Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 02, 1895, Image 3

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    Take Notice.
1. The um of five cent per line will be
"jhanred for "cards of thanks." "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding present and donors,
iud obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news.) and
aotices of special meetings for whateverpurpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
jntertatnraents from which revenue is to he de
rived, shall he charged for at the rate of five
ents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
lpon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
ponsiule for his or her communication. No
orrespondenee will he published unless the
writer's real name is signed as an evidence of
rfood faith.
. 1 J ing Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange,
San Francisco, is onr authorized agent. This
paper is kept on file iu his office.
Give your business to Heppner people,
2nd therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek,
John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows :
Every day at 6 a. in., except Sunday.
A rrives every day at, 6 p. in., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
Phill Cohn, Agent.
You can get the best beer -
in Heppner at G. B. Ted
rowe'B, 5 cents per glasB,
If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc
call at Ted's
City Hotel Bar!
Here and There.
Mrs. T. W.
Ayers, Jr., is on tbe sick
In tbe spring, the human body needs
assistance to throw off the stagnation
produoed by winter diet. As the
temperature rises under the growing
heat of the bud's rays we feel tired,
half sick and low in spirits, because the
blood is sluggish and full of impurities.
Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening
Cordial and Blood Purifier is a reliable
spring remedy to invigorate tbe body
and give tone to tbe digestion. Trice
$1 per bottle.
Hon Joe Simon, of Portland, has
brought a suit of manda nns against tbe
county to force Judge North up to take
charge of and operate, tbe free ferry and
bridges, as directed bv tbe law passed at
the recent session. Hon. O. F. Paxton
is associated with Mr.. Simon in tins
matter, and they have the support of the
people of Mnltuomah county in their
efforts to thke a great burden off tbe
shoulders of the public.
frank SbppardsoD, an engineer on tbe
Southern Pacific Ry., who resides at
Los Angeles, Cal., was troubled with
rheumatism for a long time. He was
treated by several physicians, also
visited the Hot Springs, but received no
permanent relief uhtil he used Chamber
Iain's Pain Balm. He says it is the best
medicine in tbe world for rheumatism.
For sale by Slocum-Jobnson Drug Co,
Tbe Gazette would like to say a good
word for the future of Heppner's BChool,
but it absolutely oaonot and stiok to the
truth. A good many who came here at
expense to become citizens for the
purpose of educating their children will
probably regret the aotion, unless some
thing is done to save the school. Part
of the board is willing; we cannot
vouch for tbe remainder.
John Q. Wilson has
returned to the
sells meat lower than
prices at
Grain fed meats at
Jas. Johnson was in Friday and Satur
day lust.
Jas. Fristoe got in Saturday frsm the
John Day.
Council proceedings orowded out
of this issue.
Constable Lieuallen was in town
Saturday last,
Foreman Crawford is confined to his
room with grip.
Photographer Dowe will return to
Heppner in July.
The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works,
Walla Walla, Wash.
See MoFarland Mercantile Co.'s
change of ad., next issue.
Mrs. Julia Bradley is oonfined to her
room on account of illness.
It is claimed that the Astoria railroad
will be constructed at once.
Dr. 'Gene Vangban is expected in
from Chicago iu a few days.
H. Blahn is building a very neat
residence up near Sam Kinsman's.
The Weekly Sun and the Gazette $2.75
per year, both strictly in advauoe.
Now is the time to kill squirrels; and
Swnggart's "Sure Shot" is the stuff to do
it with. tf
T. W. Ayers, Jr., was out introducing
tbe Conk squirrel poison among the
people last week.
Tbe O. R. & N. Co. paid their taxes to
Sheriff Harrington Friday last, amount
ing to over 0,000.
Anyone having one, two aud tbree-year-old
steers for sale should see Sam
"Kinsman at Heppner. tf.
Attorney-General Idleman has de
cided that the old commission, including
tha railroad commissions, all hold over.
Harry Phillips left Saturday for the
Fossil and Condon country to introduce
in that seotioo tbe Swaggart squirrel
Meadows & Scnvner, tbe blacksmiths,
horsesboers and wood bntuhers, at the
old Gunn stand, Main street, Heppner.
Call on tbe boys.
Mathews Bros., City hotel barbershop,
tonsorial artists. llaircutting, shaving,
dhsiupooing, etc., done scientifically.
Baths at 25 cents apiece.
G. B. Hatt, the tonsorial artist, can
be found at his parlors, Matlock corner,
where be will dispense at popular prices,
haves, shampoos, haircuts, etc.
J. B. Natter has reopened the Brewery
Saloon, keeping on tap at all times the
best beer on the Paoific coast. Also on
hands the best brands of liquors, wines
and cigars. WJtf.
Karl's Clover Root, tbe great Blood
gander, gives freshness and clearness to
t ie Complexion and cures Constipation,
25 otn., 50 ots.. 81 . Hoi J by T. W. Ayers,
Stephen A. Lowell has resigned as
clerk of the supreme court at Pendleton
and II. J. Bean has been appointed lu
bis place. Air. Lowell has made an
excellent oflicer.
Mrs. Josephine, Firwood. of The
Dalle, is seriously ill with pneumonia,
and her sister, .. Tuos Cjunid, was
oalled thither last week to he in at
tendance at her bedside.
Mrs. Thos. iaid returned Sunday
morning from 'Hie Dalles and report
that her istr, Mrs J.iaepbin Forwood,
is much iniprvel. though quite ill yet.
She is illlirted with quinsy instead of
Gen. Fell U just getting fver an
tck of grip. In hu t the greater purl
nf nnr DoiiiiU'ion are Hither il getting
over the meanly eptdetum or wrestling
with might nd mam with it in its m ist
ditreiug form.
B F. Hwagiart i prepared to furnish
Ida "rtnrw hhot" squirrel poison in
wholesale lot. He bus already rcceired
a large order from Waehitigtoo and
Idaho. Every where It has Iwu tine. I,
Fossil Journal: Gov. Lord has ap
pointed J. H. Lawrey, of Pendleton,
prosecuting attorney of the sixth district.
As Umatilla oonnty has the judge, it
was generally thought that Atty. Brown,
of Heppner, the only applicant irom
Morrow county, would get this appoint
ment but official lightning often strikes
in unexpected places.
Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening
Cordial and Blood Purifier is admirably
adapted to make "a little health go a
long way." Its curative power is
largely attributable to its stimulant,
tonic and nutritive properties, by whioh
tbe energy of tbe system is reoruited.
It is pleasant to the taste,easily borne on
the stomach and harmless under pro
longed use. Price $1.00 per bottle.
Prof. J. D. Brown, of Lexington, in
forms tha Gazette that he will shortly
take a position with C. F. Weber & Co.,
a sohool supply house, which will prob
ably necessitate his removal from our
county. We are pleased to see Mr.
brown meet witn suoh richly-deserved
success, but regret much to lose nim and
family as residents of our oouuty.
Joe Saling advertises in this issue
tbat be ie still in tbe spraying aud
pruning business. Last week he went
over the orchards of the Rhea Bros.,
Crockett and Charley Kirk, all on Rhea
creek. To raise good fruit, it is very
essential that orchards should be taken
cure of.
McFarland Mercantile Co., have
changed their business to an absolute
oaih basis, beginning with the new year.
Their prices compare with the lowest.
Also sell the Golden West Baking Pow
der, as good as the best in the market
and cheaper. See new ad. a
W. W. Hmead, having beeD to con
siderable ex peuse to improve his fowls
by the Introduction of new blood from
the prize peus of S A. Wells, of Almeda,
Cal., is now prepared to furnish eL'tfs of
the Brown Leghorn breed that caunot be
exoelled io Oregon. 17-tf .
Mrs. T. H. Hawkins. Chattanooga,
Tenn., says "Sbiloh'a Yitalizer 'saved
mv life.' I consider it the best remedy
for a debilitated system I ever used."
tf'or dyspepsia, liver or kidney troub'e
it exoels. Price 75 cents. Sold bv T.
W. Ayers, J'.
The Portlaud Daily Hun people,
through their representative at Heppner,
Mr. Geo. Thornton, Bra showiug com
mendable energy iu getting the Sun to
the readers here twenty-four boura in
advance of any other daily paper.
Dr. H. F. Vaughan ie the proud
possesor of a new dental chair, which
raises aud lowers by bydrauho pressure.
It is the best and Quest make, and was
purchased by Dr. 'Gene Vuugban at
Walt. Thompson runs stage between
Heupner and Monument, arriving every
day except Monday and leaving every
day exoept Sunday. Shortest and cheap
est route to the interior. P. Cohn,
T. W. Ayers, Jr., is making squirrel
poison tbat be guarantees. No kill on
pay, and sella it at 25 cents per can, G
cans for $1.50; $2.50 per dozen. Get a
sample aud try it. tf.
Shilo'e Cure is sold on a guarantee.
It cures liioipient Consumption. It is
the best CongbCureonly one cent a dose.
25 ct., 50 ots., and 81. bold by T. W.
Ayers, Jr.
Green Mathews for shaving, Lair-
cutting, shampooing and all other work
in that line. ISutlis at any tune during
business hours. CM. Jones, assistant.
Goode Aoais. Mr. C. L Winnek, a
merchant of Wasco, Idaho, who is a son-in-law
of N. W. Wallace, of Antelope,
and formerly lived there, was in Condon
this week hunting up tbe unsavory
reoord of George Washington Ooode
while he was practicing law in Condon,
his object being to have Goode disbarred
from practicing in the courts of Idaho.
The county olerk gave Mr. Winnek a
transcript of the record in tbe Tullis
case, in wtiiob Goode swindled 8
simple-minded girl and for whioh he
was indicted aad found guilty, but
escaped punishment on a technicality.
Before returning to Idaho Mr. Winnek
will visit Heppner, where Goode was
couvioted, Arlington, where he was
tried for "raising" a note, Tbe Dulles
and other points where Goode was well
and unfavorably known. It appears
that Goode, soon after moving to
Mosoow, hunted up a lot of men who
were heavily in debt and agreed for $50
in cash to see tbem safely through the
bankruptcy court. A number of them
bit, with the result that their oreditors
Eold them out in a hurry, breaking
Goode's olients up in the process, but
not nearly satisfying the olaims of the
Mosoow merchants and bankers, who
are greatly incensed at Goode for bis
part in the swindle and employed Mr.
Winnek to hunt up his reoord in Oregon
with a view to his disbarment. So far
Goode has been able to keep out of the
penitentiary, but it is only a matter of
time if he persists in the career be has
mapped out for himself. Fossil Journal.
fiocklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all skin eruptions
and positively cures Piles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
riPce 25 cents per box. For sale by
T. W. Ayers, Jr.
Le3 Broken. On last Wednesday
evening about ctarK, uuas. liepasa, a
well-known and highly esteemed rauch-
er of the Eight Mile neighborhood, was
kioked by a horse, breaking the fibula
bone of the right leg. Cbas. had just
returned from town. Dr. Shipley was
called out to attend the injuries of Mr.
Repass, and he reports that tbe patient
is doing very well aud will shortly be as
well as ever, unless something uuforseeu
arises, which is no tlikely,
Suddex Death. Mrs. Ida Teft's girl
baby, Lillian, died very suddenly Satur
day last Bt about 3 o'clock, p. m., of
heart failure, caused, it is thought, by
erysipelas. Mrs. Teft, nee Miss Ida
Gano, was stopping at Lanus Penland's,
who are relatives of hers. Tbe child
was as well as nsual up to the time of
its death. The mother took it up in
her arms and it began to strangle and
gasp for breath, and all efforts to bring
it baok to life were unavailing. Mr.
Teft, who resides at Walla Walla, was
immediately telegraphed to and arrived
Sunday morning. The funeral ooourred
from the residence in the afternoon, and
the remains were interred in tbe Hepp
ner cemetery, Rev. Jenkings officiating.
The sudden death of so young a child,
apparently healthy, from heart failure is
not a frequent occurrence, aud coming
so unexpectedly, is a sad blow on the
parents who have tbe sympathy of all.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications as they cannot
reaoh the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to oure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an iutiamed con
dition of the muoous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is
iutiamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and w hen it is entirely
closed, deafness is the result, aud unless
the inflammation oan be taken out aud
this tube restored to its normal con
dition, hearing will be destroyed forever;
nine oases out or ten are oaused by
catarrh, whioh is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the muoous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any oase of deafness (oaused byoatarrh)
tbat cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circular free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
S?Sold by druggists, 75o.
Dischabgbd. On Tuesday last, Newt
Jones was arrested by Constable Whet
stone, at the instigation ot J. B. Hunt,
ou oharge of cutting a wire feuoe aud
letting stock in on Mr. Hunt's possessions.
It appears that both Mr, Hunt and
Newt have crops within the same
cuclosure, and on land which has been
the subject of contention as to owner
ship. The jury brought in a verdict of
not guilty.
Tired Feeling
Means danger. It is a serious
condition and will load to disas
trous results if it is not ever
come at once. It is a sure sign
that the blood is impoverished
and impure. The best remedy is
Which makes rich, healthy blood,
and thus gives strength and elas
ticity to the muscles, vigor to
the brain and health and vitality
to every part of the body.
Hood's Sarsaparilla positively
Makes the
Weak Strong
" I suffered with tired feeling
and run down condition, and I was
generally out of order. I am now
taking my third bottle of Hood's
Sarsaparilla and the tired feeling is
gone and I fool like a different
man. I recommend Hood's Sarsa
parilla to all who suffer as I did."
J. F. Rkisecker, Shaw, Oregon.
Only Hood's
How to Care Rheumatism.
Abago, Coos Co., Oregon, Nov. 10,
1893. I wish to iDform yon of the great
good Chamberlain's Pain Balm has done
my wife. She bag been troubled with
rheumatism of the arms and bauds for
six months, and has tried many remedies
prescribed for that complaint, but found
no re'ief until she nsed this Pain Balm;
one bottle of which has completely
cured her. I take pleasure in reeom-
mendinst it for that trouble. Yours
truly, C. A. Bullard. 50 cent and $1 00
bottles for sale by Slooom-Johuson Drnjj
Economy and "Uncektain Rests tik
II had, Eto." Governor Lord and
Secretary Kiucaul refuse to appoint
stenographers, though the legislature
provided for the same by appropriation,
because tbey think it useless expendi
ture. Tbe latest news from Salem indi
cates tbat the commissions, including
the railroad oommission, will probably be
choked off, or in other words, their salary
will be stopped. It will be remembered
that tbe legislature fulled to elect aud
the governor hot being muoh in
sympathy with them anyhow, will kill
them oil for good if he can find good
reasons for doing so.
Hood's Pills
easy to huy, easy to
take, easy in effect. 25c
iu d iPDnnmip mud into
I u ar I in
Biff store at Heppner has a oomplete assortment of
Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware and Gener
al Merchandise.
ft 8
W We Sell
The Celebrated . .
Baking Powder
These goods are Strietly Pure and
give the best of satisfaction.
We will Retail Goods at Wholesale Prices,
Our books are closed to any
Further Credit Business.
A Few Cash Prices.
They Speak Louder Than Words.
Wheat, bu 32
Flour.bbl 2 Ii5
Reeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. 2 6U
" turee " " 3 00
Sheep, muttons, head.... 1 50 1 25
Btook 1 50 lis 75
Hogs, ou foot, cwt 3 00
Hogs, dressed 4 00
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll
Eggs, doz
Chickens, doz
Potatoes, per owt.
The dance given by Johnny Keeney
last Friday evening at tbe opera house
whs not largely attended bat was in all
a, very pleasant h flair.
For xale, on reasonable terms, a
Haines liros. piano lu goo I Condition,
Two Live Have (I
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junotion City,
III., was told by her doctors she had
consumption and tbat there whs n hope
for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's
New DiKOovery completely cured her
and she save it saved her life. Mr. Thos.
Kggers, lllil Florida St. Han Francisco,
Hiitlered from a dreadful cold, approach
ing consumption, tried without result
everything else then bought one bottle
of Dr. King's New Discovery and in
two weeks was cured, tie is naturally
thankful. It is such results, of which
tliene are samples, that proves the
wonderful efficacy of this medicine in
coughs a ml colds. Free trial bottle t
T. W. A)er's, Jr., drug store, lingular
size 50o. and 1.
Wheat, cwt S 50 86
J'lour, bbl 2 90 r 3 15
beeves, stall fed 4 50 ft 5 00
Muttons, owt 6 00 (tf 8 00
Hogs, owt 4 50 10 5 25
Wool Eastern Oregou.. 7 (tf Wig
Butter, lb 10 (tf 14
Eggs, doz 14 15
(Juiekeus, doz 5 00 W 600
Turkeys, lb 15 (tf 18
Wheat, cwt
Flour, bbl
Beeves, owt
" dressed
Muttons, live sheared..
" dressed
Hogs, on foot
" dressed
Wool Eastern Oregon..
Eggs, doz
Chickens, doz
Turku) a, lb dressed. . . .
85 !)5
2 00 ($ 3 15
3 00 ui; a 50
4 00 (tf 0 00
2 50 n 3 00
4 00 U 4 50
3 50
4 5o
5 0
22'iw 25
2 50 (tf 3 50
Here are
points :
Which we wish you to
liemember :
First: We Keep
Second: We offer it
Third: We sell
We are enabled to give mote
for a dollar thnu the usual
"Dollar'8 worth."
Best Syrup, per keg, I2.S0
Beans, 27 pounds for 1.00
Roast Cotlee, 4 pounds 1.00
Green Coll'ee, 4V4 pounds 1.00
Granulated Sugar, Iti pounds 1.00
Extra C Sugar, 17 pounds 1.00
Best Rice, 14 poundB 100
Tomatoes, 10 cans 1.00
Sugar Coni, 8 cans 1.00
Golden Gate Baking Powder, 2'A ttis 1.00
Dr. Price's Baking Powder, 2y, tbs 1.00
Golden West Baking Powder, 1 pound. . .
5 gallon Keg Pickles
5 gallon Can Coal Oil 1.25
20 tbs. Rolled Oats 1.00
3 pounds Chocolate
11 cans Talilo Fruit
12 pounds Seedless Raising
Ui pounds Extra Raisins
1 00
Dry Goods
Boots & Shoes
At prices to compete
with any cash store
in the country.
It is the Headquarters!
Maiu Street, Heppner, Or.
-t utM, DruuM () 1 1 m, (limH, Tol
let Artloeo, lutent Medlolnea,
Wasiiob Zkpiithh. Yesterday wm
bad (lav for weather. Along eurly in the
day, and now and then afterwards, the
ID would peep out in Nil HpolngrtO
fashion fot the infliction of hi I.eHetly a
lot weather as ever wim turned out in
Eastern Oregon, First the wind blew
over Irom Nevaila in a nott of Waohoe
tephyr atyle.aerioiiHly threatening very
Electric Hitter.
This remedy in beooming so well
known and ;o popular as to need no
special mention. All who have used
Electric Hitters aintf tbe aame auug of
pruiee. A purer medicine doen not
eiint aud itliH guaranteed to do all that ia
claimed. Eleotrio Bittern will oare all
diHOHMea of the liver and kidneys, will
remove nimpleH bulla, Halt rheum aud
other ulTeotioua canned by impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the ayateui
aud prevent as well aa oure all malarial
fevers. For cure of headache, oouati-
tiation and luditfentlou try Electric
liiitera l.nure tmiiHiiicuou Kiiaraoitwn
or money refunded. l'rioe U)o. and SI
per bottle at the druu store T. W. Ayeri.
Sp 1
Oflicc of all stages running out of Heppner.
PIIIL. COHN, Proprietor.
ie ::',:: Institute
C -.'! VAV.lli
For tho Ouro oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Ralem, Oregon,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coaat,
Call at t ho Oaiktti ofllce (nr particular!.
Ht ri. tly eonlldeiitial. Treatment private aud iura
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
A hl'Ef IAh OKI'KH K)lt
Almi a baby i-amau. For particular! l,"D iurowu.n mux uiKii into iue
enquire of A. M. Oiiun. tf j air, forcing pe,lelriai,a to aay naughty
A sure cure for the liijuor habit. No I tliintfi and ib that tha country wan in
rnrHiiopay. Fr full particular aud Hlifax. Thia waa accomp mied -ver
terma.ull on T. W. Ara. Jr., , City j b f f , , t
Lrug htore. IMf. I , . .
. H . .u m m. ... i .. . human eye could not penetrate ami
Call at thn flair.""!! ufllm and jret ,
ample copy of toe YVe-kly Sun. I he j hn h aifted t-vtryhere. Alortf u, the
hriirtitettt aud lwt paper of thn North- afternoon, the hreir, ahlfted over to
et. ; Columbia quarter and blew back all the
Si (JofT and wif arrive I f-atord.iv IhI 1 wul that it had piekej up in thn morn-
from .V'fth I'ow.ler, lUker loiinty, to ,intf .,,,1 , wi,u ,,t more, inteim nuled
vinit friend at thi plitce.
WaiilnJ I'lnio or fanny iittf . Will
ifo to thn hoiiae nr take aewing at bom.
Mm. Mary lluderon.
Watilwl Iinnndry work by Mr. ('.
Nlou, nl I M.itiiiiuin II iime. Mending
neatly done.
Trv Avnr' ilrret pi inn before
tni)ii) any other. Duly t2W per
It haa Dot failed to xtertuinata the little j dt t-U.
fel. KKrdl" f Unri lin.ea, improve-
Elgin Itee-mh-r: C ngreemao W, U. i m,.i. nr tuing iu,.i' in llepptier twht
Kill. f Heppner. bM aocipti-l tha k,lt.
invitation f the E!,"n O A. It. I'"" i ,
Iki pr.. tit during r"itii.u d the I.in t
T-l-rin to It" h-ll at tl.u pW" in ! rib eteak.
. . . . i .... .i ii 1
",,m'' 8'&0i.erd..-n. tf,
Ti,r m.hii to l.e c iiii. lralU de
ak. N eu. ; fonti I tek, 6 I . ;
r c,, at ?prv.
e hi piiUnu.
man.l in th N I r p .Ulw. ami
jiii'ijlng from ru!iinjii"ti merchant,
quotation", price nt fair, but only on
paper. 1'U'tm- Ettn ci.iuiuiion
dark ar b!t iMt-r than a l-.t of
Mr. J. 1). Hytttf h refitted and
opened IP "'. fir' ra re.tura.
In the I,eUen't.l l-itMit'g. 'l thee.t
l.le i.f Main 'r..t, l.-r hr " .r
J to efv the p'll l.e in 'he !. f
lyle. hm.ly d. niter a .caH
Hpeoll rate to f!ir.!.r. I nf i'il
til') per
Oreen Mathew !
new rend' IjCp n Cotltt
with the retime of hirk)Hrd, Old and
vacaiit lot all t tie way from Heppner lo
Arlinglou. An id ! fneml of nor aald
that he hadn't felt o tun oli at home for
yeata, for the weather waa an like that
they iaed lo have at "Curaon."
poor Imlrnl'
The primped of reb. f fr.nj dra-tin
c.itliartu for peraon trunliled witn
' cniitipatiii i pour lii lwd True tbejr
act Upon Ih eie, hut ll.'. they d
I with vi'denre, abd th ir np-r..!i o t.-tiil
to Hk'li tha i.ti tin, ai. l i pre.
iud pikI I i t e atomm-li. II 'ilrf '
Having bought thn entire intercut in
nuraery block from the J. ii. vVhituey'i
eetnte i oiiaiHtiu of npplea, pear, plum,
prune, cherries, peachee, apricot,
nectariuea, urajiei, raiileirie, black-b-rrieg,
currant, goieberries, dew-la-rriea,
pie plaul, atrawherriea, etc., alno
shade and ornamental trees, maples,
elms, white ash, uiouutain ash, catalpa
lociiht, box alder, poplar, balm, walnut,
white birch, oak, horse chetniit, nml
berrix, weeping ah, willows, everi(ree
etc., flowering thorn, almond, rows, and
ahrulm, lilacs, snow ball, dfii'r.ia,
wuigdia,spireH, honeystickle, hydraiigia,
eyringe, altheas, eto. And being com
m lli-il to remove sumn tin apnng e
aie prepared to furnieli theae good al
lees ttian cost of growitiK. Let ii hear
from ifi at once, with a lint of your
! witiitu and we will name )in price that
will pleane arid save you Till per rent.
Addrrj l'Alkil N t'liHKMV,
':l :i' Tayette. Jdaho.
The War is Over. A Well-known Sol
dier, Correspondent and Journal
ist Makes a Disclosure.
Indlmm eiifitrlliiiti'il her (Iioii-iiikIm of lirfivn
fuililiern In I lie war. mill no hIhIii Ix iil'v n liel-
Iit rri'oril In Hint 1 1 -m i I llimi It ilin . In
liliTiituri' It In mi illy iiroiilriiiu it it
envliililii tiiii'T In nr noil lili-tuliirc
holiioion li v.i II, veil I. nov. ii n h ii wrilrr hi
Iiiik huh mi iMiiii.rulili1 iiiihii inn I i r-
Ink' tin1 lull win lii v. ,i ii I'iioiiIh r oft o. M.
Zu. . 1 i iivuirv an" ot tin-i.i. i iiioianii 10-
f ;i n i r v ti 1 1 i i .-r- t : j iroii.i nii In. . n. ml
cir.-iiiifiiin.-i' iir urlir iih fi'liniM.:
M-vt-riii i.r ii-. ii .. i in ii n lien" are tiMhic
Iir. Mlli". I:.' u.r it i v.- Ni riiin' llim t rutii
and Ni rve inel I. hit I'iIis nil i.l II, .'in irlvlim
h li'iiiiiil :i. l i H in In f I' l. i li.ne nevi r
iim'I n ii.i'Oi, h tin,' i mi n with iliein. Of
I l.e I'l'-." Ill'll-,' I In V I'M' i . Im'.I I'l.lll-
1 j i t i itiuii oi i.i' ipiii.t i" . ri iiuii il in u in i
iTiihm of ilii-ir iiiiio'i' hi-imvr evi r Whii.ii.
W li;ivi" li'ltit' 1,1(1 rt'tl'Nl.f pfiti' t'O tin in.
1 III V II II " HOI T.i.n II I.f It IH " lNI.'llle III
llli'.ll,'!!"' illl't llili'- O.l I ll.l - Htl'lll Wi-lilll-r-
fnllv S -iiv Oi ui, Iry IIumi nun ilii ."
'.milium .'vi'H ;.'ai!"ii inn, i""'. .i, i.
i. l I'V nil ilin. k'i-i mi
I'l' M'lll lllllM'1 l.y I tut
I lUliitrl. Iml . on ri
1 1". m l.nii li STi,
,11 ivi lyniliUiiu m.llliisr
I li.-i r.-iiit li.' ui
a in.-hl'
I r Mi'.
riO,i :,l
Olil.lti .
.'I, ii i a
ii . -1 i r i
; ii v i'
.1 ll I.. I I'M.
Fr sain by T. V. Ayers, jr.
Mill HAI. (Ill IIIAHK..
I havn a jack nf flrat rliisH breeilmg
ijtialitles, eitfht yi ar old, ll.nl I would
like to hhII or trii l". If caeh in riot run-
Viliii'lit, Will take III xcliHIi'e fur this
valuahlc aniinal either cattU or sheep.
Call on or a.l lri'e mi ut II. pi tmr, Or.
tf. J. II. KlM' si.
Is the Place for Ercsh Groceries, Cheap for
Cash Only.
P. C. Thompson Company
Are Still on Deck with Bargains for Cash
Corner Main ami Willow Urn la,
i tan
hAM MKAIiOtt. W. I' n I IVNrll
Jfiivo nufcccili'il A.
lillnifJCHM hil l hi H
M. (itllili iu tin) I'-liu kaiiiitliii .I
n j.Hriil tu il fill kiii'U nf
illto III
;iiroiti.i Car4
r.l.eilinatmm i caused b lai'liff acid
In the ....d attm ltliig the fllin.ti i li.su.
of Ilie jolt,!. Ke(i Jnilf bl.M.1 pure
st. 'I l.!t'y a. ! 'oi will no! l,
ri..'tinia'it. M I'" Sri s' l ki
t, t I -1 tlt.iHty I fie in.. ni l I iti
II li'.i" I .... I v . t .."ia t lh ae. f.iy
t,f I . i.H. I n. I tli'i i t.f" rb U'i hU-mi.
H e l 1'ills are (!, t .t a'U..!t,tir
a r- Ku'sr . tc n i.f the liver m d the
kidtir). It is an irV'ii-i.l lisrri-r
avaiiisl ard rrnly for inalaril cm
plain' an I rh-utnxi.sti), ati l i nf uti- .t
U liefll I'l 111" weak, tief'i and rf'l.
A a ni'dicsl siiii.nlalit it ranimi be
sn't I. I't mcmtis e. f luillr im'i m
men. I it. and lt pr .fi li.lml tl.i..'ft. tl'
I" iii'.'.f h-.ti i. nt t.jf p..pii!nf el.en. w'j.
At -pe l pi, I el'eo Him . . i m li'tll
l. tl areevlne n tf t at I a' m
A Hug, ,ti hh"p Inn in i.,ni,.'i l!.,n eatl.lu li.ni i' ,im,t
t.ti tlirin at tlie '.I'l 'iMIiii l.'ij.,
TTzir ,ir mTT cSs
lit Inw
p,"fti.-lo if t,f J. 'i Kit-,
f r" ly. M.reh 'U. I ' I'.e J- (.
Kw:k teij-uh'il.vjJ. au t.'4 i.i. J Ljj. UH'i''Cr.,
All Imsiiieea alteiide I to in a proti'i't a 1 n'i
manner, r ulariea ruhlic ainl (,.lu t.ita.
una: iv national hank i t ij.i ino
fic ry
Land I'atents
I.ftlnl pIltl'lltH Ht'ClirCil fur HI'ttllTH ill till) hlllll ll tit lOHHiLlo titLP.
Contested Cases
Cuiili'hti tl niHCH iiitcll t(atjtty mnl skillfully lirintlli.'J,
Old Claims and Disputes
()M rlhitiiH hinl liaitit'H rjifi'dily acttlcd.
ISelweeu individtial baviiiir rniillii ting claim under tha agriculltaral laoJ
law, ami llmea between claimant nmler the Mineral l aw and grlaaltaral
cUiruaiit; and li Iwiween 'Uimaiil nttdnr any nf tha pnhlmlsn l law and lha
Kailroad r-ornpaiuea and tin ir trrantev, and tha stale and their gra&Uea, ttodar
Ilin haainp Land and H.'h nil lnd (Irani.
Hieclally tnadeof "ciiruig palenl inthe slmrtesl pnssibl t.lna for iettUri
holiafa iw.mplieil with lha law under which Iheir eiitilea wer Ui.le, and wbt
ara annoyed ami worried by delay In the leeii of their patent, eauaed by TrifllOf
Irrrguiaritie which ran h easily and spwdiiy removed.
Advice also iv. ii m all maltera reUiing t the publia land. eclally no
lioliiia arlsiiitf iimler the new laa which hava le-n remuiily pael protidmg for
lha (lipal of lha public domain.
If yon want ymir land patent In a hurry- if ymi want yonr land bnsltiea, of
any i haranter, alien h d In by sktlilnl and e itiipelent attnrm ya, and promptly jit-
" 'Tress claims company,
John Wudui ki-ukn, (. ii n. Man.,