P!,P mspm C!J;.U ... ( I.T. .-. U? I ;' e. SILVER GOING VP. Joaquin always was' VisiODary, even when he filled the humble, though honorable, position as judge of Grant county. Utah will most likely adopt a constitution favoring woman suf frage. WORK OF THE LKGISLATl'RE. Silver has been on the upvavd grade for several days, and wheat and other products have also taken a jump. Every time silver goes up, there is a corresponding fall in gold, or in other words, a part of the unearned purchasing power of gold is taken away. Naturally then the world's products will buy more gold. The Portland Sun in referring to the advance in the price of silver says: "Several explanations of the continued rise in the price of ftilvcr are advanced. One is the fact that England seems disposed to join the proposed bimetallic congress, with a far stronger English sentiment behind the proposition for international bi metallism , than ever before. Another is that China will need a largo amount of silver to settle with Japan. Still another that Spain is buying a good deal of silver, to use in its suppression of the insurrection of Cuba. l'rob ably another and even more potent cause than all is the fact, becoming every day more apparent, that the silver sentiment in the United States is growing bo rapidly, and finding widespread and deep lodgment oven in the financial centers of tho I last; so much so that it is probable all political parties will declare noxt year for tree, unlimited, and independent coinage. "At any rate, whatever the cause, or whether all these causes aro combined to produco the result, there has been a rapid and grati fying rise in the price of silver, and, concurrently, and conse quently, in the price of wheat and other products." I At It I I ism mr.ong tiiose in authority in our nation is indeed at a low ebb. Insult after insult is being heaped upon us; the Monroe doctrine is being openly violated; our country is bein buttered away to satisfy the gold nannis, dud nol a linger is being raised in its defense. Oh, for a president like Abraham Lincoln or "Old llicliory" .laeksou! Kither would make "Koine howl," unless decent demands were acceded to, FLO AND 1. llli: 1 Midget, of Astoria, has been taking a vote on the money question with the following result iK'inocriitrt for gold standard, ltd for free silver, Iti'J; republicans for gold standard, Iti; for free silver 101; populists for gold standard, 1; for free silver, '.K A total of M foi gold st andard, to lil.t for free hiker, which is about the hi.n of publie heiitililent in (he Northwest gem mlly, b a ii y I h'timcl'iit. Tin: iiilioiis .f the earth are having a deuce of a timt tramping tut each ntliei's toes and then following it U by a lot of diplo. lnatie rot and piwfn-,n apologies. Tho time lias ruiuo for war, and th sooner it begin the In Her, at the Kline tiim deploring the necessity for it. From the Eugene Journal. The preRs, with a few honorable ex ceptions, bag been filled with vitupera tion and unjust criticisms of the 1811) benuial session of the Oregon legislature which closed at midDight, b'eb. 23. It seems to be fashionuble of late years to sneer at the legislature and whatever it may do or leave undone. With an air of superior wisdom and virtue, which seems to afford them great pleasure and adds largely to their self importance, Certain editors who know little and care lass about the interests and wishes of toe peoplp, assume that everything that was done was wrong, and they objeot to all that was done and to all that was not done. They charge sins of commission and sins of omission, and And nothing ti their liking. They are shocked beyond measure at the extravagance and proiligaoy of the men they helped to elect. They declare they never saw anything like it before they are the worst lot of man that ever disgraoed legislative halls. At every succeeding session these stale slanders and silly lies are repeated and worked over in every conceivable form. Unlike the tailings of a placer mine, the more they are worked the riohcr they appear to be. As far bak as the memory of man runneth, these birds of evil omen, who defile their own nests and assume that thev are the only truly good and perfectly honest people on earth, have declared that each legislature was the worst ever known and the like of it could never be seen again. But at the next session they ooutradict themselves, and say it is fur worse than the other, whioh they lid could never be equalled, and so on from one absorbity to another, alwayB declaring that the last was the worst. A man who , maliciously misrepresents and slanders a private citizen and injures him in the eeB of his neighbor ami be prosecuted and puuished in the courts. But the men who are elected by their fellow citizens to make laws, elect United States senators Btid perform other important duties, have no pro tection in the courts. This system of misrepresenting and grossly slandering egislators, in a manner that would Dot be tolerated among neighbors, has be come an evil and needs reforming more than anything in American politics. It is corrupting the minds of the people aud breeding dinnotitwit, Bilspioion, jealousy, envy aud crime. The men who start these slanderi through disappointment mill malice, engendered by the defeat of some pet scheme 1y which they hope to plunder a city, in the name of "eoouomy aud reform," or elect a man who would lavor a financial system which constantly makes the rich richer aud increases the burdens of nine tenths of mankind, are worse than c inmon bar-room or gutter snipe liars. They do much harm mid no good. The men who repeat these lien, ignorautly or tiici'liiwimilly, wit li mit iuvi iillgulloli, are not so bad although their work is none the less injurious. As every legiHlatnio is worse than the preceding one, in tho eyes of these bogus ri formers, it is nut surprising that they have bad ti search the dictionaries and the slums to find language disreputable enough to apply to the legislature which udj, turned two week ago. Notwith standing this eruption of abuse and filth, it is doubtful whether Oregon nver had a beltler set of men in any legislature limn in the last one or ever had better work done. In the matter where Ihe most fault has linen found, it was just the opposite of what had been cbirged, It 1 1 iih lit en criticised more fur "eitntva gaiicc" thuu for any other thing, when in fact it was one of the most rcoiioiiii- cul legisbtturiH this state lias ever bad The estimates madii by the outgoing secretary of slate, lion, (leo, W. Mo- liride, now United Slates senator, for (he in Hi two years, nmoiiiited in about live hundred thousand dollars less than they were for I lit lat two years, ami the legis lature followed his estimated almost to the letter and impropriated about half million dn!liia It a for the year 1 and iv.'i; t Win tin) preceding legislature Hp ropiinS'd for the year l'X and Ivl Tin is one of the greatest re ductions ever made In Oregon, ami it is l.nibifiil if there in another state in the I'm. hi Mheiii lliv ripenac arii less in I rnMit.ii In (lie population than they will ! Iti Hun stub' during the next I wo Ji'iii. The slate I in levy (or llio present )csr is only llitec mills, one of (he low. i-t i ter known. Written by Mlai Nora White, San Francisco. When all the world is robed in white And merry night, By moon and itars la rendered bright, And everywhere the ilelghbell, Klngi out to tell The Ule that lover love too well, With joy I capture pretty Flo And off we go Across the glittering fields of snow. Our Blelgh just large enough for two, Who want to woo And keep unfrozen while they do. 1 placed my arm in comic liae, Around her waist, Ami found her lips just to my taste. She shows no trace of alarm For what's the harm? Thus on we speed past cot and farm, Heigh! What now?" we'd laugh and shout. We're tumbling out The snow is cold beyond a doubt. We climb again Into the sleigh, In blithe array; And quickly learn we've lost our way, Yes, lost our way, alas, alack, Wecan't get back Here comes a storm upon our track! In yonder cottage shines a light It's hardly right But there we'll have to stay all night And who should answer at the door But Parson Bore, Who's oft seen runaways before; And since he has but one spare bed, We all turn red, And Flo and I we just got wed. ius great ana dipinnvttv iyt yasu restored the cordiality of rela tions between Japan and Corea, as ia testified by the exquisite bronze can delabra which adorn bis mauaoleum at Mklro. But Corea has never yet got over the rava-ingg of Uideyobhi's army. - St. nick in i Rouble. The Queer Experience of Santa Claus at fiahilay School: There Was to be a "Sandy Claws" at the Koonville Baptist church for tha Sunday school scholars, and elaborate preparations had been made for the event. There had been Christmas trees at the church since time out of mind, but there had never been a Santa Claus, and old and young alike were all agog over the expected treat. The announcement had gone forth that St, Nick was to visit the church by way of the chimney on Christmas Eve and hang presents on the tree for the chu dren. and as a consequence expectation ran high among the small folk of Uoonville. A certain young man who was some what popular on account of previous performances was selected to imper sonate Santa Claus. For the pur'posrt he had provided himself with white whiskers and wig and coat and cap trimmed with fur. With these and his face reddened with carmine he made a very presentable figure of the j. ii.. .11 . . i . . w fvwumu u 1-LUmillCUUlU K 1 -r ii . o ... 1 1 ChamberlaiL's Oough Remedy because ln Gne. c?rm:r oi we ounaay wsnooi it is Draisea hv all who trv it." .i I iuum u miiwuuu W. UOX & SOD, druggists. Marshfie d. """uueu, wiui a cuuuuej "wuuiug Oregon. Ne one afllioted with a throat neurly to the ceiling, which was about or lung trouble dim Use this remedy witnout praising it. it always gives prompt relief. It is especially valuable ror colds as it relieves the lungs, makes breathing easier and aids exneotoration. A cold will never result in pneumonia wiien tins remedy is taken and reason able care exeroised. For sale by Olocum-Jolinson Drug (Jo. W. C. Akers, aged 73 years, and W. J. Flemming, aged 71 years, both residents of the Oooseberry section are ill of Bright 8 unease of the kidneys. Billons Colic. Persons who are subjeot to attaoks of bilious colio will be pleased to know that prompt relief may be bad by taking I Uhamberlam s uolio, Cholera and Diarrbwa Remedy. It acts quickly and can always be depended upon. In many cases the attack may be prevented by taking this remedy as soon as the first indication of the disease, appears. 25 Bnd DO oent bottles for sale by Slooum- Johnaou JJrug (Jo. Ik A" V;- Jill III lt' , , 'in Hllii I 'III Joe Oombs, slier iff of Orant county got in Thursday last from Salem Bnd departed on Friday's stage for Canyon Uity. OLD-TIME ENEMIES. lllfl as DOWN CAME 8ASTA CXAVS, twenty feet high. The whole affair was made of boards, covered with can vas and painted to resemble bricks. At last the auspicious evening came round and tho church was crowded to the doors with eairer lioonvillians of every age, denomination and hue. People were not, going to stay away be cause they belonged to other churches. Santa Claus wasn't hilled to appear at any other church, and all were wel come The mysterious-looking chimnev was the center of observation, and it was hard work for tha superintendent to gain any attention at all when e pro ceeded with th opening exercises. He spoke briefly of tue expected guest of the evening, and there was a song or two, but his words were received with manifest impatience and the songs were rushed through in double quick time PERSONAL PLEASANTRIES. Yot'.no Mr. Wolcott. of Colorado, has earned the reputation of being the most expensive euter in congress (iKoimik (ioi i.i) announces that he is in favor of an income tax. "hvery rich num." he savs. "should be taxed In proportion to his income Mk. .Iamks Smith, who was crowned some years ago watermelon king of 1I...itui ....mitt' Al lm tliiM vpur wli. .Wrv.-.l the stately pleasure g ;kin ei ht foet around thu in I oliTiiWe s Xanadu. l.ieJap- . t YMini. Mas. Sami ki, llENKETT, of Tanner, V. Va., has twenty-nine children. Sho !.. J.-...!.. M - lnnn.O t ,.4 1. 1,.,,, 1,. .,1 l,,l,o 'I'l... ln 1 miuuct, iiiij ""10! , , , , .. . , , '., , rr and the twenty-nine young ltennetts buiiled Wi re ileleated by the hero To- . , , . J Mmune, nud u tvphoon finished oil the H r"-"1 ,M i hini se urmuiln. China and Japan Have Been Foes for Two Thousand Yoars. Corea Since Time tint of Mind Flas Dn the Iione of ( omnmion Betwa tb Two Nations Tlie Tint Invastuu. In the "Land of the Chrysanthemum," by Dr. David Murray, who was for- crly adviser to the Japanese; min ister of education, are wmie interesting facts coni'eniin,,' Japan's rt f tiongwith ore a anil ( Lmi. 1 rum China Japan got everything except certain minor phases of art. taught her by Corean prisoners ami exiles, from China she got her literature and Her ve;y alpha bet. the trildil huts i llel'urt. almost all er hi(liei life. This is i.ot the first t hue she hu:i qunriided with China over Corea, but of that unim. Once China definitely decided on the conquent of .liipiin. It was in the days of Kublai Kan, wh house in Coleridge's Xanadu. The Jap ii nest- allege that Kublai sent one It u n ilreil tliiMisunl men for the invasion, mid that he m.in.'igi'.l t; transport them MONSTER POPULATION OF ANfS Thej Teach lessons In Industry and Perfert Governmeut. There are more anks to the square mile In Florida than in any other country in the world, says a writer in the Savannah News. There are ants which w ill measure more than half an Inch in length, and then there are ants so small that they can scarcely be seen to move with the unaided eye. There are fed ants and black ants aud troublesome nuts. lint, as bad as they are, I have never heafd of ihem eating out the seat of a man's trousc i-s. as a missionary, Rev. Mr. Wilson, once told the writer he saw the army ants do in India while the man was sitting on the earth for a few minutes beside him. But the Florida ants will take out the lettuce and other minute seeds from the soil in which they are plant ed, and actually destroy the bed. They will suck the life out of acres of young cucumbers and melon plants, uproot strawberry plants or cover the buds with earth to such an extent as to kill them. They will get into pie, pickle, sauce, sirup, sugar, on meat, in hash, will riddle a cake or fill a loaf of brker's bread till it is wofthlcss. All remedies failing, I took to bait ing them near their nests with slices of meat, bones, apple and pear par ings, and when I had from fifty thou sand to one hundred thousand out turned a kettle of boiling water on them. I have killed during the last week'over one million in the space of a quarter-acre lot, and I have almost whipped them out. I had to do this to secure any lettuce plants, and many observant farmers complain of seeds men when they should attribute their troubles to insects. It is very curious and instructive io see how promptly the ants which es cape the scalding go to work taking out the dead, and, after pulling them outside first, then go to excavating again and rebuilding their cells and runways. This being done very quick ly the next work on hand is the laying in of a supply of food by hauling the dead bodies of the hot-water victims into their storehouses. You may see a smalj black ant haul ing and tugging at tho carcass of a red ant twenty times its own weight, and he always succeeds in the end in haul ing it in the -rehouse of the colony. Next you mayce a sort of ambulance corps searching for the disabled. These are taken to the underground house, where the surgeons and nurses are in waiting. Then, too, you may see the timekeepers and bosses direct ing this on or turning another back on some errand or to some other duty. There is not a moment's delay, no halting feet, no idle hands, but all move as if it was their last day on earth and this was the only hour left in which to redeem a misspent life. For lessons in industry and perfect government go to the ants. AT THE CAPITAL. Oi!? aft pa f! P hiSUBa-' aJSNIt3 tip? It 0 thrive on Scott's Eimi'sion when all the rest of their food f) gcems to J to waste. TLin Babies and Weak Children grow $ strong, flump and healthy by taking it. cotVs Emulsion overcomes inherited weakness and all the tond-neies toward 0 Emaciation or Consumption. Thin, weak babies and growing 0 children and all persons Buffering from Loss of Flesh, Weak 1 Lunqa, Chronic Coughs, and Wasting Diseases will receive A ,i4.vu l,net!ts from this erreat nourishment. The formula 6 for making Scott's Emulsion has been endorsed by the nied- A ical workUor twenty years. No secret about it. A Send for pamphlet on S,vtt' 's Emulsion. FREE. Sir . i it- t A Scott & Bowne, N. Y. All Druggists, so cents ana .. j City v Hotel. rpHIS Popular Hostelry has again 1 been re-opened and will be run in first class style. Prices. Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop. The Lancashire Insurance Co. To avoid paying a license a man in Washington sold beer as soup, in large bowls. Tun new carpet for the house of rep resentativeh will be of a dark-green design, with a crimson figure, conven tional in its character, relieved by a cream-colored star. Ueoiiok KiEi'iiK.N, Regent's Quay, Ab erdeen, Scotland, sent a very pretty little Sheltie for President Cleveland. W. PATTERSON, AGENT. oto t.t ost i wrici FOR INVENTIONS. bell mir lifHlt paili Veil li II. I nn lIKil tl inliltiilliil in (ri iiueiil, (tecum- i'IIVO 1 I'HIili.l PiUlli'lltlle. Willi tintllirrH n Mi Kim i y denit that li tho imKfi ti.m tint lie Mould ill.' republican imily if it teelm,., i 'rrMb "; H"r )" ' uff..r.ng 1 i t i disordered IhIu of I he liver, lor fret lihil unlimited l oinnn nf ( diteli,ni i iiiiii rlpft nud tliern U bilvnr On ll ., t,.-,. I.. I ' ''" I'11' .t'Ulliti'li. II lned Iti reiiinlll i lllH IffllllllH tfttll lilt lllllftti.lw fitHl'll HlM that it nut nt'Mild mid , ft th ! ki'lii'-iii Mini bisoiiin tUiiK'i'ruiiii i.t lilt. iiif. reii.vlliut . wi.uld me t t ,,. ; -Sl i" '"'!; i" ia- l-r 011 tli niii'furBiiiNt of I hn tlmt liulllltliltliill nil It hmr l.itf.itlil. t milium. Ir. .1. II, Molrf'Mi'. I.ivcr j Kat . the inter, -mt; f.-ature In iu,f that nun iiiii ,-j , inn .airrimi)r .iitiipii , ktii'll II l.irK' JT Ktrlli'l t'f lllf urillV The first dap inese Inviwion of Corea, us lr. Muri-iy pwluts nut, wm under the Kinpt'eKs Jingo, who ivm mother of the god i f war; therefore it Iiim to be taken with wilt. Korea, or.au the Jupiiliese cull it, ( husvii, divided into Hi i re Kimrili'ius, Koral, Sbirakl mid Nudum. U hen Jiugo-Kogo land ed in Miiiriki they till eauie with alac rity the Saukaii, the tlw.- tributary enunlries dependent of .lapitn. AfU-r Ibis she wiih vmpress regent for sixty- eight yearn, and died at the age of one hundred. So ciuiphtcc lit did the l'c leans feel about Wing Siinloin that the king of ku.l.ir.i wilt nu eminent ( hi ih'm" seiiniiir io fiinciite jingo s hon. I be hciinbir t xik with him the "I'onfu emu AliulerW mid the "ThoUhand l bitriieler lv-.Miy." and the future god of war bee;iiiif a vcrv learned until. I be Kmpi ror .lingo died nlxuit 370 II ('., and u Japnuei.e garriMin u nit uukiu 1. lined in Ixudara for a tiif.inif niut' Iniiiilred yeitrt, when the t'orean of sbiraUl a ml the Chinese o mi v I led Ih. in to w ithdraw. With the Jnpanest went iiiiiiiv of the Curvitn friendt, who I'liine with llii'in, like the llii4-uenoU when driven from fruiu-o, a kiuiwleilge of many artH and A culture which wer eagerly weleonied by the rising Japan ese empire. Thev wire colonied In convenient ijunrli r-, In l i iT.-rrti t prov iuees. an. I it', an elieour.igemeiit freed from taxation for ii time. Their itilhi etli'i tlltolt the iilkOiilur .'iv it i ;ul t,m 1 Jiipiin eaun.it W over I, xike. I ir nejp leeted in our rstimatv f lli force wbieli I'oiiKpired to produce the flual reoiilU In another trilliutf ttiui hundred yearn Toyototnl lliileyoshi, t lie du fue elin of Japan, determined to Ooiiifurr t'oreiv. w hi.'h had Kitddenlv diseontiiiucil wilding gifts. He miil tmni one hun dred mi I thirtv thousand to thrr han- tired ttiotisitnd tin n under Kmiishl and Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is? that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Toe much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reh. able solicitors tc procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, lnot entirelv, upon .ie care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from -worthless or careless attorneya and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have taiucd counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct I terfereiiccs, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as tor 5 Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and j Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, tov nail,.. 1. n .'.,.C ler-;At,'rt,. rt f .a 1 1 r- 3 1, f Al nrpa nnH Vrtll Will VlP AT OtlCf The pony is just thirty-eight inches in j a(jvjse(i as t(", tue Dest COurse to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If height and is of "beautiful build." I nti,ora are infrincrincr on vour ritrhts. or if vou are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to u? for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, 613 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, D.C. p. o. box 433 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. 3- Cut this out and send It with your Inauir. TO CONSI'MPTIYKS. Till LI' in .-..I, H. I. lal.l.t w. ut ju d"""l"M of tin. kiti.l. I'rii'Ml per ., , i ""Hie. Mutluw iMiit.ty wliirii riiii;tiim lltiN.,l. Hi- j-.tutilv iiij; t,i klloW " I1'" ' Ii"! ll VVr kljr Hint Hit' lii i i. I.n-V i'i llilij' tn I't ""s-'i""". H'li Kiftttft braPI'Kfer of ,, ,i, ,1 , ,i . : i ,,i . IIik Uel. Willi tliPtlhf.t: Ih. ill mnet KlU'll tlilil Ho le It n Iittlo I'lol.t III ... , .iv... . . , if '"l.itiv, for fin" )i r, $ I. N ibttter Mloltt. vt'l.ij.o tint it Will (-ii i' iiiiHHi ,( iiepHn r iMii le niHile 'ilL'lii r il ' ill Hie t.tle. II. n,li mil k-ivH n a Till: Siliiu I 1 iii't'ue tlio (Sni'tto'it i ilitir i f I'fitijj n im tiilu r 'f til" lust le'iI itill .'. Vt ileliy till Ml t'lls ilji li. .I.',; !N Moll.' n llU'l.t t.f Mil !' I iii . I.tif I..') ... t.'I. I. in!',. tl iiMj.i i-,.ii. il jii.i.i.i.t. in '.'! ! t I'l,., l '.,t pit llllUlll hll N.l.llllnliltl jollrilMl.IlK Ah f .'l I'Ui.ler, an tt.-n.'uHi rl pi er. t'l.iun in ii. . nli. I mlweillM-. N.'t.Oi- Ml lie n til l .Im rt si'ifc timltt f luiisl irni Ii Una t.fli i n,t lsl-i Hutu M . ii N in. mi f r liii .ils;' tsaiin, at. I in ! Ul. r linn I bur.. I..) i,..n (, r rn Uv 'a l"ur. I lot elmi'kK t.f train Idif tell b ! tin i !iim f uliva and ll , I l l tin Ii I b. Ill t el) llo.lalo't. (i !.,!. II ll.-'ia, l In all Mi a l' ii nu fa'.''i' j' uj-a ; ea'l I tt-ir I ;:ov. Cl4l ami II Were I In i t il. .tlin wait ill tV.;i that the la... I I bum. ued by lia,rg Ui in. 1. 1. wlii w.i. a thrituin. In eoni mind "Uae two i-ouiimilldera wr ulunvnt I '(.'errltead. ntnl o th rt-p.-, lit i. -it ii , it virtual faiire, though lieillier I i i , m in.r ( hitinmen Could m iUe unv t i mt U f 're tue two headed word of ll.e ,l,iain e, until tlir t hi lien I'V li,. Ury Kituied tuaf to Intro duce Into t orea am ir of orrrw helm- Conn Mkveh, Jn., the democratic candidate for secretary of state of New York, is thirty-nine yearn old and a millionaire. He is fond of yachting, fishing and outdoor recreation gener ally. Fkw couplea reach the seventieth anniversary of their wedding. This tlistinctioji. however, has just been en joyed by I!ev. and Mrs. lienjamin Stevens, of Hannibal, Mo. Mr. Stevens Is ninety-three and his wife eighty eight years of age. OF GENERAL INTEREST. Thk llrst American counterfeiter, o far n known, was one William lluel, of Vermont. Thk A.tcca filled quills with gold dust, heuled them and passed them from blind to bund ns coin. Tiikkk are -I.'.h'.S daily newspaper in the world. Over one-third of them (1.7.17) are published in the United Stutes A hatch that lhchiimed to have once Wept time for Napoleon was ahown in the Svvlaa exhibit in the Manufactures building at the world's fair. lll vi AX hair viiriett in thickness from the Cloth to the liiKith part of an inch. The coarsest tl'Tof wool is about one .Inoth part f an inch In diameter; the tiiicst only the 1.. '.until part. In Vineliitid. N. .1., there la nn epi demic of the hiccoughs. One imiti was uttiieUed by it and for three weeks bis life was in danger; another was in bed six thiva b fore the attack could lc topped. Klvliic ll r i- Young Tutter-1 Jut dropped In to nay ttint I am grttiug up a little straw ride for ( bri-.lm.is, Misa Maud, and I thought perhaps you would like to go. Miss Mitiitltf Twiekeiihnm (doutit-fully)- Well. I don't know. Mother is a little particular altout my going mi atraw-rldes. Mr Tutter. You know, ahe has somt ven 'trance notio'ia. I nresiimr vmi will drive- as usua.' Tutter- Vns. I fXJeet to. Misa Twickenham ibrigbt'.r) Well. 1 I guess erliai I ran arrangn It. I . will prouiiso uiothrr to ait on the ame , t h I aeat w itu the tlnvt-r Life. Tlie niulornigtird having ' i u i to tiealth by simple memm, :i!l r nn IP r Ing fur severnl yearn with H h. vi le Iniii: idotiiiu, and that dreBil (license, Con Riiuiptiou, is Biixions to mske kiioivn to bis fellow sufferers the lneims of ( lire. To tbose who desire it. he will cheerful ly Bend, free of clinrve, a enpy of the pre anription used, which thev ' will find a sure cute fur Consumption, Astlmvi, Ca tarrh, lirouchitiH and nil Mima' and lung mabidiea. He hopes all sulTerers will iish his remedy as it it invitluiible. Those d Riring tht prescription, winch will out them nothing, nud nmy provo Hbh osiug. will plesse address, l'e v. EDWAItl) A. WILSON, Urooklyn, N. Y. junll w. SubcriberH to the W. eldy rinn, the onming paper of Oregon, tfl per year. With the (iHZdte, both in advance, '.175 per ypHr. A good combination. To of the people's p'lpcrs at on priett. Subscribe Bt the Uuz e ollii't". - tug f i ;4 "3000PARGELSC?MAiL':rilK MONEY IT l' ThGBest If.ACHINt f.AD c C1.001!ottle.0f4 IS H W aaVj imocont a tloisB. '..TL. - '1 - . w .iA. :j...jr - l FOR 10 1-CENT 8 f AMPS ,1 l(ri'iinlii pru-i! i'i.) ymir lul 11 ill't-na If Twclveil wlllllll : Jl nIiiik will Iih tor 1 veur koldlr . (T.. j, prlnteil nn KiimrntMl vi - r ii "ili1L' MmIk-K "i v lilr.itiiry t ,i iiiv- uiuiruiitM-lliir IK.VIMtll r i3'rl J"e cin-li.li.eii : fnnil u! I V?v&ij C li-licnt ami maniiriw tuiem jriiu'll rt-iilviv pr.ilKii.iy, tlM.ii-iuiiilH valiinhU- ImmiWh, niiwr ijyr- ' miliiile,H.lliuKKlln--,ele. V All In i It la iX on runranteo by all dnn frlsta. It cures Incipient Connurnptiua aud U tho bc ;t Couch aud Crouo Curo. Knr mile t.y 1. w. Ajcru, Jr., I'mnsu.! W.L.Douclas CJ Ctlrtl? ISTMCBCST. V W J E 1 W Sm riT roi a kino. J3. CORDOVAN. racscH a inamuicd cstr. H2 Fine CAL'l.K'ANCsu:a 3.6JP0llCE.3SCl.C3. txritA riNt- '. iS.I.T? BSYS'SCKOfASHCLX i.Anit;a W'A l2W,2-l.,.',,P-1 . - " r-uvwwv.t Via " " IKiiwKTcri-A. Over On million I'mplt rr I ha vr. C Ottt DF.ALF.nS can acll you in tltlnea cheaper than yon pan Itrt l ist where. Tbe Pi E W IZO.nt'. I nnrbe, hutwn make cbcaprr hint!:'. surh the LI 'I AX, IDJ. i;. olU-r IHali Arm Full Nickel I'iatfil S.-i. int Plarbtnea lor li.0() atatS v:-. Cult on our agent or write u .' t ;ir.t j oil r trade, aud If prtcca, terms a:J miliar dealtnir w ill win, wc w ill trite It. We challenge Hie wort.l li o l.ice a BKTTi:ll 50.(I0 Sew :- ' im Iiine lor 50.00, or ft boiler !.t- riaeUtnelor g20.(i()t!n. i. .-.i'l Imy l'roin na, or our A-jer . V'7.!:ECHEi:E1SISGKACIIir:r:;. -i-w - ""s. Ilium, M. ts Vi" ". '. . j. ., l-l. sr. bii i.. Ml. Ikii.av I.--. li 1 I4AJM I ,.!, CI. ATI.4A,iiA. ron 6ALC BY The New Ikie Sew it g M:i' l.ii;e Co. i'J Market St. Siin FnuiciHCo, Cnl. I'r.-e mill fiwli irnriv. Willi tine"nfviilirirliili-l mlilrtw lnlsMr i.y.'W tdiMttl tlwrtsin. . e i r J '1,'A h1i.ii iirini ami preiwy KiMw.remi.ii tiirt4svi V'ir luiN-1 adiirewi-s lo yi.u; alileh 'It W 4J Mi. k mi ymir eiivel s,l.ks eie.. u "rr. nn'vni ih. lr h 'Ink ll. J. A. V m '''.'.W.'if llt-lilsvillf. N. '.. writes , "rrtmi ( fcj -ij'TaJ niv i, eenl a.l.lriw In vour Malmiliia '7.V,'7:", Iliii-l.irv --e received Inv .Mil i.lilre r'.3h"W(Jl''t lul"1" .'"! "Ver ti lreels I; ,11 MY s.l.lri-sis-s yim sealtenst V'i V' 'fs niin.iiK piOilHtii-rs mill niiinurix iioens I WA -W S , nri. ji , rlvinv (tolls-, nil viiliml.li' I'KnvJ fayyi'iVv? of moll iri.m nil li l iif ll t'urla' gtf WORLD'S tH 1)1 RKCTORY CO, Sn, It: Frankloril anil Glranl Avei. riiilattel ulils. 1'a. The rpirular nubaoriptlon price of tht Semi-Weekly (tHZette ia 82.5(1 aud the retfiibir price of the Weekly Orfunniftn iSl.r0. Anyone anbacribititf far the (liizeile and phving for noe year in iidvnnce can net both the Gazette and Weekly Orpgouiitn for All old nh KCrtben pnying their aubacrintinna for one year in advance ill be entitled to 'he HHine. Stajfe leave for Echo Monday, Wednesdays, and Friday, retnrninu on TtieadMya, Tbliradav and Kittnrday. It. Wiide. Prop. T. W. Ayern-Ir., Bfi-nt. IFYCU VANT INFORMATION ABOUT i AUUUKSH A I t TTKIl Oil l'OHT.U, CAUD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANV, W. L. DOUlaS $3 & $4 ShOCS I JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney, All our ahocs are equally satisfactory I r. U. Uox 463. Washlnoton. D. C. Thev f th hest valut Int h mnnrv. Thev eual uuslitoi states la . Ic anil I'll, t hrir rrlnf tiualltlcs ar un.urna.sed. 1 h pet.rs ara unttrm,.atmpj on a,le. I'rntfi si l a arJ ever tINrr tnsVra. , II y -wr A ..i. r mm..! tu; ; 1 ). . ..i. I t y IV, !i r a !'" I ii !,,, a . i 'e Ai t .Me I. All r' up i v at l-l e lua loiiuUis lla.Mver. all that the) pralty title? On H-maa Mern. Tommy-Iin't thU vailed the horn ft plenty, mamma? Mamma -Yea, don't yon think It a I Spr.iy Your Fnnl 'ft c i J. M. bALINo, I ll.. in. t a! H-hurt-A ..M,ller n 1 .,!lnr Vo aeree nlnetv 1nv. nr over. In the l.l war. ree'iuiie.t tl now partial lyi.r n.iv .It.ai.lr.l l-.r or.liti.tr ttianuaf ll.or, whetber dlsablllia ' ' v ''"'.e or ti n. an I t. k o.llr.. ul l!i. ir y . iiiiiat tit. um.t.mcea. I w IIHIUS..I ..i, :i..,.!,, mii ..ol.tt.aternlttlritl not trmaitiHia hrthersnt'1ir'ile"' I wsa.l te i.tt,-iy .. tti.c i.t n I il iiu ,r,i telrnl iiiioit liteir own l'r (r .ui.tjil. Wif' I "'( i. t'a't 'i "i '. '" '"' '' ' 1 s'c riiutlr.l II the .,l,l,rr' ilrtiilt taaailue loservlr llll HI. IN ,r.i.i . ! (,i ,i lrr initio ycats) lu aiutu.l ail (net bcrt tbira an Sh. I . Of . I ,!. r ,) ,,, rr,nr.,,,, I'tHIMser, niiiir i ii . . j . 1 1 . r left neither .lnw aor ehll.l, fowMeil anttler 4lwl la . aertl..-, ..r fr..m rTw. nf .rr,,, nn. I th. v are now tlepn.rtit tin Him own ll.'.r f,,r ltin. I t--e t . It iiirf.. bi Unit ::Ki! l tin r ..Iilier aetvclor died la Uit war or la regular army or I , s iir,"V!'l"''" r',-t'lun,!'ren,law m"y9rr!y f'lf h'f ralea Barter olhef Ian. H limit lo.lna; an, rulil.. 'tit - I i ,,.,,ii.i I . i,, ,1, t r-nm fjlnfia prr m-ir-th nntrr the aM law are ntllte4 la lier rate. .,n 1-r new l .w, n.. only on aixnmluf diabtlititt lor wbttb buw fcaiioatd. but I o (.to, r. . h-iii.nl ii. to wmra or nl. .Uniiii M- fer Hot out i f tU rin.iirst an.l is vu put i, oi of (rea was thro sitUe tub. full of pu -kit d t ars and liost a. the pr.s't-t .Is of thirty t i-lit thousand em n huii.lrel t'hiiirsi and t'oreau bea.ls. w hieh f.rtn the renter of the Mind uka. ur r.ir mound in the Wl butsii tfinplt at Kyoto, and the pna-t'lit-rscf Miitiiaiu Vohehiro, prui.-v p .iluiu tv''etf, the Womler of tha T v. i .I -, t IL . . -ii i ii i l., ii"ii i . ,Trtn t na Ti- eaten ail the randy there was In It. and there mm t Ua'.f ere iph. 1'ur'a laeipea.lt . Ift Making, Mrs. Jauiesv-Hare you ten d.tl'.ara, tick? !r. Jaiiiesy-llere it ia. What Jo you want it for? Mr. Jaiuesji I want to fire jrou a CLr.'.u preseut, dear Oh.caio Ce- 1 1 1 III .'I It tt ' at ... i. 1 I , . Int., ..at. I ,i. s a I .n il . ,. l , , i ,. Mi H SI'IUVIM i .,i. .in 1 1 . i tililirr ratea i a,o I ii.! . ,.t. it fnii'll ,,Ii,imIi;, tit Hi' - i .liina.nl Ihr lllark llank.rrwek.rhemkaa .n.l a..,ll... n. ii'nl in line rl duly In fecular irmror Bare alncwtlia war are a I an . ,ir di.alittov (t n.t. e l Ii. I', 1 ', i ' .. JT. XVI. iXX-iTIw'O. ,P.O.E.)a465, Ida In.llaa V. r( Isiji,, tall, are entitle aad.t n.a ... Jd,,1.,,T,",",, '''"" sa Uhtit w dnwa alaai.tilltleil, n i.i; two vtart t,f a( or niaablt4 . rem;, r'ejan l .'t: m.M oMlne.l. Wirtlirr prB.loa hi beta rr.nlrd aadef ""srs't "1 "H'-enent iwM. If r.-l-ctlna mrrrt,T , oi.tjinid l .r Hlditta an I ..ilori of ll I. la war wbv nil mi .-I,- n N..,!nnrf..fa!yUt. y9 (,1 anle.a anciriafiit. AMrtttV THC CLAIMS COMPANY. JOHN WE DDEKDURN, Manasinr-Attorney, I r httl l.w. er . l-.t r t " .if . . I . a...-1 .1 t'-r-, bt !. i I t U A I