Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 16, 1895, Image 2

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    IN P
honestly and to carry to consum
mation their own dirty schemes,
the ring seeks to prejudice the
people against the anti-ringsters.
It will not work.
A man named Tooze, Nooze or
Booze over in AVoodburn pricinct,
Marion county, says somebody has
ied. According to the other man
he is the guilty one, and as one is
friend of the people and the
other against, we leave the public
to judge. Our Woodburn friend
was a Dolph man during the late
senatorial contest.
Stephen B. Elkins will make a
mighty good candidate for the
presidency in 18.
General Oh ant in his lifetime
thought Bismark and Li Hung
Chang two of the world's greatest
Chicago wants a separate state
government on account of local
demands and needs. According
to the constitution of the United
States, the state of Illinois will
have to grant such government by
egislative action, as no state can
be formed out of the territory of
another state without the permis.
sion of that state.
O.scau 'Wilde, the villinn of
"Rork" proclivities, is still in
durance vile over in England. lie
should be deported for life.
Taxeh are high this year, am
the people complain. Our schools.
however, should be kept up if all
other public concerns go to pieces,
The republican club meeting at
Portland May 22 promises to be
an enthusiastic gathering. Every
club in the state will bo repre
Chahley Nickel, editor of the
Jacksonville Times, has been un
posed on by a woman solicitor,
"The boys" all feel sorry for
Hon. Stephen JJ. Elkinh, one of
the loadorn of the republican party
ami an present senator-elect lrnm
West Virginia, has como out
solidly for silver.
Late advices from Japan stab
that terms of treaty between that
i i it i t
country ami v nina nave iieen
agreed upon, but just what they
aro is not yet known.
Hon. J. W. Wei.ck, ex-represen
tutive from (.'atso county, sued
two men for services as a lobbyist
during the legislative session
IS'.).'!, lie failed to make his claim
Tin; (lazette is for honest money
but it does not like to see two
dollars worth of labor, products
lands or rentals go for one dollar,
An appreciating Ktamlard is
dishonest standard.
Ol ll old friend, Michell, of th
Tillies-Mountaineer, always was
good newspaper man, but with his
new dress of body and advertising
type, a lot of new ads and a lnrgt
daily, he is making all his neil
lors enviourt.
I'ai I, Si hi i.tzi:, the laud agent
of th" Northern I Willi for year
past, suicided by shooting hints.
in the head, over at l nco iia Siitur
day last, I'iiiiiiicinl dilliciilties nm
the loss of his position are attr
buted as the chiihi'm.
with all the credit money that can be 1
supported on business principles, the
world g money of redemption wool i
increase twice a fust as it does now
ander the dingle gold standard. The
unearned purchasing power of money
would be taken away. But the idea
that there must be a dollar for every
dollar owed, is to say that there can be
no prosperity unless every man can get
a brand-new dollar for every dollar owed
him. Editor
Bilious Colic.
Persons who are subject to attacks of
bilious colic will be pleased to know that
prompt relief may be bad by taking
Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and
IJiarrbcea Remedy. It acts quickly and
oan always be depended upon. In many
cases the attack may be prevented by
taking this remedy an soon as the first
indication of the disease appears. 25
and 50 oeut bottles for sale by Slooum
Johnson Drug Co.
Eli Perkins Defends Democrafv in His Way.
The Veracious Gentleman Fi es a Valuable
Opinion and the Salrni StHtesmiiu Re
produce it.
The bill providing for a con
stitutional convention nearlv
passed at the recent session. In
the senate it was defeated bv
i 1
Dawson, of Linn, who had previ
ously promised in writing to
support the measure, but who went
out to avoid voting. In the house
it was a tie, twenty-three republi
cans and seven populists voting for
Marvelous Itesults.
From a letter written bv Rev. J.
Gundermiin, of Dimondale, Mch., we are
permitted to muke this extract: "I have
no hesitation in reoommending Dr. King's
New uiscovery, as tlie results were
iilmowt marvelous in the case of my wife
While I was patitor of the Baptist ohuroh
at Rivs Junotion she was brought down
with Pneumonia succeeding Lia Grippe.
Terrible paroxysms of coughing would
lust hours with little interruption and
it seemed as if she onuld not survive
them. A friend reoommended Dr.
King's New Discovery ; it was quick in
its work and highly satisfactory in
results." Trial bottles free at T. W.
Avers. Jr. drug store. Regular size
Gllc. anil .
l'i;o i ci io to (ho primary pro
diiceis is as Decenary as that
H'uen to manufacturers. Hy
liioneti.ing silver (he fuitlii
appreciation of will .
topped, and thus the people will
be fired from unjust burdens.
Tin: woik of i'roMeciiliiig At
torncy Hume in the huppn scioii of
vit't ill l'oltlaild in MI Inly apple,
ended by all i-xcept thorn who un
looking for .'vcu-t h to lind fault,
lie is a faithful idliivr and ban
Intnl.! All i liviabli IVtMnl.
Wi: im not itidoiHt cHi'h and
every niti.l.', front the pi u f
Coin loidetr, published ill mil
paper. I!. it this it a fire coiitti
and a fair fi. hi, an I the (iaette
ha n iotih AniericaiiiMii (,t
nil it he u ii k. long ai demand
are ri'!itoilifiMi
In your issno of April 5, 181)5, you
state that "the Gazette is for iarchnbil-
intent of silver beoaiiHe there is no need
of more money of ultimate redemption."
Now what I can't see is that there is "no
need of more money of ultimate redemp
tion." In the same iswue I road that
thu amount of gold and silver produced
in the United Hlates yearly is perhaps
close to J1()0,0(I().00()," and I suppose
what you mean by redemption money, is
money tlmt will redeem our outstanding
If I urn right, will you please tell me
how we are to pay :illl),00ll,0l)0 of interest
on our foreign indebtedness, and if the
interest did not exceed the output of our
mini s, would not that leave our ollripring
to grnpple with the same problems that
are agitating our country today? Iain
willing to suppose that the "rehauili
ment" of silver would increase the out
put of our mines probably to double the
amount at the present time, hut that
would not sullicii. Besides our silver
mines are not in working order. It
proba'ily will take three years to pump
I hem out ho as to make them paying
property, ami before that time will have
passed, the increase of interest will very
nearly have doubled. And again, capi
tal will have as much power to control
the two inelala as it h is over gold now.
Now whi'u I make these assert ions, I
make them on the grounds of the natu
ral (low of interest and ifymi will take
the pains to figure on the problem yon
ill necensarily be driveu to the mime
. onehisions. Xor is tins Hll. 'llm m.
hin.'H, triinlH and corporations are almost
dally tightening the ciin.li on
lite comm. ui people, slid hoarding up
the money and through legislation are
placing it where it cannot be taied nor
unci to pay utt u.'Uhcr debt nor interest.
Now win a the money is nil hoarded up
either in foreign or hour ooficra, where
will the laboring da Ibid the menu to
purchase Hie iiifi saury supplies, and if
I hey have not the means where w ill the
in. reliant be; hii.I to wlmiu shall the
fanner I.N.k for market for Ins pro
.Ih. -Is?
These nr.- grave itnwtion and should
enter into the deliberations of every
v il.-r b...re he css's another hll...
Wll.l, Ill-Utt.
Hai.i mw, Oregon, April S, H.i.'i.
t'h tla.lta amd In it tMHin of April
ft. lliMt It "is (or the rehabilitation of
liter hri'siio there Is nret nl more
in y of iiilnunie redemption." .Mr.
Il.wkins should read carefully In for lis
riles. h ery Voter should know what
"in. .lie of Ultimate redemption" 111 a if.
II chii hat Inn one ctiktriii'lion, but
rial in not inni.t Hint there I li need
of redeeming pr.oiil.es to .iiy, lt.lt all
I... ill. I know Itml there are ivrUiu
t Cohomie trirln that d. fy any liiveliti.ui
l tin- iniii-li-riitli century t.i i.rrtnrn.
Mr r..(lei hi v wss in. si. U ,i ,-,iin
l-lle the ..ta I s sl d I I owing to
Tho Press Claims Company, of Wash
ington, D. C, has adopted a unique
method of encouraging American inven
tors. Every mouth it makes an award
of one hundred dollars in cash to the in"
ventor having the most meritorious in
vention, who may apply for a patent up
on the same through the medium of this
great combination of American newspa
pers, effected for the protection of the
American people against unscrupulous
patent attorneys and claim agents at
Washington. Three awards have been
made already ; one to 0. L. Jordan, of
Pellahatohie, Miss., one to J. H. Rogers,
of Philadelphia, and the third to 1. C.
DeVault, of Philadelphia, Pa. Mr.
DeVault lives at. 1429 H. Juniper Ht., in
the City of Brotherly Love, and his de-
vioe which reoeives the award of merit
for the present calendar mouth, is a oar
fender, simple in construction, practical
in operation, and no doubt of great com
mercial value. The Press Claims Com
pany sends out an interesting little book
let called "Hints to InventorB," which
the readers of this paper whiob are in
terested in obtaining patents would do
well to secure. They oiin be obtained
gratuitously by the readers of this paper
who mention that fact, and who euolose
a clipping of any advertisement of the
Company which may appear therein.
Baoked up, us its attorneys are, by the
influence of nearly two thousand of the
most potent papers of the country, the
Press Claims Company is now in a posi
tion to seonre prompt and speedy justioe
for all classes of claimants against the
General Government, and the renders of
this paper who have this class of claims
to prosecute would do well to oomniuni
oate with Philip W. Avirett, Managing
Attorney of the Company, 018 F Htreet
N. W., Washington, I). C.
"We take pleasure in recommending
ChiiinherliiiL's Coiixh Remedy because
it is praised by all who try it," says J.
W. Cox .V Son, druggists, Marshlield,
Oregon. No one elllicted with a throat
or lung trouble can use this remedy
without praming it. It nlwnjs gives
prompt relief. It is especially valuable
for colds its it relieves the I units, mikes
breathing easier and Kids xpi deration.
A cold will never result iu pneumonia
when this remedy is ta'ien and reason
able care exercised. For sale by
Slocum-Johnson Drug Co.
F.iuroit G.i.ettk:
As this part of Morrow county needs
to be represented in your valuable paper
I will send you a few Items,
J. M. Haling is in our midst.
Ibid colds are numerous, us we may
expect this lime of the year.
Isaao ami Miss Kditli Prazr anil
Cousin aro visiting relatives ou Eight
uur nuniiay school is in n prosperous
condition Mud oouvcucH at ;! p. m. every
Hchonl began at Hale Ridge school
house last Monday, Miss Edith Young
as teacher.
( has. Repass is getting along iiicely
with the broken bone, and it will not be
long until he can get around.
Rev. Hherrill pre, hod his farewell
sermon at Eight Mile Hiuidsv last. He
preaches at Grange hall next Sunday.
Mr. I.ovegreeil Is sulIVrilig with the
bone he had broken few years ago,
It seems that it has uever grown togi IhiT
very well.
The populist are preparing to sweep
From the Salem statesman.
Mr. M. D. Landon, belter known to
the average American as "Eli Perkins,"
journalist and leoturer, arrived in this
city yesterday from Oregon City and
registered at the Hotel Willamette.
His visit to Oregon's capital was for the
purpose of leoturing before the Y. M. C.
A. last night on the subject of "Phi
losophy of Wit and Humor.''
Mr. Landon is a native of the Empire
state and is now in his 55th year. He
is a graduate of Union oollege, New
York, and has made quite a reputation
as a humorist and lecturer. His first
publio writing was a history of the
Franco-Prussian warwbioh be produced
iu 1870 and this has been followed by
six other works of a humorous nature.
He is a Royal Aroh Mason, the G. A. R.,
and also of the New York Y. M. C A.
A representative of the Statesman
called on him at the hotel yesterday
Bfternoon and requested an interview on
the political situatiou aud the result is
given in the following:
"What are your politics?" awked Eli,
looking over his glasses.
"Straight republican," replied the
reporter modestly.
"Republican," replied Eli, savagely;
"Well you have got gall to come here
to interview a rock ribbed democrat
a Randall democrat. What do you
want me to say?"
"We wont to inquire if you aro al
together pleased with the work of your
"Well no I'm not," said Eli,
soratohing bis head, "I'm not altogether
"Well, what is the matter?''
"I'll tell you, my son," said Eli, slow
ly wiping his glasses, "I'm afraid the
party has gone baok on us Randall
democrats. I'm afraid they've lied to
us. They said 'tariff for revenue' in
the platform aud then they let a lot of
one-horse rebels from Tennessee and
West Virginia knock tariff for revenue
into flithereens. Why, instead of get
ting the reveuie we are running in debt
8150,000,000 a year. They told u.i tbey
would not lower wages. Then they cut
the tariff 30 per cut nd the boys are
mad. The free-trade dem lora's g it ns
Randall democrats by the throat. Tht y
wasn't honest We were led into a
trap 0 free-trade trap."
"What other lies did the free-trade
democrats tell you?"
"They said protection didn't protect
wau'es, nor oieato new industries nml
they made us believe that tin coiildu't
be made in this country, u by, up in
Portland yesterday Joseph S. u!e-!rr,
the great Wiishingtou salmon canner,
told tne he had bought hii tin from an
American manufacturer for ijfl.H.j a box
when he always paid 30 50 for Welch
"Then." continued Eli, "when the
crash came and our milhi stopped and
wages went down, wliHt did those free"
trade democrats tell ns? Why, they
lied again ami said it was the silver bill.
The silver bill! Why, the republicans
bought Sill) ,000,01 K) worth of idlver in
thirty years and coined it and the
ooiintry wan prosperous. We put Cleve
land in and he bought 7,!H:n,e(K) worth
of silver at the market price, 47 oents for
a dollar, coined it, and put it out f..r
f 14,uoo,0HI and we went all to pieces.
The silver bill ! 1 It was that uudemo
eratio free trHila tariff, Bud we Randall
democrats know it now."
"Well, what do you Randall demo
crats propi se to du?" asked the re
porter. "We raii't do anything," n.id Eli. "If
we were iu power, we'd put that turilT
back again. We'd stop mdling gold
bonds for 4 per cent lutein t to both
child but si II tin tu to Aunrii'HU demo
crats at II per Ci tit. We'd help strug
gling Hawaii. We wouldn't sink 11
republic and put iicgresv on a throne.
We would'! iniike wool free, kilt our own
sheep 1.1M buy 001,0.1.1 worth of
wool in Asia. We'd J krep our d. liars
at home. We'd put that bounty buck
Sighs fob Obeoos. W. E. Hilde
brand writes from Chatham, N. B., that
he is desirous of seeiug the Gnzatte
weekly find sends along thd "necessarj"
for b year. lie says further: "As for
myself would say that I am living
nn.lt r the protection of Her Gracious
Mhjesty, Queen Vic. I am traveling for
an implement firm and have a very good
position. I om about as near the North
Pole, too, as I care to get. Snow is
three feet deep at date and will last
until May loth at least, and that makes
me sigh for Oregon. am thinkiog of
returning to Oregon next vear, but my
relatives are determined to keep me
here, so don't know how I will make it
This is certainly the poorest country on
earth. Oregon bunchgrass is a paradise
compared with it. Times are very dull
but some better than in the states, I
think. Chief industries are lumbering,
fishing and farming. The Gazette is a
welcome visitor to me."
Rnckleu's Arnica Salve.
The best Balve in the world for cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Halt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all skin eruptions
and positively cures Piles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
riPce 25 cents per box. For sale by
T. W. Ayers. Jr.
Perhaps you may think that Scott's i.!vu:i oa is
only useful to fatten babies, to round u; the r ' wui
make comely and attractive, lean and fin-var v.o.nen,
and fill out the hollow cheeks and stop tae v:v.ii:r..v; oi
the consumptive, and enrich and vitalize tne l',?1
the scrofulous and anaemic persons. It v;in 00 au uns
but it will do more. It will cure a
Hard, Stubborn Gcurh
when the ordinary couh syrups and specific.-, c.i'nrely
fail. The cough that lingers alter the ( mp o.w 1 - neu
moniawill be softened and cured by the :.rKi;n;jheai
ing and strengthening influences ot this rbene:iceni
food-medicine, namely, Scott's Lmulsioii on Lod-uver
Oil and Hypophosphites ot Lime ana M'-aa.
Scott Downe, New York. All Dru--:. 5
A TKRurnus Experience. Martin
Masainger, an exoentrio old German who
lives in the mountains, was found in his
bed a few days ago by W. E. Mikesell,
sulTering intensely from inflammatory
rheumatism and starvation, having been
confined to his room and unable to get
out for two weeks. Mikesell took the
old man down to his plao9 and is doing
all he can for him, but he will doubtless
beoome a county charge, as we are in
formed that he has little meaus at his
City ! Hotels
THIS Popular Hostelry has again
1 been re-opened and will be run
in first class style.
Meals niTLcl iooms at 10111111
Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
Walt. Thompson runs stage between
Heupner and Monument, arriving every
day except Monday and leaving every
day except Sunday. Shortest and cheap
est route to the interior. P. Oohn,
Eastern papers say that oil is going
up. They chronicle an advance of 52
cents a barrel iu less than twenty four
hours. Th" monopoly, The Standard
Oil Co., will reap the harvest which the
people will 1)9 compelled to piy.
W. PATTERSON, AGENT. o.o ti iot l h.o w.rit
r i i s i tr, iRv jt-' i . a
u9,w?WiiyvMiarr ,1
jl"tftb0. FPU A CAr IT WILL NOT CUHfc..ff
An nirrecnble Laxative nndFTrtcvE Tonic
BoiUliy Druwristaorsent by mail. 2o&,5Uc
and Sl.OOper paeknire. Bamplua irCO.
XI t W A Th Favorite tOWBia
kWS torthoTcetUundLreath,Sio.
t or mile ly T. . Ayem, Jr., liuiruit
J El
t i W I
SiKSi mHH mmre
hi k ll
it,'-..i m tja u
timmMuYhii WiiMi'3K'A Wiw'sWiMlMlr Irl
en1 nro
Ti l REE
points :
Which wo wish you to
Ht'ini'iiiliiT :
Fiiist:- We Keep
Skcund: WtMiffi-r it
Tiiikd: Wo wll
Wo nro otiiil!oil to pivp niotc
for h (li)llur tlmn t ho iihuuI
'Ihillur'rt wnitli."
Main Stii'i t, Hoppnt-r, Or.
Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government 19
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their
patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli.
able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depeudsgreatly, if not
entirely, upou the care aud skill of the attorney.
With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneya
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re
tained count) expert iu patent practice, and therefore are prepared to
Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct I
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to.
getber with a brief description of the important features, and youwillbeatonc":
advised as to the best course t- pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If
others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by
others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the
p. o. box 463 JOHN WEDDER3URN, Managing Attorney.
49 Cut this out and send it with your Inuuir. JK7
the day lirr tu ".Hi. Thi-y ny thai thi
ri..iililiiuns will in r, Id Mniid on frr ; on siitur mid run snnr nil ov. r IVjhs,
silver tdslf..rm iu ''.si if thry Wl tbrui. ! 1-oiiii.mis, N. brimkn, mid Ciiliforniit mid
V r Iimv nif lu wentbi'r mid the
fiiriin-rs are luuk.iiK tfimd lis of it. Also
the .ky little s.inrrel i here thrent
liliiH the er.. Now is the time to rid
lute toil cotton. Wr'd (oil a turilT u
tine Inn ii tlmt is cstdiiiif m i.hmI.inm
)rnr in tiiTinsny mid lirUnd. Iioike
the fiiol ifii-s eoino lu-re s did the tin
1 1 Vt r will III I w.
1 1 1 1 1 - ' 1 . 1 1 . Ii. ii II. trmi i.t 1-.I n.l 1-n ll.-l
iviii..iiiio, i nv i iir ! un. I fl.-i. 1 ""' i"'1,1"' frd'i.v.i
- .r p iiiiiioiii i, ,.., i...
Ill o,t nnr mti,llit in. 'Ii. I an We i.. t i..
li , W. W lit III! ll ( :..
''J w..i ci mi t'liiiuiM, e..(.ie ne ii.u I ml lln lr enfj!
i in oikU ir ii. mi inay . kit Hiipr i Ho) imiiiue llie xul m.uk
itif.uiit.tti.Mi, tint I... ,i I M.' iliin th , tt-fc trdi, . ,.f nil i...'i. .
Vmifs Trill),
ue nri.inui ui. m ni Mre ine fc-ntm gels f,,,,,,.,, , ,rn ., v.-r Mum...
Ire euiMik'U l tie iiijiirrtl Ii thriu. I , , ,, , , ., .
' ' 'sou slid ttrenn ud-by the , I
lliht Mil Iihs I ii bli .d ltllim,. f tl....e fr,e Irn.b. ,I..ii,.vmM
i.lriiil e..rmoii Una sithuj. there L , , , , ... ,. . ., ,, ,
l.e. Advent. fhri-liMi, IL,..,,t m.d -'"J-y. '. "P - l'.-HUn.'.
Mellmllel. If there lui.l berti sny nlher ""'"I ,, X" 1HIH bMuutTt.t. 1
.Ii iioiiiiiihIioii Unit c Olid hsve gottro ' sl.l to him
here, I si ue they ould ,.v. Ki,en I -'tlrorwe. l,st did y.-n . Imtirf fo.?' "
u n.inie doctrine l.io. F.itflJ Mile iie.'.ls ' ... .... , . ,. . .
f, m..r. s.lvi.t.,1,1 .,r.i . .u I Ire. U,U- 1 '"
doctrine. "'What llT"
A ...bn,.i,., .t.,.. fc.tfn .t I'.ibt ! ru ,ofli 1 ,lul " 'U"""
Mile Mon.Uy l.t. Mrs. font Fit iH, j un''l,, "f '
l.'solii-r. the wriler is (U In see, ""Aht h .d .uir llnrle doi.?' I
ediimtitiil interests tt slirnd. M the Jt,., "
ciiiiitry ,li.t noiM ju.t ei.oiuh ... . ,
..ho..e.,lie,rl..l.fw n the i u,.,!. '' M" ,,f '"V H'her.
in. in r y mi ).( tliry bVe b'rne. l.e l''i'-e mi I s. . irsl.'d in f. tu Hi) Uiu,').
term lt.-f.ire. It slioa lht l.ilit Mile mi. I I i ial tu le nn n,t mini iht I.t
IviMiise f're Irn-l.t J.-m.-ert n.
n. h.vlanh. K hisiiop.
rreahlent. fs.hlT.
Mii.le on i'nroriible Terms.
i;.cii.N'r,r. noiv.Hr & ui.i
HKiiNK if onr.oov
AND r.-S4CX,' AReft.i.T.-lV
V v ! FCR 10 1-CENT kiAMP8
zrT a 1 1 ' r ''.li.r I'l l- '"') '.ii' tl-
rJ4 I " '.-..Iw.l Hllhlii .
r l. ' -vhU-i- iirlnieil ..ll
V i.A tVli.-K ..n.v
yttir boldly
n 'iwt..iiii.r IVi.in tmt
U.-liem uinl iiuiimr,u
VM I'roniUM.v, lini'l-iil'lin til
.r. -.3
"V 1
rn OH Oril Dr.AI.IlKH ran m I
tou mi (hlnea cheaper than Ton ran
irl rlMWhtre, 1 lie M:V IlO TIK
our bust, but we make cbraper UUids
.ii.li pi the t'Ll.lAX, II)i:t, ac-.-t
ul.ier lllsh Arm full Mrkcl V.M.t'
ivvtnic Ularhlnea for HS.OOand v.
Cull on our agent or write tie. , n
yvar.i your trade, and lfprlte, trn'
au J iuare dealing will win, i-e tvl t
i-ic It. We rhallenne tlio i-.rl I iu
. oJ.irea UKTTI It fJO.OO fc.-v'ri'.
nclilue for ISO. OO, or a l.rltrr i : ).
wlnr Machine for (20.00 then i 1
:vn bur Iron na, or our Art n.
(-.-.vm .T...il.. M Vi" f-i' N. .
fcfcv.'- - '1!- er. I... i. M- l' i ij.-. I L.A.
The New ILnf Sew ir g JLi.tsiw Co.
'i"7 Msrket St. Ssn FrancUm. Csl.
LV" 'i ' y 1 vitiiiuiiii' ih.ik., ii.K.rv
rt -V r'J-wtn ' Kiiuiii-.iiiiii.'i.iii.-.i-i-.
J4 ) H 'e itii.l nn h pur..
irv7T7 with mi.'.'
JWiitm ,a-.t..l 111.
Ml-I Ml. k mi v.
I j,ji .t' -SJJ inv .-.-i.t ii.!itit'- III vimr
'K fiht' iM'ni I. ry I nii-li -l n.v:
rV "'. U, t I '- lili'l "V.-r IKIIMI l"H
k!M , ' v.,ii. ,lv ml lri vi.ii
with olifnfyiuririMtfit mliiri""- UU'lt
tl ihcrtNin. i linn hwiii
ttllll )rrll' IMIHUP (HI Ml
nir iMiv-plotMn.tttMtk, ! t.
n'.tit Iht'tr h'lfin lt. J. A. U H
f llriiWvilii--. N. I., rlit; Krntr
lll'llt nNu In vnur I.U hmiiih
iii Hii'r-n
vnii -Miifrt
ir nipill'-titTH ti i'il niiiiiiif.M tunM'
'- T : lift-im i 'Hi it.'tly, tui v it 1 1 1 1-1 It- imrn l
ux ui Itl.tu ii 'Mil an 'tii i a nut ir '
t Woltl.lrs f'AI K 1)1 KKl'TOKV CO.
No. It: Kmnkfonl :nt (, Irani Avi-ii, l'hlls.l.-l-
MltS. I'll.
The reitubir HiiliHcription price of the
Ketui-Weekly Ouzel! is ?.o0 snd the
regular price ot the Weekly OrenoniHn
is SI. fid. Anyone mihfcrihitiK for the
Oii.ette lind pHyiiiK for one year in
H.lvBiice can et both the (bizelte and
Weekly Or. Koniim for ?:t. All old iiib
ecribcra pH)intf their snbscriiiiinns for
one yeiir iu advance will be entitled to
the smne.
Ktite loaves for Ecbu Mondava,
Wednesdays, and Fridays, rctiirninii oa
Tuesdays, Tliuredave and KHturdys.
II. WadcFrop. T. W. Avers-Ir,, s.nt.
Mr tin; c
Cmnf-av 1,
IAUU IlirArvpnniiM.i ....
jvnn wtuutneuKn. Managing Attorney,
P.O. Box 463.
i!.tm?Mv ill, ruff 4 iV
VashinQton, D. C.
. Hil uol.-h .oi the d I.t, and Ini.or.t
i l"'"l l . I" l'll,. II.K I-, Ul.lrt Bu .1 .1,, J
Oolill I Ii. III i ll !. - iiii.l ill i it Ii ! i.ii 1 1 . i. It i,,, k ill lu re I liiu it
tithi-r. Him will I in,.. hIh.iiI ' I" ' ' " I r.-i.u. l.,-
. , . .. I"" Iiil -I". I l e tiie c..ii llli on c4n
IMUtr ('iil.ll..i fill-1 liiut.-l lit I V i l' r. 1 1 1 I I lei il Hi i iu lii Ii p i tin.-ii-l
diBr u-e h iu.'
M,Ht t . urun.'r ! .ii.f I ak- I"
He's nli n at ir .ti I i ti e in
Tint.-j'i r ,'"
"'Wi ;,' p. I, ,..! I jr h ii,"
luar M'.rar.
lint ii if Die oee.led llirnt t In. rn II kii
Oike tt-k.-l all Ihe U i l lu,' f , .i I
a!f.H'lin. an I )il tltra.l .! . . t..u. " II ' in. li e foU. a I j f ur roi..!..
j. n
l i i ir Mn n, ir , A nl tl. I" .
III I iN Ml'l I.t
lb.' Un l.-f ;ii.' I h u iufc 1 , n restored
I.t l.eallh ioi.le ui.-ii, a'lf sittTer
luil f-.f a. rrl Inn ai l) a sre lm,g
. ' . . - i
fliiilii;.,! iln.i,.Hi. i. , 7. .r, miii.1111,.1
. , ' " ' ."if i i ifitr nuitm.tnu ui
.l't-..rn.v .- fvl.e , ,-. ,.,,., ,,, V.... ' . - "'
f ". - - - .,II.,rt,(t. Wl
veitl.f i
--.n I!., i
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I , t' .'i. ti.tiin,. ilinl
'. tittlwr diMtiiine
illlt ilt.HUM'l ll
i. -. . .i nn ti. j
i ..r iniii;.. i i(i,i.,u v .
r1-" '""' ,n 'iii.'iii.iimi.
li. r .fi nlilr t towiw,rli.t. ! !,. ti. ..t.-j .
j.. h u aodtu.uiK. .u,,.,., lltf wfv,a ., iaAt ::;,:;7,:i::;
Iirlji IH i. ul i 'f tin' l. m hi ih. -int ,u. 1 V V" ''!' " "' l-" ""U. ...n,..,.i,. . ..,i. t.im.ke ki.!u t.t ' ' '"d a i.ri,...u.r.al si
' ' "i .Hi" ani inn t. f.
Till I..W pdli t tip y th,. T, !,..
tin ill nil. I On ' .hiuii i u I'littlntil
Ofii'l-ia, Ul.it l.rC .1.1... til. ir illltV
in tt)n ,;t t f u. i it
tlio I.. II. r !- tu. i t ii.
H i- i tl in it i,,r.
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''-""U"" '" llir-iia-h free e a.. , .,, U ., . frefLil'. P "'. af t clo. eaeU b .M,e t t, ..
tl.e i... .1 r.K-r,..i . ,,f n, t.,,1,,,, ,r ,))t f( rlt.t , p, , f .0 I -. le ,. U.nfa. II.- fro I ir, i, f, r
111 lie r.rriti.. M.-tiei .. li. . I .,,, ,., .... i,.tm ,, I .... . Sl..n..-l. i..l k , li .. k ., .
Vt t""',M ' " "sure rufe It t"....in....t. A all. ma, tV " " - ' I
at bole mi I al.t I i..m,i, I. .-I lui. ...,,,, ,,,-t ,, U ,,,.,, ., v K i. j . Life I'l'., an , .-..a
I.M..a-lt U.k, r. i i. it t., rl.Mi.ii .1 U,,:,,. l...S r. all ...!-. .. .1 r'. I I. !l U r
its le, rl. a. a l.i' i In a e..i. ni.iiil, , t,.., . lt it ,.,, i,. h .e M !' ''' I J l-I Ul-.t I. c ,i i. .',
f..f I
i . . . -a a . . t j I ..i ....riv. ,i.M. ,. . .
V O'ffll I ;. 5 la, aiihViit liiia! V rhia. i' e Iw, ay apf'y ff nlttf r rate Ma.r ta
I 4 l V iH I 11 I it I. y J .,i-r. .i,.,.i.B.:.V,1'u'','4'l,'',l",,''''l'i'-i a.but
' a fia ! i ai i immmmm . .. , ... : - - ' iwa.i n.rak.P t a..it..
"' " oi l-.lll lll, aravanila,! aa,.., ... " '
PHH " .Ill' i S, .,- l'lj., Hl'fMl.l'l ( ')IHII.
i .. , i -. i - i - 'ir i"i mi i- e-uin, i vi in
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'iTLP' it. wrnwj, ' ..... . : T" a i.-. i-..,i.
CM'JiUtN, p O I NTS. fc.. i ...,. ........ f i i,,
it. ... .hi, i a. 'I .1 w len I mo
ll.il li l 'n in, Hie i.,e ret tM-ats
III .1 J i. i a iltl at, If hi, I
ts , (rl'"t I 1,1 e'albsnj,
.1. siiiihj loe .rra.'i 1(11, u. al.i.'li a ,11 c .t
I' rut li- Ilntirf . an I ii.ay (.rote a .',.
a il 1 1. a 1 lt, v 1 AtUl A
r -f I . Ill ml I I I I- ,.
aim l l i,aiit i
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f nt d l,U4
...in hit t 'rn i I aa.1rr
TH- f CLAIM-, rrvv ' ' A,r"s
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,r'c'Ci,i h '"""irjrOr.D.U