o - . , J- . : GEO. T? RlVTVT VL-aa olantnrl ' I'HAt mayor of Chicago Tuesday last by a majority of 45,000. a majority of 45,000. Florence, Senator Alley's home has elected a town council con sisting entirely of women The charitably disposed people of Portland have provided the "Open Door" as a home for un fortunate women. Frank McNally was burned to death in the Prineville jail re cently. The structure was a mass of ilames before the fire was discovered. The management of the Port land Hun has boon changed, ex Chiefof Police Hunt taking the place of Capt. O'Brien. The Sun is improving right along. Hon. A. J. J5alfouii, loader of the conservative party in the house of commons, English parliament, came out recently in a strong speech for free coinage of silver. At the municipal and state elections held "back East" a few days ago, nearly everything went republican. St. Louis wont that way by a big majority, and even elected a "nigger." Hon. Okokoe IIeimiron, editor ot the PoHt-ItitolIigencor, of Seattle, was found dead in his bath tub last Friday. Ho has boon at the editorial helm (,f the paper since tho death of Col. Fred Grant. Vi:nezit.i,a is desirous of fight ing Croat liiitain. In this she expects tho sympathy of the Unit.nl States. Judging the way this country is handling its own troubles, it will have little time to look after Venezuela. It is reported (hat a majority of tho supremo court are against the income tax law as to its coii Ktitulioiiality. Tho decision will bo withheld till May to allow the government time to adjust its finances to suit the conditions. SiiciiKTAitv Kiscaiii refunes to Jiay tho commihhiiins on tho word of Attorney (ii-neral Idleinan that they will all hold over. HothinU that it hhould bo nettled in the courts before he expends the stale's money where a question ot legality is iu Vol Veil. 1 III: Oregoiiiun admits that all , t.',,""rok.(,...rre,Hon. He ,ny t,a ( nwnii i in iii uiiy logeinor, lull 1 Hays nlver went down last and came up lant. It admits that gold lias appreciated and that every thing lias gone down, hiker with it, and jit knowing that the United hlatcs pioduceH half the gold and hilver of the world, it continues to nay that we are help less to aireht tins continual t preciation .f gold by iiidependent bimetallic action. CtltlilM'iiMiMS of tho (liirtt,. who havn het.t in iiiticlen .f a general natiii." not iiou tiniht . jmtioiit. Vi camiot pulilihli (hein all atoiici for the reason that our tjiHtn.hici, f,.,., fioai ii Mitii- Ktanee in Mimll. H h.'iiour frieinln . iieconie ii,uto prompt in paying up1 """ 'turneii lioin.i with i,.r, having u l,i,l ilo.v i, u.i m. ..i. I i ! H"iiifl her term ol acliool al llarduiau wi.al tie) o,. ih and our I'U-iii.h H,tM1, Uir,., ,vkt fc.t,, incrcaHi H (hen wi lion,. ,i. ,,tl tOllllH tit' t t I'tllltilH. Ill thill it .i . . - 1 ,'" " Oregoiiiun, II. K ret t nrprr of VO lllll t .1 tleM,., y ,l(.tw. can.'lha Ve.. With the ll.r.ll k.lli .tet Ali i tin (in, (tn , 'I'' Hint olir l jx.slll .ll Ml mi appieeiutivl. ", "-M-l"Paiii.-ii,a.ir 11 "in ii. in the al,il.. l. at. lea will givn aa a 1 11 : Hen ii an additional journal, Ik Web- 1 1, , v n 'l'.i.u, ... i ti ! I'l!''"1'. an Kgrit'nlicral paper. Orrej'iiifin that fr.n coiuaK'i ,f iUr m tn v. a-,,ry ., Uiu i.K.ut ! K J1'1' . . .. ji-waharp, ami tha (reti it h nu ll return r pn-aj euty. Jli. haj a: p .,,.,,,., j,,,,,,,.,,,,, , "It i to In In. I.. 1 1, new con- '"''', "' -" '!'- r..uauiil ..it . i, t .. I i i 'I'l'l" all W all Ntaltwiuall. W II r 1 h'j I' hitlull li led ,,,,, ,,, Htalram.i, CH.-I '"'I 1,4 'I'liiHv. I.uwa alT t. to l-o em. rprialng ls liil aim' it fhotlM l 'i' i f r tl.e fite ar n i atrn on ll nanuig a Coilio : i f i!irr i. n i r!' with '"'I' 'f il oo ai.d gi Hing th Wiirfil (tfol.1 t,f 16 to 1. I rr(MU,', .:;', "' see other legislation enacted at the same timp. whinh. T nm cn would immensely help in solving the silver problem. Congress should provide for the prompt retirement of the greenbacks, aod thus remove the means by which speculators deplete the treasury as rapidly an the sale of gold interest, bearing bonds by the secretary or treasury can replete it Forbid the issuing of national banknotes of a less denomination than $20, and coin no gold below the denomi nation 820; then authorize silver certincates to be issued, based on the coined silver and silver bullion in the treasury, and make them pavauie on Dresentatinn tn unv subtreasurv in silver dollars, nnrl not pay them in gold, as is now 1 n a i ,i . . uone. mate tnese silver certifi cates a lecral tenrler fnr nil rloVifa public and nrivate. extent, duties huu interest on the gold interest, beariuer Dublin debt. Th rlAmnnd thus nroaiaA cUr,n ill t4 - - - " " vn wvju .JL D1IVC1 Wlil Dial t our to work, and make a demand for all the labor we have; and to supply this an army of miners win raise tne price of pro duce, through our Western country at least, that will inaugurate an era of prosperity at once." PAK1S SPECIALIST ON THK GRIP. Treatment by Injection of ANtrinuent Liquid. Warm Tbe Tana Herald publishes a vul nnhln article on the treatment of grip by a Dr. Charles Fauvel, a specialist in this com plaint. As local treatment the nose is gently irrigated four times a day with a warm astringent liquid, whioh can best be done with an India rubber inieotor. The solution injsoted should be at a temperature of about 100 degrees Fahren heit, or as warm as possible. Dr. Fauvel says: "At each sitting two or three litres should be sent up each nostril. The following are the formulae that suoceed best: "1. Hot oonoentrated solution of bhiok tea, with a few drops ot lemon juioe. '2. Salt water; a tables ooonful of white salt to a litre of water. "3. Chloral, 3 gms. "Water, 300 gms. "A tublespoouful to a litre of water. "i. Solutions of boric acid are alao of great service. "In addition to these injunctions it will be found very useful to have re. oourse to certain powders that can be 8 milled up several times a day. The best formula is as follows: Uis'i'iith ." 5m8 bono aoid 2 u!'H Dr. Fauvel follows this uo by local applications once a day, to the nose and post-nasal cavity ot a few drops of the following preparation: Chloride of zinc gm Hydrochloric acid 30droDs Ulyoonne 30gms Distilled water 30gms Hydrochloride of coHoaine. .5()oym. As fur general treatment he uives a glaHsot laxative water the first tbrea lays, with a drink of weak, but hot. Infusion of niarrubiuiu, ami quiets the cough every hour with a tablespoonful of the following mixture: Lett uoo water 150 gms Orange (lower water 10 gins Cherry laurel water 10 gms Syrup of tola '20 gms Syrup of coditip jjO .,, Spirits of miuilereiiR 4 urns Tincture of aconite 1 am If the patient grows weak or is con valescing oooa wine or oooo liqueur, witli turpine (40 centigramme of terpine per tiilileHpoiinful of liqueur) is reoom- mended in duxes of two to four table spoonfuls a day. Terminal. If any mm who Iihm lnn linlUt,l In. Ihi iiNitot Dr. William' i'uik I'll In will write to (hit Ouzfttf, lliiinr, Oregon, llii'V will receive liiforinittinii il.ut .!! Iih of much vhIuo hiuI interna to them. (Imnlim (IIuIim: T. U li"re TuiMiliiy fn m lleiumxr vm Arlinu- nm him win reiumu until Hr circuit court. . T- W. Ayem, Jr., left yeHtenlny morn- iitf for h luiir of the ouiinly witb the Lenler an, I Arthur Collin hav degi.led In inIiiIiIihIi a lirHiioli Hlurn at IwihIuii, Liiiliii. For IIih imn.Mit until lliny run gel a Ih iiho Ihey will do biiHiiirii in a lent. Karl'i Clover Ilml will jmrify your HIimiiI. eh Mr y.iur Complexion, reulnti your ImwelN mill mitko vour heiid clear MHlell. 2.V, .'.0.., and l. Hold by T. W. A) em, Jr. Walt. Tliituipson run ntngo between ll' i'l r nihI Monument, arriving evry day except Monday and leaving rvery day except SnmUv. hliorteol and Pliesp. wt nmii tit tlm iuierior. 1', Colin, agenl. At a niiH-ting of thp (Veil rrpnlilicKD oluli al D.niglitM, Tnoo.lav, Mrot 2olh, lien. Illy and (le. Miller Were cliiweii to reprem nt ttml elnli at Ilia ulntw con vention of repiililicau rlnlia which luwU in I'ttrtUiMl, May il, iKKt. Cm. Ion IiiIm: Mrt V. M..k n.iio.l ' her fi'Ulle at llenniier llna ,il . III.. i - i . ii i . . "K ii""i" timranaj. iier naiiiiier I" a lvnce,foroli )ear, l. N.i better FROM LEXINGTON. Campmeeting will begin about May 21th in the grove below town. Q. W. Brock is quite ill at his room, at the home of Mr. Boon, with the con sumption. Dr. Carlisle has returned to bis home in Echo after a brief visit, looking after business interests here. Miss Lulu Boothby has recently been appointed corresponding reporter to the Weather Bureau at Portland. N. A. Leach is constructing a new residence on Water street. When com pleted it will be a neat cottage. The family of Cy Fuqua have been very ill with the scarlet rash, but we are glad to learn that they are conva lescent. The people are talking strongly of erecting a new M. E. ohurch, in the near future. This is something that is greatly needed. The wind storm of last Monday re minded us somewhat ot a Kansas oyolone. These dust storma are very disagreeable affairs. School will close next Friday. Prof. Brown's effort in building up the educational interests are hichlv annre- ciated by the Lexington people. Mr. Chas. Beymer and his sister. Miss Lena, two of Eight Mile's most esteemed young people, visited friends near Lexington Sunday and Monday. R. Lieuallen, Hon. J. S. Boothby, W. W. Gregory, accompanied by Eev. Denison, of Heppner, visited Butter oreek Saturday and Sunday, where the latter preached. They report a pleasant trip. Mr. Thomas Boothby. a neDhew nf Hon. J. S. Boothby, accompanied bv his son, Frank, from Monmouth, visited his unole and family Sunday and Monday. They were on their way up to Washing ton, on business interests. Dick. Lexington, Ore., April 2, 1895. Billons Colic. Persons who am nnhinnl fn uliantn bilious colio will be pleased to know that ttromot relief mar ho had hv fnt;., Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It acta quickly and oan always be denended nnnn. Tn mnnv cases the attack may be prevented by iHKiug mis remedy as soon as the first lndioation of the disease appears. 25 and 50 oent hnltleH for aula tiv Mlnn.im. Johnson Drug Co. EIGHT MILK ITEMS. Ground squirrels are very numerous this spring. Few gardens have been planted owing to the cold and windy weatber. Ueman Caldwell has rented his farm to Charley and Moses Ashbaugh. Some of the men in this neighborhood have got the gold fever and expeot to go to the mines soon. Grandma Cantwell is constantly con fined to her room. Her daughter, Mrs. Brown, takes care of her. April 1st was a stormy day, bnt this, the 2ud of April, is a beantiful dav. Young Iambi are skipping about merry as bees. Hemnn Caldwell resigned the clerk ship of this school dixtrict mid W. L. Mi'Kiimey wan appointed to fill the vacancy, Mrs. N. A. Stevens has been sick for quite a long while. She has tho sympathy of the whole community as she is a great sufferer. Lily Siilitig is making her home with them at present. Eight Mile Center people are talking of having a three months subscription school. Miss Lettie Graham. Mrs. Casey Fuqua and Miss Nora Coleman have applied for the school. It is not known yet who the HuccesKful one will be. Bachelors of Eight Mile have been quite unfortunate. Ed. Hood had a runaway while Inn rowing and one of the harrow teeth crushed through Ins foot making a painful wound. Charlie UepHxs was kicked by a horse, breaking hi loir . These ireiitlemen have Hie sympathy of their neighbor and friend. E. M. C. Enuir Mile, April 2, lS'.r. 'Va tllkn tilMaanr in rAimmnn,lin.t Cliaiulwlaii' Cotia-li Remedy becaua ii i raieii ny all who try it," ssya J W. (Vx .V Son. druirifiat. Maralillel.l. Oregon. No one illbcled with a 1 1, rout or lung Iroiililn can nan thin remedy an limit praming il. It always given prompl relief. It ia aapemally valuable for Colli a it retlevea 111 lutina ni .kua breathing easier and aid expectoration. a com win never remit in pneumoiii lieu till reined v i tanen an. I raann. aliln earn rii.rniae.l K..r aula l.a Slocinu-Jiihliaon Drug Co. Hum N.'iiiunkA. Ei'iToM OwxrrK: Wa arnvrd in Norfolk. Nb.. li'ridHV veiling at 1 ;'A Knuud lime hard bill not nearly a hard a reported. Ther i an on around her autT rniif for th want of fimil. The report of starvation i not Iru. They tell ma that they raiaed plenty tn liv on this laat winter. Corn i aortlt 43 cent per bu.liei, oat .V) cent per Imahel and Hour 11 per barrel. Wage are low U-iog from f In f'Jil per iu nlh. The ground i in fair hap fur crop thi)er. It i raining How, Ih graa j i grmui and atiH'k will anon b liKiklng 1 ell. There are plenty uf dui'k here: and the Klktmru i full of tWh. i Ther l nothing wtnlml her but ! ram whirh m ar getting today and it ; liMik aa l( it weri(oiig la keep on for bile, al leaal. j Your rreo!filly, j J. H. Hi Ptii a. ! Norfoik. N 'b.. Manli III. lx-.i;, hat Ira A ra Ira aalte , Ih U'el aah iu the world for cult,' Hniip, Horea, l li-er. hall Rlieuiii, ! Ft-ver More, IVtler. Clia e, lUn U, I'lililitmn. ('rn. an I all akin rrupli m ltd positively Clirr I'llea, or till pV riquind It ia giaanler. .i vne lrirct tifi'lioii ir nmaev refunded, r l'e ii cent t U.. f r ! wa i Tt Wi fr, ft. j NEW WOOL WAKEUOltfES. From the Eait OreRonlan. The new warehouses built by E. Y. Judd for the Pendleton Wool Scouring Mill are now oomplete. They are built on stone wall foundations. The frame work is machine painted with asbestos and lime, to impart light and render it practically fire proof. The covering is corrugated iron. One warehouse has three floors, the other two. An elevator carries wool to the different floors. Excellent light is given to the build ing through top lights. These with the white interior, enables the compauy to display wool to the best advantage. The Fairbauk Co., furnished tbe scales in use. The railroad track frontage is 150 feet. The warehouses will furnish storage for about three million pounds of wool. In all its buildings the oompany has fire hose on each floor connected with the city mains. There are also several fire pings supplied direct from the large pump in the engine room through which an independent fire service is maintained. The board of underwriters recently had the mill and warehouses resurveyed. In consideration of the noo oombustion able oharaoter of the buildings, and superior water supply and service, they have classed it the best risk or its kind in the state and given it the lowest rate of insurance. It might be of interest to those who use wood in buildings to know the result of the underwriter's test of the fire proof paint used by the mill oompany. A flame from a plumber's lamp, which is an exceedingly hot blast, was blown upon the timber covered with the wash for five minutes without oausing the wood to blaze. It May Uo as Much for Von. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes that he bad a severe kidney trouble for a Dumber of years, witb severe pains in his back and also that his bladder was affected. He tried many so-called kid ney cures bnt without any good result. About a year ago he began use of Eleo trio Bitters and found relief at once. Electric Bittern ia eanaeiallv a.ln.,n.1 the oure of all Kidney and Liver troubles huu ouen gives almost instant relief. One trial will nrovn nnr alnlnmont r-;,. only 50o. for larce bottle. At il of T. W. Avers. Jr. Death of Rev. W. L. MoEwan. Mr Frank McFarland received word Satur day morning last announcing the death or nis brother-in-law. Rev. W. L. Mc- Ewan, at Portland the evening before, of pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. McFarland departed immediately for Portland on Saturday's train to be present at the ob sequies. We are informed that Rev. McEwan was pastor of St. Paul's Epis copal jhnroh. He wB8 well and favor ably kuown and highly resp oted. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, after suffer ing for several years wiih a savere lung affection, and that dread disease, Con sumption, is HtixioiiH to make known to his fellow sufferers the menus of rure. To those who desire it. he will cheerful ly send, free of charge, a copy of the pre scription used, which thev will find a suro cure for Consumption, Asthma, Ca tarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung maladies. He hopes all sufferer will uhm his remedy as it is invaluiihle. Those desiring the prescription, which will oont them unfiling, and limy prove abIsHiug, will plena address, ReV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, N. Y. jimll-w. HAS NERVE AND INTEGRITY. An Arnir Meiilennnt llanillea m I'latul and lUxially Ctiiitrai liir Kipially Well. The followiiifr story is told by the New Orleans Picayune alwiut i.leut. .John W. Heard, of "the Third cavalry, who is tun' (.f the liest ahota In the army and 1ms a reputation for personul bravery which is second to mine: Some time nyo he was detailed as qnnrU'r niiihter at l'ort Thmutia, A. T., where for a good while there had la-en an enormous ,,t ,,f Mvimlling jruing on and several iiiartfrinasterH hint ininle a wreck of I lur reputatioiiH. The con tractor had hud their own way for u loiiir time and imn;riiied that the new muiuiK'eiiicnt would he liUt- the old. Hida were M iit in and contract nt a certain figure were awarded fur miii plii a, win n ime tiny I, h ut. Heard tli t'nvered that the paper setting forth the paid-, a-id tlgiirt-a hid by one of the cimtraet.Tt were missing. lie Insli tutetl mi iiiiiiirv. iiml found that the pitvra were !n Hie hands ,,f the con tractor. The quartc rimiMer ut tuiec rude tu town ami, aeeUlnjf t lie ciiutraet ur'a otliee, ileiiiiiiiilt'tl the pajtera. The coiitrai'tor. hiiiilini', refused to aurreii tier them, telling the lieutenant that he would Is-talo n tare of in the matter. Ill a moment he wna luuklng tlow n the liitrn-l uf l.it ut. llfiinl a pistol, "(iivo me the paper:-' eommamled the tiiiirt.rniast..r sternly. The contrac tor delivered them up w jth all I'onveii leiit bn.te, and Heard tlieii t.s.U Ihem back to the post and found that they had U'fii altered o a to ih frau l the government out ..f thousntiil of tlob lara. A abort time after I.leut. Heard nnaaet lla.i l.y lour armed men at rittstuirg. let. He made for one 3 them, wre.ted hi piM,,! fr, ,m Uilled him w llll It. The other n as.-i 1 1 aula t.s.U tu their heela. The man killed waa the inpheiv of the Con tractor wln,. msi ality had U-enclirck-inat.d bv Heard. V.I I loan on Ih llll la A I'reiieli conjurer received an hn llleiis H.lvertist-liii nt at Nillit. a a f. il.tn;;o. Ili ii, t trit It. he aiiTiotm. e I al a e.-rtaiti tu).e of the a-rf"i titv, would U-to, ut if tl,,. ad ,,f ..,, one pres. ut. und he lnv,,. voi-i.-i rs tu come lii mi. I ml. nut tteis,.,., , the oH rati, .ii jotm m.iii whowaa known I i liate ijiiiirreled neetitlv ,M his r.,,i-, ,. ova I ,, , if , ,, rr...lu i .it. f :Wir, M,l rvertt i n f was riifly f -r hi .! ,',tj..i .-i, w jo-t the l i l . w ho m t also .;e 'it. I.r. Ue intu p i, in f a. reams, rn.o I ,.,i , i. pl.t! ( -1 11. a. u.-.l h. r llit.'li. , . . ll. l ois and .fr.i,- -e. linn fr,., . ,' The . iivi!i.. , ails. .1 in ,, tfieau.li riite Is tf. -. rr.H- as thrii''tiM Ttir t rgar. i. tl tl'l'litn r i.f lie rn!. f i I I III t1,.. ..,,t, .t tir i t V .. I I'tar'. r of I tirsi ttir.-e in vt a. ..;, an i, '. mt 4 j',, (. :,. f t; 1 isi'f t'ns , ,rl' , ( "aii..( .'.. I ,, . , , t4 i1.ill.ij ..f,,. al A MODEL STATE CAMP. New Vork'a National Guard Quarter at I'eeknklll on the lludnon. The great state of Xew York, as be fitted her rank among her sister com monwealths and, profiting1 by the ex periences of the railroad riots of 1877, was anion? the first to undertake the placing- of her militia forces on a basis of efficiency and to hold the troops in preparation for the stct-nor duties of the soldier, says Harper's Weekly. The establishment some years ag'o of the state camp at Pcckskill has proved the main factor in the surprising im provement in soldierly qualities and the high state of discipline which are now characteristic of the national fruarfl of the state. It would be hard, indeed, to find a more picturesque site or one better adapted for the purpose than the plateau on which the camp is pitched. Situated right at the entrance to the porge of the Hudson highlands, on a flat-topped promontory jutting- out from the high hills surrounding it on three sides, the canvas of the tents, creamy white in the bright sunshine, gleams in contrast with the dark ver dure beyond, while, stretching in lake like expanse to the heights on the op posite shore, the broad river curves, disappearing around the rocky bluffs to the north. On two sides smooth pa rades stretch to the edge of the grassy plain ideal drill grounds for any branch of the service, horse, foot or dragoons, and the surrounding coun try, wooded and hilly, crossed by wind ing roads and dotted with clearings, offers opportunities for maneuvers and exercises in minor tactics. Hard work is done at the camp. There is but little leisure and the militia man's time is fully occupied. At five o'clock, with the boom of the' morning gun and the sonorous rolling of the drums beating reveille, tho camp wak ens to the work of the day and the long streets of tents swarui with men, as at the call for assembly the com panies spring into ranks and the mo notonous tones of the sergeants' voices are heard calling the roll. Then, as the ranks are broken, the reports are made and the soldiers scatter to make the rough camp toilet and prepare for the morning drill soon to follow. At half-past seven the drums over at. the guard tent rattle "Pease upon a trencher" and tbe companies swinir nfP with measured tread to breakfast in the mess hall, from which thev return to police the quarters and place every- uung in order tor t!ie daily recurring inspection. All over the camn the men are busy as bees, sweeping, rolling up tent wails, malting up the bods, re moving rubbish, seourinrr enns nn.l basins, raising tent floors and placing everything in apple-pie order. A Cat That I.ovea the Water. A San l-'rancisco fisherman has a cat that is said to love water as much a..s other cats love a rug in front of a grate lire. v lien he roes iishinc the cat lies quietly in the boat and does not appear to muni liow wet he trets. hen the seine with its load of living fishes is hauled in the cat seizes the largest one, trying to shake it as he would a mouse, lie does it entirely for sport, as he never at tempts to eat the large fish, and lives almost wholly on the smaller ones used for bait. An airrooable laxative and Nrwrs Tomc. Byj'7j)n,'fi?'s,"orcnt by mail. ZCcbOu. and $1.00 per package. Pamplca free If A WO The Favorite TC5T3 f 3TIS3 MXJ n.UforthoToelbandUrealu.&o. For sale hy 1. H. AyiTi, Jr., DrtlKKlRt Here are THREE points : Which we wirih you to lleniomlior : Fiitsr: We Keep HARDWARE Si:com: We offer it CHEAP Tiiii.k: We k11 FOR CASH We nro enitble l to give mote for ii dollar than tho usual 'Polhir'a worth." GILLIAM & HISBEE Main Street, Heppner, Or. mai Ea .nr. WD. lrM.ASI. III. K MIIO' I'rvalJral. Caohlrr. TE.lS5.lfTS A GENFUL BANKING El'SlNKS CO I, M ICTIONS Mad on Favorable Trri.ia. EXCHANGE noiT.HT X SOLD tlKlTXKIs. if M;Ki)o rill 'Ma l. 4la Ma,, Kl. t' 0 "ana., .- "r-- I ll I i ll. .,. s,. , I- . l l i I : I - !0lfMrrS, wrot ChllUDtN, PA(7iiTS I av. IM t "aVi m-r r-s m ti r i riTiTii jSOOBA UITn imMj annual mt 01 m if t:u ;tt n m illi IMIJFltJMKl It llJfklHBll'HWkiflJlimi Are You Fortifiecif "When you are iu a low state of health, and on the verga of illness, there i3 no nourishment in the world like Scott's Emulsion to restore sTecth. Scott's Emulsion nourishes, sh'cnp'i.h- TRADE NlARK. J Scott & Bowne, N. Y. All City : 3 'PHIS Popular Hostelry hsis again i been re-opened and will be run in first class style. Meals oixcl Rooms fit: J?oyxii? Prices. Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop. The Lancashire Insurance Co. OB MANCHESTER, ENGLAND W. PATCERSON, AGENT. qq othe Bet n wox-i FOR INVENTIONS. P filial TtTlfTl 4tn intaaaxt C 4VlaAnA 1. - t i. 7tXUVsA :j: ium.icbi.ui viiusrj that of INVPNTORQ ff -------- - v-aw, i..La ivov of the incompetency or inattention patents. TOO nmrh rnr rannnt Va a , ..s, ss. vAvtviu iu tmuiuyiui: luuiuclcui aiiu 1C1U able SOllOltnrs tn nrnnirA notonfo 1. -Ti,. r a. J -f ;t entirely, upon the care and skill of the ...iu i.it new ut pruicuug luvenxors irom wortniess or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are tirenare.1 to Obtain Patents In the United States iciici cutcs, mane special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised ts to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to u? for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, 613 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, D.C. p. o. box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. " Cut this out and send tt with your inauini. tn 1 -..il n is absollt:iy TfcsBcst SEw;:i3 MAcmi:: MADE Wr CU OCU DEJILERI run a-ll you mt rhlnes ehraprr than yon can grt rlatwliare. The NEW IIUXH Is our beat, but we make cheaper Ulnd, aurh a the LITIAX, IIi: Al. a art oilter lllch Arm Pull Nickel r!.nrt netting machines for $15.00 an J up, ('nil on oir SRcnt or write u. tve Hur.t your trade, and If prleea, terma and njuare dealing tt III win, tae will 'mT4 It. We challenge the world tt r-odJre BKTTKII fSO.OO Hew In r rarlilne for fSO.OO, or a belter i'n. iv In Tlarhlne for 120.00 thnu iu ran buy from a a, or our Az nla, kew home sewikg hachi?.z co. Caawi' ll i- br. 1-iM X , lui.i a- . kAA. UX 4 kJbV ! , 1 41, ATTntAaii. ron SALE BY PiiC New Hume Sew Ma-iine Co. 2.'7 MnrkM St. Saq Francinco, Cul. av a -T'-,4rift. nn L M vma . m t' MONEY Jkjj IFYOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT ..iu i ai .a .a " ""' ia -it. .- .- . -t- - - M , f- AIl)llt'.a A lrnni f-r -w . uim mill TU THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY P 0 Box 463 wwtnDUK', wanging Attorney, ..!.. loatwv. ,..,, ... ' 1".' l",V'r''':'4 '""" l"lleraoMIfii!e.. ( HII I.B , u, 1, , un'.''' .''""" ' " at.l.l,,,'. d,a ...d.i. in .,rW 'v.: : v ' ' t "m ';,'.:';' ,u -".,. u,.,. ... I IKlA llala aaml. I il . rM. ll a,..,, twu.u.t.awrj U...' HbVniiir.'JI.'r ruhV.?' 4 ait,e m.h-, r.. ., a. i.;"'?,v7r..' .iir', tv M u" r aaa th.it w du., aliitl, r pf ,f of 4lMbt4 h .t . - . . . til.Nil r . a t . . . t . . t.'t !,.(... i .... t . . Kfa4 lu ia .-.I i.i .. . . . . t ry t . '.V.V. L -I h4 ' THE PRET-' ens, promotes the making of solid flesh, enriches the blood and tones up the whole system. For Coughs, Golds, Soro Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Consumption, Scrofula, Anaemia, Loss of riesh, Thin Babies, Weak Children, and all conditions of Wasting. Buy only the genuine! It has our tnulo mai k on salmon-colored wrapper. " ' ' - '" JJJ.. Druggists. 50 cents and $ I Hotels ! .1 a . iiovnig ciaims against tne government is t,a Tr. r-i..i-i ; i lhv. ucucui ui vciiuauie luveiitions uccausc of the attorneys employed to obtain theif i a 1 1: attorney. and all Foreign Countries, Conduct I n nSQ PARGELS5 OF MAH L FR v id - FUR 10 t-CENT b AMPS JT 1 Jr-i4ulttr irlr. k'. your aif f liTL UttM will lw ior 1 ,VMir boldly b jn.-r-.-H''' y nrtnieil nu f LilN'U. Onlv lnrwtf.rv A raa1 CjJa' t llHtifrtt anil iniinnliti'- irotniltiy( tlioiiH'4iiilt tit VUllllttilc iMHikN, pH)H-ri Miiit)le.liiiun'lni't fit". lIII fa-aaa mill .,.,!. ... r rzZZTTZTI with nlif nfvHiir.ni'tiil uiMrt" Ii hl UicriHin. IA1K4I We 'fWwi Bl"' ('""laiy l'"lnite on ky.xrAJ I '"r la'a'l mlilre-M K In oii; h Wi TtiSv m li k on ymir i'iiv.lnMi,bi'ilii, ei wU iii)nnfyiiirirnti'1 al(lr(" nt liN'h mli k on ymir i-iiv.liiMi,bi'ilii, eir.. Ic lirevent llii lr lelllK IubI. J. A. Wakb nf liflilsvlllt. S. '., write: "I rom l mv i' tt'tit utlilriMm In vimr l.lKlitntm Itfrti'lurv l'"t. nii-lv'n mv Hit nl ,reaa aii'l iivit aiKHI I'nrra la ol VhII. Mv ail'lri-ea yuu N-iillrn'd ' ittiii'iiK piitililMT anil nii'inifnrtiin'r ri ' ri' itr 1 1. Iiik iliillv, i.n VHlu.iMf iurivl yi,t Uiull fri.lii nil i.art of '.hi. V urlu" 1ST WOKLDS FAIR 1)1 RECTORY CO. No. IJ7 Frankfort! ami Glrard Ave. 1'blladel till la. I'a. The reiinTar obaorlptlon prlre ut St'tui-Weekly (iMZetla ia fi rs n,l (he the - ... w...'r ..... .1.9 refc-ular pnre of the Weekly OrfunniRo i 1.50. Anyene itibnenbiDg fur the vtH&eiie ana payiiig for one year in fiuvaiii'e i-no net ihiiu ma Uiuette Weekly Orrotmian fnr :i itii i and " v.. . i . ipiu I arnlii'ra riaviria ilieir anha.ri,.i... nb- for to one year in aiivunoe will be entitled the aame. blae leavea for Echo Mnmlnvi. e.lneiln). nn.l Frl.laya, rc tnruintr oo I iieaiUy, Tbnratlavg ,J r-hlnrilava. U. Wade. Prop. T. W. AyrrnJr., atft ut! mt -. rrply klgbar rale. uaderetU, . . . .-v. H i'""iiiprwrf iiitti, . a lrrnrotwff Itl.f . Ko fr tin !) tnrreaafal A J 1.. ) '.'T' . COMPANY,