Take Notice. 1. The sum of five cent per line will be harfted for "cards of thanks," "resolution! of respect," list of wedding presents and donors, nd obituary notices, (other than those the edit r shall himself give as a matter of news.) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other jntertalnments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five ents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known lpon application. We hold each and every correspondent re ponsible for his or her communication. No orresnondence will be published unless the writer's real name is signed as an evidence of ood faith. T" P. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8 ing Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange, 4an Francisco, is onr authorized agent. This paper is kept on file in his office. Oive your business to Heppner people, ?nd therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize ton. TIME TABLE. Stage for Hardman, Monument, long Creek, John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows : Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday. Arrives every day at 6 p. m.t except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or (rom the interior country. WALT. THOMPSON. Prop. Pliill Cohn, Agent. You can get the best beer in Heppner at G. B. Ted rowe's, 5 cents per glass, If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc. call at Ted's City Hotel Bar! Here and There. Don't overlook Johnny Hager for good meat. Try Spray's bams and bacon, the best in town. Minor & Co. have a full line of sheep-shears. Hard- new, John F. Royse was down from man yesterday. Spray's pressed beef, something fine for luuches. Ayers guarantees his poison. Only 82.50 per dozen. tf. Photographer Dowe will return to Heppner in July. Ted Barrett arrived from Oregon City Saturday last. The Niles-ViDson, Marble Works, 7valla Walla, Wash. The Weekly Sun and the Gazette $2.75 per year, both striotly in advauoe. Just received at Minor & Co.'s a oar of wire and nails; call and get prices. Ed. Lofton oanie in yesterday from Fox valley, Grant county, tor freight. Minor & Co. have the beBt selected line of ladies shoes and slippers in tbe city. Now is the time to kill squirrels; and Swaggart'e "Sure Shot" is the stuff to do it with. tf. Theo. Anderson was over from Eight Mile Tuesday last, and says it is too dry to plow. Mies Ada Rhea has returned to her borne at Fossil after an ubseuoo of some mouths. We are informed that Mrs. L. W Bnggs will lecture at Eight wile Center next Sunday. Gihousen Bros, are making a special out on large family groups; call and get their price?. tf Call on Minor & Co. and get any of those all wool suits for 87.50, equal to any $10 suit in the city. Judge Keitbley has made his appear ance on the streets again after a very severe tussle with la grippe Wm. Luelling will operate his plaonr mine up on Viuson creek, near Austin Station, Grant county, this season. For good meat, full weight and cash prices call on Johnny Hager, the new butcher, next door to the post office. Jas. F. Nolcn, of lone, says that crops are not doing very well, but that a little rain soon will help them out wonder fully. Improve your fowls and double your production of eggs. W. W. Hmead can tell you bow it is done. Information free. tf. Minor & Co.' spring stook is as large as the rest all pit together, so call on them and save bother of looking over town. "Uncle" Jake Bowers is at present located at Orand View, 0ybee Co., Idaho and we learn is getting along nicely. Edward Bwarlz, who was stabbed by his father, Alonzo Swartz. near Salem recently, has since died. The father i Id jail. Meadows A Hcnvner, tbe blacksmiths, borsesboers and wood batchers, at tbe old Gu.in stand. Main street, Ileppner. Call on tbe boys. Wm. DiuhIrss. of Bolter ereelt, re marked to a Os.elt reporter thai this SKMUD an far reminds him of the year of the Indian war lx'rt. Matbewt Bros., City bote! barber shop, tonanrial artists. Hsircutting, shaving, shampooing, etc. duos cieutifloally. Baths at 25 cent apiece. Wanted To undertake tha ! of Inrira tract of land for a colony. Oiva full description and lowest price, Address J. E. II., care Tbe Ost-tte. O. B. Uatt. the tonsorial artist, cao ba foood at hi parlnre, Matlock Corner, where be will dispense at popular prices shaves, shampoos, bairout. ttc. W. V. Knvder tfM friendly with a lata I set week, and tbe animal rentnntfated In a mean wsy by kicking Terry, potting biro on crutch for tbe present. K.O.: (3. A. IUK Heppno; country, Is In Pwo. II ! finished h...l,,a mill sot selling hi wool. 'b loorense Mr. Halt report ! l' pt Cent. fchlhVsCnra is nld on a guarantee. It cure Incipient IVmsnmplioo. It la tbe best IV.ngh Cure only one enl a d"e. "..t. . Mei. anJ II. rMJ by T. W. Ayers. Jr. II. V. Kwaggsrt U prepared fnmish Ms "Hurst Hunt" eiiwl pin t,,.l..l. I..I. ft ha sires If received a !..,- nr,lr from V aablliglWI and Idaho. Kvery where it baa tn osd. It baa not failed l' vilermioateth l'll M. D. Hayman and Chris Hansen came together in Gid Halt's barber shop yesterday morning, Hayman winning; 'be contest in one round. Chris' face looked mnoh the worse tor the battle at tbe closi, while Mr. Havman Buffered a dislocation of one of the metacarpal bones of tbe right band. Each settled in the usual manner before Judge Hal look. The row was all caused bv Chris abusing Hayman because be would not allow the former to use profane and vulgar language in tbe City hotel offioe earlier in the day. In the spring, the human body needs assistance to throw off the stagnation prodnoed by winter diet. As the temperature rises under the growing heat of the sun's rays we feel tired, half sio k and low in spirits, because the lilood is sluggish and full of impurities. Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier is a reliable spring remedy to invigorate the body and give tone to the digestion. Price $1 per bottle. At a meeting of Tiger Hose Co. last night the old officers were re-elected, J. J. Roberts, foreman; Green Mathews. 1st assistant- Horace Matlock, 2ud assist ant; F. J. Hallock, Pres. ; Walt Thompsno, Vice Pres.; Harry Warren, Sec'y; E. G. Slooum, Treas. Some new members were taken in and regular meetings and drills will be bad in the future. A little fire does some good, even though some person must be tbe loser. Vaughan & Vaughan, the popular dentists, will leave for interior points in the near future, and the Gazette would advise all those who desire work to come in at the earliest opportunity. These gentlemen have tnken thorough courses in one of the leading dental oolleges of the day, and are up to date' in all the latest aud finest work. Tbey guarantee satisfaction in every respeot. 29tf. Way over in the PeewollopCommeroe, we see that Diok Neville has broken out in some nioe poetry. Tbe Gazette doesn't understand why the demanasjof borne consumption in tbe artiole mentioned are not satisfied first before going over on tba Sound to rush into print. And we are not ioolined to be a bit jealous either. Fossil Journal: The onlv original Ben Hunsaker is now proprietor of the leading grocery store in Heppner. As a reminder of former experiences, in his advertisement in tbe azette Ben has his photograph, taken on horseback, with bis lariat in the air and his horse on the dead run after a slick ear. Ben ought to get there. Whkat Sales, Eto. Much oomplaint is being made in the country that Hepp ner buyers are not paying as muoh for wheat as those down at lone, whiob, considering that the rate to Portland is just the same from both places, would seem to require some explanation. The Gazette has aaked tbe question as to why this difference should exist else where in this issue, aud having inter viewed some 6f our buyers will state what they have to say concerning the matter. They aver that nt all times tbey bave paid the full market price for wheat, allowing reasonable warehouse charges' and that the pnoes paid at lone are the result of competing warehouses, who in the contest to get the wheat have paid many times more than the m irket would warraut, and allowing uext to nothing for handling. Personally, the Gnzvtte is not familiar with the grain business, but we do know that Heppner men ought, oan and will pay as much for grain as any one can afford, and at the same time observe safe rules of busiuees. It occurs to us, too, thttt there is no reason, either, why Heppner oannot sell as cheaply as any town like situated, quality considered. When your heart pains you and un usual palpitation is frequent, accom panied sometimes with Bhotnees of breath and low spirits yon are tsuifering from a disordered stato of he liver, digestion is imperfeot and there is wind on tbe stomaob. If allowed to remain the trouble will ultimately reach tbe kidneys and becomes dangerous to life. Steps should be taken to stay its pro gress on tbe appearance of the first symptoms. Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm is especially adapted for disorders of this kind. Price $1 per bottle. ' Hon. W. R. Elms' Lkcturb. Mr. Ellis' lecture at the opera house Wednes day evening on the subject, "The Essen tials of Good Citizenship," was greatly appreciated! by a fair-sized audience. His entire talk was filled with so many good things and contained such an abundance of sound advice that it is to be regretted that more of the residents of this city, and especially the young men and women, did not hear it. Mr. Ellis said in part that good citizenship was not on'y essential for self, assooiate, friend and brother, but was also neces sary to maintain and perpetuate our present form of government. Morality should be encouraged, and slang, pro fanity and intemperance stamped out. He paid a high tribute to ambition and energy and urged that it should enter into every walk of life. In concluding, Mr. Ellis said be very much regretted that he had not every boy and girl in the city as a part of his audience. It whs then deoided by a unanimous vote of those present that he be invited to talk to the young folks Saturday even ing, May 4th, beginning at 7:30. No admission will be charged on this occa sion, and Mr. Ellis should be greeted with a large house composed largely of our young people. The Discovery Saved His Life. Mr. Caillouette, Druggist, Beavers vllle, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New Disoovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all tbe phi-ai-oaus for miles about, but of no avail and was given np and told I oould not live. Having Dr. King's New Disoovery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from tbe first dose began to get getter, aud after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store Heart is Stronger Fainting Spells, Neuralgia and Blood Poison WANTED Hood's Frank Shepardson, an engineer on tbe Southern Paoitlo Ry., who resides at Los Angeles, Cal., was troubled with rheumatism for a loug time. He was treated by several physicians, also visited the Hot Springs, but received no permanent relief uotil he used Chamber lain s Pain Balm. He Bays it is the best medicine in the world for rheumatism. For sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co. fl. L. Thompson, father of Walt Thompson, tbe stage man, oame in yesterday from Atheua, on his way to tbe Greenhorn, Crooked and Powder rivers on a mining expedition. Mr, Thompson intends to get back to Athena by harvest time, but as be is well 1111 pressed with the Heppner section, may looate here next fall. Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier is admirably aaapteu 10 maite "a little neaitn go a long way." Its curative power is largely attributable to its stimulant, tonic and untritive properties, by which tbe energy of the system is reormted It is pleasant to the taste.easily home on tbe stomacn and harmless under pro longed use. Price $1.00 per bottle. In view of the fact that Drs. B. F. and E. A- Vaughan, the dentists, will shortly leave Heppner for a tour of the interior, to be absent some time, it is well to avail yourselves of the opportunity to get your work done at once. Bridge and crown work a specialty. All work Brat class and guaranteed. 20tf. E. O : All tbe proceeds of the play Wednesday evemug go to tbe Parish Aid. Tbe young people from Walla Walla donated their aervloes. Their courtesy should be duly appreciated, and besides, tbe entertainment itself is going to be first-class. Fifty cents to any part of the bouse. Notice All news and advertising matter must reach tbia office Dot later than Monday noon for Tuesday 'a issue, and not later than Thursday noon for Friday issue. Tbe change of tram time renders tbia rule imperative and it will bb adhered to in every instanoe, Uuole John Handy oame in from Ella via Lexington, on Monday's train. He bad been to Lexington with bis mother io-law, Mrs. a. A. Unsick, to erect a monument at the grave ot the latter'a deceased husband. Win Biddle dropped in Toesdav from Gooseberry. Ue aayt nearly all tbe wheat of bis section is going to lone, for tbe reMon that price are higher than paid at Heppner. Why it tbia? T. W. Ayers, Jr., is making squirrel poison that be guarantee. No kill on pay, aol sell It at ' cent per can, ti cai.a for f 1 60; IX.'x) per dozn. Get a ample aud try it. tf. The little party giveo in the Palace hotel dining-room, Monday night, was Dot very well eti.dd, yet il was a pleasant gathering ot fri-nd and most thoroughly etij tyrd. W. E. Khl-r. E l. Coi and J F. Koyse hav liwu etxneo by lilua Moitataio Republican Clnb a drpgte to tba lurrtitig ot republican clubs at Portland My 22. Karl's Clover Ilnot, the great Blont pnrinVr, givm lrrhn aod aleartieaa to the CoiuplvxioD and enrr Conatipatinn, 2." eta , :i0 ct.. 1 1 . Sold by T. W. A f. Jr. yesterday morning, the Heppner people were awakened by tbe rapid clanging of tbe fire bell. Investigation proved that the residenoe belonging to J. W. Mat lock was a mass ot flames, but very soon the fire boys had a stream going, though nothing oould be done but to proteot adjoining property by keeping down the fire, In a very short space of time there was nothing left but the walls, tbe rest having suooumbed to the devouring element. The property had been vacant most of the time since Mr. Matlook moved to Portland, over a year ago, the only occupants since that time having been Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wells who lived in the property a short time moving out tbe first of the present mouth. The origin of the fire is not known. Tbe dwelling was insured for $801) in tbe Pulatine Ins. Co., and this will probably cover tbe loss. or house without it." Get a free trial at 11 1T7 A T .3 . Besidenob Burned. About 4 o'clock A 0 Ulu oluro- "We take pleasure in recommending Chamberlau's OoUkb Remedy because it is praised by all who try it," says J W. Cox & Son, druggists, Marshfield, Oregon. No one affiiotcd with a throat or lung trouble can use this remedy without praising it. It always gives prompt relief. It is ecpeoially valuable for colds as it relieves tbe lungs, m ikes breatbintr easier and aids exptotoratiou, A cold will never result iu pneumonia when this remedy is taxen aud reason able oare exercised. For sale by Slocum-Jobnsou Drug Co. Benny Patterson returned last even ing trom a day s trout nsmng out on Rhea creek with Sib trout, weighing 20 pounds. Sixteen fine representatives of tbe anny tribe, weighing 16 pounds and one of which was 17 inches long, were caught from one bole. This is the finest lot of neb yet caught this season. LOCAL MARKET REPORT. Wheat, bu 8 32 Flour.bbl 2 25 Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. 2 50 " " three " " 3 00 Sheep, muttons, head 1 50 2 25 " stock 1 00 a 1 75 Hogs, on foot, cwt 3 00 Hogs, dressed i 00 Wool 5 8 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 40 Eggs, doz. Chickens, doz Turkeys Potatoes, per owt. 3 00 50 CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt 85 8fii Flour, bbl 2 90 ? 3 15 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (a 5 00 Muttons, owt 6 00 8 00 Sarsaparllla Clves Health and Comfort. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Dear Sirs: I saw Hood's Sarsaparilla highly recommended in newspapers. I had neuralgia in my head, back and arms. I also had weak fainting spells and could find nothing to do me any good. After reading ths testimonials about the good Hood's Sarsapa rilla was doing decided to give it a trial. I hav Mis Roaa Sheldon taken it regularly La Center. Wash. since early last year and can truthfully say it Has Perfectly Cured Me. I do not suffer now with any breaking out on my head, nor have any fainting spells. The action of my heart has been strength- McFARLAND iliilL?TJlPirS ood's Sarsa parilla (Tures Be Sure to Cat TTnniT'a. J ened and I am free from all pain. I cheer fully recotnmeid Hood's Sarsaparilla to whoever wishes to enjoy health and com fort." Miss Kosa Sheldon, La Center, Washington. N. B. Re to get I(oo' 'a, Prewired only by C.I. Hood & Co. .Lowell, Mas'a. Hold by all druggists, $1 ; s i'for 5. Hood's Pills cure Nausea, Sick ITeadache, Indigestion, Biliousness. 2Sc. per box. Ill TAVERN OF Castle Grass Big General Merchandise Store H IN- EPFNER, Oregon. We Sell Grood STRICTLY FOR CASH. .--0 More Credit Sales. Aco: COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW SPRING DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. BOOTS AND Shoes now arrived. Biff reduction in prices iu every Hue. Groceries verv cheaD. Hard ware. Tinware. Glassware, Croekerv. Mitchell VVaeons. Hacks mid Rnilr idnnia. nn Chilled Plows, Wool Sacks, Fleece Twine, Oils, Etc. Country produce tuken in exchange for goods. Cash advances made on wool. Send In vour orders. : We Sell . . . . . m n The Celebrated . . T A T A W GOLDEN WEST Baking Powder AND- "COLUMBIA" ROASTED COFFEE. These (roods are Strictly Pure and give the best of satisfaction. MFARLAND MERC. CO. O XJ (1 u OPENS JUNE 1, 1895. GEO. SCHON CWALD, MNolR. Luxury, Good Cheer, Ikpitalily, De lightful and Healthful Pastimes, Matchless Mountain Scenery. SWEET BRIER CAMP. n Kstablli r U A tic dell o M Just bdov Must bb Bahvkbt Time, "An aged matron of the forest," ae we were wout to read abont in scuool-dnyH, but in reality a withered, old Columbia river "klooobman," planted berHelf on Minor A Co.'t sidewalk elevator tbe otber day. Tba "Bad Boy" of tne esUbliBlimeut aw a cbanoe for some fun, and pretty aoon the mncbioe dropped a foot or so. For a time tbe atmorpbere was full of qoaw, red blauket and otber "lujnn" Itewgawa. Bbe didn't appreciate tbe joke very well, and wanted three dollars for mental and other damage, but her argument wasn't ooJ. The crowd, like the average, however, thought it was royal sport, bin do ote enjoyed it more Iban tbe squaw'a companion, a buxom lass of some twenty snows, who held one baud over Ler mootn and laughed a paio in ber side at tbe incident. Hnrklra's Arnlra Naive. Tb4 best salve iu tbe world for cuts, Bruises, Hores, Ulcers, Malt Ulieiim, Fever Hori-s, letter, Cliapped Manila, Chilblains, Corns, aud all skin eruptions and positively ourea 1'iles, or tin pay required. It ia Kiia'anteed to vve perlect satisfaction or money redinded. nlVe 25 cents per bx. For skIh by T. W. Ayers. Jr. UoL'g, owt. . Wool Eastern Oregon. . Butter, lb Eggs, doz Chickens, doz Turkeys, tt) 4 fiU it) 5 25 7 f )i 10 hi 14 14W 15 5 00 6 00 15 18 PORTLAND MAHK&T. Wheat, cwt $ Rr 95 Flour, bbl 2 90 3 15 Beeves, owt 8 00 (d 3 50 " drefleed 4 00 W 6 00 Muttons, live sheared... 2 50 ('? 3 00 dresaed 4 00 450 Llogs. ou foot 3 50 ' dressed 4 50 Wool Eastern Orejjon... 5 tf 6 Butter 22) 25 Eggs, doz 9 Chickens, doz 2 50 0 3 50 Turkeys, lb dressed 12 Notice of Intention. I AND OKFK'K I 4 April a, I vi.,. Oro Mathews fr shaving, hair- cutting, liHinc-oiog and all other tf. eliinehllla oe t with av,r,r,!r, and a iMt felt .!. Thnr. day laat. e-matwr "a th t A u lwa lli t.or aal C. l.d's !sr. Finder will pW-r a fvtf t rtortilr. j fr Usrary r.fi,ty. aro li Hits (!ija aal felta Any ! . In that line. lUiha at any tuna during .ditiM boars. CM. J'ines, assistant. fliltioiisen Itn., tba pbotngrspbers, leave tba first of belt week fur lbs Interinr. They dn gKl work tn their lina and we aib thero surer The fir but n'ght ral! a crnad. bat It bad no ff Ot an Mtoor tt Co.' prices. 1 by still fmsln the lowest of any bousa ia hatrn Oreg'.o. N. fl. Tntr, well kroo to lt-p. rw, dn-d Friday iiigtil up at rtiili"r. p.ro wm an active, s-nerrfMls hit t) BiaD. W anted I'lan or fancy Ing. Will g,, .( I), hnqa r avwing at bum. Mr. Mary lirlersrt. Ilia. J. B HunUtigloo rani in last alithi frnto tlo, and lv tomorrow . Y. Jl'lw Viaris lltlTKEK. Last Tuesday evening E. Y. Jadd dropped in from lb outside and led Wednesday for l'endletou. Mr. Judd has been absent tbe greater part of the post sif months, visiting acr m tbe Atlantic Ha was in England, on lb oo itlut-i.t, and wintered iu Egypt whioti be says 1 the Quest winter ollinsta ha eier saw. Il )) that Shipload after Sliijiliiml of fnieign grown wool cf One innim In being ship. I'd to the Cmted "IUV, alprin uhnli nfsiU'iy 0'.nj.ciin in i.r Aiu-rii au w,,i AT t.A ;ranik, omkoos Not Ire la IiitiKv iriveii (list llu foMuU'ltiK iistncil srlllcr hits Hleil ftntimof his InlvtitlcMi In initka tlunl prisif ill iipiurt o( Ills claim, anil Unit miM proof will m inaile iM-loreJ. W. Morrow, enmity clerk, at Heppner, orixoii, 011 Join' a, lH'i'i, vi : liAI.I.AH HAM I'M AN, II 1 No. iwil (or the W'j HK1 h.h IS sni WU NK Hec Tp .1, rt. ol Rmiik .1 K. W. M. Ilenanica lliu lolliiwiinf wltnruMi to prove till roiiliiiiioiis resilience upon suit cultivation ol aalil Isint, VU: I). A. Ilerren. A. J. Htevenson, Frank Merrill, ami It. II. etalter, all ol lluppncr, Morrow t o. linn"". B. r. WIIjN, nn.10 lU'Kisier. I istabllshed last year in a ronian- 01 tne Hacrenieiito i:anyon, ow anil in full view of a-raml old Shasta. It was a Krcat hit ami promises still more eticoiiriigliiK re sults for the present year. T. J. Loktcb, atCastella, is still in charge and will answer all Inquiries. A l ew candidate for public favor mm yenr is SHASTA VICIN0 CAMP, Also In the Shasta rcelnn. ahotit a mile and a half from Diinsmuir. It is a genuine paradise lor hunters, Ushers and seekers of health and pleasure. Hhs- to reach (near the railroad), sightly, and all the ne cessities of camp life easily nrnc ur sine. All inquiries about Shasta Vlcino Camp, if addressed to W. ('. Gray, Hox 4, Iiunsniuir, Cal., will receive prompt attention. Re-Opened! TUP I) lb 1 AMuL in urn L Sunday Has been ro-opened by Mrs. J. B. Sperry who will conduct it in a strictly first-class manner, with the view of pleasing the trade in general. People from Country Districts will be made to fed at home. rs a Specialty ! Popular Prices! Free 'Bus for Customers to and from all trains. Ill Camping In The SANTA CRUZ MOUNTAINS Mma, Wrights, tjturel, (Uenwood, Kelion, Ben Lomond, lluiilder Creek. Reduced Rates During the ('ampliiK season will be made by the IN For full particulars address K. I'. Kuril: KH, Asst. (ier. 1'aaa. Agt., 1'oSlI.AKn, OllRl.o July -1. Or any H. I'. Co. Agent. MRS. J. B. SPERRY, Lessee. Foil Hai.b. A tborongbhrcd regie tered Hereford bull May wood, No. L'H.lkid. This bull was bred in Illinois by 0o. T. Baker, and ia just thn a in noil you want to breed a oak that will bring a good prion. I will sell cheap as 1 have another of same stock ; or will trade for good roilnb cowh. Htf. K. O.Iitn KNTM. Foil BALK (lit '1 HA UK. Teachers' Examination. V'OTK K 1 HF.RMV7VKM THAT K'llt i' the piirio of iiiiiklm an eiamliialioii of all M-ruiis h I10 may niter themselves hs l aiulb ftat, lor leaehers of the ai-lMMilaol this coiitity, f rstRteaml htr dlplottia. Ilia county aftiooi suH'rliilfiiili'iil tliereof will linld s public eiamli ailnn al I n Hoi k. p in.. May Mil. l'nti-1 llils I'Mli day ol tprll I-'. ANNA J HAlHiKH, ;.:. Co. HcIum.I Hupt., Morrow Co. Or. I have a jack of Qrst-clas breeding qualities, eight years old, that 1 would like to sell or trado, If oaah is not con- venient, will take in exchange for this valuable animal either oattltt or sheep. Call on or address me at lleptmer, Or. tf. J. K. HlMli.NH, 1)1 JM HI W j mi Plenty of them at the Gazette Office llis IA Insliluie -OF- For tho Cuio oA Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It Is located st Halcm, Oregnu, The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call st the OntsTTS office for parllculsrs. Hlrlitlycoiilliluiitlsl. I reatment private and sure Otis Paltan NOTARY PUBLIC -CONVEYANCER Ol'ieiCIC Walt. Tbomiison runs atage between Heppner and Monument, arriving every day except Monday and leaving every day eicepl Sunday. Hbnrteat and nhesp est route to the interior. I. (John, agent. growers. II il.ies iiol bava a Verj tUt lerllig oplnlub Ihe tuluie fur our tti.nl men, at le-t under iiresenl t in nn.alan Oca. Iba al sRouitng 0.1II at lVt dh Wm, of which La was one cf th cbu f proj ectors, is a aunn-ss, and no thai price era i l,ef la ui'ire of a ilmanJ than ever lo sbiu e dirt and save Our Itcjmtatkm for Hquuif Dealing! u r. 0 10 s 0 r V N tn OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO 1IHAVY AND WE ARK WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a threat financial sacri ice. 1 ou need it in your matter of business we must fi fro Tin: Pattmkson business, and as a sell it. IVl'.I.ISHING C(). 0' UR COMPIHTrORS are doin- their s best to reach our mark but they can't do it till they adopt our principle of selling only vf:,:: Class Goods at Honest Prices. We " ''! don t claim to be the cheapest house on earth " 1 . ... . .... wsi from Canyon City, and r'i 1..,. .19 .. .. 1 a . il. I. . Ill I 1 1. p.ui1..u.f fori........ pt n, an appear-; nut we do try to deal honestly with a II. 1 licap kU ar dear at any pri, nti our i"it r tli 1 "t that tho inotify will ltiy, huti't f. rit tli tnm. aao U gii on a b in Iiusii. T n Uii re Ileo llrinssier. tl. .ligii.al a..J onlf IWfi. a rustle f"'tn llntlrtH. ass to l-lt tb fibl.fl I t If i ' ' ,,, bnainM Mb tb.m l ib'sUo lhietnofl? (Mfipu. by i'tty V -h. II p'" irf a:-Mla to sU f 0Mb. at iw prl. tft, H" at. A. II AUi.-, fl""' J" n. Ui f T ' v . 1 i , Ihl was M I vi ,aJ rt,t nit U i '.'.. 1I1 i 0 4 1 b",4 l (itotill kt ttttt !. ! man la roa l tuit-ra nid-l In on w no t 'signed the piiiwa, t',li.g en t.oa an1 line. I d no till July an I the work f glt n aboql I a mo n, roal tbrtiiii to tba Mitcl II s u- n i Will t d- ls)e I loo long l.gr 1 1 ha epiilig li l.ip.aa i,f thai anj'l 'li oSVef, i ll-l 1 1 f slrinld il fi at b f t IT iri. ' ar old ' f -r a! Km: isn at il-i pn-f. tr W at l-t-ljion 1 w .fl by U V. S. nl I M iooiaia lions. Mn I ng rally d n. Trv Arr' jsnrewl ti"a bating any nn. Only liVI Il U H' an t I U ,(!-!; ! i ii 4' i- tt.3 L i?a tl C. TIIOAIlH Land Patents Lntnl tuitoiif HTitrcl f..r Hi lllcra in tli tlifrtrat K.hiMi iti f. Contested Cases ('ntili'ht l rnw a iijt 11 iitly ninl skillfully l.iiinllcil. Old Claims and Disputes Ol I rlnitiia ainl die). lid s a ilily t-tt !'!. Contests llrlaren Inditldnals having ei tin ting rlalms no t. r the agrinillnral land laws, and tlc betaren rlatroaiila umtrr the Mu i fal I sos and sgricnllorsl rUimanis; ari l sli bltn "IsoiMiila 11 n lr any i,f , pntih" land laas and Ida Uml'iisl riii. anus and I hi ir grai,lc, and II, stales and Ihtlr grsnlers, nnder t. Kaemp I, sod and H. I, m lnd (irsnis, hilallr tus I (. nt 11. g pairnia in the ahnilr.t ..nl,U t tne for aetllera (kiIis ti,.lii aitli lli laas m, . r al.lcli llnlr ei.tros wtm Ins. I, and wtm . . .. . .. . I - . I I I I . t . 1 , 1 . ... .. . . 1 . I - I I T . I k f a I Irregti'srihra wt.lnii 1 so Iw eily siid siirvdily fmod A lic sl-i iriv n In all insllrs rrlalii g I 1', M If w St . r ('Uan-e-iga, m h's VitsNr-f .! )' I r i.. I- r il 11 b - . tro i f -r a ! iin( I .tr i " ". I.f ',f !'? I'1''!' "EZJLmTLm'KS cte HiYOKS, gttorneyN fit Jn-w, A!MtiairM ntunUd ! lo pr mvi and ati.fsit rr usnncr. Nolsnea 'ulli ai.d (.li P rs. ll. il li(t land. rslally on n rrei-ntly pt providing for tilnta arlaitig on Irr in tiw Uas alnr'i bate I the dltsal (if the l.ol.lin ih insin If yon aaot tmir laod palciil In a hortv - if oq aant )"nr land bnalneea, of ar t itisr"f. s'l-o I d to by astUlul an I e iuptcnl M"M). )a, an I pruinplly d.s nf, wri in PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JfiiN WrtJhi.ui'niv. (1! n. Man 1 'i t'..i 1 tit 1 iiirtil, 6 ft 1 1' -. li. ti4l.t,llit4iltrrl. Vi.Aitiltdt tiUi.VLll, I I I i 1 ; U, U I, 'mk asuUliuait W U