Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 12, 1895, Image 4

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Tbere was never a time in the history
of our ooaotry when the demand (or
inventions and improvements in the arts
and sciences generally was bo great as
now. The conveniences of mpakind in
the faotory and workshop, the household
and on the farm, as well as in official
life, require continual accessions to the
appurtenauce and impliments of each
in order to saye labor, time and expense.
The political chunge in the administra
tion of government does not affect the
progress of the American inventor, who
being on the alert, and ready to per
ceive the existing deficiencies, does not
permit the affairs of government to de
ter bim from Quickly oouoeiviug the
remedy to overoome existing discrepan
cies. Too great care cannot be excr
eted in ohoosing a competent and skill
ful attorney to prepare and prosecute
an application for patent. Valuable in
terests have been lost and destroyed in
innumerable instances by the employ
ment of incompetent counsel, and es
pecially is this advice applicable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
pay" system. Inventors who entrust
their business to this class of attorneys
do so at imminent risk, as the breadth
and strength of the patent is never con
sidered in view of a quick endeavor to
get an allowanoe aud obtain the fee.
John Wedderburn, General Manager
618 F street, N. W.,Wanhington, D. C,
representing a large number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals of the country, was in
stituted to oroteot its natrons from the
nnsafe methods heretofore employed
in this line of business. The said Com
pany is prepared to take charge of all
patent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, and prepare and proseoute
applications generally, including me
chanioal inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer
ences, infringements, validity reports,
and gives especial attenion to rejected
eases. It is also prepared to entwr into
competition with any firm in securing
foreign patents.
Write for instructions and advice.
John Wkwikhhpkn.
f18 F Street,
P. 0. Box 385. Washington, D. C.
While jrmi seep your mitewriptiiin paid up yen
can keep yimr timn.i in freeof ohm-Re.
Allyn, T. .1.. loan, Or. Humes (iff on loft,
slniiililiir; cuttle eiime nil left, hip, miller lilt on
riuht iir, and tipper bit on the left,; riui, Mor
row county.
AruiHtronir, J. C, Alpine. Or. T with bar nn.
rler it on left rilioiiltler of horttott; nut tie name
on left hip.
AIIih O. 1)., Kiulit Mile. Or. Cuttle brand,
0 I) on luft hip hikI Ikitiiw Hinne hrmiil on riuht
ahonMnr. limine. Kindt Mil".
AilkiiiH, J. .1., Ileppner, Or. tinmen ,TA eon
tiecteil on loft tl.'tnk: cuttle, ftiimenn left hip.
Iliirliuilitinow, A. ()., Alpine Or. Moreen
limti'lod 7 H on either xlioulilor. Itiinue in Mor
?uw eniint v
lUinulHter, ,T, W Hiinlirmn, Or. Cuttle hranil
ed It on loft hip ninl tdii.'li: nplit. in (inch ear.
Ilrentier. I'ntiir. liiiitHntinrry Orciritn -Horned
1 nt m I "i Ml on loft Hlinuliler. Cutthi Hitine on
rnrlit utile.
Hnrke. M Ml (', lunar Creek. Or-Ori entile,
M A Y eonfiretofl on left dip, eiopolt left ear, un
der liulf crop nil ritrltt. Hnrfw, eaiue lirnriil on
Jut ft. nhoulilor. ItniK" iu (limit hiiiI Morrow
HroHintin, ,lerry, lionri, Or. Humes linimleil 7
on rinlit shuul'lnr; culle M on the li,fi eiiie,
Left cur liulf erop 'oiil ricjil onr uiiper slope.
Iliirtoti, Win.. Il"piiinr, Or. - Humes, ,1 II on
rixhl tlii:;h; cut Hi' mumi on niilit hip; eplit in
Hitch ear.
Urown. In, t.exiiiKloii, Or. Horses III on the
rkrlil Htillo; eat lie eanie on rikht hip; runue, Mor
row enmity.
Itrown, .1. ('., Ileppner, Or. Humeri, oirelo
V with ilot in em tor on left dip; cittldi, Mime.
Hrnwn, W, .1., Ij'im, tircjon. Humeri W. Imr
liver II, on thf left hIioiiI'Iit. Cull lc hhiiiu oh left
lloyer, V. O,, lli'pt'ner, Or.- Humes, mx
liriiml mi r: ;'i dip entile, name, with nplit in
eicli ear,
llurif, P.O., Ileppner, Or. Iliirasa, ' Hon left
nliolllilor: C'lltli. eii'iteult left hio.
Ilrowiii'xi, V. J., I'm,1 r - ( at i In. ,1 II coiiiiectcil
on l"tt Mi.lo; rrop on left ear sml two nplitsiiiuj
mnl'lle ptere rut out on riirlil ear; on hone,, miine
lirnnil on the left IIiikIi; Ititlue iu l'oi valley,
Oratit cuiintv,
t 'arener Warren, Warner, Or - llnrtue liriiml
mI 4 1 ri liuht etille; eaitle (Ihrts liant) on
rotht ril. crop anil "pltt in ear d oar. Uaiitfe in
(trallt anil Morrow eniinlnw.
( 'uiii.K., aleli.Or - V Hon horses on left Mltle
U with ooarter circle over It, on left NhoutiiHr
(tint on left Htitte on all eulta ii'iilor A yearn; on
luft nhioil'lor i inly on all homen over 't yearn. All
ranif" In Orelll county.
( ate, CIiiim. It., ViiiN.in or liens. Or. Hiron
II Coh ritfdt eh'iill'l'-r; rat'le na'lte oil rtnttil lop.
Jlanire Mnrrtev anil (''niilllla eninlis,
Ciirrlnall, M M. I hi'lnn ly. Or Ca'lle erop out
of la'heur nint iinilertiil. wn'tle in forid"ail;
liorneM liulf rie C on I' it llllle, Kaipje Mor.
row nii.t C -nal it'a eotii tii'i..
Cnrl. 'l'. II , John li. Or. l,,oli! i'mm on
vU tup on fiit !,, wili"W fork ami meter hit
ill rixtil ear, nplit in loft enr. Itaiitfo in llranl
roomy, "ii nii-i.p, ii'verlil a'i'i npiM,r iMoiit
nil h,iii!ir. 1' ar inaiko'l utin, erop nil left iMir
illili'hil llppi'r lilt in ritf'it. Ni,lliern. erop ill
riaht mi unler half crnp in left iir. All rii'iun
III llranl eonotv.
Conk. J.,l'MOr.- Ilornen. Kion rmht hoiil
iter, (' le, na'tie on rurtii tup: ear mark n ptan
crop ot t.'ft ami olit in rt'tdt,
t tirrtn. It, .t i uiriitniille, Or. Hormm, un
left ill"".
I'm M. H., Ilatl'iian, Or - Caitln, ('wild
in eeiiier; doren CI", mi let 'up.
CiM'tiran, II. I... Monmiiieil, tirant Co, (lr.
1lori." tiiaii'd-1 fin le mill dar Ihmhi! d, on loft
nh.Mil lr; I'niMenaMie linih'l on doth hit, mark
Uleler ntope IniIIi ea( ai"l il"W lap.
I tiapln, II , llet I iiili. Or. llorMHi lirati'dil
on ritfM lii;i. I a'lle lira lll (lie neiiie, Aii
liraii'ln t I i"i dor-"" Hulil ttilfd; n I n run
iiraml oil riv'l.t nli nil h r, no. I rut oil en, I i,l
riiil ear.
1 1, l ,lan, W. M .!( iM.iwar 'r. CaHl". II li,i
ru',1 i le,n.il,,w fiik ill ia h eai, Iioimm, H )
mi l-lt lop.
I,. Hi - , l.,ui(,-...Or tl.n-.ea l.t,i ,v H.Y
111 l.-'l nli.iiiM'.l, I4itie njiiiin on Infiiiip, dotf
IP riat.t ear.
r.eo'ry. i H II it-dime. Pr. ll,,r.Mi dranlel
;) , I I t, j ,,n I, .11 li.liil,..r ; rat.
!) n'ee on r u 'it die. Iin"i. In M'llmw e, Hint ) ,
r'i.,lMiia. I, ., II. pi. n .,i Or. t ai'le. 1,1 on
riifiii tup, doi... K nod liar iin.ier on rixtil
Kll'Mldl r
H. ,i...,,' H. I. Ilept'iier Or II iiw, Y u
riMhl nl(.e.!'t..i , ra f. r ei rijhl lop ,ir ttoti.
(lenrli.l irfi lt', iii-r Hi I 1,11 h In nt l.
K, nli tin .! it. na I fl .1 I... emp oil li ft
Mir. tl ,r-- ;ii- l.t-in.t ei ..I d,p
I, .. i 1 1,, i I r. r, i,i. il 1 1 I ,t- t . t (I,
H. ami i nner I'll l.i i.i -r il .." , tt ! i M.v
Jin' If III l-'Hn 'l I " ll 1 I ".! I lll
limit A It . I;. I". l itM r -'ii "I t,.i
Wit I, . ia""' n. ie K' I r II on It, iil,t ,,p,
ia"fe in M I 'e , il'a hi'
II nil. in A Jii.H". Mam, It "l llr t at He. two 1m
,,tl t t- l.ipi rf.p lt 11' t ear a I pM m l,.'.
It, nnen J on 111. ! idiilii, Ha' n in ' "'it iNaiiily
II linden. Hamliel W iinr, lit ZF" If I,
rol,'" ' t nn ''' t l.-"ii I.- i,li Ititr-., tin (..otla,
i fitfl.l dip a' -l oa l-H m trt. .in fnrk in
ritfl.t ear f -I fit III l"ft, Uall in llai-tiv k
(it.. t ..-W -"'!,. I.
Ilxle. M I ' , n , '-,"r, O - ll.n lra.lM
-It l,a"" n .a'i , tail-Inn l.fi .1 i, .-
I all In on on i"1' l-ip ft lai n n, ta on lft
II .ai I J I.. 'dar I'' ll,n.T en.w
W It li ti ,t a , ' t ' o'' 1 1 t . ea't fc'.n
left i..., t'i i,'' in ..ir'.a nt.,1 iiiaiilia
m,n nt i
Hall. I I a. J"' " !' Of. I .ill'., V lion
ftn''l d t'. l,-i' !' li. 'I n'".iil,.r. I(ain,n
III inni.l If
Mnn'i M.', M.."r, Or M"en. m
laf1 on tl.at I, ft ! . ni lr, I. an M ,' I n.
Iln nlu. HAM ,j I if, ll,i.n. on f
,,.. ,l ... r,"a W...i -.fl Int..
II.. ... i.t-,. J M Uaiil i .i.Or.-l..rn, II .a.
Im'i tta.
lln , l,,i".f. I .1 M i. I'l II " II ,,n
tdn l-.'l ! ..'i ' i I I -.ft -n I' n-ii'n I ai .
14 naoia t i..'i I, , l la M,,.,,.n m, ,i i,
J.. .... !!,.., tl .. . ,, , ii. II.,.. I . , i ,
J .... I ; .. I-.'I , . - I .... I -I 1 ,,
,.. '1 . " f. .'. I.. I'l
M " -
Jil'l.,, H. ' , If f '" .
I mi I. '1 . I- . I .'1 . ! '.
(in n tm '' '!
".e,i i ., i ,,. l.Na, Vl lle'net. t)tlrl ut
t ETC-- sEssm-
m-Et j ....... ... ...
A, r 1-r. - s r r 58
ffl25.:ttrjgfbq-i & :mX3tZx Etr-lrzzu.-3
f--y 1 ve vtoISS r1 -fi ; 1 WW 1 X"- rracwws nrarrror Mmv Firm'nn
I Z f-!4 - 1 121- 1 -i 1 ft g? P 5 .--1 f .- tMWl KMimmim tmmnm mninu. iiwum SmmS s.v.'i
l. i J y -t? m L-lrt.o( 1 f-pwii 1 1 r 1- i rm ! 4i--aS:J Vmi i 1 -'- I '
Ji , -j m a m 9
L, -S- "S . . H- -f- . :f:
t , ;f:...m. .m. . j? : N
t i) y t--y 1 rfp ZZ. r nwaw tp-yi ' s- C
).--; r s -r-5- ..-g-.-g- ;j
('.' '.:::-w:wrrzr&p.ri-5:FT r- zzzzzzzzzzzftzz-l r rr r - r - 3
I- K k- (ftv-;a r-f
! -: : - - J
I fc,I..-UfJ. ni
.. I ' !'
left ntifle; enttln, name on riuht hip, under half
iron in riuh' anil nplit 'n left ear
Kenny, Mike, Ileppner, Or. Homen bra ml eft
KNY on left hip ealtla nntno ami crop oil luft
ear; uuilnr nhiimonthn rliiht
Kirk. J. T., Ileppner. Or. Ilorset) 89 on left
ahouliter; rattle, IW on left hip.
Kirk, Jeane, lleppunr, Or.; hornet 11 on loft
nuonlilor; cattle name on ridt Hide, uuilurliit on
nwdt ear.
Knmderland.W. f.. Mount Venion. Or. I I, on
entile on riuht anil left nnlen, nwallow fork iu lift
ear anil uniler mop iu ridt ear. Hornennnmn
lirainl on lert nliouliler, HiniKe in (trant nounlv,
lioften. Hleiilien. Pot. Or. H 1, on loft hie
nn entile, erop anil nplit. on riuht ear, Horner
bmi no lirainl ou left nliolllilor. Itmiue (irant
liietmllen, John W leTlnrr"i Or. Hornen
liramleil half-eirele J I, eonneetml on left nhoul.
lor. ( nttle, nniiio on left hip. Kanim. near lei.
dealiey, J. W. Ileppner Or. Hornen liramdil
I, anil A on left nlioulilnr; cettle wiine on left
dip, wal tie over rinlit eye, tliree nliln iu riuht
Imril, lleorK. Heppner. Or. Homen lirnnded
loulile II ool.nei'ti ' Hoinotiinoli eallml a
nwiiiic II. on left nliouliler.
Minor, Itaear, tteppnor tir. rattle, H Dim
rtifht hii; honai M ou left nhouhier,
Morunu, H. N.. Ileppner, Or. Ilnrneii, M )
on left nhoulilei rattle name on left dip.
Miti'dell. Onear, lone, dr. Hornen, 77 on rial, t
hip; entile, 77 on niclit aide,
MeClaren, 1). (., Hrownnvilln Or, Hornen,
Kiifure IV, in eaeh nhouhier; rattle, M2 on Inn
Metlirr, Frank, Koi Valley, Or.-Mule nhon
with tor-eork on rattle on rile ami neder ill
eaeh ear; hornen name lirnnd on left ntirln,
MeHale, u. i ., Hamilton. Or. On tinmen.
with dnlf itirele under on left ndondlerion I nttm,
four ham rouneetml on top un the rmht aid
iiatitfe iii iirnnt I teinty.
Noal. Andrew. lone Hook Or. Ilurnen A N eon.
Heeled on left nhonhler: rattle name on laitd Mhi,
Nonlke, K Nilvertn. Or. Ilomna, circle 7 on
left ttiitfh; rattle, natlin oil left dtp,
Oliver, Joaopli, ( aiiynn City, Or. A I nn mtllf
on left dip; on dornea, name on left thinh, llaime
in llrant eouiity.
oiler. IWry, Ielni(ton, Or. 1' O on left
Hp Herman, 1'iairle City, Or. On cattle, 0
1,1' ooiilo'te'l nn ,tft hip; liomee on left ntlfln
ind wart la on iinne. Katitre in Ornut county,
I'enraon, I Have, Ktaht Mile. I tr. Homen, tpiar
ter Clrt'le dlehl on left nliouliler mnl 24 on loft
dip. at i la, fork ill left ear. riuht cropped, 'it
oe left dip. llaime en Kindt Mile.
Parker A (ilea m. llnrilinnn.Or,-Human 1 P on
I "ft doul'ler.
I'iar. l-'ree-l, leiiiintoii. Or,- llorien lirnnd
e K (I, K rotiiieeiedi un left nliouliler i rattle
n ma nn rtiidt dip. ItaiiK. Morrow count.
I'nr. J. H , lttinftnu, t r. -Hornen, JK cn
nei'tial 01 left nlneiltleri cattle, name on left hip.
under dp tu each ear.
l'etlva, A. C., Imie, Or,; hnroea diamond I' on
adiiulilnr; rait e, J II J connected, on ttm
left tup, upper nlope iu left ear and nliu In tdn
HimmI. Andri.w, llardman. Or, llomen, n.narn
crni with iiiarler.'irele over ll on left nlittrf
l(eiiini"r. Cdrin, ll.'i plier, Or. Ilnrww. C It on
t,f ntinnliliir.
Itn-li limn., Ileppner. Or.- Iloraee hran le, I
ell Ide ritflil ndiaidler; rattle, l on the left tut,
rrnp ntt left ear and dewlap on neck. lialitfe li
M.i'mw and ailmtiiiiifl remtlen,
lt.it.i, Andrew. Itriutirton, r - Ilurnen
liraiiil A H ei rindt nd.eilder, vent ipiarl
riri-le ,ver Itrand; rattle name oil ritflil dtp.
lianire Unrmw cui'tv.
t..,., Wni. II. Itairyvtlle, Or-II H emnn'ta
With ipiarter lf,le over l'p on cattle 01 rii1'! In
and emp "It rld't ear and nplit tn left, llorfa.
n-olie Itrand on d.fl .lioill'tr. lUuitfn III Morrow
j lirant and tiilliaili (aaintiea,
I II.-I,, r J. VY , Ileppner, Or. - tinmen, JO in
I left nliouliler. I aula, lnn rtndl dip.
I Xpi. ki.all. J W , 0.aaeteny, tr.- Home
dt in l.t at 1.11 left nh.ail'leri tanne in Mi""
, rnll'itl.
j Halilli. C C Heppner, Or - llnmen lirall'UI
I on lot! nlinilddtr, 1 attle name ih-1 left dip
j fwannart, II K. I 1 i.ert. n , Or. II -men
i With ila-li under It on left ntltle. cattle II Wlt
! Utt ni'.ier 11 on rmtii tup, rem off rindt ear ami
i wa-l ll,l oil rmht I. in. I lai lUi ijn 111 Morrow,
1 lillliam and I loalilla enllnlien.
( heannarl. I... A heue. Or llnmen hrn le' I
I on lll .Im ni ter, rrtlanilie on li'fl hip. r
of, ear, ea(tie leri hie't lerx,
htraml l M . . Il' l I nr Or ' ll'irnaa ndn lad
J H on lefi nlllte. rattle iHini left tup, neellnw
f,.k III r'tftil ear. un.lrttlt III left,
K, p 1 1,.-, ll"i i'i'.r, Or. It.imne, H A I'uv
lft l,tp. all in na'ee on left hip,
H'oi. r J..i.n. Or - V txaartn. on
d,,rwn ,ei l-nlit dip. rattle, name in rinlil hip
crop ,.11 rut'i rat end nmtef tut in left ear. Ilaerrn
Hi ua' I . -eiitl.
r . iih Hio annnniille. Or. II,, mm dm" Ul
II .. on .l"iil do . railia, aien on fl al,.,nll..r
t.ui-. Jaain Arliiint.Hi, tlr.s drew drend!
jHnit(l l,.,ii, .t raiite Ilia name. alai men
Wadlle. lie' e III W'ttt,W aii-l I 111 lam CHeill I ten
hi..! t. n. . K , llaolman, Ort d,mea hn,,a
tin1'! iM. rni'U d,,rine lal I. on I he rintit nl.te
hien.ei. Mm A. J , Met Or tenia,
' ti),l di , neali.'W fnrk tu left ear,
Kllt"l II. W . Ilepl 'ier, O II, . II or
le't nl,,H,"U . r'll, l nn l-ft hip
M,.,( t II, ll. 1'l.tr, III Ullla W f ,!
lti hii. rnfi.tf i'i e"l B.tt.it In left aar,
I I V t on left nl.l let
Ih -i :"i. J A. II 'i pie. lit tt'irn-w f e
!,. i "It, tatrite, t lfl n.idte.
1 1, !- I I ,., ..lr. Ii,.mea t'.i left
!..-., I t. r
I -(.,,.- II W., Il-pptinn Or Wmail ini.l'l T
l.n i.,, Mn. iwitit nainn a l.'V Kn
114 Ik il ) laii !
M r- -!-
ffy ---wm
" P L m-.YLK.l
Copyriii'.it, i:,,
i'.;u law Vot Muiwl i.t-urj C
Thornton. H. M.. Tone. Or II,
11T mmnnctnl on left ntiHe; nhoep name brand.
Vainlorpool. 11. T., Ina, Or; Hornni H V con
nectoU un rinlit shoulderjciittle, name on right
Walhridue. Win.. Hi'iipnnr, Or. Homen, U. h.
on the left, nhoulilor; onttle nnnie on t lnht hip.
crop oil left, ear mid ridt enr loiipail.
Wilaon, John M,, Halem or Ileppner, Or.
Ilomnn hraudod J; ou tde luft nhoulder. Hanire
Morrow county.
WarreU.W H.Cnleh, 0r Ciittln W with quartet
circle over it. nil left aide, nplit Iu rilit ear.
Ilurnen name lirainl uti left Hhouliler. Untitle H'
Ornut comity.
Wade, Henry, Henpner, Or. Hornen hmnded
ace of npnden on left nliouliler and left hip
Cattle lirandivl name 011 left nide and left hip.
WolHnner, John, John 1 lay City. Or Ou homen
three parallel dam on loft nhonhler; 7 on nheep,
hit 111 ImiiIi earn. liane in tirant and Mnlduer
VViHalwant, John, Ileppner, Or. Homes, OF
Comioetml on left nhouhier.
Watkinn, Lmhe, llnppn.T, Or. Ilurnen branded
UK connei'tiNl ou left ntitle,
Wallare. Cdarhai. Ileppner, Or. Cattle, W on
Tie-lit idimli, dolr in loft ear: homon, VV on riKdl
ehoultier nomt niuueon left nhonhler.
Whltlier trn niiiiiinmiin. Maker Co., Or. -llomen
lirandiHl VV II counin'teii on left nlioulilnr
W'llliamn, Vaneo, llnmitton. Or. Quarter ctr
cle over tliree luim on loft dip, bold cattle and
lion.'., Itanire Orant county.
VVilliainn. J O. lioiiit Creek. Or Homen, ipier
ter circle over tliree dam ou left dip; rattle rauie
and nlit in eacd ear. Kanwa 111 (Irani enni tv
Wren, A. A., Ileppner, Or. llomen runniiiiiA A
on nhonhler; Cattle, mime on nirht dip,
Voiinil. J. H., ti aalerry, Or. Hornen blunder'
TV nn i tie HwM I,
Tor Pleasure or Profit,
MiouM m a that the J.iiirnnl tlicr nuliiH.r;ia
tu 1 the hvt and mo! iiiiati
uthotiiy uUtaiuable.
it ilrnNprnrilraltv with frultn end YrgelnMrn,
tin a, nlirul and rl.iwvin, and tovnn tlm
lirl I of dortirullure nvntrmatu ally
and t'loiniihlv. li Illu.trairaauJ
Urerilfn nirtlioiln of -uttiV4.
I,n, nnprnvi .1 varirli .an J
hi'mr . .i 1 ti k ilovi. rn,
ll in, wuliuut doubt,
The Paperforthe People!
$l.0am Imr ( Hiiml.tr.).
B; i.-lm..fi c.'P and .!., rttetnrnt .
t..,Ui.uiHir.ii l.i'lii mtE on e. li.at . n
Acie-icuii Cif Jvitir, JO Fulton $(,
BaroiU. Inti mil. Di-'.n hUnlt,
And ell r.'i t l d 11 n.e r..ta. ti 4 dr
;if..riinti. n nr-4 n.litre ttr . tntrnlrt et&o4
ttarfn. A I It, e
H'i 'l V t..fj.
.atvi 4t. iva.iii,,i. c
Tti IN e !-ir t r .an. I i t v v awl
Kt !..! .. I . p. ' ,.;l. a ,- 1',
H,. ,1.. . ,. , , ... ,
let Ihtlr InleirlNn . . I ,
nn-l h .Pi ' 1 I 1 . 1 V- ' , 1 .'..,
tltt('ef I, . . Iltf;!.,, ll. I. . . . I
k.llj all.lii, ,.,,.1,' a ,,, ,
I l'h'.t..irp,i pr, d,,.n at r-hep-
l-ard's isliefjr. r.e.r npert Uais, ioth
1 Mam Hi, liiubntr, Ut. gvtf.
ewntvi ltmaTf li ' lllill n'eta ItlaVj
Mysterious Actions of the Ground
of That State.
I-nrfjw Drprennlonn In the Knrth Which
Appear and Disappear from
(auinn nn Yet I'ndli-
The ri-ccnt necident on the Florida
Sotttlirni railwiiy near iaini'svillo re
falls the old (tifstiim foncf rninu; the
l'lorida s'mUs. What are they?
Kxffpt the railroad feature, there in
nothino-so very tuitiMial in the forma
tion of a new hink; one was formed a
year or mi iifro iihuiit a mile from the
site of the iii'ciili-nt, and close hy the
same railroad, lint there was no part if
uhir publicity ifiven to the fact. l-n-less
the formation of a new sink faiisi-
dome particular accident or incon
venicnec, it is only ment ioned as a new
Mr'n laity 1,1' rh! he -jeit:f,.::i:i;f to liaik
.it if yoa urc i.vi.i;r 1'i.tt v. ,i ,-.
Alachua eotitily pt olmlily has a larcjcr
litimher of these sink holes than uny
other county in the slate.
Some of these sinks have water in
them, home are dry, ninl some are forty
feet in depth, and tieiiritip; orange trees
If row on the alupiii"; sides.
All t'lTorts to liiul natural eauses for
these sinks have failed to account for
their existence, any it a corrcsHinleiit
of the Savannah News.
The numerous recent discoveries in
Home western states, in Central Amer
ica aud in Mexico of the remains of the
Iwelliuita of a H'ople who lived he
licath the surface nf the earth Mi,.,.'est
the possibility that these l'lorida sinks
are the lireuUinir-in nf the nrnfa of
liuiiilicra funned ly 4 race of (s'lipli
who, in the loiii.' at,o, iN'cupicd r'londa.
That Mil'lcrriuii ,111 ehatiila rs and
pasii.'e.wiiy exist in I'luiida is well
Known, hut how 1 hey were formed and
for what ptiraM have in-ver seen
even ll'i-tcil in any Work oil the suit-j.-.t.
The natural wells nil have tin art ill
eial npM'iinince. They lire ail cut rain'es
ti tttnticla Iu which uu'ir runs. I'er
tmtia have often entered one mi l come
nut liy Uliollicr. 1 h.nc hei.'d it 1 I I'mii d
that these natural w cU . ate t li,-ij 1 n
air shafts to siil'ti-i r.ito 1111 ro.ulns,
atiil that they h ml to larfe rtn in
s-itue places. I have la-ill tn.il of (4
larie sulde rrntiean cluiiuhcr in ur r h
eroti the walla nf which lire picture
The Invcstic'utioti of ihU nul.t... t
tnitrht )iell some very Interest 'Kg In
foniiatinti. A miiiiU party of fintil.
have made some very atruti.'!' iIimhv
t ries n s'lirdiiii,' t!n" I Imi.l.i sinUa.
They have fntiiol that, like the numer
ous 1. tin r ain b ut wotast f li..ri,U.,f
whiih I hate wtitttti, mii li i.f t!M
aitlks tin V h-tVe I X.llli'tl, , u'.l la :ir
the some 1 ik' Un r t p,.iiU litrte. t ie
Isslo s p:,e, in i. jfrnciid , !) lc. li
the outline nf the oriipel w 1 .t U ca n
lsi Irainl. utnl lln the e. tiu. i tip' p...
twk . ninl thin has h.lt.Mlie furt '.. r
ilist-ovi ry that the sen.,' line arc ii te
tiuim noin iu p;-e where there (lie n.
ni'ti cf nuian or natural wi ! ti l-e
A .I.-. I.I, , .imilaritv -ist lati n
tiiiit'V an 1 tit work f.mn.1 In Ann than)
an. I I 'l .111 .ik I !n rr i in (
r M hv ve et.ntiM tod take l,et I.
UttoW tl of I
, t t'
1 at I. it
f t .. ii
t en. 1 :
1 ! rr.
,- -t t'.e
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'. I am
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.. 1. t....
. Uavs
rui i.f J r;
l"' 1 .1 In I
Hit I, V
p', ( "I ill '.hil
: ut t'.i
1 haixlar ts SMfsil. atiil a.i
riMfntr if run uvm - i- -
! ffc Z JS: n - rrrr ----q
f-a--&---fS--jS - - j -
-' 1- 0 I
S)cz:!i mzzi
. . 1 .
I t ..'V '.rj -I f.SC
Stiillu Scliottlscht). a
of its existence are destroyed. In time
of need the caid or sheik finds the
chamber by use of the shall el loo, and
thus a famine, is provided against.
May not some of our numerous larfre
sinks represent similar lare granaries
of store chaiulK fs','
The scene of the accident on the
l'lorida Southern railway is on the
cdf'e of Payne's prairie, w here twenty
thousand acres of rich land mipfht
yield ("ruin cuotiji-h to require an im
mense stontj.ro capacity. The spot is
ctntrully situated for water transporta
tion nf the erop across the prairie by
its central (lraiu:iv canal, and is easily
iiceessible from a region where there
;irc no larjre prairies to cultivate.
Near tlaiuesville and in the city
there are i:iany places where it is often
noticed that where horses trot over
them a hollow sound dimes from the
'.'round. I have traced on some of
these spots the very same lines that are
found nt the sinks. At Ocala, Dade
City, Tampa and Port Tatnpn City I
have found the same lines, and I have
la-en told of many other places where
these lines have been traced by ffentie
mcn interested iu the same Hue of In
vest ij.'at ion.
Ucasoiiincf from the line found at
the sinks, wells and tunnels that are
known, the same lines bcinjf found
w here no sink or well now exists, the
same eonditinns should be in these
spot as must have been In the others
la-fore the sup'sirls of the naif jratfu
way to form the sinks or wells. Sev
eral attempts have la-en made to die;
down and see the actual condition if
there be a chnmla r and w hat it eon
tains; if thi-re U a tunnel and what it
leads to; but water and ipiicksatul
were in every instance tmi much for the
means nf the explorer, so that it still
remains a mystery, ami no one has yet
satisfactorily answered the tiuesti'oii:
What in a 1 lorida sink? Savannah
New a. ,
A I'tt-orsled l lnwer Keller.
A well know n character In I'arta in an
old woman, whose breast is literally
covered with trosv-a and decorations,
and who U now is acefiiUy t ni.'ai.'cd a
flower m tl, r. Il. r name l Jean M.m
more, and her honors were rained In
the I rltiu a. nt Home, liravi lott, ntnl at
Orleans, tin one isvasloii she rendered
valuable a. rv, -, t,t r emtntrv bv swal
low inn a military dispatch of Vn'-at Im
rtance. and si prevented its tn'.liun
int.tthc hiin. Is nf tin nieiny. A woman
who a swallowed so much f..r her
eniintr- w ith di-pat. h h..u'd lint U .j.
lowe.l to sup sorrnw in her ol.l a.'e.
Mn I. tilj,i.lin lllmat-ir.
In nn nl I tnliiini nf "The Tratisai
tintis" s found the f...l iw iug by Ir. J.
P. ilsntr " here, h t im- i-. are the
gr-rft and w at mg rpideiniea that once
h-va-'sited the ii... Iiili.ilt4t..,
g,.ls ' Thi-y nre g itie.' a-ty tin- atil
t.iri i'i. 'Is- . in e I lov st i n's .1 tip-in
nit ' . il l. .'. I .p. a ,t (,jr-
s ar. simply r l.ir.-t ly W en. !.y
have Is-.nuit iinns iiniis to the huiartH
rsce. lUbit ll .1 a rctl liTe l ttii'lltll'TO
and m t,-e hariiiU-ss. M.iti 1. rupi.ily ad
Just, tig hi'ifa lf I 1 his u imtimclita."
I'll.! ..' , Sl( I'lir..
hln Ionia - M.stiifr; It tense ltft.lt tf
sn.l III t ils', ninat at itk. ; anra by
.'faUtiipg If al!e-l l et.M;ne
titttpira f'irm, ah-ch tf'en I l-c. sn.l '
tli. efste, I- c, lt.it g VefV ..re. H f a
tttnsf pa ll.e ili'lnnd ati-t hle,.
trrf. brais iiicT iti.iti, ati I tn tu
r.-ni" Hi ii;t-?t Al dr'i.s'i-'.
; I'l. Js I
- ZZZ - rtzzz:S
a ,- 0 r r-f S' V -
How It Once Induced Jamea Gordon Ben
nett to Kame a I'rennmnn'a Salarv.
James Gordon Bennett is very erratic
in his movements, lie, "drops in" upon
his branch ofllces in Paris or London
without any notice beinj,' sent of his
coining;, and delights to surprise the
clerks by overhauling their books and
examining their accounts. On one of
these occasions, says the L'tica Observer,
one of the pressmen, a man who had
worked for the elder liennett, und was
an excellent workman, though guilty
of an occasional lapse from sobriety,
had a bad black eye and was in a
fptandary us to what excuse he should
offer if Mr. liennett noticed it. Act
ing on a sudden inspiration he seized
an ink roller und ru hired a duub of Ink
on the side of his face completely con
cealing the discoloration of the skin.
Presently Mr. liennett came Into the
press room, und with the superintend
ent,. John Hays, went curefully through,
criticising every detail, and looking
sharply at each employe. When alxiut
to leave he turned suddenly, and,
pointing to the besmirched pressman,
he said:
"Mr. Hays, what Is that man's name?"
The culprit quaked In his shoes until
Mr. liennett said, slowly:
"I wunt you to give that man three
dollars per week more wages; he is the
only man In the room who looks as If
he had been working."
The rig-nix t attle of Samoa.
The Satnonn Islands are the nuturul
habitat nf th,. most diminutive species
of variety of the genus Imis now known
to the naturalist. The weight of
'.ite males of these lilliputlan cuttle
seldom exceeds two hundred pounds,
tlieuvenige Iving i,t greater than one
hundred and fifty pounds. The
females usually average uhotit one
huti'lrod pound larger, are very
i.livky" built, seldom Wing taller
than a merino sheep. Thi s, dwiirf
at tie are nearly all nf the same e..or
rcldi-.li tnoiis,. n, lr, marked with
white. They have very large heads as
emu pared with their laslies. and their
horas are nf exceptional length.
Yoiii'i? IJOUXI) t Tiilir'Kni.
Lravcs No Con5tij)at:o:i,
e 11 ... ii .. .'1 ti 11
.irr I, . 1 .. ,i , 'lll,f... ! UrS'lat-l, ,J ,, , -J ,
tiT-ast i-i!l n 11 ..rl.l. H .J4 if all .If,,,,...,, ,.r ., if '
D. S. :g:
pzSrr ir-?p;;--ci
art -
How tn ,gct find and Pcrhnjin Jlakr a
We secure indents and to itidticn
people to keep track of their bright
ideag we offer a prize of one hundred
dollars to be paid 011 (he fiit of every
month to the person who mbroils to ua
the most nieritoi ions invention daring
the proceeding month. We will alno
advertise the invention free of churn in
the Nationnl Recorder, a weekly iihwh
paper, published in Washington, I). C,
whioh bus nn extensive circulation
throttuhout thn United Hltttes and is
devoted to the intereiita of inventors,
The idea of being1 able to invent some
thing strikes most people asheim very
difficult; this delusion the compsDy
wishes to dinpel. Ii is the simple things
and small iuveotinns Ibiit uiske the
greatest amount of money, stid the com
plex ones are seldom prntituble. Almost
ever) body, at some time or snotber,
conceives nn ides, which, if patented,
OOl.l probably be worth to him
fortune. Ut fortunately sucb ideas are
usually dismissed without tboimht. The
simple inventions like the rar window
which could be easily slid np and down
without breaking the passenger's back,
the sauce pan, collar button, the nnt look,
the bottle stopper, the snow shovel, are
things that almost everyone sees some
wsy of improving npon, and it is these
kind of inventions that bring the greatest
return In the author.
The pm we f.ff-r will be paid al the
et'lofeiich nimitb, whether the nppli
rnlinn lies been acted upon by the
Patent Office or nnt. Kti ry competitor
ti ust appl) for a patent 01 l it invention
liroiiuli tie, and whell er he secures the
t tizeor nut. the it:vmtr will Lave a
Milithble patent.
JuIlM WeriiiEiiin-k, Ueu'l Manager,
Hi V Kt. N. W. Wf,ingt..ti, D. C.
V. t. The renililt!y of this
e .ttipany may lie Imltfui frm ilP HP,
that Its stuck is held bv about atfel,li.n
Snndred nf Ida leading lit wupapeis t.f
the Culled Slstis.
. . . .. . ..
- -1 .