr ''trt'l or It, on Ifft iMtuldor
Hint on Wt ptiMit on nil u-M'-r vr , i n
Ml ahmihlor only on n hor ovr & )ivtr. All
fit t mo In tirnnt t'oii'itv,
t rin, i 'hnn II,, lOHon of l'in. Or. Iltirw
II I nn ritit hoiU r; rM tmi oil fitftit hip.
lUnr torow h-i. tniillU nintn.
t orriiiH. M M ( m' l" y. Or t VI1 rmp not
of m-'tif tr Ro toolrltit, nit' in for..h -.,
ImrMM h iif riri' I' m left till, tothifi Mot
in Htul t tin' 1 1 In. mii f if,
t'm I. I'. II , lot. ii Imi. Or Oi.iit.'n rrMM on
M'h hip on rntt'H, wtllttw fork ti un .r lot
in rwiil tr, mlit in hft Mr, I i m itm in lirnnt
riiiitf. on pi.fn, n ..ft, nn MMtr i mil
nU ti ml i"f f r ntttfkoti mm, rrm nil lft Mf
I M'i' S! iMtr lot in ruM. V-iliim fmp in
riifitt HiO. M'tt.-r hitlf rop hi Mi Mr. AH m4
u lirtiti - -ti'M v,
J .l o Or. HorM win rirfhl hon
dr, iV'ln i n on r tit hii- Mr tiiili iii
vt op utf ..' nn I i.dl in r.trt.t,
iimn, II ., ( nn innvttiit. Or, orf, Ts n
fft i'U.
( n H M . Ui'l o,.,, Or l'n,tN ( H,
9 t, pMttl.tr, iom-n ' iii h' 'no.
(..'h'ni, K . M .Mm n-'tl tirn'tt To, Or -
,rn hi n i l I i'ii'I" ' h on l't
ti., il f cn)l tirnn I ot It tl U hi, Ittnrk
on h-r loif t.ii m r n i l I t o
I imi'i'i. II , IU' I " 'l Or 'I .r tonti
imi iw'l o (i n" f vi I I ' in Al ;
lrni. I o i h..r-n '4l.t ttiirfh r I ..- j
hf n I oil f.tjUt h "t t.f, o fill oil (Ml ol I
f l.'M i
I I rifii. W M ,iiM 'wnt f, I VU. H I'on j
ruM I nlo for tn 4ti Mir; lnf It tl j
tl l..f loo.
r U tl, i .ittf!nn Or l(,inw on, . M Y 1
on I ft n)o.t ti, rHl kn tt ort mip. hoot 1
It- tit.l I
n-.i H i!,- niM, Or II inni l.fn- I- I
I , I .. t if i t I 1 1 .m Ptt m'ft i ht t rnt. ;
It.' in mi r mhi loo IU hi M f f w in.m.,1,,
hn"'!- If A. Hi"i r l.r ;
iif 't'l', H w-'h lf i-ltr io rit i
I. Ut
r j.iritf n H I, lit- t Or ,r-M f on
n?.t ! t 1 I" i I on r.'ti , . ilih
I ri. . II !.( ' Ml t.'t l- :
W r, . ' " o.i t .fi .i . (.,( n'l trrt
mnt M o I. - I o i ! -'I t.ip ,
it" $. I , r 'titi l .i.,m H, j
W n in' -" ' 1 . i'i
I t in M
II , 'i A II
ill .,
It I,.. .ir
. . I..
...II i,
Ii ,
I .,
-I in
P ..n ii
oh U I
I it VM l.il. t
l' ' -I ll 't HI li-'l
r f i
. . !.,. -a
., , ,
ti in tint-
r H .-t hni'i tnf
U oil I. t
ft in- iri', nn p fl
M I l
n I
) Ol
II 1 t t, ' i
(I 'mi ' f i 1
t:l-1 S i tl l ) n ia
l, , 111. I !
t ' t lul' I i' I H u I I
In i is. 1 1
tttt. M I f-
.m it tv'l ,i
M i M 0 .
' i , . '
I' I 'i o -in. J 4 I I t
It' i'
it ! .
Or M
Unflny w m
it H .
I M o
. 1 -
n Ut
i M.I J .--
Mr f tt
Dolce, elegante.
ii aSt , ! T ITV P! ll
o us , : & . .
i ? -i-g- j - - F wr i , g s 1-,-3
V ?rl I Up' -JT" it fzr-3
) ft " r- poco stcnlalo. ens. ,
V ?e(t' marcato. Fed.
, a tempo. toco "'Jto. ,
I TO 5 1 i i - c F- rr i S - SStmj
f j-j-,.-!:, p g--J:-S7- -3
'I : J dim. e rail. p -.
-a- - . 9 , r-s- - : v :
a tempo.
I an.
. 1
P gracioso.
v ,
.liiiikiu, rt. M., Mnpimnr, Dr Mornm, hontft
'lum J on li.fl Hlnmlilitr. t'altla, th Hiut.
'Iiin "" flMil Mlln,
.l.ilicB ii, Filix, lifim, Or. Ilnrwpf . nlmluT n
ii.fl hIiIIk; iwIiIm, hhiiio on HkIiI hip,' luiilnr IihII
tii, in n,t' n,l nilil 'ii Inft. iinr
Ki.iiiiv. M ik", Hnpp'XT, Or. llor hrnndivl
KNY mi lfl hip iiHttl mm anil drop oil lft
ntr: nli'hr .totmonlhM riithl
Kirk J T., HpP'ir. (Ir.-lloniK, nn left
li,,cililr: (hill". M on Ufl hip.
Klik Ilnptniar, I'M hornw II nn Inft
koiliiri ritttln Miinn on l iht aidH, niidnrbit on
rii'hl ..nr.
hiimlirliml.W.(l.. Mount Vmon. Or. I l,nn
imitlHoii riu'il kii'I il. hwhIIow fork in Ufl
tnr nmiI iimiMr moo in riwtit mi, lloriMia won.
hmtifi on Inft nhoiihl.r. Hhiih in Unifit roiintv
lofli'ii, Hlpnn. foi.llr. H I. on l.'ft hip
on rn'Hff. frop unit uptjt on riiflit Mr, llonww
miiiik hrnnil on loft nhouhiHr, lUhK" I'tniil
liimmll'Mi, John W., l,""li"- (h. llnnw
lirHiih''l hn!f-4'truli J I. ronnwlwl on lft lioul
il,.r. I hM. lunnr mi loft Inn, lUllKH, IINII lI
l.,.'tl)'lf. J. W Mippnir dr. llorwa hraniliwl
i l o , I, it hiiiiliinri rniiln anina on l"fl
hip, witilln ovr niiht , Ihrni ahia in r,ht
Iir.l, l.irK. Mxppnwr. dr. Ilonm Immlnl
ilonhU II roi.nwl. HitiiAtiin raJIwl a
W014 II, on lirt ahouhi.r,
Minor, ll.'ir, n,,nr tir.- full la, M D on
ntflil hipi hunt M on Inft ahonliii.r,
Moman, H. N., Hppur, Or.-IIomaa, M )
on l,ri .honhlt rnlll aaini on Inft hip.
Mithll. ("Mr. on, nr.- Iliin, J7 on righi
hit : rili, 77 on rmhl aula.
Mi'l'lamn, II. !.. Ilrownarilla. Or,- lloraaa,
Fitfiin, ton u'h ahoiihlnr, caiila. M jon hio
Mi-tlirr, I'raiih. foi Vall, Or.-Mula aho
art 1 1 loa-rork on rail la nn rilia aa.l nmlar In
ani'h aar; liorana aama brand on laft alina. I
Mi'lUU. ... i ., iiau.nin,Or.-on ttonaa.
a illi half rin-la undnr on Ml alitildnr;nn all la,
f.ntr tra r.Hinaril on Pp uu (ha rinht aula
Haiitfa iii liraitt Conntv.
N,al Andraw. Ima llia k Or.- Ilnraaa A N con-
nm'tnt on Inft ahiaililari mlila aalliaitn birfhhll.
N..r,l)ka r. Miltarton I'r, Ilnraaa, cirWa Ion
lafl Ihiali: pallia aama on laft hip.
Illir. J."i'li. ( anion I ll, Or K I nn aalila
on lf! hip: on tiorwna, aama uo laft tliiMh, Haiitfa
in ilrant poiinlf
OII.T. laiii. Islington, Or.-1' (I on laf,
ah-'l.'li .
Olp. Il,.rman. I'tairla I'lly, Or.-On raMla, O
1,1 iMiiuiwitl on inft hip; hxra on Ml aiiNr
and wania on no ltaitf in liraiit fHMiitljr,
waraon. Olava. Fiaht Mila. Or.- Korana. ouar-
tnr rlri'la .l,inl,l on Inft aluaildnr and ii on M'
hio. I Vi la, fork in Inf: ar 'Uht rr,ipat, W
. In. i loo. Ha" on r iaht Mi la.
I'aiknr lilnaaon. Haidman.Or.- llorMll'ot
.-fi l,oiil.rtr,
l',l. It I. llliin.Ht, Hnr-aa htatil
K n,i.o,nt'ln,i - lfl ahonldnr ntllla
mon right hit, Itana H.rtr.. rout''!.
I'i,m J II . I I a . r. Il.mna, if P.MI
nnt'imi . ,.ii a.i'.iii-inr, rai in, aatna on inn ni
ii, I... In In M..-li aar
I'li. I ' , ,.ti". Or ; horaaa diamond Tin.
It. nil. Inr. rail In, J II 4 n.nnn'al. on I
Inp, i.,r alopa In Inft oar and allp In tlx
H.wl dm, llarlman Or. - ll.nna. mar.
nr. ,tli .,iflnr ir.lanr It IMI Inft atltln,
ll..,,,.,,,., i htia, ll,-,pnar. Or.- Il.n-a I Ii or
Mi l,..-,l nr.
K i.li Una . Hal l linr. Or.- Il,?saa hran l-l 1
n Ihn nah alitnil.lnr; raMla, I aril lha Mi hip
r.... i.li Ml nr and dnalap on nark. IUlMP it
V and a I In noimllna.
H.xnnr. tndn.w I t i Or-lliwaat
ran Ind 4 H hi .tahl ah.ii.lnr, nut iwHa
nr. In ..n l.ta' d. pallia awn iHt tmhl kip
la H,.r.,J r.ni-1 f .
I.,ia, "Am. II lairrllla. Or UK fnartj
, .irn nrWa ornr l.p ,rfi patla,n nM ki
i., rt... ..it rial, nr atl aplit In Ml. H.nM
nn l'.. ., Inft alunil Inr. Uiga A MoTIV
li-n',l a-, .1 iii'am rMn'ina,
Hi,.r J M Mn.4tnr. Or - llopaas, JO .a
Mt i...ul.lnr. t aula. Oo nhl kip.
4f.pk.-all J W . l..a-P., Or - ll.aa
I. .,1-1 i , Mt ahaii.Mi la a I
r.i 'i ' ln..f, Or- ll.n-M KrnM
,.- itt ....il M , Mn aa'a h, Mi hip
...,.i. M I . Ii'.nl. Or II. -aaa
ih l.H a 'M ii on Inft a,n raiila M vok
.al. .,. l-r it ..n r.tfi.t h't. roi il Planf ar and
. , 1 1 , ,'.! hoid l- lu. a la Morn.
Inliia-nan I I inl 1 1 p.inlina
. , I. '. Or II. .pm tra,n.na
i-.ll ......tl tnr rPil.t.'.. (HI lT kip, I t.
.... .... I.'i hia l it
'a,a' t la I . Iln.-nn nr II .nana ha !
I n .-n M aliltn, pallia J n ip. Ml tup, a4l..
f..a in . 'o aa a.tnl,it la Mt.
j ,,.,. , ll-i i ll.rraaa, I t Fa
1.-' l,,f ,.Mir an na ihx Mt rip.
niiM J'liK. . O. - Hi attaiH
It nn n r.aid klf a., aa riah h.fp
Pt.. ,.H tM par ao. a .! lot in Mt aar, Ita. a
: r t,tm t ---i
i a . ,lh II'.- Hnaapfll! Of, lt.n-a l.tp Ut
! H . p tnr raiim, mm ji inft ai..,l
I a , J.. t lifai.., Ot , !. I.aitil
' Ja Ml lM.at I panl lha an.., a'aj a
li Ha. a in V ."..; and iiunaa'.iia
hii,. I K . II ad avi. I r . t.-vi !,
I ; i t,a .' ih 4 i t Ka ia. l .
a n.. W I, J Iti f' -- 4 at. fr i
a, t I , - , vi f-n, ,. lnf n.
.,' II H , It-) !,.!. l mi M
. I ."! t I.1 I. .
a t Ii ll -, i l nola t' ,
I f r. . I I a 4l..l la Mt nai
4 -n I. nna n-ri a.nn-t.
IV, J . lint, a ot - Haran
Mt t .14-1, aa Ua. I v tar taMf.
riTZ .
t K ' 'T ' 1 h'
r-i n i
'J - .L6L,
0 -c-
n i
, 0
: Yjr
r I; i I QT I j i i i
. . 1
jr p 3
i' I j
Copyright, i8i)4, Ly The Ntw York Musical Kecord Cu,
Tinnala.H.T..KntrurlM.Or. Hiiiww. C-on lefl
Turiinr It. W.. Hotipnnr, Or. Hrnnil onpltnl T
laft ahonhlar. liorana; oaltia aania on left hip
with atdit in laiih aara.
Thornton, II, M.. lona, Or. Ilnraaa hrandad
HTooniiiaftiHl on Inft at ilia; ahanti aama hrnnil,
VandnriMMil. H.T., lrfnn. Or: Horaaa HVoon
nwUal on ri(ht ahiiiililiir;i'H(tln, aiiins oa nnhl
WnlliriduP. Wm.. llnppiiar. Or. lloraoa, U. L.
nnlhalnfi alioiihlnr; ratlin aama on ritfht kip,
crop otl Inft anr and ritflit aar loppnd.
Wilaon, John U,, Halnm or Hnnpnnr, Or.
liorana lirnndivl Jy on lha laft iholllilnr. lUtiifr
5lorro rotinly,
Aarran.W H. Cnlnb, Or-t'attla W with quart
rind orar it, oil Inft tiiln, aplit iu rurht aar.
liorana aama liraml on laft khonhler. lUuii
(iraiit nonnty.
Wad. Itnnry, llpppnar. Or. Horaa bmnilwJ
ara of aMuhai on lolt ahonldnr and laft hip
Cattla braud.f aama mi Inft aida and Inft hip.
Wolflnirnr, John, John Uajr fltr.Or-On horaa
thra oarallnl bar on laft ahonhlar: 7 on ahnan.
hit in holu aara, lUiuni in (Irani and Malhoet
Winnlwanl. John, llnnpnnr, Or. Iloraaa, CF
PonnaPtnil on Inft ahonldnr.
Waikina, l.i.ti. Il,,nnr, Or. Ilnraaa hrmodad
Ur. nonnia tmi ou lort anna.
Wallapa. I'harlna. Ilnppnar, Or. Tattl. W on
naht thtifli, holr in Inft aar: horana, W cm ritfht
ahonhlar aono aninann lafl ahmihtnr.
Whlltinr rroa , rtuniinmoii. Hakar t'n., Or.
liorana brnndail W U ronnm'tad on Inft Jionldpr
William.. aapi, Hamilton. dr. Ouartnr nr
pla nvar llira bara on Mt bip, lailh mltla and
hoPn. Panirp liratit aiaintjr.
William.. J O. Imi I rnnk. Or Horana, qnar
tpr rirrln ovar thrn Imra on Inft hlp;oatlla aalll
and alii in narh nar. Itanrra In Urait maintv
Win. A. A., ilnppnar, Or. liorana mnninaA m
on ahoiildpr; I ait la, aama on right hip.
l.Hiiia.J. H.. ibaawiMH-r, Or.- Mora brandaf
TH n. h rthr h.Mnn
Fur Pleasure or Profit,
houM an that lha journal lh nrtacril'
to i, Ii a 1 r.l an. in, ml taliab.t
ulhotity otjlaiuabla.
.-. i
.. Wlllilllr ' V I
twos mtuQsr in rut list.
Ii nValapf artlra!', with frolt, anil (tH,
itrna, ani ni-a ana ti.,a.th an. tovrrattia
Urol id lo.rtirutiu.a avaiamatu ally
an I llHou(iilv, Ii llluatraip and
Urairttwa rurthiala ol raitiira.
ti,-n, oiipi.ivr l ranal r.and
a'-t.aarin davi.,
tl la, uhwut doam.
The Paperforthe People!
Ill 0V a I rap it, aiaaappi,
torln,ra C"p ! v fn caiahaa
aouial oai lilt 14 appioaiutfi
Airkafi GnWi 170 futtoa St., N.Y.
Omits, Trdt af tt, Di p PiWnit, Copifii,
A4V4 ail r'aal kaaiawa aa4rt4 h
tf'-rtnii -a a4 tdrVa (Ipp a hinatari nin 1 1
0kll . A44PPM
ohm wioocmumi,
M 4 Atlaraaf.
. tVIVH. VuUhlMhUO
0jT raaMf
h ia-al ,a4 ) PaHiiiat la la
I. ii. 4 ! In in rn4 a4 ,m
lafl MhallWn ai1
i4 v .t t ! lata, aa4 ak ,
Ku tfcPa'
a temio.
a tempo.
u cag .i -
Pal. mt
i - s n .
Dlaturbanra of the Ailjuiiida to the llrah
mln Worahlp.
In cprtuin parts of I m I iu monkeys are
(fiirdi-tl us obji't'tH of worship. In
KcnilniM-'pnccN of Sovfiity Yetirs' Life,
Truvol und Adventuri'," the author wus
ulHiut to enter the court of u lurjre
monkey temple at Nuddcu, when tlie
otllt'iiit iiiff llrahmin sa id : "No perixin
must vihit the court of iluniinan" the
monkey jfrnl "with hit hhotts on."
After home iliscuHhion, however, the
mint wan yielded, the piirty enterino;
without reiiiovliiir their hhiH's. Of an
other (M-'i-aNion he writes:
In pushing np the country, when near
to Nudth'U, I hiipM'iied to atroll into
liamlxNi toi', or jungle, when the boat
hud put to for the flight. I had not ad
vanced fur In-fore I heard a terrilile up-
riNir all around, and wan not a little
ahtrmed, on looking up, to Im-IioIiI a
whole army of the lurjreht monkeys
milking towarda me from all tunrter.
Niiiii' j u in j m-i 1 on the jrriiund liefore
tne, ollu ra hwun lv the humliiaih over
my head, and inuny clcd tip the path
in my rcur. S-veriil femiileh h:nl yminif
uni'H i-liniflnif to 1 1 in. hut thin did not
hccm to. render them lea airilo thun
the other. A few of the largest, and
apparently the oldext. ehuttered for
alamt half a minute together; then the
whole triU reHMinded, while all cloacd
in iixni me.
W hut to do I knew not. However, I
halliaa'd aa loudly aa I could to make
my eoile hear, and to my (Treat com
fort the iiioitki'Vn retreated a few puce
every time I ill, I mi. Thin encournifed
me to persevere, hut I perceived that
when I U-L'wti t. retreat they chwed
uni me a ruin, without N in affected
I'V ItIV Hoi.,-.
Uiue more I a.hl allll and yave a
tri-iiii-mlou ahout, when laek thev
went Uk'iuii. I (ruined full twenty
yarda thi time la-f ire ther come
liiinpiii around; and juat a I waa
Mlamt to rrla-itl the cull, lit V hnH-
wi re raiaed by iH'tpitdiuif a poor, de
crepit old '11111 II antiie hiildilinif
throiiifh the tnl.lat of them.
Mie ahiak ! or Ihre of them lv
the pan aa ahi paaaed: Imt no nnmirr
IimI ahe rtiie w ithin ht-aritiif than ah
pi iie.l ti..ii no- a totreiit of alUM fur
dil iirhliiif the altered animaU in their
fetin-itietit. Mi motioned me. Hith
aliiioat frantle (Tfaliirra, to depart 1
iiih Uv. niul her tonirm. never eraoed
till I w aa ijnite out of hi iirnitf
I mm nd lotijf in fulttllnnf her com
ll.all.U, a the ii..iUr all aretiied im
i!h lllv k-inU-y hi-r li.l.tiif . and inu.le
a av for my rrtrral. When I nuittrd
the jtinclr I im-t my arrvant, hoa.il. I
he w i..iiniij to trll tne rnd to ilia
tntb tin-in.. n Wi t, a llnniiiiiin tmnrd
fiat l-iiilaai rotr. The ! I w. mm.
'it appeared, i rmpl ed ljf Ihe
I'.rahinitia to (fire the titotiiirt f.aal
rirv day; U-ide whUh t'uey rrr
worlil(ad ly all the jaople tn the
country roiind, who Irmi.-lit i.ftVrtna'
of rW and awrrtuwaU to them eotitin.
Uat Wnaapmfnr H la I ad la tMapaw)
k M Alllf ! a tkraak
tf all thu InhahiUnt of th preat
rirrr. of India the aHIat.r U th m.l
f.armi.laMe." id t apt. t. V- Italhm. of
l.'iol'.n, l.iit-lan I, rwrnfly, kriliiia'
t. th M. Umi l...l Imii.a rat.
" hitl tt..fr. tlirr acvtral
)pr rt I a itht Ihe th-Mifht n(
wKk-a alwavcaara aha ldr Wctp
iii f aw A UJjf nr h re I lirj
hid aval Utti ttaliw H r with Ut-'-"V)t
taI it kvinf If'.t l'"
jr a ,j-tT'" 1 l r i-- 5-5-irrr2r .s I I ) uV- U a T.
yw. Ped. - J gj: T
U. JTT ft j a . , g-jgi , n u--j-j6-jg,
lf-1 1 i ri i X- litrK ? p
J I .! t 1 - pi 1 -
poco stenlato. fWJ "- -dim e rail.
marcato. Ped, ' -it
ft? stentato. . .
a tempo. M
V . t ! I m U 1 1 I
f ii ftd. marcato. Pea.
rail, tin poco dim. p Ped. mf grazwso.
1 -9r c -r J 9-1
w. 1 1 I I
j, m I'TTl K J Vi! f j T ! rni , rv
p p - T
Minuet i.
with the request to send back a reply.
Heing a trustworthy little fellow some
surprise was felt when he did not re
turn after a reasonable absence. After
waiting several hours with no sijrn of
the messenger, a Hearehinpr party, of
which I was a member, was made up to
try to discover his whereabouts. After
BCDurinp; the country for some time we
came to the river bank and a short dis
tance away saw a dead alligator lying
on the shore with its grvat jaws ex
tended to their utmost. On examining
it to discover the cause of so strange
an apHaranco we found to our horror
that it had devoured the missing boy,
and had attempted to swallow his head
whole. This, however, it wns unable
to do, and hud In-cn suffocated in the
attempt. The lioy'a head was still cov
ered by his turban, which, when re
moved, disclosed the answer to his mis
tress' letter, which he was faithfully
bringing back. It was supposed that
while attempting to swim the river he
had Wen seized by the alligator, as
these huge reptiles are very clever in
concealing themselves till their victim
Is well within reach, and then pounc
ing on their prey."
The Tool Man Ohjnrtad to ltln( Hlddlad
wllh On llullnt.
"Down in my nciglilxirhond.nnce upon
a time," said Congressman John Allen,
of Mississippi, recently, "there was bad
feeling In-1 ween two lawyers. A chal
lenge va sent and duly acknowledged.
The hour was appointed ami the two
men met in a secluded apot. One of
them wan a greut sufferer from M.
Vitus' dance, the other was cool and
collected. As they faced each other,
the alllicted 111 an began to tremble
from head to foot, while hia pistol de-lurilH-d
an arc with varying tip and
down strokes. Ilia oppot.cnt stood firm
a a rock, w aiting for the signal to lire,
liefore it .ame. however, he lul, I his pis
tol on the ground. walked into iIicwimmI
and cut a liin'o of a tree, with a fork
in the end of it. Thl he brought buck
and stuck iu the ground in front of bis
antagonist. Then, turning to the sec
olid, he said: 'I must retiet you to
ak your principal to rest hi pist d In I
that fork.' 'What for?" asked In tip-!
poticnt' second. Well." rep' led the
other, 'I have no objection to running
the risk of one shot, but I eert.tlnly do
(teelin having one bullet make a hoii-'
rt comb of m. If that man was to
inait Mhile hi hand l altering the
way it Is now. be would l nie tullol
hole at hi firl allot.' Thi wa i
iinn li f ir the seconda, and. by mutual
Bn t nii lit. a truce taa pntrhrd up
and bo shot were exchanged."
lu... hedatrailaarr nfe during s thun
di rt"rni, lrcaue, la-lng giaal condtic
tor, tin y kiep th electricity from th
il l n tamihe when f.pmrdtotbe
Hwht. Nfaiis of the artinie or fhem
l. sl pnp-rty p. 1 by th ray of
the aim.
A in i.mvi gs Jet Is unhealthy In a
Wd rhaiiila-r, U-csus one gas light
gir out a much earUmW aoij ga as
t . I.rt-,r.
flUat I'llnal III Hist Piles. j
f)iriili'ma-Moiatiir; inlanae Iteliin i
n, attt's'na-; nnl t eihlj anraw by j
aorati l,ini If bIIdw4 to Coblitin
Iniiiura f.ifta. al.ieh nfea b'rd sn l
'u'si r-e. tnlne" a.fe. hwmsia
(1itut si"p il licturg an I bli.
m. iai nlor .t'oB, sn I ia m ! eswe
r.ni"V tte loruota. AI drntfciala, of
tuail, f.? :a)ebla. lr besyue Hue,
Coal-Duat Ezploalons.
The mining of coal is attended with
many dangers, but none more to be
dreaded than the dust explosions that
are liable to occur at any instant and
against which, in many instances, not
even the most ordinory precautions ore
taken. The air becomes thick with
dust, which by some means comes in
contact with flame, and the fire, spread
ing with inconceivable rapidity, causes
the most terrific explosions. It is
claimed that all danger in this direc
tion may be removed by a carefully
arranged system of spraying water
through all the passageways. The
wet particles at once fall to the
ground and may Isa washed away by
fulling water or trodden down by the
feet of the miners, lteoent investiga
tion seems to prove that gas alone pro
duces comparatively few of the more
dreadful accidents, but that gas and
coal dust mingled make an explosive
compound that is greatly to be dreaded.
On Hoard of a Donkpf.
A man-of-war was lying off Gibraltar,
and permission was given the men to
go ashore for the day. The sailors
tiinused themselves in various ways
among others by riding on donkevs,
and their want of experience In this
line caused inuch merriment. An of
ficer, observing one of the men sitting
fur back on the animal, Instead of the
usual position, called out: "I say. Jack
get up more amidships!" With an in
Jured uir, the sailor replied: "Well, sir,
this is the first craft that I ever com'
manded in my life, and it's hard, in'
deed, if I can't ride on the quartair-deck
If I like." ,
4 .
n "rriiiuu cnemiai is reported to
nave discovered a new substance whl..h
has the remarkable and unique proper-
"omuiying wnen Heated and re
maining liquid at temperature below
en. una u-en named "cryostase,"
and is obtained by mixing together
equai parts or phenol, camphor and
anponine. and adding a somewhat
smaller proportion of essence of tur
I Pontine, tertain substances, like the
albumens, harden on heating, but this
U the only product that again liquefies
. uu cosuing.
Youro I30UN
Leaves No Constipation,-
Cnr II. we'l all tt llonnpaa,
o kiri'Tn a 1 1.1 wnfM. H.
rwiiMf ie. 23c4-BieprU t.
How to
iVi'linna 51 all r
We aeenre patents and to induce
people to keep track "( I hair bright
ideas we offer a prize of one hundred
dollars to be paid on (be Ami of every
mouth to the person ho enbmits lo os
the most rueritoiious invention during
the proceeding mouth. We will also
advertise tbe invention free of i-hame in
the National Recorder, a weekly news
paper, published in Washington, P. CM
ahich bus an extensive circulation
tbronghont tbe United States and is
devoted to the interests of inventors.
The idea of being able to invent some
thing strikes most people a being very
dilliiult; this delusion the company
wishes to dispel. It in the simple things
and small inventions ibst make tbe
itreKtest amount of nionev, snd the com-
I'IpZ ones aie seldom profitable. Almost
ver)hody, at some time or another,
conceives su idea, which. If patented.
aonld probably be worth to him a
fortune. TJi'fortntiktely snob idesa are
nsually dimied without tbonubt. Tbe
aimple Inventions like tbe car wirdow
bleb could be easily slid np and down
without breaking the passenger! back,
be eance so, collar button, the ont look,
be bottle stopper, Ibe snow shovel, are
liinits that almost everyone sees some
way of improving npnrj, and it ia these
kind of inventions that bring tbe greatest
relume to tbe anihor.
Tbe pries we offer will be paid at the
nudofesob month, whether tbe appli
cation has been eotd upon by Ibe
Patent Office or not. Every competitor
mnst apply for a patent on bia invention
broogb ns, and whether be secures Ibe
prise nr not, the inventor will have a
valuable pstant.
TniLir W. Avisrrr. Geu'l Manager,
61" F St. N W. WsabiKKton. D. a
r. 8. Tbe responsibility of this
company may be (ndad from the fact
that its stork le held by about eeventen
Sondred of the lesdtng nepsre of
the United Histts. tf
D to TnUi. MSn,.
. k ll' tirl, a. I Malaria fb" ofcU
l. b n ,tf,'.., P ,.,, '
1 1.KMI.M WKMrAt. ( tl.
Kct tlOO .nil
Fort niia
: mm : PUIS !