2lil4lll,l:ll1lil.liltHM;l1lililltllilil!lll;l'ilililMiMl1lllMllililii4ilin i 1 I The persistent wooing lover Is the one who gets the maid ; I And the oonstant advertiser 1 Gels the cream or all the trade. ! 5dlMn'):;,.ii.i;ii!iri;iiiifiiinfriniiiiljll. iliinmii ciininiltfltllfll lll:tlllll (fill l nwiittllil Bin OFFICIAL s 1 I The man who tries to advertise I With printer's ink consistent, 1 One word must learn nor from it torn, I And that one word's persistent m B ill!l'lllll!:):iiIill.l!lll!il!lIMIIl!tiri!lllitIfllli'l ll 1 1 1lll3 THIRTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1895. WEEKLY NO. 633 SEMI-W EEKLY NO. 828 .SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. OibfERS UP TO DATE. CYCLING TOURNAMENT. ' Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report PAPER PUBLISHED "Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. At $2.50 per year, $1.25 for biz months, 75 ota. Eor three monens. . Advertising Rotes Made Known on Application. The "BAaiiB," of Long Creek, Grant County, Oregon, is published by the same com pany every Friday morning. Subscription price, f l per year, r or advertising rates, aaaress OE&XliT Xu PATTEESOIT, Editor and Manager, Long Creek, ueppuer, uregon. Oregon, or "Gazette,1 THIS PAPER is kept on file at B. C. Dake's Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants Exchange, Han Francisco, California, where cou xacta for advertising can be mode for it. Union Pacfio Railway-Local card. No. 9, mixed, leaves Heppner 3:30 p. m. dally xcept Sunday. Arrives at Willows Junction i6:20 p. ra. No. 10, mixed, leaves Willows Junction 7:15 t. m. Arrives at Heppner 10 p. m. daily except Sunday. East bound, main line arrives at Willows Junction 1:46 a. m. West bound, main line, leaves illows Junc tion 12:15 a. m. West bound Portland faRt freight with pas senger coach leaves Willows Junction 6:38 p. m. -and arrives at The Dalles at 12:01a. m. Here passengers from the l.ranch layover till 3:15 a. m. and take the fast mall west bound which ar rives at Portland 7:25 a. m. The Dalles and Portland passenger leaves The Dalles daily at 2:16 p. m. and arrives 'it Portland 6:30 p.m. Leaves Portland 8:00 a. m. daily and airlvesat The Dalles 12:15 n. m. This connects with the ast bound wav freight with passenger coach vhlch leaves The Dalles at 1:30 p. m., arriving at Willows Junction 6:58 p. m. United States Ofllclals. ' president Grover Cleveland Via.Praairlnnt. Ad ai Hfevenaon Honratjirv nf Htnt Walter O. Gresham Hecretary of Treasury John H. ('rlinl Secretary of Interior Hokebinlth Hnerelarv of War Daniel H. liftniont KeereMry of Navy Hilary A. Herbert PoKtinanter-Gnral William L. Wi'son Attorney-Oreneral Richard 8. Olney BooretAry of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. ftnvarnnr W. P. Lord nonrotary of Btata H. II. Kinc-uid Trwaanrer Phil. MotachHn Hurt.. Public Inatraction II. M. Irwin Artirnuv General (7. M M'eman iH. W. MnHride rjenaiur j. H. Mitchell I Binaer Hermann Congressmen J W. K. Ellis Printer W. H. Lead I R. 8. H-n. SVr,rm JnrlirM . A. Mix IT. ( C. E. WulvmrloB Seventh Judicial District. irnnif JnH W. L. RrStshnW Prowicuting Attorney A. A. Jayn Morrow County Officials. Joint Renntor - ItnimwAntative (v-nnty.Tndge.... t'omniiaaionnr.. J. M, Raker. " Clerk " Hheriff " Ttxnaarer Surveyor... ' Hchool Bup't... " t'oroner B 1 , pi E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO TIKE GIVES THE CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental dose. ?wifWSUa J1 The 25ets.. EOcts. and T?1.00 Bottle. One cent i It is sold on a guarantee by all drug gists. It cures Incipient Consumption and is the best Couch, and Croup Cure, For sale by T. W. Ayers, Jr., Druggist GREAT. NORTHERN Ry. UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane ;' Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA St. Pnnl TCnnsn; ("irv " V Th's extra- ordinary Ke- juveaalor is ma most wonderful discovery of i no age. it has ben en- forsed by the lcadingsclen- tiflo men of Europe and America. Hudyan Is Ubfe T28e Hudyan stops rfemarjrBimss of the dig. . i . . . a. cuareo in zu SAN hHflN S Mw.o w f i v iiriiv i w i i f nrim nuui EAKHOOD lOnWiHiiK mm MM Kit; iiii 7 Very Latest Fad la for Bleached Bivalves. The Great Meet at Chicago; gust 5 to 12. Au- LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For For fall details call on O. B. & N. Agt Dt at Heppoer, cr address W. H. HTJRLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. POBTLAND, OBBOON. Constipation, Dirainefs, Falling gen. sations, Nerv ous twitching of the eyes and other pai to. Strengthens, Invigorates and tones the entlresyttem. Hudyan cures Deb illty, Nervousness, Emissions, anddevelopcs and restores weak omans. Piilns in the back, loFsei b v d a v or iiithtstopped JIN I. I.-..-: - -m..,:,.- -.viK-'Lh'jiA.T.jr: qulrklv. Over 2,000 prlvRte endo-sements, i'rematurenufS means iinnotency in ihe flret RtiKe. It Is a syrap'om of e-minal weakness a-n barr-nni'B. It can be Slopped lu 20 days b7 the use of Hudyan. Thevew discovery was read" iy the Biwclal JsUof the old famoiiB Hudson Medical Institute. It is the strongest vliaiizer made. It is very powerful, but haimlim Hold for $1.00 a pack agoorS packages for K5.00(plalnsealed boxes). Written guarantee given for a cure. 1 f you buy six boxes and are rot entirely cured, six more win ix sent to youtreeotaiicriargt-s. W11 nr i-imuiarxann testimonials. Afnress iHODHON MbDlCAL 1N8IITUTK, JJcinctlon Stockton, Market dc l ilts St. Ban I' ru ic,ii o. Cl .... , , A. W. Oowan 1. a. Ho'ithhjr Jnlina Knithly J.R. Howard .T.W. Morrow .O. W. llarnnirton .... Frank Gilliam J. r', Willi. (leo. lord Anna Knlaiger T. W. Ayara. i bkppnks town orncias. n.vor Thou. Morgnn f . O. K. Vnniiwnrth. M Mchtnthal. wis Pttrtn, T. W.Aysm.Jr. H. 8. Horner, E. J. Slocnin. Pr.lw .F-.'-J,,!orl! Trmumntr -K. t Frw-Und Manual N. B. Whetstone Precmrt Oflleri Jn.tioe of the Paao 4 kinstabU I'nlted 8tatM Land OHiesr. THI DALI.M. OS. J. F. Mnore A.B. Higgs LioKAum, oa. B.F. Wilmm 1. 11. Kobbins San Francisco nd all point in I'alifornia, via tha Mt, Hhuta route of the Southern Pacific Co. Ihs grant highway tlinmgh California tn all IKilnts I'.wt and South, (trand Hoenin Routa or rnn r-acinn i 4HIM. Pullman Hnffet Binopera. Brnjondilam Hloepera Attai-had to expiwM train, attordma anponor I wuoimu'KiaiiciQi lor wond-clan paMengeni. fur nitm, tickMa. almping car rsmirvation. no. mil nrm or adilrvwi X HOKIII.KK, Mauaier. K. P. RO'lEBH, Ant ren. r. a r. Agt.. Portland. Oregou IF TCU WANT INFORMATION flGu'JT 11111 inr. a leltcr or l""T.I cnr.1 ro Till: PHKI 1UINS TIP4IT. I0HN WEDDFRBUHN, Manaqlna Attorne, P.O. Uoi 4S. WAHlll.NUl .U.C. ..E. L. Frwland ..N. 8. WheUtoD .... H-(ritr .... Kacanvw .... Roitr ....Rnnivar eZSBST SOCZETZStS. RAWLINS FONT, NO. II. (. A. R. l -mm at Lciingtua. Or., ti tut HatarrUy of rh month. All vatoraa ar Invited In )oin. i;-C. Hooa. Uao, W.Hhitm. Aduntant, tf Commantter. Phy J. H. FELL, M. D., sician& Surgeon. HEPPNItR. OltF.OOM. OFFICC AT COMN DMUft aTOHC. LUM BER! HTI flAVR FOR NA1.R ALL KIXtM OF TM f dn i 1 Lu m i't, ISniiaaal Hppnr, at aw i mown a in BOOTT HA-WMIIjIj. FEB 1.000 FICT. Kol'iOf. " CLK AM, IF rRUVFRF n XiM fmt l.itu (rt KFPFKFR, a.litlaiuii. - 110 OS - 17 M WILL ADD L HAMILTON, Prop. l.Jt llmiilltoittMMiir Plfilfll!llfl!lfl!111g rrvSKlNS PltUCClU'D P"" 80LOI5RS, WIDOWS, CHILDREN. PARENTS. 1 tluv f... u..l,tlp nnt a.llnra ritMlilrri In llir llni-ni 1M R"lt B-O B-i Juirln the rranlur Armvor Now uliirrih-war " JSL. Jsvkw " Y M -T ' 'r.rvlvor. of the I n-lln wr of IKfi to IKt'J, and Uirtr irLlowt, now rntltM. (nt anil re)-"-t l jHltiw fc innn wiHthof lov.lv Mu.if fartarh-S wlalir. 1 imuMnds entitled to hluliar mte. i: w full alia Shl Atu.lr .rf . bfnt. hrtghtrit, llvell.tl and nntl popular 5 SelKllont. both vocal and Intlrumenul. m gon.n ur in m mot t legant maaaer. In- i eluding four Urg tin portrait. iAnminuu, fa poata Danctr, ADILWA PAT7I4 ItlHMIt 8LUUMAH CUTTING. r3 tZ THE NEW YORK MUSICALECH0C0.3. g; Urodwy Thearr HUg..New Y'KkOty. iiiiiiiuiuiiuuiUiiM'imiu Llghtrat. t Caaleat Working, Mot Accurate. Compact, Moat Modern ana prcfrettW For ratslugiM or lufomnthm write to Tim marlin nun ARMS CO., Nr HrlM, C' nil. Th thnmb I anfalllrir c-f ch a. ler 1 a. Puu.rv 'I i- In. dlratr a atn rig lil "! nnri I ri4 (lrnioe. i lrl, .ui l. Iht j 1-144 malrd 1 1f, tlie tlo n.hof Ih.M of 4fetl .tiaa id bu.it... nHtT. lu.th nl Im iI l-et to lh l- r n.an or ,m..nt i.d lnMifr halt llamii. tf .rr .tLli, -a tMr ! ! voimri ttt aw til.., cm i 4. it 4 In .rnl 4.f m. 'f.l t rr.M4 nt tlx fid'a awfc for a fxor th mar rl In ha f I .. TM i .waal 1 rt b d ala reAlietnent. Culture, fti.4 a k.e of Bin. pv. If, n4 tclii Aperw tta thta lat if tt.ua.ti ail, th. puf'.iy n)"r the litrrvr, ttrwll4 or Ihir'O-l .'t.lie ll At ti.l Tin I a - 4 tutf at 4 tn, uh atlt lm rat i.air In ! ( "! ott..iv an A .. l-.tj at Itwlw. ri Hationai M ci iwm. WM. rCNLaSP. H. rrtaltUaL R HI' 'HOP. faahlr. TK MCTS A GENERAL BANKING MSNES? White Ones Are Probably Doctored Oys termen Who Ought to Know Say They Are Mythical Nature's Own Shell' fish Not to He Improved Upon. "15leached oysters" is the latest and a rapidly growing; fad. The fashionable uptown restaurants are catering; to it. An oyster that does not peer forth snowy white from the depth of its -shell is considered bad form. It does not appear that the Albirio-hued bivalve is iirltiroved by the blanching- process. In fact, it is held by all fair-minded people who have tried them that the flavor wnich gives our oysters their superiority over all the bivalves of the world is destroyed entirely. 15ut they are said by self-constituted authori tites to look better, and it is the fashion to have them served that way. The course of treatment to which the luscious shellfish is subjected to bring-o about the pule and ghostly hue is the secret of the restaurant men. The wholesale oyster dealers know nothing about it. A reporter for the New York World went aboard a floating warehouse, on the North river, the other day, and made an inquiry as to the best method of blanching oysters. It was niparent that oystermen do not relish the news paper notoriety which has been thrust upon the innocent and inoffensive shellfish. "If 1 could meet the man who start ed all tliis talk about typhoid fever and malaria in oysters," said one old salt, "I'd chuck him in the bay and hit him on the head with a boathook when he came up the first time, and there wouldn't be no second time. "As if it ain't bad enough that this has been one of the worst oyster years we ever had, but on top of that some crazy fool up in Connecticut tries to fatten his oysters in a creek into which a sewer empties. What's the result? A lot of college students and professors get sick and four of them die. What follows? The newspapers publish it all over the country, typhoid fever in oysters, and the business is almost par alyzed in some places. Forty million people eating gysters and four of them get sick and die! How many people die every day from eating pork and beef, yet does that scare anybody? No, sir. "Now, on top of all this, some fool restaurant men go to making their oysters white, which Ood never intend ed they should be, or lie would have made 'em so. I don't suppose that the oysters wire hrtrt any bj it, but Rijine fellow gets sick, after knocking about the Tenderloin all night, and remem bers that he ate a dozen bleached oy sters, and then he hollers that he has been poisoned. ' "Some one writes to a newspaper that sulphate of zinc will blench an oyster. I don't know whether it will or not, but a chemist told me that it would not. I!ut the oyster trade rrets it in the necK all the same. Thnnk goodness that these stories did not get out two months ago, or the oystermen would all be in the hands of the asso ciated charities. Our season is over for cheap oysters, in which the money is made. Nothing goes out of New ork now but shell oysters, New York counts, and culls. The oyate-r business after the mi-Idle of Novemln-r goes, to llaltimore. There are no oyster can neries in New York. 'This fad for while oysters I never heard of l-fore this year. There are no pure white oystt-rs. The oyster takes his color from his Mirroumlings nnd an old tiysU-rman tun tell lit u glance which one of the beds ht-n-a- Uinta an oyste r comes from, rliu llliu l'oint is often silvery in h;m urunce. There Is no way that 1 know of to make an oyster white. "When the wi-ittht-r Is not too oold oysters, after la-ing taken tip. tin- sunk on flouts for from twi lve to twetity fotir hours in bnn kis'i wat-r. rem-rally m-tir the mouth of n fn-i.li-wnti-r ert-t-k. Tliia wutt-r tlit-y will drink fn-c-ly mid fill up so Unit thi-y 1-HiU fat. This hits the e,Ti'-l of washing out the s-u water ami mud tin. I may have lx- n taken in. I know ever-; oy-t.ir Wd In Nov York bay. Iting Niulld Miuttd. or the rivers of New Jer- y, utid I know of no oyster that la what you might full white. IVr-oni-lly, I would let atieh alone if olTi n-d ttte. "Nat tire cannot In improved ttpoii in the metti-r of the nyater. rxrept to give A Milwaukee llider and Osmond to Repre sent England's Wheelmen Some Amer ican Crarka International Cycling Championship Medal. Special Chicago Letter.! Walter C. Sanger is to represent England in the international cycling championship races, which will occur in Chicago on the two last days of the national annual meet of. the League of American Wheelmen, August 5 to 12. This much is announced upon the au thority of a letter received by the national racing board a few days ago from llenry Stormey, editor of the Cyclist, of London, and leader in the movement to raise funds with which to r3 Z1MMERM COLLKCriONS Mla on Faorat! Ternrn. EXCHANGE I'Ot'GHT & SOU B KITS HIV if aend English amnteurS to compete ii the Chicago tournament. Well, Sailer can represent Great Britain to the queen's taste. He is an American, and a Milwaukee American at that, his family being of sturdy Teutonic stock, though t!ii- name is English. Whether other representa tives of the llritish isles will be pres ent in Chicago during the great meet is now uncertain. Harris, who was looked upon as Sanger's sure conqueror in the race for the English one-mile championship, but who failed, was to be sent, but has decided not to come. Mecredy, Ireland's foremost rider, re cently suffered a severe fall and will probably stay at home, and McLaren, the speedy Scot, will almost certainly do the jame. Osmond, who was England's cham pion of champions in 18111, but who lost some of his laurels to Zimmerman by default last year, Is now in Chicago and is training diligently. So the international character of what will undoubted'y Vh"! g-ea'.est cycle race meeting ever tuiil w' il really depend upon one man Osmond. The American public will refuse to take Sanger, "English champion," serious ly. It will insist upon regarding him eh Sanger, plain American and, next to the heavy mau 'infb, and extraordinary height would lead one to suppose wnen ne is seen m street clothes. He is a human grey hound and no mistake, weighing one hundred and sixty-five pounds. The most noticeable feature of his riding is developed when he is contrasted with American riders who train with him. Not one of them has that dainty smoothness of pedaling for which Osmond is famous, and to their credit be it said that they do not ride with open mouth, as the big Englishman does Should Osmond determine to com pete with Zimmerman and Sanger it may be relied upon that he will be a dangerous man to bet against, for he is cautious in preparation and will be masterly in execution. Can Zimmerman, be beaten? It is a hard question, lie is a marvel and the Hying quarter-mile record would have to be placed at a phenomenally low figure in order to win from him in the last long rush of a mile race. That Sanger cannot cope with him is very generally believed, although experts who have observed the Milwaukeean closely of late have had this opinion severely shocked by the man's evident great power. He is a giant, but his FOR MEN OF SCIENCE. Deep-sea soundings in the interest of science and commeroo were begun in 1868. Tub mean annual temperature at the Arctic regions is below thirty degrees Fahrenheit. The sun throws vertical rays on the earth's surface only upon an area equal to about thirty-five square miles at any one time. IlEPPARcniON, 100 years B. C, count ed 1,012 stars with the naked eye and Holmaus 1,022. The telescope now counts 100,000,000. A well-knows geologist has com puted the earth's age on the basis of ex periments made on the effect of heat and pressure on certain rocks. He con cludes that the earth's age as a planet is 24,000,000 years. Oleo oil is made from the choicest fat of beef cattle, chilled in ice water, then melted at a temperature of 140 de grees Fahrenheit. From this is pressed a perfect soluble oil, known as oleo oil, which is the only beef product used in oleomargarine. It is asserted that since the earth quake in South Carolina the soil in ISerkley county has been more produo- muscles are as Bupple and his life as j tive than ever Kefore. Prof. Newman, simple as though he were a Blender stripling. He can drive a high gear with a smooth, swift rush before which Johnson, the grand-stand favorite of this early season, went down like a reed at Sandusky and Toledo, a few days ago. The big guns of the international tournament will be Osmond, Zimmer man, Sanger and Johnson. The latter may again succumb to J. I'. 151 iss, known as the American cycling , "Pocket Her cules," and undoubtedly the speediest and pluckiest rider in Chicago. He is a reddieaded, bantam like chap who weighs 145 pounds, though he does not look it. He shows remarkable fierce- if Wry svT vm international cvc'linm c-iiAMrioNsnip MKllAL ONE IIALK EXACT H1ZK. ness in mushing Intra races anl lias now repeatedly vanquished Johnson. A host of other fine riders is on the Amerienn path this season, and in the lot may he discovered several men who will t-ITi-cttiiilly battle with the popular leaders for supremacy. Gary ih a llos ton product of this season who has run away from Windle, lylcraml laylor, who were among the iiivineililcs last year. Altogether, I lie international races niny he anticipated with lively interest by all who feel a pride in the i-velopment of physical America. It will k! ami unparalleled among the great athletic events of the year. EDUCATIONAL NOTES. HANOr.ll. Zimmerman, the best rider in 1hia country. There is home uncertainty in Osmond's mind lis to whether he will compete. Helms a reputation to lose, and its Hint reputation is of Inn ness value to him he u ill not jeopardize it foolishly. Osmond's tirogresH In training has been watched closely and lilts been mystifying, lie hits reeled off no won derful quarters, halves or miles by which the Iioh-h of a pill. lie which wants to see It i in win or lose on Ida merits run be relilied. He begun work on ( hli itgo's line Itoiilevnnl sys tem about two months ngo, taking comparatively leisurely rnles In com- puny with friends Ami hastening the pace a hit tow aril the close to liiilueo perspiration. When the tiew track waa completed he begun training there. lie hua no tniiner, believing that lie know Ids phvsii-iil ability and require ments belter than rui.V other man, and TllK first professorship of history "-as established at Oxford In 1721. Si-aik, In 1HH5, had :il,ns0 aehools, Uil.OOO teachers and l.bVI.OOu attendance. TllK United Statea haft 115 inedii-ul schools, regular, ec-lectle and homeo pathic. TllK total Income from all source of the American college In 1HV1 was 810,- stii,m. TllK first town achool In thla country wasofM-ned for business in Hurtford, Conn., In 1042. Tiik most celebrated rabbinical m hoola were those of Jumnia, taught by Gumeliul, of Tihe-rias, Alexandria, llabylou and Jerusalem. l oll the feeding of London a little ........ . , more limn ;ij:i.'i"'.i ton oi mem, ihhii- trv and tfcncrul provision were de livered during ttie year from llin pun lie markets alone. I ho lotal was sonic I..VHI ton morn than In any previ ous year. of Clemson college, accounts for this on the theory that the earthquake pro vided better drainage than previously existed. TREES AND FRUIT. Daniel ITarhold, of Berks county, Pa., has a peach tree on his premises which has borne good fruit for Beventy years. An apple tree In Clinton county, Mo., was bearing fruit and blossoms at the same time a week ago, and up in Cat- skill, New York, a horse chestnut tree was in full bloom for the second time this summer. The bread fruit tree seen In the Dutch East Indies grows forty to fifty feet high. The fruit is round or slight ly oval in fdiape, first green, then brown, then turning yellow when fully: -ripe. - V rp-AB tree In Fulton Btet in Hempstead, L. I., has ripe pears and blossoms on it, and an apple tree on the same grounds is also now in blos som. A horse chestnut tree in Myrtle avenue, Brooklyn, in front of Wash iiigton park, now has its second crop of blossoms this season. An apple tree known tf) be one hun dred und forty-three your old, on the) property of Mrs. Delia Hotchkiss, in Cheshire, Conn., was destroyed by a recent storm. It bore fruit every full, but only on one side each year. The side that bore one year would be bar ren the next. The tree yielded about one hundred and forty bushed an nually. IN ANCIENT TIMES. The Human charaeter were first used in types at Home In 1407. The Greek garment were frequent ly woven in gorgeon patterns and embroidered with gold and silver. At nl sit was not the public bene factor lie I represented. He wh the most exacting tax collector the Roman world had up to hi time aver seen. Tiik ancient Etjiiopiun Milted the bodies of their dead and hung them up In a smokehouse to be dried and cured. They were thu kept for a year, when, perfectly pn served, they were turned over to the relative for burial. BRIGHT BEAMS. Malick make friends of fools, then rushes them to ruin. Timk In the hand of an Idle man I a dangerous weapon. Tun mini who "want the earth" fet but ix feet of it at last. Snow l pure ami flower arm awert, but in all t lie world them I nothing an) I awei-ily pure a a I purely aw eel and buby' smile. hanee to wu,h out and fatten up ' he employ a young Liiilishuiim mere- some hlilf-sult 'pie understand OKIT.ON ri ftr II.. v fir.. lit.f try I Hi I A I v n - i i r , !-' II 1 f.-it 4 't 1 ii a-, ill ' V '' ! l-i H i ''t ' I I . I - t ...m. h Af tt.af'itk.a,f ii..r,4 .' t . i I i " t I" 'r- J , 'I .ft t tS. A. U 4 ..m.!h f I V Ittttitf Cn1 f,r.Ur, tlfk i c '- f x,t '.jfti ct art rftjitv f ,lt fsr.if ft r firaj T(l't tn lf MW4 t t vn t Of ta mt ft f ft' 4 ,' i If.ftl TM ioxfr (I fil rwanli It mi m eM4 araa. TWf IttMirata rif taHy la Pt itft si I aaaaraA. .. T ft M l RlpansTahu!cs 4 f4 -nmrr" ' tt rtA cms RicoaTtViiMt frt., Of irntl', f ''I. tf it ttimn i iit'frii ti H th to r 4 9 tot A It n f 9-Tf fl. fn'9t t4 f of t 4r w COPYRIGHTS. rt f nTti rTriT r- I tit tt r n w?'i n Umlhafll K"Ht-, A'M4 N'M)M(ftWtiilt 4W4.5ftt t"k ! ff, 9w , irthrillfe' A r mm. 4 le'H -t "! ? i tm ll t ii h r -4 .i tft (r T- ii.'fi.'l 4 m '. t mrH i fw t t w m I i .".. .i f f imiji ...'4 wf ..... wim .m .... - j . -mwA V S : .!,- -V !-. . . i. i nin.tir. j It ! ! ft....' La. ,t 3.-...' ... , .Ht ,. o. ,M..- 'I l I.I lk '-. T-. t,H4lu,i lwt.iil lw,iiir. ? ; -. s sf f.si- M it i I water. When the people umii-rstanii unit me iiii-acm-u nyst.-ra are unnatural and artificial tin-y will la-e.iitK! auipiclou of them and be aatlsllel with the plain, uu-hlrai-lird variety." R A I CrO A bRU MBLE S. Canada baa atut M.ooo milrtnf rail rnal. I'ltil.APr.l.rni haa nior mile of aur f trsrt railway than any othrrrity In llin world. Tmk rallroal rnAr rrowing In Maa-iwlolM-tt art. fast Im-Iii aUilished. r'oT fifty-two roti-eutive mile oil llin ltiton A Albany road there I U't one. Thi baa le.-n brv.tight about by thn pombiited rompuUion and asaUtanro of tli tat. Tmtr-itiftiiT railway wi-r aold unler for lour during 1'. havlnif tnileair aggregating-1, 'til mile and an apparent eapiU'iAtim of I J'.K,liO. During lat year tlnrty-aii eomanie haliif 10..) tnib-a of road and repra arntluif rapitaiiU'n of Of-arljr MAs (wo.Oou, hav defaulted and txwD pia d la the taodaof r:lvra. ly a a "riiniM-r. or mussus'i' os-rutor. Hi custom hit been to clothe hi long form in warm woolens and grind tiff from ten to fifteen mile at a guit slightly under thrve minute lo the mile. When rhtd in gruy Jersey and an oM, Corneal terra eotta f, he cut 1 11 , i f fs.,..i f"4 V . ... ia. las. . .!. If I ' -t4 t,9 m -w -4 av'"1 t m ' ft .. m . f . 4 , , i ' f t flM 1 t i in I r 4 m m f I f - 4 m J , ' - $ 'j J H$ ft Rhcumslicn, Heuralgia, Sciatica, Backacho.u::; rather a pom!al fguri- astri-li hi Wheel, tt.f blllP .( hi alrlider but Cotirtivr!y abort ba-k e-iftiiletilig I tn Impiah a-.p et wl.ii Ii Bil,.'l.t l avn ; tern lMcnr-1 ti Oiftt of an ovcr?rown browu.i. A f '15 Ht hi aVippcJ tniifr?lnff ii'J M-t a lifter ta e iir b ti'f rit j of it). ly f ill in I Only GOc. Read This All Through.! 7IWlt T"'HI. I-srtls Htfll v-r"rt r.iinai f"T l,.l. Mt anil l lni'lnn S.itotli ln.i.lr 0..i. K.-I.I..H Si.i.4 ll.nllli an. I IU-ut y lei. t W..tk l. autidilly I lietrat.. riia-,.p.ll.ai Suirl.-. I liHilrn . I'ra'-tl. .1 I'atf" 1'r-e l-'. u-fl art I f'4.n.nit.-l iim. )if all kin-1. -r iiiiiM.nil Hi" r. .lii. mi J.MirtMil f..r tin million. A ttniakl, tl kMki tar if lue. fr. THE QUEEN OF FASHION ILLUIJUATIN Til Ce'tbn'ti McCall Emr Pittins IlUbllakt Iat( f I. Vr. Tki raaf'tilr. T--i rnm mil l imiWfiwt, T- r'iiiM n 4 t.i l ttii.. ..ii it 1 m ti - r i.. Villi y In! if frtt tr..m fl'lfi. fti leirt'lrl tun. fit it.i I.. i hi.'.. ll-.w l.i ma tr ilnna, , -lillilronfl'ittn(. ate ,ui." 1 k ar U Uiu nl ..if. k nri ilr('lf TV Tvh month 1" h.l-ift r.,in !) f. fmm Ill II 111 ff..tlJl . A I ,, .M. ... a. . A.. .. , ... . I . 3.... h... I., ri.. It P It i ft ri (.if aliif. ft H ' in l.i I'l His 1.1 alif .i ... A.I I , k ,Ui. mu-ri.l. .ii It. ii. i. ti-t leo.. ant. tm ef iomi.lrf Jt.l lun iiiiMHult ..ftu lu; tiu U tj. U Um wt'w.rltiiloa 'I GREATEST OFFER i .t . tar.f li f.it!'irtn( )n-tr. r. r.wil I l. .l 'il lit tf Hi ..titr, ai,. l .1.. i. i f i nil In i.4I ii.ll.m l If. In "i I n I ' I . u.tii fi. a-t t4irif f.i ib.to' r t t A lf i--i t It I.Ht O .. I.Ht .... ei. f;ir !,. .i-.rlif mn .' I I'h LlUr anf Uw. kautlii) Hi i..i'ii'h i.l IIm buua , nuit. Itvu I lt tm IU Um bUt. . I M aw t r.rt,l4 i v a'-tM iif 1.. V.u.r. M.. -W.t tC tr ti l - ti l,ri ..ii. ! b eol iri d J'-f sey jnor ft an t .t,."i lit, r. t5 i i V V I t ul. I l,l. t - lo'ul rii'.er w h' In- I I id It. in win n b -.r a i.i iit f.H ii.;'. . '. I i tut of t n-iiiii-.. !t ; a I 't wi l -ll t. !i il I l h di a i i ...... u r t in .m ,)..!.,. ,i.a ...I.....,, M f 1 .... I .... U.. ll.wf A .4 P 4 (..., .... I-....... i... ii. W ! 1 i ' 10 a. a I ...!. I'hI .4 it A I -. --. r ,( i.lf I I. 1.1 Si t, . i. .... - a i ,4 V.,,.'.i..i. !... I l I, i., I .. . . w ... "imln - m ... t . I . t-i Ii .if Vm. M.f. ., J l..ri . . . I ....... (I . . . . . . I . . .. . , i I t . 4 I. I. . zz : r. rw, a-c-o s c o s c C- c v w i r ft 1 - f . A I If I- M '., IK t..H f Ith M., New V-a,