Notice to Advertisers. rHOSE desiring the Insertion of display ads., or change of same, must Ret their copy in lot later than Monday evening for Tuesday'! f Klltlou, or inursaay evening lor rrniay s ecu f .on. Thk Patterson Publishing Co. i Take Notice. 1. The sum of five rents per line will be '"hargwl for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, no obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other i entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five ... ,ents a line. These rules will be strictly adher j od to in every instance. ,!. Advertising rates reasonable aad made known lpon application. AVe hold each and every correspondent res ponsible for his or her communication. No orrespondence will be published unless the writer's real name is signed as an evidence of ood faith. T" P. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8- .1 J. lng Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange, sail Francisco, is onr authorized agent. paper is kept on tile in hiBOthce. This Give your business to Heppner people, ind therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize fOU. TIME TABLE. Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek, 7ohn Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows : Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday. A rrives every day at 6 p. m., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and beBt line to or from the interior country. WALT. THOMPSON, Prop. Phill Cohn, Agent. City Hotel Bar! The Public are Informed that G. B. Tedrowe 1s located In the City Hotel Building, and keepB the best brands of Liquors and Cigars to be found in Heppner. Gambrlnus Beer on tap. Served in largest sized mugs. G. B. TEDROWE, Prop. Here and There. Ben Cox is over from Long Creek. Get Yeager's prices on wall paper, 15-2. Spray sells meat lower tban before. W. W. Smead, having been to con siderable, expense to improve his fowls by the introduction of new blood from the prise peas of 8 A. Wells, of Aimed a, Cal., Is now prepared to furnish enge of tbe Brown Leghorn breed that eaunot pe excelled in Oregon. 17-tf. B. F. Swaggart is prepared to furnish his "Sure Shot" squirrel poison in wholesale lots. He has already received a large order from Washington and Idaho. Every where it has been need, it has not failed to exterminate tbe little pests. tf. John Buseick and bride leave touigbt for their future home in Nebraska. John's friends give bim a year to stay biok there to satisfy him eternally that morrow oonnty is the best place on God's green earth. Tbe branch engine killed four horses Friday night near lone. One of them ran into the looomotive after it was safely out of danger, which reminds the editor of tbe oolt that our friend, Thompson, owned, Harry Warren and Art Minor went out to Rhea oreek this morning on a fidhing excursion, and if all signs fail not they should be quite successful. Both are well up in the ranks of piscatorial sports. Karl's Clover Root will purify your Blood, clear your Complexion, regulate your bowels and make your bead clear as a bell. 25c , 50o., and $1- Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr. T. W. Ayers, Jr., is making squirrel poison that he guarantees. No kill no pay, and sells it at 25 cents per can, 6 oans for 81.50; 82.50 per dozen. Get a sample and try it. tf. A runaway team ran over a man in Wallula the other day, and before it oould be stopped circled back and ran over bim Bgain. He came out with several broken ribs. T. R. Lyons returned from Condon Friday, Bocompanied by T. S. Van Vleet, a pedagogue of Gilliam county. Tbe latter returned Sunday. Green Mathews for shaving, hair- cutting, shampooing and all other work in that line. Baths at any time during business hours. C. M. Jones, assistant. Nervous People should realize that the only true and permanent cure for their condition ia to be found in having Pure Blood Because the health of every organ and tissue Of the body depends upon the purity of the blood. The whole world knows the standard blood purifier is Hood's Sarsaparilla And therefore It is the only true and reliable medicine for nervous people. It makes the blood pure and healthy, and thus cures nervousness, makes the nerves firm and strong, gives sweet sleep, mental vigor, a good appetite, perfect digestion. It does all this, and cures Scrofula, Eczema, or Salt Rheum and all other blood diseases, because it Makes Pure Blood YfJlBUWn MEW.iXlTIIlJ PMIPIW? iUlTlMM IV 1 1 il I H K I i 1 n IW lULilllimUlLti UVL' Big store at Heppner has a complete assortment of Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware and Gener al Merchandise. W We Sell !H The Celebrated . V A GOLDEN WEST Baking Powder AND "COLUMBIA" ROASTED COFFEE. These goods are Strictly Pure and give the best of satisfaction. Kesuiis pi-ove ever' said. Thousands oi moniala fully establish the fact that ry word we have 31 voluntary testi- ood's Sarsa- Be "Sure f fGS to Get Hood's j " Hood's Sarsaparilla cured our boy of eczema which physicians treated in vain." Frank W. Bradbury, 328 Johnson Avenue, Trinidad, Colorado. We will Retail Goods at Wholesale Prices, FOR CASH ONLY. CASH STORE! Credit Has no future value to us, and we don't want any man's Patrona ge Upon any other than a money basis. We can't place "credit" at any kind of interest. We Don't Want NO MORE CREDIT SALES ! Our books are closed to any Further Credit Business. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, constipa tion, biliousness, sick headache. Indigestion. 26c. THE DKAMA. The Young People Creditably to a Acquit Themselves Crowded House. ever prices at . return to Works, Grain fed meats at summer Spray's. Photographer Dowe will Heppner in July. The Niles-Vinson, Marble Walla Walla, Wash. Frank Sloan spent Sunday in Hepp ner visiting his parents. During the month of March Yeager will sell wall paper at cost. xo-i. Lee Padberg and Dan Summers were in from Lexington yesterday. Aodv Tillnrd was in from Lis Lome ranch on Butter creek Saturday, For sale, on reasonable terms, a Haines Bros, piano in good oonditiun. Also a baby oarnage. For particulars enquire of A. M. Gunn. tf A sure oure for the liquor habit. No cure no pay. for full particulars and terms call on T. W. Ayers, Jr., City Drug Store. 9-tf. Heppner's talented amateur, Mr. S. S. Horner, is preparing to put on a good play in tbe near future. Look out for it. Expected to arrive at Minor & Co 's in the next few days, tbe largest stock of dry goods eyer brought to Heppner. tf Wanted Tbe drama, "Out in the Streets," waB rendered at the opera house last Satur day evening to a large audience, and was well reoeived. Miss Anna Brown and r. S. 8. Horner sang some beauti ful selections between acts and were liberally and most deservedly applauded. Misa Brown is a vooahst of more tban ordinary note. Her voice is sweet, wsll- modulated and shows culture and train ing. Mr. Horner is well-known to Hepp ner audienoes, has an excellent, well- Best Syrup, per keg J2.50 Beans, 27 pounds for 1.00 Roast Coffee, 4 pounds 100 Green Coffee, 4V4 pounds 1.00 Granulated Sugar, 16 pounds 1.00 Extra C Sugar, 17 pounds 1.00 Best Rice, 14 pounds 1 00 Tomatoes, 10 cans 1.00 Sugar Corn, 8 cans 1.00 Golden Gate Baking Powder, 2 rbs 1.00 Dr. Price's Baking Powder, 2V4 lbs 1.00 Golden West Baking Powder, 1 pound.... 5 gallon Keg Pickles 1.00 5 gallon Can Coal Oil 1.25 20 tbs. Rolled OatB 1.00 3 pounds Chocolate 90 6 cans Table Fruit 100 12 pounds Seedless Raisins 1.00 10 pounds Extra Raisins 1.00 go to the house or take sewing at home Mrs. Marv Hunriprsnn. We call attention to the new ad of Meadows & S!rivner in this issue. Tbey are out for business. Gibouseo Bros, are making a special out on large family groups; call and G. B. Tedrowe has keg beer on tap et get their prices. tf i i . I I popular prices, wstm iubiuu Wanted-Lanndrv work by Mrs. C, The Weekly Sun and the Gazette 12.75 Nelson, old Mountain House. Mending per year, both strictly in advance trained voice and on this occasion fairlv Plnin or fanoy sewing. Will eicelieJ bimsoif . Yeacrer is selling wall paper at oost. Call on him and be convinced. 15-2. D. W. Hornor has sold his stock to Noble & Co. and is at present out of business. Now is the time to kill squirrels; aud Swaggart's "Sure Shot" is the stuff to do it with. u. Cbas. Cole was over from Butter oreek, yesterday, looking prosperous end happy. O. J. Cox was in from Eight Mile vesterdav. He says it ia too oold to ' farm much. Anyone having one, two and three' year-old steers for sale should see Sam Kinsman at Heppner. ti. W. R. Caeev has traded for the J, W McAtee lot down on Gule street, and is erecting a house thereon. The big rush Oilhousen Bros, are having will oompel them to miss filling their orders on time by several days, tr, Poor branding oil is expensive at any prioe, because the brand will soon come off. Cull on Minor & Co. and get the best. tf A bimetallic leBgue will shortly be organized in Morrow county, tbe mem bershiu to inolude silver men from all political parties. Dr. J. H. Fell's professional oaid Bp pea rs in this issue. Tbe Dr. bas decided to locate in Heppoer and we trust h will prosper. MeBdows & Scnvner, the blacksmith borsesboera aud wood butchers, at tbe old Gunn stand, Main street, tleppner. Call on the boys. Eagle : Ralph Ditteuboeffer, represent neatly done. Urval Jones curries his hanU in a sling, tbe result of intimaoy with a sickle grinder. Trv Avers' squirrel poison before buying any other. (July per dozen. tf. Loin steak, 8 ot. ; round steak, 6 cts.; rib steak, 5 ots., at 8prays. No fish oil sold by Minor & Co. for branding sbeep. tf Avers guarantees bis poison. Only $2.50 per dozen. tf. Alex Cornett was in from Lena yes. terday. Nervous People And those who are all tired out BDd have that tired feeling or sick beadiiobe oau be relieved of all these symptoms by taking Hood Sarsapnrilla, which gives Derve, mental and bodily strength and thoroughly purities the blood. It also creates a good appetite, oures indigeitioo heartburn and dyspepsia. Hood a fills are easy to take, easy in action aud sure in effect. 25o Repctts, the famous running mare, died Pnday at the Matlock ranch on flinton creek, aged 16 rears. She could run in less than 1:40 In her palmy days and was one of the bes known racers cn the coast. The Matlock brothers thought a great deal of her and keenly feel her Ion, which cannot be replaced to them In dollars. Tom Matlock Informs us that lie laved her spring colt. Harry Bagley as "Colonel Wayne" made an excellent Southern gentleman of the old school, aud seemed to enter iDto tbe spirit of tbe character, though with training be could improve much in this role. John Hornor as "Solomon Davis" was much the despicable, merciless character that he sought to depict, yet Mr. Hornor was too mechanical and did not got away from his lines sufficiently to lead the audience to forget altogether tbat he was John Hornor instead of Solomon Davis. Mr. Hornor memorizes easi and with some effort oau overoome this little difficulty. Lena Behme as "Mrs. Wayne," Ada Minor as "Miss Wayne," Eva Brians as Mrs. Bradford" and little Leuh Minor as tbe daughter ot Mrs. Uraaford rendered their different parts excellently surprisingly well. Jas. Hart as "Pete," the negro servant, was a whole show to bimseir. Jim proved that be bad looked np the little details ot negro character, and he was there with every one of them. 11 famished fun for tbe whole evening. Percy Garrigues as "Mat! Davis," tbe on ot Holomen Davis, and Harry Warren at "Dr. Medfleld," did quite well id their respective parts. Peroy acted admirably the impudent and way ward son. The receipts ot the evening were $46.50, anl we learn tbat after all expenses were paid there remained 820.50 whioh was turned over to tbe Christian Endeavor society. Consider ing the vry low price of admission, we oonsider it financially, as well as otherwise, a great success. A Few Cash Prices. They Speak Louder Than Words. Dry Goods Boots & Shoes At prices to compete with any cash store in the country. The cash buyer to pay for losses occasioned by bad debts. We treat all alike, and sell goods for less money than you can get them elsewhere. GIVE US A CALL ! IE MPML CASH STORE. GIVE US A CALL It is the Headquarters ! 8AM MEADOWS. W. P. BCRIVNJSR. MEADOWS & SCRIVNER, Have succeeded A. M. Gunn in the Blacksmithing Business and are prepared to do all kinds of ESHOEI Call A Wagon Shop run in connection. Satisfaction guaranteed. on them at the old Gunn shop, MAIN STREET, - 1 aw. . IIEPPNEU. paints, Drug; C)11m, UIiimh, Toi let Artloew, Patent Medicine, Office of all stages running out of Heppner, PHIL. COHN, Proprietor. The Eeelov Insti V Uo President Conser agreed to write to Surveyor Johnson, of Qrant oounty, in regard to surveying the Mitchell road through bis oountry. Mr. Conser made a proposition to furnish $30, or the amount required to meet current expeoses, for thirty days without interest, and tbe proposition was aocepted. The body then adjourned. Back lea's Arnica Salve. Tbe beBt salve in the world for cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Halt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all skin eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to irive perfect satisfaction or money rerunaea. riPoe 25 cents per box. For sale by W. Ayers. Jr. A SPECIAL OFFER FOB SPRING PLANT-INU. -OF- Ex (insure to rough weather, dampness, extreme oold, etc., is apt to bring ou an attack ot rheumatism or neuralgia; Id tbe fall of 1803 a son of Mr. T. A. MoFarland, s prominent merchant of Live Oak, Sutter Co., Cal., was taken with a heavy oold. The pains in Lis ing tbe well known firm of DitteDhoeller. cnftpped DI,Dj, Bnj (809( orc,ed lips ohet were so severe tbat he bad spasms Litffhi. wilP 0n L0DUe!k and violent itching of the skin also owe threatened with pneumonia, merobants this week. b ,( W(,R,b(.r- Dr j H Ui" father gave bun several large doses Mathews Bros., City hotel barber shop, McLean's Voloanic Oil Liniment should "f Chamberlain Cormh Remedy which tonsonal artists. Hairoutting, shaving, shampooing, etc., done soientitioally. baths at 25 cents apiece. Tbe Weekly Hun ia a metropolitan journal of goodly proportion. Only 81 per year, vt it rt tu tzi;tte, both sinewy la advance, 8-.T j per year. O. W. Hatt. the tonsorial artist, can be found at his parlors, M .it lock corner, where be will dispense at popular prices, f haves, shampoos, haircuts, etc. Born To the wife of Yawtot Cranford, on Wednexday, Msrch 20, IS'.C), a girl Vawter is able to attend to his duties at foreman of the OnZctts office gam. Alfred Hale g 't h me this mirniog from l'dudl"ton. and 14 Comuelltd to ai'oonnt ol gxtting hn nirlit foot bitdly cut with b.irb wire recently. J. B. Natter has ri-op-ficl the Brewery Saloon, ktwping on t ip at all times the best beer on tbe PaciDO Coast. Also on hands tb bwit brands of liquors, wines and cigars. wtr. F.agle: J. E. Frick, who was president tf tbe defunct Arlington and bkrrCi7 bank, has gone to U lotu Territory to engg i toe cattle buaiunM ou an el trust srale. Mrs. J. B. Hperry La r(ltted and Oponed BP a !. first-HiiM rratatirHOt In tbe Lieotpnitial boll. In. tf. on tbe t hie ot Mam street, where (lie I proper- j ed to atrve ti pntiliO in the ht of tyl. Mniiday rtiriuir peetalty. 1 Npil ri- to ln.ilir. Fur good meat jitrf.i.;t t ,i rtiir t. tf. riju)pt"U, of ki'in'7 tr "il'lc slioald be promptly att-ul'-l to; Hry ere naturr'e warning tlmt orii.-tLIng t wrong. Many pr'ii il viclime of kt 'i.ey diaws who Coll i tvrtl hh bad tby tki i rop r i nau'tn . lbe proiiu.t n i.f lr. J. If. M'-Iit-en'e Ijver end Kl li)-r Halm l savrd thnao' "I VabiabU hv. If y1 bave toy dffarig-iu'-iit ot tbe kijneye tff it. i'rieell rbwttle. be kept on band at all times lor Im mediate application when troubles of tins nature appear. It ia aoveriiun remedy. 2"io,5Uoand (1.00 per bottle. For sale by Hlocnm-Jobnson broke up tbe ocugb and cured him Mr. McFarland snys win-never his children bave croup he Invariably gives them Cbamberlain'e Cough ltrmedy aod it always oures them, tie consider it the best rounh remedy in tbe market. For sale by Klocnm-Johutoa Drug Co Mrs. Alex Thompson Is quite 111. K'l. R. Blihop ami wife were oer to I'emlletnn sat wet'i. J. ('. and Oo t'nhoe were In fiom Monument late last week. Themnthi-r oil. W. Hwo.'s illcl at Walla Walla hotiinlay. Mrs. J. I,. I'arrlsh Is over from Pilot Krx i vliltltiR her pa.pla. A. W. Patterson, nf the tiazette, Is confined to his room with "grip." Jakt K''T anl Ju1k Cail were among lone s vlillors Katur.lty laat. Mr. ami Mrs Goo. Hmith anil Hon. 1. 8 Biilhlijr were at'i'ing tlm visitors to the InetPipolll laat CalurJaV. K M lluU hirie. Prof. C. II. Milton, M ami II III. kliiwin. 0. A ainl 1 C. of ftrattl. In i.t. A.,b a,.,, u i.k.n not MoimUv tijr J. A. Frlaine, who will a- thum Canyon City owiog to Dot knowing the airir tu j unci i,ii nar w nrr i nvjr win iifiri a oi. a In mu lilii. Thr will dimtitl ucvi., at iut the GaMMUt hoa so. O T. t'oiiglas rvlrI a f'n I' t'nm Mold, Mu., a lr ilaya o on hlh In (rfielil to l.av li-an paid, but whrn It ran. f to th plni h, A npra rharra mrtt Uiwl up analnal th animal, and Mr. Iiotigiaj rH'ia"! lii I'-ritr Mm. IliaO K. N. la In tht )a I, ml too, ati w ill h'ilt hlin till mini ptrn digs up. BOA ill) OK TRAHK MKKT1M1. The Mltihfll Road I'ropoaltlna Rrpnrtrd n T A.brrt AlTfra.-The Good Work Pr.graa At a railed meting of Heppner's board of trade, on March 22, 189," President Qo. Conser presided and L W. lirigus acted aa eecretary. The report of Albert Ayers was called for in regard to the Milcbt ll road and be slated that be found tbe miasmg petition with 101 signature annfied thereto. It bad not been forwarded to t-biloli'a due, lie great Cond and Cronp Cure. I to great demand. I'tirkrl ail! e int ai n twenty five doae only'i-V. Cbillren love it. hold by T. W. A;ers Jr. Walt. Tboint on ruo etage betwen Heppner and Monutnetit, arriving every day irt,t Monday sad leaving every day eieept ShuiUt. Mliorfeat end Cheap Mt roale to tbe Interior. V. Oba, agent. MrFe'land Mentle Co., bave chafitfed lti'f bnlnea to en kbaolflte i eali ha', tietfififiing with the tie jer. 1 Tb-if p'liv eomna' with the l"wet. A Uo aell ll.e OoMi n Weal Baking F'o- j dr, a Hfxt ae the beat la j eed e.eepr. bee Hf 4. time tbat it was nee.lwl, but Mr. Ayers secure! tlie service of a mau for two day who was well aciuaioUd with the eoontry and jmsted the neciary notice, aud tLeo took tbe jtition to Canyon City and Died eain itb (he REPCBLICAN CLUBS. Tbe state oonvention of republican o'.ubi bus been called to meet in Port land, May 23. Every regularly organized club in tbe stite is entitled to one repre sentative at large and one for each 25 membert or fraction thereof greater than 15. Every club in Morrow county is urgently requested to meet aud select delcsatee for this oonvention. It not convenient to call a meeting, let the president aud secretary get together and make the selection. Let us kelect delegates and see that every olub in this ennuty is represented. If those selected cannot attend see thu - xies are giveo to those who will represent the club. The following- are tbe clubs in Morrow oouuty, wilb name of president and seoretary, and Dumber of members where same was furnished to tbe state secretary : Morrow county flub, Heppner A. W. Patterson, Jay Hhipley, 70. Heppner club, Heppner J. N. Brown, T. W. Ayers, Jr., number of members not reported. Liberty club, Eight Mile C. O. Fuqiia, Wm. Court. Cecil clnb, Douglas F. J. League. O W. Miller, 20. Lexington olub, Lexington W. B. McAllister, J. W. Vaugban. lone club, lone-Paul Heitman, F. W. Baleiger, 30. W. IX. Ellis olub, l-fui-Jerry Broanan, Aleg Cornett. Bine Mountain club, Uarduiau - lloyse. W. E. Kabler, 4U. Pine City olub, Galloway C. M. Lonitf, J. M. ribaw, 15. Oixneberry club, (Jooeeberry J. W. Hpikeuall, M. 8. I I will gladly furoiib any asaiatanc or tiifortuaiiou required. lU-port naiuee nr Having bongbt tbe entire interest in nursery stock from the J. Q. Whitney's estate coDsiNliug of apples, peurs, plums, prunes, cherries, peaobes, apricots, neotarines, grapes, raspberries, black berries, curi ants, gooseberries, dew berries, pie plant, strawberries, eta,, also shade and ornamental trees, maples, elms, white ash, mountain ash, catalps locUHt, box alder, poplar, balm, walnut, white biroti, oaks, horse obestnats, mul berries, weeping ash, willows, evergrees, etc, flowering thorn, almond, roses, and shrubs, lilacs, snow ball, deutzia, weigelia,spireH, houeysnakle, hydrangea, syringe, altheas, etc. And being com pelled to remove same this spring we are prepared to furnish these goods at lens than cost of growing. Let us bear from you at once, with list of your wants and we will name yon prioes tbat will plea and save you 50 per cent. Address Payettb Nuhhkby, 21 311 Payette, Idaho. For the Cure ox Liquor, Opium v, I Tobacco Habits It is located at Salem, Oregon, The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Gazkttk office for particulars. Ptrtctlyconlldential. Troatnient private aud sure cure. TFrr-ir-Trgss Attorneys tit IVnw All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public aud Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. HEPPNER, OREGON Plenty of them at the Gazette Office ULAN ft A Bad Man Thomas HI:. nek, who bulldoz-d a Seattle jailer with a wooden pistol and got away, liberating eleven other priHoners at the same time, wat shot and killed while remitting oaptur near Kent, Wasb , on the 21st Inst Deputies John Sliepich and Robert Crow met bim unexpectedly 00 the tail road track and a duel ensued, Blanc k boiiig armed with a pistol and the deputies with Winchesters. Blanok got id two shots b( fore the oflloer bad time to get their guns iu play, but neither were hurt aod then ensued desperate encounter, resulting in the death ot the criminal and tbe serious wounding ot t-liepicb. Blanok emptied bi revolver, however, before be fnll. He bad a record of killing fie men and being implicated iu nnmcroii robberiee and boldiipH, and was rightfully denomi nated tbe JeHe James of the Northweet Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for Cash Only. FRESH BREAD, CAKES AND FIES ALWAYS ON HAND. P. C. Thompson Company THE LEADERS - Are Still on Deck with Bargains for Cash Customers. NEV STOCK OF GOODS SOON TO AIIR1VE! Corner Main end Willow directs, HEPPNER, OREGON. oonnty clerk. On motion lb report of j M,u, to lS uulerigned. Mr. Ayers w fOi pted .Mr. Ayer then put in the following Itemiied bill for eipetises: Eiyeti' on trip $11 0 Bill of J. M. We.t 4 00 Bill of A. Ayers, 8 days it 12 .V).. . .2).0O Mr. Ayert stated tbat Mr. Mlo audio II. U Well, M-o . I'ortUnd, r. A. W. rTfSHiH. Chairman Ceo. Com. Huw to ere HbiaMm. AaA'e., ViUM Co., 0'oK, Nov. 10, lH'J.'l. I wiab to Ifcfnrm yon of tbe great r : good Chamtmrlein' I'aiu lialtn ba done farnicbed him 1 toward peying tbe general eipenaeii, leaving hut $14 in that direction to b reiinburd. fbe enrtry protein, lrialrneed my wiln. hbe tie lien irouiii wnn rlieomatiew of tbe '.ma and bauds fr 11 iiionib, and ba triH many reniMlix 1 pre rild for that ooinplaim. but found I10 r 11 f ntilil be nae'l Ibis I'aiu Balm; oil" twill of wlililli ha Colnp'elel) I i-ured her. I lake ileiir in r"irii- j m t n ,1 t.,r Imnlila Y lira deliver same U W. t. Minor and Heny ,,. j A. Itntle'd. f n 1 end II Oo : to rVwretary hiabp anl req ient btra to draw no aucription paper and IlerP Hrft TMRIiE POINTS Which we) wihh you to llctDftnbt-r : Fuht: We Keep HARDWARE KrxoM: We offer it CHHAP Third: We nell FOR CASH We are rjblfil to five more for k ilollar than th usual "Dullar'e worth." GILLIAM Otis Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER OItiTICIfi the mark.t j U'Ppw In o-!er lo r-ftain II e l.tUe fur eai by H..eiu Jl.aou lrog , ,tjD ftij Jf jipm-r, Or, aMbeatiiei biwoey ibei re ee teteeu. jvw Land Patents LanJ paloutrt iwcurml for Hr ttl-rH in tho bhortcht jioBHihlft I n p. Contested Cases Contohti'd cnmtH intelligently nml nk ill fully hntulled. Old Claims and Disputes Old clainiH and diHputeH Hpcedily nettled. Contests Betweeo individnal hafing oxtdlii tnig claim nmb r the agricultural Inod law, and thoee l.eteeen olaiiuanta iwd, r Ibe Mineral I.a and agrioultural olairaaots; and elei lelween elairnnoU an l-r any of ilie pnlili" land law and the Hai I road eompaini and tin ir granted. Mi I the state ami their gran tee, nnuer tlicKwsmp-Laod and Heb io. Land Oraiiie. Heclalty niailsof awiirmg iateiit in the eliorleai toeaitil inn ror eeuiere wbobate cvifniilied with the lew onder wl.ieh their entries were taade, and who are aoooyed and worried by delay in the eii ol their tintntita, esiiaed by lnlliog IrregoiB'itie whioh ran te easily and iiiiy renioved. Adie aleo glen In all nier relating U the tmlilifl land, eelalty en rKiint ariatng ondar the new law wlnoh bate Uo recently jmaaed .nflding for the diMal of the jmblia domain. H yofl want your land tiatent In hurry- you wain yonr latin irain, 01 aoy rharaoter, attended to by akilllul aod ootniielenl attorney, and Tomttly die pieed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wkoijkkt.ukn, Gi.n. Man., r. U, lev!, U Mlilaelon. U U