Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 16, 1895, Image 3

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    Take Notice.
L The nm of Bve cent per line will be
Jharited for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
resntict," lists of wedding presents and donors,
lud obituary notlrvs, (other than those the edit
or shall himself Rive as a matter oi news,) and
aoticesnf speidnl meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and allother
jutertiunments from which revenue is to be de
rived, sha'.l be churned for t;t the rate of five
vents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
id to in every lntunoe.
Advertising rutes reasonable and inadeknown
ipou application.
We hold each and every corresponilent re
ponsihle for his or her communication. No
orrespondeuce will be published unless the
writer's real name is signed asau evidence of
food faith.
. inn Aent, 21 Merchants Exchange.
iau Erancisco, is onr authorized agent.
(iaper is aept on me in las omce.
Give your business to Heppner people,
2nd therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner, Patronize those who patronize
Stage for Ilardman, Monument, Long Creek,
John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows :
Every day at 6 a. in., except Sunday.
Arrives every day at 6 p. m., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
Phill Conn, Agent.
You can get the best beer
in Heppner at G. B. Ted
rowe's, 5 cents per glass.
If you want the finest liquors, clgurs, etc.
call at Ted's
City Hotel Bar!
Here and There.
Rain tod By.
Don't overlook Johnny Hager for good
Billy Crank wns in from Hitter lost
Try Spray's bama and bacon, the best
in town.
J. J. McCiee waa down from Ilardman
Spray'a pressed beef, something
fine, or lunches.
EJ. R. Bishop, of Heppner, in writing
one of the letters on "hard times" pub
lished in the Portland OreKonian, says,
"(let oat of debt and stay oat of debt"
is good advice. The best that oan be
offered. Mr. Bishop has nndonbtjdly
been readiug the Eat Orpgonian.
Enst Oregonian. Mr. Bishop's letter to
the Oregonian, in response to a request
sent him tecently, was one of the best
published so far. The Gozette regrets
that we connot give it space in our
In the spring, the human body needs
assistance to throw off the stagnation
prodnoed by winter diet. As the
temperature rises under the growing
heat of the sun's rays we feel tired,
half siok and low in spirits, because the
blood is sluggish and full of impurities.
Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening
Cordial and Blood Purifier is a reliable
spring remedy to invigorate the body
and give tone to the digestion. Price
$1 per bottle.
Dan Htalter's team Saturday last grew
restive under the gentle restraint of bits,
up near II. V. B art's, and taking advan
tage of the opportunity began kicking,
throwing Dan to terra firms, laming him
considerably. His oorupanion, whose
uame we did not learn, remained with
therie, however, until the horses got
loose. The runaways were oaptured on
the street here, and after all did little
Grandma Mat'.ock is
aud heart trouble.
ill with dropsy
Ayers guarantees his poison. Only
$2 50 per dozen. tf.
Chaa. Johnson waa up from Lexingtou
Saturday 00 business.
Photographer Dowe will return to
Heppner in July.
The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works,
vv alia Walla, W ash.
Tom Crow dropped in Saturday from
the Butter creek section.
Mrs, M. Lichtenthal is couvulesoing
from an attack of grip.
M. It. Morgan was up from the lone
section 011 business Friday.
The Weekly Sun and the Gazette $2.75
per etir, bnth striotly in advauoe.
Hon. It. V. Gates is putting iu a light
ttrul water plant ht Klamath fulls.
No rain .LaMer. The old sign says
no rum fur seven successive Sundays,
Wash Thompson dropped in yesterday
from his ranch over ou Sand Hollow
Sid Iliiwaon is hack from England to
his Arlington home. Lie had a splendid
Now 1h the time to kill squirrels; am'
Swaggart'g 'Sure Shot" is the stuff to do
it with. tf
Geo. Fell returned from Portland last
evening, having spent a week there on
frank Sbepardson, an engineer on the
Southern Pacific Ry., who resides at
Los Angeles, Cal., was troubled with
rheumatism for a long time. He was
treated by several physicians, also
visited the Hot Springs, but received no
permanent relief until he used Chamber-
laiu's Pain Balm. Ho says it is the best
medioine 111 the world for rheumatism.
For sale by Slocum-Johoson Drug Co.
Sunday Inst Frank Whetstone and
Bob Wilkins oame together down at the
Belvadere, Bob coming out second best
In faot Bob did not fight at all which led
Reoorder Hallock to let him off without
tine yesterday. Frank paid the custom
ary fee for the privilege of fighting on
Sunday. If the Gazette remembers
oorrectly that costs about $10.
Dr. J. II. McLean's Strengthening
Cordial and Blood Purifier is admirably
adapted to make "a little health go a
long way." Its curative power is
largely attributable to its stimulant,
tonic aud nutritive properties, by which
the energy of the system is reoruited.
It is pleasant to the taste.easily borne on
the stomach and harmless under pro
longed use. Prioe $1.00 per bottle.
Col. J. W. Reditigton sent Fred
Sherman a fine lot of garden and flower
seeds a few days ago, and for this Fred
is very thankful. Bat as the extreme
high wiuds have blown Johnny s fenoe
iown a uumber of times lately, Fred
suggests that an invoioe of new oedar
posts would have been muoh more
Dave Porter andNels Magnusen while
in yesterday from Lexingtou were seen
by a Gazette reporter to whom they gave
the information that muoh fall-sown
grain has been Frozen out, aud so far the
dry weather has interfered with spring
grain. With seasonable rains whioh
will surely come soon, fair crops are
Philadelphia Record: There arrived
at the West Philadelphia stock yards on
Friday what is claimed to be the largest
steer in the world. 'Ihe animal which
weighs within n fractiou of two tons is
0 years old, ami was raised near Mechan-
lRNburg, Cumberland oounty. It is of
the Durham variety.
W. W. MmuaJ, Laving been to con
siderable ex pense to improve his fowls
by the Introduction of new blood from
the prize pens of S. A. Wells, of Almeda
Cal., is now prepared to furnish eigs of
the Brown Leghorn breed that cannot be
exoelled in Oregon. 17-tf.
Council Meeting. Counoil met in
regular session last evening, all coun oil
men present exoept rarusworth and
Horner, Reoorder Hallock, acting mayor,
presiding, and Marshal Roberts in at
tendance Minutes of last regular
session read and approved cms
allowed: N. S. Whetstone, 8150; Dave
Drannon, $150; J. E. Mistersoo, $1.50;
Gilliam & Bisbee, $3; A. M. Slooum,
$1.75 The bond of A. A. Roberts,
as marshal of the town of Heppner, was
examined by the committee on finance
and on their recommendation was ao-
cepted and plaoed on file with the
recorder The oommittee on streets
and public property recommends that
the bridge near Mrs. Welch's be braoed
and repaired. Also aocepted the repoit
of the marshal as to repairs 00 the
bridge aoross Willow creek, near E. G.
Sperry'a residence. The marshal sug
gested that baokyards and all streets be
oleantd up immediately, an his sugges
tions were favorably received. .... .The
ordinance lioensing Chinese laundries
was read first time by section, and on
motion the rules were suspended and
the same read the second time by title.
The petition of Hanry Heppner
et al , that the Heppner Light & Water
Co. be asked to use their large domestic
reservoir for domestic and irrigating
purposes, instead of the small reservoir
known as the "Ayers reservoir," was
laid on the table for further aotion
On motion the marshal was instructed to
examine the reservoirs at least once a
month and to report on same at the first
meeting in each month Counoil adjourned.
When your heart pains you and un
usual palpitation is frequent, accom
panied sometimes with ehotness of
breath and low spirits you ate tsufferiDg
from a disordered stato of he liver,
digestion is imperfect and there is wind
on the stomaoh. If allowed to remain
the trouble will ultimately reach the
kidneys and becomes dangerous to life.
Steps should be taken to stay its pro
gress on the appearance of the first
symptoms. Dr. J. H. MoLean's Liver
and lvidoey balm is especially adapted
for disorders of this kind. Price $1 per
A very interesting Easter sermon was
delivered at the M. . ohuroh last Sun
day by Rev. Frank Parrisb, of Pilot
Shiloh's Cure, the great Conch and
Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pocket
sine contains twenty-five doses only 25c.
Children love it. Sold bv T. W. Ayers
Among those in attendance on the
populist gathering Saturday last we
noticed W. O. Metier, Heman Caldwell,
L. W. Lewis, Wei. Gilliam and Bob
Pap Simons gets letters almost
weekly from his mother who is now over
one hundred years old. She lives baok
in Missouri and is in comparatively good
The DODuliat brethren had an en
thusiastic meeting at the court house
Saturday last for the purpose of keeping
up their organization, etc., in this
In our next issue we expect to give
our readers a few sheep notes. Dr.
Wilson and others are in the field and
will take out quite a number in the
Captain Sweeney, fj. S. A., San Diego,
Cal. says : "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy iB
the first medioine I have ever found that
would do me auy good." Price 50c.
T. W. Ayers, Jr.
Charley Hinton, of The Dalles, has
been on the Heppner branoh for a few
days in place of Fireman Durham who
has had a touch of the not altogether
desirable, lu grippe.
"Life's LesBon in Rhyme" is Rev. E.
P. Green's Bubjeot tonight, instead of
"Life in Rhyme." Small mistake, but
come out to bear the lecture. It will be
interesting and instructive.
Ben Swaggart shipped 720 onus of his
"Sure Shot" squirrel poison over into
Washington today. This is the result of
his having carefully introduced his
poison in that country last season.
The Only
Mr. A. Ashbaiigh Lad the misfortune
to lose a $11) bill on our streets Satur
day last.
Mr. John Lalanne is over from Gallo'
way and will remain in this vicinity for
some time.
Ask your newsdealers for "Coin'i
Fi lancial School," and don't be satisfied
till you get it.
Gihousi'n Bros, are making a special
cut on large family groups; call and
get their prices. tf
Geo. Thornton and family have
moved into the Mauri property, near
the M. E. church.
Spring advertisers get the spring trad
Those who do not advertise throw away
their opportunities.
Jaun t W. Smith, of Arlington, is at
Los Angeles where he hopes that his
health may improve.
Auyiitie having one, two and three
vear old steers for sale should leo Ham
Kinsmau at Heppner. tf.
Where lambing is in progress, sheep
men say that the increase it 1UO percent.
Tho weather is flue tor it.
Mr. J. 1'.. Hperrf ba leased the
Palace hotel and will open it up ht once.
We wish her ah imlaut anocraa.
Al Florence's son, Dun, it ill with the
In U'H'V". "'"I Kimsey is confined
to his bed at Al't with rheumatism.
For goml meat, full weight anl Cash
j rio rail ou Johnny linger, Ilia new
butcher, next dmir to the post ofhVp.
T. W. Ayirs, Jr., hat moved bit
squirrel poison factory or loth Avert'
building, on May street, tirxt d'r to
the bakery.
Mel lows A Sermii-r, th hlai-ksniilhs,
Lorh-rt and ui. bulohrra, at the
old Giinn aland, Main ttrrvt, llppnr.
Call 00 the boy.
I. A. KindVy, i.f tit r.hoa crk
trtin, railed on tho Gat t if httitrday ,
Mr. Findley is rh t.f lieprrarnta
livn l.ln let'.n, t.f Linn.
Mathi i r.f.,('lly li "lidhtlhff shop,
tmisorial ar'.fi. Ilafrultitig. ihsvmg,
dimiipiH.lt g, eti., dona eirutlllcally .
lUIIlt al Oelllt apl-C,
John MFerrio ' uufr -tn tb vallcv.
!! fuMii hand r rkliiif for )0
a m n th t'ii Itier. aud tut vry
thing ! in prop,. Ml n.
G. ! !UM. tl ..tnl arit. ran
b t .On 1 at l.i th", M .G "dl C'orr.
l.r li wi.l dii i-iiw xl 1 ! 't'r I f .--.
!iv, httitp"i, lull tl. ''. 1
H Y. Ssrf'i" ! t ' l"'r'l ' ' "'h
hi "'ifo m, it ' .,. f. jf. .n In
!)' ,: I .la !' ! - !) tr.oiT. t
a U'K r ! r tf tu iii' '" i'd
I lli. I , ' 'I 111 ti I,
It hu ii .1 t I 1'" rl..f unin 1 . Iill.o
Jrt. 'f.
j ,(., ,,; f,. e-i I kUrtiainif
tntl-f tu i"' t-K ! li!B " Uiof
tbi m .f i . i . ri' u" !".
ltd h' ' Ul r Hin ltt'l'lT f' ri f 'f
Ffi.1' l i". fl.o r iVi if tft a
tim fn l.t ! n fi ! h i il
III l I1!-. I I" in ; it,-uteo.
Mf 4 I' s,-rt-t ! r f, io I n l
nt.'-io l np f fi"' Hi fr.Utt'at.t
In Iho I, nl f t llial Ii 1' li'.rf. n lh !
aM 1 T ;.." I. ! ' " 1 "I
. l.i I , f .' ' ' "- ?
fjl h inUf A a !
Hpil r.'" t'4,-i.. 1,1 a I
: i ' " 1 f.tiTi:l. il.
Great and thoroughly re
liable building-up medicine,
nerve tonic, vitalizer and
Before the people today, and
which stands preeminently
above all other medicines, is
It has won its hold upon the
hearts of the people by its
own absolute intrinsic merit.
It is not what we say, but
what Hood's Sarsaparilla
does that tells the story :
A False Alarm While patohing up
our Bteam whistle Friday afternoon, in
other words, toniug down that unearthly
squeal to a decent whistle, some noise
was made, and in response a number of
gentlemen invaded our office with the
idea that, perhaps, there was either a
fire or that the fighting editor bad been
licked. Among them were three sheep'
buyers strangers. The Gazette is
grateful that they should be so
solicitous as to our welfare, for some
day we may whiBtle for our friends, and
need them badly, too. The foroe took
time by the nineteenth century bang aud
lost no time in stating its true position,
and received from eiioh and every one of
onr Friday oallers the promise to re
spond if oulled upon.
A Veteran of the Mexican War.
Oak Harbor. Ohio. ''I met Geo.
Momeny, an old veteran of the Mexioan
war, on the streets today, who told me
that after reading about Simmons Liver
Regulator he bought a bottle, and the
first three doses gave him immediate
lelief." Geo. Gosline. Your druggist
sells it in powder or liquid; The powder
to be taken dry, or made into a tea.
Even when all other prepar
ations and prescriptions fail.
" Formerly every year I had an erup'
tion 011 my body, and a kind of biting
pain besides. I have had it now for
four years every summer, but since I
began taking Hood's SaraapaiiUa
have had no trace of it. I have taken
seven bot't.ie.3." Fred Foster, 3101
Black St., Denver, Colorado.
H-i'o rM1 urn tastHest
mild. ( ftVr
All iirusyi.sts. Hoc.
Big General Merchandise Store
Heppner, .... Oregon.
We Sell Groods
No More Credit Sales.
Shoes now arrived. Bir reduction in prices in everv line. Groceries very cheap. Hard
ware, Tinware, Glassware, Crockery, Mitchell Wagons, HackB and Buck Boards. Oliver
villi icii i uy o, tiuiii rm r mr:c 1 v mo, V'liS, r. I C
Country produce taken in exchange for goods. Cash advances made on wnnl
S We Sell . . m
ffl The Celebrated . . 4 T 4 T 4 W
Send in your
Baking Powder
These goods are Strictly Pure and
give the best of satisfaction .
For Salk. A thoroughbred regis
tered Hereford bull May wood, No.
28,61)6. This bull was bred in Illinois by
Geo. T. Baker, and is just the animal
you want to breed 8 00k that will bring
a good pnoe. 1 will sen oneap as 1
have another of same stock j or will trade
or good muoh oows.
8tf. F. O. Buckndm.
Our readers will find Simmons Liver
Regulator advertised in these ooluuins.
We advertise it, and use it, and we rec
ommend it as a safe aud excellent medi
cine We became acquainted with it in
Georgia where it is a standard family
medioine. We d o not deny the merits
of other preparations, but simply state
that this one commands confidence.
Lanesboru (Minn.) Journal.
If the town of Heppner does as well
this year as it did the last, the end of
the fiscal year will find the lloating
indebtedness well-nigh wiped out
Economical measures will bring us out
on solid ground strain, and then "pay as
we go should be the motto.
Yesterday was the Kev. Hicks' day for
cyclones. While the eminent divine
may have been correct as to some
localities, fortuuately they did not visit
the Heppner section. Long Creek hsi
not been heard from yet, however.
T. It. Lyons, the attorney, oame within
"ail see" of having quite a fire over at his
Oouiloo law oflirie a few days ago. It
was occasioned by the use of a stove
pipe for a tine. A few buckets of water
at the ritfbt time did the work.
Frank Lee, representing Nichols,
Diipee Co., of ISnnton, came in Hun
dy to gt his share of the wool. He is
the same genial aud good natnred
Frank and Heppner people are glad to
see him with them ouce more.
Karl Clover Ivxii will pnriry your
Blood, clear yonr Complexion, regulate
your bowrlH and mke your bead clear
as a bell. l: . oUc, and 81. bold by
T. W. A.vera Jr.
lMgar Matttsino telle oar reporter
that Wm. IVliland lost eighty head of
sl.eep few dy ago, a young dog
Piling them up during the night while
the htrilr waa snugly ensconced ia his
Eabtkk Services Last Sunday even
ing, at the M. E. ohurch, Easter services
were held whioh consisted of a very in
teresting program of reoitations and
songs. The little folks did very well
indeed, their renditions boing alike
creditable to themselves and to their in
structors. The solo by Mies Auna
Brown and the duet by Miss Brown aud
Mrs. W. P. Dutton were finely rendered
and very muoh appreciated. The Ga
zette congratulates those who had the
affair in 0 barge on the successful con
summation of tbeir plans, and believe
that they have the thanks of all who
were permitted to be present for so de
lightfully entertaining them ou that
T. W. Avrs, Jr., is waking squirrel
ihiIsoo that he guarantee. N kill on
pav, and II It at " cent per ran, (i
eai.s for 81 80; gi..l pr dozen. nt
ample an l try It. tf.
lt"V. Unry Urun writ UrV. J. M
IlfiiUnn that Iim cauii'it viil Heppner at
i.ri'urni llntnr, he hp aftrr
while to lix abli t dlivr the promise!
Irctora l our cit iz.-u
Hrm yir nrw dxaler or statiotn-r for
"Cuin'a KltiHimial .Snhool," and don't I
Htifl"d till you get It and r-al it. It
l a wrk f rrc"gnu'd iner.t and
hould I read by all.
()rn Mathew fur shaving, hair
rtiiting, bHruiMiing and all cither work
In thut lm. I'.itl at any tuna during
,iimebiur. CM. J"n-i, assistant.
DkATa of Jack Castwill. A tele
gram wai reoeived yesterday afternoon
announcing the sad news of the death of
Jaok Cantwell, who went below a few
days agn to have an operation performed
for appendicitis. The operation was
performed Saturday last, we are inform
ed, and from it Jack never rallied. Ue
was most exemplary young man and
had a host of friends. For some time
past be was in the emp'oy of the O. It,
k N. at Heppner, and bis dutiea were
discharged at all times in an efhVient
manner. The remains will undoubtedly
reach here tonight for interment. The
vmpsthv of all goes out to the sorrow
Ing relatives in their deep affliction.
Ifc-v. E. P. ire.ri will tell you some
beautiful truths loniglit at Ihe M. K
church. In bis eubjMpt. "title's lessons
la lthyme." Admission, 1" and 'l cents,
Now Is the time to g (be Weekly
(Iregooiali, the greatest oeaspaper
the West. W ith lhe(JE'tle,lMitb strict
ly in advance, for one year, No better
coni bin a 1 ion ur nenspaprrs cn lie mane
io the state. ItinldiMi we will give as
premium an additional Journal, the Web-
f'M.t I'lanter, an aricniir.rai a
Come in now and sulworllw. '
Wheat, bu 8 32
Flour.bbl I to
Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, cwt. 2 00
tbree " " 3 W
Sheep, muttons, head .... 1 50 2 25
stock 1 OU u I 70
Hogs, ou foot, cwt 3 00
Hogs, dressed w
Wool 5 8
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 40
Eggs, doz rj'i
Chickens, doz 3 00
Potatoes, per owt oU
Wheat, cwt 8 85 0 W5U
Flour.bbl 2 !10 ti 3 15
Beeves, stall fed 4 50 ( 0 UO
Muttons, owt 6 00 (A 8 00
Hogs, owt 4 50 5 25
Wool Eastern Oregon.. 7 W
Butter, Bj 10 co 14
Eggs, doz 14(4 15
Chiokens, doz 5 00 r 6 00
lurkeys, lb 15 ($ 18
Wheat, cwt 85 O't !I5
Flour, bbl 2 iH)4 3 15
Beeves, owt 3 00 (it 3 CO
dressed uu (f u uu
W-L. Douglas
4.3.sp Fine Calf&Kangarooi
3.P POLICE, 3 soles,
.4i unoiiM.. .
' CPkinrnDfATiififiir
'iFiAS: u 1 1 1 via uni ntuguL
Over One Million People wear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our shoes are equally satisfactory
They give the best value for the money.
They equal oustotn shoes In style and tit.
Thslr wearing qualities are unsurpassed.
The prices are uniform, -.-stumped on sole.
Prom $1 to $3 saved over other makes.
t If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by
Dealer whose name will shortly np
pear here. Agent wanted. Apply at once
1 ' w
Spray Your Fruit Trees
It is the Headquarters !
paints, Drugs Oils,
let: Artloea, Patent
ICt O)
Glass, Tol
Office of all stages running out of Heppner.
PHIL. COUN, Proprietor.
1 IU
)II1VP 777,
Now Is tho time to have your fruit trees
sursycil. 1 Imve one ol the lliiest sprny I'unips
In tlie market anil use tlie most ellectuul reme
(lies, and Kiiiiraiiti'u my work. Chsrueh reiiHnn
slile. 1 can lie found at Homer ii; Warren's, or
write nie at Heppner, Oregon. law
On the 2nd dy of April, 1S!I5, there
Btmved ou niy iihiee wiir llcppiier, one
thrert-venr old horse, clitrk buy with stHr
in forelieinl, left hind foot white, branded
tlif ure 4 ou riht sh'inlder. Any person
owninu this horse cun have hiiiiio by
Diiyinir all oosts. iiiclu linn this ntoloe.
W. M. Wadk.
Muttons, live ehenred ... 2 o0 Kt 3 (HI
dressed 4 00 is M
llagH. on foot 3 Tid
' dressed 4 M
WikiI Eastern ()rt'ou... 6 kti fi
Untler 22,'iM 25
Kiitfs. doz 0
Chickens, doz 2 50 (4 3 50
Turkey, II) dressed VI
I'OH KAI.K (lit Tit A OK.
I hnve h inck of flrst-clHSH breeilinir
onnlitles. eiuht years old, Hint I would
like to sell or trade. If oiihli is not oon
vcnieiit. will take in exPhanire for this
valuable hiiiimhI either caltle or sheep
Call on or address me ut Heppner, Ur
tf. J. H. Simonh.
Deputy Stock Inspector.
i ( ro Iihi In-eii .p..llite. ilepntjf slurk
lnlei Uir for Hie Butter cit-ek ki IIoii of Mor
row enmity.
jam. wyi.asd.
;!.i.-7 Mis k liitiwtor.
Hen lliuiNiiker, the ori uinal and only
Hen. e rustler from Kiistlcrvilln. seeks
to tell tin- pilhlio t nit ha is ready to do
business ith them at tliestiinil (urinnrly
onnniiicd by Jerry Colin. H has plenty
of kooiIh to sell (or oat'li, at low prices
too. (See ml.
Miraihmd Merniiiitiln Co., have
uhanieil their Iiiihiim'hs to im almnliile
oah basis, bi'UinniiiK with the new year,
Their iirii-Mi miMipare witli tlie lowcaf
Also sell the OolUeii West llakintf Tow-
der. us uond as tlie best in the market
Hud cheaper. Hre new hd. 11
Cheap for CasJi
Is the place to go for everything in the line
Cjv--""' " Groceries, Tens, Coffees, Hngare, Canned
J"i Ooods, Tinware, Wood and Willowware,
n .1 r
V i V I I I ''
J 01 llnllllU jaftfc
Stockmen s Supplies !
Cigars, Tolmooos, Confectioneries, Eto.
,- -r- SUCH A l'LACE 13
The Red Front Grocery
Old 111 nek m a u Htand, opposite the postoHice.
J5. A. IIUNSAKEll, Prop.
Sncoeasor to Jerry Colin.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for
Cash Only.
H I'lVNHf.
HftVO HUCOfiPllfd A.
IluHiiifHH aud aro
M. Otllill ill tho l'.iu-lKriiitliir.f
iiri'iiiircil to d') nil kinU ut
A M K( IAL fil l I K Kill Bl IllMi I'l.AM
I Ml.
Vntil -I'laio or fsnpy mmittg. Will
gi to Him lioii r take srwn.g kl borne.
Sirs. Mry IUudr'in.
Ham Kinsman lias retnrtil 1mm I'ort
I slid wl.ntirr he lis I Iwil 10 CoOliSPtwm
with stork uictils.
('has. Mffnt ltn ran w Slir-
ilr lHt 10 ll aflef oii, la'usif.litf the 1
lm I r it,i .-ri.liij.
Vi,l.. I l.tnndrv w..rk l y MrsC. j
Sr i in, i..d M I'l'llam .'no. .M'lel lirf
lirs'ly I j
Tiv A"' 'Ti'fi'l ftmt,n tM-fore
t.njirf m-.y u'tnr. ly liVI t
h.r-i.. If. I
I, tn initk . i ei : rnn I ik, 6 r' j ,
f,li -V, ?i r'. at trv.
An tUi"" who ro all lir l cm! and
(,,,. n, ! iir. filing ' t'k ic .ii
e , y f'ii" I f 'l l'i mp'-iTi' li
Ikkiatf II I .('S'llU. wliH U !
rit. m I t-il rt-if'li and
tlk.ionl f i'.'. H ll 'l. It !
--I ( ..!. ri' I:. I g'io
,r'tl. ,f( kl, I il 1 !ll.
I! t .1 tM ' I .
Wskoii Hhop run III rolinii Hon. Hjitlntm tlmi uuribuI" i d. ( nil
III till-Ill St tliUlil'l (llltlll lliop,
i w. . im:imni;k.
!s Kcelcy kU
I-'or llio Curo oi
Liiuor,()iium and Tobacco Habits
It Is lot sled st Hull-in, (ItiK'ill,
Thf Mimt llriiutiful Town on th Const.
'Il ut tlio (Unr.Ti nrrlm lor Hirllriilsni.
Hlrd II) iinli'lehinl. I ri aiiiiunl rlvsi and sure
Having iKinnht the entire interest in
rjtirsrrf ei'-rk Irom the J. (). Wbitofy'e
estate (iiiisixtiiig of kpplrs, pears, plums,
prutir. cherries, arliK, apnooti,
nctaniii, grap, fM,liri-s, btaw k
hrrl, cunauls, g-melx-rrlrt, dew-Iwmi-s,
.ie plant. etfawlrrii-, te., ftlao
slialt ami ornameotal t, inapht,
elm, mhilo a.h, liio'iiila.n Mh, calalp
im-uI, l I al l'f. i"Uf, halm, walnut,
t,it- l.irch.i.aka, h .rs rhuttmti, mul-U-rrioa,
w.,u,g ah, will'iwe, ivi''gre
elo , tl iring tbort, altuoe l, roa, ami
hrm-. blare, ato.w tail, ilu'ia.
eitf ha, i'ii, i.it)sur l. hyilratiga.
)riiirfr. k,lhaa. ela. An l bring rom
lll. t'i rm'i mm Ihie sp'iiitf
ara ( rr ,r., to f'lrtimh t" fU l
l,M Ihao cl f B''lti. ' !''
frooi oi at once, wiib hat of y'tf
wanla a I e will ttni.t )"1 ptirf that
ill i liu ami !. -r ri
P. C. Thompson Company
Are Still on Deck with Bargains for Cash
Land Patents
Lnml jmtotitK H'ouroil fur m tlliTB in tho hlmrtoht i(ifcailii I'm.
Contested Cases
Coutchtcil ciihch iutfllicritly nut akillfull)- Lutidli'tl.
Old Claims and Disputes
Ol 1 rlniiriH am ilinjitili n Kpi i-ilily -U!i'l.
Oifnr Main Willow rtrrl.
f MT
- I
at 3 1 I'ajMt", I lab i,
M,i rr I It Wklf Sin, Ira
r ( 1 1 - f l!ir'it. II r r.
Wilt, Hi list II. tdh tn al!"-,
Ijt5ir )"ar. A "..,! n.ii I iiia'u n.
I , i I p-t,l a pfrrs al of," pri.
AttorneyH fit
All tm'rt att-n l I to In a prorupt
tnaunvr. Notana I'nl l1 ai.'l ('
ilxtwi-rn iiiliviluals liaviiis1 roi,n linif rlaima nrnh r II, m sr irnlli.ral lanil
i laws, ainl lln lii-l-n fliHirnaiiia iimk r in ninn-rai i.aw n'i ''""'
; .'l.iiiiiants; an l aUi lwlcoi -UiniaiiU ini l"f any lli pMili lnl law an-l !
liailrnail rompanii ami tin ir n ranti-rs, an I II, alalia ami ll nr Kranli-rs, iimUf
' tii haainp I, ami ami H. li ml I.iiihI (Irani.
I HM-i'lally rnaliif 'iiriri( palrtil inth hofl l i.,l. lun fnf .'ttlrr
ho ha P'.mi.lu il ilh Ih la omli-r l,li-h ll.nr ri.lti.a mrt tns I.-, an.l ho
; an- aiii u)"l ami rrMl j Uls In th Imh o !l,. ir patxiita, ranu-il by Iiil.iiitf
lll.l TM.I1, OllK'iON. i lrrruiantira wMh ran la rasily ami hly fnm.iv.t.
mmmmmml mmmmmmmmm 1 A'lvir- al. iri lo all maltha r laln ir tl ptil.lm laml. rlally fti
mmm mmmmmmmmmmmm J j,,,!,, nrlaintf urulrr lh w- la a IiipIi lia( l-li fon-titlj paaaiMl rn,iiij fur
II. a Atmtt'fml 1,1 II. m titililm iliiiiihlti.
If you !,! nr land pal-iil In a hurry- If wai.t fnt Ian. I lininM, of
any il.aran'ur. alt"!,,). I to by akillliil aii l r.i ip- l- nl al'. rm )a, an I rdnptly Ji
mr ut, writ IO
rf i"v
Hi, I pn' i fm
1 Ut.MV)
John Vi ddi Hi t'KN, Cit s. Man.
t Mhll"W