Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 05, 1895, Image 4

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Tempo di I'alse.
Tbere was never a time in the history
of our country when the '(lf'tii".tid f.r
inventions and. improvements in t'. : -:t
and sciences generally w::fi ro cr-.-r.t ns
now. The Ouuvei.iem'os of rni'.iki!" i!)
the faotory nud woiksbop, the );or-: '.)!.
and on the farm, m !'. ns in ! i;.!
life, require continual aecr ps:o!.s to I he
appurtenauce anU lmplimciitu f each
in order to save labor, timetim! expense.
The political change in the dnninsf ra
tion of government does not a fleet t'.R
progress of the American invontor, who
being on the alert, mid ready to per
ceive the exuding deCoieiicieu, ilie:j not
permit the affairs of Roverum-nt t-i li ter
bim frnra cuicldy co'iech-nr? the
remedy to overoomo exinii.it; diocri'iom
cies. Too great care cannot bo ox-r-oVed
in choosing n competent m l f-k i
fal attorney to prepare mid pro--.--ci-Ai
an application for patent. Vabrib'" in
terests have been lot ami destroyed in
innumerable instances bv t'no employ
ment of incompetent counsel, and es
pecially is I Lis advice npp'icidil.) to
those who adopt tho "No patent, no
pay" system. Inventors who entrust
their business to this claMs of attorneys
do so at imminent risk, an the breadth
and strength of tiie patent, is nov-r con
sidered in view of a quick endeavor to
get an allowanoe mid obtain the fie.
John Wedderbnrn, General Manager
618 F street, N. W.,Vasliiiu;ton, 1). C,
representing n larRO number of impor
tant daily and weekly p.ier, i.nd gen
eral periodicals of tho country, was in
stituted to orolect its natrons from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
in this line of bunineMH. The eaid Con
pan y is prepared to take chi-r:.'" of all
patent business cntriiHted to it. for rea
sonable fees, and prepare and pio:-eea'e
applications generally, inelu,li"u' nvi
ohanioal inventiotn, diiirn p-t'enli,
triidn-mnrks, labels, enpvri'.'hw. iet.-rfer-ences.
iiifring"miitH, validity renorf.i,
and u;ives especial al'enion to njct'd
cases. It is also prepared to o!or juln
competition with any iirni in Hecurin;.r
foreign patents.
Write for instructions and advice..
John Wkimihiiih'un.
I'.W I'' Street,
P. 0. Box 385, Wan'mifton, ! C.
V,T(tl'K rtCANW-.
Wliiln yin kip your i ttit.er i t .f i it, i.'H.t up jen
0n kinp yuar lima I in (ro.o.f .li.i," ',
Alh'n. T. .1.. loan. Or. Il.nv. I) I .m ! "(
ntemh).r; (vitlli aai" oa l"ri toe. h .! l.'i !
riht Mir, anil upimr l)ii im llolefi; i v.; ., .;..
row county.
ArniHtr'ti, J. Alni'i". (V. -T . e'i ' t "t..
dor 1 1 on li.rt Htioulil-T of her...:; e ''" 1 . ...
on lrt liia.
Allium. (. R, 1'"."'it -.Vh. Or. " . ' ',
() I) on lfl lll I l.o" (',. on i, .. t 1 ., 1 i
li. nil. lor. H-eeio l-'.i ,-.
Allium, J. tt on -. ".
1m.1i.1l .in .at ll'iotc. t-i 1 1 .,
It.irtlio'tiMi.'W. A. ' . V'
bruii.lo I 7 K .,11 nilli -r . o,,,.,; I
mw c.itintv
iviimlii'ir, .1. W., M e t e 10.
(1,1 II on Ml lot' a 1 I ''e ' e. "
Hr.t'iii'" I'olo-, 1 to. .
Itni'i'l "! I' II 01 I !! ! I
'! !
M .
ruitii iil''
Murk... M HI C. I 1 , " ' 1
M V c.mn.'.'ld I on ..'t too I
ilcr Iritr nni n!l .0 ' '. ' ' ,
Im ft. hIioiiI.I.m'. I. Ill 01 ill .11' I
hrm inn, .lorry, I, -m i. o - I! . . 1
on rie'lil ."'lo ll t o ; r 1 ' '' 1 ' ' ' '
1,1-ft nor li'i'f .i on 11. 1 ri . ,1 . v u
Hurl. 111, Win . II 10 o r, 1 1
r:.tl ttii,;'i, I'lilllo hll n on 1 , ' ' !
iMioli nttr.
Ilniffii, tii, l.-ooi: 'ri, ie. il . I
rlulil l !! " "i'ii . .01 1 . M ......
row n.iimty.
Itr.iwn, .1. ('., 'I ".
f Willi il.. I "i o ' " ' ' ' ...
Ilr.ovn, U". I., ton or." .0 !.
nvor It, on tin' I 1.I100M .-.
H.ivr, W. It.. Ih o 10 "
liriui.l ii" T ' ; i lee 1 1 . ... 1
pnett i"ir,
H,.ri(, P.O.. I'.oo.o .r, )-..-': .
llhnill l"r: r-i"l" 1 1 . ' '
llinwnl."'. V. I.. I'." .' ' 1 ' ' I I
mi I"fl l I"; 'Too .el I - ' r . ;
ml. I ll" iu (' o ii .. .
hrnn-l 011 I' Il ISi. i.
lir'Oil t'.intii",
l'iu"ii"i' Wiirn.o. W). r o- ' ..
. II mi liirM "' 'I . "' o' .
riulit nli. i'"0i .1 el 'ii'. 1 in "i 1 1.
(irUIlt H'ni Mo. 1 ..V .-. 1
I ' lin.K , iie'i i o iii . '. 1 '
V WlOl 00 I'l 'l .Ol. I" .e TOO.1 1
Hit' I 'Ml lo'l 1-1 I ' "'I '' ' ' o
li.fl uli.inl.t r ini'v n' t n .. o
run l" I" lo .in' ' .0 ' .
( .,1.1, On.. II.. V, 1 .0 I. . 1 It.,
II Cm ruOil i ' I : ' .' ' - 1
limn'" M.1.1.1 1 "1 I ' 0 .' 1 1 1 .
orri.mll. M M o'.... ,, in o ,.
if .11 II 'i.f ll'i.l I'' .1 '. 1 v " ,' , .
,r..ll.!f .'O I-!' ! 1 .' e ' '. i .
To H'lil I "..' I'll, .'.i.e ' 1 .
I'ail.T. II . ! e.n He. 11 , . .,
fnolt lili i.n 1' .'' '", "i ...' t .. . . i .
ill rndil or, .1.1 in I K
r.i.in.y. i"l o, e ' I , I
oil lonl lr. 1 01 1 .1 .
iil..'li'.. ilini'-r iol "1 ' o,
riuM H'l I im lor In'f 10 ! . t . ..
il I Irnt .. .i.'il 1 ,
Took. J,.l..,.Or. H . ' '
(Inr, I '.il " lv hoi.. I". I 1 ' . 1 . ., , ,, ,
r...i "'I Ml 110. 1 '.I e . V
I'.ir.in, II. ., I it. .... e ... li . " 0
lull 'll..
C"l I'' I . II .'In o. "
T in ' t; O". ' ' 1 L
l'...o 1, I. I . M . -. " ' 1
l..r - l.oi t I 1
l...i,l l..r. ..'''. - I
Ul. I.'f I'M' ' .' O .' t ' ' '
ri,.,..i. it , lie
on 1 I 1. 1 e ' '
liriii'li I I 1.1 !."- 0
lir.'.. on r ..: . I 1 ' ' '
ri 1.1 r
iitKif.. v. m . ; ' ... .
ruo.i ..I. ..I 1 . i.. t . .
I. n I ' '.10,
I I, II, . , H .1 "i.e. . ,
ml l ot ... 1, I o, . 1 .
il' r.rftj
. 1.1' H.ll,'!, . e
. . I
... IIKI.'I I. :'. !r I ' , I
Kioo. ...... I,. V.
rwii' 'imh li .r..., 1 1 1 ..
i... .1 1 -i
i.i, . m. r. 11 . 1 -
ri.tl.t ... I I ; .- " 1
I 1 ',, 1 1 . . . M . , .
VI V. I'" I'll "'' '' . . '
v.r. II . 1. . I . '
l.".ll), I lot -I, I 1 . ' ' t
H. lll. I" t'' ' ' 1
IIh'ii... 111 M "i" I 1 ' .
II,,, .1 A II . 1 "
oii i.i.' 10. ,
tn" HI M " I''' "
II,., I. mi , 1 .,l.. II. .
immt I... '.,1', " .'i !
II. J .... . 1 ' 1 . !
Il.ijo. H... ' V "
( ,oi . . I ..o . '
t.n n.'M net o- 1 ' ' ' -
l.j'o . il . I
II. I". v, ... ., '
it ...... . .
I o." ..' . im t. i l
..v III ' "1
iii 'ot i r
Ml I''! . i '. ...
r ,.l ... ,.
l., I ', .' '
rii.( Itn-. h '". t - . t
In i.i'.i I ' ' ,
II,,,....., M .', l
ri,.t I' I " . ,
II H A ,. ,.
'... li ..r .',","
II I .. . Of .1 i it It
)' It.. t
II ,' ' ., I " " '
l . ,.".',. t I , , ,
.1. ....... I
.1 t
II I " I '
, I l. . .
Jo I.
.1 .. j
Ik'.t '
, I.
Words by S. M. PLATT.
n.- 'kj-i
v. ..... . h " j. L i , , i l
v- t & 0 0
--,i y
Clian'ed to
tears by this dim
1 gasl
f. L
8 r.
I pray, Mine is pit
cat I In, fmm . ri(?ht liip. nmlor hnlf
:, in t-i.'.t und 'mitt n loft unr
'-I'v, MiU", ll"i'p' T, Or. Ilnmrm hrnnrlml
In. 1 hip cum h Hiiirin Hiiil cmp oil loft
tfti .r hltnin im tin- riulit
m-i. .J. 'IV, H-MinntT. Or. HuruRB tlfl on lnfl
V ' -1 : i-..t !!'. .mi 1,'ft Itip.
.". llupt'iKM. Or.: liorfv 11 nn ltift
t I i , ( :i-, , on t iK'it mI, nndtrbit on
- . n.liin.l.W.fl. M.iniil Vonion. Or. T I,m
i i u iii.i i ttmi Ifft hiilcM, nwiiilow fork in Ii ft
i I in' !er i-tiMi iti rii'lit rnr. Hu thhh hhiii
I i'ii l.'i"! u 1 1 Iiittin (irunt, rnuntv.
m, Si. hii.'Ti. Ihix.Oi. H li on Ifft hip
n'Mit, i ttip Ithil Mpilt (Ml li'ltt MJtr, HorHMji
' J t t tm ln. nliuuMor. liatiKH (irunt
rii-n, .liitin W., li-rl'i Or. Hnrwi
til 1 i'ii! i -i'iii'li' J I, euiuicd"! on loft hIiomI
f hi :!. .V'iif mi l"ft Kin, It'iriHH, noitr ttn
W. t'lior Or. Hornix hruniloJ
ni n i l-'it t lii'iti)ir; onttlo HHtnn on l''ft
I in m i r l ijjil tltl'l'O hIiIh iu ritflit
(i'wf(to, llotipnor. Or. llorHon brnntltwl
it cm in innotiinoH ortllrt'i a
1 i 1 , .ifi d'f !miliir.
, O.. -r, Mo.pit-r nr.--rut tin, M I op
,-, !ii n "i M in Ih t Hhniiliior,
i t, s. N,. M ppi.tT, i )r. HnrnoH, M)
' i i I I I.I'M f l t It) H'llllO (ttl lft (lip,
' M. 1 'i iir. I"M t. Or. - tloiH'-H, U on riUl
- ' I", ; nt r-tilit Htdtt.
i ' un i, l. It., Ilrotmvilo, Or.-Miimw,
". in "n h NlniulilMf, t'nttlH, M'on hi ft
i,f t ' rr, l ii-pik. h'X Vliv, Or. Mil' ht
i t . ( -ii tt'k ' til cutlln oft rilm hthI nniinr in
' r; li.ti ntHt KtilllH ItrHlnl (HI loft ttt itU.
M A t. t,, tirt-uin ..n. Or.- n iionw. u
I l ilf if 'I" Ilixt'T nil loft tintllilor;otl 1 Rttlp,
( t ti.'i foil nil top nil tllM nllt Hlilti
n- iti tir'ttit ( niliitv.
tf A nit I" I m-hio llM-k,Or, llnrMn A N rnn- .
! .11 in't H'nuiltr; nit I lo m ou lioth liltm,
Ulit I ,, stlvortnii Or. Iliirmw, circle 7 on
''ii ( e l i li mm nn l"ft Inn.
1 - r. J i.h. I tif I 'it v. r. 9 on mllh?
i ' i i n: .im l.iirHi-i, fuuiti on loft thifjh, Hhihtp
I1.-. it I "nin'nii, Or.- V O on lft
ll'ir'ti't'i, i h i rio City, Or.-On rtn, O
.(i i '. ,. i mi left tup; hnrwo on loft ntillt
I v. -i i I., .tti w, H'ldi'" tn liiMtit Onilhty,
"i, u: 'i. .i, - 'i'ti l ill. Or.- - Miiro, niint
i .., ..'i i..ft Hhoitlilor nn.l 21 on o't
t' I , t irk im lot' 'ir. rltrht froppini, 'J4
' -f U-in-fo im KUhi Mil.
' n 'i t A (iliMH.iiii, Hnrl'nun,Or, Hono II or
- i i' 1 r.
I I, .o,inirlnn. Or.- Ilnr i ltrfin.
1 I, , I'oii'im'l,'!) in, li.ft liHllior ; tvntflf
""ui " ''t ! m. li'iMir". Morrnw runntv,
I , .1 . I I , I I" If I 'Ml. Ot . .irttt4, J K IS IT).
i , I .'i M'iMiil-or( t'.iUli. hiiiiihimi toft hip,
' i ri i 'ii o'r.
, I !, Or : hir ilittMOoul nn
. m' I ! , . (m !m, I H J i',.hm.-, tr.l, on t'if
i r t li'i'O in loft inr Hti-I hp in the
. ' V i, i-i-wr, H'r.'nnM 4r.- Mmm, 'i4r
- p, .o ',ii it. 'fi-ln nior il nn Mi
- I !ii i. M 'ppni-r, Or. Hurwi, (' It ot)
1 I j .
, Mt'1'Mii..r, Or.- 1t.irM hriiii hMl
.'...mI I-: rniln, l tm lh Ml rut
" i" 'ri'l iiwl'tp on twk, tinit)ti it
.iii,i' i mini i ionit.i.
i .t . . iiti.'.m, Or ori
I I, .01 ti.'t.l tltntiMiT, otil 'innrtiH
.-r 1 r t , i-i'lU mvliH nil riiflit lap
, ,...t"l.
U II 0 tritU, Or - UH Mnnm'tn
, . it l.t ni.if t.tp ol ifiMlniOi rihl ht
i- . 'i fi -'i t,r nj-lit in tiift, linmiM
. . ... i. ..i l.i't ii.'i! l-r. IUiiki iii Harrow
,1 ii"'n r.t.inlio.
.1 . I' -pi r. Or. MntM, JO t
- .I. r. t iiitio. il on lUtit hii.
I t....lM.r. r, (lr. ll.trw.
Oil.l.'t ; 11,11,11. II) W,.r
-r, I r - '!,'. I.r.nlrt
... P'IMI ..It l ft t.
I ..?'t, ,..,.., (lr H,.rw
, I. '. ' lit. , ..l.l ll
! i.'i", .',.... i .i ri.'iil .'
I I t lit. or" hi Moimw,
I l.'l .
I r It.-i e
... 1 . , e
..'. ii I ,
. .1
1 1.
It.tr-. hrt.ilff J
...i I'.ri l.i. I r.'i i
1,11 .0 i'r ll .r. .',..) -.1 .
i" I H.f. t,.fi ,,,.i,:i,
.' tl I. . Iol In ..fl.
, II , -. ll..rM, Ml' .H.
'.. ..' I l.-fl lot.. i
.. I- ti'.- Si' rotm.'!.-! ,.t i
t I t.. . ..i .., moi t.n r.fc-lt. I.., I
, .. . .1 .ii.o.M In. in it.fi ,r, Itrr
. , I f, llr. II .p.r, l.r, . I..I
' I .. . e l i i i.n I '! alt. .it, l.-r 1
., . ! him' , , I If i loir... Iri.itl i
t ' . ...! 1 1 m . ait f.w.
" hi M an I till a.t. ft. ....... .
. . I. . I ttatt. 1 1 J li traa K..t.
... ,. I , q ,,t ,,!
... J . H .i'.. r ir ,t.. t
-,'.'." ' im I. Il ..r,
I . 11. o ... II. - ll'.rw. II ..r
. II fl lot.
1 I lr l .III. H ' ,i.
i ., .1 n, ft ,ri
. o I . I . ... ' I f
I . " l. I' .', ,Wt
i .
.i '. .
I . till t-.fl
t.l ".I T
, I-. W It-
.f llr. Hit.11
. I ....... ,,
,o,..i , r...t,
I 'M ltl
lrt hip
J i laai.iiS211- KsaaMBuia f
'rrz r -rr-Stg-firrlS-;- y ?,-?-?-r :
Wi f -r--'-'---f - T r' r S-t-; -
1 -f 1 --MtnanBaj L, 1 , Lo-- '
'""': " :
Music by
- --P --r 4-J---S' -r-g 64 P B-;-d-" a. -;
ca-p-ja,- o
izzzz. - zzzzzz'zz -
the sweet words, ay them .soon, You
1 e : 1
tr o fc i
r": : tzd p L-
may sec them glit
1 , ,
, J UKIWlUMdMTU&l0 .
r f"' f I .u"!
j r "T "
- ID'S-
- 1011s plead
rr - pi
m ZZZ L.J"
- 4V-
f -
- "
Copyriflit, iStj4, by The New York Musical Record Co.
Thornton, II. M lon. Or. Ilnmns brantled
I IT nmnm:tofl on hft utille; hIihhd Hume hmnd.
Viuulorpool. H.T.. Ifna. Or: IlorH HV con
nooted on riKht Hliuultlor;cuttle, Bum 8 ou Hunt
Wnlhrida?. Wm . Hi'ptMiflr, Or. Horoen. V, L
on th loft Hhouhlor; phoIr name on light hip.
orop oil left wir Hiul riUt flHr lopitwl.
Wilmm, Jntin 0,, HHtom or TIoopnr, Or.
MurHOH hrninliHl J on the loft ehoultitT. linnKt
Morrow poiintv.
Warrwn.W H. Chloh, Or f'attlo W withqimrtor
rinrlo ovor if, on loft hhI.i, Hplif in riifh wir.
llorHON H'tmo hruml oil lutt Hhoiildnr. UutiMin
(irn'it conuty.
WhiIh, llonry. Ilippnnr. Or. Homw ItrHfnhl
noA of h put I oh on lot t Hhonldnr himI loft hip
t H'tlo hrntntod hhtiih on lort himh rim! Inft hip.
WolttiiKor, John, John Wny i'itv.Or Ou horM
thri'rt ptinillol hard on loft Hhnnldor: 7 on hhop,
hit in both ears, Kriik" in Ornut hii1 Miilhnor
Wnoitwrtnl, John, Iloptipftr, Or.- Hornr", CI'
comioctotl on loft Mltouldor.
Wntkmn. IhIo, llopnnor, Or.- UorfWHihrHUdtMl
UK roniKH'too on loft, Htitlii.
WhIIhi", rimrlod, ll.ippntr. Or. C'ltll", W on
riht thiirii, hoi in toft osr: ttorw, W on riKht
tjhonhior dorm hhio;i loft nhonhlttr.
VV hittir rro'., mini imfioii, lnVr Co,, Or. -HornoH
hniiMitnl VV H ronniH'iiiti on loft fcluniloVr
WitlmniH, Viwoo, nniinitnn.Or. (Jimrtor pir
Ha ovor thriM hKr on hfr hip, Inith cutllo Hint
horw, ItiniH (Inuit rnnnty.
WilliHtim. J O, Ijotifc? I rm-k. Or HorwM, qnir
tr riroli ovr thnv hnn on loff hip; CHttlA Nttno
ml nlit inivi"hwr. Mhhith it Itnint ftonolv
Wtrni, A. A., Hoppnor, I r. Hn" nmrinjr A
on Nhonhlor; TiitMo. hjiiiih on fitfht Mp.
Voitn. J, H.. OiMoiMrry. Or. Ilnr imtiHw
TM n h.ti'-l.
For Pleasure or Profit,
rtii'til.t fee tSnt Ilia Jmirniit tlir militurite
U im llm I'.-ot (tn. I iio.st rtliaO.v
nuiliunty obuumblo.
Il .IrnUpr irlli-Atlr with frl(iinil ntitlitr,
. i ..... II.'. HM. IIOH Ilk, UIK1 l.'Vt'l . l
ll.o.l ..f It.iiluMltllilp .vMt'llialu ,.I!y
uii-l Hiiu.'iiKlitv. Il llliitirair and
U' im I llm l.irtl....!. .( ruiliv;!.
li.tn, oi'iT'iv. .1 van. on-. unj
li.it..r . ktvntr .Irvo-rfc
ll It, Will. out d.iull,
fhs Paperforthe Pesplel
fl.uin Irnr ivi N.i.r.rril.
Fiwl'i.rn r..' n 1 '"Mi.iite rnul.'itii .
li.ii ticuiiui ril fRLC itn nitiui.iii.n.
Ame -ican Gardsfnir. 1 70 Fulton ?i.
in .' Mil inJaiilgiaiar'i.Bta
Cife:U. Tndi .ti:Ii, C';i FaU-j. Cent gts.
And til IV nl h.i.iiirM r..n.tu. trj f,
lllf. tm.ll l, l iiltlrflltrl la I.Trntnfl IUKr4
Uitrf. A.I If. ..
lu. r.$ Anortut).
TX Xx 4H1. W.ii.,n..i. !.C
I"T1IM,ii. ItB U'Cl h f. ir ' ..;'.. r4
i!. I' .1 ...I ti, .t"n.t.l .....- , .,
"It. .1 ..'.. t.. i ..n . t p..,. rt
IMrlr HkwrliHH . u I .. . . . .
in. hi. r-1. mi r . ni m.s ''. " '' '
.ti'.ii.i,f II... lrn.ii).;t r.,., u t o ti, r- i
VUi tw lu.hti. a Ji '('.' ! ". t .i.t io.tU
rti..totffi., f r4. don. n at Kbep
n"l fsll'rf . near fpera bouse, north
Mm ft. l!Nirf, 0f. SrHf.
I ." 1 . 11 Lfl 1 M
i,zzzzzf' - bzzzzzf zzz-zz J
have said the
ter ;
1 i m
lor ;
sweet words
- "
- J 1 yaraa:
' (
draw the
iteel a
- C!-
, uc-
aocletT Woiue n ., I onirer Al.le to Krop :
i p Willi Tht'lr rirr,.. olid, nv...
A im-at d.'iil is ail about l,ow let-
ter-writinirisalost urt.nii.l lnvcrsof
byponu iluys t tike (Treat nl. nsuro und
pridu in no ntniff to the nui.iberless ,
epistles written in the past gpiii'ratton !
and then contrastm-' them with tiic
little scrappy notes rerawl.'d in the
very illegible linndwritiiifr of to-day.
Within tho last few years the utler im
possibility of any society woman at-
tt'iiipt mif to Iteep up her own eorre-
spoiulunce has been thorniihly proved,
and tin New York Herald thinks that
of ull the fields of employment open
to women that of private secretary is
most desiruble and one of the most re
munerative. It is a pust which re
quires business ability, jnvat tact, a
clear hand writin-f i;nd u tlioron":h
kiunvhsle of cimp'.sitio-.t. The
sch.Mil. nud cull. -(jt's are bi-jrinninp; Ui
renliu how impurtni't H i , to train
itn.'ii to I'til l ii.v i' v 'i , j. '.hi.. f"r
'r.v ct.r se.o. I ,io i.ei .I.... it.. a-.!,.'.
."Sumo uoiiut ii rcijiuic tint tin !r st cre
taries khall write u hand pivch.cly li!e
their own, so that notes of a most l:itl-
mate character can be answered by
tho secretary without (riving oiVense,
as would probably be the case should
the receiver of a note for an Instant
fancy that anyone than the person to
whom the letter hat been sent had
answered it. Of course this position re
quires the most absolute trust, for the
secretary is of necessity intrusted
with the most intimate nlVairs
of her employer. The world has cer
tainly eUangcil since the time w hen it
was generally believed und universally
stated that no woman could he. p a se
cret, for many i;rc the cases hi this
city where uuother person has charge
of my lady' private nlVair. u.ul never
has there been know n a ti.ne hh y-t
w hen such coiihdcnce has been utilised
The duties of u secretary lire manifold
n,", WWT 'ler..ble Ln.-Mclge of
society Hlitl its reqilireinelits. Mic mu' t
know to whom runN slio.il 1 be sent,
must keep up it visit ing list an I be sure I
..1 1....: i'..,. .....I
dead friends lire invi'e.l. Ill Mime
place the M'crelary has el.urge of th)
household alTuirs well.
A I'rnlr.t A(ln.t tit Wanton Itmrne
lli.n of tit I llirrt i TritM.
An mlrllttl denier sold hit year
two million bird hin. All were iw.l
for oniu:iciit ing woman's uitire. Worn,
en ought to cry tb.w n th' tanitv that
fee. Is Slid pams r the tie ti u,o ,.,, ,,f
the feat hcrcd trils-s. ' i.e I. rU s.ie
ritl.t'd are, of e.mrs. those of ri. be-t ,
pbiuiBs'e. mi l. of ceir e. als.i. tlit.stf '
tfi.tt will If least easily r. .n'cd 1
In fact, if tbi 1 1. 1 ii font ii'i. s Am. r-
Icn n bird life of the geiiM. r or l. r i! 1
prrtty ..ti beeoin.' extiin-t. Kin tt!ie!
warfare the At ierie.iil ll.nu.ii.e ..,-ieiv :
hnopcue.l !i.ii the bird kui trat'ttf !
-tetrzt Of . mjLZfZ
. 1"' a i
i o i ":!?.',!, T'.n 1
'iok 1
wholly Juli!l.b!e? W e tliinU i. 1 '..e
deal met Imt rcfcrrrsl t.i cotitrihui not
one tthii t biimaii lice.l nor biiiuan
e.uuf.irt. It add nothing to the hit, I-
leetual, nothing to the mcii' i. It l
ninplr waut.tiineaa prscti.-cl at t'ie
1"t it of fs'hleti. an l at .l',v a:ul
nieanlngles. a fashion, ttsi. s ever a
fawned from the t rain of a m iu Hub
I here are blr.l In pb ntv that abr I
their p'.iinm e, to r.;.!r t'l.'tain !,..
inaiel I f I'Miit'a liead,". ar. W ..V
Should the f.hi..t lii..ir,, ii. I. inevr-
able, au I al-idfman.ltbslHKliBauf vtir
f v.. -
rXZZ 0 v & p 1 1 '
i .u j, v,, j Say the sweet words, iay them
lliougli the w- und keep bleed - ir.g. '
-fnz-:.-rzx.rSL. zzzrz vr j --fa g-t r -9-y-tzzzzzpzzzzzzz
u . 1 1 I 1 : -0-
J e
fi ait
r.t ((
:2n c
dim moon,
i r-
yd - -k'- -tl-
J,-.rr. J r zr c
(fa Hgz
Say the sweet words.-
I" 2"y rrlvatc I lnn I.xne Token, to
huiipl' tun li. tti uid.
" a stninfo story which comes I
from Italy l.y war of the London
So Krit is the scarcity of ,
money t mt a iinv.ui! nrm at .Milan,
I' s .ers (Javn.i A Co.. lias taken to
coininjr "ti its own account, and as tho
credit of the house is unimpenchablo
the metal tokens for of corn-so that is
what they really are are freely ac
cepted by the shopkeepers.
Italy prc'-ci:; a remarkable excep
tiiintoiinrtotl.fr tuitions in the mat
ter of currency. While they arc com-
piainin;,' everywhere else 4 tlie super
abundance f silver, the precious metal
i. actually at a premium in King Hum-
bert's dominions.
Change for a live-franc piececan only .
be obtained (inpayment of a penny on I
the transaction. .
The rcver ion to tokens carries us
bac't alno.4 to the mi Hie ages. There
wa- a period in the history of England
wli on such 'prot!iis4i to pay" con
stituted ulmo' t the only circulating
medium. They were made of lead,
tin, and even leather, and passed n
readily from hand to hand as eoins
stumped with the royal image and
supt rsenption.
It is slated that in the middle of the
seventeen! Ii eeiite.v us many as
twenty thousand different kinds of
tokens were in circulation in England.
X. . . ' - ! ' 1 I . .
...essrs. ...,,,! coinage will pass:
freely where the issuers :
and trusted, but w .,t be looked t
twenty miles frotn the Lombard capl-( ,not d l rville In a voyage w hich added
''., . ,. "onsidenibly to our knowledge of the
he extraordinary action of the j.ai.ilIu Ma -(K rniiI;e most sailors of
Mian firm has be,,, taken per haps , , h appreciated
not only in t he interest of its clients ; hU.a,l t WMUn.
c.inv. u.enee. but usa mea.isof putt ng hu ,,, tl)llt lheV ( u 1
pressure upon tie rovcrnmcnt ..ght. wnH ,, ,,, , b ' ,, fc
ly or wrongly it ,s contended that Meamship. an 1 ho lost an arm at Pondi
some lung llk'ht be done by too nu- t.i,,.rry throuifh an accident caused by
amount, almost to a general calamity.
ii.l Mrtir.n Mine.
Whenever a cave Is newly discovered
In ..v..vo r Ar ymi I i.. I11.I.T
first li. is ih.. 1 .... k.. ...,..ril n
old spunUh or Mexican mine, but thit
teh'.fiii or never has proved to bo the
cae. i.eiieraliy tliese noies in me
mountains nr.' natural eaves in lime
ht. ne or s.imlstotie formation, but
Sometime th.y lie 1 ct ween walls of
lun l r.ik. which ptrlmps contain
I'l.mral deposits, liio.i at ing that the
pi,iiit;vc iAi.ie.1 liidiar may have i
tie,' th.-.r way In following a soft !
sti.nkin s. ir. Ii of t.itc to u-e in s.t-
t.r ii.i'.li'tr. with im tho'irlit for.
w '
hi. in. Ma'..ctiU', snotty
.bat fi . tn I'.t ir iivil ..and w here .
tl wu".-r lu- p rc l.i'etl llifi'i
i.l'.-a'.o'i . tsl.c il gorgeout me-I
b'.it .. l''.;n .t.l b 'lie. lire wt'nn- I
(o lii I i.i C e e.ive Kli'l other 1
. i f l"M ! rl; ..r f"r::i r
tun '1 1 " i ' ' " t ive and l;.h
tp, in t!.e I l .ils range, in
r it New "Wit leu. bate Mr8 r'i
o .
I pi d f. r wti-ral l.uti.lre I f.'et, nnd
: olio r hir.'e uve in t hat region remain
' to be t i o re 1
! "
! l .l..t fib.' I kirg Pilr.
I ,,,,,.-M .tire; n.len- ttel.ieg
ai. l .m g i n o- at I igt.t; ' by
: at'rsi. ' tl.tf. If slh.tir.l to r .lil tint.
in. . i .-. s , i, , m,.i . m
j nl. ..', . tit'c 't i". ,vr
; I'l t r i 1 1 .!.o i rf S'. l l. e..
'"" 1 ' ''" 11 ' " '''''' ' " ' '" "' ''
'' ''" ' ii'Uii-t, i-r
b! o!. f f .'. ) ci.l. I'r h)b A MuB,
I K . 1,1 ,
? - b - iLI'ZjS'1
1 rs a1 .A-1.
the bit
i - -s " I i 1
1 r- 1
t'.iee.i got
ter ;
SZZ--& t
ii i".
J p
m Jim ..09 at
??: - rc:z3S S-P
is pu . ecus plead mp ; Haste to
1 r 1 r 1
s- r
wound keep bleed
J c
LUorv i muncr.
"'Br '-"n
A nopro running along a down-town
wei iitneamong siioca with a small
muiin ins nana, on wincli lie balanced
a coin ol some denomination, was a
source of much mystery to those who
saw him, says the Philadelphia Itecord.
Away he flew up tho street, jumping
gutters and other obstructions, mean
while frantically yelling to the few
pedestrians to keep out of the way, un
til ho finally disappeared in a small
court. Nobody silemcd to bo able to
give an explanation of the strange per
formance until another colored man
fame along anu mrew some light on
fie subject. Ho said the other negro
had found the coin in the street, und,
without, touching it with his hand, -had
"'vered it up with dirt while he went
ofT to find the lath or something simi-
iir' wita which ho returned to the
'lace where the coin was concealed
,in" s(;r"P-"i me iuur out ol tno Uirt.
le then ran us fast as bo could to the
nearest policy shop, where it was his
intention to invest tho lucky money.
It w as his linu belief that tho quicker
he got to his destination the greater
would be his luck. To touch tho coin
with his lingers would Lav broken the
lather of the Navy.
A.1n.l.nl K...I. iiti . f .i . . ,
Admiral 1 arK "Hie father of tin
r rench Navy, dted recently at the agi
of pl,,!.....-,,,,. li;. IW lmrw.r.nni
- i
tiiPVhut u'na nitHf.iHimwl ul..t,, ......
, i. .
riinr. n .f ...I,.,,. It., a ......... nn I... I ft...
; ( rimenn war he xva, eantnln ..f t...
1 decker, and won the rank of lce ad-
U wn PMntc.l curator of
" "" uo li'U ro ,UT
,lis retirement in 1871. Ho devoted hi.
olllcial salary to the improTcmcnt of
Voiii'i; BO UN D to TnUi Mim.
Leaves No Constipation,- -
Ctfr. (t. a a, :j a all II lli' ll.nr.a. .r Jl's Url - at , Ml a 7l ,
Ci Ut .1 t M I I I III ll, Wt.rl.l h.,!.l I,. .11 .1 . I .
'..ui 1 1 ... ... '.Imi. i,.i,.it
all CaiiliMiiia P irl .
. . . . : - " -.
to tears
Say the Bweet words
draw the
-y-F-i H
:S 4fcs1
-j , -- : I l 11 I "-ad1 r-iz
1 w
How to grt S 100 and Pf-rhnim .Vke
We seenre patents and to induce
pi)le to keep track of thfir bright
ideBS we offer a prize of one hundred
dollars to be paid on the first r.f eveiy
mouth to the petmu who submits to ua
the most nieritoi ions invention daring
the preceediug month. We will also
Hilvertme. the invention free, of chnree in
the National Recorder, n weekly news
paper, published in Washington, 1). C
which hns an fitensivn eircnlntinn
throughout tlin United Slate und is
devoted to the intcrestn ol inventors,
not so n.vnn AS IT SKI MS.
The ides of beinif sble to invent some
thiiifct sli ikes most peoplv ashling very
diHleull; this delusion thn coinpsuy
wishes to dispel. It is the fi tuple things
and small inventions t but 111 site toe
tfreslt-st HiTvnmt of ninney. sml the com
pie z out s Hie seldom protitHble. Almost
Terybiidy, hi some time or another,
conceives so ides, wblcb, if pstented,
would pri bnbly he worth tn bim
fortune. Uufnrtniintely sncb idess sre
nsiiHlly dinDiffed without thought. Tbs
simnle inventions like the ear wirdnw
I blch could be easily slid op snd dowa
withmit brenkiuij the imnee tiger's buck,
i iiii.'u. ii.rtiBiuK tun ininruicr uses.
the ssoee pD.collHrbuttoD,theDiitlook
the ,ttle stopper, lbs snow shovel, sre
I .7 '...." TZ .'! " - '
iiiiiiK" uini nimoni rTerjntn pppp pnme
f . : ..
wsy in iniprovintf upiin, and u is tlie-n
kind of inventions that bring tbe greatest
returns In the snhor.
The prig we i ff-r will be psid at the
endcitesob month, whether lbs nppli.
nstion bus been acted upon by the
Patent Olllce or not. Every competitor
must spply for a pslent nn hi invention
brougb as, und whether Le seenre lbs
prlz er not. the iuvrntor will Lave
valusble extent.
Jons Wr.puitMrKK. (teiiT Mansger,
Cll F HI. N. W. Wsebiugtoii, V. C,
P. S. The responsibility of this
enmpHiiy msy be jtidd from the fsol
l bit its stock is beltl by shout seventeen
hundred of the leading newspsper of
the United Hist.. tf
m !y
- t'r tti ,r tnall i.n
t'livt... ......... '"in on
. ,,,..'. , j.-s i i i. i ii
tiabrlsw, I al.