Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 19, 1895, Image 4

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eilORUS. Valsttime,
John Schmidt, Miss An
fefcd-J Jjj J- i il 1 rij
- nie Cla - - ry. Hans Krats - en - mul - ler - stein;
There w.is never n time in the history
of our cii.iutry when the demHnd for
inventions and improvements in the arts
and ecie-'CPs generally was so great as
now. The conveniences of mpjkind in
the factory nnd workshop, the household
pimI d,i firm. n as in oflirinl
litf, req'ii'e foniiinM' ecc'-ss one to t tie
iippnrteiMuC" Hinl impHments of each
in order to stive labor, time and expense.
Tne political chanee in the admimstra
tinn of government does not affect the
progress of the American inventor, who
beintrnntlie alert, and ready to per
ceive t he existing defloiencies, does not
permit the iifTiirs of government to de
ter him from prickly oouoeiving the
remedy to overcome existing discrepan
cies. T"o great cire cunnot be exer
o ed in eboosing a com patent and skill
ful attorney to prepare and prosecute
an application for patent. Valuable in
t. Ten's have been lit and destroyed io
innuwurublrt insta'scs bv the employ
ment of incompetent counsel, nnd es
pecially is tLis advice applicable to
those who' adopt the "No patent, no
pay" system. Inventors who entrnBt
their business to this class of attorneys
do "o at imminent risk, ns the breBdtb
and strength of the patent is never con
sidered in view of a qulok endeavor to
get an nllowanoe nnd obtain the fee.
John Wedderburn. General Mannger
018 f street, N. W.,WasbingtoD, D. C,
representing n large number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals of the eountry, was in
stituted to oroteot its Datrons from the
uusafe methods heretofore employed
in this line of business. The said Con
puny is prepared to take charge of all
patent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, nnd prepare nnd prosecute
applications generally, inoluding me
chanical inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer
ences, infringements, validity reports,
and givss especial attenion to rejected
cases. It is also prepared to entar into
competition with any firm in securing
foreign patents.
Write for instructions nnd advice.
John WEDnw.nniiRN.
H13 F Street,
p. 0. Box 385. Washington, D. C.
While you simp your "iiliniiriptinn naid lip yro
cm l(.op vcmr limn 1 in rrnnnr niismn,
Allen T I . bum. Or. Horsns 110 on loft
alKi'iM'ir- ciitln nen mi l"fl tun, nndnr hit. nn
riiht "'ir. and upper hit (in thn Inft; rntufn, Mor
ruw OHl'lty.
r:n tro'vr f. Alpine. Or. T with bar nn.
il.ir a on Infl Hlirmliliir of horses; cnllle asms
.... ift I, it.
iiiiu.n i I).. Kiir'il Miln. Or. ratlin brand.
O i) -i t lft top no I tin-in sa'nn brntid on ritfht
h'."i'dor. Uff rf Hi it'll. Mile.
A I 'in", ' ' 'tin'r. Or. TTnrsns. M nun
...i i..'t IH'tk- "n'tl'v "a-iinon Inft hip.
H ..-tit ,i' ii"'v, O , Mottle. Or.--Hora.ig
(,rni I l T l'i ..it "illeir uliiiiililnr. Haniin in Mn
.' .1. W.. It'irl-vtsn, Or. rv.tln hriind-
i.l it on hit I 'tin nil t'irfb: solit in nvtli (inc.
iir.,in.,- I1'.r. ' I'inm'v.rry Orivrafi
,r i t I I P It on left, 'ni il'l'ir.
Cat I In saint nn
hr i
II ,PU, M wi i,.m(t i :rnnf . i if i u nunr,
M Y t't'i - i'tt I 'tti ''Ot it'll (nop n'l hut "nr. nn.
(.,r ifitf - o'l ''ir'it. Ilo-wii. sunn b-aul on
).,ifl H'lu.ii'tur. Ittiiijn in Orntit and Morrow
(t't'ltv. . , . . -
M-l'i .1 urn, I ,'ti'i, iir-iiornis iirntKiii'i
hi iiffil l'ir: "ttl'n I! on thn luff aide.
, .f ivir In'' nron it'l riirht nnr ninor ahum
lliiioi. Win. M Pifi'tr, Or. -Ilorim, 4 Hon
r'.u'it Hii'ri. i' it ili' HH nn on riuht lit ; nilit in
,'l 'l i'l-,
Itr'twt. t'f, t.niti'rt'in, Or. Horana III on ths
ri..tit ui 1 1 ; c'ntt'e Hti niuin r iu tit. !(; riitwn, Mnr-
i ,,v C'tntit y,
ll-iwi, .1. ('., Hipp""-' Or. Horsns, mrcle
C will tot in " t tor ol l'ft llip: d'lMln, .n'nn.
Ilrovti. W. I , l"i'i.. Ori'uim, llowtl W hur
itvi-r It, on tlie I 'll stiiml'ler. C.itlld niiino nn left
' t'l't ir, W. 0., Il'inn'icr. Or. llornKS, hm
hri'ito.- ' .r'i liip dill 1". miiim, with milit ill
t u
, l'ti,'inr. Or ll'imns, P II on left
n l.ifl Itlii
f , V'.n.Or -I'littte. .Ill rtnnitrtetmt
nn oil lit't tir nnil two aplitNnmt
-I u'li on ritf'it n-ir: on liornw .itnA
l. fl ilnu't; KmiKit in Km mill")',
t ' I i"'
',-,vil... W
on I .'I -I I": .'
in. I l' t.i
I.r ri I (lit I'i i
i r l't H'i:il' i',
rit' 'o.i Wiirr"'t. Wrttft'ur. Or -Hor"e4 hrnnd
i,.lllii i ri'.r'il Hi' II"! ciUln (lhn hini) nn
ii o,i rilii. i'"iii irt'l "phi in ninth our. Hiinitn in
l.t'iot " "I Morrow I'on i'iin.
i ' it 'i I''.., ( iilnti.Or - Y l on lioMiix (in left tifl
II ivilh 'iipirl'ir I'ireln pvr it, on loft, "tionlilnr
mi'l on l-ft titl 'l "II C(ilt n'tler S ymrs; nn
j.tfl ulioiil'l'tr otilv on nil liomiwiirnr tyiwr. All
n-i so in H'Kiit ii.iif'iv.
C ii, Ctrii. II.. inon or I.Biis, Or, Horn
II (' ot't ncM n'l'in' l"'; ph'iI mnn on rirtclit hip.
pM.l.ro Mor-nw I II tlH'lllt i ntlt'i'K.
Cotrii-till M V. Oii'I'twty Or-IVtVrropon
of . n il cur w'"' in .I'i'liil. wii'i'-i in foriircml;
i,ir-i h ilf i'i1 ' "H li ft itill'i. IIiiiikb Mor.
ro ii't l l' on1 i ' In ""I'
I'm I. T. II , '"'in Or It.inlilf) cron on
p'li'li 'lip on iii"ii, w illow 'orlt Mint iiinlr hit
In ri ilii i"ir, tlil in I't'l '' ll'i'mn In Urtnt
cn i'iiy. "n niii-tp. ii'vri'l n I npi'ir uoitit.
mi ii i ll lor. I'. ir iiii'k'H wi, "cop on loft ir
i... 1 r hit in roiM. WiiHiHm. oroii in
hull prop in mil iir. aii rniiK
1. Hur - rah! hero comes
2. No man can be v.:-.
lively. 3. Ia storm as icil ,t
) 1 ULjSlS 222 1 A I 1 1
i -r-Lg r 1 1 1 j I "-t I I 2?"
rJ 0
0 r
-0 0-
a .ft
post-man, In un - i-form of pray; I
wel-coine, lie real - ly owns the street; The
Kiin-shine, In cold as well as heat, Tho
hear his cheer-y
cop -per ho is
jol - ly, jaun-ty
whis-tle, He's right a -cross tho
no-where, The post-man's on tho
post-man, Comes whistling thro' the
bee - ca Czer - o - witz - - ky, And Mis - ses Ja - cob Klein George
S1 - f TT r T7" TTT
Mul - li-gnn's
jmck-ng - cs
hur-den it
he's ro - ing, The pto - plo rush a - bout; They
a trcas - me, His whis - tie, mu - sic's tone; It
be heav - y, His heart is light as air; And
-fj : T"l-iJ 1 1 ,4 ,
foeL -Pct- .f- 'EEJkL
-a L jr. jsl m.
- 0 uj 1 1 i
Wash - ing - ton, Sam John - - sing, And one di - rect - ed Mame; I
tS t-t I,- -zzr ts- -f 1,
9 p 0 a
le ar
whis -
raer -
blow -pleas
warn -
Then list -en to him
The r.iune he calh to
Is wel-come cv - cry
spose her friend that wrote
For got her oth
f: Q g
11 :.-r
I Jt .a.
..4J , 1. -J-r-j I I I -J
Z-9 - z-cz- rzzr
:Hz$zrA 50 " f
0 0.
Copyright, 1894, by The Niw Vjik Musical Record C .
Vat Foatmu. 2.
-0- -Z.
-Horin, nn
ri 4i( " 1 n" ir
in i nn! it 'tl'Pv.
I 'o-ik, . J.,l.,,i'.f r. - Horw. 11 on riirht lnml
il.tr C ii'l.i. Mi'iu'iin r'tnltl Inn: fir murk iumiii
prmi oil Pol 'nl "Phi In rmhi.
( .irrin. II. V., i urrnmiU. Or,
Infl i ill".
I'm K.,1. H., Il'inlnivi, Or -I'mlln, V, with
f in .Mininr: lior" - 'K on Infl 'nn.
ro.'li'Kti, It. K.. M.i'io'iioiit, llrHiil Co, Or.
ll.trcMi himi'l'il I'iri'lti with hnr ImmkihiIi, on left
uli'iiil li'r: rii 1 1 "I'll" lirnml on holli hla, nmrk
iiii ior nloiii' tiol'i i'nl iIi'wIrp.
Clinpln. II., HbhIiiihii. Or. llonw hmmlml
oe rulit li!i- t Htilo limiiil"'! Hm Hum. Al.
It.i i.U (1 on ltorKt nulii lltinlii r I n mint
Inn'i'lon riiiht nlt"nl'l"r, ml rut oil mul of
''ill! wi'i.ii. W. M ,().ill.iT. Or.- CuttR K I'on
r.j'.i 11 Ii. m-mlnw foi h iniw'li mr; ImnHW, It I)
on lot! Ion. ,
I' lv. Hi Hon l. Or- Iloriw lirnti I H.Y
on lot! li'iiililir, o' 1 1 khiii on Mtliin. holn
" V m.ov'i' .'W , ll ir'lninn, Or.-tforuMi lirnnilml
y r,.y..ti'l l' WUll l ull on lull lioiiior em.
u.'-n ii-on fM'H Inn. Il iitK in Morrow roiinly.
r i.,r..'it''i, Ii V.. II to.iir, Or. illn. i.V on
rwV vii, liir.i V with hur uniliir on nnlil
"'r l'or.' irn, H, Y. Iliiinr. Or --tlurm, V on
tl.'l.l "'I n 1 11' l I'Vi". r . ' im'i. ,'( -iowm
h r.
.,, tl.i iirf'i. Il.pitir 10 -I nllln lirnieirt,!
Ih lur ni'ii il. o'i I. ill l In; orop oil Inft
1 1 -
h' will ill l"'l hill
,t, r -it 1 Or l.ir.i tirn.lnl II.
.tl,r i'.'-'i o' il on lfl hIIIIin
' I ' U II l''l' Hl'll l(
1; ( , 1 1- f in in r "I'l l "ori
r , i I ii .it i'i r'tfM lni,
.( I'i l: 'll'll'l 'I I'll'lll
it .. il 1 11 II 1 1 "' I ' it'l". 'wn h
,r , ,( . , 11 i. O -' '! I iM in lift,
J 1 1 n j'.i 1I11 i'i II i'tnin O'-n' I'oii'i'r
.. IhhiiI Wtl'i", Or - I' CI'
t I , , 1 .i 1 ' 1 1 1I11 i''l ' oil tiio-w m; on (Mill..,
1 i.iii ,. 01 l"'i i I", wnllow fork in
, , I .1.1 111 I It.lun 111 ll.l-U. t
11 , . ...
, , I- 'ii
H 111
M .
1 'I
'V , -. cr, Or llo(n' ornn lnl
.i.'.''.t m 1.1 on iioi "ito.n.i .r
I'll I'M 1011 io m.ni lit 1. 011 ici 1
. , I '
. 1 J t .fi'tiir, !'- II I-. f liro.
, 1 , .' 1 I ill 4 il .'1 1 ll tnr; rii'l ott
., l,.i U' 111 M ico mot I nutill
Mm I I 'll I, ,ll
. I in "I r
, rv,rn' f l on
. h' r h i.il ir, IUiir 1
i', 'l"'..ii"r. Or. - Ilf, 'Vvlcl
. , 1 , , ! . - . . 1. I ir. It .or" Morrow i'o.
ii i .,1", o ' W i-e ' Or. -HurMM, on Infl
, I , , 'Jf, tl .1' t..'l lop,
11 1 11 .'u'l i. i il ll' t n'i. Or.-Horwi, II o
V In Or - 1'iw It 00
-I i-i I ',n i rl .1 It I't
II '
(il I.M V.
I'1 I
,. . I.r 11 I I
01 I -I J oil
.( Il ," II
. M '- Iio'n
it in. Hi" Moil.
nft ntilln; enttln, mm on Hunt hip, nndnr hall
iron in ril'i mirl milit n leftiwr
Knnnv. Mik", HBip"nr, Or. HnrsM hrnnrlnrl
KNY on loft hip nnttla nnme and orop off lafl
Ar nndiir nlormonthn riirht
Kirk 4. T.. Hepnnnr, Or. Horse 89 nn left
lionM-: cHt.tln. on lnft hip.
Kirk Jmwn, HnppnBr. or.; noma' 11 on inn
bon'dnr: oat tlo Hume on right nle, undorbit on
nrlil n'ir. .
.' .....i...rlu.nl W. (i.. Monnt Vernon. Or. I 1 on
imtlteoii rmhl. and left sidos. swallow fork in lift
..i.r nml nnilw moo ill riuiu enr. iinrsns sbiihi
hrniiil on left shoulder, limine In (Irani ronntv.
liiiftjui. HtiMilinn. Vox. or. n ij on icri, nip
1 oiitlle. r.rop and split on right ear. llorsn
.111110 hrnnd on left shoulder. Itanga brnnl
nonntv. . . . ....
IjinnHllon, .lohn W., Ij-It'"- Or.-Horse
hriinilml liBlf-rirole4li eonnectnd on left shonl-
dir. CatUe. snnir on lefllilu. luiuga, nnur uez
I.imlu'v. J. W iieppnnr ur iiorses nrsnnno
I, nn, 1 a ni left shoulder: entile sums on left
hip. wattle over right -ye, three slils in right
ear. ., , . .
Icird. Unortre, neppner. ir. norses pmniiini
donhle II 001 itei'ti Sometimes called s
swl'til II, on left nhiiillinir.
Minor, Osnar, neppnnr or. Oittle, M D on
rielit hip; hurne. M on Infl shoulder.
Mnrvnii, n. w., ii"ppnnr, "i.-.ii., m ;
on l"H nnoniilii rnn 10 nmiin "n ii ( ioi.
Mitehnll. O'irsr. lone, nr. norsns, 11 on ngin
hio; rnilie, 77 on right side.
Met leron, 1. .. nrownsTine. ur,-nornnn,
Finrn Son nm-h shoulder; entile, f'Jnnhin
Mcllirr. Krsnk, Koi Vallnv, r.-Mnle shon
with ton-oork on rnttle on rilis ssd nulnr in
sni'h nnr; horses Mine hrnnd on left stifle,
MolliiU. . .. niiiiitnn.Or.-4m tiorsnn.
with hslf oirole nndnr nn left shoulder: on ( Hit's,
four Imrs riimieniod 00 top on ths right side
Hnngn in Ornnl ( onnt. '
Nnnl.andmw. Idinn Hock.Or. Horses A N eon
nnniml on In't shonlilnr; rnttle nmnn on hoth hips,
Nonlyke K., HlWnrton Or. Horses, oirole 7 on
left thigh! en'tle mn on Infl hip.
Ollvr. Jixnph. Csnynn City, Or. Ion enttl
nn left liio. on hnrsns, shiiis on left thigh, llangr
ill (Irniit enmity
Oiler. Verry, Lexington, Or.Y 0 on lefi
ihoii.'lm .
Olp. Il'irnisn. Ptsirle City. Or. On esttle. j'
l,P nonnn"tei on left hip; homos on Infl stiflr
nnd wnriln on non Kniurn in Hrsitt noiinty.
I'lmniin, 01n?n, K.ighl Mile, Or. Horsns, (jimr
nln'ln alnnlil on Inft shonlilnr Slid 'ii on lnf
l.in. Cntile. fork in Infr nnr. Hght cnipi.n.1. V
on Inft hio. Hsngnon Klght Mile.
I'srVnr Olnnson, llnrdiimn.Or, Horsns IP or
!.. .l...,.l.lMr
I llinr, rt'ifi, .'"'..n, -
V. (I, K. noiineelnill 01. lft shonlilnr 1 nettle
s ninon right hip. linage. Morrow noiin.
I'lpnr, J. II , Imil'igton. Or. -Horsns, JK. eon
nnclnd 01 Inft slienlilnr; rnttle, sums on lnft hip
...!... I.il In nni'li nnr.
i'..n.. A ('.. Innn. Or.; horses dlsmonil I'on
il.Ur: rnltln. J II J ooniinpted, on ths
Infl hip, upiwr slops lu left nnrsnd slip In ths
4i,,irnw. Hsnlmsn. Or. Horsns. s.insrs
pronn with unsrtnr-eireln onr H on Infl stirln.
Itniiiiignr, Chris, linipuer, Or.-llnrses, C It on
!... -l.....l.lur
lln-li Urns.. Ilepimer, Or.-Horses hrnndnd 1
nil thn riglii shiiiililer: rnttle, IX on the Infl hip
r".p ori Inft nnr end dnwlnp on net'k. Ilnlign li
Morrow mid eiloiiiiiieoiiiitlns.
Ilnntmy, Andrew, Islington, Or llornnt
hrnniliil K H on nghl shonlilnr, nnl qnerlm
rirole onr lirsndi rettls snips on right hip
Itsogn Hormw ronntv.
Il,,)n, Win. H. Dnlryvllle, Or-'lll ronnnrlm
with onnrtnr eindn over tup on esttleon right hi
end crop oil riuht nnr n. split In Infl. Hornet
nnme lirsml on left ahoo Mer. Hangs in Morrow
llrnnt slid tltlhsin nmnties.
Itn.-t.ir J. W.. Ilniinnr. Or.-Hoises, JO m
Infl shonlilnr. ('Ills. ton right hip.
NpiekM.11. J. W.. U.nherrv. Or.- Horse
limit. I.-I HI on left shoulder 1 I wigs in Morn'
eoo'itv. .... 1
Hilling. C C Hnptmnr, Or Hiwnns hrsn.lml
on Inft nhonldnr; entile seme nn Inft hip
u-......r. II K lolli'on. Or - Horwen
with d'.-h ii'inlnr il on ltl ni.Hn nnitle H wot
itnah no'lnr il on rigM n'P. rroii on risni nnr n'i- ;
wn I'lUI on ruhl Innil leg. lUngs in Morrow j
l.illminsnd I'mstilln eoniiiies.
H((,H. l, .Aihnnn. Or.-1lons hrsmiie1 1
nn lft iioiilitnr;cni,lnnn on left hip. l'ro
on nnr. wnll'n nn lnf hind Ing.
Himiglil W. K., Ilninmnr. lr - Horses shndnn'
I N oil lf stifln. eniiln J Non Isfl hip, switllow
fork in 'Hi' enr lldilnrllil In left.
.son Tlum , llnp. nnr, Or -Horses, H A r or
Inft hue nllli sninnon Infl top.
hh'ir John. Km. Or. NC r.mnsntn.1 on
honwsnn r'shl hip: en in, seme on right hip.
rmp . 'I rislil esr nml muter bit in left nnr. lUng
in nm"l -onnlf
M-ntth II". . Hiisnevills. Or, t!oee, hrsnnd
II K on siionl lnri mills, smnnnlnft shonlilnr
H,,iiirn. Js n Arlington, Or.; horses hrsndnd
J..n l.fl shoiii lnr. mllln the snmn, slao
1 wn l lln. Itn' gn in M'i'niw Mid llllhsmm mtlM
! rPni.h-.is. . A , Hsnlmnn. Or-i homnn HSon
j ris'ii sitrlni rn"le horisontal t on ths right at,t
hinvmin.in, Mrs A. J.. Hnpnnnr Or -H mile,
1 on nglit hli 1 smll"w f.wk in Infl enr.
I tnii''.l1. y -, Mrni'iinr, Or -Horsns, 41 or
; rt t.iii ln 1 m"ln. 41 on lft hm.
l.rry r . Il ll-ioitinr. Or. - Call's ' C 01
I..H Inn i'"ip ' ' t n "l ll' dn'l.ll III Infl ) nr
,(..!.. I l,r-n- I' o'i left s li ter.
I'lionH in. J A.. Hnoinin. Or - Horse. or
in'' al.-.'il 1 '. nnllln. 2 on lnf( ati,nil,nr.
I'lo is It. r.,1.ii'ipose.Ot.- 1 1 "Una,. I'.un left
' I'nr.'i.' II W . H-l imer. Or,-Nmsil W l 'lsl t
i 1st .'i "il.ts'. hors-at; nasi, mum m ksM ku
(vll sxist IN Ws ts.
Thornton, H. M.. Torn, Or. Horses branded
HToonnented on loft stifle: sheep same hrnnd.
Vnnderpool. H.T.. Ions. Or; Horses HVron
nocted on riuht shoulder;cattle, same on right
"vnlbridge. Wm., HepTnier, Or. Hores. TJ. I,
on the Inft. shoulder; entile enme on light hip.
orop nil left ear nnd right ear lopped.
Wilson, ,1onn O,, Hnlem or Tlnnnner, Or.
Horsns hrnnded Jq on tho left shoulder. Itangi
Morrow oonnty.
Warren ,W H. Caleb, Or Cattlo W with onartei
eirolo over it. ou loft side, split lu rnrht enr
Horn's mime brum on lult Miouliltir. uangeii
(imnt oonnty
Wade, Henry. Henpner. Or. Homes bran (led
see of siiHilos on leu snonionr nun 001. nip
('nttln brimd"" same nn left sole nod leit nip.
Wolflnger, John, John l)y Citv. Or On hornet
three parallel bars on left shoulder: 7 on siieeo
hit in hoth ears. Uauge in Grant and Midline!
Woodward, John, Hnminer, Or. Hereon, Ul
oonnoefed on left slMiiilder.
Watkins, l.ishn. Hnppnnr, Or. Ilorsas branded
UK oonneeted on left stitle.
Wallace. Charles. H ippner. Or.-Cattle, W ot
right lliigh, hiilr irt loft, ear: Iiorses, W on righ'
shonlilnr noun same on left shoulder.
Whlttinr nres., nuniiiigion, Haknr Co., Or. -Horses
branded VV B nonnneted on left i'toulder
Williams. Vaseo, Hamilton. Or. Quarter nr
cln over throe Imrs on left hip, both cuttle am'
homes. Itunge (Irani nonnty.
Williams. J O. LongCmek. Or Horses, nnr
ter clrele over three burs on loft hip; entile soms
and slit in ouch mr. Unitge in (Imnt eonniv
Wren, A. A., lleppner. Or. Morsm running A
on shoulder; ('utile, nnme on right hip.
Young, J. M., Uiiisw'ierry.Or. Hor-n hrsndm'
THnn IK. H.'M ah.n.l.tn-
Entate of John W. Dawson, deeeased.
terii of Hilniltiiiitra'lon on tiie estate of
John W Dawson, ilecoimed, were etnnted to the
iinilerslgnnil on the Iftili diiv of relirnnry, Itt'.i.i.
by the eonntv eon-t of Mornr.v eoniity. All
rwons hnvmir ehilnis iiL'tiinrt tiiiid ewtiite are
inired to exhibit thtn to me lor nllowanee a'
Hemmer. Oregon, itliin six moiilhs after the
dnl" of thin notice.
Dated this l'Jth day of February, IWi.
llilinlli T. 11. LYON'. AdininlKtrator.
Notice Is hereliv irii en that letters of ad
ministration on the entnic of T. K. Rsrtnn, de-
eased were granted to the undersigned on the
Hi ilav reiimary. 10.1. Iiv thecounlv court of
Morrow county. All persons having claims
against said estate are required to fxliil.lt tlimn
o me lor allowance, at inv liotne lu Klght .Mile.
Morrow Co , Or.. lthln nix months after the
date of this notice, or I hey shall be forever
burred. LViinlo J .4. Vol NU, Aduir,
Tills 2(ith day of tebriiary, lv.1.1.
For Pleasure or Profit,
Should see that th Journal thev subscribe
to it I lie Pei ami ii.nsi reimu.o
ttuilioniy oUiuiuable.
Notice of Intention.
4 Feb. Ill It'll. Notice is hereliv given that
the following named settler hits filed notice of
his Intention to make dual proof In support of
his claim, nml that ssld proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, ronntv clerk, at Huppner,
Oregon, on April III. l'.t, viz :
111 11 M M. nottJiTON,
hd r nn.Vi'i?. for the Si. NE't and Si KF.'t.sec
p 1 r .'i r. o m .
He nsnies the follow'ng witnesses to prove
his continuum resident e upon and cultivation
of said land. vi:
K, I'. Yorui and A. T. McNav. of Heppnei :
I'aul llk'tiiisn sud A. T. Wood, lone
J. r. MOORE,
Win29 Keglster.
Il deals practically with fruits tinil vegetsbles,
trrcs, siirups anil nowris, nun nivi ri ins
lulj of horticiiltuie svsU'iniitically
ulid tltori.UK'il V. Il lllusirstrs and
drscrtbrs iiivthoils of cultiva
tion, improved varletirssnil
Inlinr saving drvti-et.
It is, without doubt,
The Paperforthe Peoplel
$1.00 a lr 14 Miinil.cn.
Bperlmsn eop nd .M-i.ir rnliilovug oi
hoiticulluisl u.aiks rhtL cu sppluntti'li.
Ame'ican Gardening, 1 70 Fulton St.. N.v
Catcalt, Trade-.Tiaiki. Design Patents. Copp;M&
And sll rs'rnl budniMM ronductrd fi r
Informstlca srnl s.'.lr glvra In Inventors wllbOat
Maris. Aitttmw
Mtust'of Attvrnr),
.o roi 4s. WAsni(it". rv
J Pi's Cnmrtsiiv ! ntiniH hv s w' .'or
h IS -! ard Ttist lifn.r''! nrn-n
riilii eli'rs, fr 'iw r r tin. . f "t t
! Iltrlr tabsrrlbers i ' t" i t
sua tnrm. prti ul I'.otit m.i-I'. s i
Mlniirf Hi 'vi.n'.rm t vol . I s I - '
IUt sec b.gatan.t'i.g.it r. I'o : . .is- li i
Administrators Notice.
It Is Declared to Be a Contagious
An Ancient
Theory Revived Through
Investleatlon No Provl-
Agalust ContaRlon
Can lie Made.
Notice of Intention.
4 Feb. II, lvi-V Notice Is hereliv Riven Ihst
the lolloviliic iiamett settler has tiled notice of
his Inteiitloii lo mske llnal pnail In support ol
hsclalin. and thai said proof will lie mail'
before J. W. Morrow, Cooutv I'lem.al Hoppuer.
'reunii, on March .W. Ii.tt, vU:
Hd. No. fiiVKt for the N,4 ' "or II, and
NW K, NU i4 Heo 1 1 T.. 1 N. K .'7 K W. M.
He names the follow tnir Htttieaaei to provi
his rnntluiious residence upon and till Ivatloi
ol said land, v Ii:
liac lucent, n. M. Avers Is.iso lloivar.l, J
I.. Hiissrd, all of lialkiti av, lire.
II. K. WIlJl N,
fl.Vni:.'. Kenistvr.
The Philadelphia County Medical so
ciety has petitioned the board of
health of that city to put consumption
of the lunjrs on the list of contagious
diseases, says tho Baltimore Sun. .The
request has awakened interest in the
old question of the contagiousness of
consumption and incidentally on the
general subject of infection and con
taprion. Some of the diseases which
flesh is heir to are contagious in every
sense of the word. A contact so
slight that it does not even reach Rkin
contact, but merely with the air which
smallpox patients breathe, is sufficient
to cause smallpox in man. So, too,
mediate contact that is to say. the
handling by the well of material
touched by the siclt has been proved
to be the cause of many diseases, of
which erysipelas and scarlet fever may
be cited as examples. The products of
certain other diseases typhoid fever,
for example require to be taken into
the economy to become maleficent.
Still others, such as (jlanders, must
be introduced into the blood current
itself before they are dangerous. These
facts have been proved by lon(f ob
servation and are not to be disputed.
A horseman treats a cese of glanders
with perfect security, provided his
skin is whole or Is protected. A nurse
or a doctor stays for hours in the room
if the typhoid patient and suffers no
hurt. The older doctors, therefore,
tet these diseases to one side as in
fectious, but not contagious, for it was
Notice of Intention.
I i March I I. l-'.i i. Notice Is hcrel.v shell that
ttir folltiH tin; Panted settler has riled notice i '
his tnlentloti to make final priaif In support n
his claim, and Hint said prool v. Ill In msdi
la-fore J. Vt Morrow, Co. clerk, st lieppiu-r,
oreiion, en April m, l.n, vli:
Wtl.UAM 0. sVOTT.
Hd. T. No. for the W'i NWU
snd w, nw Hec. M, Tp. I n. k. -a e.
He nsmes Ihe fnllowlnt witnesses to prove
his eoniineotia residence upon snd cultivation
ol .ni l land. V U '
li W Hinltli. Km k Smith, r II IVmer, Thus
ftarnc't. a;! of I exlngton. nrev'O'l.
.11' . J l a. K. Moon, Heiil.ter.
posed shows that there must be other
factors than the germ alone which
cause the disease, or at least aid in its
propagation. So far these other fac
tors are almost unknown.
That consumption was contagious
was an old theory, and the Spaniards
centuries ago were in the habit of de
stroying the bedding and belongings
of consumptives, and in some eases
even the houses in which they lived,
for fear of the spreading of the plague.
That it is not very actively contagious
is proved sufficiently by the fact that
the dwellers in cities are alive at all,
for statistics prove that from one-tenth
to one-fifth of all the deaths in large
cities are due directly or indirectly to
the disease, and that consequently a
number of sufferers from the disease
must be present in every large gather
ing of p jple. Except in the later
stages the patient is not confined to
his bed. He mingles in all the social
and industrial avocations of life. Not
infrequently he is "the life of the
party" or the "hardest worker of the
office." In the present state of society,
at least, such men cannot be con
demned to a leper camp nor sent
against their wills to a sanitarium,
however excellent.
The general fact that consumption is
a disease which, under certain circum
stances, may become contagious or in
fectious, should be admitted. A suf
ficient number of cases are known
where the carrying of the disease from
the ill to the well is clearly proved to
demonstrate the general truth that
consumption is sometimes contagious.
This should lead to the most scrup
ulous care on the part not only of the
physician but of the intelligent pa
tient to prevent the spread of the dis
ease. But any attempt to prevent such
infection by quarantine regulation
must almost necessarily prove abortive.
I ol nrermi. tor Morrow county.
In the matter of the cs'ste of trrdrlck K reu
se liinatl.
lo sin snd n'l persons kn,,wn snd unknown
I ' i (,-','! .. to .til'l r.l'tle. r'oeMtif
Yon here'iV clird sod rc',ttlrn to Sl'penr n ftl
eonntv conrt ot the stnir ol Oregon, lor the
ronntv ol Mirrow.sl the court room thrrntf,
St llci'pocr In the ciiniilv nl Morrow on Mon.
.lav I'm stli dnv ol May. to e, at lo o pin k. In
the forenoon ol thsl dsv. then snd turret show
rsue Ifs'ttevlai w iiv an or-ler ol a.ie thivild
ii,. 1 1 nis.le lor the to'limp f n-rtiir.
pri't-erty iHOoi-irltie: to itie s'v(.tiamr,l estate.
Mill P.. k 1 1. 1 . 1 isT " .i I'" chains I'.on a E ror
nrf o SM t, .. sc .V.. Ifi J , H M K M M . Ihe'-re
north at fiiht sua is will sooth line ol sail
a., lion I I l chnl-s. th.-n, e st rUht tn en
sr.l i'i.'.i" s ?. h'l s. them e st K'U si. vie
"inn i if 1"' Clnl'ia incites si r'tt! B"t!rS
.miinllii f lilotit tbnt tbrv worrt carried
from patient to patient, not through L"5U'C'- .
the air. but through other, and to! The effect of music on health and
them unknown, means. . ; fc'ej'ty h" lcly been dtscusse, in
The discoveries In bacteriology have
settled many questions, but have un
settled muny others which were sup- '
posed to have been fixed forever.
Among other things it has broken
lown the barriers between contagious .
and infectious diseases. All the dis
eases which have been mentioned are
now believed to be caused by germs of
vegetal origin, some of which are
known, others of which are only sus
ri.l .
ill,.. !., I" l
...a II.
f. H
1 'I
'l( I'll1
rtiotn'niilm M pel ilcTrn al Hher
psnl's )li rv, near nwra boil, ""rth
f.. Tffwrm, Or.
ii in it " '.
" ol tl i v..
I' itiot ,.l V. r'.in till 1 1 1
ail 'i- l !.', I (!! , i ,,( ,.
1-1 ill AU.SI
fJ-U I
J w
'v , o the '
'' ir I'i" ;
.' a. I-I irl
, A li I- i.
The explanation of the bae
teriologist as to the difference in their
effect on the human organUm Is sim
ply that of the I'.ihlc. Some rennsfall
on gtxx! ground and multiply, others on
stony ground and fail to grow, or
wither at once. When a typhoid germ
Is breathed Into the lungs it perishes
just as do the myriad of other germ
which we daily breathe. It i far other
wise If it is swallowed with the food
or drink, and finds after running the
gauntlet of the Juices of the stomach a
uitulile pla'e for growth in the intes
tines. The germ grow nd multiplies,
and tho ordinary phenomena of the
disrate result. This will give a gen
eral I lea ot the simple and apparently
complete answrr to many of the vexed
questions which pnrled the older doe
h'rs Unfortunatelr the practical diffl-
ettltlcs are not entirely removed by
tht' theoretical exptnnniinn. and espe
cinl'iV Is t'lis truo uf c.insninpti.in.
I'.vcii if it is grantO'l that tho lloane at
way. nri'iii:i'..s from a germ, and that
t!ii germ r,imi) fr.tn muih" previous
ca.j of t'.u u scam, the fact that so
D3vc,r ensotbpo ici alaoosn a are
the scientific American. One writer
repeats the well-known argument that
persistent work in one particular direc
tion is injurious, and that tho benefi
cent influence of music lies partly in its j
providing an entirely distinct and j
unique brain stimulus, lie concludes
with the following paragraph: "This
art has the great advantage to be emi
nently progressive and causes tho lis
tener as well as the performer to sat
isfy the yearning of human nature for
a higher and hijrhcr level of enjoy
ment, which, thanks to the successive
lalxirs of men if inventive geuius, has
Won provided fur by what may bo
colled a musical literature, which is as
rich in eminent names as is the litera
ture of any nation, either in protc or
in poetry, while it hos the enormous
advantage not to be confined to any
special lungunpe, but Is written In the
universal lunguage of emotions, which
the n lined indlvidoals of all nation
understand and ap, ..elate."
Ntw .kTulsd fruit growers are
using rvantd of potassium B ln"
sectii i V. It is dim-deed in wster. at
the rnto rf one outice of eyan'.d to
twr-jr cuMvs of water, an i the nohv
I'on i. Travel in tn oim! h-nner
I. l...,.ln ffnct itll'V.t In.
Il ii i"'i ii'i'"-' " -
jurtn.- tiie rust deln ate (oilnge. It l
a Very dairXi niun niin.'0.
Titr. Mnmese tn-lleve that the human
Mtttl requirvn M-ven dn to Jnurm-y
from inrtli to Heaven: hence, the
prayers of the friends of the divenwd
v i .ni nre eontiuutid for va i
Sr es,n ,iik.ir.,i ,ir
' JtaaaaB-anaBasaaasStnnnaaaM
Ho to (set. 8100 nnd Perhaps Mnke a
Fnrlnne. -
We seenre pnteiiin and to induce
people to keep truck of their bright
ide.H8 we offer r prize of one hundred
dollars to be paid on the fi'Bt of every
month to the person who submits to us
Ihe most rueritoiious invention during
the preceediog mouth. We will also
advertise tbe invention free of cliRTge in
the National Recorder, a weekly news
paper, published in Washington, D. 0.,
which lisg nu extptifiive circulation
tbrouuhoiit the United States nnd is
devoted to the interest of inventorn.
The ides of being nlilo to invent some,
thing strikes nniHt people as be in if very
difficult; this delusion the company
wishes to dippel. It is the simple things
nnd small inventions tout mnke tbe
greatest amount of money, and the com
plex onee Hre seldom profitable. Almost
'Verbody, at muii time or another,
oonoeirpg nn idun, which, if patented,
would prebsbly h worth to Lini a
fnrlnne. U' forltinstely enob ideas are
nsuslly dismissed without tbonght. Tbe
simple inventions like the car window
wbioh could be ensily slid np snd down
wiihnnt lirenkins tbe pnseenger's bsck,
the sance nn, collar button, tbe nut look,
lie bottle stopper, the snow shovel, are
t hi nirs I hat slmost everyone sees soma
wsy of improvimr npon, and it ia these
kind of inventions that bring tbe greatest
rpinrns to tbe sn'hor.
The pr'z w ffer will be psid at tbe
endofenoh tnmilb, whether (be appli
cation b been acted upon by tbe
Pstent OITice or not. Every competitor
most spplv for s pnierit on his Invention
li'onvli n, nnd whetl pr he srenres tbe
tn'Z'or pot. tie inventor will Lave a
'. h'ii- b'e mt nt
nu: thess n.siM company,
It'HN WcniiKiiBt'HN, (ioii'l Msnsuer,
Hi F St. N W. Wsshinaton, D. C.
P. S. Tbe responsibility of this
eiimpsny msy he jndoed f'Oin Ibe fact
list its stock is held by about seven t en
'tondrid of ti e I- adiiig newspspei of
he Ciii"ed Htalis. tf
LEAVE- Nd rosriP41n,
enr-s It. s itl i. '1l(ii.! ..a a i, k Hrrdsdif
'.! Vnlsrls The onlv i our. ? iris il! In
Id. w..rt t ,v, l i -il .1 i .y .i, ,.r , , I;
r r ei.i ol , rl . i.nii prr mi.
1'l.i.MlM i.i,i U' tL w.. i.j 'ailBf
Wet InstMeew. (.VI