PATE.NTS! AffcctloMtetly dedicated to little THEODORE HARRY COHR. REFRAIX. JO- LULLABY. NOTICE TO INVENTORS. MARIAN FROELICH. Tenderly. C. FROELICH. J" ' -?-i-- 1 1 " ? P . I tin . . lv keeD 1 ci cioo ha - hv mine, Tbere was never a time in the history of our country when the demand for inventions and improvements in the arts and scienoes generally was so great as now. The conveniences of me jkind in the faotory and workshop, the household and on the farm, as well as in official life, require continual accessions to the appurtenance and impliments of each in order to saye labor, time and expense. The political change in the administra tion of government does not affect the progress of the American inventor, who being on the alert, and ready to per ceive the existing deficiencies, does not permit the affairs of government to de ter bim from quickly conceiving the remedy to overoome existing discrepan cies. Too great care cannot be exer cised in choosing a competent and skill ful attorney to prepare and proseoute an application for patent. Valuable in terests have been lost and destroyed iu innumerable instances by the employ ment of incompetent counsel, and es pecially is this advice applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, no pay" system. Inventors who entrust their business to this class of attorneys do so at imminent risk, as the breadth and strength of the patent is never con sidered in view of a quick endeavor to get an allnwanoe and obtain the fee. THE FKESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, General Munager 618 h' street, N. W., Washington, D. C, represeming a lartre number of impor tant daily and weekly papers, and gen eral periodicals of the eonntry, was in- afitntml in nrntent its natrons from the unsafe methods heretofore employed in this line of business. The said Con- pany is prepared to take charge of all patent business entrusted to it for rea sonable fees, and prepare and prosecute or.r.linnt,ifnH ienera lv. lnolucliug me- ohanioal inventions, design patents, trde-marks. labels, copyrights, interfer ences, infringements, validity reports, and uives especial attenion to rejected cases. It is ulso prepared to entor into competition with any firm iu securing foreign patents. Write for instructions and advice. John Wbdoeiiiujrn. fil8 Street, p. 0. Box 385. Washington, D. 0. ITO(!K BRANDS. While yon a"nP your subscription paid up yen Can keep your nranaiu ireem uimran, Allvn. T. J., lime. Or. Humes (1(4 on loft hoiililnr: entile (mme on left hip, under hit nn r!iht, ear. mid upper bit on the loft; riuino, Mor row comity. a rmtrmil. J. (5.. Aluino. Or. T with bar nn. tliir it on loft ahuulilur of horses; cattle sawe .... I..H I,!., & 1 1 iui.n O. T).. Eiuht Mile. Or. Cattle hrnnrl O 1) on loft liip anil horses name brand on riwht BllOll'.dor. l.HIIKB, r.WOl lllllf. Ailkinn, i. J., Heppunr, Or. Horses. JA "on neotwil on left flunk', oattln. eameon loft hip. Ilnrtlioliimew, A. (i-, Alpine. Or. Horses hriuidmn K on ellhiir ahouliltir. limine in Mor row OOlllltV Haniilater, J. W Hiirilman, Or. Cattle hranil eil It on Inft liip Hint thinh: Hplit in each ear. Hrennnr, l'lilnr. Uonmilierry llrnimn-Horses brawled I D on left shoulder. Cuttle eiiinu on riKhtnido. n , , . . Hlirkrt, M nr. i.', hour unnt, m wn, MAY eontiucUid on loft hip, mop oil Inft ear, nn. dor half crop oil riKht. Horses, sumo lirnnit on lotft nhouldr. limine in UrBiit and Morrow "ll'nwi'nan, Jerry, Lawn, Or. Horses bmndod 7 on rixht shoulder; ml tin H on the Inft aide. lft ear half crop and riiilit ear nmer slope. Marlon, Win.. Ilnppur, Or. -Horses, J lion rUlit tliih; cattle, name on riitht hip; eplit in each ear. Hrown. Ia, Iioimuton, Or. Horses 111 on the rluht stille; cattle name on rinhthip; mint". Mor row county. Ilrown, J. C., lli'ppncr, Or. Horsae, circle 0 with dot in nm tar mi Inft hips cattle, name. Brown, W.J. , Is'iia. (Irciron. Morses W. bar over It, on the left shoulder, little name on left ' iliiyer, V. O., llcppnar, Or. Horses, box brand on rmht liip cattle, same, with eplit in each ear. llnrn, P.O., lleppner, Or. Horses, P I) on loft ehnnhler: cnl'lc awn on Inft hip. Hniwniae, W. J., Km, Or Cattle. JH cnrniecleil on loft .aide; crop on loft ear and two splits and middle piece cut out on rii(M ear; on hnraea sama brand on the Inft llunh; limine ill Ko vallny, (i rant county, Cnrannr Warren. Wanner, Or. Home brand mi II on rinlit etilln; cattle (three bam) on nulit rile, crop and split in ench ear. limine hi (Irani and Morrow coiintpw. Cain.K., ( 'alnb.Or.- V 1 on hnraea nn loft atllliil U with iiuurter circle over it, on Inft shnuldcr ami on Inft still on all coll tinder (1 year; on Inft shoulder only on all horned oer t yearn. All ranun in tliant countv. Cat", Chan. H Viimon or lrfeia. Or. Ilorun II C on nwht ehouldnr; caltle eamn on rlxht hip. ltaliite Morrow anil Hinalllla eiMllltnw. rorrixall, M M, Oalloway, Or Cn'tle crop out of hcIi ear and imdnrbil, wattle in fomlinad; liornee half circle 0 on left tille, Itaniin Mor. row and l mall I la count lea, furl, T. II.. John iMiy. Or,- Double crime on each lit on catlle, ewaliow fork and under bit in riitht ear, eplit ill left ear. KaiiKe in Uranl rouniy. on eloeti, inverted A and nHar point oil ahoulder. Kar inarkmi ewiw, crop oil left oar punched upper bit m rmht. Weihem. crop i" rixld a"d under half crop ill left ear. All raa iu (train coiiut. CiMik. A. J.,ln.Or.- llonm,(lon riKhlehonl. rler; Catlle, Mime on rtulit hip: ear mark (ipiara crop oil left aintmilil in riht. Ciirrin, 11, V., ( urrinnville, Or. -Ilotww, on left nil He. Col Kd. H., llarilman, Or-t aitla, with R in center; horo. CK on left 'up. Cochran, H. K., Mouiimeiil, liranf Co, Or. Ilomee liiandiil cinde with bar lieuoalh, ou left liouldnr; i'iiIII.i name brand on both hip, mark under etote Imlh ear and dewlap. I liapin, II., HanliuHii. Or. - lb. mix branded ou rinbt Itip. ( at t le bratideil t he name. Aim, brauda CI on liorMM rmht tldiih; ta'tie l brand on rmlit ahouldur, and cut oil end of "ikMoilawi, W. M .(lallowar. Or.-Cattle. U Don riiiht ai.le.awailow-fork in each ear; lioratx. It 1 " l. llroa , Doiiiilaa. Or.- Iloraea brandeil KI.Y on left alnmlder, caltle aame on lefthip. 1ml IP riMht ear. Kmery. C. H , llardman. Or.- Iloraee brandml ', reail i with tail) on led ahoulder t caU ileamneiiii rinhl hip. Hanun ill Morrow county. ( l.ireiH'e, 1,. A., ! eopuer. Or. Caltle, I.K on ritfht lop; lioraee. V with bar under on rittbt etioulde . Hornica, H. r, lleppner. ur -noraea. r on riaht InmMeit came, r on nuni nip or man. Trench, Hetnae, lleppner dr Cattle branded WK, Willi lutronel It, oil left aide; crop nil left ear. Iloraea. aaiite brand on left hip tleoiry, Miner, r chu. Or.-Iloraea branded II, 8, with a ipiarter cir le oter ll on left alllln. liana III M'irniw and I iiialilUcitiiuliwa II, .11 A. II.. Ilidne. (tr - ('aula, roiimldon K with ipiarter circle under 11 on the naht hip. Ilanae III Morrowa'id t nialitUcnmfiea, llinioii A Jenka, Hamilton, or- Cattle.twnhaia nn either hip; crop In riM ear and phi in led. llorww J ou riahl Ihiah. Uanaeiii man! ooumy ,ihea, Hainnel, Wanner, Or - (T K I, C4MIIO' l'd i IMI nabl ahotllder ou holMM; on callle, on nn 1,1 hip and on l.-ft aula, aaallow folk in riaht r and aht In left. lUtiae in llajalack Jl.lilet.M.oi.w -..nil Hale. Mill. m. Wuiicr, Or.-Iloraea nrande. -1 n allla aitti parallel tailal on left ahoilhler Catlle eauia ou Irlt hip aiao lata rinda ou lefl aide. Howard J I., Oalloway, Or .- Iloraea (croaa taiih a'one ll on tixtn tnnil (nr; ca"laa on left aide. Italia in Morrow ami 1 inat.lla Hall. Mwin. J'bn I'a, Or. Caille K II on ffiabt hip; hra aaineoii r,aht ahoulder. Han In l.rat.l ne'tnll Ituahea. Ma', lleppner. (r.-Il.o-aaa. .,. il.a l.,ft ali.mlder, llaata Morrow I o. Huiiaaker, H A. Or.-Iloiaee, on left ahmilder. caHle oe lefl hip. Hamphroi, l M Uanlinau, Or.lloreaa, II Hank . . 11,1.1. m, I. niln-r. Kiaht Mil. (w - lloraai it ,i h left h,Kildran. hrl It, left atirt I al. U aame in lefl hit. K" In M..rrow einly J ,ea. lUrrr. Il-ppn-r, lr - IbirtM bii, b-l M J on lb left ali en le'; c"l baatell J on rtM l ip, ali nit ii bit in l''1'1 ' la'a la j..rrw ceoair ,, Jmain M. M., Il,pir. Or - llor. hoiw ahiaa i ou lf( -H.Hilljf, la'Ua, t'.aaana. ttanaw IOai Mil. , j, . I. -R .. tral T Pa - I y -j j I f h r luU her lnl - - la - Dy ) , 1. Sleep soft - ly, O my babe, so sweet, mich V tjz 1 . 5 " j i1 y 2. Up - on my breast thy gold - en head, Eock'd J ' V j p j 8va. 8va. , J w J m- rim ' r 1 . g. loco. loco. j ' r -S gbSH -g-7 --E 3:E; ; If-X-iZ 1 tg- L -55" r WtJtt gT 'V- V- 1-' Soft-ly thy moth-er is hum - ming; Swayed to and fro, Gen tly and slow f iinrTj 1 ; i v . -i . . t -: F-. -a- ? ; - fedzaL-L-J!-J Jl-k E-l I 1 r - - tr 1 1 I 0 a m m m- -: "TZZT to my heart I press; Till flit - ting sun - beams come to greet' With ( fgfcrgZI g g F -bSr: ZZ J by iU rise and fall, h! were my heart for aye the bed To grj?T . . j P ' y p 1 . rall I An - gels from dream-land are com - - ing. Sleep, sleep, ba - - by mine, fj ' 1 I ,., , jj- QjQ ten - der, soft car - ress. May dreams as fair as E - den's glades Spread ... en rock thy sor - rows all; They'd fade in dreams se - rene and fair, TJn - - k 1 f iSfcj-- J BqrifrtirFg F U $'r 2 Pure as a ser - aph from glo - ry; Swayed to and fro. Gen - tly and slow, m j p k 1 1 f "J J. rj. Vlr-p j. j? 'LJl- I round thee in thy sleep, While an - - gels guard the - through night's shades, And zzMlZZf'-f J ' lJ til life's beam - ing sky Would e'en dis - pel a moth - er's care, And tT to the . gers Bto . ry. r ' z-r rr.TT fT pl Z Lp LPr ffg r. V 1 ' V I I jo--- 0-S I diminuendo I ritardando. loft Mifln; oattle, enme on rluht hip, under half irop in ri"h and atilit 'n left ear Kenny, Mike, lleppner. Or. Horeea branded KNY on lefthip cattle eame and crop off left Bar: nndnr elope on the rlht Kirk, J. T lleppner. Or. HorBm 89 on left shoulder; cattle, rW on loft hip. Kirk, Jimhb, Hoppnar, (Jr.; norae 11 on lert houlilBr; cattle mime on right eide, underbit on r' Kumberland.W. O.. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on cattle oil riKhtand loft eidee.ewallow fork in left ear and nndnr oiop in rluht ear. Iloraea anine brand on loft ahoulder. Khmko in (Irant conntv. Ijoftflii, Hlophen, Fox, Or. H 1j on left hip on cattle, crop and eplit on rluht ear. Hut-ana eame brand on left ahoulder. Khjikb Urant ootintv. ijienallnn, John W liexinir'on. Or. Horace hraudeil half-cirole J L connected on loft ghoul, der. Cattle, same on lefthiu. Itaniie, near Lex burton benhey, J. W. lleppner Or. Hnraea branded I, and A "" '" ehouldnr; cattle aame on left hip, wattle over rixht eye, thru alita in niflit ear. laird, Oeorue, lleppner. Or. Horeea branded double H oot.neotid Sometimes called a swing 11, on left shoulder. Minor, Oscar, rieppner nr. rattle, M D on riiihthip;liorae. M on left shoulder. Moraan, H. N., lleppner. Or. Iloraea, M) on left ahonldei catlle same nn Inft hip. Mitchell. Oacar, lone, dr. Horses, 7J on right hip; cattle, 77 on rmht aide. MoClarnn, 1). (., llrowna-rille. Or, Horaae, Fimire Hon each shoulder; cattle, fiVi on hip Mcdirr, Krank, Koi Valley, Or. Mule ahoe with pie-cork on catlle on nix as I nndnr in each ear; Inn an same brand on left at i tin. Mcllalej, u. ., naiuuton, Or. on More. with half circle under on left shonldnr;on t attle, four bara connectnl on top on the nht aide llanaa in Orant ( ounty. Neal. Andrew, lama llock.Or. Iloraea A N con uncled on left ahoulder; cattle same on laith hliw, Nonlyke, K Hllverton.Or. Home, circle Ion left thiali; caltle. sama on lefthip. Oliver. JiuMtph, ( aiiyon I ity, ur. a I on ram on left hip: on horses, same ou left thiiih, llnuae ll Orant county. Oiler, l'erry, Laaxiniiuin, nr. r u on leu ihoiitder, Oln. Herman. Piairle City. Or. On cattle. O 1,1' connected on left hip; hnraea on left at i fir and warlle on nose, uanue in uranl comity. 1'earaon, IHnv, Main ine, nr. iiora.w, nuai- ar circle ahielil on lert siioiiiner ami it on ten hip. Cattle, fork in left ar, rlalit cnippetl. 'M on left hip. Itaiiaeon Kinlit Mile, Parker A (iliwain, llanliuan.or,-Horse 11' oD left altttlilder. PiiMtr. Krcaai. lilnton. or,- norma urann- (I. K coiinecteiK on left shoulder! cattle a me on riaht hip. liana, ilorrow county. 1'iiH.r.J. It., laistnuton. or. -iloraea. r, con n ix' led in left ahmilder; caltle, same on left lap, nttder bit In each ear. I'eiiva A. ('.. lone, nr.! tiorae matnomi nn ahoulder: I'aHle. J II J connected, on (he left hip, upper slop In left ear aud slip In the rluht. Itoo.1. Anitrew. Hamiuan. Or. Horaee, aonare croaa Willi ipiarter-circleover it on left ali'le. Heinuaer. I hri. lleppner, nr.- iioraa. . it on left ahoulder. liuali llnai., lleppner, Or.- Horse branded I mi the riubl ahoulder: cattle, IX on the Inft hip rrop nil left ear and dewlap on neck. Italic ll Morrow and ailjoliilnn coiiuiiea. Ibwiey. Andrew. liniton, Or Iloraea hrandnt A II on rmht shoulder, eut nuartei cinl over brand; cattle sama on rialit lop. llioiae Humi county. Il..)ae, Win. II. Dairyvllle, Or-IIB rnnne.-fai with miarler cin le over Pip on caltle oa na-M hiy and crop ot( riaht ear ami apbt In left. Iloraea same brand oil left ahoulder. Hall III Morrow Oraut and liilliatn cmintie. Il, lor i. W.. lleppner. Or.- Horn. JU m left ahoulder. Catlle, (Ion right hits Noicknatl. J. W.. HiHiaelierry. Or.- Iioraa branded il ou left alnmlder i lang in Mom' county. hailiii. C C lleppner, Or-llore branded on lefl alnmliler; caltle aam on left hip Hwaanari, M Itinia, Or.- Ilnrae with under II on left aolla: caltle 11 will daah nmler it in ridhl hip, crop of rih( ear aud waddled on rigid loud leg. Hang in Morrow, tnl ham and l iuallll couultM. Hwaart. A. I...Ai'iii. Or - Hon brMtdav 1 nn lelt ahieil.lef. cell le Mill on left hip. CM? un ar. aiue on lefl hiad leg. Hlralght W. K lleppner. Or -Ib'Pao I H ou lefl alitle, catlle J Hon Uft hip, (wallow fork in right a', onderlut In led, Kai.p. 1 li.a . lleppner, Or.-Hor, H A P ofi left lop; ratlla mon left hip. , Miner. John, Km, Or,-Si latnnact! on hnrae on rihl hip; caltla, aam on rigb flip, crop .lt rtatlil ear and BimWf bit in left m(, lUng in liranl -int Mmilh llr,- . hllaliville. Or. lloraa. brandeil II. . on all, Milder; call la, aam on lefl shoulder H-pnre. James, Atliiiatmi, (U,; hor branda) JH on laft alemi.ler, calll Ih Santa, al n,a a. I. lie. banir in worrow and liiioam eunetiaa Mephat,, v , A., Hantffian, Or-t hor tsao riil i , caul horisocial L oa th right ai.l Mvaiaai, Mr A. J., Happner, Or. . will, H un ril,t I n i wJli'W folk in laft aw. Haaggari. (I. W.. Ileppnar, Or - Hot, 14 imi i laft iHit la, , i-.'tla. tl on l't hip. ! Uperrr. 0 . IteppiM. Or. 11(1 C a i Mi top, crop off niil and to. .left. it In ft yaar, ; di-viap; Ixilaea a ( ,n left lHli,Wr 1 I i J A , lleppniw. Or. ICnaaa. (on le't ah.ub(er, caul, I mi left ah,il,lr, 1'ipiaH. .(. ',,fcsiptk,(hHiri, Cm laft ' sb.Htbler . I I urna K. W.. Ilapppa. (v. inall tal t j ah aienildar bur, can mm M Wt k' I Willi Skill la Wia an. Copyright, Bq4, by The New York Musical Record Co. Thornton, II. M., Tone, Or. Horses branded 11T connected on Inft stitie; sheep sama brand, Vanderpool. H. 'P., Lena, Or: Horses H V con nected ou iii;ht ahoulder;cattle, same on right hip Walbridgo. Wm.. Iloppner, Or. Horses, TJ. L. on the Inft shoulder; cattle same on right hip, crop ntl left ear and rinlit ear lopped. Wilson, John Q Balom or lleppner, Or. Horaos branded Jg on the left shoulder. Iiange Morrow oonnty. Warren, W H. Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter circle over it.ou left side, split iu right ear. Horses same brand on left shoulder, llaiigein U relit oonuty. Wade, Henry, Heppnor, ur. Horses nrnnneo ace of spades on loft shoulder and left hip Cattle branded same on left side and left hip. WolBuger, John, John Day City, Ur On horses three parallel bars on left ahonldar; 7 on sheep, bit in Doth ears, Hauge in Urant and Malliuer counties. Wiaalward, John, lleppner, Or. Horses, DP oonnectcd on left shoulder. Watkina, Liaha, lleppner, Or. Horses branded UK oonneotad on left stitle. Wallace. Charle. lleppner, Or. Cattle, W on right thigh, hole in left ear; horse, W on right shoulder somr same on left, shoulder. Whlltier tiros., nuniingiou. Baker Co., Or. Horses branded VV H connected on left shoulder Williams. Vasoo. nainilton.Or. Qnarter eir- cle over three bare on left hip, both caltle and hnraea. Itaiiiro ttnuit comity. William. J O, Ixmg ( reck. Or Horses, quar tr circle over three bars on left hip; ijattla same and alit in each ear. Hang In Ornut connty Wren, A. A., lleppner, Or, Horace nuiniiigA A nn ahouliler: Cattle, same on riilht hltl. Young, J, H., Oiaawiierry, Or. Horeea brandai' THnnfha rlsht ahonlda- ALU WHO CULTIVATE FRUITS FLOWERS VEGETABLES For Pleasure or Profit, Should sea that th Journal ther nbacrib to la toe nrl ami most reuau. ulbority obtaiuabla. inNa a -a. J SUHDS FOREMOST IH THE LIST. ll deals practically with fmlts snd yegetabl, iters, siirups ana nowrrs, ana covers tin field of horticulture systematically and thoroughly. It llluatratra and dracribc mrthnds of rultiva tion, improved vartetiesand labor-saving ilrviitfj. It la, without doubt. The Paperforihe People! 1.00 I'rat (34 ssnftfri), flpocfmen copv and Apga catalogua o( kottivultural iMaik tltll on application. American Girdenin, 1 70 Fulton St., N.Y. Dtnats, Trade-miiki, Dejign Patents, Coprrjhtt And all Patrat hualora coadoctrd fct MODERATE FEES. lofnrmstli. and advtca firrs to Isrsalors wtlhooj barf. A'btrea PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WE00ER BURN llaaa Aticrwy, T0,IVi4. WasmaoT". D.C "Th'i (Vmeaay ts imaaf4 ty eomMtiailoa el IKa lar.l auj mt laSaratial aavia'er la tin tt,ttr4 aiat-, f,r ihpriaa ari at rale their awfeawMltvr waiaH a -ni ilms a4 le- ult,pti.t I'aiatti Atf- bla, ah.l a ttat arltitU, thai l rrtlwm. at vwaches (of IV rM Hut! 4 aia staaP t th pen -;tM Cuaiaasa nio,rptii 1 r0 pi diava il Fbr- faftl'i tallerr. wf nptrr, boat, rth Mla Ht.. HtTtfintf, Or. Summons. N THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY of Morrow, rjtato ot Oregon, me ntortnern uounues n vestment Trust Limited, rnuuuu. vs. Q. W. Stewart, James 1). Hamilton, G. W. Harrington Addle Par- in and J. N. Brown, Defendants. I To O. W. Stewart aud James D. Hamilton, De fendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE GON. You are hereby reuulred to appear and nswer the complaint filed against you In the ahovt entitled cause on or before the first day of tne next regular term oi the atiove named court, to-wit : March '2fi. 1X95: and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take Judgment against you and will apply to the court tor tne reuei ucinaiitieu in its complaint, to:wit: A decree for the sum of one Thousand Dollars gold coin with Interest thereon at the rate of ight percent per annum from the Hrst day of my. n, until paid. Mir tne sum oi mix snrl Fifty Two Hundreths Dollars with Interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum Irom the i'th day of January, lMtt, ana the sum of One Hundred Dollars attorney's fee. and costs and disbursements of this suit. Also for the foreclosure of the mortgage executed by de fendant (1. W. Htewart so secure the payment ol the same and conveying the Wit of the HVYi, See. at). TheWUnfthe JiWU, the Eu of the Kiaand the N V l-i of the HE1 and the WV of the HVi of Hcc. XI. all In Tn South of KangeUA E W M, for (he sale of said premises and for iiidgmcnt and execution against the de fendant U. W. Htewart for any deficiency which may remain alter applying the proceeiis ol the saleol said premises in payment of the above named sums, and ror sucli further react as Is demanded In plaintiffs complaint. i ins summons is aerveu Dy piinncaiion ny or der of W. I.. Bradshaw, Judge ol the aoova named court. J. N. BROWN, iWJI. Attorney for I'laintlir. Notice of Intention. rANDOFFICK AT TIIK DAU.KS, ORH0ON j Feb. ID, la'.H. Notice Is hereby given that he following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make dual proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, si lleppner, Oregon, on April 10, l'.i"t, vtt : 11 1 ham si. i hi in i'ii 71, hd e no W'7, for the NE and .N'vi HKV sec 1 s. r n KWM. lie names me toiiowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence iipou and cultivation 01 sain laint, vn: h. r 0r11s and A T. McNsy, of Ilcppnet Paul Rivttnaii and A. T. Wood, lone. i. V. MOORE, f."2m29 Register. Notice of Intention. I ANP OFFICE AT THE DALITS. OREGON, 4 March 1.4. IwA Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention lo nist final proof In support of hi claim, and that said proof will be made la-fore i. H. Morrow, Co. clerk, al Hcppner. Oregon, on apni a, ia vis: W1UUAM 0. IHOTT. Hd K. No. 71 lor the Wi4 NWi snd W. KW He-, SJ, Tp. U K. i'i E. W. M. He name th following witness tn prov hlscoiitluiioiiB realdcuca upon and cultivation ol said land, vie O. W. Hinlth, Fraik Smith. R t). I'slmer.Thn. Harnrlt, all of laiugton, ttregon. xia-ja. J. t. Miaias, Register. W. C. T. U. COLILMN. For Gt anil llomt ami Eifry Lund. J. MU8. MATTIE SSI HAD, at rr. ur mr-wi work. Htrr.MR, march . ix. XVsft ft wlmll this flowing story, Ortm and sorrow tooa mutt c. T nuUng la lb Lord of lliorv. tlnctar Hint wall I ml rla. Nine bo) of Portland, th nl.trat only fifteen, war tnJ fur larceny of aluskey and txer, Tby bmk into th baarmaiit of a Ibaater building wito (tie Intention of seeing th play ft tt sitnr; and, finding lb liq iors stored tlsra, drank inloinatioa. Tv Lullaby.- were given sixty days in jail, bul after wards were turned over to the Boy's and Girl's Aid Society who Bllowed tbem to go home on parole. Do not forget that the reading room on Main street is open, warm and light ed every evening. Drop in when con venient and you will be weloomed and find a pleasant place to spend an hour or two. The Christian Endeavor Sooiety of Portland is making a fight against sa loons and in favor of purity in that oity. They, with the temperanoe workers in the churches, nnited in a petition to the council praying that licenses be not granted to houses of immoral obaraoter and that existing laws against such places be more vigorously euforoed. Home temperanoe people instead of go ing to work with a will to help the cause along, hold themselves aloof and criti cise the methods of those who engage in active work. Friends, this is uufair. Come and joiu our Union and aid ui by your presence and wise counoil aud to gether we may do mncb to awaken the pnblio to a sense of justi.e and a higher standard ot purity. The Dominion Oddfellow favors the exolusioo ot saloon keepers from the order. A public driuking fountain bat been donated to th city by tbe W. C. T. U. of MerJeu, Cnn. The legislature of New Mexico has enacted a law prohibiting the sale ot to bacoo in any form to minors. Not tbe drunkard, but tbe drunkard maker; not the drnuksrj'e borne, but the saloon, is the question that every one of oi is meeting, became we And mil that tbe saloon is tbe boulder on tbe track and the reason wby we do but succeed. Mary T. Lathrop. COSTKIllfTKI). Tbrnngh the kindness of onr congress man, W. It. Ellis, tkia W. Q T. U .of Ueppner, is the recipient ot tba last census reports, In sii volume. They were sent from the department of Inie rior at Washington as an addition to the library of oar reading room, and con sist of tbe following volumes : The Pub lic J Petit. Wealth, an J Taxation; Mineral lodnitriea; Insarauce; Alaska; Compendium of Population, part one; Compendium ot Population, part two; Miscellaneous Statistics. Tbete volumes treat lo miaul de tail of the subjects upon whioh they ara written, f irming a valuable ad.litioa to our library, ami tor which w ara ti eeedingty tbaokfot. File! meat Itrklag file, hymptoma Moisture; miens itehipg an.l stinging; moat at night; worn by scratching. It allow! to funtiOue tumor form, which often b!d and uicersia, Wcimlng very or. ! atxi a OiKTUtxT stop th llclimg and blew, tug, beats nlcwraiion, and in moat ear remove the tumor At druggists, or by mail, for SOexnts. lr.Hani Hon, Ptuladalplila, BREEDERS. The Way In Which They Cara for and Manage Their Flocks. Sheep farmers in England do not all follow the same methods of care and management of their flocks, says John Jackson, of Ontario. In some sections where they have shaded permanent pastures the sheep are allowed to roam at large for a portion of the season. In other parts of the country they are folded in hurdles summer and winter. In some cases they are folded on grass land, and moved every day; in others they are kept in folds, the grass being cut and fed in racks in this case they are moved at regular intervals, so that in cither case by this system the land is regularly and evenly manured. And again, in other cases, the land is sown with vetches; the sheep are then folded on this land, the vetches being cut forward of the fold, and also fed in the racks. Another thing the flock masters are very particular about is to use nothing but a first-class ram, even in the flocks that are only kept for wool and mutton. They attend the ram sales and buy the best they can get. I know of a breeder that so . lar.t. year at the Cirencester ram sale forty rams that brought enough munev to pay the rent on a good farm of eight hundred acres, and the most of these rams would be bought for crossing. Hut to determine just how far we can follow the English practice of management in our flocks we must first consider the different circum stances in which we are placed our hotter climate in summer, the more in tense cold in winter, the smttllness of our flocks, coit of labor, value of the product, etc. Yet in many ways, to a certain extent at least, we would do well to follow their example in the care and management of their flock.. And, while the hot sun and aevere frost may le against tiatoanmo extent, our climate a a whole ia ahead of the English climate for the health and growth of sheep. Wiiitt. clothing Is cool, becatiae it re flects the heat of the sun; black cloth' ing ia warm, because it absorbs both heat and light. ENGLISH SHEEP WW mm : WITH. BIS, cure BO LJ3STD to TnkoMSm. Leaves No Constipation, Cores it, aa well a all II Uioti.uM., .ck Hendach aud Malaria Tt, onlv C. tlrMBtaiB.l i t0 11-.,.,1,1. K,,!J by all rlM(t.w t a,n f mtl, 7T'.T ? ,"l,"Jlb, ' U- --. Ii M EDICA L CO . vta vswmwhiih v.iitwi. FRIZES ON PATENTS. How to get 1100 and Perhaps Make a Fortune. We secure patents and to induce people to keep track of their bright ideas we offer a prize of one hundred dollars to be paid on the first of every month to tbe person who submits to us the most meritorious invention during the preceeding month. We will also advertise the invention free of charge in tbe National Recorder, a weekly news paper, published in Washington, D. C, whioh has an extensive circulation throughout tbe United States and ia devoted to tbe interests of inventors. NOT BO HARD A8 IT SBRMS. The idea of being able to invent some thing strikes most people as being very diflioult; this delusion tbe company wishes to dispel. It is the simple things and small inventions that make tbe greatest amouot of money, and the com plex ones are seldom profitable. Almost everybody, at some time or another, oonoeives no idea, which, if patented, would probably be worth to bitu a fortnne. Unfortunately snob ideas are usually dismissed without thought. Tba simple inventions like the car window wblob conld be easily Hid np and down without breaking tba passenger a back, the sauce pan, collar button, tbe nut lock, the bottle stopper, tbe snow shovel, sre things that almost everyone sees soma way of improving upon, and it ia these kind ot inventions that bring tbe greatest returns to tbe author. Tbe prize we offer will be paid at the end of eaob month, whether tba appli cation has been acted upon by tba Patent Office or not. Every competitor mnst apply for a patent on bis invention through us, and whether he secures tba prize or not, tba inventor will bava a valuable latent. THE TRESS CLAIM COM PANT, Jons WcDDiaaraH, Gen'l Manager, 618 F St. N. W. Washington, D. C. P. 8. Tbe responsibility ot tbia company may be indued from tbe fact tbat its stork ia held by about seventeen hundred of tba leading newspapers of tbe United States. tf. rain : FlltS ! - Ma . - -l "'