Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 12, 1895, Image 3

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    Take Notice.
1. The nm of five cent prr line will be
"jharRert for "cards of thanks." "resolutions of
respwt." lists of wedding presents and donors,
md obituary notires, (other than those the edit
or shall himself (rive as a matter of news.) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
jntertainmeuts from which revenue is to be de
rived, sha'.l be charged for at the rate of five
euts a line. These rules will be strictly adher
jd to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
lpon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
pnnsible for his nr her communication. No
orrespondcuce vvill be published unless the
writer's real name is signed as an evidence of
good fjiith.
J J. iiijr Apent, 21 Merchants Exchange,
i&a Francisco, is onr authorized agent. This
paper is kept on tile In his office.
Give your business to Heppner people,
ind therefore assist to build vp Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Singe for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek,
lohu Day and Danyon City, leaves as follows :
Every dav at 6 a. m., except Sundav.
Arrive" everv day af 6 p. m.. except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
Phill Cohn, Agent.
You can get the best beer
in Heppner at G. B. Ted
rowe's, 5 cents per glass,
If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc.
call at Ted's
City Hotel Bar!
Here and There.
O. E. Famsworth iH another victim of
Don't overlook Johnny Eager for good
Try Spray's hams and bacon, the beet
iu town,
Stamp counterfeiting is now being
carried on.
The TimeB-Monntaineer looks well in
its new dress.
Spraj's pressed beef, something
fine fur lunches.
Rev. J. L Parrish was over this week
from Pilot Kouk.
In the spring, the human body needs
assistance to throw off the stagnation
produoed hy winter diet. As the
temperature rises nrtder the growing
beat of the suu'e rays tea feel tired,
half sick aud low in spirits, because the
Moot is sluggish aud full of imparities
Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening
Cordial and Blood Purifier is a reliable
spring remedy to invieorate tbe hodv
and give tone to the digestion. Price
$1 per bottle.
Homer McFarland writes F. J.
Qallnck that times are not very prosper
ous iu Los Angeles, yet that he is doing
very well. He is very well SHtitshed.
Mr. Hallock is also in receipt of a letter
from Diok Tayleur stating that money is
plentiful in England aud that it caunot
be loaned. This is probably true
among the wealthier classes, but reports
from there through the press indicate
that the argioulturists are in very bad
Frank Bbepardson, an engineer on the
Southern Pacific Ry., who resides at
Los Augeles, Cal., was troubled with
rheumatism for a long time. He was
treated by several physicians, also
visited the Hut Springs, but received no
permanent relief until he used Chamber
iniu's Pain Balm. He says it is the best
medicine in the world for rheumatism
For sale by Slocum Johnson Drug O.
Heipner should use every effort to
get the Heppner-Mitchell road open at
tbe earliest opportunity. Then if other
towus can compete with u'. notably The
Dalles, let them do it The fact that
The Dalles is twice as far from Mitchell
as Heppner proves that the latter will
get must of that trade.
Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening
Cordial aud Blood Purifier is admirably
adapted to make "a little rjeaiin go a
long way." Its curative power is
largely attributable to its stimulant,
tonic and uutritive properties, by whioh
i he energy of the system is recruited
It is pleasant to the taste,easily borne on
the stomach and harmless under pro
longed use. Pnoe $1.00 per bottle.
Gene Gilman, who for years was
manager and part owner of The Oilman
French Live Stock possessions, has
secured a position with the MoFarland
Meroantile Co. Mr. Gilman is a live,
enterprising man and we oonsider tbe
firm very fortunate in securing his
his poison,
return to
Avers guarantees
$2.50 per dozen.
Photographer "Dowe
Heppner in July.
The Niles-Vinson, Marble
vVtilla Walla, Wash.
Wednesday night's train was delayed
by gaud on the main line.
II. M. Thornton proved up
Clerk Morrow last Wednesday.
Shearers, stock and sheep buyers
getting numerous in Heppner.
Bob Baird and Geo. Vincent dropped
in Weduesday from Galloway
John Elder has been under the
weather of late from an attack of grip,
The Weekly Sun aud the Gazette $2 75
per year, both strictly in advance.
J. S. Cl.rkson.the well-known repub
lican, has bought the Chicago Inter
Now in the time to kill squirrcle; and
Swaggart's "Sure Shot" is ttie,BttilF to do
it with. tf.
J. W. Mattock came up Wednesday
from Portland on a short visit to his
I. R. Estcb, Jake Young and I. L.
Howard represented outlying distrioia
Mr. Win. Hatchett, brother of Mrs.
Wm. Rush, is vieitiug his sister aud
other relatives.
Ask your npwdenler for "Coin's
Fi lancial Mcbonl," aud dou't be eatibfiod
till you get it
Anyone having one, two and three
year old steers for sale should Nee Sara
Kinsman at Ueppner. if
Ben SwBt'gart has moved his squirrel
poison factory to the building formerly
occupied by the Record.
John Rasmus Rod .TohnR.ish departed
yesterday for the Grant county mines.
They expect to be beDt some time.
For good meat, full weight and cash
prioPS call on Johnny linger, the new
butcher, next door to the post office.
Tom Matlock was down from the
Iluiton creek rauch yesterday and re
ports the stork in excellrut condition.
Tbe Wat kins boys are down this week
from their ranches in the foothill. They
lire no doubt preparing for the season
Meadows & Scnvner, tbe blacksmiths,
hnrneshoers Bil l wood butchers, at the
old Gmin stand, Main street, Heppner.
Call on tbe boys.
Out At Henry (lay's farming is in
TrngreM now at full blast, and ss Henry
lias a good ranch, rain or no rain be will
Lav s good crop.
Johnny linger is running a butcher
shop In the stand formerly occnpled h
J. Cohn ami Irter by lien Mwaggart'i
squirrel poison factory.
Mathews Bros., City hotel barber shop,
tonsorial rtlt. llairetitting, hving,
shampooing, etc, done scientifically.
Baths at 25 cents p'eee.
Antone R''ge, formerlv of Arlington,
rams np Wednesday ti i wr I t mid may
locate here. Anton Is a first class tnun
in the restaurant business.
It. 11. Usil, the rit,srial arlit, can
be f.innj at his parlors, Matlock corner,
where h will dtpene at popular prions,
Shaves, slmmp o, liairntit. etr,
Col. J. II. lUl-y. f IVu.llrton. will
lie admitted t I lie bar very soon
Ihotigh not a practicii g attoir.ey he has
aa g md a gi ni-ral kiiowl'dtrs I law as
the aerng attorney, laving aervrd iu
titimerotis fit ? t l rspai'itii-e.
II F. Hwnrfrfurt is prepare I to furnish
bis "Mure Mint" q nrrl poison In
wholesale ls. II ha aire l received
Isrgs order from Waahtiigton and
Idaho. I'.ve.y where It bx been ti.l.
It lift Rot failed tl estrriuinat Iba little
r.ts. If.
Mrs. T. H. Hsakitis. O.aM imiok..
Ten., e Moli. It's Vttahr-r 'aaved
tnyl.f"' I ccii'.'l'f It II. let rem It'
for a ilebilitaie I (ru I e-r !."
r'or di"!' pti. Ii-r or kllnv t r n i
t fli-.i !-. ". retta. N .1 1 bv T.
V. Ajh., J .
Nol,c U ixas ant . Untieing
tntti-r to tat r t b th s i fli rod later
than Mor.ltv i o n f f lu-al)' ls".
and not tr t'i lhi'alsy m I t
Kridav'e t-i. V rl,4fs f Ifs'ii
urn rn lf tt'is tu rn iiuv vive and il
wilt b li.'f'd In In r'jr tr. lance.
Mrs 1 l M;."v hs ffiU' l sti l
ri-rn I np a !, f,t riss r..tifi.l
In lb" I. -o'l'euMi i b ' l' till.etl
ai I f Min t. ' " ;-
till ' I!." t'-'!' i" f
Slj'.e, hi(tl il niiM a tt,.rM!tt
'. i .1 r'. to '--I . . I f ' 1
B.:s pstfjit.lt th'i iet!ifi t.
McFarland Meroantile Co., have
changed their business to an absolute
oaoh basis, beginning with the new year.
Their prices compare with the lowest.
Also sell the Golden West Baking Pow
der, as good as tbe best in the market
and cheaper. See new ad. a
W. W. Smead, having been to con
siderable expense to improve his fowls
hy the Introduction of new blood from
the prize pens of S A. Wells, of Almeda,
Cal , Ib now prepared to furnish etrgs of
the Brown Leghorn breed that cannot be
excelled tu Oregon. 17-tf .
A. M. Cannon, founder of Spokane,
was found dead in his bed in New
York City a few days ago. Mr. Cannon
was worth 81,000,000 in property, but
was very hard pressed for caBh for
some months preceding his death.
Shilo'a Cure is sold on a guarantee,
It cures Incipient Consumption. It ie
the best ConghCureonly one oent a dose
25 ots., 50 ota., and 81. Sold by T. W,
Ayers, Jr.
T. W. Ayers, Jr., camo in Thursday
from Olex and the Eight Mile country,
and yesterday afternoon went down to
Arlington to look after the sale of
qurrel poison.
Rev, E. P. Green will lecture at the
M. K. church on Tuesday, April 16,
1805, at 8 o'o'ock, p. m. Subject, ''Life
in Rhyme." Admission, 25 cents
children, 15 oents.
T. W. Ayers, Jr., is making sqnirrei
poison that he guarantees. No kill no
pay, aud sells it at 25 cents per can, 6
oat s for 81 50; $2.50 per dozen. Get a
sample and try it. tf.
Jack Cantwell's complaint has been
determined to be appendicitis, and
yesterday be le t for the hospital at
Portland for treatment.
Ed. Gazette:
I hope you will permit me a little
spice that I may notLe a few thoughts
advanced by some one who calls him
self "Silvente." Now this man seems to
be properly based on the silver question,
but the single plank is too narrow for
oue of a broad understanding. Hence
I oonclude that be is either DBrrowly
posted or that be is afraid of the plat
form and power of the people's party.
Now it the first is the oase he should at
once subscribe for the Chioago Search
light, or some other honest literature,
published by a philanthropic party and
thereby post himself; and when I 6By a
philanthropic party 1 do not mean one
whose philanthropy only embraces a
favored few, nor do I mean a party who
U still living by virtue of their good
deeds done thirty years ago.
It is a faot that "the 30" stood firm in
our last legislature against Mr. Dolph
aud thus far they are to be oommended,
But when thev eleoted MoBride tbev
plaoed a man there who was not com'
mitted. Henoe we can only look upon
tt)4 transaction as doubtfui in its ulti
mate results. Possibly "the 30" eilver
ites were tricked by the goldbugs.
Their being on a narrow platform a little
jar may have dislodged them. I do not
know that there is a silver party, but
only said that "there has been consider
able talk of such a party," and knowing
that there are many in the republican
party who, through party prejudice,
have failed to post themselves, our
worthy oolleague, Mr. Lewis, stands
ready to handicap any move whioh
bears such narrowness upon its faoe. If
any man will take the pains to secure
the statistics and study them he will see
at once that the inoreased indebtedness
of our government has placed us beyond
tbe power of silver alone to save us from
thralldom, for tbe inoreased wealth of
the money powers places silver in a
position where it may be oornered.
Will Hoskins,
Habdman. Or., April 1, 1895.
Mr. H. can rest assured that Mc-
Bride satisfied "the 30' or he never
would have reoeived their votes, While
we do not concede the need of a silver
party, we would like to have an expla
nation as to how silver would be oor
nered. Assertions and facts are two
different things. Editob 1
Still at Labor. Hagh Medlock, the
borseibiet and any other kind of thief
he oan get bis bands on, is still at large.
He is a lucky fellow, to say the least, for
he has been pursued over a considerable
portion of Eastern Oregon, bat lives and
steals just the same. His latest exploit
is to get away with a team and buggy at
North Powder, the property of Post
master Carroll. This he left at La
Grande, hiring W. E. Bowker'e saddle
horse at his livery stable on some pre
tense or other. He had tbe horse at
Pry Wilson's, on the John Day, Sunday
last where he staid all night but left
without paying his bill. Mr. Wilson
didn't know tbe man but be overtook
bim and foroed him to turn over bis
UriBt and overcoat for the bill. On
returning Mr. Wilson found out that
Medlock bad taken bis saddle blanket.
The horse he is riding is thus described :
Weighs about 900 pounds, is a dark
brown, three white feet and white strip
in faoe. branded F on left shoulder; has
a bullet under the skin just in front of
tbe brand. Tbe saddle is nearly new
and has on it the stamp ot O. Kirk
patriok, Island City. Medlook is
described as being tall, not very heavy,
with dark eyes and a light mustaobe
Mr. Bowker will pay a suitable reward
for the capture ot tbe outfit and man.
A Veteran of the Mexican War.
Oak Harbor, Ohio. '"I met Geo. O.
Momeny, an old veteran of the Mexican
war, on tbe streets today, who told me
that after reading about Simmons Liver
Regulator he bought a bottle, and the
first three doses gave bim immediate
relief." Geo. Gosline. Yonr druggist
sells it in powder or liquid; The powder
to be taken dry, or made into a tea.
If iSf
Our people should not forget to attend
the leoture by Rev. E. P. Green, at the
M. E. Church next Tuesday evening.
Subject, "Life in Rhyme." Admission,
25 cents; children 15 cents.
If any one who has been benefitted bv
tbe use of Dr. William's Pink Pills will
write to the Gazette, Heppner, Oregon,
they will reoeive information that will
be ot much value and interest to them.
We are informed that Rev. Henry
Rasmus will leoture 'for our people in
the near future. Mr. Rasmus ia assured
of a good bouse at whatever time be
should decide to do so.
Knights of the Maccabees.
The State Commander writes us from
Lincoln, Neb., as follows: "After trying
other medicines for what seemed to be a
very obstinate oough in our two children,
we tried Dr. King's New Discovery and
at the end ot two days the cough entire
ly left tbem. We will not be without it
hereafter, aa our experience proves that
it will oure where all other remedies fail."
Signed, F. W. fitevens, State Com.
Why not give this great medioine a trial,
as It is guaranteed and trial bottles are
free at the drug store of T. W. Ayers, Jr,
Green Mathews for shaving, hair
cutting, shampooing and all other work
in that line. Hatha at any time during
business hours. CM. Jones, assistant.
A sure oure for the liquor habit. No
cure no pay. For full particulars nod
Ayers, Jr., City
terms call on T. W.
Drug Store. 9 tf,
Wanted Plain or fanoy sewing. Will
go to the bouse or take sewing at home.
Mrs. Mary Henderson.
Wanted Laundry work by Mrs. C.
Nelson, old Mountain House. Mending
oeatly done.
Try Ayers' squirrel poison before
hnying any other. Only 8250 per
dozen. tf.
Loin steak, 8 els. ; round steak, 6 els,
rib steak, 5 cts., at Sprays.
The tiriiuine Merit
Of Hood's Harsaparilla wins friends
wherever It is fairly and houestly t'led
To have perfect health, you mimt have
pure h'ooil, sml the beat way to nave
pure blood is lo t ike Hood's Harsapar
ilia, the bet blond ptirill-r and strength
builder. II expels all taint nf sorofnla
salt rheum and all other humors, and at
Iha same time builds up the whole ys
Hood's pills are prompt aud efliuicnt
2j cents
Ubv. McEwan's Dbath. The Tele
gram says: Rev. W. L. McEwan,
rector of St. Mark's Episoopal oburcb,
died last evening (Friday) at bis borne
50 Twentieth street, ot pneumouia, after
an illness ot five days. His death was
quite unexpected, for, although he was
very sick, bis physioians at 6 o'olook
last evening thought that be was ira
proving. He leaves a widow and three
minor children. Deceased was tbe best
known Euiscopal clergymen in tbe
Northwest. He was a native of Oregon
having been born at Clatsop, 43 years
ago. Hie father, R. S. MoEwan, crossed
the plains in 1851, and settled in Clatsop
oouuty, wbere be still resides. Rev. Mr,
McEwan was eduoated in California aud
the East, after graduating from Bishop
Soott aoademy. After bis ordination
be oommenoed work in The Dalles,
wbere he remained for eight years
afterward removing to Walla Walla,
where he remained for one year. When
St. Marks parish was formed, eight
years ago, be was called to take charge
of the little chapel, and so snooessful
was be in bis pastorate that it is today
one of tbe best-know n churches in the
oity. No arrangement bave yet been
made for the funeral, owing to tbe
absence from the oity of Bishop Morris,
ho was a very olose friend of tbe
deceased, and who will doubtless desire
to look after tbe matter. Bishop Morris
is txpeoted borne today.
Scrofula in the Blood
Causes Glands of the Neck to
Swell Up
This Trouble and a Case of Rheu
matism Cured by Hood's.
" C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. :
" Dear Sirs : A little over a year ago 1
had a swelling come on the side of my
neck. 1 was in very poor health generally
and doctored two
months with ths
family physician
who said my com
plaint was a bilioui
attack." His treat
ment failed to help
me so I determined
to try Hood's Sar
saparilla. To my
great joy, the swel-
s: Una nn the side of
,s. tx trft", ft? o
W&tM&SXmZa P68"0- was pen-
Mis, w. It. M;ill'rnce efited for my other
Meadow, Wasu. ailments. After
taking three bottles of the medicine,I have
not had a sick day since. I for one, rec
ommend Hood's Sarsaparilla to the afllic-
ted, knowing what H has done for me in
the past. My husband was afflicted with
rheumatism and had that tired feeling,
He took Hood's Sarsaparilla and found it
Just the Medicine Needed.
We believe it will do all that is claimed for
It, if given a fair trial. Both of us have
used Hood's Vegetable Pills and are well
pleased with them." Mrs. W. K. Max
LLRNE3, Meadow, Washington.
N. B. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Big General Merchandise Store
Heppner, ... - Oregon.
We Sell Qoods-
STo More Credit Sales.
Shoes now arrived. Bi(r reduction in prices in every lino. Groceries verv cheap. Hard
ware, Tinware, ii assware. Crockery, Mitchell Wagons, Hacks and Buck Boards, Oliver
Chilled flows, Wool Sacks, Meece Twine, Oils, Etc.
Country produce taken in exchange for goods. Cash advances made on wool. Send in vour
I .ood's Pills are purely vegetable, and de
not gripe, purge, or pain. Sold by all druggists.
For Salb. A thoroughbred rouis
tered Hereford bull May wood, No.
28,606. This bull was bred iu Illinois by
(eo. T. Uaker, and is just tue animal
you want to breed 8 ook that will briug
eood pnoe. 1 will sen oneap as 1
have another ot same stock; or will trade
or good milch oows.
8tf. V . U. CPCKNUM.
Hayes & Mathews, the butchers who
own the City Meat Market, are ready to
deliver meat to any part ot tbe city, at
low figures end full weight every time.
Don't forget Joe and lien.- tl.
We Sell
The Celebrated .
Baking Powder
A. i r-
These goods are Strictly Pure and
give the best of satisfaction.
It is the Headquarters !
jpl nttt, rsrut2 Oils, Glaaa, Toi
let Artloeai Patent Mertlolnesi,
ICto. ........
Office of all stages running out of Heppner.
PHIL. COHN, Proprietor.
Wheat, bu 8 32
Fluur.bbl 2 25
Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. t oU
" " three " " a uo
Sheep, muttons, bead.... 1 50 2 25
" stock 1 W U i D
Hogs, on foot, cwt 3 00
Hofjs, dressed 4 UU
Wool 5 8
Horses, Blow sale.
Butter, roll 40
Ekks, doz K
Chickens, doz 3 00
Potatoes, per owt 50
Wheat, cwt 85 & HCK
flour, bbl 2 1)0 8 15
Beeves, stall red 4 50 W 5 00
Muttons, owt 6 00 & 8 00
Hokb, owt 4 50 ii 5 25
wool .asiern uregon.. vs ;
Butter, tt) 10 W 14
Ekkb, doz 14? 15
Chickens, doz 5 00 6U0
Turkeys, lb 15 US 18
How it Happened.
The following romnrkable cvont, In a Indy's
Hie will Interest 1 he reader: "For a loiiif time 1
had nterrllilo pain at my heart, which Mut
tered utmost, incessantly. 1 had no appetite
and could not sleep. 1 would bo compelled
toslt up in bed and belch gas from my sioni
ach until I thought every niluuto would be
my nist. j ncro was a lecnnn or oppression
about my huart, anil I was afraid to draw a
full breath, 1 couldn't sweep a room with
out hllunir down mill resting; but, thauk
God, by the help of New llenrt Cuio nlllhut
is past and I lefil lil;o another woinnii. lie
fore using the New Heart Cute 1 bud taken
different so-called remedies and been treated
by doctors- without any benetlt until I was
both dUcoura-xed and disgusted. My husband
boniilitine a boUlo of Dr. Wilts' INew Heart
Cure, and am hup;iy tomy I never regretted
It, lis 1 riuw b:m a splendid appelhe and
bleep veil. I weighed U5 pounds when I be-
fiin (.-iking tin) remedy, and now I wehihllHH.
is e!To"t l:i my cu e 1ms been truly marvel
ous. It f ir s'lrpatwa any other medicine 1
have ever t;;Ueu or any benefit 1 ever re
reived friv-i physicians." Mr. UarrySlarr,
Pullsvllle, Pa., October 12, IMP'J.
l)r. Miles' New Heart Cure Is sold on a prwl
tlvo nmriinteo by a !l drucslsts, or by the, lr.
Miles Medical Co., lJkhart, lud.,on recelptot
price, il tier bottle, tl x bottles .r, express pre
p.'iid. llils v re ut discovery by an eminent
anecialist iu I. en i t di cii'c, eiiutunis neither
orjlatva Lur (luiiKCruu drug.
For sale by T. W. Ayers, jr.
-: -SUCH A
Wheat, owt I 85 (3 95
Flour, bbi 2 00 3 15
Beeves, owt 3 UU wa oil
" dressed 4 UO M o 00
Muttons, live sheared ... 'i 00 (( 8 00
" dreaaed 4 00 tf 4 DO
Hogg, on foot 3 50
1 dreSHeil 4 00
Wool Eastern Oregon... 5 ti 6
Butter 22j 25
Kiut. doz 0
Chickens, doz 2 50 0C 3 50
Tnrkeys, D dreaaed ii
A New Y irk diNpati li of March 2'Mb
gifre the following acn ititit of a moat
wonderful ttrgicul operation in that
"Thoe. Nevlnn, a Brooklyn itiHrehatit,
from who spine a remarkable growth
wm rt-tumod a few w-kt ago, died at
the Hptify howpital Wdnmday a'trnon.
IU waa .'H yr old, pruKperone and
robuot, tnl nearly tbrre month ago,
whm b coinpUia-il of ulurp pain id
In ihitfti ami groin, ami hit f nen In
O'.licllldnl I lltt 10 H'lllio over M-rtl '0
an be.-i I. a. I f.ifuifd. An np'rM'n
w performed and a male child tlnbl
! chra long arii pfrf'ttlr ("'rn-d wm
found imlwilili'.! In tiiwiiMi. Th doctor
nd Nxvtn an one of twin, an I that
f.f r tilrth th unbryo ( th o'br
ill. ll I had li"in til n n (n q hi own.
I l, il-rt'ira Iwliet. Id 'it a I hi lilr
N.-VI' Ii 'latum I Hi lif of h
imp'i-"ird h'titln-r. Thn. In om
v, l, n fir, r. (' ,f llrf iinrti'a ar
briikrn, and th il''iu of ILa b.hy n-
u-l ."
When your heart pains you and tin
usual palpitation ia frequent, acoom
panied sometime with nbotnem of
breath ami low spirit yon are tmiQVring
from a disordered itato of he liver.
digettioo ia imperfect and there la wind
on Ihe tlomaoh. If allowed to remain
the trouble will ultimately reach the
kldiievi and Worn ditngerou to life.
Wtf n should be taken to stay it pro
urwi on the antwaranre of the Oral
nvmtitom. Dr. J. H. Mclean's Liver
and Kidney Balm ia epoiully aiUptd
for dixirdora ot thi kind, rrice 1 ir
A M'l.l IAL 0 l Kit Krt
I. NO.
On the 2nd day of April, lS'.).r, there
strayed on my iilnce near Heppner, one
thrpe-year-old horse, dark tmy Willi star
in forehead, left hind foot white, branded
Qgnre 4 on right shoulder. Any person
owning this horse can Iiava name by
paying all costs, including this nto'oe.
W. M. Waub.
Cheap for Cash
Is the place to go for everything in the line
of Oroceries, Teas, OofJeea, 8ugars, Cahned
7T1jj Goods, Tinware, Wood and Willowware,
Supplies !
Cigars, Tobnooos, Confeotioneriei, Eto.
The Red Front Grocery
Old Blackman Stand, opposite tbe postofllce.
1$. A. HUNSAKEll, Prop.
Kncoessor to Jerry Colin
Stock Inspector.
1H II K It K H Y (ilVF.N THAT T. N.
Cruw hn Imcii miiMilnU-'l ilenutr H.x k
iih' tur for the Iliittur i rcek Ks tlnii of Mnr-
ruw county.
j An. n i i. a .-w,
:1.7 Moik Inspector.
I have a jnok of Urst-class breeding
qualities, eight years old, thai I would
like to sell or trade. If ohhIi in not con
venient, will take in exchange for this
valuable animal either cuttle or sheep.
Call on or address me at IIepinr, Or.
tf. J. K. HlilnNM.
Ben linnaaker, the ori ginal and only
Hen, a rustler from Uuatlerville, seeks
to tell the niiblio fiat ha in ready to do
busineuM with them at Ihe eland formerly
ooontiied by Jerry Cohn. 11 baa plenty
of gimila to (n-ll (or ciihIi, at low prices,
loo. See ad,
W. V. H( ltIVM.lt.
JSl. wbw FIRM I
Ifavo Bacremlfitl A. M. Ounn in tlio I'.liukHinitliii.R
liuhint'HM ami are prcpnnMl to do nil kimlH of
rnrtl.nt A run
Th Ix .t lv in the wirld fur
Having bought the entire Interest
otirnrry atock Irom the J. O. 'A bitoey'a
rtate cnuainting of apple. per, plum,
prune, cbrrriM, acln-, aprieot,
neolarioea, grapri, raptwiri-, black
lrrM, current, gooaeln-rrie, dew
berri', pie plant, tf wlierrie, (0., also
haila ami ornamental tr, maplra,
lm. bit ah, tnotmtaio ali, ratalpa
locnal, b I l lr, poplar, balm, walnut,
whit birch, oak, h-M fltnnia, mul-h-tru;
prig h, willna. vergrfr
te., f! iwwit'g thnri., alro'ind, rw, ami
brill. III'". ti"W bill, rtti'fia,
eig. Ha,.l-eu,tiii''',kU. hydrang-,
iringe. ailb. t. An I liirig
A WK'in Khop run In roniwtlon. HatUfwtl'in (iiartilen. Cull
on thcin t the old (iunn hop,
law. . HKPPNKU.
ele, An l liirtg ritn
i 1.11.. I l,i run., to am llii trititf
Brni., H..fr. t'i, hall Bh-uni, ! ar( t.ft,f d to furuih th gfid at ;Cotnr Main anil Willow Mffta,
Fvrr M.if.-, lVltr. C'hapfw'l lltnd. irQ nt "f grown 4.
rn.i.i n - ..i.n.i,. 'fr.-m r.n at i.nre, with a ht nf yonr
i,, iKiiii(y eur. ri!, if h i pv
rnj ii'.. i ia k'ii'ntT I .i rit I
iv- .'1 cut ir n r.f iiu by1 21:11 rti, 1 uiio.
P. C. Thompson Company
Aro Still on Deck with Bargains for Cash
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for
Cash Only.
Is Keoley Uiluls
Vov tho Cure o
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It la located at Halrm, Otrgmi,
77i Mimt lleautiful Town on the Count.
Call at th (irTT nfflr (nr particular.
Htrlf tli iilill. Initial. 1 realinelit rl vale and lure
H0HSE8H0HH6. OtlS Paltao
L'l n bear 1
I..' nf
I .i.i an I we will tim,i "i pric tlil
will Mr and rH U f fnt.
"... a. . . . '....UM I
A I If I'alirra
K"i'(' r U-f, th g'i-at ;'
Jiff f , f 1 t't ' afll f i-Mii-a lo
. I ' t I '. .... I Pl. ('.t-.l I',
."!, l. rj.ijtj T.V.'.Aj'i.
Htt.rr lr lo ! vfi Min, lai
f t.ing 1 p.-r if 0-gm. II 't 't.
Urn, II (lit tl, l-lr 11 !,
j;.',ti.f r. A ' ! n n t it atnm. !
.i ( i', p"p!' piif l nil prie.
tuU cibe at th 0i-t .f2 I
Vitcriio-H fit Xriw
All butti"a attrnVil to in a promt' an l M'i-fa t' .ry
manlier, Nolarif t'ublic and C..ln tor.
Land Patents
Laml pntf-ntH H'curi'tl ftr Hi'lllrrs in tho hliorlrat j niHiblo liar.
Contested Cases
CimtcHtftl ciiHcri itilllijciitly bh1 hkillfully lmndliMl,
Old Claims and Disputes
OKI clainiM itml diHtniti r) rpcrdily Kcttlctl.
lletween Individtiala having noiillii ling rlaim nn.b r the aifrirult'rel taml
law, ami th' between elaimmit nmlir the Mn eral l aw and gnnultural
rlaimaiita; and ali litwn Uimint tin lr any if lite pnlilin UihI law and Iha
lUilroad eoniiaine and lh ir gianter. ainl the utan ami their graatrfa, under
11, a Knuii I. ami and Heh'iol IjMiid (Irani.
Mi laity madetif rtiriiig patent In Ihe almrtral mail,l tilne fur arttlrra
who have oomplieil with tha law ondef wlileh their ri.lrira were niado, and who
re annoyd and worrfd by tUlaj in Hi ian ol their .aletil, eauaed by Trifliog
IrregoiantK-a wbiflb ran be eaily and p liy removed.
Advira alo giveo lo all mtr relating t II. pnblia lead. eiepllly nn
tKiinl arlalng finder th nw laai whioli bave two renntly paal providing for
the dt'ji'Mial oflhe piiblio tlnmain. ... .
If yon want your land palenl in almrry-lf yon want your Uml bnlnea, nt
any rdaraflter, attended tu by killlul and iiipelml attorn- y. and pri.tnptly dia
prd of, write II
John Wr.Dnr.KMMiN, ( ii n Man.,
mm Bit,
U aahiUali U. O U