Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 19, 1895, Image 3

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    Take Notice.
1. The um of five cents per line will be
jharged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
Mid obituary notices, (other thau those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
jntertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
jcnts a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
lpon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
ponsible for his or her communication. No
orrcspondence will be published unless the
writer's real name is signed as an evidence of
ood faith.
. ing Agent, 121 Merchants Exchange,
iau Francisco, is our authorized agent.
paper is &epi on nxe in nis omce.
Give your business to Heppner people,
nd therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek,
Fohn Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows :
Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday.
ArriveseverydayatO p. m., exceptMonday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
Phill Cohn, Agent.
Vou can get the best beer
in Heppner at Q. B, Ted
rowe's, 5 cents per glass,
If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc.,
call at Ted's
City Hotel Bar!
Here and There.
Press Thompson is on the sick list.
Dou't overlook Johnny Hager for good
Try Spray's hums and bncon, the beet
in towo.
oatne up from Portland
Jerry Oohn
Spray's pressed beef, something
fine for lunches.
Mrs. J. J. Roberts is ill with an
attack of qninzy.
Judge Keitbly is ill with well
the old story grip.
Ayers guarantees bis poison.
$2.50 per dozen.
Charley Frey was down from Hard
man yesterday.
Photographer Dowe will return to
Heppner in July .
The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works,
Walla Walla, Wash.
The Woodmen meet at Masonio hnll
next Monday nibt at 7:30.
Dr. Ed. AdkioB dropped in Tuesday
from Hillsboro to visit relatives.
Look out for the thrilling story, "How
Jeremiah Jadkins Beoiime liiuh."
Dr. 6. F. Yangban and family bave
moved into the Blaokmaa property
The Weekly 8nn and the Gazette $2.75
per year, both stnotly in advauoe.
John Ball out bis left hnd quite
severely with a chisel Saturday last.
Mrs. W. R. Ellis has bad an attack of
the dreadful grip, but is now convales
Now is the time to kill squirrels; and
Swatigart's "Sure Shot" is thestullto do
it with. tf.
Geo. Bwnggart was in town Tuesday
He bays Tub springs oountry is pros
Kosooe 8bw and Vioos Kelly were
over from Long Creek this week for
Jay Devius was in town Tuesday. He
reports farmers very busy in bis neigh
borhood. Geo. Ely. Ed Holloway and 8. Troed
son were op from the Douglas oountry
Miss Lena Kboa has returned from
The Dalles where she bas been attend
ing school.
Alex Coroett was in Wednesday from
Lens, lie is just over a tougb siege
with the grip.
Oibonscn Bros, are making a special
out on large family groups; call and
get tbeir price. tf
Cal Hale was over from Pendleton
Saturday last. He will shear in this
vioinity this season.
Anyone having one, two and tbree-year-old
steers fur tale should see Ham
Kinsman at lleppuer. tf.
W. II. A. Johnson, a genial repreeeots
tive of the New York Lite Insurance
Company, is iu the city.
Preacher Hal bas li"o dinnhtrgfd as
Dot guilty of bank rubbery, but is belJ
od the ohnrgeof insanity.
Oscar Minor and I. O. Holao went
over lo Illira creek HutunUy 1s t aid
Cangbt seventeen trout apiece.
For good Dient. full wofght and Cash
price call nil Johnny Hager, the new
butcher, iiexl ilnor to Hie poat oflW.
The report that Etoq Uufllntftun
deal sN-ni to b ontrns as be basjoit
been discharged from tha aytum as
Io tha nrit inarja of the OmMfa we
H pert to commence a continual story
of "How Jvremiub Judkina Became
Mrs. J. B. 8ierry tella the public In a
neat aI. in tin in dial f- baa leased
the l'alaca hotel and proftosea 1 1 da
Meadows & Hcrtvner, the iilarkamllhi,
)inrehoers and wcmd btilcbera. at th
old Ounn aland. Mam street, Heppner,
Call on the boys.
H li en ITC niM. of Grant mnnty.rawd
tbmntth loan l ednemlsy with an intana
biaa wbr name could Dot learn,
en route for tha asylum.
Mathews Ilrna., City lf)t el barber shop,
tooanrial artista. lUircutting, abating,
ahtnpMleg, t, ilmi acieotiUsally,
liatbs at 2.1 celita aplefl.
Mrs. Wel.b. mother .f Mrs W. It.
Flha, and Mm. J. A i'ttern, of Ihis
f.Uce, wera et r-f f.n U rilnraJa)'a
jn n Irsin, n tnl to I'ortUii I.
(, B. IIat. tha tntiaortnl nrti.t, ran
ba fontxl at Ins aror, Mall'x k cnr,
where be will )k-ie at .qUr ri-,
ahave. l.rnjN., hmrciii. .
Frank Hmiih, of tha Illiglna
country, pnlleit out with pack b"r
or the W '! V!! .-C'l'in It.ia week.
II Will lil hla Staler while afit.
Henry Tltiiaon. of It'ltUf creek, f
t jit m-l iif lltitlef rfe. k h' ln fj, I
a. Willi the gfj. ir J ,,'ti e"l is yi
jiiite f fr ,m a reht at'tek of Iba
II F. KaairrfaM i .f-t ae. to fqrah
bia "Mtfa Hh'i" e-itifel (film In
b'leele Ma Ha l '"If re.i t
a lo'we nfdr ff"n W aM fft and
!Jhn. I'very whera it baa lH naM, j
it bM au r i tn Citr3.mtatba l't.a
The Mazamas, or Mountain Climbers,
have prepared for a big time about July
19, 1895, by sending via the mountain
peaks of Oregon and California a helio
graph message from British Columbia to
Mexico, and to answer same. While
there is considerable BDort in this, and
we suppose soienoe will be more or less
benefitted, considering the hard times,
if these gentlemen would put in the
time at hard work Rnd the ladies would
sew a few buttons where husbands have
improvised shingle nails in their stead,
a great, big scope of country would be
better off.
In the spring, the human body needs
assistance to throw off the stagnation
produoed by winter diet. As the
temperature rises under the growing
heat of the sun's rays we feel tired,
half siok and low in spirits, because the
blood is sluggish and full of impurities.
Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening
Cordial and Blood Purifier is a reliable
spring remedy to invigorate the body
and give tone to the digestion. Price
$1 per bottle.
Sinoe the death of Jack Cantwell, we
learn that his death was not occasioned
by appendicitis, but by blood-poisoning
brought on by an abdominal abcess, and
whioh might have been readily taken for
appendioitis, His remains arrived on
Wednesday's train and were met at the
depot by a large number of friends, the
Knights of Pythins turningout in a body
out of personal respect for the deceased,
and for Jack's brother, Lee, who is a
member of the order.
Frank Sbepardson, an engineer on the
Southern PaoiBo Ey., who resides at
Los Angeles, Cal., was troubled with
rheumatism for a long time. He was
treated by several physicians, also
visited the Hot Springs, but received no
permanent relief until he used Chamber
Uin's Pain Balm. He says it is the beet
medicine in the world for rheumatism.
For sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co.
3. W. Stringer, of the lone oountry,
was in the city yesterday. Mr. Stringer
oame up to look after his taxes and
relates to our reporter a peculiar story
to the elieot that he found himself taxed
on a quarter scotiou of laud down in that
oouutry when lie has do deeded laud in
this county. His visit to Heppner was
to inform the county officials of this fact.
Dr. J., H. MoLean's Strenctheninff
Cordial and Blood Purifier is admirably
adapted to mmje "a little health go a
long way." Its curative power is
largely attributable to its stimulant,
tonic aud nutritive properties, by which
the energy of the system is reoruited.
It is pleasant to the taste.easily borne on
the Btomach and harmless under pro
longed use. Price $1.00 per bottle.
M. S. Driskell oame in from Kansas
last evening, acoompanied by bis child
rsn who have beeu living with relatives
for several years. He intends to settle
down on his ranch out in Clark's oanyon,
and thinks that he will be satisfied, for
this, be says, is the best oountrv that he
has seen during bis absenoe ot a year.
E. H. Clarke, who Col. Redincton
says is the iuventor cf a punoh which is
stronger than lemonade some, and
Uank Putnam, the cattle-buyer, came in
from Pendleton Monday. Hank is after
oattle and is paying good prices for all
Kinds or Deer cattle, prices bnng higher
thau lust year by oonuiderable.
W. A. Johnston, accompanied by his
ramiiy, returned Wednesday evening
Mr. Johnston vieitttd Ohio during his
absence, and his two weeks' stBy,
though a pleasant one, made him yearn
for Oregon onoe more. We hope that
Mr. Johnston will deoide to remain in
our midst.
non. W. R. Ellis will deliver a lecture
at ihe opera house next Wednesday
evening under Him auspices nf the W. C.
T. U., on the subject, "The Essentials of
Good Citizenship." Admission 2.) cents,
cbiMrui 15 ceuts. All should avail
themselves of the opportunity to hear
this lecture.
School Meeting. On last Monday
the directors of Sohool Diet. No. 1 met
and devised ways and means to pay off
the old indebtedness and to ran the
school for the coming year. The plan
of selling bonds to clear the present
indebtedness was canvassed and will
probably be resorted to. In the matter
of school for the coming year, it was
decided to have a six months' sohool
Dext year, to do away entirely with the
assistant principal, cutting out part of
the regular course, and to reduce the
salary of the prinoipal to $100 per
month and the remaining teaohers all to
$50 per month. The direotors are
evidently talking business, for their plan
to pay off the debts is the only one this
distriot can adopt to avoid litigation.
It is to be regretted, however, that con
ditions are such that uo longer term
than six months can be hnd. In
graded work, it leaves the oourse two
thirds completed, and by the next year
all will be chaos. Besides there are few
reputable teachers who will consent to
teaoh a six months' term, and if good
touchers consent to take the sohool, it
will be with a view of holding the plaoe
till a better opportunity prt sents itself.
But without money, without assurance
that the district will not be plunged into
law suits, and with an unappreoiative aud
critioizing public to deal with, we
wonder that the directors bave done as
well as they have, for the future looks
dark enough.
A Valuable Chest.
Taooma, Wash. "I have used your
Simmons Liver Regulator and oan
conscientiously say it is the King of all
Liver Medicines. I consider it a medi
oine ohest in itself."--Geo. W. Jackson.
Your druggist sells it in powder or
liquid; the powder to be taking dry, or
made into a tea
A New Road to Heppner. From an
article in the Heppner Gazette, we learn
that the people ot that oountry are in
earnest as regards the road from Mitch
ell to that plaoe. Nothing was done at
the last term cf the oounty oourt in the
matter, but the judge and commissioners
have consented to hold an adjourned
session some time early in this month at
whioh time an appropriation will be
made to open up the road. As near as
we can learn the road will go from here
by way of Caleb, Waterman Flat, through
Parrish canyon. If this road were to be
opened, it will bring us within 75 miles
of market, And the market would be
just as advantageous to us as the mark
et in The Dalles, as far as prices for
supplies are conoerned. It would also
bring us in direct communication with
the scouring mills at Pendleton, thus
giving our sheepmen a chance to ship
their wool there and obtaiu the full
value of their fleeces. By, all means
let us bave the road, and the citizens
of Heppner can depend on us for any
assistance iu our power in furthering
the work. Mitobell Monitor.
W. W. Smead, having been to oon
siduruble expense to improve his fowls
by the Introduction of new blond from
the prize pens of S A. Wells, of Almeda.
Oul., Is now prepared to furnish exgs of
the Brown Leghorn breed that cannot be
excelled in Oregon. I7 tf.
Notice All news, and advertising
matter miiKt reach tbio ofllre not later
than Monday noon for Tuesday's issue,
and not later than Thursday noon for
Friday's issue. The chauge of train
time renders this rule imperative and it
will bb adhered to in every iustuooe.
At a recent meeting of tha Lena re
publican olub Alex Coroett and Mike
Kenny wera ohosen aa delegates to tha
state olub oouveution. C. G. Fuqna and
Wm. Courier bave alao been chosen to
represent tha Liberty olub, of Eight
Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins. Chattanooga,
Tenu., aaya "Shiloh'a Vitaltzer 'saved
my hfo.' I oonsiilar it tha best remedy
fur a debilitated system I ever used."
For dyapepiia, liver or kidney troub'e
it exoel. l'noe 75 cents. Sold by T.
W. A) era, J .
Sheriff Houner and Deputy Frazier, of
Umatilla oounly, do not think the
borsetliief lo wh"m wa teferred reintly
a Medlock Is tha man who cotntnilte.l
Hie depredstjona over in Union county.
Lie a pretty slick lbir, aoyiiuw.
Tliia much ia nnder obligation to
Frank liorg for a bina lot nf trout which
he Caught Wednesday over n Hliea
creek, lie iiccedd In lauding ljty
four tiira ones, and it Hn'i such a
wonderful day for fUhing either.
Mrs. J. IJ. Hperry will oclrbrata tha
opening of tha I'nlaoa by an aleghiit
Sunday dinner. Mrs. Hiierr'a reputa
tion in th culinary line ta well known,
and nnr jwopla should Out nd'S ber
initial holiday dinner.
Monday lut Mr. aol Mra. Frank
It.gera. Mr. and Mra. F. J. Ilalhick,
Mi-a Ada Minor and Jack Laka went
over to Illiea creek tltnng. Mra. lagers
proved to be Iba cbatupioo no that
Ben Haaggart haa gona op in tha
I alon.e country to introduce hn aunirrei
poiMoti. He i making large aile. It
week ha bad rail for Hi a ixiieon from
noutbeni Oregon, Idaho aad Waehiag
"Hiw Jeremiah Jndkina liecaina
r.ieli" la a thrilling eerl.l etory which
wa will cifnmrnca in nnr neil uatia and
ciot ion tiM 1 romioetrd. It ia a airnj
ard ry and well worth Tour i-ruL
T. W. Atefs, Jr , nuking aq lirrrl
reoaxn Hint h guarantees. No kill an
iav. and !! It al '1 ceola .ef can, 6
cai a fr ft fn; 2 .7 per dK-n. it a
in 1 1 and try it. if.
Oreea Mathew fr ahavlng. Lair
rutting", t)tuii't'g atid all other Work I
in thai line, Katt a al any lima during!
,tiiine Loora. li M. J..tiea, ai!aol. ,
WaMed - Ilaio or fancy erig W(U
go i the hottae r-r take aalt.g al h'HU. :
Mra. Mary litidraon.
Wanted-fan Iff wofk l y Mr C.
N'e.'fl. I.l. M U'l'aiO ll' Ilee. M'fl l llg
aat!r d ie.
Tff Arefa' aquirfil jwna Ufo-e
lnii,g any oitipf. Only tr
When your heart pains you and no
usual palpitation is frequent, accom
panied sometimes with sbotnees of
breath and low spirits you are tsufferiDg
from a disordered state of be liver,
digestion ia imperfeot aud there is wind
on the stomaoh. If allowed to remain
Ihe trouble will ultimately reach Ibe
kidne) a and becomes dangerous to life,
Steps should be taken to stay Its pro
gress on the appearance of the first
symptoms. Dr. J. H. MoLean's Liver
and Kidney Balm is especially adapted
for disorders ot this kind. Price $1 tier
Yesterday a Day ef Mourning in Heppner
Over the Loss of one of Her Best
Young Men.
Yesterday wben Dame Nature smiled
her sweetest, wben life never before
seemed so precious, there wae sadness
in more than one beart id our fair
village. Heppner had been bereft of
one of ber brightest and beet young men,
just as be was passiug the threshold of
manhood, and when bis relatives and
friends were planning for his manly
assistance in the great drama of the
future. Suddenly and without warning
to any of us, with the exception ot bis
mother and brother, be was garnered in
by the angel ot death and passed to the
world beyond. Our plans have been
rudely shattered, but sua b is the will of
Him before whom all must bow in meek
William Jackson Cantwell, or "Jack"
as be was familiarly called, wsb born in
Johnson county, Arkansas, Oct. 8, 1873,
and at the time of his death was aged
21 years, 6 months and 7 days. In 1875
his parents orossed the plains and came
to Oregon where they remained till 188U,
then returning East to the native heath,
and again returning to Oregon in 1890,
looating at Heppner, where Jaok lived
till bis death.
Jack was a thinker, an industrious
student, and even as a lad when others
might be seen frittering away the
preoious moments, be was using every
means at his oommand to improve bis
mind and store away knowledge for
future use. After completing a oourse in
the Heppner sohools, be taught suooess'
rally m the county and with the means
thus obtained took a course iu a Portland
business oollege. Returning to Morrow
oouuty, with bis brother, Lee Cantwell,
he embarked in business and at the time
of his death was a member of the
Heppner Transfer Co , though f r some
months be had been iu the employ of
the O. R. & N. Co. at Heppner.discharg'
iug his duties faithfully Bnd cheerfully
In May 1892 while in Portland, and
while attending Emmanuel Baptist
churoh, he professed Christianity aud
lived a consistent life to his death. You
could not know Jack without loving his
true, honest nature. He was a kind
tender-hearted young man, aud with his
marked intellectuality made him
pleasant and desirable oompanion, and
even to the last he was jovial and iu good
spirits, meeting death bravely as all
Christians do, saying that be was ready
to go.
While it is always sad to part with
those we love, yet this is mitigated to
some extent wben we consider that there
is such bright evidence that they go to
the future world, trusting implicitly iu
the goodness and benefioecce of the
great Maker, and in the blood of Jesus
to wash all sin away.
Jack Cantwell never bad an enemy in
the world. In evidence of this, nearly
every business bouse in Heppner was
olosed yesterday afternoon, the oooasion
nf the performance ot the last sad rites
and interment. The funeral was preach
ed at the M. E. church, South, by Rev.
Frank Adkins, after which the remains
were interred iu the Heppner cemetery.
Peace to his memory.
A Fkiend.
Mr. Arthur J. Menday
Woodland, Wash.
I Am Cured"
Eczema For Over Three Years
Purified the Blood With Hood's
Sarsaparllla and Is Now Well.
" C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"Dear Sirs: I wish to forward you a
statement of my case. Eczema ap
peared three years ago and since then
I have tried all kinds of remedies for
the cure of the disease and had given
up all hope of ever being cured. At
last I was told to try Hood's Sarsapa
rilla and Hood's Olive Ointment. I
did so and I am happy to say that
I Am Cured
that dreadful skin disease. I have
taken sixteen bottles of Hood's Sarsa
parilla aud used five boxes of the Oint
ment. I would have written before
but I wished to wait until I w as coufi-
's Cures
dent the disease would not return
again. It has not and I can say I am
Ijerfectly cured. I gladly recommend
lood'B Sarsaparilla." Arthur J.
Menday, Woodland, Washington.
Hood's Piiisdo not purge, pain or gripe,
but act promptly, easily and eflleiently. 25c.
Wheat, bu $ 32
Flour.bbl 2 25
Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. 2 60
" " three " " 3 00
Sheep, muttons, head.... 1 50 2 25
" stock 1 50 U 1 75
Hogs, ou foot, cwt 3 00
Hogs, dressed i 00
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll
Eggs, doz
Chickens, doz
Potatoes, per owt.
3 00
Wheat, cwt 85 St
Flour, bbl 2 IK) ( 3 15
Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (c 5 00
Muttons, owt 6 00 ( 8 00
Hogs, owt 4 50 0 5 25
Wool Eastern Oregon.. 7 (tf 8J
Butter, lb 10 ta 14
Eggs, doz 140 15
Chickens, doz 5 00 0 600
Turkeys, tt) 15 (e 18
Kkv. Green's Lkctckb. Those who
did Dot attend Rev. E.P. Green's I net ore
at tho M. E. church Tuesday evening
last, missed a literary treat. The lector
er handled his snbjeot well, that of
"Life' Lesions in Rhyme," and proved
that he was thoroughly in touch with it.
Uis selections ot authors and their writ
ings were chosen from the rank of Ihe
best, aud as one picture ot word-painting
in poesy was displaced by another, the
listener was led along in thought and be
beheld bold Hbylock demanding bis
pound of flesh, the bird of .Scottish high
lauds, Bobby Burns, io kilt and cap, the
mysterious tapping ot Poe'a raven, or
Ihe warlike toeuee attending the writing
of The Htar Hpatigled Banner." All
these and tunny mure, with their valuable
lesaooa and, loooliiug atirring aoenes,
were depicted. II la to be regretted
lhal ti small an audienoa were ia attend
aoc, boausa I bone who mowed the
lecture are much tha oare thereby.
A Humorous Fact
Abont Hood's Sarsaparilla it expels bad
humor and creates good humor. A battle
for blood is what Hood's Sarsaparilla
vigorously fights, and it ia always, vic
torious in expelling foul taints and giv
ing the vital fluid the quality and (juati
tity of perfect health. It on res scrofula,
salt rheum, boils and other blood diseases.
Hood's pills act easily, yet promptly
and elllciently on the bowels and liver,
25 cents.
New Home and five other makes of
sewing machines at ooat for cash. Will
exchange for lumber. Machines from
812 up. Address N. A. Leaoh, Ltxing
too, Oregon. If.
Hnrklra's Arnica Kalrr.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
Bruias, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Khmiiii,
Fever Horre, I'ettr, Chapped Hands,
Chilblain, Corn, and all akin eruptions
and positively currs 1'ilx, or no pay
require.!. It la gua'anleed to give
Vrrfret aatiafactinn or money refunded
rilV 25 cents per box. For sale by
T. W. Ayers, Jr.
A M'K.( IAL OIH.H foil
Having liongui Ibe entire interiM iu
nursery slock from Iba J. O. Whitney's
ratal constating of applra, pears, lumi,
prunra, cberri, iarbia, apricots,
nctaribe, grapra, raihifi-, blaik
herrt-a, currant, her rit, dew
liem-a, pie plant, s'raabertii , tto., alao
shade and ortiarurnlal tre-, inaplea,
eluia, a Lit eb, mountain eali, ralalpa
locnut, lei eblrr, poplar, bairn, walnut,
liit birch, oak, bore cheitnnts, mill-t-rri,
wiping ah, willoa. vargrea
eld , flowering iborti, alraoad, pan, and
drain, lilara, aimw ball, (l-n'lia,
riglla,plra, hoii) aueklo, hydrangea.
' syringe, allliaaa, ale. And Icing corn
i lla lo rnuota in lb i spring
I are prepared lo furnib thrao good at
i l than roal of gmaing. Lt u bar
! from you at orir, witb a lial -f y-nr
1 watita end wa will haa fin dial j
will I la and '! f lr oat,
j A ldrraa I'attrra NraRar,
Wheat, cwt 85 (it 95
Flour, bbl 2 90 ttj 3 15
Beeves, owt 3 (It) () 3 50
" dressed 4 00 (e 6 00
Muttons, live Bheured... 2 50 (o 3 (It)
" dressed 4 00 U 4 50
HogB. on foot 3 50
" dressed 4 50
Wool Eastern Oregon... 5 fo 0
Butter 22,'g'y 25
Eggs, doz 9
Chickens, doz 2 50 3 50
Turkeys, lb dressed 12
m ii
... JJ -aW-
Big General Merchandise Store
We Sell Goods-
No More Credit Sales.
f Phoes now Rrrived. Big reduction in prices In every line. Groceries very cheap. Hard-
ware. Tinware, G assware, Crockery, Mitchell Wanons, Hacks and Buck Boards, Oliver
Chilled Plows, Wool Sacks, Fleece Twine, Oils, Etc.
Country produce taken in exchange lor Roods. Cash advances made on wool Ronfl In nnr
We Sell
f The Celebrated . . A T A T A g
Baking Powder
These Roods are Strictly Pure and
give the best of satisfaction.
Bill's Pills
But there are are hundreds of reliable
brands of pure drugs, and the trumpet
never proclaimed more welooiue newt to
the public. Pure drugs mean that no
bud results follow treatment by phyai-cinn.
SlOBi-Jolstou Drag 60
11 III.. I v COIIIV, Prop.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
On the 2ud dny of April, 18.)5. there
strayed ou my place near Heppner, one
three-year-old horse, dark bay with star
in forehead, left hind foot white, branded
figure 4 on right shoulder. Any porson
owniug this horse can bave suiue by
paying all costs, including this ntolce.
W. M. W'APK.
I bave jsck of Orst-ulass breeding
qualities, eight years old, that 1 would
like to sell or trade. If Oash is not Ooii
veuient, will take iu exeiiangti for this
valuable animal either cuttle or sin-Hp.
Call ou or address me at Heppner, Or.
tf. J. H. HlMllNH.
Poo Hhiplev reports n great many
quite siok with la grippe down in the
lone neighborhood, among whom are N.
li. Williams and wife aud J. tl Crafls,
Hm Im'imi re iKMirl lif Mri J II. Hperry who will
roii'luet II hi Ntrletl y flrpt eln iiiAiiiti-r, with the
View of pli'MlnK tlx) tlS'le ill g. iiiTul.
Wye- Dnnntn fn,n ftMintr,, ).VI.,Vln , l,
' - f.'-. f i fcuio jrvtii y will UV
JMLtm ..' made to fa I at home.
Sunday Dinners a Specially ! Popular hires
Free 'Bus for Customers to and
from oil trains.
MRS. J. B. SPERRY, Lessee.
P. C. Thompson Compan)
Are Still on Deck with Bargains for Cash
JLeeej? Bros.
Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for
Cash Only.
h Eceloy Institute
For tho Ouro oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It li liMntcd at Halrm, OreKon,
The Must IScnutiful Town on the Coast.
Call t His (UiKTTS nftV tor pnrtlrulnrn.
Strictly eonllileiitlitl. 1 resiiiivut rlvU)inUur
OF . . .
It lw Advertisers at a i;rcat financial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business we must sell it.
Tjik Pattkkson Puiii.isfiing Co.
21 ao
l';tl-, I Uuo.
drnff Mala n I Willow HrtrU,
HKi'irf.it, iti:i,0N.
M-i.rriUfi l-i tl.w W k' Hin, ll.wi
fr'H-'ii'iKf nf Orffn, y-r f sr.
V', ,, !!. IU, t..lj In lT,t,,,
l.'ir )r, A ir'"t f ii I ioimo , i
1 v i i f t'l tH".i' .iprra una Jll"a.
fi !.a. rtha l th fijl-i KlTi.'a.
MfrUv Frrd Vn M-Hia la- f
en ''-tit l tirt rtn k 1 III. I tsraa
H l foas I itok, 0 I .; iiall.rri if, iivini a f'snlnraj
iViiiirnovN fit i i-vv.
All buatnaaa iUiA tn in '.irnil ko I li
msnnr. NoUrUs I'qhlM in (.- l-.r.
Land Patents
Iifind jiKtcntH HiTtiri'il for m ttlrm in tli Klmrti'tt Khil!o tim r.
Contested Cases
('iil-ht'l fiiHCH ititi-lligi'tilly nml skillfully ImuJIinl.
Old Claims and Disputes
Oi l claims nml iliiiit( H rin ilily m'ttlinL
'.pco In 1 1 ii '. lmiii polrllii III rlnirn tind. r Ida (Krioiilt'.ral UnJ
lw. anl lha liftaii-vn clmrriMita iiiidi-r iha ilu till ,a ami atfriottllnrkl
I'UnuaiiUi an I ali lMtit "Imu'iN nn lr uj of Hi .iil.in UnJ au l Hit
Hailruail rxiiii.aint-a atiil tin ir vranlr!, mic ll.anlnli nl 1 1, "If yrantm-a, oaJaf
tl.t Kniiiu I ,ni. I alul M' li io ,hi,, drama.
H-rlal lli'l of a-i nriOK .iriil in Ilia Ii.iIf.I "il!a lima fnf rlllart
liolia rsonplii-il with Ilia ! qn.l.f ml. icli lln'ir ri.lnm rra maila, rii bo
hra kinioyr.! an, I aurni 'l lijr . I I al In Ilia lo" nl lln ir iUiila, riUanl bf lriflilf
IrfrHU'arilia l.lnh ran Im nrniif ari'l t"nin
A'lTira alaii irii-n In all II ultrra frlaln.tf la l i ol.lirt land, tlljr nn
HilliU arlxiig nnlr tli ti wliioti liana Immh rr-faiitl an iriilliiig t'if
Ilia (lixal nl tha .nlilir ilmaia.
If jron nnt n.f lao.l i.aUnt In a linrff - If in Ban I nnr lariil tinalnaa, nf
tttf i !,rfif, aiun t I t't ,j akilllul ati l e inf iil alt- rn an I ifon,tl 4 a
i,f, riu tc
John Wi.uui.kuukn, Gi n. Man .
1'. U. Ul, IKi, Yt aauiMtt. U U
(11 aUJ II It 4Ui4lUS tOBditMa.