Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 09, 1895, Image 4

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Tbere was never a time In the history
of onr country when the demand for
inventions find improvements in tbe arts
and sciences generally was so great as
now. The oonveuienoes of mpjkind in
the factory nnd workshop, the household
and on the farm, us well as in official
life, require oontinuai accessions to the
appurtenance and impliments of each
in order to save labor, time and expense.
The political change in the admimstra
tion of government does not affect tbe
progress of tbe American inventor, who
being on tbe alert, and ready to per
ceive tbe existing deficiencies, does not
permit the affairs of government to de
ter bim from Quickly oouoeiving the
remedy to overcome existing discrepan
cies. Too great care cannot be exer
cised in choosing a competent and skill
ful attorney to prepare and prosecute
an application for patent. Valuable in
terests have been lost and destroyed in
innumerable instances by the employ
ment of incompetent counsel, and es
pecially is this advice applicable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
pay" system. Inventors who entrust
tbeir business to this class of attorneys
do so at imminent risk, as the breadth
and strength of tbe patent is never con
sidered in view of a quick endeavor to
get an allowanoe and obtain tbe fee.
John Wedderburn, General Manager
618 F street, N. W.,Washington, D. C,
representing a large number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals of the eountry, was in
stituted to orotect its natrons from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
in this line of business. Tbe said Con
pany is prepared to take charge of all
patent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, and prepare and prosecute
applications generally, inolnding me
cbanioal inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer
ences, infringements, validity reports,
and gives especial attenion to rejected
cases. It is also prepared to eutor into
competition with any firm in semiring
foreign patents.
Write for instructions and advice.
John Wbddrhiiiikn.
bl8 F Htreat,
P. 0. Box 385. Washington, D. C.
Whila yon annp your subscription paid lip yen
OKti knep yonr li,l in froeof chitrKR.
Allyn. T. J., Ions, Or. Hornns (1(1 on lnft
ahcml.lor; out Oh anum rin left, hip, mulnr lit, on
riKlit nur, hiiiI uppxr bit on the lnft ; ntiiK", Mor
row oiiiint.y.
ArniHtroni, J. (, Alpinn, Or, T with bur nn
rinr it on loft Bliouldur of liormm; ciittlo Mima
on loft hip.
AIIIhou, (). t) Kinlit, Miln, Or. (Tut tin brand,
() Don loft hiti nnd Imrnna atiine brauil on rinlii
iiliiiiilibir. Ilium". Kitfltt Mil's
AilkuiH, J. J., llnpptiHr, Or. Ilnrnn ,IA oon
nwtKil on loft Hunk: onttln. amnnon lnft bin.
Hnrtholumi'W, A. ()., Alpinn, Or. Morno
hntiiiloil 7 K oil till Imr tttumliliir. ltitnitn in nr
;ow tioiititv
niinnilr, .1. W., Hnrilmiin, (r, ('iittln briuul
a.l li on loft hip itinl thinh: Hplit in ntu-h nnr.
lirniinnr, t'otor. tiooHi.h.'rry Orn'roii - Moraita
hr.iinlnil I" II ou lnft Blioul.l.ir. Cut I In biiiiio on
riirht miin.
Ilnrkn. M Ht (', l,o'i Crook, Or On cHllln
M Y I'liiimctiirl on h.rt hip. oiopoif loft oar, niu
tlor Imlf orop olt riirht. IIoi'h.ih, hiuiih bninil on
lot ft Hlioiil.litr. Iliini;n in (Irimt nnd Morrow
MroHinitu, Jnrrv, bonn, Or Ibirnna brutiilnil 7
on rutlit Hlioolilor; rnttln H on tho loft Hiiln,
Jnft nnr I in I r drop "nil rilil our iinir nlopo.
Hiirlon, Win.. Ili'ppni'r, Or. - Homon, J It on
Pulit tliiith; wit tin muni on riht lno; Hplit in
hii'-Ii wir.
Ilr.iwn, Inh, l,ixinirton, Or. Homiia f on tho
rixht Hiitlx; ciitihi BHinooii riuhthip; riinun, Mor
row roiinty,
drown, j. , Hoptmor. Or. Ibirnnn, ramie
V with dot in noi f,r on b.fl ii,; rnttln, aa'tin.
brown, W. .1., 1,1'Iih. "recoil. Iloraoa , ,r
over It, on tliu li'II nhimlib r. Cuttle hiiiihhiii left
Iloynr, W. (I.. Iloppnnr, Or.- Ibn-ana, boi
brand oil rinlii hip ml tin, asm, with Hplit in
we'll our,
Horn, IV O., Hoppnnr, Or. Unrein, P II on loft
lioiililnr; rut tin. Htitinon loft hio,
llrowiili.it, W. .1., Km, I r-( 'nit In. JH riominrtiwt
mi loft Hid,.; crop on loft nnr nnd two mil it tin.j
m ill, 1 1 innon rut out on r i k h t mo; on Iioi-hoh Mionn
brnml on thn loft thiiilii IIhiikm in I'm viilloy
II runt ooiiiitv,
Cnriinr Wnrrou, WntMinr, Or.- HorniM brttnil.
ullliin rlitht atilli riittln (lliron I mm) on
rmhl rib", nop nnd lil in mirli our. ItitiiKit m
(trim! nod Morrow cotititiitn.
( iiiii.K., ( nlob.or - V Don honioH on loft Mtho
tl with oioirtor oirrln ov.ir it, on loft nhottl.tor
hiol on loft ntilUt on nil rolta un.lxr ft -naia; on
I. ,ft "lioiil l.,r only on nil horniiiovor fi yiwtm. All
ruioo' in iti.itit I'oii'itv.
( him, 'h'o. It., ViiiNoii or l,"tiR, Or. llorM,
II (' on roilil i.hiinld"'; I'ni'ln nHinn on rltht hip.
Ibiniro 1oitow nod ll'lmllUn foiinllo.
t'oiriiMH. M M , 1 tut low i j , Or ( null, prop out
of tH'-hoiir olid iiMiiorlnl, mii, m forolo'fid;
hol-aoa lin I f I'ir. l,. (' on I, ft ftllln, lliiucil Jlor
ro,v nnd t oih i llu roil' t n't.
t'url, i . II., .1 l in I . v . Or. Dotibln rr,a on
i"trh hip on I'liHlo. Hit!l"W fork nnd tin lor b:t
In n(liti"ir, Hplit in loft rir. ItmitfH in (mint
I'aiiiuiy. nil nliiop, n, ril mi I appnr ihihu
nil Mtinithli-r t.Nr mm koil iwih, crop oil loft onr
iiu,'li'd iiooxr lot in riM. V tlio,H. orop in
riuht nn I no lor hnlf rrop i loft nnr. All imii
in i In, in i.oiiutv.
Cook, V J..Inn.Or. HorH,4i, IKIon fuht "holll
ilnr, ( nMh. hiiiio'ioi rmhl hip: onr mitik junin
i'i"p ott loft Hid plil in rtii'd.
I ilrrm. 11. i., t on llnatilln. Or. - llnriuw, X oil
II. 't HllH...
t in Kd. K ll'ird'i.iin. Or - ('miIIh, C wiih
t in I'i'iitor, hoi". i K on lofl 'hp,
I'oi'hrioi, It. I:., Moioiiiti'iit, (ti-iid I'o, Or. -
llorw, binnd.'d cirolo wttti tmr U nth, on loft
Hhotthh'r; roll h HniliH brnnd on both ItlpH, lion k
lltld'-r nlopo tHtth ohth Itlld d"W lfp.
Clinpio. H, llnidoiaii. Or. tlorMa bmndtl
on rlt'ht hip. I nltlr btioi.hol Hoi hhiiio,
I11401U t"l on hi't-o rmhl Itiiti; i'h I'o ,bim
binodoii ru.'ht khouhh r, And i ut ott mid of
ri.'til wir.
liotuiPo-'. W. M .lifilh'Wi. Or.- t'iiit. II Don
rlifM -id. Hw.id'iw-foik in on-li tmt ; hor., li l
ioi l"ft loo,
I It. lb h. . thoiitU. Ot lb", hi I rHi,.. ( .V
on lofl Hti.Mildor, I'Mftlit soiiiq on lofthip. holii
tr ritil'l nr.
I motj.i' H , Ibirdorm, llr. Horvt brnudi
; r..,'lo,l I' triMi In I) on h'M iMiil'dor : rtl.
Ib'Mi'nMou riuht loo It'otifrt in Moriw roiiut).
I- loti'ili-n, I,. A., Ilrponni Or. - I al I U, l,K on
rmhl lop, linlam tf Willi Ikut Ulldnr nil rmhl
H..tfi' H. I'. Ilnpi'iir. Or - HmrH. Y on
ritfM hIkoiI bo ; r'ti't,.. r on rwhl lop or itimh.
t rio h, li".Oi(. Il"'t"l'.r llr t 1 1 l n,
W V, will, Inniim it. on lfl .id,.. ,,,!, f,
rnr. II'M-", Mil" ttit'id on ,f l l,,,
Itfottry, Inoo, r 'ho. Or ll'ro tirn lo I II,
H. Hh n .innrior i-t U ovr it on l..fi titl,
lti" if' HI M Olow tod I in tlitUi-.-iioiiit
ll,.,it A.M., In U", i)i i .mi.' r.Mind top
wit h itiirl .r rti.'irt u, ..r fl i,rt rm;,t hip,
Itaogrt tit 1 ,fr..w " I I "i il ilU , 'ie
II ml. n l.ik.. hi n I ", i lr (."...'.,!,,.
nn filh..r top. rf.'p In fi' l ,,r H' I ,ltt ut ..l,
t.M.4i J on r mid il.wh, Iti'if iii 1 1 ' I'll i-.niiiij
Hmrl na. hn liio l. Utnn, Or J" ( ' f ,
I on ... . I I ,.o r l ti.l.'f oil (.'-.. on ,n l..t
ioi ei.l.l I n. l i t P 'i . I . ., il.. f.,.k
I'nM "i' i ' I ;'t I" t'-f- It ,'irfn lit Ibii!,
(h' , ..l , .! .,f.w r 'ii
II. I". M . !' .'.. '
-II f .H'c I , p-,., i'.t la oi, I. fl h,..i'.l.
I at ' i , mi l.' t (..(. .., ia'tp' i llt'ln oil p.fl
II .w-i' I I I., ' i t llr II -. T l,'r.,
won it ,r a'. .' i " o t r . '- - . ti i. t . ,.ni I - a-n
"i I"" '!. b li l'iro nn I maun
II:, Ut'.. J ,K
ii li' c. ! ' iM
Ill ttHf I (f
"ni l.-r. It ii it
M lv. H i v'f f, fir M...Ma, r.,U
inrt Mit th 1- 't i. -il l . luttfo Y, .rt.. ,.
II. t tfi(i-(( J M IUrtmiM lf - Itxr, II if
M'i-'"'i I i'1 t
li ti . i t t.
1 I Md. Ilt II .ran l
i ,-t ...i I'... i ti I ,
I . i
I .
f. I
v :.
h, ; ..u
k' M on
I... i
l -k- h"aa
i. . u.a
Jalii.t , ta ,, (i -il ir itlvml
i Allegro. iiiiMLiMtw i.jih
lr1) r; t --r-2. a m . . tr IBTn
jj ft-z--
rr f- tr--9
r- du 1
. -H,l
- -
tnft, BtiH; cinttl,iiamon riht hip, under half
11 " ri"'" htiii nniir n inn Hftr
Ktvinv. Milcp. Hiitiniicr t w i.j
wr VI " i ' ' "'"nn" uiniiiiwi
KINl Oil iHft llIU f-Mltln MHttlA BMfl If.
, - - - " v try Vf I Alt 1 I
iwr: nndiir lop on thn riuht
Kirk J.T., Hniipnnr Or.-lltire 69 on lnft
hotihlnr; (lHttln, HHnn lnft hip.
Kirk, Jhhho, llnppudr, Or.; horso. U on lnft
Hbonldnr; iriittlo biuiib on riuht id, undorl.it on
riirht nur.
hi.uihBrlnnd.W.O.. Mount
mill In mi rm itnnd loft aidm, awnl low fork in lift
wir hiiiI iiiiilnr mop in riuht r. Horana hhiiii.
brHnil on loft Hhoiildnr. Khii in Orniit roiintv.
l.of..ii, Htopimn, Fox.Or.-H I, ou loft hip
on m tin. nrop Hml hplit on riKlit wr. llomm
Hinn brnud on loft hIiiiiiMit. JUiik (iraul
Ijlotilillnn. John W. I .l.n t t.
hrmiili'd liBlf-mrnlnJI.ronnniibxlnn Inftnhoul.
dor. ( attln. Mtintt on lnft hip. ItHiign, niwr
la.nhi'y, J. W. Ilnppnnr Or.-Honwii bmndwl
Ij mid A on b'tt Hhouhl.o" ..uiii .... i...
. . -- .- , .... ,w . ,m ,,u it.,
hip, WHttloovor riKht ny. tlinin abi. in r,.hi
wr. "
lair.l, (Inorxn, llappiinr. Or.-llorn hrnnilml
IoiiIiIm 11 nol.llHI'l. ,1 a..,n..l,M,. ....11.,
wiiiic II, nn lnft Hlioiildnr.
Biiuor, OwHr, nnppnnr nr.--rnttln, M D mi
rmhl hip; hurnn. Mon lnft Hlioiildnr.
Morirnn. ti. N.. Hi.ii..,i. o, ll,...u
"It lofl Hhonhloi rnttln HHinit on litft hip. '
iiii'iii.ll,Oa..nr.loim, Or.-lliiraw, 77 on riuht
hut; I'Hllla, 77 on rmhl mdn.
u mntii, I), (, llrowtmvilln. Or.-lliinwn.
rmiim5onHi'h ahoiililHr: ohIIIk, M'Jun tun
Mi'liirr, Kriink, Km Vnllny. Or.-Mnln hoo
Willi t.a-cork Oil CHt lift 111! rilui anil n nil tm.
"""i 11",r; I"" w"" brninl on lnft ititln.
Mi'IIhI., ... t ., mh, nuton. Or.-on iiornM.
with half niridn iindor tin loft ahoiihlnr.tin t tn,
finir bnra muiiiM'Inl no top oil thn rilit kid
o.,iK" in t train 1 olllllv.
NohI. Allllmw. laion lt,uk Or IL.ru 1 N ....
nt't.l on lnft ahouldnr: rnttln tuitnn on both Itiiw,
Norl)kn, K., NlUnrtatn. Or.-Horana, rind 7 no
" mo: rnmn. anllin on Inn hll.
OIIvmi-. Jomtpli, (Hiiyon City, Or.-A Ion rntllr
on loft hip; on horaoa. anina on lnft tliiti, lUimn
III Ormit inly.
Ollnr, IWry, lllimton, Or.-l' l on lnft
Olp, llorinan, 1'iairln I'ity, Or. On rnttln.
I.I rontirt.a on lnft hip; horana on lnft at i tit
an I wnnln on noun. Itanirn in Uiant nnitity,
I'.air..,,,. OI,n, rmhl Ml In. Or.- Horana, ,pmr
tnr riri'ln .hi,. I, I mi l,.fi ahoiildar and J4 tin Infi
hip. I all la, fork in h'ft nr. rlwltt rrouiKhl. 21
tin lafl hip. Italia-ou Klaht Mi In.
I'nrkor A lilmtaoii, llBriliinui,tr,-Htirwa U'ob
b'fi ahoiildar.
''Mw. Kri'B.i, liloaton. Or.- Ilttr-nn brand.
r. (I, K rioinnrliali on hft ahoiildar; ratlin
ma, ,n rmhl hip, llaimn. Morrow count,
l'i-r. J. II , libmton, Or. Ilorann. JK nm.
nnrlml ot lnft ahoithlnri rat I In, tutllia on ft hip.
llhdnr bit in nni-h nur.
I'ntlta. A t '., lonn. Or.; horana ilianonid I' on
ahollldnr; .Kill... J II J clmaolr d. mi thn
b'fi hip, npia.r .lopa iu lnft nur and alip in tha
Itiafl. Andmw, llnrdnian. r. Ilorann. mar
rr.'- with ,oari..r-rir,'l imnr i) nn lnft all tin.
Ilniiltm.tr. I hlia. Ilnliotmr. Or.- ll.trta t' II ....
lnft ahollldnr,
Kindt llr... Ilrppnar. Or.. Horana brnuda
tut lh rmhl ahouldnr: ratlin. I on thn haft hip
rrop oil lofl nnr and daw lap on nark. lUlmn II
Morrow and adtoitiintf rotiiilina.
K.aiio-r, Aiolrnw. la'iiniiton, Or - llorwa
tiran.h.l A II on rmhl h, ail. tar, ntit iptartnt
ritru on htaod. oaltla aama on rtht hip.
Itantfn Morrow rotiMly.
llonn, Win. II. Datrytilln, Or-llll nonnnrlM
Hit .pintt.'r rirrln t,nr top ott rail In on rwht ht
and i t..p,.lt rml't nar and apllt In lnft, Hoiaa
aauin brand on lofl ahtnlldnr. Italia In Mormw
(taut ami (iilllailt nttiindHa,
ll.a'tor i. W . llappiinr. Or - Horana, JO ta
Infi ahouldnr, t alt In, pun rlahl hits
Mpi. ki.all. J. W . IbN-anlawty, Or.- tlitraa
binndial t mi lnft alnatldori laiifa ID Mitm
rouai i.
haiiin. I' Ilnppnnr, Or- Horana hran, l
tin Infi ahouldnr; raltln aama on lnft hip
haaaaart, H r , lomiifton, Or, Horana
with itaalt tllidnf l on lnft atiHn: rallla II with
danh tttidnr ti ott rmhl hip, rrop oft rmhl nar and
a idlml on rmhl loud Ina?. Ilang in Morrow,
Itilliam and t itialilla ramnlina.
haaaaati. A I. . An nua Or Horana brand-.'
on Intl iiottldnr ra4t In aama tin lafl hl, 4'rtip
nn nnr. a ail i" on Infi htad ng,
h'tnml.t H K.. llappiinr. Hr - Horana al,a.lail
J h ., i..rt anil-, rain, j rt on l.ft hij.,awilow
H,pp t..n Hapotinr, Or H.nraaa, H A I on
lnft I ip, ,-nili. anion ttit lnft lop,
hi. nar John Or- Nt' rannon, on
h"t4ai .a, r aid hip, naitm, aana on omIi hip,
ri,.p ..It rial. I nar anil nintnl bit in lnft an, Itanga
It, ttta' I a.noilt
H-.i it It Hi, a Hiiaanttl!. Or. ll.oa.ai Hranda.)
II . on alt.aildar; naitm, aktlin a Infi ah,.ttld .
H-I'iina. Ja'nra Arliham, Or,; horana Lrarbl
J . I. f I atiinildnr rallh tha aam almi aaa
Wa Idla. U- rn IB t'now and Itiiuara r...it lin.
H'.'! I.a' a. A , llaoloian, Or-I h.o-aaa HI a on
ria' i anilm rn'tla h.n..,i il I. tnt II. a 1 1 al.ta
h'nrnt.a.ni, VI ra A i ., Il-ppt,ar h) -a)'attla, H
tin rial I Ioi i aaaJI.-w f.nk in lnft nar.
Ka.aa.l O W , llrppt.nr. Or Ibaana, u
lnft .laatld.. nattla, O on lnf hip
i-ft II , llaotmnf. Or l i'ii W l m,
li hip rrttp rifi.i and a.l,ii in lafl aar,
daa'ap, h-.twat V 4 ol . f I ata,idn!, ,
' !"". J A. II I !" Or lt.,faa on !
1. It .I...II., inti'n f ,w, lafl ..,a,i,l-r
I " '' H I. r rin,lan.Ot.- IPa-aa. C.u la'l i
iMtttar It W . II m ! Or - NmaU papHal T
l.ll an'ail.tar. lurana, r'i: aailia lal U.'l hia
Ha not i U.Ik ra
2-2-; - lESiEEEEE13
-is- i ; js& r ' utf., 2
1 -u . . .-!- ' t? t3r '
" '; V 3-git--4
It kfiF
,-.tt ' 'm i i , v . , is-
r ' WKOijaoaLxm ' -1 a
( nu
r....r-rj-.rJ-: r:
VHKl-t 1-
r -.. ' W r7" .fc--.-' , tprsaa
r'.iwiT - i - Si.r'ii'.ri ttf-w'
' - - - - :f', - ;.Ll'.r. -
. -. i
V - t
( .
Copyright., i;,,.p by i'lu :.V.v Vol'.; Jlu.-ieul I'-.t-orJ
Thornton. II. M. lonn (I. u.... t i.j
mi ' , an oinijtiuil
onimnctoil on lnft atirln; hep aamn bninil.
Vnndnrpool. H.T., Una. 0r:-IIor8i HVoon
tinotnd on riuht shouldur-mttle, mine on right
WHlbrid-n, Win.. Hnppnur, Or. Horami. TJ. L.
nn thn lnft. ahiiulilnr; iiKttlo anmn nn right hiu
orop off lnft, nar nnd right enr loppntl.
Wilann, John t)., Hiilwui or Hnppnnr, Or.
Horana brHiuhal Jt; on the left nhonldnr. llauge
IVIorrow county.
Warrnn, W H, ChIoIi, Or-Cttln W with quartar
Rindii ovnr ll.oil loft aidit, aplit iu rivlit nnr
Horana anmn. bninil oil loft HliDUldttr. Itunguiii
(inint ntiuuty.
Wadn, llnnry, Hoppner. Or. -Human hrnndnd
am of apHilon on lnft ahouldnr ami lnft hip
I attln briiinbal aamn on lnft aidnand lnft hip.
Wttlrlngnr, John, John Day City. Or On horana
thn'n iiarallnl bant on lnft ahonidnr; 7 on ahnnp,
bit in iNitli mra. llauge in (Jraut and Malhner
WiHalwanl, John, Ilnppnnr, Or. HorafM, CP
oonnni'lial on lnft ahouldnr.
Watkina, l.iahn. Ilnppnnr, Or.-Horana brandod
Ur, oonnwtntton lnft all tin.
Wallarn, I'harlna, Hnppntr. Or.-'ttln, W on
right IhiMtli.holF in lnft. nnr; horaoa, VV oa right
hiiuhltir aoin, anmn on lnft alutuliinr.
Whittinr lirtat., niiniingiitii, Baknr Co., Or. -Horana
ItraniliNl W H iiiiniinntnil on lnft ihuitldor
Willmma, Vaami, llainitlon.Or, Qnartr cir
rln ttvnr thnw bara on lofl hip, both cattla and
horana, lUimn ( I rant county.
William. J . lamgfrtaik. Or Horana, tpiar
tnr cirrln ovnr thnat Intra ou laft hip; cattla aama
nd alit in narh nnr. Italian in (Irani comity
Winn, A. A., Ilnppnnr, Or.-Hurann riiniiingA A
on ah uildor; ("attln. aamn on right hip.
Voiing, J. H (lH"ltnrry.(lr.-llorhndal
THnn thn Hvht .h.ntliln-
l or Pleasure or Profit,
Should that tha Journnt tbry ubiriba
to i Ilia I i .t and it ot rcuaO.a
authority ubumabio.
It drat prrtlrll with frnll.and rrtabtn
lir. a, aliruha ami thmri. nnd ii,t,ritii '
ht'id of hoitit'ultiiia v.lrlli,itn
and llinroiigMv. i llluattair. and
dt-atlitaa ttirthoda ,, ruitiva
lion, mi provrd vanrtiraanj
lal... r . anving ilrv ir.
It la, withuut doubt,
The Paperforthe People!
i f fill ' . , ,B '
$I VOm Iran fil aHtalrril,
Bparlmnn rop and fci-paga ratatoena o(
hottliullutal laa.ka IIU n p,,,,.
Americin Gafdcninj, 1 70 Fulton St., N.V.
Caititi. TuJc .TiJtti. 0.'ji finx Copji jhi
Aod titl iVrnt .tiRrari.4ttrt4 Ut
Uf. rtnn. a n. a.ltl,- !., t., tkmtrttBUat
BMv. Allr,
press Claims co.,
la11.H, l:iie.,,
.atHi, W..HI.,,,, ,, J,C.
1'. .1
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Christianized and Come to Amer
ica to Bo Educated.
Knmmoiind Iloinn from Their Studlra They
Itctiirn to Tbt-lr Nutlvn land and
ICngugn In Itnttli. with tho Kne
inlr of Tlitdr l'loplo.
Two Afrii'nn ruli-rs stiiU'd on the
Ctinurdfr l.ut'imia rooi'iitly for thpir
nittivu liiml. Otu' wi'iit to rt'i'iiviT a
pmvimv wroiiyly tiilton from him; the
otliiT to strctitlion his proviniv, now
wt'iiUi'iu'il liy u liHif titnl liittor war.
Tin- two iirofotisiu:-., Miystlii! Now York
rrpi'i'iU'iicp in ra,ll is taken by the
yoiiniT of the two, I'l'liu'e Momoltt
M;! .:..i((tioi; who has alrpaily ruled for
nearly two years, whereas' his eonsin,
I'rinee llesolow, hits never tiniiinted the
throne that is rightfully his. I'rinee
M 'ill. ln Ins liad'iwi nilvi ni iiimiih liis
('ry. I'ir l ii'.'imnl in tl,,. , ..fios .if
t!ie (.rii'i'ilnish. n nol i of ' lilaek-urt
'hoo of the Vei enile. in tirraif, of
which lie ean hlmw a lititnlreil Nenrs of
the torture knives, lie afterward la
.nine Christ ianicl iwul came to this
iniiiitrv. His nmtlicr was then ipicen
recent of the province of .lalutsca, iu
the Vei territory, imrthciist of l.ilicriit.
hile the yoiwiir prince was pnrsiiin)f
a etilh've emirM' in un instittilinn in
Tennessee he reccivctl word of his
milliter's tie ith.
The I w ;:s. a warlike noitflilairitiir
trila-. hii.l iittacked the ipteen's village
and she had Wen forced to the to the
woods. The .In I hi scans, who are ordi
narily a peaceful hm. pic, arc very brave
when HriutM'.l. nnd when they fmitnl
their miccii iiiiasin they U at back the
invaders. I'or ten day they hcarched
the v.-iNhl-, fur her, and on the eleventh
she was found, hpcochles from lniii;rcr
nnd privation. Two davs later nhe
died, rrince Miuii,.!:;' riliteen-ycar-old
nephew, who usaiiined the llinme
in his nbseii. e. ax'tit word to him to
' if l-aek at oiiee.
"The r.inus arc thrcatc ninn nur nit.
h t lairtler." he wr.de. " famine is
In lhi land. The a-ople are crying- o it
for the kitur .t I'cliirn. t',.inc b,,,., ,,,
aveitt:.' the death of ymtr mother, the
tp n. "
The prince returned, colic..!..,! hi
l.'hting- f.treea un.l In a lleree battle
.ia-i.iilly defeated the I'aniia. I hat was
ii.-hleell IIP'tiHia mo. I.ti t at ill wander
Hf ilctiichtm Ilia of the I'atiua kept tip
ifticrrilhi wnrf.ire. M.atil,ile Ihe
lew ruler instructed Ids t,.,.pi,. M Ml,ri.
Illture lltnl suiveeiled iu relu-Miitf tile
fainiiie. lie n t timed t.t this country
laal year, and Is now i'..ln Im. k toeii
leavor t t e-mcludf .l.-dttit. ly the p,,!la
ar Hi, lir.t ,tai,p. , rca.liii.if
hia It'll ite l.uid N. , , (
t iiii. ti tl. i.ti,, r n.it in- kin prince
and iliufs, ttie riri'.,iit.it in- ,,f
(Meal ll' it.itn tp . .iU i ,., (..,T,.rn.
lllilll mid lite r,ill, leu, Icra to ill,,! n
trtBly of p.ace. I'rinee M ly ,..
lievr there i a jrrejit future ts f ire hi
coiiiilry. Not only is the .,!. Ilttcd I t
eu'.liv.ti.m. but it I a4il, that ri, , o,
tU p isit, iltt r,.. NimriUy the priti.i
h 'ts a to i sULIi-h tMi rtlt,t tit k'..ld
mine The ureal eiirar t.f tH eoiiiitrr.
he Nta. U Ihe lt.tior trade. tti,n ,tf ,
Wi.ra i;riiii.r f""'tn drutiki n tpi.irn la
ts'trt.H'ii tin- fa. The prince la n'-oit
Iwctit vt'i -lit yenra id, I. lie la ,.,r k
In r... w i a h, f..r, .B h.
I. !h 't t I 'n.e la awh m tnatmer
!;' ti t.i,. ;iij- Kill Irv I ct!ti' .Vv.xf
.., l'r;uct lirK.'.jw, UtaUtr
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SttHu S.Uut'.!:Iia. 2.
five years old. He has lioen a student
in Williams colletre. nntl was sum
moned a short time ur-o to assume the
throne, which should have been his fif
teen years ao. Hi.) father was kinjr
over a tribe of one hundred and fifty
thousand Wis, and his mother was the
favorite iimontr two hundred and fifty
wives. Like, his cousin, I'rinee Iiesolow
is a graduate of the (iririhush, or
l.owM'iuhy. as his tribe calls it. In
IST'.i his father died and his uncle,
Diinlu Sitw, became his pnar.lian.
Uaiilu usurped the throne, and after
iifteeii years of rnlersliip has become
tired of it. Tip' 1'anas liave been very
btilhcrsome an I have carried away in
raids not only iiis wives, but even his
cattle, lie wants pence nnd tpiiet now,
and some time aj,ro he wrote to his
nephew to return and assume a throne
somewhat out of repair. So the prince
is on ids way to his principal village of
liend.io. His lirst elbirts will be to
foster agricultural pursuits nnd simple
manufactures. Then be will endeavor
to educate his people,
I loth the princes have ambitions to
C'hristitmie the Wis. They realize,
howeer. that it cannot lie done at
once. The doctrines of the (irijrnliush
have taken tiKi deep root. The rulers
hope to accomplish their end by Chris
tiani.insr and cdueatiii),' the children.
Wild and 1 niii-aoinn I lia of tha Signal
Kt rvlrn Mrn Thrra.
The railway trains run daily to tho
top of Pike's Peak four months in the
year-from . I line 1 to the last of Ken
temlier; sometimes u few days longer if
there is pat ronajre enough to pay ex
jH'tiM s. During the rest of the year,
t'ifc'ht limp; months, the nlu;!iiil-Hervie
lin n slay there alone two of them
uml see nothing of the rest of mankind
until the snow melts in the sprinif, ol
thott,'h tliey nre in constant romtmini
vation by telegraph. Sum-times, says
a corn'Saindeiit of Ihe I hicaifo Uecor'd.
tliiyeome down on hnowsh.aa to re
pair the wire if the storms teur them
apart, utnl in an emerireney they have
been a far us Manitou ur Colorado
'I he raihvny pratle has made them
Journey, tntieheaslcr than they Used to
Ik when there was only the mule, trail
to follow, but if n lntt M-ren inllea
nnd a very atccp climb to return totheir
eerie. The snow It. jfitm to fall early
in th ttilM T. Last year the jrrontitl was
covered six feet deep by October j.
nnd the stime huts on 'the mountain
top are buried under the drift until
the atin li'irin to melt tbi tn the last of
April or the lirst of May. The iiicu
have Ina.ka nn. I ciir. laatid i'lo Ut'iitnnion,
Bb'l win 11 they Heed !ereiM they can
nhitvel Hie Mimv fnttit the diairwny.
Hutitian h i, if 0j dismal Imprison,
iiiettt, and it eoiiiiirviaan who went up
on the enra w it!i ti .resac, the uni
Vcral opiiii.iu w hell, after lienriii(f the
otory, he i. l.tinitd. "(..-h! I'd nil her
apt-iit the Hi-iter in b ! warm Jail."
There is rt js.rt that the utation U
to Is? Bbundotiett this fail, a it utility
the wrath, r bunou la d.mbtful, ond
Ihe observer tint x norry If it
turu uul to W imf,
I I'llra! 1'ilra! Ill t. I'ltra,
HtTipli.ma-.Maiatnre; intense itching!
s Bti.l atitikiM af : nice! al night; Worse by i
era.li tung If sll iwo l to crlnine
tumor form, liU'h i-fteu Ibs-d and
n'mMte, brrt.mlbtf Very ore. f!'
. OltwT ptnpa il.n Hel tng an I .,. ,
log. bnU tilra-ralinn, and in ruot caae
! rvtiiotea th inroms. Al ilm.'i'fli, nr
t,a ri.a I f.. "1 w Tt. u... . a u
, . . ....... tj imn, 4 i.J'l ill Q. 5,
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New Terror for French t'onvlcta.
Life in the Iench penal colony at
New Caledonia has been pictured as so
agreeable, both by reason of the cli
mate as well as the leniency with
which convicts have been treated, that
transportation seems to have lost most
of its terrors. Criminals do not con
ceal their preference for a long sen
tence in the beautiful Pacific island to
a much shorter term with hard labor
in one of the penitentiaries at home,
and when perpetrating- a misdeed have
soug-ht as a rule to render their offense
as serious as possible, so as to entail
transportation if captured. It is with
a view of putting an end to this senti
ment thr the French government has
now dci. ;d to stop sending convicts
to New Caledonia, and is making ar
rangements to deport them instead to
Gaboon, tho fever-stricken and most
pestilential of all districts of French
Congolaud in Africa.
Mora 1'athrtlo Than llamornua.
An aged couple living south of
Ilrazil,Ind.,who had devotvd their three
score and ten to rural life and the
making of a farm, sold their posses
sions for the snug sum of sixteen thou
sand dollars. When the pmchaser
ealk-d with a notary to close up the
deal by taking the deed of title, the
husband having signed and passed it to
the wife, she positively refused to sign
without a consideration, saying she hud
spent her life in making the farm, ar.d
hud never reulized anything she could
cull her own and now wus her oppor
tunity. The husband failed to satisfy
her und secure the signuture. Then the
purehuser asked to know what shn
would tuke and sign the deed, fearful
that she would lc exacting Iteyoml his
inclination to comply. After a good
deal of hesitancy she suid she thought
she ought to have two dollurs, w hich
he promptly bunded her, and she
signed the title. She turned over the
silver dollars time and time again,
laughing over her gtnxl luck. She said:
'Well. well, this is th first money
I have ever had in my life that I could
cull my own and spend it as I may wish
to do to suit myself."
Leaves No Constipation,
Cnrea It. a. nl as all II Hi. nanr.B.
IN I1V1T.IU bill In II.C W.ifl.l. H .'
ranu.,1 i f utW0. ii eaLts ref tvl
ill btmt.
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How to ;Ket $100 and Pcilifips Jlak a
We secure patents aod to induce
people to keep track of thmr bright
ideas we offer a prize of one'bnudred
dollars to be paid on the fltet of every
month to tbe person who submits to as
the most meritoiloiis invention daring
the preceeding mouth. We will bIho
advertise tbe invention free of charge in
tbe National Recorder, a weekly uews
paper, published in Washington, ). C.,
which liRH an eitensive circulation
throughout the United States and is
devoted to the interests of inventors.
The idea of being able to invent some
thing strikes most people its being very
diificult; this delusion tbe compaDV
wishes to dispel. It is the simple things
and small ioveotions that make tbe
greatest amount of money, and the com
plex ones are seldom profitable. Almost
everybody, at some time or another,
oonctMve n ides, which, if patented,
wonlJ probably be worth to bim a
fortune. Unfortunately encb ideas are
usually diatnisfed without tbongbt. Tbe
simple inventions like the car window
which could be easily slid op end down
without breuking tbe passenger's back,
the same pan, collar button, the tint look,
tbe buttle stopper, tbe snow shovel, are
thlnits that almost everyone sees mime
way of improving upon, and it is these
kind of inventions that bring tbe greatest
returns to tbe author.
The prize we nffer will be paid at the
end of each mouth, whether tbe appli
cation hat been acted upon by tbe
Patent Oillce or not. Every competitor
must apply for a patent on bis inventing
ibrnngh os. and whether he seenres tbe
prir.eor Dot. tbe inventor will have a
valuable patent.
JoII! VEDIRKIIt'H!, (ieli'l MsUSner,
618 r Ht. N. W. Washington. I), a
P. 8. Tbe responsibility of this
company may be ptda-ed from the fact
tbat its stork is held by abonl aevenUen
Soodrrd of the Irsdibg newspapers of
the United Ht.tr s. if
Kirk ilr,t'.e at.,1 Malar,. T! ,
t h. all .1 . . . T!"
MHAli.a u t- ,t . , .? ;i CO
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