Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 22, 1895, Image 3

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    Notice to Advertisers.
rHOSE desiring the Insertion of display ads ,
orchnnKeof same, must Ret their copy in
lot later than Monday evening for Tuesday's
dition, or Thursday evening for Friday's edl
.on. Tuk Pattkbson Pbblishino Co.
Take Notice.
1. The sum of five cents per line will be
juargeu r "caruB 01 inaUKs," "resolution! Of
respect," lists of weddiiiR presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
r shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
ootices of special meetings for whatever purpose
2. Notices of church and society and all other
Mitertainments from which revenue is to he de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
jmts a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable asd made known
lpon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
ponsible for his or her communication. No
orrespondence will be published unless the
writer's real name Is signed as an evidence of
ood faith.
A?ent. 21 Memhuntji K
jan fTancisco, is onr authorized agent. This
paper is kept on file in his office.
Give your business to Heppner people,
jnd therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek,
fohn Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows :
Every day at 6 a. m except Sunday.
Arrives every day at 6 p. m., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
Phill Cohn, Agent.
City Hotel Bar!
The Public are informed that G. B. Tedrowe
is located in the City Hotel Building, and keeps
the best brands of Liquors and Cigars to be
found in Heppuer.
Gambrinus Beer on tap. Served in largest
sized mugs. G. B. TEDROWE, Prop.
Here and There.
O, that some power the gift would gie them,
To see their hats as others see them,
Who Bit behind them at the play
And see but half for what they pay.
Mrs. W. G. Boyer is on the sick list.
Get Yeager's prices on wall paper,
T. R. LyoDS left for Condon Tuesday
Spray sells meat lower than ever
Ten ponnd cans lard tor $1 at minor
& Go's.
Fresh country
bams, 12Lj oeuts, at
prices at
return to
Grain fed meats at summer
Alva Leaob was up from Lexington
Fresh country baoon, 10 cents, at
Minor & Co's.
Chas. G. Roberts, the wool man, was in
town Wednesday.
Pole Thompson returned Wednesday
from The Dalles.
The drama, "Out in tbe Streets,"
tomorrow evening.
Photographer Dowe will
Heppner in July.
The Niles-Vinson, Marble
Walla Walla, Wash.
Don't forget tbe drama nt tbe opera
house tomorrow evening.
Wm. R. Casey is bmlding a residenoe
in tbe lower part of town.
During the month of March Yeager
will pell wall paper at cost. 15 2.
Tbe Weekly Sun and tbe Gazette $2 75
per year, both strictly in advanoe.
Yeager is selling wall paper at onst.
Call on him and be convinced. 15-2.
N. C. Moris, of Newberg, Or, was up
Wednesday looking after bis interests
Now is the time to kill squirrels; and
Swagart's "Sure Shot" is the stuff to do
it with. tf.
Dr. H. E. Henderson, of Long Creek,
is toendiug a few days at Heppner on
business matters.
two and tbree
sbould see Sam
Anyone having one,
year-old steers for sale
Kinsman at Heppner.
John M. Egan has been appointed
receiver of the Oregon Short Line and
Utah Northern railways.
Tbe advent of sheep-buyers will 'soon
be obronicled from time to time, or at
least it is to be hoped so.
W. J. King was up from the lone
country today. He reports tbe wife of
bis brother, John T. King, quite ill.
The bin rush Gilbousen Bros, are
having will oompel them to miss filling
tbeir orders on time by several days. tf.
Poor branding oil is expensive at any
price, because the brand will soon come
off. Call on Minor & Co. and get the
best. tf
The Weekly Sun is a metropolitan
joun tl of goodly proportion. Only 81
per year. Witn th. Gazette, both strictly
lo advance, $-.75 per year.
G. B. Hatt, tbe tonsortal artist, can
be found at bis parlors, Matlock corner,
where be will dispense at popular prices,
shaves, shampoos, haircuts, etc.
3. B. Natter has reopened tbe Brewery
Saloon, keeping on tap at all times the
best beer ai tbe I'aoitto oast. Also on
bands tbe btt brands of liquors, wines
and cigars. Wiif.
Bead Pubho O.niifon ami get tbn
spirit of the cuntry. N better pnp-r
Iban the I'nhlio Opinion N printed for
those who deaire to read all sides of
important public questions.
A little whirl wind yeeterday sbont
noon, slightly damaged the Mountain
llnnaeliv breaking in a skylight and
f .i rrt - .11
tearing down a nue or so. ins xiuur
Dow is in all very "Marcby."
Milt Hale, formerly of Wagner, a
brother-in-law of E. Sperry, died np
oearEllenibnrgh, Weeb.. Men. 15,
of heart diaeeae. He was well known to
this eeotioo aud universally respected.
Tl.iiratnn. from Hawaii. has
been ordered rebelled. He rnbhed
Oresbam the wrong way. It Tborston
has oo mors ne hit Oresham than most
of the American people there is not
muob love lout.
Salem Statesman: Congressman W.
R. Ellis, of tbe second district, ec
companifl by Mrs. KMis and little br.
were in tint ci'y yei-ri7,
state officer aod learning more ot
tats generally.
night. He spent the dav visiting
Governor Lord, 8npt. Gilbert" and other
state officials, returning to Portland thia
eveung. Mr. Ellis lived in Guthrie
county, Iowa, for twenty years and the
Iowa ooogressmen and senators are all
warm personal friends of his. 8uch a
man with such friends is a useful man
for Oregon. Mrs. Ellis is a obarming
appearing woman, and met quite a
number of people during their brief stay
at the capital city.
In passing through the streets of
Heppner lately, we have been surprised
to notice that while business appears
generally dull, the store of P.O. Thomp
son Co., was orowded with oustomers
and its employes busy. Investigation
showed that while the managers, Messrs.
Briggs and French have many personal
enemies, yet by striot adherence to the
principles of honest dealing they have
established a reputation for integrity
that has made this house justly popular,
a plan worthy of the attention of all
business men.
Joe Woolery and S. Riley came up
from lone Thursday evening and re
mained over till today. They report
trade very dull at present, but prospeota
are fair now for a good crop and things
will probably liven up some. Mr.
Woolery reports that lone led in wheat
shipments this year, shipping 375 car
loHds. It will probably amount to all
of 450 oars at the olose of shipments for
this season.
Tbe item concerning tbe marriage of
Miss . Eppa Wilson and EJ. Olug,
published in our last issue, was tbe
creation of a would-be correspondent,
there being no truth in the matter what
ever. The parties referred to are both
highly respected and as one might well
suppose, do not. take tbis matter very
kindly, and tbe editors of this paper do
not feel any better over it than they do.
W. W. Smead, having been to con
siderable expense to improve bis fowls
by the Introduction of new blood from
the prize pens of S. A. Wells, of Aimed a,
Cal., is now prepared to furnish eutrs of
tbe Brown Leghorn breed that cannot be
exoelled in Oregon. I7-tf.
B. F. Swaggart is prepared to furnish
his "Sure Shot" squirrel poison in
wholesale lots. He has already received
a large order from Washington and
Idaho. Every where it has been used.
it has not failed to exterminate tbe little
pests. tf.
The drama to be rendered at the
opera house tomorrow evening by local
taleut for tbe benefit ot tbe Christian
Endeavor, should be liberally patronized.
Excellent music will also be one of the
features of tbe evening's entertainment.
Isaao Pbipps returned from Virginia
Wednesday after a five months' visit
to tbe borne folks. He reports that Geo.
Phipps who went back to stay is anxious
to get baok to Oregon again.
T. W. Ayers, Jr., is making squirrel
poison that he guarantees. No kill no
pay, aud sells it at 25 cents per oan, 6
oabs tor $1.50; $2.50 per dozen. Get a
sample and try it. tf.
Shilo's Cure is sold on a guarantee.
It cures incipient Consumption. It is
the best Cough Cure only one oent a dose.
25ots.,50ot8., and$l. Sold by T. W.
Ayers, Jr.
Green Mathews for shaving, hair-
cuttiug, Bbbmpoomg and all other work
in that line. Baths at any time during
business hours. CM. Jones, assistant.
M. E. Hall, a John Day business man,
was flimfiiimmed into buying six fake
watches down at Portland, at a oost of
$99. He had the culprits arrested
Hick Mathews still runs the City Hotel
barber shop. Shaves, shampoos and
buiroats always it stook. Baths in aim
neotioD. Call on him.
Floyd Thomas got home from tbe
Good Samaritan bospitul Tuesday morn
ing, minus his vermiform appendix, but
in excellent health.
Expected to arrive at Minor & Co.'s in
the next few days, tbe largest stock of
dry goods eyer brought to Heppner. tf
Rev. R. 0. Winans, ot Salem, will
preach at the M. E. church next Sunday
evening at tbe usual hour.
Wanted Plain or fancy sewing. Will
go to tbe house or take sewing at home.
Airs. Alary Henderson
Miss Eppa Wilson oame no from
lone Wednesday and will return soon to
ber Monument borne,
2 John Dy Gl.tssoock and family are up
from Portland and will probably remvin.
here tor tbe summer.
Gibonsen Bros, are making a speoial
out on large family groups; call and
get their prioes. tf
Wanted Laondry work by Mrs. C,
Nelson, old Mountain House. Mending
neatly done.
Try Ayers' squirrel poison before
nnying any other, umy 92 w per
dozen. tf,
Mr. Arthur J. Mendav
Woodland, Wash.
"I AmJ3ured"
Eczema For Over Three Yeart
Purified the Blood With Hood's)
Sarsaparilla and Is Now Well.
" C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. :
"Dear Sirs: I wish to forward you a
statement of my case. Eczema ap
peared three years ago and since then
1 have tried all kinda of remedies for
the cure of the disease and had given
tip all hope of ever being cured. At
last I was told to try Hood's Sarsapa
rilla and Hood's Olive Ointment. I
did so and I am happy to say that
I Am Cured
Of that dreadful skin disease. I have
taken sixteen bottles of Hood's Sarsa
parilla and used five boxes of the Oint
ment. I would have written before
but I wished to wait until I was oonfl-
Hood's Cures
dent the disease would not return
again. It has not and I can say I am
perfectly cured. I gladly recommend
Hood's Sarsaparilla." Arthur J,
Mkndat, Woodland, Washington.
Hood's Pills do not purge, pain or gripe,
but act promptly, easily and efficiently. 25c.
Big store at Heppner has a complete assortment of
Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware and Gener
al Merchandise.
We Sell
The Celebrated .
Baking Powder
These goods are Strictly Pure and
give the beat of satisfaction.
We will Retail Goods at Wholesale Prices,
Our books are closed to any
Further Credit Business.
A Few Cash Prices.
They Speak Louder Than Words.
Why do we do business, and why is our store
So crowded at times one can scarce reach the
While the other merchants right In the same
Have nothing to do but to sigh and to frown,
The answer to this, I am glad to relate,
And hope none will think I equivocate
When I say there is no place in all the world
Where such bargains in dry goods and groceries
are found.
Why are we doing business? The question
seems queer;
To many of us it seems all very clear;
When people are coming by the dozen and
All headed for Minor & Co.'s store.
And what greets them thore? They stand
dumb with surprise
And can scarcely believe what they see with
their eyes;
From ceiling to floor, and piled high In the
The store house is fairly groaning with ware.
But what astonishes them most are the
prices annexed
And you will find that we remember the text
That "Honesty la always the best policy"
And courtesy to all is equally shown.
For lard and bacon we pay extra well;
For butter and eggs our prices excel ;
And the goods that we give in exchange for
them all
Are of the best quality, with profits quite small.
And after experience you surely must know
How much can be bought for a dollar or so,
Your arms will Just ache with the goods that
you pack I
Ana you u look lor a piaster to put on your
And now, my dear readers, do you wonder
at all
Why our business is great while others is small ?
If you care for your purse, your temper, your
Oo there to buy, and you'll be satisfied.
We buy for cash ; for cash we sell
Competition is nothing; we excel;
We belong to no cliques, pools or clue
But buy by the oar and paddle our own canoe,
Remember a dollar suved li a dollar made
So call on Minor & Co., that is the place to
No light weights; our goods are always the
We have no fear for they will stand the test.
Minob 4 Co,
Best Syrup, per keg 12.50
Beans, 27 pounds for 1.00
Roast Coftee, 4 pounds 1.00
Green Coffee, 4V4 pounds...'.. 1.00
Granulated Sugar, IB poundB 1.00
Extra C Sugar, 17 pounds 1.00
Best Kice, 14 poundB 100
Tomatoes, 10 cans
Sugar Corn, 8 cans 1.00
Golden Gate Baking Powder, 2 rbs 1.00
Dr. Price's Baking Powder, 2V4 rbs 1.00
Golden West Baking Powder, 1 pound.
5 gallon Keg Plcklek 1.00
5 gallon Can Coal Oil 1.25
20 lbs. Rolled Oats 1.00
8 pounds Chocolate
6 cans Table Fruit
12 pounds Heedless Raising 1.00
16 pounds Extra Raisins 1.00
Dry Goods
Boots & Shoes
At prices to compete
with any cash store
in the country,
Has no future value to us, and
we don't want any mail's
Upon any other than a money basis. "We
can't place "credit" at any kind of interest.
We Don't Want
The cash buyer to pay for losses occasioned
by bad debts. We treat all alike, and sell
goods for less money than you can get
them elsewhere.
E. M. Dodd, representing (J. II. DodJ
A Co., was in town yesterday.
Loin steak, 8 Ota. ; round steak, 6 c!.
rib steak, 5 eta., at Sprays.
No fin oil sold by Minor A Co. (or
branding sheep. tf
Ayers gaarsntees bis poison. Only
$2.50 per dozen. tf.
Ed. Hlooam returned Wednesday from
The (ii-nnino Merit.
Of Hood's Haraaparilla win friends
wherever it is fairly and honestly tried.
To have perfect health, yon munt have
pure blood, and the beat way to have
pnre blood is to tjke Hood's Sarsapar
illa, th beat blood purifier and strength
builder. It eipel all limit of soro'nla.
salt rheum and all other humor, an I at
tbe same time builds up the whole system.
Gubernatorial Api-ointmbntb. The
governor Wednesday made tbe ap
pointments to fill tbe newly oreated
offioei by act of tbe last legislature,
making tbe districts out of tbe sixth
jodicial district of Oregon. By virtue
of tbe aot, James A. Fee continues judge
of tbe sixth district, and M. D. Clifford
of tbe nintb. Tbe governor bas ap
pointed Robert Eakiu judge of tbe eighth
district. 0. W. Lawrey, of Pendleton,
is appointed prosecuting attorney in the
sixth, and C. W. Farrisb, of Canyon
City, of the nintb. R. L. Rand remains
by the aot, in tbe eighth. lion. J. N.
Brown, of Heppner, was an applicaut for
the proseouting attorneyship to which
Mr. Lawrey was reoently appointed.
Inasmuch as Umatilla ooanty bas tbe
judge, it was thought that Morrow bad
a perfeot right to claim the otber place,
but it seems that Gov. Lord Kills it
otherwise. Morrow county did not
desire to be taken out of the old judicial
dintrict, bat was forced out agaiust ber
will, and now most be content without
Change of Train Time Change of
the time of running trains is now tbe
topio among railroad men. It is rumored
that the branoh train will leave Heppner
about 3:30 p. m , and arrive at Wil
lows at 6:30 p. m., leaving Willows
Junotion at 7 p. m., and arriving
at Heppuer at 9:30 p. m. The I
ohanges relative to time of main
line trains are not materially different
from present schedule. However, the
mixed train running between Portland
aud The Dalles will be made a straight
passenger train, consisting ot baggage
oar, smoker, ladies day ooaoh and ob
servation car. Tbis train will be known
as No. 7 and 8. Train No. 8, east
bound leaves Portland at 8 a. m.,
arrives at The Dalles at 12:15
p. m.; No. 7, west-bound, leaves
The Dalles at 2 p. in. and arrives at
roriiana at t: 30 p. m. mis will be a
daily aervioe. Tbe mixed train bas
never before run Sundays. Passengers
on tbe branoh will evidently have to
wait, when the new timetable is adopted,
more than six hours at Willows Junotion
for the down train, though it is probable
that Tbe Dalles looal will oonnect with
a freight train making connection with
the branch train on it homeward jour
uey. We do not believe that tbe Hepp
ner people will like the proposed new
arrangement as well as tbe old one.
Portland's Monday mail will evidently
not reach Heppner till Wednesday morn
ing, besides it will make endless trouble
to passengers ana oe otherwise very unsatisfactory.
It is the Headquarters !
Here are
Which we wish you to
Remember :
First: We Keep
Second: We offer it
Third: We sell N
We are enabled to give more
for a dollar than the usual
"Dollar's worth."
Main Street, Ileppner, Or.
pjalnta, Oils, Glaaia, Toi
let Artloeis, Pcatent Medlolnea,
12to. .
Office of all stages running out of Heppner.
PHIL. COHN, Proprietor.
The Eeeley Insiiis
For the Cure Oi.
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Salem, Oregon,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Gazkttrj office for particulars.
Strictly coiilldentlal, Treatment private aud sure
All business attended to in n prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
Hood's pills are prompt
SB teats.
and effluent.
Quite a fall of snow visited tbe imme
diate section in, around and above Hepp
ner yeoierday, but it melted nearly as
fat as it fell. However the tbermotOHter
fell last evening to the freezing point,
hut the thaw returned today, and in Ibe
He(pner neighborhood but little remains.
Harklva't Aralra Halve.
The best salve In tbe world for cots,
Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Halt Ilbeum,
Fevnr Sorea, fetter. Chapped Hand.
Chilblain. Corna. and all io ernptious
and poihvl.. cures Til, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to eive
perfect aatiafaotion or money refunded.
r'c 25 rent per hot. For sale by
T. W. Ayers. Jr.
the '
Any person bo deaire to trad good
aniuoiiniliered (aria lands, snitahlssnl
in condition fr raimg wheal, for
A Huaaehulil Trraaare.
U. W. Fuller, of CanBj-.bari-, N. Y
eayatbat be always keep I)r. King's
New Discovery in the bona and bis
family have always found the very best
rxeulta follow il nse; that be wonld not
be without it, if procurable. (1. A. Dyke'
man, PrnKgiat, Catskill, N. if., says that
Dr. King's New Discovery is undoubted
ly the beat cough remedy; that be baa
used it in bis family for eight years, and
it bas never failed te do all that is claim
ed for it. Why not try a remedy so
lung tried and tested. Trial bottles free
t T. W. Ayera. Jr , Drug Mtore. Regular
site AOs. sad ft.
Tbe undersigned having been restored
to health by simple means, alter s offer
ing for several years with a severe lung
affection, and that dread disease, 'Con
sumption, is aniiona to make known to
his fellow sufferers the means of cure.
To those wbo desire it, be will cheerful
ly send, free of charge, a copy of tbe pre
scription uaed, which they will find a
sure oure for Consumption, Asthma, Ca
tarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung
maladies. He bopea all sufferers will
nse his remedy as it is invaluable. Those
desiring the prescription, which will oost
them nothing, and may prove a meaning,
will pleaae addre, Rev. EDWARD A.
WILKON, Brooklyn, N. X. jnnll-w.
Wednesday evening last reporter ot
this paper bad tbe pleasure of witness
ing an entertainment given by Mrs. J. N
Brown, at ber borne in Heppner, assisted
by ber younger pupils. It was deoided
success io every particular, and proves
ooooluaively that mnsioal instruction
oan be impsrted auooeasfully to very
young minds. Tbe young folks seemed
to be very muob at borne on the organ or
piano, regardless of tbe presence of so
many older beads.
"mktm mm :' "if
rl 'V'
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
linn Joeepb M. Ing, an O. R A N.
att.iruev, spent Wtdueadny berx n
biisiiioM. Mr. Long was one of Molt'
o Uriah's repreaeutatives at Ibe recent
esaion i'f legislature, and be made
g'od one, too
Io tbe fall of 1W3 a son of Mr. T. A.
McFarlaod, a prominent merchant of
Live Oak, Hutter Oo., Cel., was taken
with heavy oold. Tbe pain in bis
cheat were so severe that be bad spanis
and was threatened with pneumouia.
Ilia father gave bim several large dose
of Cbamberlaio'a Cough Remedy which
broke up the oougb and cured bim.
Mr. McFarland says whenever bis
children have croup ha invariably gives
them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy aod
It always cure them. He consider it
the best oouirh remedy io tbe market,
Fr saie by Hlocnm-Jobnatoo Drag Co.
L Binmeutbe! Ml Wednesday
brief sojourn io Han Frsnoiaoo.
tor a
Hymptoms of kidney troubles should
be promptly attended to; they are
should call at Ibe' roirg thai e-.melLing is
How to (,'ara Uaeaaatlaai
Abaoo, Oooa Co., Obri), Nov. 10,
1XI3.-I ib to inform yon ot tbe great
good Chamberlain's Pain Balm has done
my wife. Hhe has been troubled with
rheamatiam of Ihe arms and baods fur
sit months, aod bas tried many remedies
t nrntiertv In Portland
Tbe petition of the Am. Loao lrn ' Quelle aftV. " I wrong. Many peraons die victims of , prt'Nted for that nomplairii, but found
Co. for separate receivership for the. Mr.fn MefraMiie Co, have kHnev iliw who e-,nld have hn no r if m.til she nw-d Inn lam Halm ;
Oregno Short Line ar 1 Huh " ,.' j ,-lf ,.,, to it, at H- . U'1 ' 'V ' ' r l'1' ' "' W-.lIU f.f whlflli lia. cm. -te.y
railways K 1 -n ,'," P h., i w'v, 'he ear. """"' " V-Uei, . , -, r,.r. I ' at, J I-' i.. reen-
Wvm .v i-i.f. ; l.e- ''''H-f " ! . . ,v. e, .u-,.'e i . ;.,.-. " h "i u.e Im tl for thai ti.ml.'.e. Y urn
i:. I . t.. i sinw-tMiU. ..,..' (. - . v. t.m- t'.w.i I'TturM i tattlnlj hvre It yon t-nty, ( a rtl.vr t. VI e..tl r.M stl (I"
will la J cbU'Jt a'rlTtito BsiiB 1 OLtapf. Hsitlta '
How an Enemy was Foiled.
The follnwlns sranhln statement will he
rend wllh inleiiM-luUin-Ht: "I i-aiinotdi-uTll
the 11 11 111 1. ctvenv animation tliutexlxli'il In in
aruiK, lianila aiiilliKH, 1 Imd lo rul) and beul
thine part until llioy were aore, lonverrome
In a nint-uro the uVtid fi-ullnir that bud taken
ii.M-v.lon of iIiimii. in audition, 1 had a
miiiiu.')- ea k nc In my hack and around my
wall. lo'.'elher wllh ail Indi-wrlliulila 'irolin'
f't'liirr In my atomarli, I'liVHlrliin aald It
rri'i'i.linr MintlvK from whh'li, arrurn-
I1111 lo l!n'T uiilvprxal I'onrlusliin, thero la no
t iiii'f. oiidi it r.isten iion a perwm, iney
civ, it coiilllt'i'-t 111 Inolilloua provri'M until
I n-:i tiii a vital poliitaud lh aiinVrer dlf.
In. li v. my tiniMivri. I lnnl been dm'torlns
r yeuf and a Imif Meudlly, hut with no pur
I ciliir ix'iii'M, Iiiti I aaw nn advcrllM-ment
1 1 lr All. ' lleslornllve Nnrvlne, proriin-d a
I iitl!! nnl h";run u-lntr It. Murveloii a It
icv m " 1. hut 11 few dnVH hnd nu-d l'for
r. rv lill of Ilititi repiiV fix lliiK hud M ft me.
and iIk ru hi nut Ih u etm 1 1 hi allxlilent
hnii.'iitoi of ta return. 1 mi f--l a
roil et I l'w r did, and li:ivn Knlnrd lea
r iiiiiiK In viiiuhl, llioiifli 1 hud run down
fm . I. M.i I.;;, lour iitlieM hum iii Dr.
Mlii'H Kc.ioiatlvn Nervine on my ret'oinen
datioti. mid li IhihIx'!! axaHiinfai'iory In their
CJMH111 In mini'."- Jiiim kuun, l.,i Ku, U.
I r, Mill 111 sioniil v Nervine IihohI )y all
driiK:-!' li on a iolilve iruarantea, or ant
ihn l l y Ihn lir. Milea Miidli-ul t o., Klkhart,
III. I, I'll f.'.lll . fl'T. VI F-I I". . H.
holt le for '. I-!"' ii'luUI. i i la true from
oyUla or uuiitroiu Ui un.
For sale by T. W.Ayers, Jr.
"I aupxise," auid atravu.o, ...at u
man ought not to aleep in an ordinary
lay coach, eapt'ciully if tln re la any
body in the fc-at with him. T
men it is an annoyance to hav
other man in the aeat go to aleep. Ilo
may ln the nicest man in the world,
but you don't like to have him Iran
over agalnt you, and even If all be
does ia nod, and aa likely as not be
will do that, he attracts attention, and
aome of that attention la pretty aure to
be devoted to you. The paaaerigcr
whoa attention la at rue ted hy a man
aaleep generally glances alv at the
man in the seat with bim. hometimea
you will are a man whoa aeat Heigh
Imr haa gone to aleep gvl up ami go
somewhere el, and I can't say that I
blame him for tt "
It la ild by f tperte that practical.
evt'u-Uu.pei ;i rnt'u uua wrlt a
t!Mii. round linnd. It whlcli every UV
Ur Is leglhla, anil (Hat mora awbiUwai i
mtt vr ril fcuul Ia4 irlal. , I
Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for
Cash Only.
P. C. Thompson Company
Are Still on Deck with Bargains for Cash
1 (1
Corner Main and Willow Ktrecta,
Otis rattan
Land Patents
Land pntontn Bccurod for Bottlers in tlio hliortcHt jiobHililo
Contested Cases
Contented citHCS iiitolligcntly mid Hkillfully lnuidlod.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims and (liNjiutoH Kjn odily W'ttlcd.
tin c
Between Individuals bavnm oniillu ting claim nmh r the aitrimiltbral land
laws, and tboee between elaiinaota nmli r tbe Mineral l.awa and aurioultural
olalrnant; and alao letweti elaimaiils under any of the imhlin land law and the
II 1 1 rn ad oompanles and their trrantees, and the stales and Itn ir grantees, tinder
the bwamp-Iiand and Hcb'jol I.and Oranle.
Hpecialty made of securing palenis In the shnrteet poeaihle time for settlers
wbo bate oomplied with Ihe laws nnder w bich their entries were tuade, and who
are annoyed and worried by delays in the leeue o( their patmita, caused by Trifling
Irregalaritiea which can be easily and silily removed.
Advice alao giveo Id all matters relating te the imbha land, especially on
IHiiiil arising ondar the new laws which have lx-en reaeiilly ii"i d providing for
tbe disposal of Ihe puhlln domain.
If yon want your land patent In a hurry- if you want your land bnainess, of
any character, attended to by skllllnl and ooinpetenl attorneys, and promptly dis
posed of, write to
John Wedderliukn, Gun. Man.,
ViU. HetiMi
Vasalaatea. U Ci