Take Notice. 1. The mm of five cenu per line will be Sharped for "card of thanks." "resolution of respect," lists of wedding present and donors, ud ohitnary notifies, (other than those the edit r shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Sotices of church and society and all other ntertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charted for at the rate of five jents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known " lpon application. We hold each and every correspondent re ponsible for his or her communication. No orrespondence will be published unless the writer's real name is signed as an evidence of ood faith. rP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTIS i. inir Atrmt. 21 Merchants Exchange, nan Francisco, is onr authorized agent. This paper is kept on file in his office. Oive your business to Heppner people, xnd therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize IOU. TIME TABLE. fohnDay and Canyon City, leaves as loiiows . Every day at 6 a. in., except Sunday. Arrives every day at 6 p. in., except. Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the interior country. ,.. WALT. THOMPSON, Prop. Phill Cohn, Agent. You can get the best beer in Heppner at G, rovve's, 5 cents per glass, B. Ted- If you want the finest liquors, cigarB, etc., call at Ted's City Hotel Bar! Spray before. Here and There. sells meat lower than ever V I Geo. Miller was up last week from Douglas. Grain fed meats at summer prices at Spray's. T. .T. League was up from Douglas Saturday. Photographer Dowe will return to Hoppuer iu July. J. D. Matlonk was recently eleoted mayor of Eugene. The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works, Walla Walla, Wash. T. J. Allyn was up Saturday last from the Ioue ceibborhotid. Andy Tillard has been quite ill for some days with the grin. F. M. Kagy visited Heppner last week sepresentiug a Portland bouse. Arch Vasey, one of the veterans ol the grip, spent Thursday in this city. The Weekly Sun and the Gazette $275 per j ear, both strictly in advance. It's time for fishing. Minor & Co. have a spleudid line if sporting goois. 0. G. Fnqua reports an epidemio of scarlet rash prevalent down at Lexing ton. Wm. Tillard came over from Pendlp. ton yesterday, airivina ou last tiiyht's train. Now is the time to kill squirrels; and Swaygart's '-Sure Shot" is the stuff to do it with. it. Wm. Biddle BDd Geo. Holmes dropped in from Gooseberry Saturday last on business. Oscar Hurt is over from Walla Walla where he has lived for the paBt four or five years. Jas. Galbraith, a former resideut of this oounty, is prospering over near Hailey, Idaho. Anvone having one. two and three- year-old steers fur sale should see Kiusmau at Ueppuer. Mr. Lwn Ralston, of Olex, Gilliam county, nocouicanji'd by his wife, was in town last week ou business. Harry Molntire and Mike Kenny were over Saturday last. Mike Bays his llocks are in elegant condition. Bud Ingraham was in town Friday lBst. and savs all Eight Mile is very busy putting in their spring grain. Hon. J. E. David, of Gilliam county, reports the finding of mastodon bones on tbe Jobn Day uy axiuur uaruari, Johnny Spencer arrived from Irving, Oregon, on trniay uigui ana i: speud the summer at least in Morrow county. Meadows & Hcnvner, the blacksmith horsesborrs and wood butchers, at the old Gunn stand, Main street, Heppner. Call on the boys. Jndd Hart wm remembered by Lil luother, Mrs. J. C. Hart, Sunday with a fine birthday dinner at wbiou numerous ol bis young friend were iuvited Mathews liroa.,City hotel barber shop toDsorial artists. Haircutting, shaving ehBtnuooing, etc., done sctuutiiioally, Hatha at 25 oeuta apiece. G. 15. Hatt, the tonsorial artist, can be fonnd at his parlor. Matioe corner, where b will dwpetise at popular prif- ahavet, shampoos, haircuts, etc. PbilnVa Cure, tbe great Congb and Crotiu Cure, is in great ih'iuand. 1'ooket iza cwtsina lweuty nve dimes nly!ire. Caildren love it. Sill by T. W. Ayets Jr. Burn On Ilitfbt Mihs April 2, 18-tj, to Sam tf. Record: The farmer in tbe Eitfht Mile country, embracing parts of Mor row and Gilliam counties, have formed a corporation witb a capital siocs ui $10,000. Tbe objeots of tbis corporation are to build warehouses for handling their grain, buyiog Bnd furnishing supplies of merchandise for Use by the members of the company, and doing whatever else is consistent with articles of incorporation. They meet at Douglas on the 3rd Saturday in April, wheu books for subscription of stock will be opened and other business transacted. The shares are placed Bt$25 each. Ia the spring, the human body needs assistance to throw off the stagnation produoed by winter diet. As the temperature rises under the growing heat of the bud's rays we feel tired, half siok and low in spirits, because the Tjlood is sl iggish and full of impurities Dr. J. F. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier is a reliable snriiifir remedy to invigorate tbe body and give tone to tbe digestion. Price 81 per bottle. Dr. E. A. Vaughan arrived home last niuht from Chicago where he has spent the past 18 months as a student in tbe American Dental (Joliege. 'tfenecarnea Bway the honor of the highest reoord of his class for oraotioal bridge work. He has one more year's worK to coninlete the oonrse, and if possible will return this fall. Doc is the same 'Gene as of old, no change whatever. Quite a orowd went coyote chasing Sunday last, but got no game. It was a case of "too many cooks, etc." Dave McAtee was bucked off by one of the horses just on the eve of starting and severely bruised. Another horse stepped into a badger hole and tumbled bis rider, Mr. Durham, off on terra firms. However, he Was not hurt. frank Shepardson, an engineer on the Southern Pacific Ry., wbo resides at l,ns Anueles. Cal.. was troubled with rheumatism for a long time. He was treated bv several physicians, also visited the Hot Spring, but recoived no nermanent relief uutil he used Uhamber lulu's Pain Balm. He says it is tbe best medioine in tbe world for rheumatism. For sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co. At a meeting of the Rppnblioan Club of Morrow county, last Saturday even ing, the following delegates to the state liiitheriug were chosen: A W. Patterson, VV. K. Ellis, Geo. D. Fell and S. S. Horner. The Republican Club of Hepp- tier met, immediately afterward and chose T. R. Howard and Otis Patterson as representatives. Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blond Purifier is admirably adapted to make "a little health go a long way." Its curative power is largely attributable to its stimulant, tonic and uutritive properties, by which the energy of the system is reoruited. It is pleasant to the taste.easily borne on the stomach and harmless under pro longed use. Prioe $1.00 per bottle. McFarland Mercantile Co., have uhanued their business to an absolute cash basis, beginning with the new year. Their prioes compare with the lowest. Also sell the Golden West Baking Pow der, as good as the best in the market and cheaper. See new ad. a W. W. Smead, having been to con siderable ex pause to improve hiB fowls by the Introduction of new blood from the Drize oens of S A. Wells, of Almeda, Cal., iB now prepared to furnish eugs of the Brown Leghorn breed that cannot be excelled iu Oregon. 17-tt. Fossil Journal: Our old friend, Amos Slack, has bought the Lone Rook-Heppner stage line from Mr. Woods, who last Julv took the mail contract from Fossil to Heppner, but soon thereafter sold the t'oBHil-Lone Rock route to Henry Neal. Fell Bros.' opening announcements in a form which at a glance would be readily taken for telegrams were sent around to thwir friends last week. It was a splendid advertising dodge for it is needless to say they were all read. One of our friends suggests that one might as well go into court without an attorney as to go before the puliiio to sell goods without advertising. It is a fact and we ask yon to looK arounu you to Bee for yourselves. f!. W. Denny, better known as "Sauire" Denny, died reoently at La Grande. He was a brother to Jas, Depoy, also deceaied. who was for years and nutil his death a resident of Morrow oounty. The Dnblisbine of books by the state np in Washington has been sat down on by tbe governor. The legislature only appropriated foO.OOO for that purpose and is not enough to publish one book. Cnutain Sweeney. D. 8. A.. San Diego Cal. says : 'Shiloh's Catarrh lUmedy is the first medioine I have ever found that would do me any good." I'riee 00c, T. W. Ayers, Jr. T. W. Avers, Jr., is making squirrel noisnn that he guarantees. No kill no - .... ..... . . n pay, and sells it at . cents per can, o oaiiS for $1.60; 82..K) per dozen. Get sample aud try it. tf. Green Mathews for shaving, bair cutting, shampooing and all other wor in that line. Baths at any time dnrin business boars. C. M. Jones, assistant Oar spring stock'has arrived. Minor & Co. Gid Hatt returned from Portland last week. There are others, but none equal to Minor AOo.'s 25 centpkg. tea. Robert Hynd was over from the ranch to attend club meeting Saturday eyeniug. Mrs. Erastus Mnir returned home Saturday from a visit to friends in the East. Congress can pass tariff bills but it can't stop Minor & Co. from outting prioes. Aaron Vinson called Saturday last while on his way fr?m Walla Walla to other points. Aaron is still selling marble work. J. H. Williams, D. D. S., stopped in Heppner recently a few days on his way to Long Creek to visit his brother-in-law Dr. Henderson. J. M. Wilson, of Douglas, Wyoming, and A. Fasher and E. A. Earle, of Land- ... . . i :t era, Wyoming, are nere so uuy uueey, u prices suit. E. G. Sperry has twenty-three head of verv fine mules down in Tom Morgan's corral which are bard to beat. Mules are worth money m the markets. We have several communications for publication, hut will have to delay them till we have time to get them in type. This will not be long, however. We are requested to announce that tbe monthly meeting of the Teaohers' Reading Circle will be held at Lexington, April 13th, beginning at 10 a.m. All members are requested to attend. August Charlton will leave Wednes day from the Gooseberry neighborhood with his family for his old home near Vancouver, Wash., where he will locate. August is a good oitizan and we regret bis loss. The debating societies at both Grange hall and Choctaw college have adjourned 1 sine die after many very success ui sessions during tbe past winter. They will probably both be reorganized next winter. Dr. J. A. Geisendorfer is yet one of tbe O. R. & N. surgeons, Dr, J. H. Fell beiug a new addition to the oorps. The miBtake was made by ue through an error in printing the new time ohm, ur. Geisendorfer's name having been left off. Green Mathews' baby son fell into the oreek near Green's residence last Satur day, and but for the prompt arrival of Mrs. Mathews would have drowned. Though the water was quite deep Mrs. MathewB plunged into the water and brought the little fellow to dry land in short order. LONGEVITY OF NUNS. Service Half Kuights of the Maccabees. The State Commander writes ns from LincolD, Neb., as follows: ''After trying other medicines for what seemed to be a very obstinate oough in our two children, we tried Dr. King's New Discovery and at the end of two days the oough entire ly left them. We will not be without it hereafter, as our experience Droves that it will cure where all other remedies fail." Signed, F. W. fitevens, State Com. Why not give this great medioine a trial, as It is guaranteed and trial bottles are free at tbe drug store of T. W. Ayers, Jr. Sisters Who Have Bm In a Century. Cloistefed nuns, writes a Paris corre spondent, are said to die early, and those active women of the orders of St. Thomas de Villeneuve, St. Vincent de Paul and the Augustine sisterhoods to live to great ages. I know a sister of charity who was engaged in the chol era wards of the Hotel Dieu in 1832. She refuses to retire from active service, and has three times volunteered to attend smallpox patients during epi demics. Sister Rosalie, Who organized the French military hospital service in the Crimea, lived to a great age. The other day the golden wedding of Sister Delphine with the order of St. Vincent tie Paul was celebrated at Komainvule. She was a full year a novice before she took the black veil, and has been fifty years a school teacher'. Sister Delphine was thirty years old When she deter mined to take the vows. By the rules of the order of St. Vincent de Paul the nuns are not allowed to aspire to ex- traordinary virtue through mortifica tion. Such efforts might feed pride and cause self righteousness. The teaching is that those who want to be angels before God calls them to a higher world are liable to fall lower than ordinary mortals. Tne bono Ape. Letters from the African traveler, Oscar Neumann, at Bukoba, says the London News, contains many interest ing things that Neumann learnt from the Manyemas. One is that the Soko ape is very common and much feared in Manyamaland, between Nyangwe and the northern shore ol tne Tang anyika. Some time ago an Arab wanted to take a Soko which he had captured to the coast. He succeeded in reaching Ugogo with his prize. There he died, and his sons, who attributed the death of their father to the enahantments of the wicked wood demon, hastened to retransport the supposed origin of their misfortune to its hative place, and the .interesting specimen was thus lost to science. A tree growing on the premises of S. G. Scott, Plainwell, Mich., has been at tracting scientific attention and inves tigation for a number ol years. It is of the common hard maple, or "sugar tree," variety. Annually for at least ten years at this season of the year, or even as early as the last week in Au gust, it sheds all its leaves and forth with puts out new foliage. This sec ond crop of leaves are full of moisture and readily succumb to the first heavy frosts of October, pnng Medicine Is a necessity because the tonic ot whiter air is gone, and milder weather, increased moisture, accumulated impurities in tne blood and debilitated condition of the body, open the way for that tired feeling, nervous troubles, and other ills. The skin, mucous membrane and the various organs strive in vain to relieve the Im pure current of life. They all welcome 'I 1 ood's Sarsa-parilla WANTED GASH 1 McFARLiND MERCANTILE (WANTS Big General Merchandise Store IN Heppner, - Oregon. to assist Nature at this time when she most needs help, to purify the blood, tone and strengthen the laboring organs and build up the nerves. "I was not able to wait on myself and could not gain any strength until I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla about three months ago. Npw I am doing my house work. My right lung was badly effected, and in the spring and summer I was very weak, but Hood's Sarsaparilla has done me much good and I have great confidence in it." Mits. E. R. Knight, Tecumseh, Okla. ffm We Sell Goods- ruriTies The BEood STRICTLY FOR CASH. --- No More Credit Sales. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW SPRING DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND Shoes now arrived. Big reduction in prices in every line, urocenes very cheap. Hard ware, Tinware, Glassware, Crockery, Mitchell Wagons, Hacks aud Buck Boards, Oliver Chilled Plows. Wool Sacks, Fleece Twine, Oils, Etc. Country produce taken In exchange lor goods. Cash advances made on wool. Send in your orders. m m We Sell AiA U The Celebrated . . A T A T A m GOLDEN WEST Baking Powder AND "COLUMBIA" ROASTED COFFEE. "I have taken Ilood's Sarsaparilla and it has always built up my system, given me a good appetite and cleansed my blood." Thomas Kroger, Tulare, California. '-I TV 11 the after-dinner pill and I JU i rillS family catlOTtlc. asc Folt Salb. A thoroughbred regis ternd Hereford bull May wood, No. 28,606. This bull was bred in Illinois by Geo. T. Baker, and is just the animal you want to breed s'ook thai will bring a good price. I will sell obeap as I have another of same stock; or will trade for good milch oowa. 8tf. F. O. Buckncm. W. L. Douglas 5 C LlftEr IS THE BEST. 30 OflWd FIT FOR AKIN&. . cordovan; FRENCH & ENAMELLED CALF. .3.5P Fine Calf Kangaroo. 3.50 POLICE, 3 SOLES. 2.'.7-?BOYS'SCH0OLSHOEi LADIES SEND FOR CATALOGUE f-L.-DOUUL.Aa1 BR0CKT0N..MA35. i Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes AH our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value for the money. They equal oustom Shoes In style and fit. Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uniform, stamped on sole. Pram $ to St saved over other makes. ( If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by Healer whose name will shortly ap pearbere. Agentwanted. Apply atonce Ayers guarantees 82.50 per dozen. his poison. Only tf. At a special meeting of tbe Heppner Board of Trade, held at the counoil ehambers last evening, Oaoar Minor and E. Q Sperry were appointed as a com mittee to visit the Urant county portion of tbe proposed Parrish creek road and also appear before tbe urani county court which conveues April 20th. 8. W- Homer, Henry Heppner and A. W. Patterson were also appointed as a com mittee on finance. LOCAL MARKET REPORT. When your heart pains you and un usual palpitation is frequent, accom panied sometimes with shotnesa of breath and low Bpints you are tsuffenDB from a disordered state of he liver, digestion is imperfect and there is wind on the stomaoh. If allowed to remain the trouble will ultimately reach Ibe kidnejs and becomes dangerous to life. Steps should be taken to stay its pro gress on tbe appearance ni me nrsi symptoms. Ur. J. II. McLean's Jbiver and Kidney Balm is especially anspiea for disorders of this kind. Price $1 per bottle. CORRECTLY NAMED. J. W. Morrow county olerk of Mor row county gives tbe following testi monial for Swsggarts "sure shot" squirrel poison: Siate of Oregon, County of VIorrow, iM TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to certify that I took to my ranch tlvs or six gallons of Hwsggart's "sure shot" sqairrel poison, arriving at the place at 1 p. m. I immediately put out about one half-gallon, covering from bait to so aore of ground, seleoting place where the squirrels were very thick, as I was anxious to give it a good, fair test. About three hours later 1 went over the ground agtiD aud to toy satisfaction fund that almost every kroel Lad either been eatso or shelled and no auirres In sight. I noticed the idacs crfiil!y for two days following A nr cure f'tr tlm liquor hi.bit. No ! u( HttW m four squirrels, sod while I cnr ni pay. rr run panioniars ami trmnill uu i . W. A)T, Jr., i.ity Wheat, bu 8 32 Flour.bbl 2 25 Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. 2 50 " " tbree " " 3 00 Sheep, muttons, head .... 1 50 2 25 stock i oo bi m Hogs, ou foot, cwt o W Hogs, dressed " Wool o S Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 40 l.rt.a H. O'il Chickens, doz 3 00 Turkeys Potatoes, per owt...' 50 These goods are Strictly Pure and give the best of satisfaction. wmmmmmmsmwmmmfmmmm MFARLAND MERC. CO. It is the Headquarters ! ii 1 itw. Drugs Ollas, CI 1 (it, Tol let Artloea, 1 it fit Medlolnes, Bto Office of all stages running out of Heppner. PHIL. COHN, Proprietor. Spray Your Fruit Trees j. M. SALIIMG, PRUNING SPRAYING IT LEADING GROCERY WHERE YOU CAN BUY Cheap for Cash Is the place to go for everything in the liue of Oroceriea, Teas, Coffees, 8ngars, Canned Qnods, Tinware, Wood and Willowware, 5 Now Is the time to have your fruit trees nraved. I have one of the tlni'M Nvay i-umin ..- . ..... . i .1... .....ut ..ll'i.i-tiiM 1 ruitii'- ln ine mantel huh b i-i-.n -. dies, and guarantee my work. Charge renHon ble. I can he found at Homer & Warren , or writs me at Hefner, Oregon. law j-. m. s-A-XjUsror. rULIFOKNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt 85 86$ Flour.bbl 2 D0 3 15 Beeves, Btall fed 4 50 W 5 00 Muttons, cwt 6 00 (t00 Hoks, owt 4 50 5 25 Wool Eastern Oregon.. 7 ( Butter, lb 10 OS 14 Eggs, doz 15 Chickens, doz 5 00 W 600 Turkeys, tt) 15 (iS 1 POBTLAND MARKET. Wheat, cwt I W J? Flour.bbl 2 tfO 3 15 Beeves, owt a uu mo w " dressed uu w u uu Muttons, live sheared ... 2 50 (? 3 00 " dressed 4 uu is ou Hogs, on foot j ?0 " dressed ou Wool Eastern Oregon... 5ft 6 Butter 22 25 Eggs, doz Chickens, doz a BO 8 60 Turkeys, H dressed ' Wro. Iml is back to Hppner seat after a sojourn of suns week in Chllt and other points in Mouth Arairica. lis spent the past winter in Portland. For sal, on reasonalil tirms, a Ilaiues Bros, piano Iu v'il condition. AUo a baby carnage, l'or particulars of A. M. Ouun. tf iit to ths near FOR FA1.K OR TRADE. I have a jack of first-class breeding nnnliticH. niuht veara old. that I would like to sell or trade. If cash is not con venient, will take in exchange for this valuable animal either cattle or sheep. Call on or address me at Hepunor, Or. tf, J. K. BlMONM. UTIUY NOTICE. On the 2ud day of April, 115, there strnyed on my plaoe near Heppner, one thron-venr-nlil horse, dark bay with star in forehead, left hind foot white, branded figure i on right shoulder. Any person owning this horse can have same by paying all costs, including this notioe. W. M. V AIIB. ' V, hk:M)- Hi 1 1 11 I . MIS Suppl Cigars, Tobaccos, Confectioneries, Etc SUCH PLACE IS LIST OK LE I'TER-S. ADVKHTlhKD AT HKI'PNF.R, 1 F.TTERH j or., Apr., iH'-ij. iKiwnt-v M im Mile Ullmora John W LaMrmca Mr lpwli Sylvmter M'irlh Jw k F OlMoii N r Ben Hunsaker, the original and only Ben, a rustler from ltustlervil In, seeks to tell the public fiat he is ready to do business with them at the stand formerly ooonnwd by Jerry O'hn. He has plenty of goods to shII for cash, at low prices A .. U ...I 100, nt-u n. Hsycs A Mathews, the butchers who own the City Meat Market, are ready to Oliver meat to any pnrt or tne cny, I..,m ami fllll WPIUIlt CTcrV When rlllii for thews Mtr vlenw r Don't forget Joe and Ben. tdvertlned. J. I. William. I'. M. " at time. tf. HAM MKADOWH. W. V. WlttVNF.lt. found but oos dead, "and he apparently Lad gone into his hole and was oomlug out again," I bave'no doubt bat that I killed from one to two hundred. In my judgment the stuff bag been correctly named, "sors shot." I consider it Al. Witnso uiy band this 4ib day of April, ltfiS. J. W. Mobkow. K M'EI IAI, OM'CK KlH HI'ltlNfi I Mi, M.AST- the wife of tharlts Aahliaogu. a son. , f j.,f, l 11 t ntiil Mntl.er Hn 1 tikbv " Ai,ia .-!! under the care of Mrs. M. J. Ofatid Chancellor J. I Hill. of Albany. u.i,..., is finpcted beff on sn fim"il ., . , . i the Knights of PIuIm bis "Mure Mbot" squirrel poison in .. wholesale lots. H has already reivrd AlWt Mattemio says Ihst bis brother, a large ordi-r from Washington and Bb Matron's family, ar all down Idaho. Every where it ha liwo uiwd, with grip, Up at thir home ID the foot It has not failed to eiterniiuate the little hilts. pet. Warited-l'laio or fancy sewing. Will Vail Journal : Tun I'.he stsrtud go to the hiue or take sewing al um. from foil to Heppner Wednesday with Mrs. Mry lUmieraon. ,V bead of catll wiii'-n bs bought from 'Oens Oilman cams in Frl lsy lat Mr. I.mb, Mr. Uhea says he has ffm hm Oilliam cmnty possessions and bought l(Hi0 b'al ff catlls in this and w) remain a few ds. MorruWConut.es .h..t. b; w.U ship I-. T.on ... ork ,,, Mf. r Mout.ta about lusnn or Npl,ri0i ,,,,, M(int,ui0 Hnuse. Mrbding !(,e-All ne nd advffliiflg neatly done- mtt.r tfl'M rem b this " Tr. AvV sqnirrel poieoa hefor. ... ... M.. t,t t,m . Oi Ken. Ml. flt-.lef. this rnl iini.. rti and II' Iin sieak. H fis. j roun-1 s!k, 6 .$ ' elm, whits ab, tnonnlain ash, ratalpa MEADOWS & SCULVNUU Have Bucepedod A. M. Ounn in tlio r.iickHinit!iii. IiuiDPBn and are prptjnmd t h) hii kiuun i BLRGWHIKG, lEPBIiG DO HORSESHOEING. A WMtn Hhop mo In ronnertlon. S-tUtw ll'-n siint.-l. H on tin-in st Ui "I 'I (iunn ili. U. Red Front Grocery Old Blackman Htand, opposite the postofllca. A. IIUNSAKEll, Prop. law Hnooessor to Jerry Cohn. UP -a sp a a m rvru BUN Plenty of them at the Gazette Office Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for Cash Only. FRESH BREAD, CAKES AND PIES ALWAYS ON HAND. Bo KeoUy UUs -OF- For tho Curo oi Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It Is lorsM al Kalem, Orenon, 77i Mot ItMutiful Tuwn on the Cwut. rll t the lTts n(tlr tor rrtlciilni. Hlrli-tljrcoiillil'iitli.lreaiiiiiilfrlTauaiMl stirs cure. Otis Patterson ! MAIN BTKKKT. I aw. HKIM'NKU, P. C. Thompson Company THE LEADERS Having iKinght the entire interest in nursery stoek from tbs J. O. Whitney's estate consttlng of apples, pears, plums, .I,.iea lkchea. StiNOot neet.rine.. gr.pes. fM.rr.e., buk. still on Deck with Bargains for Cash liernes. CtirfSliW, rberties, wain wii CJ berries, pis plant, strswi-erries. to aUo lsd and cirosmeotal trees, maples, .III t... ..Il.err,! lulu ttery Hiltiee. " J. Mabioti, tf''f'"lin WndhanisA to,., ft I'.-Ml'iol. sal J- t'l'. reyrewntiiig ll-tjniHO I Mi art A to.. f !'..rUtid. returned " llopp'-r ln.t Weilne..li)f rr-m' g ir- data trip' out tl '" rvitintr. r-jort j.,0'tey. f.. J. IS Htefff h Ibe inlefiof iiy foil ( tl ft filled atid .m. I nn f,e .. , . ..!... I.. ...I ill lu 1- ' 'e-.'.i ' " 1PI se'M t " !" ,"' ,"f ,.. hnnlsj d-"K-' ;i'e''lJ': rt.'e, ..1 r-l.s " V1 ril Irak. .' kt Mif ;V. I 1 Amtfif)g was np Katnrday last 1 f;tn tbs Alpine ". j T. Make r lll-'Mt Tter t ti" tne.lsi'llie ti-f ife the pwij is eDl Wt IJixxt Hr..nlla. Ii t U r !!,. U'tt ;'trig n.e.liC i.e and bWl I pnriiief n I it p.i pfenlmr roefil I wbi.b oilier try hi iu t t reeh. It feal'f t.iik mmk If. I tJ' l ...let I to pUMi "OP tionel fti.S ep'l'ig. lake U i ! ' l' !". t i' ttH I ii !. f f"Ilt ptharii i'U r "e t'! them e. r. fc-s, lornat, bo aider, poplar, balm, walnut, bil hiroh.oaks, borse chestnnts. mul berries, weeping ab, willows, stergrees etc., fl'iweriDg tboru, almond, roses, and Shrub, lilacs, snow ball, deu'Ha,, eigli,pirea,b'tiejiiclil", bydrang-a, -syringe, allheaa, eto. And ling com- ( lIle.i f.mi ssmt this spring wt ( re t rr.,.r. to fifltih 'iod al ! tt.ai r"t f Mt . ! I b b-ar , f".m jni it cw, "Mb a ht 'f '"" .i, ari l will tis i s )"i nc that ill ie an I 'MiSH er rent. -Hff Vihit Niaf. I ii w r n.sf i Customers. NEW SfTOGK OF GOODS SOON TO ARRIVE! NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER Land Patents I4ftuil lintn Bocurcil for BfUlom in tlm hliortt'at jobmUo iin.f. Contested Cases CobtfHtiil eHPii intollici'Dtly hih! skillfully Lrd.II.'J. Old Claims and Disputes Old clainiH awl dispute Pjx'oililjr wttlinL Contests lietween Individuals baim cmlli. I.nit Halms nndVr lh a(frirull..ral land ..a, d lh.l l.et...n etui.....!, tw-r lb. Mi"'al I a. and "" . J.U.n'.a,...; and .1.. Mn .-laimsiiU no l-r ,, .he M l.. I U a, b. U.lroadeom.ai.sat.dlh.'irifra.,teea.ai.d tl.s slates sod tln ir gfaotees, noler I,S Heflit Land ami M' li il l.il wrania. Gitoer Main and Willow htrsHs, IICITNKlt, OHKiiOM. Hiierlalty wads of ..iru.tf ,aiet,i In lbs hoft.l .o.ibls til , .m.i:N mlb lb- las onder l,lrb Ibeir e..l.. iino.d and orned by iWiji in Ihe leeoe of their j.aiei.l., ea'i ilaritles l.icli i Advn1 also ifiv ho Ii tire an IrrrKa'aritiea ibis tim for Settlers made, and who ied by Trifliog 5& Vttorni?vH fit faHnff 111 Imeira .lt.n l-I to in a trorntt ami m' I manlier. Nolans 1'nt-lic and (ill t..r. OITICK I" ,NAlln!AL JIANK Isl'IMUVI. HPI'Hi t t t tua.Mil I, ni ran . eiiy aioi "l"""1 , , ,. 'en til all matters relalll.lf ! ll. .noiin i...... I),. Uasvbmh bav ln reoetuly .s..d .rot.lmg b.f II,. disoosal of th .o.bllfl ilomain. . , , , ff If yon ani vonr ami men m ii'ii'j f- - . , ! any rl.arwiw. ewll t by skilllul aud c tt-i-Heat attorn. y.. and .r..u.pUjr i Ix.eed of, fllt' ! PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, Ioiin Wkdih Hitt'MN', Ciim. Man., CUM,?!. v-wmtw