Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 05, 1895, Image 3

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    Take Notice.
1. The sum of five cent per line will bo
ihareed for "cards of thanks," "resolution! of
respect," list of wedding presents and donors,
ind obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
noticesof special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
sntertainment from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
nts a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
lpon application.
We hold each and every correspondent res
ponsible for his or her communication No
orrespondence will be published unless the
writer's real name 1b signed as au evidence of
ood faith.
. ing Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange,
jan Kranc.isco, is onr authorized agent. This
paper is kept on file in his office.
Oive your btisiness to Heppner people,
2nd therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Stage for Hantaan, Monument, Long Creek,
John Dav and Canyon City, leaves as follows :
Every dav at 6 a. m., except Sunday.
A rrives every day at 6 p. m., except, Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
Phill Cohn, Agent.
You can get the best beer
4 4 4 in Heppner at G. B. Ted
rowe's, 5 cents per glass,
If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc.
call at Ted's
City Hotel Bar!
W. M. Darlington, representing
Darlington, Quick & Co., of Chicago,
dealers ib cattle and sheep, was in
Heppner last week accompanied by Geo.
McKay, of Waterman Hot. Mr. Darl
ington has bought a train load of stock
in Gilliam and adjoining counties whioh
be will ship about May let. lie finds
yery little cattle in Morrow county
ready for market at present, but is
willing to pay for cattle or sbeep, in
proper condition, as much bere at borne
as they ore now bringing io Portland.
Mr. Darlington expects to make future
Bbipmenta from this section.
vVm. Kobmson, who lives near
Mallory's saw mill, lost a wagon last
Monday in a rather peculiar manner.
Returning borne he unhitohed his team,
leaving one trace still fastened and
started to lead his horses to the barn.
On reaching tbe end of the fastened
traoe the horee objected to being pulled
two ways at onoe and immediately start
ed around tbe yard in a circle, taking
the wagon with him. When the horse
stooped there was nothing left of tbe
wagon but the whiffletrees.
In tbe spring, tbe human body needs
assistance to throw off the stagnation
produced by winter diet. As the
temperature rises under the growing
heat of the suu's rays we feel tired,
half Biok Bnd low in spirits, because tbe
hlood is sluggish and full of impurities.
Dr. J. H. McLenn's Strengthening
Cordial and Blood Purifier is a reliable
spring remedy to invigorate tbe body
and give tone to the digestion. Price
$1 per bottle.
Some nnnole think that it is nothing
wrong to deceive a newspaper man, and
we have "got if so often that we are
Here and There.
Hon. J. N. Brown is ill with grip.
Harry Warren is on the sick list.
J as. P. Rhea's little son is reported
prices nt
Council Meeting. Counoil met in
regular session last Monday evening,
all connoilmen present and Mayor
Morgan presiding Minutes of
previous meeting read and approved.
...Bills allowed: Heppner Light A
Water Co., $70; Gilliam & Bis bee, $2.71;
F. J. Hallook, $16 66; N. 8. Whetstone,
830 On motion of Ayers, seoonded
bv Sloouin, bill for balanoe due tbe
town from tbe Heppner Light & Water
Co., was ordered oolleoted by Patterson.
. . . ,Oo motion of Horner, seconded by
Sloonm, the counoil declared the office
of marshal vacant, Ayers, Sloonm and
Horner voting "aye," Patterson, Lich
tenthal and Farnsworth voting "no."
Mayor Morgau decided the tie in favor
of tbe affirmatiye On motion of
Patterson, seoonded by Hornor, an in
formal ballot was taken on tbe appli
cations of A. A. Roberts and W. F,
Ruark for tbe marshalship, resulting as
follows: Roberts 4; Whetstone 1 ; Ruark
1. On first regular ballot, Roberts
received 5 votes. Whetstone 1 On
motion the marshal's salary was placed
at $50 per month, all fees for arrests to
be turned over to tbe town, the marshal
to attend to the regular duties of the
office and to be street commissioner
Counoil adjourned.
sells meat lower
Grain fed meats at s
F. J. Hallock's wife is very ill with
the grip.
Cbss Matlock visited Heppner
Photographer Dowe will return
Heppner in July.
The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works,
Walla Walla, Wash.
Mis. Otis Patterson isoocflued to her
room with au attack of grip.
Wm. Hughes returned from a busi
nefs trip to Portland yesterday.
Tbe Weekly Hun and the Gazette $2 75
per year, both Btnotly in advuuoe.
P. O Bore made a business trip to
Portland and Vancouver last week.
All republicans are invited to attend
the club meeting tomorrow evening
J. W. Hilton, the Hardman pedagogue,
wus in town on business Wednesday
Mrs. J. C. Lamon, of Huntington,
is visiting her siBter, Mrs. N. 8. VV bet
Now is the time to kill squirrels; and
Swau'gart'g "Sure Shot" is the stuff to do
it with. tf
Attend the repnblioan club meeting
tomorrow evening at the counoil
John Btiseick and wife report their
safe Brrival at their luture home in
Nels Magnnsen is back from Portland
where he ma le a trip a few days ago
with sheep.
Mrs. M. A. Olden, of Eight Mile, Is
(altering from an attack of lutiummatory
Mrs. Henry Thomson, of Butter creek,
is quite ill. Dr. MoSwords was called
out Tuesday last.
Anyone having one, two and three-year-old
steers for sale should see Ham
Kinsman at Heppner. tf.
Joe Bock got back from the New
England states last week, and left
Monday for bis home in Giaut county.
Atty. T. R. Lyons departed last
Mondv for Condon to be present at tbe
spring term of court which convenes
next Monday,
D. W. Hornor got back last Monday
from Pendleton. He says people are
thick enough there but that business is
slow, very slow.
Meadows A Hcnvner, tbe blacksmiths,
horiwshners and wood bntuhers, at the
old Guun stand. Main street, Heppner
Call on tbe boys.
Mathews Bros., City botel barber shop,
tonsorial artists. Hsireutting, shaving,
shampooing, etc., done scieutiUoally
Baths at 25 cents spieoe.
O. B. Hat t. the tonsorial artist, can
be found at his parlors, Matlock ooroer,
where b will dispense at popular prices
shaves, shampoos, haircuts, etc.
Ham Walker brought In 70 bead of fat
bogs for biimnt In-low this week
Yesterday Neat J'Hies cam io with
bead o( porkers, all to be shipped below
John Curren. the well known travel
Ing man, and who has len vending
general merchandise ell over tbe coast
ever sine It was a coast, was with us
venter lay.
Karl's Clover Root, the great Blood
purifier, k"''S freshness and clearness Io
the Completion and cores Cntipatlon,
2-1 cts., .'.0 els.. II . H 'ld by T. W. Ayers,
B. F. Hwaifgart is prepared to furnish
bis ".Sure hunt" 'nrrel poison in
. lw.le.alM 1. .tel. He has already received
large order from Washington and
Idaho. Every where it h been need,
it hM Dot failed to exterminate the little
Wilier I Hereo. of Helem. feme np
e.t.rdy to visit his b'otb";'. i. A.
Ilerr-u. snl Nwly- Mf- 11"rr"0
.ral.lv wi'h a mirod
Mod which b ' ,h" '"""'er.
Wiloiingt n. wLile it . dibl-l at
' sini tii'.tilbs sif'i.
Ji,, lie--All l"S ' Sdverlieieg
tnstt.r mnt fob thi C it U'r
than M. t.d.j r f .r Pi-d)' li.
end nl Uler thn Thnr ly '"
I'rldsv's iti. Hi" eiiai. f '"
lime renders tins ri e tiniM-ra'lv sod U
lllb, slher. 1 t.'io lutoc.
On Mo.ly !'. '!" "'
i, ... m ,v in.ui trk"l into a
f.u..l. di.eVun He engine I !!.
iti huirh if
' It - " - - .
!...... I . me. 1 r e rr
almost oonverted to the popular idea
ourselves. But the fct is, we have
promises for wood that must be met at
a very early date as we need it very
badly. Don't crowd our wood-house,
please, but just satisfy present demands,
We are reasonable
frank ShepardBon, Bn engineer on the
Southern Pacific Ry., who resides at
Los Angeles, Cel., was troubled with
rheumatism for a long time. He was
reated bv several physicians, also
visited the Hot Springs, but received no
permanent relief until be used Chamber-
mil's Pain Balm. He says it is tbe nest
medicine in the world for rheumatism.
For sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co.
This "feeding horses to hogs" story,
supposed to have occurred over here in
Morrow county, is all rot. It was
oaneed by leaving off, inadvertently, tbe
credit of a clipping from a Nebraska
DBoer. published in the Gazette. Will
the newsoaoers publish this as eagerly
as thev did the other item? It will be
onlv justice to Morrow county if they
will do so.
Dr. J. H. MoLean's Strengthening
Cordial BDd Blood Purifier is admirably
adapted to muke "a little health go a
long way." Its curative power is
largely attributable to its stimulant,
tonic and nutritive properties, oy wnicn
the energy of the system is reoruited
It is pleasant to the taste.easily borne on
the stomach and harmless under pro
longed use. Price $1.00 per bottle.
McFarlnnd Mercantile Co., have
changed their business to an absolute
ossh basis, beginning with the new year.
Their prices compare with the lowest.
Also sell tbe Uolden West Baaing row
der, as good as the best in the market
and cheaper. See new ad. a
W. W. Smead, having been to con
siderable expense to improve his fowls
by the Introduction of new blood from
the prize pens of H A. Wells, of Almeda,
Cal., is now prepared to furnish eggs of
tbe Brown Leghorn breed that caunot be
excelled in Oregon. 17-tf .
Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins. Chattanooga,
Tenn., says "Bhiloh's Vitalizer 'saved
my life.' I consider it the best remedy
for a debilitated system I ever used."
f'or dyBpepia, livr or kidney troub'e
it excels. Prioe 7.1 oents. Sold bv T-
W. Ayers, J..
While dressing chickens last Saturday
Al. Emerson louud two gold nuggets in
the craw of one chicken, one of which
was almost as large ss the little finger
nail. The chickens were raised on a
brauch of water near Uardman.
W. J. I.efzr'e windmill fell a victim
to tbe high wind of lust Monday. It bas
done servioe for some years past and
has resisted the elements at all times,
but suoonmbed Dually during the storm
Harrison Chsnin recently received a
letter from bis home in Pulaeka county,
Ind , stating that an aged friend of hie,
familiarly known ae "Grandpa" Han
cock, bad died at that plaoe, at tbe age
of 104 years. '
L. Blumentbal is getting In a vert
large, spring stock of goods which
were bought st very low figures la tne
'Frisco markets, and will be sold at
correspondingly low figures.
T. W. Ayers, Jr., is making squirrel
noisnn that he suerantees. No kill no
pay. and sells it at 25 cents per osn, 6
cans for 81 Go; 82.50 per dozen. Get
sample end try it. tf.
Shilo's Cure is sold on a guarantee.
It cures liiomlent Consumption. It is
the bt OonubCiireorily one Oenl a dose.
z; cts.. 50 ots.. and 81. Hold by T. W.
Ayers, Jr.
Horner k Warreo gsrnisheed $7.6o
in hard eah Monday last. Ibe properly
of Al. IWk, little. The amour,! owed the
firm Is 171.81. sod tbe trial wss set for
Green Mathews for shaving, beir-
rnttmif. ibhmioniog end all other work
In that line. I'.aiha at any lime during
business boors. CM. Jones, assistant
This remedy is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
special mention. All who have used
Electric Bitters sing tbe same song of
praise. A purer medicine does not
exist and itlis guaranteed to do all that is
claimed. Eleotrio Bitters will cure all
diseases of the liver and kidneys, will
remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and
other affeotions oaused by impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the system
and prevent as well as oure all malarial
fevers. For oure of headache, oonsti-
niifinn and inrtioaatlnn tpv TClentrift
Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed
or money reiunaea. f noe ouo. ana 51
per bottle at tbe drug store T. W. Ayers.
Lost a Finger. That a ooyote can
and. will bite was demonstrated to the
satisfaction of Jas. Toonglast Monday.
Jas. and Leslie Matlock were out
chasing a luckless specimen of the tribe,
hioh was finally oaptured by Jims
bounds, and fearing that ne mignt
injure one of them, a young dog, be
caught the ooyote by the head and tried
to make it release its bold, but in an
uolooky moment tbe third finger of his
right band got in tbe animal's mouth,
resulting in the loss of tbe member half
way to the first joint. After ooming Id
town amputation was made at tbe first
joint and tbe wound dressed. Jas
thinks be will get. along all right now,
hnt he has no donbt of tbe ability of a
coyote to bite.
The Result of a Trial.
Cannelt.n, Ind. 'I havfl used Sim
mons Liver Regulator, manufactured by
J. H. Zeilin&Oo., Philadelphia, and
louud that for indigestion and hver
cnmnlaint it is the best medicine I ever
used." E. E. Clark. Your druggist
sells it in powder or liquid; tbe powder
is to be tuken dry, or made into tea.
Fob Sale. A tnoreughbred regis
tered Hereford bull May wood, JNo.
28,606. This bull was bred in Illinois by
Geo. T. Baker, and is just the animal
you want to breed e'ook that will bring
a good prioe. I will sell cheap as 1
have another of same stock; or will trade
for good milch oows.
8tf. F. O. Btjckncm.
I 7 vte
Mr. Charles G. I'ansher
Walla Walla, Wash.
Much Treatment Without Avail
Ayers guarantees
$2.50 per dozen.
bis poison,
A Surprise Party. Last Monday
evening several ot the friends of Rev.
J. T. Moore and wife took the Baptist
parsonage by storm. However, Hon.
W. R. Ellis, who was among tbe num
ber, preserved good order and no
damage was done. Mrs. Ellis in behalf
of tbe friends, in a few appropriate
words, presented to Mrs. Moore a
beautiful quilt on which were worked
and written the Dames ot many of her
friends. They bed provided and
brought with them an excellent lunoh,
which was Berved to tbe delight ot all
present. After a few hours spent in a
good social way tbe friends separated
for their homes leaving tbe Baptist
pastor and bis wife with thankful hearts
that tbey lived and labored among an
appreciative people.
Bncklen's Arnica Salve.
Tbe best salve in the world for cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rbeum,
Fever Sores, i'etter, Cbapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all skin eruptions
and positively oures Piles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
riPce 25 cents per box. For sale by
T. W. Ayers, Jr.
Wheat, bu 32
Flour.bbl 2 25
Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. I 50
three " 8 00
Sheep, muttons, head.... 1 50 2 25
stook 1 60 0 1 75
Hogs, on foot, cwt & 00
Hogs, dressed 4 00
Wool 5 8
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 40 1
Eggs, doz..
Chickens, doz o w
Potatoes, per owt
Wheat, cwt 85 ??H
Flour.bbl 2 90 0 3 lo
Beeves, stall fed iSSm
Muttons, owt
H., nu,t. 4 60 5 25
Wool Eastern Oregon.. 7 H
Butter, lb W 3 1
Eggs. doz... icmSam
Chickens, doz 5 00 0 600
Turkeys, lb 16 18
Wheat, cwt 5 95
Flour, bbl 2 lJ0 3 15
Beeves, owt ? ,M Si
dressed 4 00 6 00
Muttons, live sheared ... 2 50 (ft ! 8 00
dressed 4 00 0 4 50
Hogs, on foot 3 50
' dressed 00
Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 6
Butter 220 25
ja7a?B uOZ
Chickens, doz'. 2 50 3 50
Turkeys, tti dressed 1
Hood's Sarsaparllla Effects Benefi
cial Change in Constitution,
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Maas.i
" Dear Sirs : At the age of 10 years I was
confined to my bed with inflammatory
rheumatism. I wan treated by a local
physician, but relief only came to me with
the warm weatner. b or vz years aociorin)
did me but little good. Wre read about
the great change Hood's Sarsaparilla
could effect in the entire constitution.
We concluded to give it a trial and it has
Made a New Young Man of Me.
After taking the contents of three bot
tles 1 was able to walk a little. I have
continued to take it and have not missed
a day for six months. During the bad
Big General Merchandise Store
a IN
Heppner, - Oregon.
We Sell Groods
--No More Credit Sales.
Shoes now arrived. Bis reduction in prices in every line. Groceries very cheap. Hard
ware, Tinware, Glassware, Crockery, Mitchell Waons, Hacks and Buck Boards, Oliver
Chilled Plows, Wool Sacks, Fleece Twine, Oils, Etc.
Country produce taken iu exchange for goods. Cash advances made on wool. Send in your
We Sell
The Celebrated ,
a r a
winter weather nor any time since have I
felt any of the symptoms of the return
of my rheumatic trouble." CHAS. U.
Fansher, Walla Walla, Washington.
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and do
not purge, palnor gripe. All druggists. 25o.
Baking Powder
These goods are Strictly Pure and
give the best of satisfaction.
It is the Headquarters !
.'.'. i W AV.dK . '.Ban.iTH'
jpalnto. Drus; OH, Qlass, Toi
let Artloea, Patent Medicines,
15 to
Office of all stages running out of Heppner.
PHIL. COHN, Proprietor.
Two Uvea Saved.
Mm. Phoebe Thomas, of Jnnotion City,
III., was told by h"r dooton she bnd
consumption aod that there was do hope
for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's
New Disoovery completely oured her
and she says it saved her life. Mr, Ihos.
EifeM. 139 Florida St. Bau Frauoisoo,
suffered from a dreadful cold, spproaoh-
a consumption, tried without result
everything else then bought one bottle
Dr. Kino's New Discovery and in
two weeks was cured, tie is naturally
thankful. It is such results, ot whioh
tbee are samples, that proves tbe
onderful effioaoy of this medicine in
oo ok lis and colds. Free trial bottle at
W. Ayer's, Jr., drug store, itetfular
ze 50o. and SI.
Toilettes. The April number of
Toilettes, which is appropriately deng-
ated as its Easter icsue, comes to os
replete with all the latest and best
Parisian styles. It maintains its well-
known reputation (or being not only the
cheapest ot stsndard fashion magazines,
but also tbe most varied as to styles,
and tbe most useful in every wsy to
people about to do dressmaking at tbeir
homes. A specialty this month is made
ot bridal toilettes, and they may be
olassed as tbe most exquisite specimens
ot tbe designer's art. No end ot other
interesting items to make np tbe balanoe
of the book, obief among whioh we note
children's and misses' styles, ooifTares,
fans and other attractive designs. To
be bad ot all book and oewsdealers,
prioe 20 rente.
n n
M,trmi,t"""M"t,t..ii p
n . I t'" i' I T'f I m-rMtij.
an 4
For sals, on reasonable terms.
Haines ISros. Mano in trnnl Condition.
Alio a bhy carriage. For particulars
rbquire of A. M. uunn. u
HrllsUv and wife are now over
at thir M.uiuinsiit nosBosalone. and will
pmbatlv rfinsia till after the season
work IS fiblalied.
A sore cure fr the liquor habit. S
rnm no tav. For full nartloulars an
irmrll on T. VV. Ayrs, Jr., City
lriitf fcii re. v-xt.
I,nt M'ln.lnv Joe lUnnUter'e big do
bit a friMul f Joe's and ttis Ana ttXrr
unit paid the penalty at the end of
Vstiid-l'Uin or fane wlng. Will
I?. .i I In, li"n ur take swing al bom
Mr. Mry llfii l.'r n.
WntiUl I.nolr work by Mr
S; .u, '.I I M .'iiiUio IIuur. Mriilitig
fully tl'iii"".
Trv Av"' )il'rl rx,ion rfr
buying any eibr. Ooly 1'Ji r
dt-n. tf.
Ix.tn i.'k. H et. ; mnndsleak, 6 rta;
nh tk, 5 ci tat hpray.
..' a Ua
1 How fiiAty Huol's hrarll biltri
fere. I of III pn
i.ot ft tun
How to Care Rheumatism.
Abaoo, Coos Co., Obbqon, Not. 10,
1893. I wish to inform yon of tbe great
good Chamberlain's Pain Balm has done
mv wife. She has been troubled with
rheumatism of the arms and hands for
six months, and has tried many remedies
prescribed for that complaint, but fouud
no relief until aha used this Pain Balm;
one bottle of wbiob bas oompieieiy
nired her. I take pleasure in reoom
manitino it fnr that trouble. Yours
truly, O. A. Bnllard. 50 oent and 81 00
bottles for sale by Blooora-Johnson Drng
The War is Over. A Well-known Sol
dier, Correspondent and Journal
ist Makes a Disclosure.
Indiana contributed her thousands of brave
BoldirH to the war, anil no state bears a bet
ter record iu tlmt msiHrt than it does. In
literature it id rapidly acquiriiiK an
envlalilo nm. In war and lili'raiure
Solomon Ycwell, well known us a writer as
"Hoi," bns won mi honorable posit Inn. Dur
ing the late war ho wus a niemlier of Co. M,
2d. N. Y. Cavalry and of tbe 13Mi Indiana In-
luntry volunteers, lieiirciinn nil important
circumstance be writes as follows:
"Several of us old veterans biro are using
Dr. Miles' UeMorutive Nervine, Heart Cure
and Nerve and Liver Pills, ull ot thorn giving
splendid satkfiK'tlon. In fiu't, we have never
used remedies tliul compare with them. Of
tbe Pills we niusl siiv they lire the best com
bination of ' lie ninilltles required In a prep
aration of tiieir mi i lire we have ever known.
We have none but words of pralso for them.
They are the outgrowth of a new principle In
medicine, mill lone up the system wonder
fniiv Win ,nu tn nil. trv tliiso remedies.
Hiilomon Yewe.ll, Min'io'n. Ind., line. 5, IHVt
Cheap for Cash
Is tbe place to go for everything in tbe line
ot Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Canned
uoous, iinware, woou ana winowware,
Cigars, Tobnooos, Confeotioneries, Eto.
Supplies !
wiiomon lewe.n, niarioii. inn,, mu-, o, uw
these leimiiies lire sold by all dniKglsts on r- 1 I
rx.. Ve! hp pr h r ai t ( yfOPPrV
flpt of pile, 61 per bottle, six bottles $f, ex- I I I I. XVvVl L 1 J 1 1 t Ul VWl Y
ress (irennid. They Mr.ltlvly contain uulluef J
Dress I
nut- tbitui roii UrtiKS.
For Bnle by T. W.Ayers, jr.
Old Blackman Stand, opposite the postofllce.
Having bought tbe entire interest in
nursery stook from the J. 0. Whitney's
estate consisting of apples, pears, plums,
prunes, cherries, pesobee, aprioots,
neotarinee, grapes, raspberries, black-1
berries, currants, gooseberries, dew
berries, pie plant, strswberries, eto., also
ahade and ornamental trees, maples,
elms, white ash, mountain ash, catalpa
locust, box alder, poplar, balm, walcnt,
white birob. oaks, borse chestnuts, mul
berries, weeping asb, willows, evergrees
eto.. flowering thorn, almoad, rosea, and
shrubs, lilacs, snow ball, denlzia,
weigelia,spirea,honeysnokle, hydrangea,
syringe, altbeaa, etc. And being com
pel led to remove same this spring we
are prepared to furnish these goods al
less than cost of growing. Let ts bear
from yon at once, with list of your
wants and we will name yon prioes tbst
will pleaM and save yon bfl per cent
Address Patitti NoBSEnr,
21-30 Payette, Idaho.
Spray Your Fruit Trees )
1$. A. IIUNSAKElt, Prop.
rhiooessor to Jerry Cohn
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
Vow Is tlm Hint, to lmv your fruit trei-i
snrsvi'd. I linv e of thf finest Hprsy Pliin.l I
ill tin1 liismi't nun use tne inosi enei iimi renin
dlra. anil tinaiRiiter mv work, charge reason-
hie. I inn he (mind st Homer Viarren s, o'
w rll me st ll-.(.iier, Oregon, taw
I have a jack of 0rt-class breeding
analitlrs. eight years old. that I would
like to sell or trad". If caeh is not con
venient, will take in exchange for this
valuable animal either cattle or sheep
Call on or address me at Heppner, Or.
tf. J. K. HlMONH.
Ieeer Bros.
Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for
Cash Only.
Poor Isdefdt
The prospeots of relief from drastio
oatbartics for persons troubled with
oonstipation is poer indeed. Tf ns they
act upon tbe bowels, but this tney ao
wiib violence, and their operation lenns
lo weaken the intestines, ami is pre
judicial to t"S elomsnn. iiostsiter's
Htomaoh Hitters is an enectnai isiauve,
hut il neither gripes Dor infeebles.
Korthermore, it prom-ilee digestion and
a regular action of tbe livsr and tbe
kidneys. It is an efficient barrier
against ard remedy Tor malarial com
plaint and rhonmatlsm, and is of great
bnlil lo the wss, nervous ana agen.
As medical slimolsnt it cannot te
snrpasned. Pr.ysioians oordially reeom-
mend It, and its professional irjoorwmeui
is fully boroa ont by popular riperienc.
Atipetiie sad sleep are both Improved
by this agreeable tnvigoranl and altera
The Esslej UU
W. P.
Have BuccfM5(lfl A. M. Ounn in tlm l'.lrwkHiriitliii.tf
IJuHiof'ss a in 1 are tireimrwl to do hII kimln f
For tho Cui-o o
Liquor, Opium aod Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Halem, Orrnn,
Th Mol Hmutiful Town on th$ Cotut,
'It l th fUlsTTS riffle for fmrtlcnl.
HI rlrtly con tliluiitlsl. 1raitiiiitirlriud sure
A Vi'on Shop run In muni tion. Sti.I. t..n (iirmil.-4. Oil
on thitm st th M (iunn aliii.,
law. . IIKIM'NKU.
I It ut APC'An
1RSF . "uiuuwii .
;..M.-w. ,
- . .
u.... rfl'''l
. - . . . . .
fif eis r'o'""
M's. J. It.
. . . . t .. ft .f i
"M",V' .. tl,....l
fr. . mX -r. h is .ft'-r
in fli rwi or
il op
In II, I.-ch
l 1. i.f Um
- I . . th t n
Monday's wind blew the
clmrcb iff lis fonodatinn, sbon
HniiTer's bit trs lo Foil, tore
f b O U. A N. depot and two wrhouse
in Walla Walls, wrecked a dwelling lo
Arlington, and bo last hsard from
was slill doing bnxnesa. The Iippor
coni.try opd serious dsmsgs.
Col Flecig and Msj'r tksls got in
rrdv from tbir loor nl firstil and
onlisin eoiititi. lury wrs rtist
tiAMfnl on this lour writing. t .
Hi) wonb if insnrane on the trip,
Tby wnt dowo to 1'ortlaod ob ytr
trin. and in a fw wsks aill rstnro lo
th seotir.o asaia.
KD flankr, tbs original sad only
Po. a ruif ffta HiUrvill. aka
who rl a I tirl to f.ll lh Dnldia l'il U is riyio at
..i .t - . .1- - I .1 .
rn ir ra any pan, in ihibissm sirsinsm io"ni'inii"ir
ih tr. hnm uf ("i I by )'ty C"b. II h plMy
.f g hI to ll l r eab, at low prie,
,mi. He a I.
I!ys k Msthew. the butchers who
i.ma th til Mat Mark!, are raly to I
deliver mst ti any psM rf the e ty. al j
lo firfirs an t foil weight vrf bw
lnrt fo't t'of 4 'P. M
as P. C. Thompson Company
Are Still on Deck with Bargains for Cash
Cornr ftfaio and Willow Mretts,
mrrm t
it I. .ty tit a. I ti.'ive u,.H.ti.ijr
and wrk l-w-m dHrtii If r.n ar
k. tirrd an I hrV"U, ll"1' xnt
panlla j'i't "hat J" 0" I. 1'T
ll..r Til' ci iir tils. eMii
t a' ion, I i'i.iums, js'iujij) r bad-
AttorneyN fit Jwiw,
All busine attn1i to in a i-romM ami sstikfa't'
manner. Notaries I'ol.lic and (,ll. l..r.
iwr? eh,
Land Patents
Lautl jifttontH Bocun-il for Bfttlfrg in tho uliortoat jKrhhildo t;n.p.
Contested Cases
Coiit.-st.-tl cixm-h intclligftitly unci akillfully LatiJlod.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old cUimn fttitl disjiutcii sjx'fdiljf wttlinL
IMwwn Individaala baving rw.i.llii ling claims nn.li r the agrirtillr.ral land
laws, and lii- l.rtwn elaimsiils under Hi Mineral l s and agrictiltural
clmrwanis; and !( ltwn laiwants tin lr any .f Hi pnlili Isud U and the
lUilroad c.mi.aiiies snd Ihnr grsi.te. and the slates and tl.eir grautrrs, nnder
tne hwsmp Land and Mcb m.I Land tlranis.
M Ulty tna-leof souring .ini intli shortest kwiIiU lime r.r atllr
wholiavec.irn.lied with lb las nn-ler eliicb their rt.lrie were made, and who
are annoyed and worn.! by del ays in th I u of their paienta, causrd by Trifling
lrrfgo'ariiis wl.loh rsn b sily and Ii'y rnyd.
Advice ala( given Iu all ttiltra ret. ling te the imblia lan.l. etc slly n
i.olnls arising under the new las wbioh have 10 recently lsewd providing lot
the dlt-oaal of the public tl-malo.
If yon want your land patent In a hurry-If y ant yrnir lar.d bnsl:i
sny ft.sranter. atUtid-d to by skllllnl and e nu-elrbt ait-rn.;. and pfinptly
P.l nf, wrlieto
John Wkijdkki'.ukn, (ji n. Man.,
I'. O. lUt, f. Wa.blnirkm.U
i, nf
.vrlat r- to '"'J
tirsillslre'tViff.lM. It