Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 19, 1895, Image 3

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    Notice to Advertisers.
rHOSE ilealriiiK the insertion of display arts.,
orchHiiKeoi same, mnat tret their copv in
lot later than MumUy evenitiK for Tiieaiiay'a
tdiiioii, or Thurs itiy evening f ir Kriiluy'a erti--on.
'1'he Paitkkson Puiiushing Co.
Take Notice.
1. Ths um of five cents per line will be
jharRed for "cards of thanks." "resolutions of
respect," lists of weddin? presents and donors
jnd obituary notices, (other than those the edit
ti shall himself irive as a matter of news,) and
notices of Bpecial meetings for whatever purpose
2. Notices of church and society and all other
jntertainments from which revenue is to he de
rived, sha'.l be charged for at the rate of five
,ents a lino. These rules will be "trlctly adher-
H iu rvwry uiMUtuce.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
lpon application.
We hold each and every correspondent Te
ponsible for his or her communication. No
orrespondence will be published unless the
writer's real name is signed as an evidence of
ood faith.
. in Ajtent, 21 Merchants Exchange,
inn Francisco, is our authorized agent. This
paper is kept on tile in hisollice.
Give your business to Heppner people,
md therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Lone Creek,
form Day and Oanyon City, lenves as follows :
Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday.
Arrlveseverydayat,6 p. m., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
Phill Cohn, Agent.
City Hotel Bar!
The Public are Informed that G. B. Tedro've
is located in the City Hotel Building, and keeps
the best brands of Liquors and Cigars to be
found in liepner.
GambrlnuB Beer on tap. Served in largest
Blzed mugs. (j. B. TEDItuWE, Prop.
Here and There.
Get Tester's
prices on wall paper.
G. W. Vinoeut whs in the city yester
day. Spray Hells meat
Hihu e'er
Johnny Keuoey is over from G'lliiun
Grain fed me.its nt summer
prices ' t
Tom Burnett visited (ho metropolis
last week.
For bargains htteuil August Cliftrllon'e
private sale.
"Out in the Streets," S.itarday even
ing, Marou 23.
Churley Ashbaugh wus in from Eight
Mile Monday.
Photographer Dowe will return to
Heppner in July.
J. 0. Williams was in from Spring
Hollow yesterday.
The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works,
Walla Walla, Wash.
Joe Bannister, of Hardman, was in
town over last night.
During the month of March Yenger
will sell wall papjr at cost. 15 2.
Ben Poppen nnd family were down
from Hardman jeaterdny.
Attend Angust Charlton's private sale
during the nest -10 days.
W. 0. Metier and wife were in from
tbe Lexington country yesterday.
Can you afford t miss the drama,
Saturday evening, Much 23rd?
Born To the wife or Ben Swagijart.
Saturday last, an eight pound boy.
The Weekly Sun and the Gazette $275
per year, both atriotly in advance.
Yeager is selling wall paper at oost
Call on him and be convinced. 15-2.
Born To tbe wifaof Thnma Hcskins,
Thursday, March 14;h, a 10 pound biy.
Now is the time to kill Rqnirre's; and
Swaggart's ''Sure Shot" is ttitsstuffto do
it with. tf.
Full supply of garden seeds, both
package and bulk for suit) by P. C.
Thompson Co. tf.
Hillsbon has already held a meeting
nnd bave decided to have a Fourth of
July celebration.
Will Hoskins and Bruce MoAlister
were callers at the home ranch of the
"only" yesterday.
Anyone having one, two and three-year-old
steers fur sale should eee Sam
Kinsman at Heppner. If.
Poor branding oil is expensive at any
price, because the brand will soon come
off. Call on Minor & Co. und get the
best. tf
15, 25 and 35 oenta are the very Inw
prices of aluilsiou to the dramatical
entertainment Saturday evening, Maroh
Hey there! where are yon going?
Why tip to Gilhonsen Bros, for plot men.
Their cut prios will be up by tbe loth,
you know. tf.
T. A. Rhea has returned from P.rt
laod and informs m tlint h. tout My lie
will drive a big baud of ontile through
to Montana.
Fossil Journal: Rv. M. Brnmblet
and wife arrived Friday from L t e
H ick to eimm"nr r-vival rueeliu iu
the BaptiHt chinch.
Wm. V. Ons'iey rr.nl flml proof on
bii bonii'sternl ,M in.hiv lufnre Oleik
Morrow with W. K. Mikesell and J.utiua
l'eiilaud aa w:ttieMf8.
Sam Kin'-luao a'arted to Portland last
evening wi'h five car hind of ebe-p.
three from Yu. Pi plami' hand and
two from those of U. E Fumawiirtb.
G. B. Hatt, (he tonenrial artist, mn
be fonnd at Ida parlors, Mullock oomer,
where b will dispense at popular prices,
haves, shampoos, haircuts, eic.
Gid Halt, who has been suffering for
more than A week paelwitb ht was
thinght t'i h appendicitis, departed last
evening lor Portland (or treatment.
J. B. Natter Las reopened the Brewery
flalono, keeping on tun at all lira-! tb
best beer oi thx PaniQi Rott. Also no
bands the boat brands of liquors, vines
and cigr.rs. 66; f.
Coo don Olnhe: Dr. J. H. Hudson
accompanied llev. Cu'ran to Heppuer
Saturday, returning b"tn next rlav.
The doctor is" 1I plessed with Morrow's
Hillbiro Argu": Hon H. V. Oaiae
contemplate trip o 8a Franoteoo
non, retnr-ing via Klamath Fella, nnd
oth-r Rontbrr. t)'f a n p.. tots. He will
be rib- lit several vi kt.
Sneriler ti H Wrfl: Nun. tlis
oniirig n -' ( llfg'ii. t pr HMf.
With tlie I) I It", h'Hi in ailvt'oe,
t'275pr j-ht. A goinl en liiimhmi.
Two 't the pe'i,!.." t .per si on pf'n.
Subscribe tvl lb OhZjVai oioo.
Ex osure to rons:h weather, dampness,
extreme oold, etc., is apt to bring ou an
attack nf rheumatism or neuralgia;
chapped hands and faoe. oracked lips
and violent itching of the skin also owe
their origin to oold weather. Dr. J. H
MoLeau'a Volcanic Oil Liniment should
be kept on hand at all times for im
mediate application when troubles of this
nature appear. It is a sovereign
remedy. 25o. 50o and $100 per bottle.
For sale bv Slocum-Jnboson Drug Co.
The D-dles Chroniole: Hon. W. R.
Ellis arrived from Washington Sunday
morning The Heppner Ghz4te gives
him a nice little notice on account of
his good work in getting the bill parsed
that, will permit those owning railroad
lands, who hHVH not lived npon them,
to purchase. The nutioe is every bit of
it true, and all deserved and that Is
where the beauty of it comeB in. '
Jndae Mallory is in receipt of a recent
letter from his son, Cash, in which he
states that be is still pushing the fruit
biisii pss, havinn just finished setting
out 1000 pHob trees and GOO olive trees
and iutends soon to plant a number of
lemon and orange trees. Cash aln
states that he is hiving fairly goid
health nnd is well satietied with Cali
fornis climate.
W. W. Hmund, having been to con
siderable expense to improvn his fowls
by the introduction of new blood from
the prize pens of 8 A. Wells, of Almeda.
Cal , is now prepared to furnish es?gs of
the Brown Lgliorn breed that cannot be
excelled in Oregon. 17-tf .
Mrs. T.S.Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn.,
says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer 'Saved My
Life.' I consider it the best remedy for
a debilitated system I ever used." For
Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it
exoels. Pi ice 75 ots. Sold by T. W.
Ayers, Jr.
B F. Swaggnrt is prepared to furnish
his "Sure Shot" eqtiirrel poison in
holesale lota. He has already received
a large order from Washington and
Idaho Every where it has been nsed.
it has not failed to exterminate the little
pests. (f.
Will Hoskins was down from Hardman
yesterday. The populist meeting at
that place Saturday, he says, was fairly
well attended, and several interesting
speeches were listened to.
Shilo's Cure is sold on n guarantee.
It cures incipient Consumption. It is
trie hest (ongb Cure only one cent a dose.
23 cts.. 50 ots., and $1. Sold by T. W.
Ayere, Jr.
"! irried At Ioti", Wednesday, March
13ih. v is Eppa Wilson, of Monnnieur,
'ml Ed ("luff, of lone, Oecrnn, Justice
0m 1 ('flijiatii.g. The Gazette ollije
extends oougrai illations.
Oreen Mathews for shaving, bair
cutliug, shamprioing and all other work
in that line. Baths at any time during
business hours. CM. Jones, assistant.
D,n't forget P. C. T' ompson Co. when
y hi get ready to brand your sheep.
O'l, laino black and turpentine now ou
baud. Bring your cans to put them in.
S. P. Gould came in from Canyon
City Saturday and left for hie home at
Prindleton. Mr. Gou d is representing
a wool commission house this year.
Hick Mathews still runs tbe City Hotel
barber shop. Shaves, shampoos Hnd
haircuts always u stuck. Bathe in oon
neotiou. Call on him.
After the 15th of March Gil'ionsen
urns, win mitke a special cut on large
sizud family groups. Bo ready for
them. tf.
Expected to arrive at Miuor & Co.'s in
the next tew days, the largest stock of
dry goods ever brought to Heppner. tf
O. M. Yaw has purshased some
property in the Black H irse section and
will soon move thereon.
Wanted Plain or fancy sewing. Will
go to the bouse or take sewing at home.
Mrs. Mary Henderson.
Wanted Laundry work by Mrs. C.
Nelson, old Mountain House. Mending
neatly done.
N. A. Laoh. nf L"xiuifton , was iu the
city a short time t us morning.
Loin steak, 8 ots, ; round steak, 6 cts.;
rib steak, 5 cts., at Sprays.
No fish oil sold by Minor & Co. for
braudmg sheep. tf
The (ii-mi i ne Merit
Of Hood's Sarsnparilla wins frieods
wherever it is ftirly and honestly tried.
To have perfect health, you must have
pure blood, and the best way to have
pnre blood is to take Hood's Sarsapar
illa, the bet blood purifier and strength
bnilder. Itrxpelsall taint ot sorofnla,
salt rheum and all other humors, and at
the same time builds up the whole sys
tem. Ilond'i pills are prompt and efficient.
23 cents.
A Noted Ball Fifchgr Dead. W in
field i. Camp, the baseball pitcher
familiarly kn iwti on the ooast aa "Kid"
Camp, formerly of the Seattle club, died
at bis home in Omahs, ot quick con
sumption, last Saturday. Tbe manager
of this paper made (be trip from Omaha
to this ooast with Camp in the early
spring nf '01, and fonnd him to be an
affitb'e fellow and a gentleman. Camp,
though then but 18 years of ae, had
won q 'lire a rp itaiiou as a pitcher and
afti-r nrd-i j lined the Pitthliiirg learn
and hint season plated with Ansou's
Chicago team of tliH Na'ionhl lengue.
Rnrklen's Arnlcn Siitve.
Tin best salve in the world for cuts,
Hrnt'es, Sores, Ulrers, Suit Rheuin,
Fever Sores, letter. Chapped Hands,'
CIiiIIiIhiih, Corn", and all skin eruption
and p'leihvely cures I'iles, nr tio pay
required. It is guaranteed to irive
pc'd-ct satisfxctioo or mouev refunded.
riPco 2i cents per box. For sale by
T. W. Ayers. Jr.
Oct i!t tub Sthket. What might
j properly be termed l tie social event of
I the season is the t mpernce drama
I entitled "Out In the Streets" to bs put
no by local talent, under the anp;ce of
j ths ('tiriittian Etid ,'Hvor, one week from
tomorrow evening, March 23'd. This
plsy is sell arranged with a good plot,
j ending wilt. I tin bexiltlful tableaux, and
in all leaches an excellent moral. Tus
following 0'imposs tliedst nf characters:
Harry Rg1y, John Unrnor, Percy
Gtrriiineii, Hurry Warren, James Hart,
Lena Ui-hm, Ada M.nor, va Brians
and Lb Minor. Good mrjoi' both
vocal and lntromntal. hbeo secured
f ir the rif)ciion, and an ei5llnt
j eveiiij' eiilert-ifimoit msf b njwrt-
!'". .VIniNt.in, frr e'', 3,
g-iirn.l m) i nwion, Z'i u.l children 15
rent. Ticket for stle t.t T. V. Alers
! dm tja. Cod you uJji tu mil tuii
j tat?
Jlfr. Arthur J. Menday
Woodland, Wash.
Eczema For Over Three Year
Purified the Blood With Hood 'a
Sarsaparilla and Is Now Well.
" C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"Dear Sirs: I wish to forward you a
statement of my case. Eczema ap-
f eared three years ago and since then
have tried all kinds of remedies for
the cure of the disease and had given
np all hope of ever being cured. At
la.-t I W69 told to try Hood's Sarsapa
rilla and Hood's Olive Ointment. I
did so and I am happy to say that
I Am Cured
Of that dreadful skin disease. I have
taken sixteen bottles of Hood's Sarsa
parilla and used five boxes of the Oint
ment. I would have written before
but I wished to wait until I was conil-
Hood's- Cures
dent the disease would not return
again. It has not and I can say I am
perfectly cured. I gladly recommend
Hood's Sarsaparilla." Arthur J.
Menday, Woodland, Washington.
Hood's Pills do not purge, pain or gripe,
but act promptly, easily and efficiently. 25c.
Heard Fkom the Church. William
Ainslie, of Bonner's Ferry, R. J. Monroe,
of Lewiston, R. S. Bronson, of Moscow,
John Patterson, of Wardner, H. L.
Hughes, of Gem, Robert Neill, of
Wallace, F. B. Gault, of Moscow, and a
number of others, says the East Ore
irmiiati, came iu from Boise City Satur
day evening and went north Sunday
morning. They had been present as
members or spectators at the Idabo
legislature, which has just elected
Senator Slump to succeed himself. The
deadlnok was broken by the Mormon
members, ncting, it is th tight, under
advices from Salt Lhk' churoh oflioiuls,
who advised that a suffljient number of
Sweet's supporters g' to Sboup to
elect. This was d ine after sixty dnys
of ceaseless struggling and bitter
political fighting. The company of
politicians who were here Saturday
night were mostly Sweet men, and
consequently felt a keen disappointment
that their favorite, Willis Sweet, con
gressman from Northern Idaho, was
not victorious. The northern part of
the state wa strong in support ot
Judge Sweet, who is said to bs the most
populur man in Idaho.
Great Uaks
From little acorus grow, so also do fatal
diseases spring from Email beginnings
Never neglect symptoms of Kidney
troubles; If allowed to develope they
cause nmoli snffrtiiug and sorrow. Dr.
J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm
is a certain cure for Buy diseaee of weak
ness of the Kidneys. A trial will con
vince you of its great potency. Price
SI 00 per bottle. For sale by Slocum
Johnson Drug Co.
The Forfeited Railroad Lands. It
seems that many bave been congratulat
ing themselves too soon upon the
passage of tbe Ellis bill by congress,
says an exchange, and that tbe railroad
lands are still in the same condition
they were before that bill parser. That
is to say, Secretary Smith's ruling will
have to be taken as law, and aotunl
residenoe will, as heretofore, be requited
on the forfeited railroad Kuds. The
reason ot this is tbat President Cleve
land did not sign the bill, though it
passed both houses.
A Household Treasure.
D. W. Fuller, of Cansjobarie, N. Y.,
says tbat he ulwayi keeps Dr. King's
New Discovery in the house and his
family have always found the very best
results follow its use; that be would not
be without it, if procurable. O. A. Dyke
man, Druggist, Catskill, N. Y says that
Dr. Kiog'i New Discovery is undoubted
ly the best cough remedy; that be bas
used it in bis family for eight years, and
it bas never failed to do all that is claim
ed for it. Why not try a remedy so
long tried and tested. Trial bottles free
atT. W. Ayers, Jr . Drug Store. Regular
sice 50o. and $1.
O cncil rHooKKDiNOs."Conooil met
in r volar session last evening at the
city hall, all present exoeut H lie urn,
Mayor Morgan presiding Minutes
o' lat regular meeting read and ap
proved K' port i'f fitianoe com
mitter! ou th report of R eorder Hal
Inck and Treiisurer (luun, for quarter
ending Feb. 28, 18'.), rea l and approvad.
lbe report recommends that kit receipts
be tili-d with recorder htfore licenses ara
to be limned, and that the recorder
ineist npuu same without exception in
any case Committee on nrdinauoe
were required to draft an ordinances
licening China wash honsea at $5 per
qaiirter Cotim il e1j untied.
Hymplotna ot kidney trontdea aliould
b promptly attended to; lliey ara
Dature'a warnirua that oioi'lLitj( ia
rrnfig. Many perantia die viclima nf
ki'lray diw taea rlio eonM tiava bwn
nd bail llji-y tnkn proper precati'i'i i.
Tha pri'rnit n i Dr. J. II. McLran'a
Lifer an'i K ulnar Halm ha anted
lh'naaiid l Vtlualila liva. If mij
bava any deranKncut of tha kidney a
I try it. Pri(!it (1 per bottla.
Any pron who deaire to tra1 aood
nntnontuK-re,) r,n land, auitahla and
In iviiiditiori tr raiaina wheat, fur
! P'Apertjf In Portland, ahould call at b
i O. .. r.m'je.
Mcl'Vlattil MerflRriil'n V.n., have
cliiiied lliir In-!(,- tu an alemlolf
nx h In- lie. i i f i at wi'lj Hi- year.
Th'l'p'irea OompHre With Ilia nwre.
Alao aell t On ln W..t UhVioit Vnm.
' d-r, aa u' aa ' l. ri (a ti
J uLutpwr. ihx lmv aO.
urmnixirrirr u
Big store at Heppner has a complete assortment of
Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware and Gener
al Merchandise.
we sen
The Celebrated . . A T
Baking Powder
These (roods
give the best
We will Retail Goods at Wholesale Prices,
Our books are closed to any
Further Credit Business.
A Few Cash Prices.
Ihey Speak Louder Than Words.
Beat Syrup, per keg, ?2.50
Beans, 27 pounds for 1.00
Roast Coflee, 4 pounds 1.00
Green Coffee, ilt pounds. . . . . 1.00
Granulated Sugar, IB pounds 1.00
Extra C Sugar, 17 pounds 1.00
BeHt Ulee, 14 pounds 100
Tomatoes, 10 cans 1.00
Su;;ar Corn, 8 cans 1.00
Golden Gate Baking Powder, 2 lbs 1.00
Dr. Price's Baking Powder, 2V, rbs 1.00
Golden West Baking Powder, 1 pound 40
5 gallon Keg flckleb 1.00
5 gallon Can Coal Oil v 1.25
20 tt. Rolled Oats 1.00
3 pounds Chocolate uo
6 cans Table Fruit 1 00
12 pounds seedless KatBlns l.oo
IB pounds Extra Kaislus 1.00
Of the National Bank of Heppner at
Heppner, in the State of Oregon,
at the close of btisiness,
Mch.Sth, 1805.
Loans anddisoounts $ 88,081.18
Overdrafts secured and unse
cured 5,105.05
TJ. 8. bonds to secure circula
tion 12,500 00
Premiums on TJ. 8. Bonds 800.00
Stook securities, etc 6,110 75
Bankiughouse, furniture, & fix. 2,509.30
Other real estate and mortg
ages owned 570.00
Due from National Bauks
(not Reserve Agents) 2,911.81
Due from state banks and
bankers 2.738.51
Due from approved reserve
agents 2 260 92
C'ueoks and other cash item". . , 306 4ti
Notes of other National Bauks 2)0.00
Fractional paper curreucy.
nickles, and oeuta 22.00
Specie f 1.977 75
Legal-tender notes... 10(10 00 2,977.75
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treasurer (5 per oent. of cir
culation) 562.50
Total 8127,689.26
Capital stook paid in $ 50,000 00
Surplus fund 9,500.00
Undivided profits, less expen
ses and taxes paid 3.800.40
Nat. Banknotes outstanding.. 11,250 IX)
Dividends unpaid. 700.00
Individual deposits subject to
check 20,659.80
Demand certificates of deposit 13.773 00
Bills payable 9,100 00
Total 8lU7,68'j.2ti
State of Oueoon, )
County op Moiuiow, f
I, Ed. R. Bishop, Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
alme statement is true to the beat of
my knowledge and belief.
Ed. R. Bihhop, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before uie
this 16th day of March. 189 '.
E. L. FhbklanI),
Notary Public for Oieuou.
Correct Attest: Wm. 1'enUud, P.
C. Thompson, Andrew Rood, Directors.
In the fall of 1893 a sou of Mr. T. A.
MoFarland, a prominent merchant of
Live Oak, Sutter Co., Gal , was taken
with a heavy oold. The pain in bis
chest were ao severs that be bad apaama
and waa threatened with pneumonia.
His father gave blm aeveral large doses
nf Chamberlain's Cough Remedy which
broke up tbe Of. ugh aud cared him.
Mr. McFarland aaya whenever bia
children bave croup he invariably gives
them Gbamberlain'a Cough Remedy and
it alwaya oure them. Ha couaidera it
the hest cough remedy Iu tbe market.
For sIm by Hlocnro-Johnstoa Drug Co.
To Vote on School Bookb. Htata
Superintendent of Inatrnntioo, O. M.
Irain, ia eendiug out oireulara to tbe
county aiiperintendeoti ot aobonla, re
qneatiDff tbam to prepare and eend bim
their rotas deeitfuaiiiig the remaining
liat of aobool booka for una in tbe tcbools
that failed of being eboaan laat year,.
At tha laat voting ronteet at tba clnaa of
the yaar (here ware a unrulier of booka
that failed to reoeiva a majority of tba
volea raat and for that reeioo no
aalection waa rnale. Tbarefura there
in ut be another eonteat to daoida tbe
qiieetion. Tba book upon which a
drciaioo waa not reached vera: Lraw
ing bouka; Phyaioal geography; Ounpo
aiiion and rbetorio; Eogliah literature;
Mupplerjaaotery reading (elementary,
intermediate an academic.)
How to Care Uheaaiatlaai.
Araoo, Ohm Co., Ohsoom, Nov. 10,
1893. I taiab to inform yon of tba great
good Chamberlain' Pain Balm baa dona
tuy wife., the baa bn troubled with
rhenmatlem nf tha arm and band for
ail montb. aad baa trteid many rruiadira
pieecrlhed (ir that rximplaior. but found
tin re tef niitll h nad ftii Pi'i ISnIm ;
una biiiU of hidi ba clriilflel
t'lireil her. I take pleaanra to reria,
rrt'ding it for tbat trouble. Y"nr
foly, C. A. Bo'laid. tt) neal and il00
, ltteua fur eJi by ouAma-JiAitmn log
aie Strictly Pure and
of satisfaction.
Dry Goods
Boots & Shoes
At prices to compete
with any cash store
in the country.
Here are
Which we wish you to
Remember :
First: We Keep
Second: We offer it
Third: We sell
We are enabled to give more
for a dollar than the usual
"Dollar'B worth."
Main Street, Heppner, Or.
W.L Douglas
C3 CUrEr is the best.
?4.3.5.P Fine Calf&Kangarocl
3.so P0UCE.3Sol.es.
' HTMPi roo f at a i nrnr
Over One Million People wear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
Al! our shoes are equally satisfactory
Thcjr f lv tha btt valuo for th money.
They equal ouitom ihoc In atyle and fit.
Thslr wearing qualitlca aro unaurpataed.
Tha prlcca ara unllirm,.lampd on aola.
From Si to $.j aaved over other makea.
, il your dealer cannot tupply you wu can. hold bj
Denlrr wlioaa natna will liotlv ap
pt)rtierc. Axaut WHuteil. Apply at oooe
ifyon uae the Prtaluma
Incabatara a Braoderb
Muka money while
other at waMmx
1 1 m by ol il orotTM.
Calaluvtella all alx.ut
Il .and 3eTil)-a eery
article neeiletf lor IUCJ
poultry buuDcaa.
The "ERIE"
merlianlcally Ih beat
wneei. iT'iuri ai'ici.
JVe ara I'm lhc U1
Avent. Illi yi la cata
logue.mailcd Irce.Kivc
I'lllilMrTlntlon V
rl-M etr AfiFMT WAWTen.
baaoi.il lln kn, tu h Mjin hi., I,ia Anrlr
,r, t r .i
mix tm H ib
:4 tail m
a Ivf I
V .h
I'll -ti IrwM. -tt I, (M-(.til 4Mi
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AirMa t latift or rtl qiH ti
r.O. aa aaa.
waMiciOJi, U.t.
extoM raocxuD
l-. f f t r at'ea iii.krt in tlif'a
J'it m ma rrinlir Am ' r ' liee 't- w"
irrtT'.rt of ('. Ind'1 f t lfj .- ('i. id
lb)r ieea, mw fiinlel n d ani ra'"'"! Jlea
t;rt t fa"'ia tit w Mr
' " rim' ad!. Sop
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Has no future
we don't want
Upon any other than
can't place "credit" at
We Don't Want
The cash buyer to pay for losses occasioned
by bad debts. We treat all alike, and tell
goods for less money than you can pet
them elsewhere.
It is the Headquarters !
jpcin.te, DrtitfM OU,
let Artloes, l'utent
OJice of all stages running
las mh institute
All buaineag a 'tended to in n prompt mill antisfactory
manner. Notaries Public und Collector.
Is the Place for Fresh
P. C. Thompson Company
Are Still on Deck with Bargains for Cash
Corner Main and Willow Street,
Land Patents
Lnnd pHtcntri Becuroil for Hfttlors in thn hliortobt impriiblo 1 rx.
Contested Cases
CobUthtml ritHCH intnlli(.;'ii)ly nnd skillfully handled.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claimB nnd diKjuilcn Ki edily wltlcd.
liettneen iridividnala bavinir Riii llictirig rlnima iini'rr tha airHruMral land
lava, and tboaa between olamihiita ui.d. r l, Miiernl una and eyririillnrnl
nlaimanla; ami alao liHtareen "Uim ml no lr any nt iIim pnliln I m I I iwa and the
Kailroad oompatiiea aiid ihnr vranlei a, and the ald'ca and their giunliea, Ubder
tha Kwrmp-Land and Hch iol Land Oram.
Hieclalty made nf ai'i'iirinu paiema in Ihe ah tli-fl imeailila tiniw fur aetllera
whobave complied with iIih lawa timb r a hiidi li ir enlm w. re ni'e, and ho
are annoyed and aorrieil by ilelnya in the n-i-ii" nl iheir imtenle, cm.mil by Trilling
lrrrgn'aritiea whioh ran be eaaily and epeedi'y r ntiivrd
Advice alao given In all maitera reiHtini 1 H.e pnlilin Inmla, imperially nn
pnibta arlaing nnder tha new l whioti huve hr-n recently pmeed pruviding for
tbe diepoaal of the public rtnmain.
If yon want vnur land patent In a bnrrv if yon want ynnr land bnalnaaa, of
any rbaraoter, attended to by akilllnl ami 0' nipi ifiit uit.irm j, nnd pmuiptly die
poaei or, write to
John Wedderburn, Gln. Man.,
P. O. Do, Kfi.
value to up, and
aDy man's
a money bnsis, We
any kind of interest
C.lllH.4, Tol"
out of Heppner.
PHIL. COHN, Proprietor.
For tho Cure o
Liquor.Opium and Tobacco Habits
It la located nt Fnlcm, Oicroii,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast,
Cull nt tho Oazvttr ofllre for pnrtlculnri
Strictly conUcU'Ullnl. Trciumciit private and sum
Plenty of ihem at the
Gazette Office
Groceries, Cheap
wLkigtuu. V a