PATENTS! JU?LnT J ' ! ! , , t T- T Ju m p - j MINUET NOTICE TO INVENTORS. u 1 Hirl i r l i I i 17-r-T-Tg La. Ili-r-A r.i .x There was never a time la the history of our country when the demand for inventions and improvements iu the arts Bod sciences generally was bo great as now. The conveniences of rifjkind in the faotory and workshop, the household and on the farm, as wl! as in official life, reqnire continual accessions to the appurtenance and impliments of each in order to save labor, time and expense. The political change in the administra tion of government does not affect the progress of the American inventor, who being on the alert, and ready to per ceive the existing deficiencies, does not permit the affairs of government to de ter bim from quickly oouoeiving the remedy to overoome existing discrepan cies. Too great cnre cannot be exer o'sed in ouoosing a competent and skill ful attorney to prepare and prosecute an application for patent. Valuable in terests have been lout and destroyed in innumerable instances bv the employ ment of incompetent counsel, and es pecially is this advice applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, no pay" system. Inventors who entrust their business- to this class of attorneys do so at imminent risk, as the breadth and strength of the patent is never con sidered in view of a quick endeavor to get an allowance and obtain the fee. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedilerbum, General Manager 618 F street, N. VV.,VaRhingtou, D. C, representing a large number of impor tant daily and weekly papers, and gen eral periodicals of the eountry, was in stituted to nrotnot its natrons from the unsafe methods heretofore employed iu this line of business. The said Gon pany is prepared to take charge of all patent business entrusted to it for rea sonable fees, ami prepare and prosecute applications generally, inolnding me ohanioal inventions, design patents, trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer ences, infringements, validity reports, and givHB especial attenion to rejected cases. It is also prepared to into competition with any firm iu seouring foreign patents. Write for instructions and advice. Philip W. Aviiirtt. f!l8 F Street, P. 0. Box 88!,. Washington, D. C. vth:k bkamis. While yon ti ymtr Bulwcriptlim tmiri up yru Oftii kmp yotir hnui l in frnnnf rhnrKn Allvn, T. .1.. Imm, Or. Ilnrmw (Hi on lnff Bliiiui(r; cmMIh Muni" n left Inp, nndnr hit itn rixht mr, tiiia upper lul tluunfl; imiikh, iMui row county. AniiHtrotiv, .1. ('.. Alpinfl,Or.T with tmr nn dur it m Inft Htiotilltr of horntiH cnttln nitine on lft hip. AIMhoii, O. t)M Kiht Milo. Or. ( 'Httln tirnnrl, ()l)nn ioft hip hm I liorKon NHinn hrHiul tin riht iih'Hifilitr. lt!Ui. Kik'ht .Mil". Atlkitm, J. J., nppii(r, Or. HurRn. .! K tinn IIvoIimI on l"'t thi'ilt: unMtn, wttn"n l"ft Inn. Hiir'1,1). W nn I m. -Hiithim lininil"t l II tmtti"'"tt hint 'I" 0i mi ni fttt !ft mk, rrnpntl ri' t 'HT, himIhtcpip in tli loft, lUtiK in Mormw i''unty. Ihirthuhi'n'w, K. 0., Mnino, Or. Hormm hmml'tcl 7 K n opti'tr hImhiIiI t. Umiivo in .Mor row tiountv ItftntilMt'T, .T. W., ITiiriltttHU. Or. t'ftttln hraii'l fn H on If f I hip HMfl thiL'h; mi i it in iich tr. Hronitftr, P 'tnr. I ioiiM,.t.-rry nnunni llnrn hmTi'ltwl I H on fft Hhonlil'T. CutdH Mtim't on nylit tttt 1lurk. M Ht 1iOMtf rrtfk, Or (l utl.i, M AY (oniitrtH'l on loft It in, m op olf hft itr, uti tltr hulf trop otl ri'rht. llorMH, mhiiim Itfiml on l-ift Hlioulilor. IUiium iu tiiitnt hikI borrow ronuty. j (rminnn, Jorrv, lit am, Or.-HiirH'Mi ltnt'idiil 7 on rt(ht honlitr; rut tit H on thi hf( Mitlt. j,ft Hir h't'f crop imI ritfht nr mt'r hIoha Hurtott, Wm.. M ppnr. Or. - Hi. .., J (1 m riulit thmh, PiiiiU' miitiih on riM hip; Hplit in Hr.twn, Ihh, liiinutm. Of. UorHiM HI on the rulit till"i rultli HiinttMtn riuht hi(i; r iiit, Mtr fow riMinty. Ilrown, J. tiMfr, Dr.-M'iMiHi, nrrlt V wih Mot in fti tir on ("ft hip; r-iMhv .n'n'. Brown, W. I, I "oh. tirt-foii. MrN V l.-tr fivr It, mi the ltd fthouht -t. t'rt' I It xmne on I, -It hln. Hovf. W. (i , lltMum r. Or. - ll-.r, l..i Itrttn t on r1 h hip 't ' K hiiih, W .ih uplil in twli ir. Hortf. T.O., Mopimnr, Or Hi.nt'Hi, V 11 mi ..f( iinllr; rnttto. .'. o tin Inft ttio. HionhH, W. .1 , Km. r rntthv .Ml cotin.rti.. on lft i'I-Im; iroi on ("ft otr hu( two tli'n mm Itud Hi pit rnt out o?i nir'i ir; on horMH -mmih lirHtnl on It. h'ft ihof'i; lUni in Koi vhIIi'j, lirnttt ponnfv, ( nr-wtoM 'nrrn. Vtf"tf, Or lliirwx hnind. VMliinn riffKt nitt1; cHtilt tttinn h'tr.) tin rith nlt. ffni HtiiNplit mi itih r, HittiMpn in ,rit H" M-irrow ("t'lMtnt I Nin.K , I tiii'h.i ir - V I on h'tra on lft titU.i I) with qnrtir .Mr l or it.o t hfi t.Mi(r Hfji oil ll) utitlt mi nH folia H 'if 5 VHrn; otl (, ft phonhl r onlv on nil tiopMtntitmr (V'Mii. All rinrft tn dr-mt ,-Mi"tv. (qttrio4. H., iMt-in or l,m'H. Or. 1 1 . -M II (' on rttftit liul-('T, i"i!i uitit' tni ritfhl hip. Itit'lifH Mot row hm-I I' 'tfi' I ik tun rot, i orriuuM. M M, Oh low Hr I n'tr''in mtt of nhtfir too n'..rt.ii , H'tlt pi f,,r... hnrmMh'iir t ir-'l. V on l ft UMl". lUnn Mor- ' M'ttl I H'h' I'U I'tttM lM'. rnrl.i. II.. John I v. O- linhl rr. ,m MW'h hip tn 'u" i ow fniU hm. milr hit HI fiifhl nr. m in il rtr. I in lirn-il f'tiuntt, I'll '.M. H t'T"! l't MM4ir Ht't l,U r I" nr iti'f W 'l Toi nil .ift nf lint t,. pp'r hit m ritfht. V ! crop i ri'l.t nol it" ..r l.lf i-ri-j. H ft mr, All !".' ti OrMUt t .Hint Vl tmk. A J.,lift Or, MortM. uion nnh! -h-.ttl ihtf. t ntto. i'tioit iitii Iui; -r Uunk pinrv Cf'p h'rt rtM'l "Mtt Hi rii'M. iirftn, H. .t ii'tii', Or, ll rta, on II, llr - 4'lln, ... 1 t l..f Sin. ( l h r in crtn'r . t I'.H-hrvi, H r . M. . ,r- .io'l- I - i-. I hHii iff, i -vl. 'I'll'' tin ', ( I. M'M'. M . Il l' I on rirf' t lop. hriM U ( I m hot"' t0f'"t t f"M tt umirt,!, I.i - .,r I. Inn t-l ,.ii I Hwi l'-W sill "I I'.i M,0, III I.I) Or n 1,-fi . lliitrli 'n'i Or M.r. l.rnnll i !.. Itrti l'. I II. tt., la., liW.1 Oilfc'., i I ,9 ll I-I. -I 1. 1 nil i-n. i,l li Or, i n.v f.Hfc in t.-ti mr, II l in , U I in i tut.. I U Hr - O nt(lt Mr on Mt (. miI-Pm, n'tlrt IP n t, tmr t H , l ,r ' M .i ti I . ' ! f 'IM oil f lili lM It !,. 4 , U-n! rit,t l ip, I .i-. ft..'. hfHM'vl I I V I'M" Oil h'fltilp, t . tit M.r.M . i h It i M M ! t r .r-iM,. . r , t ,t . r t , , l.r Ml 1(f!. V Mil In, l I'l ......i.-.f flrfM I. m,' I 'M M' 1- I -mi i )! I tUt l l. 1 1 t 'i ' li t ' Xk V. '. " i ' Mr. M'ti i" !-l M I ' t. p - . l OM n( ll II.mU H . li U. t l 'i i li 'n' f fi i 't P '. r g in M - I I " '''. M.- I tt I . i v.- Ot t ' ' i l- i I - ' j I tt tam J .M, nj'ii I f)ff, li i -yp in II "-" I "I V w .. I .... ... I . . I ... - Itn tit- 4- ..-I i t , i f,S ! l- ( .tl I M. , il.i. i v . ... M i . i," i.. ,, i i ifi 1 1tlt !.) Ml- in'! ti) ft l 'tf OT -i ..,. i,i(.. i ,-.i,ij it i. t...,i. i im ft M-.,.. I I .. ! ... Il.-T t.f. f t! '"it l t . . ? S Ml Im .ft , 1f , tt V, if iv tUi M M, J I I 'tit Mr I,..' )n r i i i.. o i, n,u t'f , i li n,., Ift.,rr. ft II i-v, 1,1 .Hi II. ' I I I V- I II II A W II' -II ..M ,r,, ..-. ii. , I..-. . i . .i t . . I ... I M M ii' II ..Mt II J I . .,. i i f l II J r..i i iv. . u j ... i Dolce, elegante. P - :n- poco :-. stentato. fcr., ) ' 0 -Z- V N Hi y Pt marcato. Fed. , y - a tempo. L 7 Pc stentato. i n - -- 0 -s v , i f"n tatn a tempo. L p n w j . m -v- -r f P Fed. ' Junkin, H. MM Htipptinr, Or. Ilnnuw, hora mmik J on Inft HhoithlHr, ( uttiH, the Mime, ttnnift n l"'iihi Milt. lotu s n, Ki'liji. I mh. Or. Unman, HreluT tn Inft Htitln; f'Httln, HHtnn un riht hip, Uinlnr half Ton in ri wntl Mnlit n lt'ft tvtr Kftrmy, M itt, Hipti 'r, Or. Ilttrni hrnndfttl KN'Y on Inft hip imtttn Mun himI crop o!l It ft ". nmlor nIopm on tin ritrht Kirk J. T.. lliipfitiMr. Or. Horace ftit on left tthonhlnr: nut Hm, nit mi Inft hip. Kirk. .Iohhm, llntipntir, Or,; honm- 11 nn Inft NLotihlnr; rnttlt Kiiine tm riKht iinln, umtnrhtt tn I rnfhl ur. KniiilinrlKinl.W. (I.. Mount Viniin. Or. I , im nil tie oil riKt niitl Inft miltw, nwnllow fork iu lift , tt'tr him! iimlnr mop in rii(ht iwr. Ilormm hhiii 1 hrHTnl on h'ft nhoulilHr. Hnntff In (limit ronntv. Imrtttn, Htiipntn. rim. Or. H I on It-ft lit, on ntttli. rrop nnd nplit on riifhl ivir, llorw Mtmn liruinl on Inft houhlnr. Kuiitftt lintul ronntv. I.immllnn, John W ,tTn.rn Or.- Ilormw ltrHii')o httlf-rtrt'ltt J L roniimMntl tin Infl nhonl ilnr. ( hhIh. tiiiif on Infl It it. lUiign, iinnr Ul ht'tton Ijt'ithfj, J. V. Hnppnnr Or.- tlorwn liruiitltMl Kiinil A I'' nhonlitnr; rnttlt rnint mi tf hip, wttiilit uvir rtlit -)n, thrm hu iu rA i, if. I-Ttl, tlMir,r, llittipnnr. Or. ltorwti lirnnttiwl tlnnhln II ooi.nttt'tt HonitMiintta rnllttl H KW"it II. till Inft nholihlnr, Minor, llwur, itppntr r. ttt M 0 to htrlii lot; horntt on h-ft nlionhtHr, MorHii, H. N., HHpputtr, Or.-IIormtii, M ) tin l ft l)onhl't rnttld Mm tin Inft hip, Mtt'hll. 0tnr. Ioiih, Or. Hon, 11 on nirht tin; ttMft,77on riM unln, Mi'l'lnrnn, 1. 4., llrowiii lln, Or,-Horn, of.irf It, in HMh nlnMilir. iHitln, M'2 on hin Mnttirr. rrni'k. r't VhIUv, Or.-MuU Ihw itti te.orli on mitU tin rilt im nnitr in ) wh nr, ttotw maid hrnii'l on lft titi. j Mt'llnl.i) , t.. .,, Or. - m MorM. j with hulf riri'lt mnW uti Ml httnMr;on , j four Imnt oomirrlttit on Up on 0 ritfht nlti j N'l. Antw. m ItiM'k.Or. Horn A N iin j ro'itl mt ,. ft honhlnr; mttl won on littth h(i, I NoMlitv r Hilvrttn Or. llorit,cm:- 7 no l It?' thttfh: oh' t lit ruttimon lf t hip, I OHr. JtHNtplt. I uitn l ily. Or. I on ! nn lfl hip on horn, hiii on ltft thigh, Itauirr ! in 'irnnl rtinnly oilnr, iVrti, ItiiiKton, Or.-1 O on lf ! .1. . i -P" til., Ilnrnotn. rtmrl ('it. Or.4n ritlf. O I 1' t'ottttwi I on Uft lupi hri tin Mt siiflf ii'l itri I it in ti'MM. lUntfM in Ornnt rtMintjr. 1'itnrtiri, I Mhvn, r of '! Mil. Or. - Hir 'OlKr lr riM'l-t hit.l mi It ft nhttiillfr nml i on rfi hip. HMltt, fork in Iff? r, ri,d,t i'nhl. V i im Mi hip. Hntnf on t- irtt Mi', I'tttlinr A iUftoii, MnHlittftii.Or, llor 1 1 ot t fft l,.Mil..r. 1'ip"'. I " !, I ilttftttn. Or, It or lirnnl t. A. X fonnm'i.-l! tn l'fl hotiliUr rnll ! a mf mt ru'ttt hip. lUinr Horfow rotint. ! I'll'fr. J. M . llniloii. t. It'irMt. J rtn l r '" I tti ..rt, fMtti, Miit on I it h p , ut I r ItU 'II rm-'U ttnf i rttt K i ., lottf. Or : horMt tlianiotol - lnMiul -r . .tirt. J H J rttnn ir I. i.n tSt inp. upiwf alopa III Mt tr an. I alip in tK ' li,'".!. , IU.!, Aii tnw, Htrttntan. Or. - lloiwt. .ttKrr ; ft. -0 itl .poittitr t iti'itt ot tt or Uf I aittt lnotfnr. t loia, Mfpptinr, t r. - llttrtM, t II ot ' t ,i,...ii...t. ! lt Hr. . Ilfi i nf. Or H ta hnn 1. ) nt i lint rttflt hmil Iff. rnHlp. otl Ih Mt Mp j r.. t.H f(l ft ttt 'l th'wUp tn t h. It Ui tl t M "'lit Itldl H I t"lMll, O.lll't M. H. -fi, Mnlrw. Iintim, Or - !! htun It mi riH-ht itooMf, vtol pttrt'ti i'im i tf tt"-l. fftttU Mtnt tn ttUl lop 1 Hrt l.'r'W tMt t K..i . Hin. II Ihim.illfs tr III! iNinnm im mi, ..tifi'.r i-n. l M..-I I.,. i rii..n fitf'.i t,i ,.,. . ni,i mi i. l H.'il In l-'l. I..i vi. I'm.' I.." l.-fl .S.iMr, III ll-Hni 1,.. I i. , I u''iti .mi.lnB, l,.-l..r J tt ll-'i-i-i.-l. Or ll.irM. JO m Ull ti,t-t.., i II.HI lUliI lllt, li .Vi-!1. J W , Ii .-l-m, itr !(. I .l..i ll ,. ti, it i ! r'--.' I , f.,, I rilnl-,llf lim.Ut lit, i. fl l-...i -t . M1 .HI Wl ... M I . I Ii. 1 II , .1 .... ,i. ,.. II l-li M ll rn' II .il. ,R ,. il .... f.tfi.l ,'.. pf.., .i lnl w-,f ,n l I ((. ..i, . ii.l I-,,. I Ii in M .tr, tl - - ti. I I i ii- !... i. ". ! I.."'t II. MB V. ' ' I..II l- t r'i I-B in ' ,i.. I f , I .... I." l. N ,.,,.li l I , ll-vi-w i f II fw .1 I .1 I H i.,t I. -'i mi iHw iiii . i M ,.m lft . in l . ii- Ml.ii l.i . -'I. H,,. - M-l l , ll .l ..' I .- rV'ii M 'i.l', l"fl ' - f " J . t -,, I ' l .'. ti flilr t-' t .i f M M. r'i.. n ti'.i S. 1 rr.-. ii l I ui. trt l it m Ml mmi. li v. If n I 1 1 j .. ii, i..m H..i l I If l. .m Km. It I II ...ll"., ' . l.l , I J Iltihtl.m, IN . k4 I",. I.I J .... . li ... .... riii ii, m . ,M I i. li in Wf . f.l If.l.-f, r. k l.-,, .11... ! .. lit , l. H,. (u i Mill I. .. I1 f f mi.lm f. ... .... Mr. K I lli i IH - aiija, p ... - I I t, s. I , I' ,.. I'l -t I W It" - II MfMW , !.- I - -I. II . I .. . I I. I' - t I f I all VI I' t4l I, i , . 0 ' I I w- ...i..i n ffcfi f. 4- !. V . n kti ,....' u J 4, It-,-)-- 1 1 - M-bjbj , M' w....4f1 '(. I Mi ttfi'i'it. w ? ? : :r"r;r'r"r " 1- Li--J II -- " P0C0 "'"! r. u P . mf I marcato. Fed. ' 1 1 - j tT ) Pgracioso. mf ) 1 marcato. i I' , -T 1'!- 1 51 ' N. Tvir tr- 'i p w r-d f i ' 1 1 1 T in" y r U' "l H" "i m - Copyriclil, i84, by The New York Mtiiiieul KeeorJ Co. Tippta.8.T,(Kumrpri(n3,Or.HtinKi, C-on left j Bh'Hihlnr. Tarnr It. W.. Hfppnnr, Or. Hinall OHpital T Inft ahonl'lT. Iiorn'w; ctiltl hiiih on Inft bip with Hplit in Kotti pur a. i'lniriiton, H. M.. Ion. Or Horned hmmlod HT nonnM't4i on I 'ft ftitln; th.ti hhiiih hrnmi, VHinlnriHiol. H. T.. IrfmH. Or: llorwta HV oon niH't( on riht nhoultlnrHttld, aHiu ou riiclil Inn Wnlhriilirt'. Win.. Ilfpniipr. Or. Homa. U. L. on tin l"ft Hhoiiltlnr; out tip tmmn on right hip. nrop nil Inft tnr and rilit Hr ltitMii. Wilwm, J'llm i),, Hutt in or lloppiinr, Or. HorHon hmml'til Ji tm the Ml uliouliltT. JUutfp Morrow ottnnty. Wnrrpn.W H. ChIMi, Or Otl In W with finnrtr rirrln ovtr it, oil Inft aiilt, plit iu rnrht nr. HortMHi Mini lint'iil on inft tflitiuMnr. ltnUgP (irnnt ronnty. WhMh, llfiiry, l(ippntr, r. Homa hmn-1! r of apHih'tt on Inft Khnn!itr urn! Inft hip t'nttlH hrHnil''! unit on Inft Ntnnt Mt hip, W oltltinnr. John, John )ny t'ttv. Or On hor thrt pHmllnl tmr tn Mt honl'lnr; 7 on nhp, Inf min'th twin. lUiiun in HrHnt nnd Mhlliupf count in. VYootlwHril, John, Hftpnpr, Or. H.irww, Ul nonnfflftl on hft nhoiil'nr. VVntkin, IiikIm. Hpinr, Htrfclriinflf UK ooiiiiwrttm m Mt titl. WHlUr. I'hnrl", llppnpr. C)r. 'attl, W on rttrht ihiicii. htilt in Inft pmt: h.-rw. W on ritfV Hhoiihinr aoriM atiiimtin tft tliouh!tr, Whit l ipr itrt., iiniiiiMifion, l'akr I'ti.. Or. -lorra hrnntn W II -onutt'tl on Mt a:oihlVr Willmma. on-o, llitnilton. Or.-Onhrt"r rir el ovi-r thrt Uint nn h ft hip, IhiOi rttUla uil lntnu, Knni' (imnt tont:r. Willmin. J O, ottir O-tt'k. Or- Homrta, qnar tf rio'h onr thrt Iwr t-n Infl hip; ruttl Minif fit Mitt in pvwmi r. tinrim m Orntif fount- Wmn, A. A., ttpppiir, lr. Iltirw ninntt A A on ttotiMnr; I HOI, miin or riilit hip. Voufiit. J. H., iiNiwiHfry, r. Horta hrund ALL WHO CULTIVATE FRUITS FLOWERS VEGETABLES For Pleasure or Profit, ShmiM tS 1li Jmtrn-I lh .tilHril lu I Ih i i.l ai I ii .-.I tcli.b ulhuiiiy oUatunliI. sum rontuosTM thc list. ll ilr.U pr.rll " llh friH, ,.,(.! ii.- i mtii ii-mri .n, int.t. l, lit ,-l i-l Itiuiii-ttitMifi .v.trtti.iit y mn I in..iikiiiv. h UUMimraauJ ilrltlw, llirtllii.-l, . ru-lia. Ii..n, r,,v, , rarirl-r.an4 lt-.-l . ,v nK ilrvra, ll IS llliuul JuulH, The Paper for the People! w i vu m far 17. .kru, irift.ti c..f. n I Vi-tug ril.-, , IwiiIm Uiluial l.-k. Mil i a'..uaii.a A k Ct Jcninj, 1 73 fytton Si.. N.Y, Hi, Cngi PiWii!i.CPfik.H AW all r.'f.l hnai ra4r4 ti M00ERATK ril. H'.-rwai'-a a4 n limw, Mkaaf taw.. mlr PRCtt CLAIMS CO, JOHN WK00CRIURN, Huh M m"rh T (XIV. 44ft. trA.M.wT,,. D.G T r M mm0m4 Vf , aMnMaaii lr 9i . 4 i... -f- a- - r u .1., .l.i.. f . iv , ,4 aif.,a. lag Ihfl. iBlwfMWri I im , 1 - -1 I, .! Ws 4 . rt.t..4 II , liMtiwwtl Nf.i IW r4- W Mt Mt mi tlw r,a uml B. V. CIANNINI. a tempo. l I 7312 P -y-5- MORE. DEATHS THAN EIRTH3. A Uaplil anil Onilnnul Ilpcrpnue In the I'npulatlim of f mure. Stutihtics arc very dull, nnd dullni'KS is a thin,,' to lie hhiiniii'd by ull wi-11-ri'iilati-il persons, says a writer in the 1'hilailelphia Teleniph, but an article has just appeared in the Jour nal Oll'toiel which is not quite uninter esting to France and the. French. During the year lH'Ji the deaths in Fraiieu exceeded the births by over twenty thousand. Hitherto the popula tion had been iiliuut htiUioiiiirv, but this national deficit is serious. The French, from the highest to the lowest, do not care for lare families, allctfinir. justly enough, that children are expensive articles. Did not a cook the other day lay her woes over the death of her first Ixirn open to her a.ympathiziiif mis tcss? "That baby eost me first and Inst not less than three hundred dol lars." quoth the bereaved mother. and after all that exiwnse it onlv lived three weeUs:" The birth-rate in aliout as usual in France, ut the ratio of twenly-two births for every thou- wind inhabitants, but the increase in mortality in frightful, and it attrib uted by the luetlical authorities en tirely to irrippe. which they state has niiule more victim than the irreiit cholera epidemics ever killed in one year. It is also solemnly set forth that the children who were Isirn at the time of the war of IsTO are adding to the mortality by expirinif now; but as thcH-irreut iiu illriil liirbta state that the children horn durinir the nicL'e ITeiierally died in their infancy, owing to tlicir privatimm. it Is tlilllciilt to m e why the mortality a ng the "war babies," they Here called, should have eeasi'd for twenty whole yearn to spring up Bk'ain suddenly, however, there lathe unpleasant fait thut the P'l'ui.ui.iii hi trance, u aomctliuig l imt ilotie, ill speedily resemble, in this liirce and pleasant land, the rela tive prns.rtiinis preserve I by a ln'le huckli-U'iry sailing gravely in a wry larift bowl of mi.k. UHtnaUMt INw.lut.inia Al it A. A Natal lim.-rr . HrlailfM of Mn Mm analaa ll.l Ma. Murlr.!. "I nas nearly neared mil nf mr M'tiM's mice." remarked an ofllcr of the Flitted Mates nary lii'se nnliie in a tiotn m nil that Is fnitak'einis on Ian. and sen. 1 'I here was an immediate demand frmii the lunt.iii stnr ri-port.-r for the sturv and Ilie aei'iimmNUung ofll cer M It b It. It bnpH'tii'd on the old ship I'ow hat an." he ni.. ' aeti ral earn a.'n. and e w. re am !i..n d o(T tirt ln-l a f.irt. One day a niiug a ir.'iii ial fa onle m il!i oil. i rs and eri-. fell fis m a ni4t and l i , n.-i k He s lea. I hen we pU ked hi'ii up, and we at on. e pn purr I t lie lslv f.,r the ship iMris-iiVr mnUliiif a n r.iflln. mh u'li be nailed t.i . ih.-r. a there cre lt aerewa atnt.iV,. .i tn Wil We bad is . t.. .t tl.e fie liy ashore, but I he authon) i.-a r fits. , H-r-lui.i..i, and e were forced to a art loirinl. an I I I p:.. 1 a eoiifte of .Hot insi.le it.e .- ft , ti at the t t t. ink It Th lslv lay In tta tn deck that lil.Mit. and t ,e r.t tt day a',1 hau l, were rn'.lrd to atVeud ti e f im 'nl Ti e ct U!n Isrgnn ft a d'r.if the urial nfrvtce, t ry a..!, mnlv and with much frrhnif, f -r nil of tt f. ! the K of ft" i . ! '! I i. i ll.- r. . I n'"if i;n . i r -. i I II a a Unit hnif t 't h.-U. ),. n H at - Du re nw n . 'ni if 111 a. tV" hill f,. ,. ..tri. tul tin' I 1 W,itf j The .trr- (I -- -'- V N -- - pannwsw ft X . Ped. M " i ' jtT I I i 1 r " ff c -i- n P f i . I dim. I p I 1 p U r 1 Fed. U J . - N -!- 1 t (7 tempo. l-CL-Z N rn i j-y- f :r-rr 9 H V I t-crS !- , 0 itt -J ---L l ) 1 Minuet a. HtitioiiH sailors tied in dismay, the cap tain's faco blanched, the other oflicers stood irresolute, and I grabbed the wheel and held on to it with all my strength to keep from running clean a way. Scared'.' Why, I was so scared 1 didn't know where I was. Hut in a minute we begati to realize thut the swelling of the decomposing body had forced the nails out and it was their giving way that had made the fearful noise. In a few minutes the sailors were recalled, the collin was nailed upaain and lashed with ropes and the last sad rites were finished without further incident. "That is to say," continued the ofll ccr, "there was no further incident on deck. It was my duty to go with a boat's crew Koine distance from the ship and sink thc body iu the sea. and I can tell you now I did not relish the job at all. It was duty, and that must be done whether one likes it or not. lly this time the sun had net, the sea was quite rough and the men to go with me were badly rattled. At a suitable distance 1 stopped the boat, committed the body to the deep and, with a feeling of the most intense re lief, ordered the crew to 'give way' to return to the ship. I sat in the ntern of ihe boat facing the crew, and they had not taken a do.en strokes until I noticed something was wrong. Their faces iN'gan to take on the color of ashes and in a minute the bow oars man stoptM'd. 'It's after us, air,' he said in a tone that made all my blood go clean iloun to the aolen of my feet. I cast a quick glance backward. Right on our heels, apparently, and end on jumping out of the water in weird, fantastic leaps, ennn the coffin in our w ake. Then It was, !n my tierouncs, 1 wanted to scream, or faint, or do noun-thing; and for an instant it would have U'cn a positive relief to me to have done all three in rapid succession, and wound it up by plunging into the sea. but the eyen of the men were on me, and they were worse scared than I was. and I couldn't do that. Tu put buck was all there wan to do. and at the coiumuiid the lsiat went back, but I can assure yon none of tin wanted lo go back with it. However, necessity c.niiM'lli'd it, and In a few strokes we were alongside the coflhi and bad made it fast wltharoie. Then we discovered that the air in it supported It. the shot at the f.sit keeping It almost perpeti. diciihir In the s,a, and the dancing wave did the rest. In a minute we had kins'ked one end of It lit: a min ute latr it had sunk out of si.-ht it ll a smothered gurgle, and my scare wan ovi-r, but the eiT.'t ts of ll remained for wi'i-k,atid even vet I can make my-n-lf V thiiikl ti if alsiut It. I t n halon are notiiettiues large and notta time, small, I Tin use thry are f-rtued at different hrlghta In the air, i'l t -low -w. rm lias a I ruh attached , to l'. t.i'l. I e nilr it l lirrearv tn that the U k It kept; rb'iin Fit oinn w!l and pu'ref) ing fih b k luminous In thednrk. In-eausr they are rvn'.ly uiii!rrfc..iiig a alum t-..uit'ii- ti n I'll..! ll: l klS4 I'lte. htniplomn - Motature; intense Itetiirig sn-l .ion g; most al Sight; wnra by semti tiinsT- It allowo-l to is n' nna tnmi-rs f..fn. which I'tlea bW and! nVtn. ter t .or. rtT a i Oitvsr stop" ll Helen and hi!, j tut. Ieni nlrsM nli", snd In ml caata I remote h tamols At itraggi.t. of b Km. I. lor .Vlc-it If tsn-s.i.a rvn, ITlladll,la. ttr 1 1 toco stentato. t-rf d m : m : 1 I rr 1: r r--i ' ;. poco dim. p Fed, mf p grazioso. f r -I n-T I J-r-?-- Ac.SSSi-, r 1 I N-cn i i ' m -r - w marcato. s Fed. ' 1 I i P p p; I 'n -- U T -t. a tempo. I , marcato. Fed. poco stentato. ri m s - f . iTtiT ' -si- , (U r0 m 0 ! rirrm; UNAPPRECIATED BANANAS. Boom VutjMmtltlons About Haddock, and Fern Koots. The banana possesses wonderful sus taining properties, and yet years ago, in the warm countries where it flour ishes, the banana was thought of so lightly that it was allowed to waste if not eaten by the cattle. The plant itself was valued simply as a shade for coffee trees, between rows of which it was planted. Somebody once told me, says a writer In the Gentlewoman, that the Span iards used to regard the banana as a forbidden fruit, because they detected in its heart the transverse section of the cross. I remember, too, how one of my early governesses used to delight me by showing ine the cross and the apostles in the center of the passion flower; and the other day a friend told me of some curious symbolical marks to lie found nt the back of the ueck of the haddock, indentations similar to those that might be cnused by the finger and thumb, the supposition being that the haddock wm one of the fishes picked out of the net on the occasion of the mirunulous draft of llshen. Keeping ouixxirt. To maintain one's composure under circumstances of a trying nature is alsmt as dillieult a task as has ever licen set f ir mankind. The Frenchman in so rarely nbleVo keep cool that he marvel at the F.ngll.diman'a stolid In difference to most of the ills of life, and iu a French work published some years ago a certain "Milord Hamilton" in held up an the prince of the com posed, "for." nays the writer, "Milord Hamilton, having killed a hotel waiter in a brawl. Wing informed of the mao'n death by the landlord, composedly or ders his host to charge it in the bill. " Win s the queen ascended the Itrit lull throne more than Tony-one per cent, of the huglisii N-opie could not write their names. The proportion in that condition has been reduced to seven per cent. , n : AVI 1 nypt-s -g--pr:trr: r-ti PBISS : wsmm ; IIS ! Vomo 1JOUX.I) to 'iakc'Kiii, Leaves No Constipation, - . Car.t It. as wt sa all lUlienaneisn. Hrfc llr, l.i,. M ,i f-.,. T, , r. we.. si. at a Mil In world SuM U.n ,i... . ' "Mf . t.i .J .i -IS .!. r.t h. , lVl.lortiilrft. H ' i -i 1 dim e rail. j tempo. IV p -A Str marcato. Fed. q i PRIZES ON l'ATHN'IS. How to krt I0H ami 1Vi'Iihim MhIip fiirt line. We secure p'ltfnts and to induce people to keep track of their bright ideas we offer a prize of one hundred dollars to be paid nn the fiiet of every month to the person who submits lo ns the most tneritoiious invention during tbe preceeding month. We will alfo ndvertise the invention free of charge in the National Recorder, a weekly news paper, published in Washington, P. C, which has an extensive circulation tbrouuhout the United States nnd is devoted to the iutercfdH of inventors. NOT BO HARD AS IT SKKMH. The idea of being able lo invent some thing strikes most people as being very .liflkult; this delusion the company wishes to dispel. It is (he simple things and small inventions that make the greatest smouut of money, and the com plex ones are seldom profitable. Almost -ferybody, at some time- or another, ooneeives n idea, whirl), if pntented. would probably be worth to him a fortune. Unfortunately such ides are isilally dismissed without thought. The simple inventions like the rar window ablcb could be easily slid np and down without breaking the passenger's back, he sauce pan, collar bnftnn.thennt look, the bottle stopper, the snow shnvel, are hiiig that almost everyoi e sees some ay of improving npon, and it is these kind of inventions Hist bring the grr-atrst returns lo the author. The prim we r.ftVr will he paid at Ihe endofeaob month, whether Ihe appli nation bns been acted upon by the Patent Ofllce or not. F.very competitor must apply for a patent on his intention thrnngb ns, and whether he strnres Ihe prlganr not. the Inventor will have a valuable patent. THE r.'lF.SS CLAIM COMTAXY, I'm I lip W. Aviarn. tieni Manager, CIS F St. N. W. Washington, I). c P. H. The responsibility of this company may l judged from Ihe fact that Us stork is held by about seventeen Sondred of Mis leadiiig neaspspers of lb United Stairs. if T.I J ti iv t , . W B..i f.w.. A US.