Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 23, 1895, Image 2

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According to newspn per reports,
Armenians nre preparing for re
Richard Choker has been elect
ed to head Tammany again and
will doubtless return fiorn his
European home to take command
at once.
"W. It. Grace 1ms resigned the
leadership of New York democracy.
It is rumored that he will join
Tammany and assist to reunite the
democracy of New York.
Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt has
marrii'd Perry Belmont who was
an old Jover before she married
Mr. Vanderbilt. The divorce be
tween herself and Vandorbilt was
but recently grunted.
One thing the democratic party
it i i i
cannot depress tno Jaws on
nature. The lambing season is
said to bo very fine in Eustern
Oregon. Salem Journal.
Hailroad Commissioner Eddy
has commenced suit against
Secretary Kincaid to recover
ealary claimed to bo due. The
result of the suit will decido the
fate of the railroad commission.
Gov. Lord has appointed Hons.
D. P. Thompson, J. (J, Young and
Sidney Poll us delegates to the
silver conference to bo held at
Salt Lake City on May 15th. All
nro bimelullisU of pronounced
Mrs. Delia T. I'arneu,, mother
of Charles Stewart l'arnell, was
found near her residenco at
l.onlentown, N. J., is an insensible
condition. She had been bei.tcn
terribly and then lobbed. Jt will
be news to many of the (lazetto'B
readers to learn that the :i:olher of
tho former leader of the home rule
faction ot Ireland has resided in
this country for many years.
Tin: murder of Marian Williams
'.ml luanclin I.amout, at San
Francisco, is charged to Theodore
Durrant, a young medical Htudenf,
l.olli bodies were found in Em
maniirl 1 in j t int church, and were
killed as much as nine days npai t.
No motive ran be given for the
horrible butchery, unlcs it is the
result of priverse nnd fiendish
desires, brought about by insanity.
I lie ib'tails of the nitiie are too
horrible for publication.
I r is ftrnnge indeed lhat every
time n foreigner, residing in this
country, has a linger crooked at
him this nation is cull, d to account
for it. Put our (iti.eiis can be
abused all o I the woild, iinplis
tuioil, murdered fnnv.l into the
ranks of the army Hgaitist their
wihhes, lllid t'ulllltlr oilier out
faes pelpetrut.d Mgilillht tlielll,
and a feeble iii'i'iiiy into the nll dr
luay be made i.ftiii 1 1 t that.
'J lie puli iotii' iM'ople f thi-t country
nre p iling tin ,1 of this and Mould
like ti know if Alm l icalis nro lio
longer ri'f peete l even by tliiit in
power ill our n II lull. I. 1 hit way
things me ening, it h i (.tnn.liiig
frliuiiio and di-giiice, nnd it is high
By James Juilson Martelle.
HE Muse of Story leads me not to
New England's rugged bills, to
tha sugar plantations of Louis
iana or to the 1 vel plains of
Khdhbs. Musps are peculiar and unex
plainuble beings and are apt to do any
thing. This fad in a measure atones
for the introduction of a narrative which
shall have for its soene of incidents a
place not far distant from the homes of
those who will perohanoe, go with me in
the recital of many stirring, happenings
of Western life.
On a email farm, in the midst of
prosperous surroundings, abont twenty
miles from Heppner, lives Jeremiah
Judkins. The farm consists of one
hundred and sixty acres of tbe best soil
to be found in Morrow county, &Dd
Jeremiah being of an industrious and
frugal inclination, bas it well fenoed and
as well equipped as any farm in Eastern
Oregon. He has plows, harrows, har
ness, a header, rake, wagon, haok, two
or three good teams BDd a good barn,
while numberless chickens, ducks and
hogs roam at will within the safe con
fines of little lots prepared especially for
their respective keeping. And snch a
garden! Within its broad three acres
there grow in abnndance all those
vegetables indigenous to tbe climate,
aud just in front of it, surrounded by
beautiful shade trees whose rapid
growth have been augmented by a spring
of clear, cold water, stands the little
Surrounded with all these luxuries of
farm life, you would guess at once that
some one resided therein with Jeremiah
who bad materially assisted by advire
and counsel in bringing about so muob
prosperity. In this you are right, for
Jeremiah or "Jerry" as be is known far
aud wide, bas a wife aud five children.
The eldest, Mirandy, is about seventeen
years of age. Now Mirandy has as
much right to be pretty as any girl in
Morrow, but she isn't. Ticture a girl
tall and sleuder, freoklod as a turkey
egg, prominent nose, her angular face
surmounted with a maas of auburn hair,
vulgarly ku wn as "red," and hanging
down her back in tangled profusion
almoBt to her waist, aud there you have
Mirandy. Mirandy looks like she might
be slothful, but for this 1 oannot vouob,
though tho neighbors say that all she
cures for 1h to have the young gallants
of the locality cull upon her halt the
time, aud stand before the looking-glass
in self-admiration the other half, llut
this might be mere gossip.
Then there is Harab Jane, almost a
young lady, with a sunny disposition,
m 1 although Mirandy would say that
Sarah's good looks did not compare with
hers, (but few did,) it must be conceded
that she is vastly more gentle, kind aud
contented', Billy, a bright lad of four
teen, who is always busy at something;
Maggie, a bright, sweet girl of twelve;
and last Susie Ann, a little tot of seven
years, whose sole delight is to plant her
self in the parlor on eveuings when
Mirandy's lover, Jesse, is auro to ooine
And there stajs to the end of the seance,
to the coiiHtematiou of the young people
ami evident delight of herself.
lint iu the peu picture ot Jeremiah
aud the interesting children, I bad
almost forgotten the wife and mother,
Tall, very much like her daughter,
Mirandv, the wrinkles of oare have
began to form on her motherly face.
She was lioru iu the oenlral part ol
Misuuri, the daughter of a wealthy
farmer. Samuel Hopkins. She bad
everything heart could wish for; nothing
waii denied her that came within the limit
of rem,, n. At the age of eighteen she fell
in love with Jeremiah. He was also
raised on a latin in the neighborhood
but his parents were poor ami bo bad to
work hard to help his father make
living for his mother, brothers an,
sisters. One day in his nineteenth year
he and Melindn met while Jeremiah
wan on the way to market, and alter
coy introduction (,f .,. ie other
after the manner of country f,,k, they
talked about the weather, crops ami
ciniiitli'ss other things, but before part'
ing he had promised to rail llpou her
iu the very near future.
Jeremiah went to town with a ligl
hi ait, did hi trading and started home,
Lulling a love, tune an.) let-ling
happier Hutu he bud fur several month
This whs on Thursday and on the Belt
.Sntiln.Ui he blacked his boots, whii
aer or latj;e iliuietmiiilis, dm lie I his
l. ft tli.th.a and Mailed ( ff iu II
dii.cliuii of Nil 1 Hopkins'. I'ihi
arming at hi dretmttiini he kuotkrd
at the d.H.r, tint without timidity, how
evnr, wliiib Mrs p.Hiit opeiird by
griilleiiiin who was an entire strange
i .. i ... i ...i . .
.im m .iridium! a I'l'iiimii fot lirt was
H'lick et percept ion, he would never lik
wrote Jeremiah a note telling him what
her father had said, and timidly sug
gested that it it were bis wish she conld
see him elsewhere. It was arranged
that they should meet at afternoon
Sunday eohool at the district school
house. The rest is easily told. Friend
ship ripened into love. One evening
Jeremiah took his father's cart, put in a
few vegetables and drove over to a
place where be was to meet Melinda.
They then drove to town where tbey
What i Being Done
Monarch. Sales of
Among tbe Mutton
Sheep to Wyoming
Earl & Forsher, of Lander, Wyoming,
have bought 8,000 yearlings which they
will drive eastward to put oo the
Shoshone reservation, Wyoming. Bud
Willingbam will take charge ot tbe
outfit Bnd pilot them through.
E. Boetheher, who is also represented
bv his forfimnn. R. ft FfurHufor ia
were married. After giving the parson . . ;. , . , , ., ..
, . looking npa lot of two-year-old wethers,
tbe vegetables for tbe fee, they returned n ... . .. ...
" ' MA will rurtmnlu tinr. fhnfYi in Ihia
to Jeremiah's home, where they lived as
I 1.1 V. . , i L i
uapp, as cou.u ue .or aoou, iwo Jobn o( MontaD8i
years when their happiness was increased hag bongh B band of ye8rlinga and two
by tbe birth of their oldest obild, VBftr.nH wofhu Tha hia ,;n
Mirandy. About six months after this Dumbef 68 many ag bead
they moved to Eastern Oregon where D t M. wiUn. ...,.:,, Thn
Jeremiah took up a homestead on tbe Platte Val, gh c o t j
i -i ; ii I
p.aoe spoaeu oi in me nrst pari or our WvomioK waDt8 12000 yeariiDg ewe8.
8tory" He probably bas what he wants by this
to be continued. tlme
to consumptives. Since wool bas beoome leas valuable
than mutton, growers are buying
The undersigned havingbeen restored coarser and larger sheep, which produce
to health by simple means, after suffer- less wool than tbe finely bred sheep of
Ing for several years with a severe lung thia seotion in time8 past tDoaga W6
affection, and that dread disease, Con-
sumption, is anxious to make known to U0Pe Dot forever gone, it became
his fellow sufferers the means ot cure, necessary to breed up in sheep, as wool-
To those who desire it, be will cheerful- growing was profitable. Just now, how-
ly send, free of charge, a copy of the pre- fa d ,
soription used, which they will find a '
sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Oa- demand.
tarrb, Bronchitis and all throat and lung Last year, south of Suakd river in
maladies. He hopes all sufferers will Oregon, fully 135,000 sheep were bought
use his remedy as it is invaluable. Those ,-, ... . , . ,.
desiring the prescription, which will cost Bnd drlven Ewi but tbl8 year the
them notbiug. and may prove a blessing, drives will not amount in tbe aggregate
will please address, Rev. EDWARD A. to more than 75,000 bead. There will
G. N. Peck's wife is quite ill with grip,
at tbeir borne tear Lexington.
Cbas. Jones has taken a position with
Mrs. J. B. Sperry as clerk at the
TJtiole Nat Webb is over from Walla
Walla looking after his varied interests
in this section.
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, father and
mother of Mrs. J. M. Hamblet, visited
in Heppner late last week.
J. M. Hamer, of Lena, was well
enough to attend the last communi
cation of Heppner Lodge No. 69.
T. Murray Spencer passed through
town on Thursday of laBt week, on his
way to the main lice from the interior.
B. L. Akera and son were in from
Gooseberry yesterday and report that
the father of the elder Mr. Akers is yet
very ill.
WILSON, Brooklyn, N. Y. junll-w.
also be a deoided fulling off iu this
section, and Morrow county will not
furnish over 30,000 head in all for tbe
Eastern range and markets.
It is noticeable that two-year-olds are
a better sale this season than yearlings
The former are bringing $1.50 per head,
From the Weston leader.
E. J. Merrill, of lone, a young man of
great energy and promise, is attending
the Heppner high school this year, but
expects to oome to tbe Normal and bring while the latter at best are not worth
a friend with him next year. over $1. u pays to keep yearlings for
Mr. E. L. Freeland, an alumnus of the next year's markets.
tbe Ashland college and Normal school, S. P. Ketobuui; representing The
an efficient and highly successful Union Meat Co., Portland, was in the
justice of the peace at Heppner. His field early last week, buying mutton
accomplished wife is one ot Morrow sheep,
oounty's favorite teachers. The first wool of the season came in
Rev. E. P. Green, formerly principal Tuesday from Newt Jones' oorrals. We
of the North Yakima publio school and a are informed that Newt bas disposed of
graduate of Michigan State Normal,
lectured in Heppner last Friday night,
ubjeot, "Life's Lfssons in Rhyme."
We ought to have him at Weston
Miss Balsiger, tbe county superintend
ent of sobools in Morrow oounty, was a
teacher in the Heppner school before ""'"P"" bidi fair to be much larger
1 i . ' . . j , MinU UHUUl
uor Bieuiiuu, uui resigueu nu as to give
her entire tune to the supervision of
tbe oounty schools, ner interest and
work are greatly appreciated by the
people, irrespective of politios.
.. . ... ...
tiin.i !Ut n f-w l, ,.,i, Her,. .Mv..ii ! " ",KU " l",MM "l"'.t
that will ii.tt I... f i it ! .t t .-n r1 l" 1 cenlnry. Miking l,
' j known, .Jeremiah aked if "MiMMeliud
l;hr...u.. ..! '" "-Mint an aflltmat..
.., . , . iii. , ai.er, au.lliiiiig told ia
l.lirilllilitl.lil in I'Miiae.l . U. lirt .,.!!. . V"I
ill I..I,mn l!,eii.glt.rM.f.ni.li...i.. ,,,,w " '' father, Imnlged
if II. e 'inU. Ki "iir I. loo ,,,,, I' o !f into tin. h oii.e, took a .,1,,!
au l heulM, tin I o. ai',1 io. Imte l. tliKl l.e would lik l.i I.
bis band of two year-olds.
Shearers are thinning out, and it is
presumed that they are beginniug the
season's work.
The weather bas beeo very propitious
.for iBtnbing and tbe number of yearlings
Prices for wool this year will not be
higher than last, for what was a threat
last year in tbe way of tariff revision is
now a stern, oold reality. Nothing
better than free trade prices can be
-J Or., Apr. 22, lS'JS. !
Miles Miss Maggie Moore ...A.
l.ivillgBton Jus M ll.lri Jimn H
Mefeu Miss Minn Robbing B D
Wallace W W
When calling f.r thps( lnttflrn nleaiin sav
advertised. J. p. William. P. M.
can, "vvithout doubt, be cured in its early stages. It is a
battle from the start, but with the right kind of weapons
properly used it can be overcome and the iiidious foe
vanquished. Hope, courage, proper exercise, will
power, and the regular and continuous use of the best
nourishing food-medicine in existence
Scott's Emulsion
the wasting can be arrested, the lungs healed, the
cough cured, bodily energies renewed and the physical
powers made to assert themselves and kill the germs
that are beginning to find lodgment m the kings.
This renowned preparation, that has no doubt cured
hundreds of thousands of incipient cases of Consump
tion is simply Cod-liver Oil emulsified and made
palatable and easy of assimilation, combined with the
Hypophosphites, the great bone, brain and nerve tonic.
Scott & Bowne, New York. All Druggists.. 50c. and 31.
Teachers' Examination.
the mirnOBe (if mkinp an pvamltmMnn nf
all persons who msy oiler themselves as candi
dates for teachers of the.scb.oolB of this county,
i Tsuue Him uie nipiomas, the county scnool
superintendent thereof will hold a public
examination at 1 o'clock, p. m..May 8th.
umea mis lam day ot prll im.r.
29-32. Co. School Supt, Morrow Co. Or.
City : Hotel.
THIS Popular Hostelry has again
1 been re-opened and will be run
in first class style.
Meals and Rooms at Popular
Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
An agreeable laxative and Nekvb Tokto.
Bold by Druggiste or Bent by mail. 850, Wo.
ond $1.00 per package. Samples free.
W A HA The Favorite TOOTH KWIia
H.W 11. W for the Teeth and Breath, 2io.
For sale by X. W. Ayers, Jr., UrugRist
W. PATTERSON, AGENT. ootij.ori
At a regular meeting of the Hirectors Bilious Colic,
of soliool diHtriot, No. 1, beldio Ileppuer, Person who are sulijeot to attacks of
Oregon, Apr. 15, 1H95, it wag deoided by bilious colic will tie pleased to know that
unanimous vote of tbe board tbat tbe prompt relief may be bad by taking
soliool term for tbe next year shall con- Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Hint nf bit untinnl month, liilnmnn ti UiftrrUma Kemedy. It acts qtiu kly and
. i i . I wow injn w ucuoMuva ui'fii. a u mail
uibi, muuuajr iu wuiouer utm, .... .... Httll(,. milV h lirpVIlt(i ,v
It was deoided to diHoontinue tbe taking Ibis remedy as goon as tbe rjret
u.,rvin... f tl.u uu.iulu.,t ..rinl.l ,! indlOBIlOO Of 1110 QISeHtie RIlpearH,
, , ,, , . .1 ' , . and 60 oeut bottles for sale by Sloouni-
lt tilnna tlta anlarv tr ilia ttpiiifii nn I ut I ....
" ' " -i' jolinson lruK Uo.
SliK) per tuoiitu, and enou of the other
teiicbers ut $50 per month.
Applications for positions in the
Ileppuer sobools under the above-
meutioned arrangement will be received
till the first Monday in Juua, lHUIi.
Attest: J. W. Mouhow,
J. J. Knii huts, Chairman.
W.L Douglas
. cordovan;
.3.5. Fine Calf&Kangarool
3.50 P0LICE.3 SOLES.
Over One Million People wear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our shoes are equally satisfactory
They give the best value for the money.
They equal oustom shoes In style and fit.
Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed.
The prices are uniform, stamped on sole.
From $i to $3 saved over other makes,
t If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Soldby
Dealer whose name will shortly Bp
penrhere. Agent wanted. Apply at or.ee
m inimisi niiiiiL. . "'l"'l''''"''''l"''''U"""
Spray Your Fruit Trees
Mh. Editob:
As an bumble oitizeu of IbeU. H,l '
would like to hear through your oolumos '
tbe nplnious of tbe voters of M rro
oounty (irrespective of political faith) of ; X:' 7.' or
In t.-,
; !h t:-3 t hve your fruit tren
I r.A r ol tr, finif r.rny 1'imi
'Vi-:.1 i moiit eTi-tnal rwne-
1 r.- bit mnrt. i narni rrason
Equal with the interest of those having claim9 against the government Is
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain theil
patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli.
able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not
entirely, upon the care aud skill of the attorney.
With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorney!
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re
tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to
Obtain Patents In the United States and all F oreign Countries, Conduct It
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
If vou have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to.
gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at ones
advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If
others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by
others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the
r.o. 10X493 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
W Cut this out and send It with your innuioi. JHi
tbe present times, the onuses, effects and
tbeir cures
Ed Hopper is baok from La Grande, Are we living onder republican form
T. II Lyons has returned from of government or dictatorship T
Uoniloii. Are the iioodIs the trovemmeut. or has
Mrs. Outlieriiie Spray is viHilinn out the dar come to America tbat tbe im
- 1: 1 . t , " '
OU r.lKIII iUlltJ. nmrt.l 1iiw.ln f.r-.l "whn
r n. rainier rains nu nut unlay Iroru .j..-. 1.., .,.i,. 1 i
I . . 1 uui anuua unu vu iu uucu iu w
l lltiltt il fiMtjltl In FtnM Ilia I "
rnnoh n.r u.,uN s.inr.l.v Have t president in me euair wtio
Dr. Curlinle is over from Echo, and "' (a,,ry fcxulusmn
learn may locate in this county. Act), who bat used all of bis vast power
Jerry lirnsuan. Hie wheel burse of of patronttfs) to btve laws enacted for
Lena, was down Saturday tud Sunday I tbe benefit of a set of harpies, to whom
llm Vwimtiiin nsnmr. HliVnt k. tnneHrt a
()s Milehell fed 1.7lX) head of sheep. .... u,..., ...... '...'1 '.,.,
Iat winter n,l this sprinn fed 1.3JU " . . """n u" v" '
head fur Wm. IViilsml. for whu-h. w, uesu trom one man, tua uiey are nmma
are informed, Mr. l'enltod retlied I- '2Z money, land, food, Ore, lik'bt, bouses tDd
per head. hope from whole nation. Our presi
ew Mom- aud Of other nitket of dent ia a man who is workiuir to fasten it
...-., ,..e,,,..e. , o. , or easu. m j j j,.b, 0 (big , lLs,
eit'liMiini fur liimoer. Machines from I . .
Sliliii. Address N. A. Leach. Uiina. never o pain.
tou, OreKou. If. IIm the spirit of patriotism tied from
Htockmen You can cross the John Columbia? It would teem so when from
Day with our tlnwp, twelve tulles a-jt nn,rM.mn RH aotialors and 1'
lw.l.. 1 .k Inn u .il.. ' '
i;K4T V. liO "ter. the,, a,. . ,f,oM
baud. lVm't foruet tint. If entered lhat will pierct lb thick hide of
On hear Ihe Hon. W. It, Ellis lector h lMt,i uf H" 'UnJ
lomorrow evetmitf at Ihe opera house. Hut wbeo a man bat liken the ottb to
on his t.ilct. "Essentials of Oon.J .r,ut ibe Uwt of bis oountrjr tud then
benrtll of lleppiiKf t W. C. T. V. "' P bis offense, tod snp-
ll.m II. V. titles arrived fforo P'f those who applaud him.ffor Instance,
IhllslNint last vfiiii.tr on his semi hicago Tnliune, Ml. lu Hl.-t.
snniisl tour of hiisineas In this seelmn uocral ami I tie OrrtfotiUD areoailma
Mr. lUtra waa 01m of Ihe imm.irt.l XV op'n repuliln ans W suslatn Urover to
tmstixkl out ajainsl iK.lob sinveti- '""'"I . country it near
lull down al Ilia reml aa.i..B hef -H.-lla and Oar) Mm.' tod Ihey
lew 1. Ut. lie. In la. t Waaliuiuton eonnt. tuarchy or mouatehy. She hat left
as so III against lie re-e eelion of Mr. ireo.i.uu neninn.
Here are
points :
Which we wihh you to
Kemember :
1'iiisT: We Keep
Skconp: We oflVr it
Til 1 1: D : We pell
Wo are enaMod to give mote
fur a dollar than tho uetml
'iKillar' worth."
Main Street, llp'incr, Dr.
fl IT"
sayeUjS, The Best
you ms.cblnca cheaper than yon fan
et elsewhere. Tha NEW HO.TIK I
our bast, bat we make cheaper kinds,
mrh as the CLITIAX, IDEAL ant
other lllch Arm Full Nlrkel l".ated
Sewlns: "laehlnet forU.00o4 up.
t all oa our aiant or wrllo ua. t e
wir.l your trade and If prleaa, term"
and square deallns: will win, we will
ht It. Wo rballenca the world t
r.'oducott BKTxr.it iu.vu wi
i) acUlaa for 60.00, or a better t'lo.
wlncnarhlne for 130.00 than you
as buy rrom at, or oar rnis.
t:iz i;ew home sewihg m achike co.
'" .sua. Vhto.Is. tH'BKMrtertda.X.i'.
CmK Ml- lT. .41 i. 1 'm
flic New Home Stsicg Miohioe Ca.
2S1 Market St. Sao Francisoo, Cal
The Norae Hose, under lh manstfa-
nirnt of I'r.if. h-1 111 a, arrived yesterday
and slmaed last liitflil, and will give an
entertainment again lotiiahl. I'rnf
.liu a lias added a a"Md many new
ttrtetimia aiuee lis was hero laal,
tlimiilli his miiinilll N'irae Hlanl it
full slmw In ttslf, and gitarauiea a
rliiMiiiiali.ui. Il.n.l !iii..i,riU tins1!., I 1. . . ... ... rtiterlMnmeM. I ielIS Ai, .1 tod
thel.l..Mll.,!,t,M.h,.'1.,e...,d.,ir. V . " " 15 rents, f .11.. nill t.ml.lil.
Ihe I... I Iv ilr.l'a ll.e a.-iln,! 1 ' ",",',,rt' " It Woilld
id Hid M m.. I and II n 1 me tin 11 l . m t '"l all l'lh spi nl a rf hsi i.
! .f, , ti . . . . . 1 1 7
.....-.,., ,.,!, .iiii;ni,s uiin-r re
n.m l I J.rruiKh H al it was tfMain
Meini.l,,,- gr.... ,, Mr ,,,,,
"is lln.l .n(i. fillet a.11 (.f ,B J,.,!.
"Ha Ileal halb no home not bopa of
one, has no oountry."
Out rP Till ' !! 9.
Il.i'i I a 1'i'ila ate l!l .l a'lir.dii.tur
ill. aa,l il tt' 'l . 'ii' In la. lie.
Atar.i-.nl inn ing . f r --iirr
t.'linul U-at l, a iiini'. ui'.iis i.le f
llisliss Whs t'iul. (. I I i I'm I , Mis. s.l .1
Mia Hut tu ai.rrritim if llmr
trle. a im Hie 1 1 1 !-.. r a. i..ls, ainl
weta 1 lTffr-1 ... tui.s .,r His e it. 11 a
yer, wliied, a . in idey lis.lf, in..
Ills I I tm r.g.,l., f,,.r. ll.kl . a
dialili I 11 mat !.. II., in a. t 4. liKts n,.
ItaeeMariiy, a irsi.Um.
Hm ll'll.a .k. H,.. .1 .1. l s I ,t lv
Hen. a !! ;.r fi.1,1 1 : 1 -t .. r . i ,
o t. II I Ii- .iitil e 1 ! !... i r, , 1 , ,,,
Imuilii.s aiili i:.. in si Hi ,U 1 1 ,iM
ie"j M jr J'' t' l. i. a l.nj 1 '.'i.i)
l.( j ... la t 4 lt I J f "jll, ! JM',
N'.i Hi lima lo gi tha Werkly
Ulrrf .lilali, Ida (faalaat nes.prr nf
Ida Wl With lliell.l.'lle, l..lli slriel
ly in advance, fur one year, f-l. Nf belter
p.. li I. mall, n of newspaper est ! In la
in the state. Id-aid we will fiv at a
.reiiii'iiu an ed liilmial J itirtial.lke Ueb-
klus Inert d in Ids iivn? libels Im's 1 '" I'lstiler, an a.-ticiilltral
. . . ' -.. .
u.p r n. a. a ai em, til I trOs.nl ,. 01 i
t'ara far llrsilarae.
As a remedy for all forma nf lli'sdaehe
rUotrlC tliMer has prned to be Ida
vary Imt. IlelTHs a t tuaofiit eute
and Ida !inl ilreade.1 baditoal o-k
Iips.Ui lira yield to its iiiltuene. W!
nraa all who era ail'ia led la prnenr ti
rx.ttle, and iva Hits f stood a fair trial.
It, ruts .f liadilnsl CiHiatipali.in I'tee-!
trie llitlrra cures by gilra? Ids I.e.-. led '
dine t Hie li iWi'la. and fr eaai-S ..ng 1
resist Ida liar n( Hits tne lli'llie. Try j
inc. ltg l-.ttl 's only fifty rota at
T. W. A vera, Jr , drug store.
Tff. -j rjcagajsaam ia lit
mv.i. vyAjrv Liftiirst.
tlatpWat, Ty tl'liV fa.ls
MrMfsal. rTTTJ irjTTf al W '"
w,j aJ:iJuJlyM-a
Tup lj J I J 1 i I J Accarata,
ItHrUrr. sBflJsisW Cwir.
(tVKuUtr prlie -V.) jour w
drftw if mlvM fttihin ;
Uh will Im for I yettr boldly
(in uivii iii kuiiiiiiii
hIshIh. iilv IMrwiory
KtmriiutvH'inK I'-liMMHJ
(.tiitoint'P j In mii jniii"
IimIm'PI nml iiiHnufuo
turvrn you'll rwiv
pri.twtliiy. IiioiinhimI1! ot
VltlllHOIf (HSUis, 1 1
All fri m id owli liri-i
With onpofvotiriirt'iiwi wWrtw LHsflt
hIm) print kimI nrf(iy iMwittir on :
vour mU.rowii ii you ; wlih b
Brl. im-vHiii ih.lr tv-liiK lioi. i. A. w h
H-Ilvllle. N. I.. writes: "ri..ii
It1.! i-T lniyM-m aiWrsnaln jrmir l.laliiiiiiii
B"; ,7rta' lifrw U rv I - iwvlvwl niv iia.lilrrai
V-J. Iii's-'s '' ,,v,-r :",M, '
Lfr f"? n -ii. Mv il.ln-si yi.ii wtirc
Biii'.iiK iiil.lllii rs and nmnufi..l.in.i
rr srilvli.K ilnllv, nil vslii.il.il"
of null lr..iii a" i'arls uf '.l.u Yi.rU.
So, 147 Frankfort! ami (ilrarJ Ave, riills.lt!-
nhia. I's.
. The regular tnbseriptlon price of tbe
Semi-Weekly (iazette ia 12 60 and tbe
retrnlar priee ot tbe Weekly Orrgnnian
is 91.50. Anyone subscribing for the
Oaaette end paying for one year in
adranee ran get both the Osteite and
Weekly Uregonian for t i. All old sub
scribers paying their subscrititinnt for
one year in tdytnoe will be entitled to
tbe tame.
Stage lesvee for Echo Momlsvs,
Wednesdays, and Fridays, returning no
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Haturdsys.
U. Wtde,rrop. T. W. AyersJr .sg. tit.
t t t W InfmM.sjI'.-vd arf'lf.
v.n: MAKijx nwr. w.. c v.
Nvw lli.ia. Cua.
CAHIt or 1ritk
1 We daa.re ! Ibtsk tar aslglid irs and
tl ... 1 1. ....... .. ...... .i- .. ' Inan. la f IhMl klndnvaa In aa dar.utf
, ,, ... , , m 1 , , 1 ..an, . h f'-n i"iiw ma ii.i.i.s - .... - -
want ai,ym .f..ri(,ar...i,m r...id bersv JUt pnef an. I M.Mniutetil. armltig evary i lha feeehl afl elion In Ida I -a of our
ho, )mt run tell 1,11 s .. n.M (T.- .Uy rsert l MnmUy aud leav.eg every I ,. ..,. W J '.B..II U'.
Mi lin.las rea lille.1 ail). t...i . ' day ei.'ei I iid.Uv. Hlnirleal an I ftieap- i ,. ... .... .
.. eat rnuie l. the latefinr. I IViw,i ' - -,'-
ife i f lirt , , o : coiirlrsle of lha k tl.hla of Tythlaa.
1st t'.ti t, ti M.'iina.
sde S al." l I 1 Ida lartti.f nt
lai'u r. l"H lia wss red tilip.a ,S, ..
i.i". Id t 1 wnte .i Ji iriuiah and Ul
liuu thai II wm 1 Vrr with tl.pin, t
t.s,. Id... tdl att-ifH Ler that Ihe;
e i ill n, .1 t,,!, n i;i p- irt (0 li t
il'M'ftti.,u N b 11 ida tal
M. I's.Un I MeieaiiU'e t'o , have
t.in"d 1 .ae inii.i-.s to an alailttie
eaad t. s, ti a'.i'i'U'a? Willi Hi tlta year, Mill.d.'a I ul, lie graal Cil.'li and
Idnr fn.-ea e.m ta with Ida leweat, I'nut.i t'ofe. la gfal .Uinan I r.K-k.f
A is., sr, I ll.all.il fB Wealtlskin I'ow. lailaajy Dva d--' 'iiv,'.
Jr u fix m tt, U.I u 11.1 piitksl V',','f5 llt T, W. Ajtn
LjJ i'!,."!.t 1 1
rtx t ss L
tr. 1." in inims r ri 9
ia.wa.tiNS a P !!.
I,lS S' .'i
h.n, l-y .l't lf ' . w .
t.i. .ia. ss.laia-t
Il ami .l -iia '"T
ti. . a..).U 1.4 tki
bwsMtiy bastarsa. .
fwrs l-nU -9Vf h0
addkm a i rrrtB oa i ostal card to
JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney,
P. 0. Box 463. Wa.hlnrjton, D. C.
tlnnnrahtv (Harhsrr'4 f.dtlers S.M snllnrs i Srva4 ala.lv ! f I" tH late sf
srtrninl.,1, .( n.. partially of wholly rt...ll. f,,r m.tinafy manual lalnn, vhrlbrr dwabllHa
stvn or nut. sn4 i.4?.U,. cit thrir ..niaiv citriim.ianr.a.
MIlMIW aif auiha.illiri.anl ... .1.1 ata.nliM.it ( il . t.mai fi.l 1 tin l..r a..1if 's.."
as .Iu. 10 ai nir mi vi. .,r ... u aaat rtpuUnl .if.n th.ir on l.ti (..r .....,t w ."
" . .7' V ,'V"h'irr.'a Uinir sis vnl.il.4 If the a..Mir . rtr.ta saai1.i. toa.r.rs
t II 1 1. 1 II IN itftm.ili I (11 un.t.r .i.ir.a ycata) la slui.i.ls.l ta.t. wa.rt tbns wsl a.
sri.d.w nt .h. haa siarr rti.it ot t.marHM .. waa
l"4H lTar .nllllH If a..l,, .rt aallW wdlaw ant ehttd. rwl4H soMlav 4lasl la
amlc. of fr-rn air-ris mt arvlr-. .nil th.v af d.tnt'al sta Ih'.f n l.hnf fnf s..
It aisacs to didcrtBit wbctast svldivt srva4 at ait 4 la lata war or la ttia.sf sissy or
.r,7-V.:,:swtt W4r,p,,'r fof h,,,"f
1l...a,lsp aol.t.r. Hr..in( fmm It tit f is per vnAelH aa4r IHa all lav s.s vatlilsa la
..ou;,r.,BAa.,",,';,;,.f zxir.ni"'"9'' ifc
Mrrlro,. sad th..r i..wra of th Ulark II asb.rr-b.r.b.a a tasnlaol at fTssK
Ma laillae W rst a,, IM, sra..wM art. 1
1-1Vrr, -lt"awi tha.t aWs.. aU.aa.a.stted. 11 , 0f ,t oe sttsssMe4
. .1.4 ,:.is tts.4 S4 ...('. at a.r.... f f-Wtlo, :i..,t
fa4t-lass.4lai"a..i.r.a Ktss.s fur s4vi,t K f.a aats s.av.f A44rs
JOHN VKDDI:kUUKN, Mmtgin Attorney,
B - aa ill . . . '
rS CXlat 44,
l4nMslf. lIIMOi I tfi