PATENTS! WANTED. Tempo di valce. i i I NOTICE TO INVENTORS. Tbere was never a time in the history of our country when the demand for inventions and improvements in the arts and sciences generally was so great as now. The conveniences of mf jkind in the faotory and workshop, the household and on the farm, as wel) as in official life, require continual accessions to the appurtenance Bud jmpliments of each in order to save labor, time and expense. The political change in the administra tion of government does not affeot the progress of the American inventor, who being on the alert, and ready to per ceive the exiting deficiencies, does not permit the affairs of government to de ter bim from quickly oouoeiving the remedy to overcome existing discrepan cies. Too great cire cannot be excr eted in oLoosing a competent and skill ful attorney to prepare and prosecute an application for patent. Valuable in terests have been lost and destroyed in innumerable instances bv the employ ment of incompetent counsel, and es pecially is this advice applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, no pay" system. Inventors who entrust their business to this class of attorneys do so at imminent risk, as the breadth and strength of the patent is never con sidered in view of a quick endeavor to get an allowance and obtain the fee. THE FKES8 CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderbum, General Manager 618 F street, N. W.,VVashington, D. C, representing a large number of impor tant daily and weekly papers, and gen eral periodicals of the eonntry, was in stituted to protect its natrons from the unsafe methods heretofore employed in this line of business. The Haid Oon pany is prepared to take charge of all patent business entrusted to it for rea sonable fees, and prepare and proseoute applications generally, inolnding me chanioal inventions, design patents, trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer ences, infringements, validity reports, and gives especial attenion to rejected cases. It is also prepared to entr into competition with auy firm iu seouring foreign patents. Write for instructions and advice. I'iump W. Avikett. filH F Street, P. 0. Box 385. Washington, D. C. TOCR BKANIM. Wliiln yon np your Hiilitriitirn pRid up fvn 0n isnop ynur l)rii!id in frnncif olinrKR. Allyn. T. J.. Innft, Or. Hnrwm on t(ft hinil(iiir; call In mime nn li'ft liip, niiilnr tit on rinlil nur, nail npimr hit on till) luft; ntiiK, Mor row county. Antmtroni. J. '.. Alpinn, Or. T with liar nn. W II on left Hliould'tr of horHiw; cattle Hume on li'ft liip. AlliHon. (). 1).. Kiulil Or -CattlH brand Oliou left hii uii'i Iio-m'.k Haine tirauil on ritit ehoutilnr. It'in". r.miii Hln. AitkiiiH, J. .1., ll'ipp'Mir, Or. Ilorww, .T con- nwclfMl on l'f( tfMiik: (latlli. HHln'n tfl hio ll'iiril, l. W ami Hon.-llorKm liranilil I) II on tlm li-ft liip; tl llm xunin on loft II ink. iMopolT rii?' I fin. ui'tl"rcroi in tlm loft,. Kano in Morrow County, Hiirtlioliimow, A. O., Alpinn. Or.-- Ilormw hrainloii 1 V. u oltlii'r Hliimlil-ir. Itiimni in llnr mw coiMtt v IliinniHt'T, ,t. W., llnnlnin. Or. -Oiil I In liranil cl II on loft liip ami iliiuli: "plit in wii'li inr. Hrentiiir, P"Pt. i oioMHli'.rry Otoon MorHon lirauili"! I'll on l"fl lioiilil"r. I 'at I In hhiiih on rm'it miln llnrkn, M HI (', Loin? I :rnoK, Or -On ciillln, M Y (oniHMilml on left hip, I'lopotl loft oar, on. ilnr half crop oil riitlit. llot-Hn-i, hiiiiiii hranil on Intft Hhoulilor. U'iukii in Uraut hikI Slorrow ii in nly. HroMiiian, .Inrrv, liiniH, Or.- llorHns liraiulnd 7 on ri!it bIhmiM t; nilllii II on tlm loft nii, I,nft (vir lialf croti ml naht oar uppor hIoim. Marlon, Win.. II iipnnr, Or, - llormm, J lion ritdil IIhkIi, calllo Baimi on rilit hip; uplil in phcIi ir. Hrown. I"a, l.niinlon, Or. Ilorun! III on tltn ril-Plt ntllln; IMlttln Haillnoll rixhl liip; ratiifo, iilor- row county, llrown, J. ".. Ilp'i",r. Or. Ilormw, circlo V with ilol in nn- lor on Inft liip; ratlin, Mallln. llrown, W. .1 , I I'im. Uri'i'oii. lnri'H W Imr over It, on the hi I nhouhlcr. ('attic khiiiimiii lilt hip. Iloyor, W, (I., Hcppunr. Or.- Ilnrmw, box lirHuil on r 'i hip cut I hi, minin, with aplit in tmch car, Horn, P.O., Hnppliw, Or, llonmn, (' Hon left hoilMnr: cllllln. miiiih on Inft hip. Itrowuinfl, W. .1.. l''ot, Ir -( 'at tin, .1 II rohtinrtml oil Inlt ni'ln; crop oil left Pur Hlltl two HplitHHIMl inni'lln piiN'n cut out nn ritfht ar: on horiMwt u'nn lirHini nil thn Inft UiikIi; ItatiWK III V"l Vllliny, Omul couiitv, t Hiwnnr Warmn, Wiitftmr, Or.- llormM liranil. l, U on liftiht Ntilln; caliln Ithrim lutrii) on rmlit nlm, crop anil plil in each car. Kiuiki1 in liriuit ami Morrow coitoi phi. t '.iiii.t''.,, t nlnli.Or - V I' on homna onlofl nlllli.i tt with ipiartnr circle, ovnr it, on h'ft ahouhlnr mitl on h'ft "iilln on all ll n uler ft jmua; on Inft Mhoiihlnr only on all liormnuynr ft ywtrn. All raiotn in Urnut county. t it, I han. It.. Vlini'itl or I.WIH, Or. Horm 11 t' OH riifM BttMithl .r; ciillln Hallo oil fiht luji. Ilnlotn .M.trri'W hm.I 1 1 ifimt I I1h coimlin. I orriiinl I. M M. ttnllowd). Or ( 'nit tr crop nut of fH'-hcnr ill"! niHlnttnt, wnlllii in f,iri.ial; horwMi hulf ciri-ln t' on lft ltlln, llalitfti Mor o H'i'1 I 'i.a' i Hit coin t in". t'url, I'. II . ,1'iltn O'iv, tlr. Ihmliti criMM on Mich Inii mi caiil., w iM.iw fork hikI utul'.r Inl tu rititil n-tr, pi.I it in h'ft mr. It'tnifn lu tjrant ciifltiiy. nil il""P, ll .'rl.l and npinr tioi'll on tntnl Inr I nr iimik'iil nwiwi. cmp oil Inft car ,iui.'h.'-l iit'lr lot hi ritfht. Wnilmn.. crop ill riKht iiu lnr half ci..i in Ic'l mr. All raun lit l,iaM cairn v, '.Hk, V J.,lo iH Or. I,ir. Winn rinhl xlionl llnr, t nl'ln. unoinnu rht top; oar maik frpiarn rrnp otl Intt noil niit 111 rorni. t iirriu, II. ., i iiiriiniltf, ttr, - Hor, t) ,,n Inft .1 , t ol K.I. H.. Ilar,l naii, Mr Cnitl, ( Pti y II. cnlnr: lnirMk I r ..u h.f 'up, ItH'hian. II. I ., lo.inoi..,i . tiraul Co, Or. ltnnh.t cir.'ln w ilh liar tw.t.ilh, ,, ,.ft h.uil.l.'r. call in l-nn lltaiid on In.lll hip, 11141 llli'lnr top. I...II. t'ir t I .p Int.. t, II, ll.topnoi tr II-rm! olllo',tt hip. I an i' I'.'iU'l.' I I l.n ailm. Ai.i t.rai.'U i I on h..l-. i.rfl.t ll.W'h. i ,i I M.R,-. I.f. . I oi tmiil ti..u! .r, ' . cut oil in. I i.l rito.i i.f . l..ut.a. V M ,li it!..wa Or. t allln. It I on firil.t ! I". iih'W f.l 4 in two h iwtr, Itot, i II 111. Inft hl., t I,. tr Il,uil... Or llorona l,r,., , KI V on h'ft t,...u,ll, latlin fr.tllrt oil tnfilup, tioili C f !.t .Mr .lo'.J.t H,, llol'lHtn. Or ll,.rmi l.laiolnl .1 , r......l i moll I i ll ...i I. ft lHi,,4 , ,,!. tlrn ,,o r.s,.i t ii lie ii 1 in M ni'.w cu-.ti. Ki I. II,. i or bar .II . If ..1 inr on nl I riiiM I. I I w t-t-r n,,!,.,,,.. n, M' I l. ' I ' 1 I ,.,, I, I W K, Hi In' mmt. Il-'l, I i n. H wuli ii .pi.. i;C III 'I I II. .'I II. IV II. .'.,1' ... h.n II ! 1...I It. I.. .-...f I if lli.nm. K on .ci i. .1.1 loo ,.r 'l uh .. 'li. i n .,. p. ... I,. I !! .. I-. -!.,,, ,.t I,,, I .1 .. I I. I..I: l,,p t.l.i.tnl II. . i-n him.v r....". i..p i',",l lot . I I 'I ' I. M ,i I. I -I I c Ml. I ! :y i , . , ... i. 4- Ol H,, ll.,. p. J ..... .i' i. K I, Ik 11 -I I'. LI it . ,, I l . ' U It ni. t. ... I ' ! a a" I i on of I III II ' II t r , I. I'- - I' I . I i, .' I I, . t. .. t. -..-. i 1 1 ll IUI, ,l ,.n n I i H i .. .'. It ... -I I I II . '. t, IU. , t ! l.l ...w l ... . II on l. 't II t.i .., ! . , !'! tlr II l;nra M w ..' II I U' II t S II, 1 . I : ' I I. .1 II . II J .... .... I, . rig'. 1 1 io ... i I! ,imw vt't. J. R. DOREMANN. Moderate. -6 1. I'm look-ing for some 2. Site must be con-stant V, .. , J 0 0 " "7 'i wi"" llOW tO S)('ll lit - tie self, i P""H r i - j J 1, -t-J i:u vl -j " T1 , n ,11.' L r-J 1 T-l 1 . ( &3rszE 53 -ll 3- y - zEE rf3 iZE:z1 1 v T-l -t--i-j0ZZ tE EgE EEEEEtE r'fP'TT-- V v E -0- I 0 9 er- and lms a wit that's keen; liergraramarmust be true; -4 -t - I li If'-; -9 i wind "in I think Fhe must a be it," -i0 - -- - - T Copyri Jui.hln, o. .11., Ilniipoiir, tlr iIiii'bhw, IioI'mm. .hun J on lufl Hhouliltir. Cat tin, th auiue. Itlltul on Kinltt Miln, .lohim in, Knlix, l.inH, Or. Hornnn, circlT on loft Htilln; caliln, nHiim on riht liip, utuliir half iropin riw'.t anil m.lit n Inftnar Knnny, Mikn, llnppncr, Or.- Momni brHndnrl KNY on Inft In p tint t la hkiiib Hint crop oil laft mir: iiiulnr nhuio on th rlahl Kirk, J. '1'., llnppncr. Or. Ilorr 8 on loft nhoiihlnr: catlln, iHlon loft hip. Kirk. Jnami, Hnppimr, Or.s lioratv 11 on left nil. uililnr; caliln name on i inlit miln, utiilurliit on richt nar. Kuiiibnrlaiiil.W.f.. Mount Viirnon, Or. I , on caltlnoii ritfiit htul left tiiilnfi, ttwiilluw fork in lift aar Hint unilnr cmp in rixht nar. Ilontiw Bain., hranil on Inft ahoiihlnr, Uaimn in (Irniit county. I.i.rii.n, Htnplicn, Po,Or.-H lion Inft hip nn caliln. cmp anil split on riuht car. Ilnran Kiiiiin litHiul on left uhoul.lnr. HaiiK" tirant county, l.inuallnti, ,Iohn W linrlnirin Or.-Homo. Iiraiiilil half-circle J I, c.umnct.vl on Inft ahoiih iter. ( at I In. name on Inft hip. Ualuin, nnar l'i I ri at .ii N'ahcy, J. W. Ilnpptmr Or llormni brnniliHl I. anil A i,r left Hhouhlnr; ccKIh miiiih on luff hip, watlln uvur ritiht , Ihrmi hIiIh iu rixhl cur. I.r.1, (lixiru. Ilnppnnr. Or. Ilomon l.rninhl ih.ul.ln II coi.tiKcU Soiiintiini callrnl a wiliil II, ml left uhoul.lnr. Minor, Oacar, luippiinr Or.-f"HtlltJ, M I) on riiilit hip: liurwv Mon Inft aliimhinr. MoritHii, H. N.. Ilnppnnr, llr.-llor.v, M ) on left alioiililni cnttln mini on lufl hip. Mitchnll. llcar. Ioiib, nr.-Hum, 77 on riiiht hip; cattm, 77 on rilil iil. Mcl'lnrnn, l. It.. Hrowtmyilln, Or, Horna, Kmum ft.ui wh nhoulilnr. caliln, Minn Inn M.'tlirr, Krnnk. Km Vnlhiy, Or.-Mtiln Muni with tia-cork on rntllft on dImi hr.I nmlnr In Bach mir; huriHiB ttaiuti lirnnil on rnfl BtitWi, .1.ll, . ... ... tiHiiiiiton. Or.- tin MonwM. w wll, , ,.,ri, unilnr on Infl nhiillhlnr : nn t BlIIB, four barn couiua'toil on top on tint riuht aul Hanitn in tirnnt t'oiinty. StI.An.lrnw. Iuik llnck.Or.- Hortno A N con nncpal on Ml nluiiililori rnttlB aiimon both hii. Nonl) k, K. Htlytimt. Or. Ilorwn, mrcla J on left thiuh: caliln bhiiik on Inft hip. Oliver. Jiamph, t fttiyun ily, lir,-A 1 on rttl on inft hip; on home, twin nn Inft Outfit, IImiikb III tliat.t cotuily tlllnr. IVrry,, Or.-1' ( on Inft h.tll.'lnl. tllp. Hnrinan, I'tairln City, Or.-ttti rnttU, O LP cttiintcttNl on Infl liip; lior on Inft atitli1 ami warilc on ntMin. Httnifn in llrant cutinty, I'nttrn.iit, Olavn, Kiitht Miln, Or.- Mt.rwia, tiiar Inr ctrcU hohl nn left ahtrtihlnr ami ii on lefi lop. i aiil, fork hi b'f! , richt cropiwil. 'ii UP left hlP. Ilal.tfeon KtKllt MlU. I'aikxr .1 llhwui, lUi.lnian.Or,- llorea 1 1' or left holll'l.'r. I'lt-nr. I r--l, lBlimtliitl. Or. Ilor-ea bran. I a l tl, K. coniuH'in.l oi. left ahonblnr : rattit a noiitu tittM hiti. liaiitfi. Morrow cotinij, l iimr, J, II . Iteiiuutini. Or. lloraa. JK ram. ii.i.-I oi Infl almulilnr; cat I In, aauia on left hip, IP. ler lit' III " 'ti ear. IVIlt. A t'., lolin. Or.: tniraMa iliaiuiitnl I nn ti.tut.ler, tattb. J II J couuHt'ir.l. nn tl.a lop, iipiMt alopn ill Infl naralnl alip in Ilia ti.t.l. I.i.l. n.trew, llanlinatt. Or.--Ilorww. tar cr... with .tiartr.circl0 ntr 11 nn left atlttn lieoii.iinr. t hria, ll.'i ( Her, tlr. Ilorwra, t' II on loll .l.tethlet. (,i.i Ilrpttn", Or.- Hum bran l.l 1 mi Hi" r.uhi ahoui.ler; caliln. I on III left tup . ft Infl ear ami .lew lap on ln k, llalia-a ll Mi. 'row ami wljiuulii cuiillna. Ii.i."t, i..ltew. Ittuiaton, Or - II. nana bran..l K ll "ll riahl ah.nil.ler, Wit tpiartM ciri-ln tnr braml, caltla aaina nn ritfht lup Ii'." M-.rrow cai-.ty. l.o., Mm. II l'il.)lle, Or II II i'litin. im Willi uuall-r cin'la t.l top oil calllwon f lnht h ami ci'tp -.If rint'i ami apht In Ifft, Mora. ami. I.ia. .1 "ii left hmll'lnr. Ilatlit IH Motn'W lion t ami itilliam cmntiea. IP. tot J W , ll"i .i.Hr, Or. HofMa, JO ta left . .....Iilt'l. t at tin, lion Unlit hip. t i kt all. J W,, Ol - ll.itM I.,, CI 41 .hi laft ali.Hil.lel, taiiaa IU Hin" C."l'.i I , H. io I'l' llnppor. Or llonna linMiiUat on (. ft ! ..ail.lnr, . alll" aa l.a on left l,l. It K ."n. Or Ibuwaw i.l, it in. . tt on .-fi M tta caillia 11 wilK ita-l' o l.-f tl " I'. i.t top. Clop oil llht t '., a i P.l ..a !!.! tin., I haf Ikunaa in lloiritw, in t, ... I 1 i ..,,-! , - i, Ol l..oa tiramln t ,.n I. -ll .I..r eila'ca tai ..ft tup. l'f.. . .... eat. a a' ' l'f' t.ta l le. l ' a t W t . Il -t I iii HI ll..caa ahaUl I i I fi at i He, came J H on lft ,i(., awao.'W f,..k II i . I Iln letliit In le't. h,i-l- l. - , ll-l t'i'-r, ti. Ibuaaa, H A I' le'l l,,i., . a'll. aa n o left hip, h-.t J,, i n I -. t - Nl isiaa.. i oa t I,., a. ..a f.M' t I H-, llll.w, aaaia on lla'.l lo'. , t r.,1. titri i imi ami mnaM tut in Uft tmt, llara , 111 i.ta t . ,n.i I ! a, f.ii. Itioa tanMntllt. Or, ll.tnaa ktn.Ut 1 . i! 1.. ea,'l.a, mi.i Wl al....,i.t M.,,itra. Jati.ea Al UlMl'.ai, Of . t Hwww tnaell ; in oft ai.-nt.-tn. caiila tt.a aaa.a a,,, i a i t l.a t 1"i' an I Hii.n i. .n. ... it . (i-i. A , llaeiltian, Ot i t..Ma i,. .. t ... . ' I.- . il I i ll.a it)M ! I. I It ,... a..-., li 4 1 lll " Oi I a, i, a, ,,. t !.', It i W f-'ia II. left tl I ! a'l li , ltf " ! II.VMa, M ..I . I. fa"' O l-ft top j ., . i I I. Iiai ! ti t a"la t' in, ; ),.t t ,,. . ..(. . I a I." 1. i ta la" a,t ! ,ew .a, t.,.raa n ..t lft ftl,.ni,.a I i, t A , It-i pt tu - H.waa low I laft l.Vi l, pwiua. I ia iaf aO'tlHjM. - . i 1 i v 1 f r f i i iuok. - insr lur buuic met iv eui i , , pret-ty girl as a star, of mod-est, quiet, uo me-teor would - 0" -J- rS- -23: U 9 t PS I want no Ock- le weath-er vane Yet more : if she would be with me n n n- k n - g a ft i ( Y- y- -9- -0- -0- -9- I :ijzi! --z$z r trp. J-- zX- -fll 0 1 ff & 0 7 . .. blonde would suit me best, a - bio to take down she must one hun - -0- 1 V .. 9- 6 a - ';t, l-!i, ljy Thk NEW Vnr.K Mchicai. Ui coru Tii.i.ntji.j.T..taierpriae,Or. Horaea, C-on left ahouhinr. Tnrnnr It. W., HnppiiBr, Or. Small capital T Inft ahonliliir, horana; cattle uina un luft hip with split in both aara, Thornton, II. M lona, Or. Hontna. bran. led I1T connoctnil nn left Rtitln; ahncti aatna branil. VanilnriiiMil. H.T.. Irfna, Or:Horaa HV con niH'liwI on rixht Bliuuldnr;cHttle, antua ou rinlil Iiip Witlbriiluc. Win . Ili'iipunr. Or. HoraBe. V. L. on tlm Inft alionlilnr; cattln khiiib on tixht hip. cmp oil left nar and riuht ear Itiptmd. Wilaon, John (J,, Hnlm or HeipnBr, f)r. Iloraca brnndial Ji; on tlia loft ahouldiir. HaiiK' Morrow nounty. Warmn, W II, Caleb, Or f 'nllln W with quarter circlo ovnr it, on left aidn, split iu riuht hx. Horana aniun limnd ou loft Hhnuldur. iutuunil' Uraut county. Watlii, llniiry, llnppiiBr, Or. Homea lirnndnd acn of attatiiai on Inft ahouhinr and laft lup ( a' tie liriiinltal Mininon left aula and Inft hip. Wultlnunr, .lolui, John Day t ity.Or tin luiraaa Ihrea tiamllel bam on Inft. alumlilnr; 7 on im'iiwp, bit in l.i it h cara. IUiiiub ill limiit iilnl Malhimr otintina. Wiaalward, John, llnponnr. Or.-llumaa, VI' noniiBetal on left ahiitlltlnr. Walkina. I.iaha. Ilnppnnr, Or.- Horana braudntl I K colilincltal on Inft at ilia. Wallaca. Charhia. Hnpnnor. Or.-t'attln. W ol riuhtthiirti.tiolc in laft Bar: hotwa, W ou rtKht atioulitnr aoiu annieou Inft ahoiililBr. Whlltier itnai., iiiiiiiiukioii, Kaknr Co., Or. -llor liraiulial W II connni'tiai on Inft ahouldiir Wtliinnia. Vaaco, Hamilton. nr.-Quarter cir cla ovnr thriai bara on left hip, laitli raltla ami linraea. Idiuue It rant county. Williama. J O, Ijitia-I'rwk. Or HnraBa, tpiar tor cin ln over Ihrtai leira on h'fl hip; callla aaiur amlalit in ent hear. I Ian He in tirnnt lailllity Wien, A. A.. Ilepimer. Dr. HorwHi runnnitjA A on ahniihler: Cattle. Mima on ruclit Inn. Ynunu. J. H.. ItiaawiMtrn.ttr, lltinaw brmniW THitttlh. rluht .h.mlila- ALL WHO CULTIVATE FRUITS FLOWERS VEGETABLES For Fteure or Profit, Slioul.l ac that tlia Journal t'irir aubavrit lu it (I'd Pot an t t"ot iroau.a utlitility oPtainaLlo. i w lb m m ' w S7MDS rOMMCSTM THE LIST. U dm' prr'f.fll? v wth fr'u find vriiriiil'V, II., kiit t : MfHl fl iWfi, ulni lUtfMtllfl tit ,. l lur! u'uUti nvMrnuttu .ti.jr nnt Ihnt.istK'ilv. p i!iuff ti- nt turn, tmpfitvrt vrtrttrtn4 tit.nt . MvtllS lr refc It i, ttttubt. The Paperforthe People! fl OU m 1 rr in aawvm, i'i'l'.eit roptr an I Vi pi, raia'oirn -k.ttit u.tciat l.fkt IHtl in e;.',.i .oi A ".Hun C.fden.ns, 1 10 fd'. m St.. H. 1 tiHi'x Tifc!! .wilt. Crj;i fitenti, ti;r Ariail Pant Kn.ia aa r, .!. t 4 K f MODERATE FtlS. laf .tnnati. a 4 alttt tioa . lain-lon a.Uoa) W't. A t '!- PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN Wf OOCROURM, Ma -l A'l. . IV ! !.. .ni-. . I WI(tt g ill I - i 4 i , 1 Ll . ft wTjrwTuTr kJ NATHAN GDINSBURG. V 1 1 ' i i ' 1 1 ; - aaa . ; t ;1 nf mnrl . est,, flllipt. WieD. mien, do, Who dress - es And like her well, knows own sweet !-7 f 3- i- -X 00 i that turns with ev - 'ry ex-cusc the slang right N.v J - 0 -L-0. 9 be swell, re dred words a fined, minute. I'm v Z9..7.Zz 0- - Sr V -- op- -v- - i - Co. ONE QUEEN IN INDIA. The Maharanee of Kunigal and Her Mode of Living. Surrounded br I.uiurr and llcantT the Koyal I'rlaunrr Urcarua Away Her Uajra In Oriental Splcnilor. The nuiliaraiit'i! of Kunigal is a Tory lipiuitiful woiiutn. Her tall litrure is lnippil with uiry anil artistic flToet. riit' mlip I'nnsists nf irnii'h Mift India hilli, flaliiiruti l y t'liilu'iiiiltTuil. urruii(rt'd uliimt Iut in liivsli-rimiN crai'i', a very t'liik'tim nf jriiinii'iit m iiliutit tlto '.x- lllllllltiiil tif II hilllf hi itl'll. It iHt'lllM'- ly 'iluilpil at tin- waist in front, falliit"; in a fa ii -1 i lie train nwr thp fi'ot. and fastfiiiil with a liaml (if pihl that is Ktiulili'il willi pri'MTtits uf iM'iirlH. This (Tiiriiit'iit it short in the lutt'U ami i.a liroiiKrht ovpr thp shotililrr-.. h:iiirip(r in wift, l.nihp fiilils. Ui f h-it arm tlis phi.VM a lirai'i li't of I'ostly nvin of rare lifituty iiml of profound historii! in lorpat which t'tirrii' out' liat-U to the time of ( li'ni:itra. It was futinil anioito; wiitie other luiried treasure more than u century h;i. when the reunite Hin-- tora nf the late kiny? uciuircd it. Thin liraeelet is miimsci! tn have the jaiwer to resiat the veiiom of all sieeiesof rei- tileH. A tiny linked chain connects it tonne of no less value nt the wrist. Jeweled HanilaU oraee her otherwise uiiehnl lie! her H tu lis, Miriiiouutcd by auUlclsof L'. .Ll. She will often express t.t her frietuls the jfrettt pleasure it would afford Iter to lay iihle to f 1 1 freely unions her H'ti pie. This U, however, furl'i'lileu her by the CMtetinif hipi severe law of her caste, for, U'inif a llriihniin, she i obl'il'i'il In inllirfe strielly to tlte "law of iii.'lnstire," 'I his ciitiiH'ls her at the Bife tif twelve tn Is- veiled ittul live ill seclusion fur lite reiiiaiinh r of her life. I hisriiil ih pi ivaliou of all enjoyment i i lite world Is net es.arily u severe klpsk to the seiisii tl ihly of even an I'ttslertl uneeli. Never lti,':iilt ilts-a alte receive or converse with one of I lie op poaile sen. sure only her hitabatpl. Mte muharajah. Neither is a itomcMic of her h. uis,. li. .1,1 HTiiutl, . l.i l.a.U itttin her. otherwise her ciMe wtnihl Is broken ttipl her birthright cunecleil. This law Btipiiiif hik'h caste seems cruel tttttl ineoiisisteiit. but the pciuilty of iliattls'ilirltee i su jireine. The i.ilalnr f law su S4tt ml liltpititf llie M" tta that of "Ineliisiirc" has a horrible ties tiltv iiwaitiiiif her. Mie Is eXmUid frmii alii"!.,' her t r i I in shame to Is- j come mi ntiteusi, cmIi-.I from witintij the walla i f lite i lly f .r In r crime, Hut the presetil ltt,i!ittr,ilti e, auy n ' fort lifti r liatiKc, Itow in lnr twenty-I fiittrth ) ear. ha i little br it f.o i a to t he, r hi r kotittide. Her npnrtmi'itt, , l,trk'e mi. I Ituurious, upy one sole I tit lite pul.ite. i S'liipjf one tnl.t nn other. I hrolifh loliif l.ila ,li n .1 in iliiw ahe step Int. i her pr, jte k':ir- , iltili. here I lie mr is -t f limed w r, Si I lite ilelietou fmrapi-e of i!,i,, r The J liH'.e rustic bri. lB-r that rt t thecje j iisp.ia',ly Ihrottfc'h these i,-tsutti.i cliii.-c t tlm mini t. r..l . ran. . beneath width ! m rvfnlting aid ! tlbhng Irntilt, whU'h, h iwcver. nnt bat'l'le no secret. UivttScts an. I I r. ks are treurc in tn.1.4 They an' few a'i'l f ir t t e. ti In t S is r . oi i f p... to:., !i re I tie rv pris tu . f r !i is, take her '..n'y t ,-r, j 'iitf.l i-i mm. Inii I v l r t !i l.'r. ti, Vjni e..i. Willi f e .1. t. .1 ,.li' ,. i patioli at I .earU',' hiWlli !.iy tkt frcm the S;pt of the t-i'.if.l En- :t: well, know how dress es 21 -G e 6 --. -99- zt-ti FV l- v Wanted. saliib who Iiuppens to be a rare story teller as she is seated in one of her favorite arbors where the citron vines envelop the happy little group, a pic ture only eustern. When the liiaharanee wishes to leave her apartments the command is ffiven, ami in a moment the turbaned at tendants that crowd the halls dis appear as if by matriu. The silence that follows endues the surroundings w ith the air of a sanctuary rather than that of a palace. Presently there breaks upon the stillness the faint ttiilaliiifr of a bell that announces the royal presence, and the. liiaharanee comes forward, stately, (fracious, kind ly, "every inch a ipiecii. When she drives into the country in her state enrriajfe a relaxation which she thoroughly enjoys, lieiri"; a true lover of nature - she must go closely veiled. Hardy a week passes without a trip through the picturesque miedown lyintf between hunial and bangalore. Here the raiitfe of mountains to the west with their majestic skylines chow to the irreatest udvantaife the play of Htfht and tdiade at sunset. In traveling, the maharanee occupies private compartments, which are high ly ilct'oratcd and delicately furnished in oriental style, arranged so that she may w it h east" enjoy the view of the hills and plains ami yet not lie wen, accompanied by her holies in waiting, who share the same privilege. When the destination is reached an awning is iiumediatel v erected which forms a complete passage to the state carriage that awaits her, so that there is no pos sible chance of satisfying the curious gae of all castes who patiently lisik for her arrival. She is always glad to see "Ktiropean ladies," as she is pleased tn call all foreigner, no matter of what nati uiality. She converse free ly in several of the native language, csjtecla'ly Hindustani and tiiiuircuse, and s'ttks Kntflisli tlueiitly. she love to hear of tit Iter countries, and the habits ami custom of other people. She 1 particularly Interested In all that jH-rtain tn America. Ii the olden day when Prince Iti nmrck wit wont tn make lengthy speeche in the reichstag, supply of refreshing drink was maintained bv a relay of waiter running between the I ministerial benches and the kitchen j of the building. j The native A.liroiidacker i an odd mmpnuiitl of hoiu-sty and extortion. He like fair I'caUng. but he esteem the hcalthsceUing. pleasuring or sport ing sojourner hi nuunal prey. He charge the highest market rate tn alt atlcli. nnd seemingly Is lieve them all j ri.'ii, U hat have vntl t-l s il " aknl a isi!..r of a hawker mounted on a l.nlsit wagon. "Oh, thing for th j i r f 4U aKiiit the country." "I'm ' ot:e of the sir folk camping on the j l.iUc over order, and I'm t rod of pnv j i P. -.' nl.!,- preen f"f vv ij 'hut . :ttt ! jo i --apply me with jour ware." The j j ii.m . r ba ked hia man over thorough- ' i ly. an. I, rt'cogniin in him the genu vis, i..r. n plied' "I hflint gH nothing you d hie. "eept, ts'rhaps tea." and ! i tail I, .a silii.,1 fortK.V lutrlv ltd ie n. I'll! "Ilea! ll. kla rile. M.tiatiire; mien itching hvniploma- and ( i tt at ' n at i t"tt at HgM; anrse by cfsl. i t g If il"e l to e. M tine tilip. ta t tin. h,eh i.fieo I ior, se t lllcrM'a. ta....noPf VP'? of. S T Oist s? ti- a lit ill l .i and l l. In. Itcait uiiH-rslton, aid in tn -al faa.a frtnot Ihe t.itu.'f At itmifirtala. ef t tna I. f .r AO ovut. I'r tt)b Hvti, 1 : -i rr njs-zz il'fc'.isjelptsl, to spell and has a -9 t -ff 9- -9 S H 5 f -0T- -lO 0 - -99- KISSSING AMONG WOMEN. The Taateleaa Salute lielng Abandoned by fc'aahioimbli'fl In Eastern Cttlea. Not a few society women of New York and other eastern centers of pop ulation have revolted against the practice of kissinir each other when tney meet. Kissing began to go out of fashion when physical culture came in. It was the athletic girls who helped to bring about the ehange in salutation, says the New York World. I)r Sargent, Dr. Savage and other eminent but less 1 imminent professors of physical de- elopment have unconsciously done i nore to solve the woman question than i tny other profession. Kissing, not be i ng wholesome, is not good form, and I .hat is why the fashionables have de ' termined not to kiss. The last impor tant case of kissing that society can re member occurred at the Marlborough Hamersley wedding. It was a civil serv ice for obvious reasons. Mayor Hew itt olliciated. He was a personal friend of the late duke ami an ardent admirer and intimate friend of the lieautiful Mrs. Hamersley. It was the bridegriHim's intention to present him with a purse for the purchase of a souvenir, but his honor wouldn't have it. His fee was a kiss from the bride, and she paid it. In describing It after ward the duchess of Marllsirough said t that she offered her cheek, hut he chose her lips; and everyltody accused his honor of having taken a mean advan tage of his position. The tlecline of the society kiss Wgan some time ago. It dates from the rise of the college women's gymnasium. Trainers from Yale ami Harvard were inveigled into lecture courses; Smith, Vassttr, Wellesley, Farmington and I'gnonU girls went tn hear them, and nut of these athletic mati nees grew the physical culture fad which has eliminated kissing, head aches, nerves, fainting spell and hand shaking tn a degree. The society girl is calm. She ha rentse. She has powder ou her face-lots of It- to keep her riNil, and even if she did not con sider kissing bad form it would annoy her to have her complexion mottled. 1..1 P ( . 1 7 : -.WITH mm : sraii : puis i Vouro HOUXD toTnko'Kiii. Leaves No Constipation,- . t'ttra l, as wall a all ll lli-iur,., s,,., H,B,b.j, t.,j aUti Th i I. it i III In II a a..t,l M! I I.. .11 . . " ' -.c wit that's keen. -ff i! 9 Mzzz z wv- -- f -9 i i i r r-r FRIZHS ON PATENTS, How to igrt 1100 and Perlmim Xuk Fort n tie. We eeenre paten Is and to induce people to keep track of their biighfc ideas we offer a prize of one ImndrerJ dollars tu be paid ou the flistof every month to the person who submits to us the most tueritoiions invention during the preeeediDg mouth. We will also advertise the invention free of charge in the National Recorder, a weekly news, paper, publinbed m Washington, D. C, whioh bss an fxlensive circulation throughout b United Slates nd is devoted to the interests of inventors, NOT 80 liARD AS IT KBEMH. The idea of being able to invent some thing strikes most people as be i n u very diificult; this delusion the company wishes tn dispel. It is the simple things and small iuvniitiinig ibst make the nifHlcHt amount of money, snd the com plex ones are seldom profitable. Almost ferbody, at some lime or suother, conceives n ides, which, if pilented, , ouM probsbly be worth to him a fortune. TJpffirtoiiHtdy sunk ideas are usually dismissed without tuoiiiibt. The . 8,m'!8 '"Veuticns like the car window I Ml, I flit Anltt.l I.a n ,. : I .. .I.J 1 I wblcb could be easily slid np and down without breaking the passenger'- bark, the sauce pao. collar huttoD.tbennt look, the bottle stopper, the snow shovel, are things that almost everyone sees pome way of iroproviim upon, and it is these kind of inventions ibat bring tbe greatest returns tn tbe author. Tbe prt we e ffer will I paid at the ctidiifehcu month, whether lbs appli cation has been aoled noon bv the l'lttent Ollie or not. Every competitor mnsl apply for a patent on hi invention through na, snd whether be swore the prize nr not. the inventor will have a valuable patent. THE T.HESS CLAIM COMPASr, I'liiui' W. Avium-. Oeu'l Manager, (!li V St. N. W. Ws.binKt.iD. 1). 0. I'. H. The responsibility of tide enmpsny may I (inUad from the fact ibat it duck is held by shotii lift tkai.avra tJ tl. I'd iti'tl HtNtm, if 'n 7 'ktf a.a t artti t, ttn Ml i 1 r-, 1 lHZ.T3 fci I t I , I ' j rf. -al- .il