Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 26, 1895, Image 2

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    Harrison II. Kincaid is all
ricrht as secretary of state. The
people are with him.
The legislature of Tennessee
has declared for free silver coin
age with gold at a ratio no greater
than 10 to 1.
The Eastern Oregon Republican
is one of the leading republican
papers in the state that is advo
cating genuine bimetallism.
The Globe-Democrat, of St.
Louis, talks about silver madness.
The only cure for the complaint is
equal recognition of gold and
silver at the mints.
Edward C. IUld, of the Buffalo
Tress Cycling Club, made a mile
in 2:01 at Ran Jose last Sunday on
a common roadster. Another young
man, Allen Jones, rode one-third
of a mile in 0:40, also breaking a
The fire of Thursday morning
is warning enough to the people
to re-organize the fire companies
and to drill weekly. Effective
work was done on that occasion,
but how nwkward we fire boys
"Walle!!, the ox-consul, who is
under sentence by a French
tribunal of deportation from
Madagascar, has been taken to
Corsica and will if the sentence is
carried out be imprisoned there
for a period of twenty years.
Till', president through the
federal ollice-boldi'is under his
control is prepai ing to beat down
tho mlvnr movement. Kegardless
of Iuh efforts, "Slevenson iuh
nilver" will win the nomination for
tho presidency, in tho (laotto's
The Spokane Uovimv, tho shin
inn republican silver paper of
Eastern Washington, is doing
good work in the bimetallic fii'ld
If you can afford to take an (nit-
Hide paper, take the lleview
Kastein Washington and Oregon
are close together in all intorostH,
Ai'Uir.NDof ours wiya that lie
does not want his loaim paid back
to him in r()-cent dollars. Who
taid they wanted to? It M mere
presumption to make sin ii a state
ment, and for which there is no
reason w hatever, (live silver etjual
recognition with gold, give it the
work that the Almighty intendet
for it ami the amount of redemp
tion money ull be doubled, the
furtht-r enhancement of gold will be
stopped and our people will not he
foinpi'lh'd to sidl two dollars woith
of stuff to buy a dollar.
TliK Oregoiiian iij k that "Coin's
Financial School" in a lunik replete
with silly argument. l,tt that
paper meet them then. It Cannot
do it. I'.verj thing in silly, foolitdi,
idiotic, dehpicablo that tloen lift
Coincide with the Oregniiiaii. The
people are getting weary of mere
iiHHcrtioiiH, and that is tin reason
why the Sun has mme daily sub
HcribeiH in lleppncr than the
Oregoiiian, and that the Weekly
Sun is gaining so fiixt in the
counti v district. Hard, cold
truths ate what the people want,
Hot the iiihtiltiiig iixtiiig of a
professional build"! r.
change it into a money of ultimate
redemption, because it is not a
precious metal. It is quite differ
ent with silver, for it has had full
power as redemption money, and
only lost its place through the
desire of a few shrewd financiers
to enhance the purchasing power,
hence value, of the other half
of real money. The use for 6ilver
was curtailed, its demand lessened
and there could be but one result
the appreciation of cold. The
prices of our products, compared
with gold, prove this. The one
great worry as to how we can pay
our gold obligations in Europe,
and yet have, any money left at all,
is enough understood when it is
known that our yearly exports are
more than a billion dollars. It
does not take the handling of a
dollar to settle our foreign indebt
edness any more than in many of
our little everyday transactions at
home. Give the United States
gold and silver as standard money
and issue on this all the credit
currency that it will safely bear,
sell more then we buy, as a whole
people compared with other
nations, and business will be
healthy and times good.
Some republicans slur the free
silver coinage men in their ranks
by calling them "populists." How
are you going to elect your men in
1890 without the aid of these so-
called populists? The silver men
have not bolted tho party, because
they believe that it will come to
its senses, and work out needed
reforms. Mind, vou sincle stand
ard men will be the bolters, if any,
in the state of Oregon, before a
single silver man of prominence
in the ranks of the republican
party bolts it. All protectionists
do not believe alike as to the kind
of protection needed that is, high
or low and why be so uncharit
able on other questions which are
oading, burning issues of the day
and cannot be downed.
From the Fostl Journal,
Saturday last )r. Howard met Sheriff
Honser, ot Umatilla county, and two
deputies and Constable Walden, of La
Grande on the John Day, looking (oi
Hugh Medlock, the notorious borse-tbief,
whom they bad tracked to the Horn
place at Conteotioo, this county, where
be was one day about the middle of last
week. He is reported to have stayed
several days in the Shoofly bouse of Mr.
Clark, the Englishmen who is at present
staying with Mr. Hendricks in town.
fhese offioers want Medlock for the
theft of a team and buggy at North
Powder, Union county, and a saddle
horse from Pendleton.
Medlock loves horseflesh almost to the
verge of insanity, and it is many years
since he stole bis tirst horse. He bag
done time at Walla Walla. His latest
exploit was to capture a horse belonging
to Tom Elrod, proprietor of theWaldron
Fossil stage line, which got away from
him in the brush, and was found by the
officers last Friday. Medlock formerly
lived in this section, havicg worked in
the saw mills of Halstead & Anthony,
and knows every foot of the country
from Mitchell to Heppner; therefore it
is not likely that offioers who are
strangers in the territory will get bim
especially as be steals a fresh horse
every day or two and trains it to jump
barb wire fences.
Medlock's wife is staying with bis
cousin, Jim Medlock, at Lost Valley
She left bim just prior to the time be
stole the horse last winter from Billy
Brown, of Lone Kock, and desires to
have nothing more to do with bim. He
has threatened to kill ber, and called at
Jim's place one day last week, accom
panied by a balf-breed Indian, both
being heavily armed, either to execute
his threat or take his wife away by force,
but she' bad gone to Condon on that day.
Since that visit Jim Medlock has armed
himself, and vows that if his oousin re
turns to his place, he'll take him dead
or alive.
Medlock is in jail' at Pendleton,
having been captured Tuesday at or
near Ukiab.-Ed
Do YOU single standard people
deny that gold, and therefore
money, has appreciated in value
nearly one hundred per cent, since
1S7H, and that this has brought
about a general decline in prices?
It you do not deny this, what is
your remedy? If you believe that
money has not appreciated in
purchasing power, show us some
thing from undisputed authority
something besides tho Oregouian
that will sustain your claim.
put of all our mines now. Hence it is
necessary in order to maintain onr
freedom that the government issue a
legal-tender currency, bearing more of
the features so desirable in a money for
boarding purposes. Money of ultimate
redemption is made so by the govern
ment stamp upon it. Hence a oickle is
of ultimate redemption, as much as
gold or any other metal, but ponder
ously inconvenient, while paper, backed
by a productive government and
properly stamped, possesses all the
redeeming features that any money has
and is more convenient than either gold
or silver. So the quibble between you
and me should binge upon tbe means of
distribution, and tbe quarrel may be
mitigated by enquiring as to what money
really is? It can be none other than
the representative of labor's product,
hence make it of whatever material, bo
long as it carries its representation, it
should be legitimate for all purposes.
Nor need we as Americans call upon
any other nation to decide as to its
"But let the law give equal rights
To wealthy and to poor,
Let freedom cruh the hand of night,
We ask for nothing more."
We claim a perfect right to deny that
a return to tbe old time regime will
produoe satisfactory results, unless you
limit the term to bimetallism, only, for
under that regime, corporations have
well-nigh reduced the people to abject
slavery, and our banking system has
entwined its tentacles so olosely around
tbe people that they lequire more
money than that which may be oalled in
by tbe issuing of u oiroular, as was the
case under the old time regime.
But as my exchequer needs more of
tbe "inevetable" to prevent a collapse,
I must call for an indefinite armistice
and must turn my attention to trading
my stock of labor for its representative.
Will Hoskins.
Haedman, Or., April 19, 1895.
Subscribers and others owing a will
confer a great favor on tbe shop by help
ing os out. We are under heavy ex
pense, ami no money means no printers,
no ink and no paper.
Btooktnen You can cross the John
Day with your sheep, twelve miles
below Camas creek, on the Bill Walker
bridge, and it will cost yon $2.50 per
band. Dou't forget this. tf.
Oilhousen Bros, will be in Hardman
next week, and beginning the 27th inst.,
their gallery will be closed for several
weeks, as they inteud to make a tour of
Grant oounty befcre returning.
Miss Anna Brown, with the assistance
of ber vocal class and other looal talent,
is preparing a concert for tbe near
future. It is unnecessary to state that
it wi'l be well worth bearing.
Homer H. Hal look, wife and ohild,
arrived Wednesday morning from Pen
dleton on a visit to relatives here. Mr.
and Mrs. Hallook are old time residents
of Heppner, and met many old friends
and acquaintances during their brief
McFarland Mercantile Co., have
changed their business to au absolute
oath basis, beginning with the new year.
J. heir prices oompare with the lowest.
Also sell the Golden West Baking Pow
der, as good as the best in the market
and cheaper. See new ad. t
Now is the time to get the Weekly
Oregonian, the greatest newspaper of
the West. Witb the Gazette, both strict
ly in advance, for one year, $3. No better
combination of newspapers can be made
in tbe state. Besides we will give as a
premium an additional journal, the web
foot Planter, an agricultural paper,
Come in now and subscribe.
Keep the Baby Fat.
-My baby wasaliving skeleton The dor or a ; O.. -as-ftius,
Indigestion, etc. The various tJ"$ ( t . Wlied exactly
did not strengthen or fatten him. At thrtee wrix. toml
what he did at birth-seven pounds I bepan us i u o h
times puttingafew drops in his bottle then ura , -? it " I
again by the absorption metnoa u ...... .
Cure for Headache.
As a remedy for all forms ot Headache
Eleotrio Bitters has proved to be the
very best. It effects a permanent Oure
aud the most dreaded habitual siok
headaches yield to its influence. We
urge all who are afflicted to prooure a
bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial.
In oases of habitual constipation Kleo
trio Bitters cures by giving the needed
tone to tbe bowels, and few oases long
resist the use of this medicine. Try
once. Large hottlos only fifty cents at
T. W. Ayers, Jr., drug store.
Biliong Colic.
Persons who are subjeot to attacks of
bilious colio will be pleased to know that
prompt relief may be bad by taking
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. It acts quickly and
oan always be depended upon. In many
cases the attack may be prevented by
taking this remedy as soon as tbe first
indication of the disease appears. 25
and 50 oent bottles for sale by Sloeum-
JobnsoD Drug Co.
i'ntir Indeed I
The prospects of relief from drastio
ciitlmrlics for persons troubled with
ooiietipittion is poor indeed. True they
act upon the bowel, but this they do
with violence, ami their operation tends
to weaken the intestines, and is pre-
judicial to t"e stomach. Hosteller's
Stoiiianb Bitters in an effectual laxative,
hut it neither gripes nor infeebles.
Furthermore, it promotes digestion and
a regular action of the liver and tho
kidneys. It is an ellioienl barrier
HgMiiiHt aril remedy fur malarial oom-
pbiuit and rhciiiniitiNin, iintl is of great
hftictit to the weak, nervous and aged.
An a medical Htitutilaiit it cannot be
surpassed. l'l.ysioiaiiH oordially remuu-
men. I it, and ita profeaNional inducement
in fully burnt out by popular experience,
Appetite, and sleet) am both improved
ty tli im agreeable invigorant and altera-live.
K.I. Aahhaugli ia off shearing sheep,
Kui n in needed to bring th graiu up.
Fishing seem to be attracting tho
attention of tho people.
Mr, A. Ahlibaiuh has beeu on the
nick list but in now COIlVloCl-llt.
l!ev. Uri'ifory preached an interesting
sermon ut F.ight Mile Sunday last.
The apple tre.-N are shooting forth
their leaves; also fruit tree of all kinds
Vim's art in a prosperous condition
and there promises to be an abundance
of fruit Hum chhoii ,
Crop am not in a very l.eailhy con
dinoii, although there In plenty of tliuo
yet if get a rain soon.
(Iran in plentiful and ratine slock are
.lon g well. I.Niubiiig In nthiiit over
itli hii. I the sheepmen report a very fair
Increase in number
We see by the paper that I d. Bishop
has Im'i-ii gi iii eouio very gixal e.lvlce
Coiiceriiinrf people who are III debt.
I hat In right, but 1 think that the
farmers have had rlioilgll rlfieMeuc
within the but to eaiN t.i thi.l out
Ihat Ihry can never In and pay their
del te w hell whral la below the Cosl ol
Your truly.
j. n.
ii r Mu k. Or, April UJ, lV.V
Furnished by W. D. Harlan, Lund
aud Mining Attorney, Washington, D.
Where a single woman makes a home
stead entry and subsequently marries,
and thereafter lives with her husband
(who bltl filed on an adjoining traot) in
a house built across the dividing line
between the two claims, by snoh
resilience abandons her own entry.
In the selection of a newspaper for
publication of notice of mineral appli
otion the register, in the exercise ot a
proper discretion, may designate
paper that be regards best for tbe
purpose of giving the greatest publicity
to the uotioe, even although it may not
be the paper nearest the land.
Mineral laud so known will not pass
miller a townsite patent.
Mineral laud must be shown such as
a present fa at.
Vuo've no I.Ira
How nicely Hood's Saraapttrilla hits the
neeila ot the people who feel all tired
out or run down from anv cause. It
seems to oil up ths whole mechanism of
the b. dy to that all move smoothly
and work becoms delight If you are
weak, tired and nervous, Hood's Haraa
panlla ia just what you need. Try it.
i It is eold on a guarantee by ail drug
gists. It cures Incipient Consumption,
ana lfl tne nest coucn ana urous vyuro,
For sale by T. W. Ayers, Jr., Druggist
9k WUliuei iu an. kv,v
i i.
ind bcc:ili.eiibe;uitil!Hlluipieu uoJt
me tlumr neeiliui
" Kits. Ki.k:o.n W 1LLIA.MS."
Scott's Emulsion
is especially useful for sickly, delicate children vl.cn their other food
fails to nourish them, u supplies m c , ,
it nnrmsriment thev need to build them up and give them
health and strength. It is Cod-liver Oil made palatable and easy to
assimilate, combined with the Hypophosplntes, oom oi iu,
most remarkable nutrients.
r' hn Aowmrfrd to accctt CI Sllbsiitv. lC !
Scott & Bowne, New York. AH Drugfjists.
and SI.
For a "big feed" when you come to
Heppner and stop at the
Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms !
Mrs. Tom J3racller, Prop.
Lancashire Insurance Co.
i W.
A Great Mistake.
lliitid'i 1'ilU oure liver il In. connti-
i ill i. in, biliiitiflu., jm'udiot, nrk ht'd
fhc, indiK't'Htiiin.
F.n. Oakitr
Weather plensaut and warm.
Every proipeot for the driest season
we've had for many a year, unless the
indications change considerably,
Wheat looks poor in many plaoes and
where there is a fair stand tbe cool
weather has kept it back, as well as the
A number of farmers complain that it
is almost too dry to plow and nnless it
rains, plowing will be at an end by the
mouth ot May.
The old lone store building has been
removed to oppotdte Woolery's merchan
dise store, and ia be in if repaired for tbe
oomiog lone driiif store.
Our blacksmiths are waiting for a
Dew and complete set of tools and ere
lonn will be prepared to do all kinds of
work in their trade in the new chop.
A saddler and shoe-maker has arrived
at lone and contemplates building a
shop in the near future. Impairing,
done at present in the abed of T. J.
Tbe bicycle "oraze, or "niauiu" as it
is sometimes called, has reached lone,
which we think ia tbe bent eiyn that
our boom is certain. Mr. Tom Woolery
is at prenent considered tbe champion
A few ruorj families are expeoted to
move down into our pleaaot little
hamlet, and we Lave no doubt that by
tbe time autumn is at baud, we will
have quite a little town. lone bus grown
more this summer than it ever has tinoe
it was fouodttd and there is every reatou
to believa that is ouly the beginning of
big end.
A rcrnt discovery )s that headache,
dizziness, dullness, confusion of the mind,
etc., are due to derangement of the nerve
centers which supply the brain wilh nerve
forcej that indigestion, dyspepsia, neuralgia,
wind In stomach, etc., arise from the derange
ment of the nerve cenlerssiiiiplyins these or
jrnns wil Ii nerve fluid or force. This Is likewise
interest of those bavin? claims arrainst the government ia
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their
patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and relw
able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not
S Wil II lier. 1IUHI .jr IU. U. Uin inunni.-o , , - J1 -ll f t.a AtAan
true of n any diseases or the lit an and lunirs. entirely, upon me care turn oitui ui mc ii".usj, ...
Tho nerve systemisiike a telegraph system, With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys.
as w in ue scou uy mu uccuujyuiug . - .-: tt,at inventions are well Tiroteeted bv valid patents, we nave re
tit! iV ra.it. v. v..uh r j
tained counsel expert in patent practice, ana tnereiore are prepareu io
Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct It
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to j
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and !
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
Tf vmi tiAvA in Invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to.
gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once
advised as to tne Desr. course to pursue, iviuueia nrc dciuuu mitsMij.
others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by
others, submit the matter to us tor a renaDie uriJNiuiM oeiore acung ua we
p. o. aox 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
W Cut this out and send It with your lnaui.-n
cut. The littlo
wliilo lines a r 8
the nerviM which
i-on -vy the nere
f r fiom tho
nerve centers to
every part of tlio
liori v ,ii.-t. as the
el.'Ci ric current. Ih
conveyed alon
1 1; ti'lesrapli
wires to e v o r y
hi a' Imi, lari'o or
small. Ordinary
pliv-l 'I ms fall to
i inl ins Tact,:
Instead of I rent-
the iicrvecen-ter-s
for tliecauso
o f llie disorders)
ni'i-lie.' I herefrom
lh'-v I r e a t, tho
n u t ail.vl.'d.
I'l-i.i'iiin Miles,
M. D., LI,. It., tho
I.L'iily celelirate.l
g pec la 1 1st nn.l
stud. 'tit of nervom disease, and author
of many noted treatises on the latiersiinject.
VmX kiiico realized t in truth of the tirst
statement, and his Kestoiallve Nervine
Is iirepired on that principle. slices
in cui iinr an uiseiises urlsiiui rroni nennive
iiient of I he nervous system Is minder
fill, as tne thousands of uiisollcited testimo
nials ill iHissessloTi of the company niunufac
luvitf. the rcmedv umtilv nrove.
Ir. Miles' Hesioi-atlve Nervine Is a reliable
remedy for nil nervous dl-eat-cs, such as
headache, nervous Uehlllly. prostration,
s'e..., till,isa l.vsierln. M'VUllI tle-
hi.lt v. M. Vitus dance, e'pileiisy, etc. It In
oldtiy nil druuiflsts on a positive iriiiiriinteis
or sent direct hv the lr. Miles Medical '.
Klklnirt. I ml., on receipt of price. H-r hut-
lie. ix not t is lor Ki. exim'ss iin-nam.
K-.-toratlvn Nervine positively cuutains no
upiatis or UauKvroua urugs.
For sale by T. W. AyeM, Jr.
AUK vor-
Arril 22. 1W.
- .pp-pri.,.,,..s. ,.f r:,:ir s
- I I .. 1 I... ft I I H..A
A WlwCuu luslu.i.
Went Csirinlb, Maiue "I doctored for
but nolbiiw rift
' Hiuimous Liver Keicula-
tor. I ah). II takit uolhliiifelHe hereafter.'
N. M. Uakman. Your driutfiNts ell
it in pow.ler or lii'ii.l; tbe iniw.l. r tj be
taken dry, or tnadd into a tea.
1 1
K I lINnl VIM It M
1 1' 1 ill". t:ot imii' iit rim j ny itr
ileldH ttllll It rt 'li't'limldii ncr
mi.l if it H m i;.h., aN ',.in, ,.; ""'''U't.e.l Uen n...ue,
... i , to lieallh b iiiiiU 111 emu, allcr suiter-
must insist th it w i'i( H L.. for , , , , ,
tli Cilillll'ill J ' ' in Ills, i k 1. 1 nil. cii.n, mid thl dread .ln.e, foil-
f..r ti, i v i-i.N'k. r.tit t :"v v, " ' -""- .-...
ton fell. hi itlli-rrta lh means of ture.
hliiitil l l" .niu that toll tl lilolii'V, I i tle . tth.i .I.H.tr it. Im il i h.rrlul
..,.11 . I ...I .....I I . ....... i ly ltd, fie of I'hattje, a is.p of lh l-r
Uhly, 1 1 .4 Vl tl" f ill 111 itiilii liti i tur run for t'.ini.iiiiitiui, AUiin, l'
ith tlu tin'tioy of ultiniiti re.
I larrb, IWoiichtli aii. all Ihrnal and lutitt
: nil Il I, mom ml ulTurKr xt.ll
(ll'tlll'ti ill, nil, I tin' nl'ject n.tlll.t ; nw t,i rrtucly aaillallixalilatdK. Tho
l-y t.nr I'at m..n.' n ly.H'M.. at ''""'i .ir..i(.ii.ia, .".'J' ,''
' firm ii,.llniif . ti I ii.ay .ro a IiIsm.iij,
UllCl l int. O.ir ftl'-nl, II.islilK, ' will l. .i. I Irw. U-V 1. HI K
a)-. iK.t ni.M I, - t,.y f WH.M.N. .,..ki,...VV. jniill..
tlllimnto p. J.'i-ii !i oi, I tit i.n l iti t uy !-,, u tm ,11 rtid an rnn.
I. it. i 't . ' .. . ' ' i'"tli.f .1 s a,. I am .mil
I. ii.i.l,, i. r..i 'tin
I l.-v( J.k9rUU'U CfcbUol,fc U tvki,Jr,l4 I.! UtHiiiital.
F. tl Hale is over from the John
('ad Fu.pu was over yenierday from
FiKht Mile.
F.vans Hros. rami np from Lexington
Wrdiiea.lay on busiueiw.
K conoerl l the opera bonis is
ilatitird lor the near future.
Mrs. t'atheriii" Sprav relumed )l"r
day from In r vmit lu F.iifht Mile.
Fri. KHn. rfpreaeiitmrf llyron
J kson Manf. Co., is id town.
0,h II chard itt in from Ma) wile
yesterday aud left l.t.Uy for home.
Ileniy Thonmon rrHirU bi ifo at
roiiVklrtcmg from au attack of grip.
your bit of advice; bill would not that
l(,ild billed, silver oullaM of yours lie
rorrodiiiHT Hi olmcurily if ometbiliK
were Hot done, lo call II forth from its
evrel hi.luitt itaoe? Well, I hold mill of
like proportions and flueuem but I shall
keep mine well enoaned in legal lender,
liou interest bearinn ineklo-lipped sheath,
while I ('roes the same wiih yon In a
friendly bout for ths good of your many
liiKBinuch as y.ei a.ked in former
nuiulirr bow silver may lx cornered, as
I slated in my answer "Htlverlle,' 1
will stnle Ihnl money is power mid an
undue aeeiiiinilu'rui, throiub the
natural How of luternl, triable lh
holder to force up the price by foreum
down the prut- of lint commodities that
It lakes lo iMiicliaee II. Thru ar
M whellier lh m.titejej ineq b.il.l that I t,rtt In Im mven at Ihe np"r boim
poer or not. rirot, money buya ledts- in the near future by local talrtil
latiou, and the billion d.ilUrs you speak I F.d. Ifl.m and Wood I'art-r. i-f
of a iiia "Ul bi'laeeo ls.'olatid l"i (Irani county. I. f I this ntonoim, wed:
eemed l. have pave.1 Ihs way for thu ' l led Hb Ireidht for the liu.er C.uiilrv.
isvuiia'i'l niore bn.l, ami they on a II nib Mivll.sk wa rauuhl TurtUyl
go I b.i.i.. Now a the tf. i,lpnl ' l'"'1' and will hav l.i an.wer f,.r J
camiol r.a.li the tf.,1.1 lt,l.rl ,M -"j '
lH..i.l.r..l.i.rrt,.e,.y,pecllr,.Ulio0j Fr(()k u, ,( t) V Vrt. i
In rail f .Hh the net I U-.1 inettl In nur j,,!, h- )t ,,,4 Arlmnioo audi
p,iMei mi It'll we Certainly cannot is ba.'k l.t Ueppurr stfain, liettiug'
rl l tiusne.er .i call forlli soinelhing Wcdurs.Uy .
that will cripple Ih.tu in Utrir furlt.erl r ,,,,m n-1 11 ,!,1"r "lake, ol
sewtna; niKcmtirs at ni t .r rn. in
There l one inavallie which will help you to
HI t fKKIlby t, nciilii you to kaew and ap
prrrlaie yniirell. The Phrenological
Journal wide wk up to date exsuitiit
nl lluinmi Nutiiro
Are you using TH0UQHT and TACT
in Bringing up Your Children?
The Child Culture Pertmenl lielpf tiiotlu-t
nd tem hen to Mudy Ihs chrm lerlitl. l nl
r, It child hi a guide to tt pr..s.r developmcnl.
nd ten renu f..r inpl ropy of the I'hreno-
loKt.iii Jouriim.
Ki'WI.KK A ViraM CO., ruldl.heni
: I ! .'l.t M., New York.
r i.,i puhllih long !l.l ol h.'ekl.
The Best
TG on OrilDEAtEIH can sell
you ma-chlnes cheaper than yon eon
Id rUtwhtr. The NEW Ilonr. I
our bf it, bot w mint (keiirr Kliiaa.
urh the CLIMAX, luii.iii eiui
other Illch Arm Fall Mrkel kUieil
rxvlae: Rlaehlnee for It 5.00 and u?.
Call en oar agent or write u.
wire vour trade, and If price, term
and kqaare dealing will win. we will
la re II. W challenge ine worn to
u-oddre a BF.TTl ll tSO.OO Seu lrttr
Yarblae for $SO.CO, or a better t i l.
wins .Tlarhlne for 40.00 llinn t
an buy from ae, or oar A cent".
i . R.To. M.M. tl fwien S. i
l.vf' 'i Itu nr. I-h i . I...IJI. i-A-.
rori SLC BY
The New Hunt String Machine Co.
r.7 Market Kt. Sao Fraucixco, Cal
3000 PARCELS OF MAii;m.
sa 1 v -VI 'OR 10 1-CtNT biAWPS
jKrl (r.-KulMr prl.s- iV.) your iu
2rt? 3"Jr, ' tlrew II received wlll.ln M
2 iwrVyi "lays will Is- for 1 year koldlf
7- CJ" J-m7.it iL. .-L printed on kiiiiuiiisI
IHlM-ln. (Ml.y I'irH i'to
i(.iHriiiite.inir ltf.x.(ietf
eiiNtoiners ; from p.it
ll.,iieni an. I lunniifMO.
turem y.iu'll nss-lvn
prnlMM.. t , innusiiiKis
VHliiutile ln.k, ii-r
All lrfle and em-h imr.s.,
With nnenrviHirprlnlisI mlilres. L.ls-lf
imsIisI tl.er.sm. IA I HH We wll
hImi print and en-iwy M,imi(..iii.Mi
v....r li.ls'l addns' lu yen; wl.ko
Hlrk on vi.ur eliVel.,s-s,lsM,ks, !,.., H
prevent tlelr I, 'llll! Hl. J,.
!,f llei.l-Mlle, N. t .. writes: "Ireni
my l is-iii a.l.lress In y.mr Main. nut
inns'ierv i -i ns-,-... u,.
l.tis'is aii'l over iliiuo I'arrrU nl
l!e oll. Mv a.l'lres-sst ill w-lillen
-uiiientf n..,.ll-h.-rs a. Hi iiuu.iifiu'.Ho-ni
are srrlvt.iir ft.itlv, ell ,.lu..l,le !-nrvli
of mall fr , in all 4nta ul tl.e Y .rli.
No. UT frank ford and tilrard Ave. I'hilaulel-
thia. I'a.
Tbe regular subaorlptlon price of Ilia
Semi-Weekly tiacette ia 82 50 and tbe
regular price of tbe Weekly Oregnniao
i 1.50. Anyone snbecribiDg for the
(iar.etle and paving for one year in
advance rao gel Ix.lh the (lar.elte and
Weekly Oregonian for .. All tdd snb
acribers paying their snbscriullons for
one year in advance will be entitled to
tbe same.
Ktage leave for Echo Mondavi,
Wednesdays, and Fridays, returning on
Tuesdays, Thursday nd Kalnrday.
11. WadcTrop. T. W. Ayers-lr-, agent.
progrra if a ruinulatio b. Alrlaiuler 1
exchange f if Intnlr. Mai'loii' from
sai. I lo have wrt Ihs atlae Iher were JP. Addrrw N. A. Uaeh, Uimg.
on more i.ato i.a ,i coupler, and the loo, (iiegoa. If.
money pow. r ia f .. Jiaamg In a like, F.l.ler J. W. Jenkin will prearb at the
prelicameat U.n e II a-ma, lhal it oirea Httaaa Ji tci.ly tut-ntntf ax. -xrn.
...ii i. i ... i . .i l" No errvlr al Ihe ball ( I'-motiow
....,1,1 be but ... act .,f me,,-, f,., the ; M Wr,..(l,r.m lllItl, ,.,n gh
goxrimiiriii t i ti"l only real., re eiher, j IMHi coltitnii.
loil pU v It.ota m o r, ,, ct'CdU'l -n ! Tl ran. and foe a -a.ii la ner at
It.sa i''l ly lie pooling prmvee Iw hand an ih n ' td ruaii w, h , n..,i
driv.ii lo acotn. Yoi ilailtt lhat lb "-'". I ' f t' ' " "
. u , , th.ur tsrau.fiil way I war la l. ll;ua
y.r U.k..lO.,..,..U,-a...,. .,,fc.1S- ftrT,T,g,.rt ,lp trl lt
li a '"'Ii. r, ai disiU.ailLkUl U U,,, u,ti 4 Ut mt i
ii i'lulil UilH'irt tea tx IliU ill fist, i "tidal k.J jlial4 dt ilsl.fi.
Hero nri
V hich v.i wieh you to
Ui-tut'iuluT :
riiir: -W Ktcp
Si , oM:--Vt tifT.-r it
TiMi.lt: Wp fell
Wr nrc ftinMiil t t iikmh
f, r n .! lltr tlmii tl. uu,il
"iV.lltr'a wi.Hb."
: & lilSIIl'I-:
M&ia titfrt, Ui ji.ii, Ui.
AbDiecs a Lcrren ok i ostac caiiu to
junn wtuutKBUKN. Managing Attorney,
P.O.Bok463. Vahin0ton,D.C.
llonot.Mvdl., h.rr1 nt,tlr atol a.ltv. . j.. . .
x. l.i . , t ""''"""' I'" maV cit. m...nc. """"" '
..a1. r. .." ''.' '"''''''"""'"'ldi.lB.. t.m..r.r.,h,,h,f ,irt.,J,..H
7 ne.. ii mmm Of .n.. tit st,a Ih.lr nan lu's.f .. aut noM XX i'"
i : HTti.Kr ';'".'r.,.,,,,,rr1,,b'"," . l.v:iT.inr
.p." -..v,;",,::;,vvfr:;:,:,r"" ''' : -
potr It u..k. Mdifl.na.e w atbt .iu.i tr,d a..4 .. Ut. .., o, . t",,., ,,r m
u..:,-,rbu;:; ;,;;Vr a "4,r M Uw- " fc,h" -
a.. I,,""",,,,',.ul""'l''f"llltie p fnnrlH end.f IS. .Ml,,, ,.i,.
Mlraiaiatsildlraaadui.i.B ,1.7 .
n..,...i.m. - ii . tDTt ortct Of i,..,l4
lat,V,.:.r.T'",,U',4"4,'n!' r'to. ka. 1 4..4e
::;i:'::rxx?::h'J;::'!:'?' r:v itn..M in.r.1
W l foil..,,,. r ',. el''n.l ..,;.., Ih. t-. w
i -i ti iia..i,n,a.i,. K. .i. v. f
fs f-.
Tl lav .. ' "
i i r-r r nr.'j i.l v r. m . .n i