Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 02, 1895, Image 4

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Tempt) iii X'alse.
Tbere was never a time in the history
of our coaDtry when the demand for
inventions and improvements in the arts
and sciences generally was so great as
now. The conveniences of tnpjkind in
the faotory and workshop, the household
and oo the farm, as wI! as in official
life, require continual accessions to the
appurtenaoce and impliments of each
in order to save labor, time and expense.
The political change in the administra
tion of government does not affect the
progress of the American inventor, who
being on the nlert, and ready to por
ceive the existing deficiencies, does not
permit the affairs of government to de
ter bim from inicbly oouoeiving the
remedy to overoome existing discrepan
cies. Too great cire cannot be exer
oVed in ohousiag a competent and skill
ful attorney to prepare and prosecute
an application for patent. Valuable in
terests have been lout nnd destroyed in
innumerable instances by the employ
ment of incompetent counsel, and es
pecially is this advice applicable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
pay" flvstem. Inventors who entrust
their business to this class of attorneys
do so at imminent risk, as the breadth
and strength of the patent is never con
sidered in view of a quick endeavor to
get an allowance and obtain the fee.
Jolin Wedderbnin, General Manager
618 If' street, N. W.Vasbington, D. C,
represeniing a large number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals of the eonntry, was in
stituted to oroteot, its natrons from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
in this line of business. The said Con
pany is prepared to take charge of all
patent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, and prepare and prosecute
applications generally, inolnding me
chanical inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer
ences, infringements, validity reports,
and gives especial attenion to rejected
cases. It is also prepared to entur into
Competition with any Arm in securing
foreign patents.
Write for instructions and advice.
John Weddkkbukn.
lilH F Street,
P. 0. Box 885. Wasbingtou, I). C.
Whiln yon sunn your ulwririititn paid up yen
Cm ktwp your hrnn.l in froHof tiliitrKn,
Allvn. T. ) . hum, Or. Ibirwis (id on Inft
ahtiiiMnr; rmtthi munn nti h-ft, liin, nnilnr lilt on
riltt iwr, awl upunr bit on the loft; riiiin, Mor
row enmity.
Annilrunir, J. ('., Alpinn, Or. T with bur nn
dnr it on loft Hlttiiiliitir of huriifiH; entile fminft
on hip.
AMIhoii, O. !., Kiv'it. Miln, Or. ('fittln brand,
O 1) on l"ft hip mi 1 Iiopkkh aniria brand on riht
aluml'lnr. ltunn. Kilil M i In.
A'lkiiiH, J. .1., liuppnitr. Dr. (Tornm. ,TA con-
ltl-tlt'l ml InTf llltllk: HUttln. Hfmiftfltl hlft Mp.
llrtli'i'ii'iiMw, A. (I, Allium, Op. llm-wia
bruti l i I 7 K on nlllinr Hlniiililiir. Kmiuii in Mim
ow ini'liitv '
h'lMiilxt'ir, J . V Ibiril-nnn, dr. ('itttlii brand,
oil II on luft i i i ft.ii ' I lliiult: tqilit, in n-mli our,
lirntumr. t'.itnr. I tonsli'rry ( Irit 'oil - I lorHoii
bmu l l I'll on luft, ttiiiiiihliir. ("ill I In wuntt on
rurtit -tnln
ll'irk". M HI (', Liin I r.w.it . Or -On nnltln,
M Y it'inni-rlii I nn ,ri, bio. (imp olf luff, our, mi.
(lor h'llf ernii ,i(f rilil. Iliirmi'i, h iiiio lirii'i'l on
)olft nlioulilor, Itnutn in (Irani anil Morrow
in iitv.
hroHiniin, .lorrv, 1,1'fiii, dr. Morion hmnilo'l 7
on riitltl iilionliiMr; n-clln II on (ho loft hijo,
l.nft our h'llf cron ml rit.-lil our noonr Minim.
Hurl mi. Win.. II -piiiior, Or. - IImmoh, ,1 II on
riirht tlcili; call In il ium on rilit hip; nplit, in
nii''h our.
Hriiwn, but, t,'xintftuti, (Ir. Murm III nit tl,o
ritrlit hI 1 1in; cnillii hhiiihoii ritflit hip; ration, Mor
row n.imily.
llrown, J. (, Ilopplior, Or, Huriuia, niri'ln
V. with 'lot in tur on l--fl hip; i-tHln, mimim,
Hniwn, W. J., I.i'iih. ir..on. 1 1 . r--h W bur
nvor It, on thu loll nluiuhler. Cuttle miiuoon loit
Iloyor, W. ()., Il"ii""r, Or.- Ilnrmn, bm
bruml on ri ih Inii i nn l, raiM.i, wuli n,;t m
wh our.
Horn. P.O., Iloppnor, Or Uoritim, I' II on loft
h'Hll lor; rullli, minnim p. ft bin,
llniwiiloo, W. J., Ko,i ir -I'bIiIo. .1 II contmolml
on hfl i l; ir'io on b'fi ntr mnl I wo uplitt, amj
nti'l Ho nor, rut onl on rmM out ; on hnr,M wmno
lirntul on tl, Mt tlutfli; Hatiutt in Fo valhiy,
(Irnnl ntiiinlv,
Carwtior Wttrri-n. Wmcinr, Or.- Ilnra.-. liratxl.
rmhf rilH. pnn hm.1 -.(.lit m h wr. Ituiik'it in
UhhiI H'h Murrnw t'oun' it.
V Willi inrtr 'ir'lrt fvr it,nii ! f t MiiMultlttr
nnl "ti l'ft MliM m (ill n itii.p A vnftiM; on
ltft luMi1'lr ntily uti nil hi,inmivnr A )rHr, A II
THtW 1m lrnti rtitr'tv,
( ((.,( Iit. II., Vnt'Mi r ,n'if. Or, lnr'4
H I' on rii(lil i i mi I .(; v ' i hi mihih nf rintil hip.
Itn'IWf MnfMi'V 't. l'H4lli '"'H'l'lH,
i'Mrriiiull. M l. Oh'I iy. r '11M ' rrti otit
nf K.-ti"ir I n'M(,.rt.)i, Wni'If in fofdS -m.I;
l.nrtiM Imlf iMr l" ti l. ft flitli, liiiuti Mor.
fn ( 'iini t1 In u I n'".
r.ul, T. H , .I iUm b iv, -. Dai.t.'rt vnn ntt
Wfh liip nil i'iti in, fw tl..w foik utiil hihI.t Itif
Hi ruM en, Kt.ttl ut h'fi nt. I tii iit iii ftnuit
runty. n hm.mii, ifvrtl hit n..ir i i(
nu i'il lr. I.'tr hi uk'tit Hiti, rruii oil )(.ft i. tr
Mt i'ti-l u'i-r hi ric'it. Wriliort. til
riiftii mm n't ..r lintr im in ln ur. AH
lt lift"! I' MlHIv,
CiMk, A. J-.Imh Or, - (t..rMc, tyu riuM -hm
r. I t'Mi, n'ittin rwtt' ltt: Hur inmlt a urt
rr'-n t.-'t f'i .!( ut riM.
rtirrm. It .t t urruiMViiii, Or. H'fM, Ti ntt
Ir'i mtM4,
I ni M. H.. Iltn I'mmm, Or rmtlit, i
W it rrtiiir; htf" ' V. 1 1 ltf t np.
I N'Stnn, U. I'.. V ti" il, di.t'it Or. -
imn hlH't.l ' I nrvM vt itt, lt.tr U' l'mH,, n tf
lMfil..f , r ti' ! -! n i'i I lint !( ii, intf k
U1I IT ti ! K pt M !M' H'I I 111.
iinpin, II, Miln'i Or l .r- ttrtti InI
mi MifM l.ip itllit Nrt I I 'I tiin H'lit, l-nt
lirii l ( t '! ttr tnUl tMri; m I h . ri
i(Fi'i.( riil rii MiM i, am. ,m ,.M ,,(
flt'ttl r
I mi,U. W. M ,i iM.nt. or, Cnitt., It ,.t(
fM'il i I . iIm foi ij tt, ti itr; litri, It i
mi 'utt.
r ir It' - ' .iu-l or II .in l.r I . y
on l"'l I 'i, ruii mn mi ittftnip, ,.tir
t f'tf'.l r
K'M 1' H , II it. I ttvt. Or !I mi44 ttrnii ,.,
, , (r..f.r r wit'i I i " o n )..(( ',.) .r ; rnU
c I H nit ft,' III , ll I'-tf" III r.,Mf r !')( ,
KttrutM, I A , M M''i'r Or tU. i.rt
r'i ; li.ttM ttitU lur iin.ir mi ruht
I'lfHiM, M, I. (itir. Or llitrwM, f 4,n
hxM tint.t ( U. I- Mi rij'tt hip ..r triih.
KrtM'h. til, Mopp'i f I lr it!' U liri t n
, 'li lir !.( II, m i , ft -i .. i-,,,,, tti ,,ft
Mr. Il tr M'H-i lt"nn. it i ..t ti 1 1
lirtitir), I i i..r, h t. Or l -. .r., rt
H. WH'. H .plltr . " ittr.'r I m i . 'l (,t(1r.
t it t ut S -rr.'W H i t 1 1 1 (' 1 1 ) .-i-.l ,M
Iliti K U , K u, r i i u r t-,- l ,.p
Wit h ptt ' r' i' r f M-i t'i r.dt dip,
l"i Ut M 'fM HI I I I' l' l ' I- .'' ..,,
Hl"'t HI I ,l .11 II II St .M I t 1'i'fhi m
nrt mit'i.'t tup, -f..p i'i ii t I t : i ut i.. t,
MIMI J Mil (IM tl On 4h. It i KP til 1 i'i! i. .nil' $
iu,ii..- h,.,.,( ,i w or 2f t r K I,
IIHl l"'' I I 1 I 'l I !'! I I T I'll OH t V ,tt
iu lifffl l.tp ' I mi ! 'I i ', Utm f..i4 m
n1' ' I I" '"t- llH K"! Ill Hn( 5'H.fc
Id t .fi
w r. Of H.m.. i,r (.
-O i. "t,.
I'nMlft 1.4 i
t I-
II I t
I (up
I mi t
Orft- I.
I. .
I I f .
I V l
I.HIK- M.i
I .
' I .,.
. uii
-r t Ir. - t..t.
i-fl Int..
II i. I , .. Of II
iMii-t-- r'I-
Ilt-t-iri, J I!
II i'ii I." Sr,
II .4
, I
II . II ..(.
tn. i . , i
y m hi " i t .'i i
J II ... , I!
n i i .
(i.i.i i,i,,. . . n , i
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U. - "
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" il
, I
i. 'I
... i . I
i It,
Words by S. M. PL ATT,
Changed lo tents by this
H 0 i-J --
1 1 -1 - m -f
loft, Htilln; cHttln, inn on rixht hip, nmlBt linlf
rim in ri"'' Htiii Niiitr n luri. nr
Kimnv, Miko, Iiiiiii(t, Or. Hormw brnniln'l
KNV on Ittft Inp (iiiille hhiiih and crop oil lttft
rur: nniliir mIhimi on lliw rltdit
Kirk J. T.. lliiiiiinr. Or. Ilonie AH on lofi
nlmnlilnr: ("Hit In, itW on lufl hip.
Kirk. Jiihhm, lliiiipiiwr, Or.; horttn 11 nn Itifl
vUiiiilil.ir; CHtlls MtiiiH on riht hiiIu, unitnrhit on
rnhl nur.
Kiiiiiliiirliind.W. 0.. Mount Vnrnon. Or. I I, tin
ntttliinii rmtil hiiiI luft Hill, bwhI low fork in lift
t itr nml niiilnr noi in riuht tvtr. Ilortnia khiiio
limiul on luft "IhiiiIiIit. Itun in Grant, fonnlv.
I,nfl"ii, Hlnpliini, Fon.Or.-H I, on luft liii
nil I'lililti, limp mnl nplit on rixltl mir, llnitiH
K.tiiiii lininil on li ft, nlnMililiir. ItniKo IhhmI
hitiiiitllun, John W., jyn'.n Or. Hornn
liriiinli-l Imlf-rni'lii J I, ronntM'liMt nn lt.fl nliinil.
ilnr. ( Blllii. iinif on loft liiu. Khiikh, nrntr Ijhi
b'ltln'y, J. W. Iliiinnr Or Murium lirumlinl
Ii iiiiiI on h'lt mIi i i , 1 1 t ; i'hUIh Hiitiin on li.fl
hili, WHtlln oviT riitlit f)ti, IhruB kIiU in riKht
I,.ir., (InoruM, llniipnnr. Or. Ilnrw limnilivl
tloiililti II tioi.nni'li ' Sotiititiinini cHllutl
nwi'iti II, on Itifl ulioiililtir.
Minor, Owttr, nninmr dr. I 'Kltln, M tl on
riclit hip; lionn M on luft ulioiililtir.
Morirnn, H. N., ll"iHiiir, Or. Ilonwd, M )
on li.li nlioiilili nillln wttnn on loft hip,
Miii'lmll. I l-,nr. loim, nr. Ilonii, JJ on rinlii
liin: citilui, 77 on rmlit nitln,
Mi'l'lnrun, l. ((., llrownnTilln. Or, llurw,
Kiir'irH 5on Htt,., Hlioiilihir: ntlllrt, M2on hip
M.'lltrr, r rHtik, Km Vlli, Or.-Muln nhiic
willt tiwi-nork on cmiln on rtlm tin,) niiilnr in
nclt unr: ItttrtMni niiiua Itrnnil on lfl ntitln.
Mt'llnl.it, ... , riKiiiiti in, Or. Hi linriMi'. "
villi lntlf iiir.'ld titiiloron luft nliiinliliir;on ln,
f tur linrn piiiiiiik.IikI on top on tliu rmlit hIu
IlitiiKit tit Orntil rnitnlv,
Ni'Hl.Aiiilr iw. Ini ll.K-k tlr.- Ilorxxi A N con.
itwi.nl m In'l l Iclnr: ptiillw "ninn on Uillt hliw,
NoMykn, K Nilvnrion . I"r. Ilonwii, oirclo 7 on
,f' ilnlt: rKMln nnitiH tut luft hip,
Ollv .r. ,lo.i..l, ( nil), ill l ily. Or. -A 1 on ruin
on I. 'ft ltiii on lioratw, nut on lufl thiKti. lltuKr
i.l lirni.t .,miily.
Olli.r, 1'i.rry, Iah limloli, Or.-1' O on Infl
Hp. ll.Tttinn, 1'iniria City, Or. On ruilln, t
1,1 'otttt.M.lii.t on f( hip; littmnti ott Ittfl ntillr
it it I wtirilnon ittMM. Itioitm in ilrnnl enmity,
'i I Itntrn, KikIiI M tin. I Ir. - llorarai, ,imr
l.ir fln'lt. Itil,l on l..f liotitili.r mnl .'t on h.ti
In,, ('unlit, fork in ft -mr, rlulit croppnl. 'M
on Infl hin. Ilititu on Kixhl Mi In.
1'i.rknr .V Uiut.tn. IUi.linmi.1 lr.- Il,,n.. ll'nr
li ft li,tttl r,
I'iiw. I r,.., lilnailon (lr. Il,,r., hrnml.
(i I, K t.oiitiml,Mi ti, lft li,nitil,,r ; thIIIii
in.' on it, -il hip. IttttiKfi. Hiiirw t'onniv.
I'iiw, J, II , l.rttil..ii. Or. Ilorxat. J K ron.
I iwil oi lfl .l,.i,r, ( I In, Miitaon infl ho,,
iliii.l,.r lot in M.-h ,.r.
I' 'lll. I'., Ion.., Or ; horwM it,i,,., i ,,
Ml,.tt.l..r; t nlllrt, .1 M J r.inim'tp.l, on tint
l"fi hip, it,p,,r lup Hi luft m ahp iii
I 111(1. 1.
( ll.it I. Wltnw, llitrilittttn. Or. - ItorMKt, .tr
t ir.i l'i iiiii i.,r.'r,'lH ntnr tl on l.fl ii'ih
I II iik.t. I hi m, ll,,,piir, (lr, ,rrai, (' II ,,n
I l.'ft -i I.l .t.
I; i-li lit . Ilin,lir. Or.- lion I rnn l sl J
j mi lit" rt,,l,t li,i,lr I'nllU. ,,n Ilia lft lop
rr,,, oil ,.fi ami ilUti on nm k. lutltK it
.it". ron aim a't'.iiiitiitf roniillHa.
li. ,,',, ,. Iti.lrno. l-tltilin. Or - II,, raw,
lm" I l II on (mhl honl.lnr, pt,l ommmm
I'.M i,. tr l-ln-i'l, rnlll Miiia on nl,t hip
lia-'jn H...r,,w c'ttfiv.
It..i,, Win. II. ini,llla, Or p.,t,i,a..(
ill. -t'lart-.r cir,-n tnr lop ott falllwoti ri'l lo
an. I rr..p "H ttM Mr an. aplil In pfl. ,,ra
( -..., .,.,. ,,.. .,,..,.,,,,,,, luutirK iii n.xrow
It'a'.t an. I iiilliam niin.ai,
I II., I., r J W , llpp,. (tr - II. .nuts, JO m
. Infl lionlilMr. I all U.. (inn rUlil hit..
I Hi-o-kfaM. J W , ll.Mwla.ny, Or.- II r
lirn" l.l 41 on Mt li .iil.h.t , mum m Mumo
f...i it.
Ho hi fl' ll.ppt..a, Or- Hiitm l.ran.UI
on I. -ft l,..ltl.t. r, , illla aaina on Iff! htp
M.art. It I , l--i,i,t,.n. (lr llorwat
,i, ,u.t, I ..r il on l,.fl t,IU caltl II wi'r
i'"' tl " I .',! ( p. riot, or) nai.i ,r a i.l
i I. .1 ,.n t i i l,,i l. luiMt. in MiHioa.
I s N.,,oi tnalilla iMlt'ttiat.
l ait I. Ut llorMa loan, I-' J
'n I ' r.iil.t,a ot, pf top. i ,.
t,i, f a,ii'r, rt tna.
,II W I , lll .ii-. or ll..r h.
I H i, lft .tn...,.,ttl J x .f, ,iw
i f"-k in f i,i,t p,, tt', ,l,ii in ..fi,
k,,,. it.-, .,.. ii, ,.,, H Aro
..fl hip . Vllf IViKiin Infl top.
hi,.i..( J. .1,1, it. Si r..nn..,
h,,iM. ,m r l I I it, rali'n. anma on vtl.t k...
, r... . il u. t ri a .,1 ni,,l..r lot m
l .,. , .( .,,
I nn. I!
' I' . .nilVor P .,.-. I.
ran ! I
I .t,pnil n. ,.. of, l,.rt
.. .' i ,i.. t ir , I, ,.! , , i
JH .-. I.ft .., I I., rvtla ! i
a I-I- lu. , in M ...... a, I i, ,:;,,.,.., ...tw ,
hU; I - I . lUolil.atl ll.i lMna M 1
i, ' I il.-, t,. ..,,,.. ,, I I. I
h ..,., i, M- A. i . ,,.nnr Or tii,, i .
or, .,,i.t I,, ..,,!.,, ,t , , I
iai ll, l , r,., ,1, ,a n ,,
,.ft l.o.f I. , , t, 4 on lf hm !
Hi-n I II M.,.,.nt, (Ir .it'. W ( ,lt
I Ii l,.,. . ....( a b .., ,l, ,a (..f, HaJ
I I .. , .!..., i , II... , ., .. 1, n,nH tw
i" i .'tu i ,.n i.fi .h,i.i, ;
I ... ;i. Mi l, tarll, - HotM ('., nf
11 W l H I'M
' . , I.l i.. ...... ,
U Hot tii (Mia.
nail mi'.ial T
M,t,a in lf I,, 1
S ! - i tn r ? '
I S;iy the sweet words, s;:v ilicm soon, Vou have snid the bit - ter :
'i i" j .
I i"-"" c- tzd ti -jr- c-
7'g"" " - 1
L 1 -t:
dim moon V
'i b rzrri! -i-'2zzr
J L: -rrZZ t
uu may see them glit - tur ; Sav the sweet words
l-. cvm. d
Coyriglit, i8!;4j by The New York Musical Record
Thornton. II. M.. Ionn. Or. Ilinwa hrHnilnd
HT oonnKfltinl on luft niitto; ahwp same hmnd.
VHinltirpnol. H, T In'nn, Or: llorana H V oon
nntitod on riiflit nhonlilHr;cHttle, iwuie on nuhl
Wnlhriditti, Wm.. Hnppiinr. Or. Hiirron. U. L.
on tlto Infl nlionltlitr; t'tiitln twrne on right hip
crop otl li.fl nur unti rilit war loppntl.
WilHon, John 0 Multim or llppnr, Or.
HoriMia hrninliil Ji; on Mm loft thonltUir. ItauftV
Morrtiw nontity.
Wnrriin, W II. Cnlnh. Or ('attln W with nnnrtm
cimln ovur il, nil Itift aiiln, aplit lu right nur.
lloranN kiiiiio htniid oil luft Hhoiildur. liaiigiul'
(Intltt nomity.
Wh'Ih, llmiry, llnntinttr. Or. llorana hrHmhid
Rr of apttilfa on luff. Blionlilfir and h'ft hip
Cftitln hriinilml aftmn on luft aiiln antl lft hip,
WollliiKiir. .loim, John liny I'ity.Or On homw
tltrnn iinmllnl linni on Infl, ahonlilnr; 7 on Hhnniv
lilt in holh mini. Khiikh in (imnt and Mnihnni
WiMHlwHnl, .loim, Uniinnnr, Or. HnniM, Dl
nonnwtiNl on Inft ahonlilnr.
Watkim, I,ihIi, llnppnxr. Or. HonuM hmntlfai
UK ooniincli.il on Inft atitln,
WIUnn, I'liRrl'Hi, llnppnnr. Or. Ott In, W nn
nulii tliitiii, )nil in loft (wr; hitrana, W on riifht
tionhinr aniiii dMinnon Infl nlionltlitr.
Whittinr nn., nuiiiiiivnin, Knknr Cn Or.
llnrwHt hrHiitlnd W li iiontnutnti on Inft thnnldnr
Willmtna, Vwni, Hmnilion.Or. Qnarlnr cir
Hn ttvnr tltrnn linnt on Infl hip, both cm lie anil
htirana, Itittivn 1 1 mnl nonnli.
William, 4 O, Iiiik Crunk. Or llorana, ounr
tnr t'irt'ln nvnr thnm luirn on Infl hip; ratlin nanir
and aiit in nafh nnr. lUntrn in Orant nonnlv
Wmn, A. A., Ilnppnnr, Or. Homo mnnii'RA A
on altotilih'r; I'atlln. nttinn on rmht htp.
Votlllic.J, N,, OiHawnmrry, dr. HtirM rtrantlar1
TUm'l.a rtnhl .h.ml.l.-
all who cultivatj:
For Pleasure or Profit,
Should rn that th Tonrniit thnr (tihaci II
lu it t!to brut nn, I ti i. t rehab.
iilliurity iibuiuablo.
It drn'aprnrtli ally with frn'H and rirrtalilr,
llr.-a, .Inul a an, II, .,!, till, I iiil.l. lit
In i.l of tiottirniitiia vtriitaiit.illy
un I llinr.,iik.,iv. Il Itlu.irairaand
Uianila-a mriho la nl ittltivn.
tifti, iitigirovril varmlifaand
lnii,r - tvmir ilrvn ra.
It Is without doubt,
The Paperforthe Peop!s!
$I.U m Xmr (." HHmfnrril.
rtiNN-lnirn ropir an I M-oaa raialovua pt
Initliiulliiial I.H'k. IRII ,n afilitat.(in.
A'loricjn Gjtdfiiin, 1 70 fulton St., N.Y.
Ciro.'.i.TfJdi.T.i'kj. Oei'iii htn Coprr:;hH
An.tall r'i-Bl I ,tr.i.. t,4 f
moocratc rii s.
Iaf,.rt.n a M . Inr u, a ti lamitun IUm4
Uf, AltrrM
f ir I, nir,,-r4 ,y a I
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Inrir aabarrlbrr ,.t
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.,tnrT. hrar tr J.inr, (b
Mam HI.. Hi rtf'tirr, Ur -Jiiif,
) r. t i t , .
a a-V- -
The Not rroflta Katimated to Exceed S,
000,000 Kruuc a Vnar.
Most persons assoeiate nil mention
of gambling in Europe with Monto
Carlo. Since a preat yainbling' syndi
cate has been trying to iret a hold in
the little neutralized Duchy of l,ux
I'mbourfr, however, an intiTcstinp; list
of continental casinos and their w in
nings has lioen pulilislied by the tier-
man newspapers, 'llus list, says the
New York Sun, is intended to show that
the continent has already too many
gambling hells ami that the grand
duke of Luxembourg should persist in
declining the syndicate's offer to pay
most of the government's expenses in
exchange for the privilege of operating
their roulette wheels in the shadow of
his throne.
Here is the list: Dunkirk casino,
winnings in IKSl.l, 3iki,ooo francs; lti.u
logne casino, wki.ikki francs: Trouville
casino, -l.'ill.ooo francs; Trmtville, Hotel
IMi'ti. l.Mi.ii'Hi francs: Diep.ie easiim.
.'im.iMHl francs; t'lil.utf c:iiip), ,i:ii,iniii
francs; Fecamp casino, loti.uoo francs;
Havre casino, ioo.ooo francs; Havre,
Hotel lVascati. l.-il),iHHl francs; Treport
City casino, !0,ooo francs; llcrck casino.
l.'tO.tHH) francs; Olonne casino, Kki.oihi
francs: Hoy.an casino, Iiki.inhi francs;
several Arcachon houses, liKi.noo francs;
Hiarrit. casino, I.ikmi.inki francs; Castle
Hinrrit.. l.Mi.ooo francs; Muclioneasino.
4(MI,(mm francs; I'nlaviu casino, '.'iki.ihh)
francs; Aix lea Ilaina casino, IM.ikh)
frnnca; Vichy casino, ."lO.imo francs;
Vicliy International hotel. lioo.iNx)
francs; Vicliy Ktlen, J.'iO.noo francs.
Vichy alca.ar. .Vi.tmo francs; Vichy res
taurant. :i(i,imo francs; Kogat ciisino,
(hKi.iUNi francs.
Outside (if Monaco thegnmbling hells
on the continent are known to profit
some IO.inio.ooo franca annually.
elusive of all expenses. With t he
Monaco casino, the gambling syndi
catea of the contimtit make net
prollt of ;:,ijoo,oiw franca or more every
M hwwiwunj Uitrria.U
llaw a Raavvnlnni Man rnrnUhaat WlnU
for a I'lmr I lull.!.
In "A l-atk nf Vagrant Men and Y
rrant TlioughU." Alfred T. Story givra
the follow ing graphic dcacriplion of
atrrrt incitlcnt; "I waaonce." he aT,
"an vvcm itnrss of an nmusinir, nnd at
I he aatue time pathetic Incident Itt an
Kast Knd thoroiighf.ire, In Inch a pmr
llutiat a the chief actor. It rntpicnci
one Idrak night in IVcemla-r. The
atrerla were almost ileaerted. and bit
ter im! waa driving down the atrecta,
rarrvtng evervlhing Wfore it. I'rw
ieople were about. NVvertht lea, a
wretched flute-player, despite the wind,
was triitig to blow a few eoisra from
the sK'lti-U of the rhance wnyfarer.
' lie M-emcd t.i be In the Ut atage of
oon.iiini.il, ,n. Ilia long, black emit waa
piunt d acrosa hla thrift In a way th.it
aiigi-csted hia alurt !. eoinht ion.' w bile
mi Ins face wa written a whul Jcrcim-
Mil of Wiaji.
"Although he Mew Into 1,1k pip with
U the might he eould rnmiii.iiul, y t he
produced no aound. The gaie waa t,i
atroniT for him. The fierce gu.ta arrmed
l I hi. urn through and through the
r fellow, and with auch -.ir. -hit g
kernnrsai thnt the wondrr wa that the
-nil of the inanwaa twt tluw n out of
hia Iran l-alr
"I'rearntly a big, luaty, wr!l fa..rcd
man rame al nig lie (il.crve, curiona
It for a in imtc or two t: ,r f,,
ff 'ti t raiw the wiud. t.icn qu..i
taking the iir trnm.-pt nut of ), h .n
b pi',lei It to In own ti, Bt tv
aame ti-we t.-:;,i :!!' p,,f U.w Ul go
laj v ap t r,,,.
r i b u - -
Though the w und keep bleed - ing.
! ' ."
ilia -r
I piav.
:rr 1 1 1-
XtV " "---. -w- -J. -IS- - '
Ibis dim moon, You can see t.ieni g.u - - ter,
.-r- i 1 ; 1 r -----. r,mrrrrr : rr-c i crrz
-9 1 -r!-rr;5r.g.:rrr::-
3Z r L L-iS. i . 1
xj a is- -- I I i '
- . 1
&ay the sweet words. a.
"Ho did so. whereupon the worthy
citizen commenced to blow out such u
liquid Hood of melody tliut every passer
by stood and lihtened, and many of the
listener put their hands into their
pockets, and cast their maravedi into
the reversed headeover.
"Thus the two men went the length
of the street. Then the rubicund Or
phcu returned the 11 ute to its owner,
wished him good-nijit aud a better sup
per and turned to ;;o.
"Hut the poor lluter, grateful for his
unexpected windfall, gently detained
his benefactor, and thinking he was in
the profession, proposed to divide with
him the results of their joint efforts;
but the stranger would not hear of it
it, and hastened quickly away, the oth
er meanwhile delaying his much -needed
supiM-r to look after him with dimming
The ittrance Intulllgnne of Braiuleai
Creat urea
It is not often that wo find animnla
giving mutual Bid, except In the line of
their domestic duties. To meet with
instances of helpfulness ln creatures so
low in the scale aa ar the "aea-urch-ins"on
our coast is really remarkable.
Prof. KUIer. o.' Colby university, com
mniiualeHto Loudon Nature what he
observed among the echini of Caseo
Among the r-pocimoiin. brought bnck
from one excursion were four of tl e
common echini. The lat one takt n
had lvn li ft excised to the sun some
time In-fore it w as noticed and properly
eared for,
Thee four animal were placed alone
in a small aquarium. Mini, as we w ished
to stitily their actio ach was turned
mouth up. Stsui the action began, with
which every naturalist is familiar, and
three of the captives sIo a y roac on
edge, and then dclilsTatcfy lowered
themsclvea into the ti.inti.il piisiti,,n.
The fourth, the injured one. made
much lea rapid pi-ogrcs; all it eould
achieve wna a slii-ht tippiug on its disk.
The two nearest echini, from aix to
eight inches distant, now inovetl up
and tatiuncit thcmsclvca on oppoaile
sides of their disaliletl irade.
Fastening their tentaelca for a pull,
they ateadilr ralsc.l the hc!p!,.s, urchin
in the tlireetiou in which it hud started.
As soon na it w aa possible, one of the
hcls ra moved underneath the edge of
the disk on the almr.d hack aide, and
when the half turn wna ac.sitnijliahed.
the other t.siU station on the i,r
grudiiiilly timviiig back aa the ithj.-ut of
linii h aolicJiiile wa getitiv lowered
to the H..;ti.,n nature had made most
" I hip nf the OI. lllrn-k,
"Mow old are you, s-.tmy?"
"Twelve J cara old, air."
"You are ttry small fr your age.
What ta your name''"
"J.-l.tiuy Sm;t!,. My f.th. r la a baker
on Manhattan avenue."
"Si your f lUn r ia a IVser. I might
have en-aasl i, ) y r-mr c. You re
tulnd me of one of loavea." Tetaa
I'llra! I'H-a! t, Itlra pi!,
j Siin.ttinia-M-nature; mietia ltel,iig
and aiii a-ii K; tii.nl at l-ilit; efa
eralr'.it.g. If si'-. to cmMum
inni-ra f. rm. o,., f,n I'm,! ar, I
nhf "ii, bri.m!( nr ..(., sitta
OiaTnastai . U n (,-. i g at, .'.n,.
inrf, In ,a n, f , ,, h, ,n in , r ,
rni'i- li lulu, ra.
1 bi mad. f. r ,.i rri in,
i 1 liila.ii ! I. Ii,
M d'n.
y1 I p fc i ri "
steel a - way, Though the wound keep bleed - - ing.
, fl. i I U, ) 1 J. I r- 1 J r 1!
ebrg5-d-T , r-cr-ggr-J,
' nrrg- , r Pzrirr :ztr:g "Ir j
' '
t!:e bit
te r ;
w o.
i se
i r
is pit
eons plead
.... jm r i jo
Mexicans Ketturil Hmallpni us a
Visit. ition.
The poor and igiu rant class of Mex
icans have tin uncanny religious super
stition about smallpox. On a recent
visit to tlic interior of Mexico, says a
writer in the New Orleans Picayune. I
saw mot hern carrying around in their
arms babies whose little bodies were
almost eaten up by smallpox, I was,
of course, shocked lit tho frightful spec
tacle, and even offered one deluded
mother money if she would take her
terribly alilieted child home ami call in
a physician to attend it. I'.ut she re
fu..c4 my proffer with scorn, nnd be
Tim teci'ooii some weird iiicantalioiias
she tenderly e::ressed the little half
clad sufferer in her arms. I afterward
learuea that the ignorant class of Mex
icans consider an outbreak of the red
pest in their mi-enable hovels a visita
tion of Divine wrath for some sin they
have cmimitled. So set lire they in
this belief that they will do nothing
whatever to cheek the ravages of the
diva sc. except when it attacks their
infants, to take the victims in their
anus, press them clo-cly to their
bivu.ts and pray devoutly and con
t'liiiously to (iod to forgive them for
t!u ir wi. Iie lne . .. ( f course the small
pox runs itsci.ur .c ;fter awhile. thuiiL'li
j rv.ur b,'f .-e i hr-iiivj sevi nil members
I '! e.'.rv family as viclimi, but not un
til ii tl.,,-, die the alilieted parents
' purged of their siiib.
I'miUlii i loot Line jjiian.
! King Milan of Servia once went to
the hot, 1 of a distinguished ladv who
was giving n baar for the Item-lit of
the p.h,r children of Paris. As soon as
th - l.iii.r appeared upon the scene she
; advanced toward hiai with a hplciitlld
-ilwr elver i:i her hand on which won
ic:irtifi.;lly cmblazom-d the famile
rrin .. (in it .,vn pretty little bunch
cf vi .l.-ts. -How much, inadainc?"
i a k, d the king. "Twen!y-f,.ur lois.
, sire." was her m.ft resjsuis,-. Milan
' paid her the sum she had lislceil, with u
t ourti i.us Im.w. t.s.k th salver from
her hands, placed the Ismtpict in hia
buttonhole i-inl walked off witn the
tr iy un ter his nrm.
IIS : Wm PIS !
Yotu IJOUX1) to TnkeI:.n.
Leaves No Constipation,-
Cl' i-. an'! .. ' It 11, ...,.;if..t a;(l.k , , , , n . "
. vr -f . .... a , i i -n in. W rid. s ,., all . . .J? ? ,
1.1 tn'..:riiia btiift. n iiiii, m,
the sweet words, say them
Changed to teats by
Say the sweet words
i i i
m I
r '
r- r -r- -t-l
:i b Et Frgb3
Haste to draw the
:l r
How tn get 1100 anil Pcihnlia Jlnkr a
Fort a ne.
We ecnre patents and to induce
people to keep track of their bright
ideas we offer a prize of odb hundred
dollars to be paid on the fiist of every
month to the person who cubmits to na
the most tueritoiious invention during
the prececding mouth. We will aleo
sdvertiHe the invention free of charge in
the National Recorder, n weekly news,
paper, published in Washington, D. C,
which bus an exlencive circulation
throughout the United Slates and
devoted to the ititereeU of inventors.
The idea of being able to invent some.
thing strikes most people hs beitij very
dilheull; this delusion Hie company
wishes to dispel. It is the simple things
ni.d small invBntions Ibnt mske tbe
greatest amnuut of money, and the Com
plex ones sre seldom profitable. Almost
verbody. al some time or another
conceives n idea, which, if pstented
woiiui preiiHtuy ne worth to bim
fortune. Ui fortunately ancb ideas
liausll V ilinnna.nd ariilionl il,..n..l,(
- U0
t-iiuplfl inventirns like the cr wirdow
j w .itch ronld h tnnWy $M np Nnd down
UllllOtlC nrpllkllltf th rttiauti rine'a Unlr
the SMiice pHn. collar bntton.tbe nnt look
i un uniiie siopper, me snow shovel
, are
flung that almost everyone sees
why of Imnrnvini nnnn. in,l li
i kind of invptitjons that bring the greatest
rriiirna tn me aii'unr.
The prz we i fJVr will he paid
endofeiiob moiitli, whether (he
Bl the
estion has lieeo acted upon by
I iitent Ulih e or nnt . Every oompelitor
niusr appiy tor a psiem on bis Invention
'iirnnifn na, ann wneti er r.t seeorea
piizor not, the iuventor will have
vulimhle patent.
Jtii! Weddkhhtii.i, (icti'l Msnsifer.
CIS F St. N. W. Washington, D,
r. 8. The reaponaibility of
enmpsny may Ih. ju,u.n ffom it, fHct
nat its stock is held by abnnt seventren
mn-irrn m me K-auiiig newspsters
nir viinrti nrarra.