Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 19, 1895, Image 4

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Tempo di voice.
. i i i
Tbere was never a time In the history
of our country when the demand for
inventions and improvements in the arts
and Hoienoes generally was so great as
now. The conveniences of mpjkind in
the factory and workshop, the household
and od the farm, as wl! as in official
life, require continual accessions to the
onnnrtaTinnnA ami lmDiimenta of each
oFru.v-w. r
in order to save labor, time and expense,
The political change in the administra
tion of government doeB not affect the
progress of the American inventor, who
being on the alert, and ready to per
ceive the existing defloiencies, does not
permit the affairs of government to de
ter bim from quickly conceiving the
remedy to overoome existing discrepan
cies. Too great cire cannot be exer-
o'sed in choosing a competent and skill
ful attorney to prepare and prosecute
nn arm ioation for patent. Valuable in
terests have been lost and destroyed in
innumerable instances bv the employ
ment of incompetent counsel, and es-
pecially is this advice applicable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
pay" system. Inventors who entrust
their business to this class of attorneys
An n nt, imminent risk, as the breadth
and strength of the patent is never con
eidered in view of a quick endeavor to
get an allowance and obtain the fee.
John Wedderbnrn, General Manager
618 F street, N. W.,Wasbington, D. 0.,
represeming a large number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals of the country, was in
stituted to protect its natrons from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
in this line of business. The said Com
pany is prepared to take charge of all
patent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, and prepare and prosecute
applications generally, including me
ohanioal inventions, design patents,
tradn.mnrks. labels, copyrights, interfer
ences. Infringements, validity reports,
nnrl uivHn esneoial attenion to rejected
cases. It is also prepared to entsr into
competition with any Arm in seounng
foreign patents.
Write for instructions and advice.
Philip W. Aviheti.
18 F Street,
p. 0. Box 885. Washington, D. C,
While yoo n'wp your snliioriptiim paid np yen
onn kweu your Drwid in rraenr cuitr-",
Allvn, T. J.. lortB, Or. Hnrro (H on Inft
li.inliliir! oHtlla umiiB on li'fl. Iiin, nniliir hit on
rlirlii Mir. hihI uunnr bit on the loft; raiiKo. Mop
row county.
J. C. AlniiiB.Or, T with liar nn
tier it on Inft hotililr of humea; chIIIu bhiiib
""i!iu..n ll. I).. Kiirtit Mil. Or. Cattle hmnit.
O Don lft hip ami linmn usiiie hritiiti on riiflii
hou!(tr. HiimiH. r.iut , num.
Ailkina. J. J., Ilflipnr, Or. Honna, JA mm-
,.n l.,ft Hmikl flftttla. SHtliatin It'ft ll
n.,r.l 11 w anil nn. llorwn limnil"'! It H
..ti.. li.rt liitit wello tha attina on .,ft, (l ink.
enipolf ritfM '"if. ni'iliToi'iip in the li.ft,, UiiiiKO
in Morrow oniity.
Ilnrlht.lninaw, A. (I., Alplim, Or. Hin-an
lrnwlil 1 10 on tiilh'ir slioiilil ir. ItmiKii in Miir-
..... n..tiflv
itamilattir. J. W.. Hsrilinan. tr. I'ntlln tirntul-
fl It on loft hip bikI thiuli! split in mi'Ii ttitr.
Iirniir, I'un.r, tliiitsiilMirry Ontfnn- lloraim
lirniultat I'll on lnfl MliouMiir. Citlllii hhiiiii on
ritflil aiitw
lliirka. M Ht l.'w trni.le. Or -On OHtl In,
MAY poiihwIbI on lnfl hio. mop ott lnfl wir, nn.
ilnr lislf nrim nil rilit. Iliirww, bhiiib limnd on
Inlft BhouWIor. Uhiikb in timut uml ilorrow
"""llriwrnnn, .Inrnr, ln. Or. Iinrana tiramliwl 1
on rmlit almiilil.tri oitttln II on Dim loft aiiln.
lit.fl asr hnlf orop ml rilil mr iiimur alup.
ltnrton, Win.. II .pinmr, Or. - H'tratia, J lion
rixlit tliiKlii I'Hlllo aatna on ritilit hip; aplit in
""ilroirn. t. l,nOtiietwi, Or. llormw IH on tli
rlulit atittn; eHillaaiiiii""" ;ia,,Ui.p; mimii, Mor
row noiinty.
Hn.wn, J. ('., Hnepnsr, Or. lliira.a, circle
Cwitliitot iiBi t.irim Inft hip; ratlin, .i;
Brown, W.J. , l-im, dreipiii. Hum W Imr
nvnr It, on Hie U'lt IiouIiIit. ('altlvaiiieiiit I . f t
'''Itornr. W. O.. Ilpp""r. Or.-Horaa. hoi
liraml.i'i rilc hip imiiln, uiinn, With aplit in
""lloni'lVO., Ilnpptinr, Or tl'irana, V H on loft
.I.....I.I....- nt.Hl., MII'llAOM l,ft lllO.
Itrowiiim, V. J., Kot.Or-i'sMlx. J It etitninetnit
on lnfl .1,1..: oroli on In't W anil twnaplllaainl
mt.ttln pimmr.nt out on ritflit wr; nn homw nron
hrami on tli loft tloiih; IUiikh ill Koi tkII.-j.
(1 runt ooiiiitv,
I '.rannr WirrM. W imr. Or. llormw lirninl
n.lllon riulit iitl; rnttlw (Him IwrH) on
rmlit ril. i-roti nniltilil in mi'h ixir, lliin in
l.rMiil hihI Morrow riin'i'nw.
t nin.K. , t Hl.iti.Or - V II on hor. onlnft ttW
l Willi tiiiMrtHr niH'l. or o,in o'ri pniniiiinr
..! tin li'tl HtltU oil nil milln n"tnr nynmpinfl
lnfl houl'lnr only on nil hori onr 6 iwr. All
nn4 In Urmii mi"t.
nl, flow, II., Vinson or loin. Or. M .
H ' on riM loiM"r; ntit woin on r irftil hip.
Illl Motrow ""'I I'onlllU ,lllilm.
I orrliiull, M M , On'low ir. Or -1 1 1 crop not
of tn.-ticflr a"! loolnrliil. WHlV o fnri,i;
horar imlf i ircl.. t' ,,n I.. It Mill. Ithlirfn Mor
nv ifttt t .on' i Mn coot I in.
Curl, T. II-. John l'. Or - I.nilil rni on
M.l, hip on CNtltn, PW'iUmW folk ntl'l llll.lnr Ittl
In ritfht rtr, polit in lnfl tr. IUoti in tlrntit
IMMIIily. I'll plicnp, tovnrltl nu, BMMtr IM,,II!
on Inuil lr. r.r nottkno , "rop on lnfl wr
piiit'titl tipl'nr tl oi rlrftil. Vi.lhcr. cr,,, ill
ruht "'l tio lnr hnlf cr,p in .ft iwr. All r"m
u Itmot ."!".
t'..li. A J. , I . Or,- ll.irw.oion rniiithiHi
dr, t iiln, moim.oi nut)' Iuim wir notrk jiti
crop orl lnfl 'ol "olit in nlit,
t nrriti. II, ... t urniilii. Or. -Iliimw. on
In't .IH.
I'm K.I. K., lUrdonn, r l'itl, (' Hh
t lit cmr: tnir ' ti In't 'up.
I Wlifnii. H. M.n.ili"Ml, lirit I'.i, Or
II. ir liimitl-l cir'l with Imr l.mi,h. on ..'
ptimililnr; mMlit t-ii l.mil on ttfti hip, ntiti I
Ulotnr lo;n Uri't mtrm nn-i -InwUo.
I tit(tt, II,, llnrl itvi lit n.iri itrniiil
wi ru'tl top. t nilln ltrti .. tin. Mt'tm. Al.
tinottU t I on horn ttaht ililiili; em I
ttrn'ttlon riNht liinllihr, ml rut lilt nn l i l
I taf 1,1 aMir.
0.mlwa. W. M ,IUtl.w Or.-lVfl. II Don
rtKlit wl. Wtliw foi IniNV'll Mi horana, II II
Mi Inft hip,
r l Mi . 1 ! Or. - llorwa ltn Ul 1 1,(
on 1,-fl hHililr, renin ti on IcfUop, bo
lr rtiil ir
ritnrf.t' , lUr.ltimn. Or Itorana l.r,i,.
minimal I Will) tmtt mi I 'll I. ! ; r-
iinwmann flilhl hiO lt"" ll .'rnw I-..IM.I.
fl.nrmim, I. A., Iln.fiir l r - viln. I.K i t
riM lop, li.if" with Iwr mi It on u
,n7MC, H. I. !!nt'in Or ll.tmw, V ,
ftrf'tt Innttt In i "n, i , ni.l t,i.., Ihiplt.
rnont,. ll.Mn. M 0 -nr II, 4 Ml! Innjnt' I
H I1, w ill l"r o H "II Inf "1 I" CO-ll 1.11 In I
tmt, Mf-' m-l," t'lil "I on 1.-1 lup
liolrr, y imnf . I i-!i,i, I It t,.tMI t.tl'tn-l II.
H. WUh ft i'UM'l I' S II , lnf , S
lnn IB lr,'W ml I 111 Ml n.ni,,l inw
Il .n A ll . n i-. .! ..p
.,.N,,.r.nt n,r... f.lnr It .. It,, riant Mo.
tj.,,,.,. I,,,,,. .
n itM hi. . . .o tn r .g war an. t in in I-
Miwaaa i on ria-M Itiiali. li..-... j-.l n.,
I.il a, H..1IU..I, II O - IT I.
t.,1,.. I t r. !. ...t I . ..nn.,,..-,
m rtai.i l.ipa. l I'i u. f. 'k m
r.lil mt I al.t In Ml. Kaitww Ml It Ma k
(l,....nt w n o..t
ILL, M .It., Or - tl ftntn I 1
II at'ln w iti ! ' ta i on !- aa ati..
I''i tm lft tup a.- ka aa no m iu ifl
nni. I I,, ilillnni, ot - II i'm Irina
Willi li I'm. 1 .... r.r- -i t.. ra'it.aa'
na Mi at.ia. Hn ih M rfr.. a. I mnut
a.nti.t a i
Mall. Iw.a, ) .L l Hat. Of. ,t.l. f II , a ,
ttal.t kv. b in aa aaoo rt.l.t ahimi tat, Kana i
la lira., I n,iil !
l.ta.a Mat, Mia, lf - H'-raaa la,lial
Hiiilm.Hii ,ii W, l.f 4...w i .,,
Ilraia. II A .- . - lliww ImiMI:
I. 1 i 1 1 -
ta,.l,tl, t M It t..., Of.- H.MWaa. It ,a)
p. H. a
llr...i iw " t,i V.i. .. M oa
ifflft t a., I .. 1 U'l ni't, I m
Xt att a U. I 11 . tit 1 'f-w
J . ll tf i 11 t t a a Hi ll ..- I'm l.l
H t .... f It i,' ' I I a ta,.ll J w j
,i.i 1. 1 f. w.i, r ai M
-g- J 4 (2 jTW H gz-sri"
- N
1. I'm look-ing for some
2. She must be con-stant
how to spell,
lit - tie self,
"V P I
I -f-t 1 c r 1 N"
h m f : v 1 "-T
and has a wit that'skeen;
her grammar must be true;
I U; izzzzzz-zzzzzz Jzzzzzz z-zz zztzzzzzzzz IIz-z:- 5tr-r
f R, r- zz -5 -, S zzzlzzztzzt: zzzzzzzz ' -
fEzzz:zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz j JL h 0
Z0zzz zzzz5zzzSl:
"in it,"
She must
,1 nn k in , H. M Iliippnflr, Or HonwB, hor
iImiii J on loft Bhoulilur. ('altlo, the iwiui.
ttiintfB ,IM tlnl'l Milii.
.Iiihnmn, Kolix, I, rim, Or. HornBp, circlT on
loft millo; ohHIb, bhiiib on right hip, niuliir liulf
in ri,.l,l mill HI ,1 it 'n lllft. HHr
Kniilir. Mikn, llmipnor, Or. Horn hriinilcil
KNY on loft hip HttlMiiiiBaml orop oil loft
imr: nnnnr molMion inn riuio
Kirk J. T.. llBiipnor, nr. lliirnn. o in inn
hnnlilnr: mill, n on lntt hip.
Kirk. Jowtn, llBppnr, or.; norno 11 on inn
lioulilHr; mtllwiwiiia n rmht rnilo, uinlorlnt on
riulit bht,
Kninlmrlmiil.W.f.. Mount Vwrnon. Or. I Ijon
eHttlnoii rmlit mill loft iili,wllow fork in lift
Mr hihI nnilor Clop in rixlit wir. llormw Mint
lirnml on loft nholllilor. llnniCB 111 Urnnl couiiiv.
Iiftmi, rUihn. mi. or.-n i, on icu nip
on rntno. orop mm ppnt on nio nn, . unp.
iiiun limiiil on li ll liouiiinr. iinnna timiu
"l"!'nllBn, John W., l,Tlnr- Or.-llonw
hrnnilnil hnlf-'iifl Jl. mmiiwrtwl on loft nhoiil.
ilor. t'ultln. HMini" on lnfl lnu. IUiiikb, ntwr lot
innton , , ,
LwliKy, J. W llnppnnr Or flomcii lir.pilml
I, unit i on lntt ulioiihlnr; cnttlit mhiik on lnfl
hip, wHtil over nht hjii, thrtw ln iu rmlit
""lioril, tloorn", llBipnnr. Or.-Horww hrnmlml
ilouhln II coinni't. Homntiiiina rnlln.!
wio II. on l"ft ulioulilnr.
Minor, Om'iir, nipnnr ur.-fHttln, M D mi
riulit hip; homo. M on lnfl houliinr.
Morxmi, H. N lln,pi,nr, Or.-llorwn, M )
on Inft liotihlni rnltlti muiBon Inft hip.
Mitchnll. tmr, loiin, nr. Ilonow. J7 on riulit
hilt; rmiim, 77 on rmht nl.
Mi4'lnrmi, D. it., ltrownnill, Or, llormw,
-,.,. It.mnanh nhoiililxr; cull In. Ml on hip
M.'iiirr, Krmili, Koi Vullny, Or.- Mnl ho
with liotk on rait In on rilM mil nmlnr In
iMinh nnri homw hhiiib hrnml on Inft vtinn. !
MnlUI.... ... ... riminil.'n,Or.-m lliinw. "
will, hlf circlo nn.lor on Inft hotihlnrion t iti,
four Intra coimwinl on lop on thai rmlit mil
llntiiin in ttrmit l oiint.
N.il Ailrw. Ioiib Itock.Or.- Iliirww A N
rwt,l on In't nhotil'lnr; rJiltln nun on both lilt,
N..nlkn. Hilrton r. Ilorm.ein'l 1 on
Inft Himh: mi I lw winmon Inft ton,
ii,...r J.mii I mi ton I Hi. nr.- A I on mtttlr
on Inft hip; on Iiurm, Miiiti ou Inft tluith, IUui
In itritiil roiiuly
Ollnr. I'nrry, lilnfton. Or.-1 O on lnfl
ti.nt.itxl .
nh, llnriimn. 1'imrU fit. Or.-On rltl, O
1,1' oomin.'in.i on Inft lop; horn on lnfl tiB
n-l wnrtoii no. Ilnnun ill llimit cnunl,.
W..,ti, I ir, KmM MiU. Or.- linn, unm-
Inr nltvln lonlil oil inft pliotllilnr Hlnl J on In't
Inn. I no U, f'Oli In lnfl wir. rlnlit I'r.'pi'n.l. VM
.... I..fl lot, lUiin on r.lrfht Mil.
I'atknr A illMuum, ilMitiimn.Or,- H iring ll'i.p
lnfl l,,,l..
.... 1 I !...... II , II.. M l.Mn.l
I linr. I ,'-n-i, i ,.........- . .....
K ll. noiilinctnill ll,. Ml li..iil.l..f l rl ll
n,n on ritfhl hip, llnnnw. Horri.w ,-.tit,i .
i ...... J II . l io,i.Mi. dr. Il. mw. JK on
it. i .1 mi Inft .1 .Mil.lnr, mill. Minn on Inft hip.
.... I.. t.,1 lit Micti Mtr.
I-..HI. K I'.. I. inn. Or 1 horn illmtiolol " on
ii.ililnr; rati In, J H J ronun. ir.1. on lh
I. ii.p, upiwr nlopw lu inft raml aliw in !!
Komi. Amlmw, llanlmwi. Or.-Ilorw, iir
ir, with nimrint-cimlnonnr " linV
llntui,nr. t hrw, llfppnwr. Or.- ll,www. ' U i
tnl .Imiil lnr. ...
Kii.li Hrow., tlrjipiwr. or.- ltor hrwn.twl 1
nn H. rialii Ii.miI.Ui. iniiiI, l on il.n Inft hip
r. ,. ,.n Inft aar ami .lea lap on nai a. itanga u
I M.n ami a llollllll Coulitlna,
I t.oni, ,n,lmw. liatiniiton. Or - loiaa
! tirai, ln,l A K o" tiiiM ahoulilar, il uua'tm
1 cimla oar l.iai.il. milla aauta un ril.t hip
j ;a H..r,w cm"i,
ll.,j, S in. II iNinynllla, lr till Mtinaia
! will, .uaHnr nnia l.'p on nalllnos tilil hi
: ai .l n..p,.fl riM awr a4 aplit In lafl. II. .ram
aaom loa'nl on Inft h.ntl ln, lian IH HiiiHI
lnwl ami llllliam "..MIllna,
I lim i.w ), W , M..nM, Or - lloraaw, Ji) ia
l.ri iMHil.tnr. I aula, lluw llaM hls
' i- k. .ll. J W. l..-nl-m. Or II
tnan.tn.1 it -n lnfl (..hii.b'I i lM.a in M,"t
, ,ll-.r.Or ll.wa-a HtwrnM
'Jj ,ll,f;,M, , ,w Ml l.i,.
..rrjiv v-.t .J'irr.n,
, ,Mt,i , n
1 X,.,"-,, ,,."l I ..,. lU.. IUo. fa Morrow.
inihainaod I ilialllla rtinxHaa
tnwH I A ' '.alia- I f ll.n-aaa rimnja f
: , w, .i,i i, n.t avu i"i ln-ft hip, !
i awi a, WaM'n ,hi I wit wia.1 la.
j )....,,. i S y , l..i.i. or - II. .ma .' .l .t
" M ir, ih.. rant, j on l.fl hip, all,
1 f,k in I aa' WnMlHl la In't.
h,,.,, .m , II 'i o . - II aaa, H A I .
ll,, I,,,,, , il, aa naua V i aip
i IM.'lnr J., r"i
- St n,ril ,m
a H.n.w 'a'.l Ml1
nan, a, aawa tta riant K n.
j at
1 rial t fan at4 aiulnt bit ta Uft aar, Kai
I, M...I n.m.,1
ft ., oh lno nwaanfl!'. Or. It.waaa. Itran t
H t nl'...l la, rw'l. at'Kaaai Ufl a, a, 1 1
M., i aata Atlilia.a,. Of I a.ra laanlai
ja..., t..fl at.,w,l'Ua.; nal.t lla anaia. aiMt K.at
Wall lia- a ta m-a avl It, maw. r. .nM
ti.-,t a a V A . ttaot.aaa, lf- Kiaaa Ht la
I i R. r-t. In n.rff"n-t I, t It.. HfNt aaht
a M'a A i , li-i rn-- t i - 4 altla,
im. I ,. t aaa.t fink 11 M.ri air,
a ..ra-t II t , ll.i i -w, I II awtak, M w
(aft mi .,m1 ; taf'la. W1 lnfl l.
fit.., I li ll -1 onnf , Itf - I alt
t t'
tt ..,. c . . i a' I -l a..4.i la Pft wi
tl, - , I-4 t i.a awll
I !....., t A . ItM-laf la - II.WM I
hOi-rrn .-N- - - - 2 - f zzzzzzjzzzzz. zzzzzzzzzzfz .
ilk" -fizz zEizEtz z!zESESrzi zzzzzzzlzzzzzzzzzzz zzzz E)
iv e 0 -t . o -c & "f v. I
W f . $ N !i
! . 1 -0 0 ' " VI
7 7
i : I H8 . K
-A fv-
bH 1 1- -ij
pret - ty girl
as a star,
of mod-est,
no me-teor
S N -
sr-M--7 70c m zzzzm-
I want no fick- le weath-er vane
Yet more; if she would be with me
i N-
i 1-
a blonde would suit
be a - ble to
me best, she must
take down one huu -
CopyrlBiit, WM.byTuie New Voiik Musical
TiiiBt.H.T.,Kr.terpri(i).Or. Horaoa, C-on left
Tortiar K. W Hiinor, Or. SmRll cup'tiil T
Inft alionlilur, horaia; oHttla hhiiib un loft hip
With aplit in liolli para.
I'liorntJin, II. M.. lona, Or lloraaa hrnnilBd
IITminiimitwl on left alittn; bIibwp aiima lirnml.
Vmnlnrpool. H.T.. l-im, Or;-lloraa HV oon
nnoUxl on riulit ihonUlBr;ottl, Hme on hunt
"vVnlhrliliO' Win . Ilnniiiinr. Or. lloraaa. TJ. L.
I on I lie l"ft aiioiililor; i-nltln anma on right hip.
crop otf lnfl niir Htul rilit aitr lnppnii.
W ilaon, Joiin MBiBin or ijnnpnar, wr.
Itorana hraiiil.il Ji; on Ilia Inft lionlitr. lUuirr
Morrow ooupty.
Wnrrau, W II. I nlnrt, or aula it wiinquanai
cimln ornr it, ou left aiiln, aplit lu rtaiit aair.
Ilorana aama brand oil lolt Blmumnr. iwuiai
Omul oonuty.
Wailn. Ilnnry. Ilappnar. i-r. norana oranonn
aca of apnilnt on loft ahoiihlnr and Inft hip
ratlin liranilml aHIlinon inn aionaiui inn nip.
Woltlnnnr, Jolin, John nay nir.iir vra noraaa
il.. ....ullul Imra nn Inft ahonlilar: 7 on alinap.
hit in Imlli tmra. Ilainia In Unuil Mill mainuar
WiaHlwanl, John, llnppnnr. Or. Horaw., CF
a. ... .i..,il ,.n lnfl Hhioildnr.
Waikoia, l.iaha. Hnpnnnr.Or. Horanabrnndail
UK oiiiniio'tmi nu loll alilta.
Wallaca, t'l.nrliw. llnppnnr. Or.-'attli, W nn
rmhitliirfi.holr in laft war; liorana, V on ri!it
houliinr aouii aninaou Irf alioulilnr.
Whlltmr nr.., nniiiinilioii, linker Co.. Or. -
lloraiw hrHiulnil W H ooiinivtn.1 on Inft "nmldnr
Wiiliaioa. taano. Itmnilton. Or. Onartnr Mr
rla mar I limn oara on lnfl hip, botli rnttla and
!w,.n. Haiitfrt llrnnt mmutir.
Wilhama, j O. Un rrank. Or-llom. nnar
tnr clnda oar ihm Iwra on l-ft hint cnttln awn
n,l alii maach aar. Itm a In 1 1 rani nmoii
W ian, A, A., llappnar, Or. Ilorana nimiunA
,.m .l...l.lrtr. IVlfla aama on riM hitl.
Vinina J. H.. HiaatBltin.Ur. Ilorana. nranoar
TNnn lha ntahr ahwtl.ln
Tor Pleasure or Profit,
! houi.l an lltal In fonrnal t!i anrtatrll-
lu i l. 11 and looal laoau.
a m hoc it Jf oljlaiuab!.
ti i1alrra.itcaHltti fruit nrl at'.taa,
lirt-s alii ui4 Bni rt.iwata, an.i i,.t riina
tint of holt.cuilu. aalamall,Uy
an I Ui.il. uii'it v. It lllualtalM auj
tl.aiilwa mrltitnla nl raitura.
,,.n, improvr.l arial.aan4
al.'l aattime ilrv'.ra.
tt l. will. nut llouLt.
The Paperforthe People
f Orl m lr ?4 wttwtfcaral,
fa''..'H rt-f -l 'l P.. t .ita'i
l,.Mtn u.taial !. fall i aj Utain.a
A nr-ic.'ft Cit(Jtmr., I TO fylton St.. i.Y
CanU'4, Trx't Tilt. Cn. flUnX titf f
A4 U r'rtl Iwtnt m4In1 tf
UfarwtMWay at.4 a4rv-a giaaa ta toMitM Wttan)
atwiW'. A4ra
Naaaf a AHnawy,
(XtWilwat. W4HIu1t, tVO
nm I'-aiwM la taaar4 H --at tnal'"
tt- ta - a r'n.ik a. a. - .. r
a.M.4 a..,, i i . . t . m a -. -' a..- t
i I., ik, a. .M.Wa
i at-4 In Mtt i t I l' Aat.
v a t
w - V a"
S"m rouHOsrin rut list
, n 1
quiet, mien, Who dress - es well,
would do, And like her own
i N N v Vi
that turns with ev - 'ry
ex - cuse the slang right
be swell, re
dred word. a
- fined,
itW-imn Co,
Renewal of tho Barbarous Prao-
tloe During Recent Troubles.
Nullva Troopa Cut Off tlia llnwda of Ulrli
Well Man and I'laca Tbeiu
at the lent of Their
There was a renewal of the practice
( 'heiul-hiiiitiiifr" In Stimuli tlurintf the
recent trouble between the tiarttwins
f Miilii t.iii ami of Mutuafa: nnd uiion
the iK'caim, in violation of old Samoitn
UhtomH, thehendnof (firl, n wellasof
men, were taken oy the native troop.
niraired ti tlBht for the triple protee-
.orute whiehexitttHiimlerthe authority
of the Hritihh, (iermnn, anil American
iroYcrnmctiU. Hy advieen received in
Washington from nplen n hort time
nifo, niv recent diapatch, It was
li-arned that an attempt to pnt a atop
t i the practice h.td li en made by the
American jtiriat, Mr. Ide. of Vermont,
who wan last year appointed to the
oftlce of chief justice of Samoa, but the
attempt wa iinauceeM,ful, a it va
nut Muntnined by the reMiicnt cotiauln.
When the irovernmetit tnmpa went out
to Hunt Mataafa'a rwople In the rctwl-
llon of thin year he wanted them that
they would W punished if they In-
liilued in the practice of head hunt in,.''.
ami vet, hotwithstnndttio;, as nmm aa
hoatiliticanere U'lftin the head hunter
broke 1oom and when they returned
from the llftd they brought with them
the hetida of their victims, which
htm laid at the feet of the klnu
with the knowledire of the foreign
consuls servinu under the protectorate.
On account of the peculiar circum
stance of the ease I hicf Justice Me
found himself unable t. men .tire out
the ptinl .hmetit which he luid llirest
ened 1 1 lit:li-l. The rulltiT iinthoritiea
would (five him no assistance; tlie f-
fcn.Iera e"til. nt l IdeetiHetl. The
native rri..ra di.ri iitr.!e I hlurn
hiif; he h:i I no means of riiferclii his
order. i can h'k f,.r tin sui.is.rt
here, ptij teal or netriU." a the chief
tiisltee I 'or reaaima lh.it are tint to
their credit the I'.ttrt-ia-nii lulntf In
IU' det t.tre that turlwiroi practier
must la I, tcrated Hlit.l the tflsdHoil
native are wholly rru-hed: and so
tl.i v are optataftl to anv Interti rence
wtttl I he oil suuh.hiIi ihsttlnti.in tf
lu sd hunliiij,' The nel t.utt.n aW l-i
Nun', tin r. fore, will r .tnl.lv f .ln
aie evidence of the rMa'eiiee of t!ie
ktatmlitat'le practice tn ti ,iUr,'e.l
.trlin..it t f human hes U
The stf.i,-,"t i.f alt to. pm i..t
tf nnsl It cinitipiiu. e Uii.'t r . i! ....l
aiilliorilv tin Jtt Iscn inn ' 'Ir.
UttiH-rt I...-.. U eiis..ii, i ic ,t ' I
it"ctist. h't. In a btt.r f..ni
Ajiia, tells .f a. .me of t:ic i , i t a t'i..t
Wefi1 ft it l.ttv itlit-astd lUire. ('.)a
that ii.e if-itc run. nl irt tt. ti.ii r."
fititrtnti fr.on Hie In H a In re !,. y
hud foutM the Mtfia. ti.. t t.'.v '
Itroitk'hl with them t' e lit a.l t f is-la I
wsrrit.r. but alao Ih.waa nf ,-irla. "Vhe
marched tn prtaUm t M-.l , car
T It-af the fti It' tirad hW h ti.rf lot I
lal.i n. an I ' in.l ' Umi art -.! i st
to that nie'anc holy efl'.v. t)i .ii','."
rt. at toi t'i vrfanda .f tl. for Hi'
tlict I l i -..i-.". ftcird IS tft'a t.ithe
In .', ri.ii.i ,t., an I crowned ft h. rw
t!"- is tt.t h .old I la n hao.st a
'' i I ' r tNr.s. tiwiii'a r of the
Ai-. t - -t rti'.'-t Auj.-f i.-n t- . ioi r tib
n i',,-nt. ' f-,i.uhii.'U'itv v ii .', ' W
I' a iM.a ... t. ' !l , '. tftt it,''
t:..- al J'tif I, u
' t '"t' I J n f.
vj - 1 ( 1 j 1 I 1 1
look - ing for some pret - ty girl of mod - est, quiet, mien Who
J t-t t-t t-- nrS-S-
WzEzEEElE zzEzzz -F 1- -f r --tI zzzzzz?zz zztizzzz ,1
dress - es well, know how to spell and has a wit that's keen
J zzzztzztz. zqS-S zztzzzz zjzrz rtrSrf;: 1
-i S S
Bponsiuuiiy ui Hie protec.tinjr powers
Knj.'l!ind, (iyrmunj- and the United
States. When the pirls' heads were
brought in Mr. Stevenson went to tho
llritii h dm ,ul, Mr. Ciuiick-Sinith, and
prcsiM'il li'n.i t.i t!i';e Rome uction, J'cthe
only (Ini't-d a protest, which was put
tinder a p:mer ne';.ht. whero it lay un
til the wtiij-'i' ceremony wan ended. He
then spoke wi; hunt any (rood result to
Mime of '.he tl,rluin men who had
taken heads, and Mime of whom hnd
cotiti nteil tin mi elves with taking only
the can of th. '.r derM victims, as tro
phies, lie net conferred with the
Ameri'.'au chief justice, who, however,
n hai. already l-t en mi id, w its power
less. "I must not wonder, though I
may Mil! deplore, that Mr. Ide accepted
the situation." It is but fair to any,
however, that i.inee Mr. Ide took office
he :cmstohave done all he could to
prevent head huntiiio It Is the gov
ert.tueuta tinder whine nuthoritv he
hoi is his place that rcftv to ulve him
the lower to put a i,top to It. The old
kinjf, Mataafa, who was dethroned and
has been sent into banishment bv
the protectorate, forbade the taking of
heads in war; but the kinif who now
rtilt-s bv the (jrace of the protectorate
Is devoid of s'Ueamishnesa in repard to
it. and even this yeur haa almwn hitn
M'lf ready to accept an oblation of
Ifirla' heada.
Mr. Stevelistm declare that many
horrible atrix-itie have been fHTjie
trnted dtttltif the last campaign
against the follower of Mataafa. He
tell the "story of Manoiio," where the
(fed Mataafa flung himself on hia
knees K'fore a IlrilUh captain and Im
plored protection for his women and
children. Very oon afterward at tht
time of hh.'htfall. tlames were observed
to rise from the Island. There wa wild
disorder all through the night; the
house wen1 burned, the women
at ripped, naked, the f.wal tree hewn
down, the animal killed, and a (Treat
part of the Island wa reduced to ruin.
He tells of other onlrntrea Wot lea
ntrtw'toii in the pnivinee of Ana and
elsewhere, all perpetrated under tha
responsibility of the triple protect. .rat.
Mm, TlortrnT lion xT, of Stew York,
ha an Income of $? a day.
Ma. ItAiifttao ha a spoon tfl show
f .r nearly every town and city the vis
ited In the silver Mates. I
Tim prince of Wle I eihihitlng a
rtttmlsT -f her crmlitable production
In phot.igraphy t the eihihttton in
Tim queen of Denmark la an eipert
dressmaker and a gl Ptry cook.
II. r daughter al are all clever
tttW.'.ewomcn, and la th ciarlna of
v a, rotator Coaiii(. after a long
n-ri,s of n tirrmcnt, V oeeaatonany
.-i n iijsm the atrtH-t of York
a 't e'ad ft ai.Tl. Wvk. Mrs. Conk
li, i alasil Mt; ) ear of aa-.
Til Art h.bu lw MaHa Therea of
Austria! a e!eer goi.tmih. and her
lntntit ami forssl friend and mem
ber of brr family are the hppy re-i-ipti'tit
if s.)d br he deiged and
e. utrd by the not'. inly.
plll! rilawt lr.IM Tile.
htreptina- M'oature; latenee Itehlff
- - . m 0 a --fi-4-&-Z--t-tt
-J W 1 ' 1 a I r kw i T' K3 T I i W 0 nlu
,! siiittii; mI t iM; by) -.... "-
a,rt. I.teg. If si;..w-l tn Miilitine i
ir,r f..t, bieh tfiea t.w.i ai, Leaves No Constipation,- -
r,l,a.fse, l-..inf V'y ... Ket8 , 1
(ltr.rf .! H ilcloe sa t btrasl- j (ra It, a wall t Il l!t..ii.r.aaa. i'k fl's-Url and Malaria Tha enlr
I. 1 .Im.Ii,. ati.l la tibial aaal I ... tt y.u I. .11 j.. , .
i... ...,. . .. - . - ..
rwve tb toroof
b r I. ft 50p8',
At draggM,er
itW I S-H,'
- 0 o
-0 if Ik-
zz t:
Canton, Where the 1'lafae Cornea From,
and It In't Surprising.
A line or two from Mrs. Archibald
Dunn's new book gives a striking pic
ture of the horrors of life in Canton.
The circumference of the city walls
measures from six to seven miles, ana
within their Inclosure there exist one
million Chinese people. I had been in
many oriental cities and bad smelt
many oriental smells, but those of Can
ton," says Mrs. Dunn, "were (riants to
them all. The passage-like streets are
open sewers, every description of refuse
b?ing cast into them and forming con
tinuous heaps on either side of the way.
The water supply is raised from wells
in the streets, the mouths of which are
on a level with the ground, and a
shower of rain, or drippings from the
bucket in which they lift it must carry
back the surrounding filth in a way
horrible to think of. Through miles
and miles of these high, narrow alleys
did we travel, through the moat fetid,
airless atmosphere that human lungs
could cope with, through the most evil
and noisome odors that could assail hu
man nostrils, past the most loathsome
sights in the shape of abnormal butcher
meat such as dogs and cats, skinned
and dressed ready for cooking; rats.
both dried and hanging alive by the
tails; frogs and unnatural-looking fish
in tub of water, alive, and awaiting
death and consumption."
A Circassian mother's tlrst car Is to
promote, the growth of her children's
.y clashes.
Hickory tires are coming into use for
bicycles. They are easier on the rider
than the metal, being more el it, tic.
Tin numtter of btilTalocs now In the
Yellowstone national park Is nearly
five hundred, showing a slow rate of in
crease. Tut constant ne of the left ear at
telephone receivers is said V pnnltiee
a marked rices In the aenitiveneas of
that organ.
CtrmA. Ma, Is the only elty In the
I'nited States w hose census figiire are
even thousands. The city ha four
thousand people.
i !
i i
zzttrittiz l-i- 1 i i I 1 i '- 1 1 1-J
P1IISS : Kill : mil !
Vouiv BOUND to Take Kin.
- - 0 wr . it 111 mi w'hi.i
,.rm ,4 riea. i eewt rf bt
M I'sl.rVTti Wvf
How to ,Pt 11(1(1 and Tri-haus llakr s
We secure pateotA and to induce
people to keep track "f their bright
ideas we offer a prize of one hundred
dollar to be paid nn the flint of every
month to the person who snbmits to ns
the most meritotiotis invention dnrmg
the preened ing mouth. We will aleo
sdvertise the invention free of charge in
the National Recorder, a weekly news
paper, pnblisbed in W'sohipglon, D. C,
hioh hs an extensive riicnlntiun
throughout the United Slates and il
devoted to the interest of inventors.
The ides of being able to invent some
thing strikes most people as being very
difficult; this delusion the company
wishes to dispel. It is the simple thing
and small iuventinns that maki the
greatest amount of money, and the com
plex ones are seldom profitable. Almost
eerjbtidy, at some lime or soother,
conceives so idea, which, if patented,
wooia prehsiiijf lie wortn to tiim a
lortune. UnfoMnuately ncn idess are
nsnally dimt(ed without tbonuht Tbe
simple Invention like the car window
w hich conld be easily slid np and down
without breaking tbe passenger bsck.
the ssnee pno, collar button, tbe not look,
the bottle stopper, tbe snow shovel, are
tbiogs thst almost everyone see some
way of improving upon, and it is the a
kind of inventions thst bring tbe greatest
returns to tbe anihor.
Tbe prtia we offer will be paid al the
endofeaob month, whether lbs appli
cation has been acted npon by tbe
I'ateot Offlrs or not . Kvery Competitor
nmsi apply for a patent on bis iovetitioa
through os, and whether Le sernre the
prleeor not, the luvrntor will bv
valuable patent.
PatLir W. Aviarrr, Oen'l Manager,
6H F Ht. N. W. Ws.hington, 1). C.
P. S. Tbe repnnihiliiy of tbia
company may lie juda-ad from Ibe fact
I bat it stork I behl by slum I seventren
hundred of the lesdibg newspaper of
the t'nlled Nutrs. tf.
r' 1 i t ai, nraf Ktate rr artit rv Riail ,
J, 1 1'.f M h Wn irAt. U.
' Nl l iit.lt . T!
r( m M'.f. l "5 .vf
Iff. ?