Take Notice. 1. The mm of five cents per line will be inarmed for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of weddins: presents and donors, nd obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself Rive as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other jntertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five ents a line. These rules will be strictly adher jd to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known lpon application. We hold each and every correspondent re poneihle for his or her communication. No orrespoudence will be published unless the writer s real name is signed as an evidence of ood faith. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTIS . ins; Agent, '21 Merchants Exchange, jan Francisco, is onr authorized agent. paper us Kepi on me in niB omce. This Give your business to Heppner people, znd therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize 40u. TIME TABLE. Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek, John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows : Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday. Arrives every day at 6 p. m., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the interior country. WALT. THOMPSON, Prop, Phill Cohn, Agent. You can get the best beer in Heppner at (i. rowe's, 5 cents per glass, B. Ted- If you want the finest liquors, cigars, call at Ted's City Hotel Bar! etc. Here and There. DOSK BLi'lOMISllS. "WheD tbe breezy bloomers are the universal go, how will tailors press the creases into them I'd like to know? When the baby's head is uodding and be wants to take a nap, how oau mamma lull her darling in a bifurcated lap? When the chickens go a grubbing in tbe garden in the spring, how oan Bndyet shoo' the oreatures with no skirts to flop and fling." Don't overlook Johnny Hager for good meat. Tbe Mazamas. or Mountain Climbers. have prepared for a big time about July 19, 1895, by sending via the mountain peukB of Oregon and California a helio graph message from British Columbia to Mexico, and to answer same. While there is considerable snort in this, and we suppose soienoe will be more or less benefitted, considering the bard times, if these gentlemen would put in the time at bard work and the ladies would sew a few buttons where husbands have improvised shingle Dails in their stead, a great, big scope of country would be better off. Cor. to Weston Leader : The Patterson Bros., of the Heppner Gazette, are alivi to the interests of state normal schools. They possess the most modern ana pro gressive ideas on the subjaot and are not backward in expressing them. Tbe cause of education owes a great debt of gratitude to such able men, who do not base their support of institutions upon dollars and cents "to them in hand paid." In tbe spring, tbe human body needs assistance to throw off the stagnation produoed by winter diet. As the temperature rises nnder the growing heat of the sun's rays we feel tired, half siok and low in spirits, beci'.ise tbe Mood is sluggish and full of impurities Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier is a reliable spring remedy to invigorate tbe body and give tone to tbe digestion. Price $1 per bottle. V-iughan & Vaughan, the popular dentists, will leave for interior points iu tbe near future, and the Gazette would advise all those who desire work to come iu at the earliest opportunity. These gentlemen have tHken thorough courses in one of tbe leading dental colleges of the day, and are up to date in all the latest aud fiuest work. Tbey guarantee satisfaction in every respeot. z9tf, Henry Vanderpool's team, with sbeepsbearera' outfit, ran away in the streets yesterday, starting at the City Hotel, pansiug the Palaoe hotel dowu May sireet over to Chase, down Chase n Center, and back to Main street, col- dinir with the norch in front of the National bank, breaking loose from the vehiole. Very little damage was done. Try Spray's hams and in town. bacon, the best Spray's pressed beef, something new fine for lunches. was in town Stephen Hendrickson over Sunday, Ayers guarantees his poison. Only $2.50 per dozen. tf Photographer Dowe will return to Heppner in July . The Nilea-Vinson, Marble V.7orks, Walla Walla, Wash, Rev. J. C. Head bns been takeu to the asylum for treatment. The Weekly Sun and theOazette $2.75 per year, both stnotly in advauoe. Now is the time to kill squirrels; and 'Swaggart'g "Sure Shot" is the stuff to do it with. tf, Qihonsen Bros, are making a special cut on large family groups; cull and get their prices, tf Mayor Helta has been renominated by tbe populists as their candidate tor mayor of Spokane. D C. Boyd has been aipoinwd as Bgcut for "Coin's Financial School." l'rioes 25 and 5!) oents For good meat, full weight and cash prices call on Johnny Hager, the new butcher, next door to the post office, Edward Miller, a miner of Prairie City Grant ooiintv. is tbe man that Sheriff Combs took down to tbe asylum a few days ago. Read "Coin's Financial School," and then follow it op wi-b W. U. Ilarvny'i other pnblioatioDB. Ack your news dealer for tbera. Meadows & Scnvner. tbe blacksmiths, boraosboers and wood butchers, at the old Ouon stand, Main street, Heppner Call ou tbe boys Mathews Bros,, City hotel barber shop tonsorial artists. Haircutting, sharing shampooing, etc., done soientitioally Baths at 25 cents apifoe. A nrominoot young tnao of the social world. It. M. Sevens, was arrrsted at Eugene last week on a charge of burg lurv. He was caught io the art. O. R. Halt, the totisorml artist, can be found at his parlors, Matlock corner, where be will dispense at popular prices shaves, shampoos, bairouts, etc. Geo. M. Johnson, until recently barkwper at ths Perkins, suicided by shooting iiimsf If through the head, at the Merc hauls hotel. Portland, last Friday. Captain Hsfener, V. H. A . San Dieo, Cal. says: "Shiloh's Csta-rb lU-medv ii the first medioiue I have found lhal would do ins any good." Price &K T. V. Ayrrs, Jr. Ilillshoro lod-pendftit: Hon. II. V frank Shepardson. au engineer on the Southern Paoitio Ry., who resides at Los Angeles, Cal., was troubled with heumatism for a long time. He was treated by several physicians, also isited the Hot Springs, but received no ermanent relief until he used Chamber- nit's Piiiu Balm. He says it is tbe best raedioine in the world for rheumatism. !'or sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co. Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier is admirably adapted to muke "a little health go a long way." Its curative power is argely attributable to its stimulant, touic and nutritive properties, bv which ne energy or tbe system is reoruited. It is pleasant to the taste.easily borne on be stomach and harmless under pro ofed use. rnoe $1 W per bottle. K O.: W alter Fell has gone nn to Washtni-na, Wash , to superintend the oonstruotiou of extensive shearing pens to be erected by the Pendleton Wool Scouring and Pecking Company. The pens will be owned uud controlled by be company and offered free to sheep. men operating iu the Washtucna dis trict. for Krora Mor. "Whi Qo to 8chool." Prof. M. G. Royal's lecture last Saturday night, on tbe subjeot as stated in above caption, was well attended by the people of Heppner. Tbe lecturer, who is an eduoator of years of practical experience, and wbo at present is president of tbe Eastern Oregon State Normal School, of Weston, handled his subject as none but an enthusiastic aud practical teaober Oan, presenting many truths which were patent to all, besides enlightening tbe younger minds as to tbe neoessity of higher and 'more thorough courses in the educational line. He dwelt on the value of good teachers, and insisted most truthfully that a cheap terahar was a dear one at any price. Prof. Royal eulogiz-d the good work beiug done by Prof. A. W. Wier and assistants in tbe Heppner schools, in tbe preparatory and academic departments, as well as in all other departments of the school. It is evident that those wbo graduate in tbe Heppner school will suffer no delay in taking up the higher oourses of the Weston Normal, or in fact of any other reputable institution of our state. How. ever, the State Normal at Weston is more especially recommended to ourj readers on account of its being an Eastern Oregon institution, near to tbe homes of prospective pupils acd situated in a good, moral community, Besides the expenses have been reduced to a minimum, and takiDg all these salient features into consideration, it beoomes evident that the Eastern Oregon State Normal School is tbe institution that should be patronized by our young men and women, who are with but rare ex ceptions inbred with tbe determination to secure a good, thorough eduoation. Prof. Royal departed yesterday for other parts of Eastern Oregon. REPUBLICAN LEAGUE. Preparing for a Large and Enthusiastic Meeting in Portland-Special Bates Uver the 0. R. 4 N. Nervous When your heart pains you and un usual palpitation is frequent, accom panied sometimes with ehotnees of breath and low spirits you are tsuffering from a disordered stato of he liver, digestion is imperfect and there is wind on tbe stomaoh. If allowed to remain the trouble will ultimately reach the kidnes and becomes dangerous to life. Steps should be taken to stay its pro gress on tbe appearance of tbe first symptoms. Dr. J. H. McLean s Liver and Kidney Balm is especially adapted for disorders of this kind. Price $1. per bottle. O Galee started yralrrlay evening trip t Caatle Rook. Wellington. bciioe lis will go to Heppner, in row county, this stat. Eaitle: Oor Minor and E. Sorrr psasrd through Long Creek yeatrrdsy en routs to Canyon City on basin. Tliey report srveist salrl ft ilirrpin Morrow munly. Ths I'erj'Hrtnn lUpuMifsa Clnb has elected J, M. Ferguson, S. A. Lell, B. F. Roti, W. 8. Myers, B. M. Bur roughs and T. C. Ts)l.r to represent lhno t the big gsthrrtug at Portland Ms .'1. U. V. 8sggart is prepared to furnish tils "Sot hi.ot" Ui"e poison In i blwal Ms. H has already rrreifed a large ordr front S sahmgtno sod' Idaho. F.very "here It ess ln nl. It lis not failed to txts'iulnate the lulls prats. f. Contrary ! rPrU. II. b'jarj ere not fy ill plead with ih (oralion f.r IU )lum at t'nioo, They ST Hist it is too low at,. I m'liy. How ever, sirnvi it Las lw-ti rli'n m II. e.le ari l ail for, r li,e slum b built at 0 OS. Lrl -K bins Clnnr-!,,l oro ml Willi !.. ( .,ilr. and a s!l foil bat. Thur. dsy !'. sotnh-f" lh r -s i lrn l.nr n I C t.)d' Finder lil r ii?r s f r by rlitnti a m lo tl 1 " I f'lVUB fitatti fsw.id. 0 Kagt: Ff l 1 1 ! f'-'m bis boni in I'.rwUiid tl.al U Im.l'i i U I lo( In view of tbe fact that Drs. B. F. and E. A- Vaughan, the dentists, will shortly leave Heppner for a tour of tbe interior. to be absent some time, it is well to avail yonraelves of the opportunity to get your work done at once. Bridge aud crown work a specialty. All work first class and guaranteed. 29tt. Rcord: Mr. U. T. Rollo went to Michigan 00 Wednesday morning, where be will in tbe future reside. In a real deuce of three years in Oilliam oounty Bert has made a host of friends, who are sorry to Ree hira leave, and some predict that 1897 will find bim again io Gilliam couuty. We hope so. W. W. Hmead, having been to eon sidcrabln expense to improve bis fowls hy ihe Introduction of new blood from Ihe prize pens of S A. Wells, of Aimed a Cal , is now prepared to furnish eggs of the Browo Leghorn breed that cannot be cxc lied in Oregon. 17-tf Notion All news and advertising matter muet reach this office not later tbao Monday noon for Tuesday's issue. and not later than Thursday noon for Friday's issue. The change of train time renders this rule imperative and it will bb adhered to io every instaooe. Homer Harrington ranght a trout, sixteen inches long, yesterday in tbe little branch which is formed by leakage from the flume, near the court bouse. If ths fish on me from ths oreek he did some good climbing op a steep bank. Tbe Gazette is not partial in regard to reporting political doings, regardless of party, aud will take it as a favor if our friends will notify ns when Ibey hold nWltngs so that representatives of this paper can be present. Al limns got back Friday from a 29-dy trip to the interior C'tnotry, where he took a traveling man whd is looking after spring buines. He says Heppner is a better town than any be saw ou the trip. Elder J. V. Jenkins will preach at the npra hoiiae oa halurJay evemog next and also n Sunday morning and evening. April 2i'U. A 0 irdial invitation is extended to al1 to atts.:d these servires, T. W. Ayers, Jr., is making sq iirrel poiaoo that be guarantee. N.i kill lo i pav, sad sells it l 'L cents per can, t Tbaqbdy in Gilliam. A dispatch from Arlington save : A shooting affray took place bet-ween 5 and 6 o'clock Sunday morniDg at tbe residenoe of Harry Clay, on Rock creek, 20 miles south of bere, resulting io the death of Henry Grider Grider had been working for Mr. Clay for about a year, and bad been looked upon as a faithful and law-abiding citizen, lteoently, however, Griler Beems to have gained tbe impression that be owned tbe ranch and was going to run things to suit himself. He bad made threats of killing Mr. Clay,Bnd bad been oarrying a revolver for some time. This morniog the men bad some little dispute about matters pertaiuing to the rauob aud, without provocation, Grider drew a revolver and tired two shots at Mr. Clay without effeot. He was following bim up, with tbe evident iuteution of killing bim, whsn Mr. Clay ran into the house and procured a shotgun. Ha emptied one of tbe barrels into Grider'a side below tbe left arm, killing bim in stantly. He then gave himself op to the authorities. He will be given a prelim inary bearing tomorrow morning. Mr. Clay bas a fine ranch on Rock creek, and deals extensively in stock, having receutly made large shipment to Chicago. He Is bigbly esteemed as s peaceable, law-abiding citizen. Al though the shooting on bis part was oleaily in self-dufense, tbe ooonrretoe is greatly deplored by himself and friends. Secretary H. L. Wells, of the state republican club, has made arrangements with the O. R. & N. Co. for a special rate to the meeting of tbe state olub in Portland May 22. When tbe tioket to Portland is purchased the agent upon request will give the purchaser a certificate. This should be handed to the secretary at Portland to be counter signed, and it then entitles the bolder to purchase a return ticket at one-fifth the regular fare at any time within three days after the convention. As this rate is open to visitors as well as delegates, there should be a large attendance from Eastern Oregon at tbe meeting. Every club in this oounty should be fully represented. Eacb olub should eleot a full set of delegates, and if by ohanoe none of them should be able to attend proxies should be given to some one going as a representative of some other club or as a visitor. In this way tbe olub would be credited with represen tation. There are already some 300 delegates elected. Secretary Wells is preparing a volume that will help to stimulate party pride and enthusiasm. It is a republican register and record of tbe party. It will contain a history of the party in Oregon and a register of tbe names of all who have in the past taken au aotive part in its management, either locally or generally, and the aotive republicans of today. Delegates to league meetings and conventions, members of state oounty oentral com mittees, nominees for offioe state and county and legislature, will all be properly grouped, as well as those who have contributed to party success in dher ways. It will be tbe roll of honor of tbe republican party. The interest tbat is being shown all over the state in organizing new clubs and reviving old ones is an augury of an enthusiastic meeting in Portland, and a olean sweep next year. The Discovery Saved His Lire. Mr. Caillouette, Druggist, Beavers- vllle, III., says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the phi si- oaus for miles about, but of no avail and was given up aud told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery iu my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from tbe first dose began to get getter, and after using three bottles was up aud about again. It is wortb its weight in gold. We won't keep store or bouse without it." Get a free trial at T. W. Ayer's Jr., drug store. People should realize tbat the only true and permanent cure for their condition la to be found In having Pure Blood Because the health of every organ and tissue of the body depends upon the purfty of the blood. The whole world knows the standard blood puriner Is LHioo Sarsaparilla And therefore it is the only true and reliable medicine for nervous people. It makes the blood pure and healthy, and thus cures nervousness, makes the nerves firm and Btrong, gives sweet sleep, mental vigor, a good appetite, perfect digestion. It does all this, and cure9 Scrofula, Eczema, or Salt Rheum and all other blood diseases, because it Makes 1 r5f Re-Opened! Pure Blood Results prove every word we have said. Thousands of voluntary testi monials fully establish the fact that 'g Bar 8a- to Get Hood s W vv " Hood'a Sarsaparilla cured our boy of eczema which physicians treated in vain." Frank V. Bradhuuy, 328 Johnson Avenue, Trinidad, Colorado. THE Pi HOTEL Has heen re-opened by Mrs. J. B. Sperry who will conduct it in a strictly flrst-class manner, with, the view of pleasing the trade la general. People from Country Districts will be made to feel at home. Sunday a MCI; ! Popular Free 'Bus for Customers to and from all trains. MRS. J. B. SPERRY, Lessee. SAM MEADOWS. Hood'9 Pills cure all liver Ills, constipa tion, biliousness, sick headache, Indigestion. 25o. LOCAL MARKET REPOKT. Wheat, bu 8 82 Flour.bbl 2 25 Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. 2 50 " " three " " 3 1)0 Sheep, muttons, head.... 1 50 2 25 " stock 1 50 a 1 75 Hogs, ou foot, cwt 3 00 Hogs, dressed 4 UO Wool 5 8 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 40 DIGEST OF LAND AMI MINING PKCIMON. Furnished by W. D. Harlan, Land and Mining Attorney, Washington, D 0. AGRICULTURAL, Where a homesteader dies leaving 1 widow, who also dies before compliance with the homestead law, tbe right to acquire patent passes to tbe heirs of tbe entryraen, both adults, and minors, equally, and the subsequent failure of said beirs to reside upon or cultivate the land operates as an abandonment thereof. MINERAL. A corroborated protest against a lode claim, alleging non-discovery, warrants a bearing though tbe report of tbe deputy mineral surveyor inav show the existence of ore in "streaks and kidneys" in various parts of tbe claim. FLACRB. A plaoer location of land for building stone, that fails because unwarranted under tbe law when made, oannot be validated by a subsequent discovery ol some other material tbat is subject to entry under tbe plaoer law. W. P. SCRIVNER. MEADOWS & SCRIVNER, Have succeeded A. M. Gunn in the Rlaclssmithirig Business and are prepared to do all kinds of Call A Wagon Shop run in connection. Satisfaction guaranteed. on them at the old Gunn shop, MAIN STREET, - 1 aw. - HEPPNER. Eggs, doz. Chickens, doz Turkeys Potatoes, per cwt. 3 00 50 OAl.IFOKNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt 85 W Flour, bbl 2 00 G 3 15 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (ii) 5 00 Muttons, owt 6. 00 (i 8 00 Hogs, owt 4 50 5 25 Wool Eastern Oregon.. ( oyt Butter, lb 10 14 Kggs.doz 14(60 io Chickens, doz 5 00 ( 6 00 Turkeys, lb 10 IS PORTLAND MARKLT. Wheat, cwt Ho (i 95 Flour, bbl 2 SKI 3 15 Beeves, owt 3 00 (ii 3 50 " drt8Bed 4 00 (iMi 00 Muttons, live sheared. . . 2 50 3 00 " dressed 4 00 4 150 Hogs, on foot 3 50 " dresBed 4 50 Wool Eastern Oreou... 5 H 6 Butter 22y 25 Eggs, doz 0 Chickens, doz 2 50 3 50 Turkeys, lb dressed. 12 Bill's Pills MAY NOT BE ON SALE AT SIMM-JOHNSTON DRUG CO.'S STORE But there are hundreds of reliable brands of pnre drugs, and the trumpet never proclaimed more welcome news to the pnlio. Pure drugs mean that no bad results follow treatmeut by physician. slocMlstoii Drug Co 111 llvlv COHN, Prop. IS Plenty of them at the Gazette Office For Sai.r. A thoroughbred regis tered Hereford bull May wood, No. 24,606. This bull was bred in Illinois by duo. T. Baker, and is just the animal you want to breed s ook that will bring a good prioe. I will sell cheap as 1 have another of same stock; or will trade for good milch oows. 8tf. F. O.Buckncm. FOR BALK Oil TKAPK. ''We take pleasure io recommending Cbsmberlaii's Uongb Remedy because it is praised by all wbo try it," says J. W. Cox k Bon, druggists, Marshfield, Oregon. Ne one sfllioted with a throat or lung trouble can use this remedy without praising it. It alwsys gives prompt relief. It is especially valuable for colds as it relieves tbe lungs, mikes breathing saaler and aids exploration. A cold will nevrr rmnlt io pneumonia hen this remedy is tsten and reason stile care exercised. For sale by Hlocum-Johnson Drug Co. Karl's Clover Root will purify yonr Blood, clear your Complexion, regulate your bowels and make your bead clear as a bell. 25c., 50c, and $1. Sold by T. W. Avers Jr. I have a jaok of flrst-class breeding Qualities, eight years old, that I would like to sell or trade. If cash is not oon venient. will take in exchange for this valuable annual either cattle or sheep, Call on or address me at Ilepimer, Or. tf, J K. HlUoNS. Anyone having one, year-old steers for sale Kinsman at Ueppuer. two and three Should see Mam tf. Ieeer Bros. Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for Cash Only. FRESH BREAD, CAKES AND PIES ALWAYS ON HAND. Its Eeelcy kits -OF- For tho Curo o Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It Is located st Salem, Oregon, , 77i Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Daictt nfflre (or particular. Hlrlctly foiiliileiiUal. Treatmeut private and iurs euro. Oils Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC A- CONVEYANCER CAI.Iy AT HgciRiiKU PoWoH. Dave Ilerreo has a recipe tor squirrel poison wuicd ne cai s for 81 fio; 12.5) per dozen. iit sample and try It. tf. Oreen Mstbews for shaving, hair rutting, sbtemNiing and all other work in thai line. lUtlis st any tune during blllies bonis. CM. J.inr", SMlplanl. J. II Malis earns ovrrfrnn 1'rndli lon l( week io vnit In iflatlVHS. Abe Wla acid family. He is an old time Morrow county buy. Mormw couiily sl.oert are Wing itioro as rapidly as immviIjIs and ere long ILs ban. Is dritirHd lor !b trail will bs on ths move eastward. Sheriff dml earns in Saturday night from hsifui wbrrs bs bad tru 1 1 take a FT LEADING GROCER!' J finds to work well. Take strychnine ), oz., cyonide potassium 310 ox , grsou- lated sugar i B.; pulverize chemicals and mix thoroughly with a tan pound lard can of shorts and brsn. Mix dry and use a stiok or pa Idle for that pur- Dose. Then pnt Io wetr end stir to a thii k batter. Add enough (I tor to tnaks tbe mass sticky, and let it aland 1'2 to 21 hours, !tr whirb add 3 or 4 drops oil of i bod i um. 1'ut out with a pad bile damp, plaoing lumps Ins size of hazel out in earb plao. Moat iquirrel poisons work ix-iler io dry wt sther, and the (iazvlte presumes that Ibis poison is no exception to the rul. We do Dot know personally tbat this poison is suo cesslul, but Mr. Uerreo, whom every body in this vicioiuity kttoas, ssjslbat prisoner l.rlow, h aving on yesterday s i u airli i writ. Sltg' WUEUE YOU CAN' TOY Cheap for Cnsli Is tbe place to go for everything in tbe liue of Groceries, Tea, Coffees, Hngars, Canned Goods, Tinware, Wood aud Willowware, Sopite Cigars, Tobaccos, Colifectloneries, Kto. - 8UC1I A I'LACK IH i;The Red Front Old Illackmsn Hland, opposite Ihe posti.ftire. A. IIUNSAKEK, Prop. rioroMMor to Jerry Culm. Grocery for botnr T"H Ii Won ss erraatrd yraivrdaf f,.f fart ilritltig oil Hi atrrrta of I If pp. tier. Il ess ead lbs rrgulslioe and ri. Va.td-I'laiu .f faftey reirg. Will gt t it b"H tr lakr srwiiig al b im. M'. Ma'y llrtid' fS'iO. UC f. I '' tnsyof of Aflrt'g'on. has txHig'il a bill liiiff.t m a lru i..r ii st l.nkrt Cny. i. H W (.l ., si, I hi aon, fraiik. Irft kilr.da ItiofMti, nvrrUud, tiUod OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HKAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business vc must sell it. Tin; Pattkrson lY'iiusiiiNG Co. ls i again rUire Io tt t'i.l'-l H'ie f ! i"n, Idaho t l n ill an I hi 1 r a hs kisu's i vt,ul t.aoi. Iff r.aioi"til 'f !'.' Ii r.ii'i,l ' Nta-iq, M'iHi'sm .. ... ...l.at .l .i..llt . . rreiimiAl I'COH "i i''n; "i brailf ij 'i. ' Imx h ftf"l !' i '' i f I n 'I t . t j .1 . r ' ito frlofo 1 1 Otf .u. Ilrcof M. "ib'iiln tit tisar lI'M-rief tl ml b t'Hm bis sbwp I i Aeilitf"a ! si.af. " 'il'il "f firiif I Vnlf n.S'tot li.rfr sill I . It. I aMpp I f m A'. t!,i ft ttn oil. r furftl ! rfsint .is b.n Bl ! '.'..r ..! 1 i- ..!."' 4 , ofk by M's. C. II nia. Mrlidilig HtUKsT Ii!mt l'r ars past Ihe Monday dinarrs of IWppbrr's boatrlrire Lavs bwo rr horislly t alroti fJ by tbrrrsid-bis, and Ihe tpei.ing dinner 'fj J MfS. J. Ii. Wprfry, who bs lissrd lbs irlae ItoUl, wss no ricipti.iii. 11 lablrs were laatiiy arrangrd ftbil in all i tbe d.uieigr.run i.rnird a very atirset iv s pafaii( r. The mM, lbs import- a tit frame, ass Morllfiit. Mrs. r"-rr)'s : Hotnlay dibbrrs are wsd wnftb ll.s pat-' ratiage i,f lbs pnblif. : P. C. Thompson Company THE LEADERS Aro Still on Deck with Bargains for Cash Customers. NKW STOCK OF GOODS SOON TO AitlllVK ! Corner Mala an I Willow Hreete, IIKirNF.lt, tiUK.f.ON, i. II. V.tmV.ij lai ! n. wmIi !ir- ' day ! Ufl b dim mi'tos for Ihr ' Wrrkly H in. tf Aria rqli'rrl J. mm U f ifr l OIM it ! Ml."'. Only I.' V l"f 1,411 s'k, " eu ; I'.nt. 1 k'ni, f 1 1 j ri'. .si-s, c. al ;.: . U ft lia'.j, ' !'.. wU, t Iltalt4 ll.el I .! kul. Pa k Ira'a Aralr Sl 1 ,. ."t ralve In the world t it nils, II i M-frs, U1''S, halt ll'rrniii, I". .r I'rtt. r. ("tispl IU.d. ( I cli'nH.a, I'-.ffi. and a'l rim Sf Op'I'His S' l j.-..iit; enrs Mn, tt ' ay r i't.rl It Is gii'at,t.. In n .. avfnl -0 ' B. l T fsfanisl. ' I a .i,ls (.f b. j ! f . T. Ajrfl, if. Attonieyn fit Xwiw. All bisiri"s aliad! io In a .'oir.t an l saii-fa -fy niaonrr. .Si.Urire robin aod C(!"f l"f e. Land Patents Iitnl juiti'iiU hTtirc(l fur -ltlpr in tlio Kliortoat jioeHiLIo liar. Contested Cases Cntitf htil rriMin intt'llii'titly mnl skillfully liatnllfJ, Old Claims and Disputes ()M rliiinm ami (linjaiti H sjnlily acttloil. Contests !',.(. rn Individuals baring em 11m ling rlaims nnd. r the sir'ifoM'.ral land lavs, an I lli. briairn rlsi'tiaiils iindrr lbs Mii rral l.aaa and sgncallnral rlaioisnia; and Ih.Io Uimanls no lr any of llie pnblm land laws srid Ihe Itailrosd lV'n.. anus sod Ibi ir V'snlrs, Slut l!,r alalia and their g'affltrrs, OOdff ie Ksetup Land and H'-li to lnd (IraMa Hprrlaily tna lr nf srofing pairnia la lbs slmrlrrl x.ail,ls lime f.r selllert boliap.iiii li.d ailb lb lss andr al lrli Ibrir ri.lrire r mads, and mhn are armoyrd snd aorrird by .UN)S In lbs Imh ol llo ir patrnla, esuard by Trifling Irr.tfnlarmra t.lrli ran It" raailv and siirvdi1? l"i" I A iTif" al. irifO Hi all u.a'lrrs rrlaili g U II." i nl.'te lands, ri-ls1ly en llna ariamg Mndrf lb lir Isss lnob bsve rrrmlly paart-.! piulliti( tut Ids di"al (l llir polilirt il.nan. If y.o aanl ..iir land palrnl In a b-iff - If y..tj ai, ynnr land Imainres, of an rl.araf.rr. altrn l. I In l.v aklUHll ali i 0- In pr In. I sM"fc ja, an I promptly die. .wrd i.f, n'r Io PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, : ...John Vi-:wr.KWKN, Gi n. .Man, BKliiLH, i i i Wwiiimi.'. U U its ttlt III f 14.