Notwithstanding all the bad things said about tbe last legis lature it appropriated over half a miliiuii lets than the previous oue. IS THERE A NECESSITY FOR SILVER PAKTY ? "W SSf FT GOiA'G TOO F.ltf. TIib democrats cpntral com mittee met in Portland Inst week to dictate, it nppear, to office holders as to whom they should npooiut as hubaltet ns aud whom tlipv slinul 1 not. The office of collector oE internal revenue cume in for more tlinn its 6hare of at tention. Mr. Bluckraan lms pre Burned to keep in his office J. Frank Davie, a most estimable gentleman and one who bus spent a life titan in the work in which he is nmv employed. Probably no man in Oregon, or indeed in the grout Northwest, is so well prepared to tnke upon himself the duties of that p 'Bition as Mr, Diivis. Mr. Black man is respon sible for the fulfillment of the duties of his office, has given bonds for the s vme and no small fry politicians in an endless array of "whereases" and "ther-jfores" should concern him. The only objection to Mr. Davis is that he is a republican. The rest of the force is of the Jeffersoniau stripe and are therefore perfectly accept able to the "faithful." Mr. Black man is also accused of and abused for having his wife on the pay-roll. Some go so far as to say that she gives no services in return for the same. This shameful attempt to draw into this matter the name of a moHt estimable lady is to bo deplored. It (shows what some partisan poll ticians will step to. In fact Mrs. Blackman is not an attache of the office at present; has not ben for some months At onu lime, we mm informed, she did hold a position under her husband am performed the duties required o her in well as any person could HulHi-quent illness requited hoi giving up tho place and salary Ji inking at mis matter am others of like nature so severely condemned lv tho bosses at their late pnwwor, from a strictly lion pai l inn u standpoint, the (lii.ctte cees no go d reason fr the ob jection. Tho responsibility rest in i upon the hea ls of the various d 'ii n tments is an incentive to Hecnre the bot help, regardless o politics. It republicans wore in olh.o nif-teud of democrats, it would not chaugo the opinion of the Gazette in the loast as to the principle iuvolved. It is quito clear that the cui service rules, for the good of (he whole people, should bo extendei far beyond present limits. It is necesrary and must be done to prevent machine methods from impeding tho proper adminis triition of nffiirg of important oflu-os in tho gift of tho chief executive. IftheoM railroad com m Union cannot hold over, as many seem to believe, tlm governor will ceitninly in ika u mistake by in iking ap pointments to till tho vacancy. We b.-liov.) this is tho general fooling in Ivistoni Oregon, espec ially in tho localities at tho mercy of one railroad. Whilo many would havo preferred nu active commission, such as tho Gates bill provided for.aud others a maximum rate law, yet since wo have neither let us have an active railroad com- mission. The past commUs'ions liuva secured concessions tor citizens along the lleppner branch that otherwise could not havo been liojie.l for, and when oJ stales (Kvid that n railroad commission is n t only viduablo but Decenary, we believ.i the people of Oieg u would also be benrlUed by the na:ne. N. if t'nero is a vacancy let it bo filled. This Italian incident over in Colorado proves clearly that the flood-gates of immigration should be shut 8gainst all undesirable foreigners. An exchange wants to know what tho lafet legislature accom plished. 'hy, it abolished two of the greatest enemies of the common people, .1. Neater Dolph and the Oiegonian. The Smith Celilo portage bill will go into effect Mav 28tb, with out the approval of the governor. It is understood that the O. R. & N. Co. will contest tho constitution ality of the act. TnE masses of the people are not through singing the praises of the "30." It can yet be heard from every quarter and represents the outpourings of thankfulness on the part of those who want a purer administration of affairs by a party free from corruption. H'e are pleased to note the Long Creek ICagle on our table, We had the pleasure of a 40 days' acquaintance with Orin L. Pat terson, the editor, at Salem. Mr. Patterson made an excellent member, nnd voted right on al measures. Sheridan Sun. A NEW W. C. T. U. COLUMN. The Arlington Kecord was not pleased with McBrido's selection as the following uncomplimentary notice would indicate: "Mr. Mc- Hride will fill the place of senator from Oregon, will draw his salary regularly, and when he is able to be in his seat will vote on the re publican side. If be lives he will continue to do this for six years nd then drop down and out. And this is the history that will be written of him, nothing more nothing less. Senator McUride is the same affable Geo-gn he has always been Exalting him to the highest position within the gift of the state Ins not changed him in the least, and he is today, as always, as ready to give ear to the humblest citizen as to the aristo cratic millionaire. A man of the people, it is no surprise that his election gives entire satisfaction to the people of the state. Senator Mitchell presented Senator Mc- Bi id's credentials in the United .tats somite Saturday. Dallas transcript. IIUIUIKI) Ul AGAIN. II null Sled nek. Ilia Notorious Horse Thief, t'inilliitie tu Lead tint (Jlllrei'a ft uiei-ry CIlllKf. En. Gazettb: Tbere wmii to bs considerable dis- cuaaiorj io this county rfBardioK the formation of a ce party on tbe single plank ot free. Silver, and there is quite a diversity cf opinion upon the subjict in ell political parties. Tbe single gold standard element olaim it is a movement to divide tbe reuoblioan party, while some ot tbe populists think it is the movi-ment for t lie sole pnrpose of diviilinp ant keeping divided tne free ailer ftttces. For example, look at oar state seuator, Mr. Qowan, and Representative Bonthbv. It eeems that when they were elected to represent the people of Oregon in the election of a U. 8. BeDator, that the votes of tbeir followers represented two different sentiments. I for one am unalterably in favor of tbe free coinage of silver at tbe ratio uf 16 to 1, and when I vote for a man on that principle I do not want him to be tray me and still claim to be of the same party. I am also opposed to tbe formation of a new party, but I am in favor of tbe greatest eood to tbe greatest uumber, therefore am open to couvio tion and oonveision. Now, Mr. E litor, think the friends of this new party measure should come before tbe people and give their reasons for the organieatioo of a new party. No doubt there are many advocates of this new movement in Monow county, wbo wonld be and are willing to preseut their reasous upon this question at any time and place. Therefore I would suggest tbat tbs reason far and against should be brought before the people iu a joint discussion ot the following question: Jieaohed, That the formation of a new silver party is unnecessary. While in conversation with L. W. Lewis upon tbe snbj 'ot of a new party organization we fouud him opposed to it, stating tbat be believed it to be Dour policy. When Mr. Lewis was shown tbe ho ve question and asked if be would ohampion the affirmative side of it, he answered thai be would, pro vided be were allowed to select oue or two oolltiagues, and that said debate take place at tbe oourt hnu-e, at Hepp- ner on Saturday, April 13 b, 1895, at 7 o'clock p. m , as he would baye busi ness to call him tbere at Ibat time. If you want a discussion, trot out your champions and address L. W. Lewis, tUrdraan, Ureg'irj, lor the purpose ol arranging details. We would lika to bear from some new party man. Wn.i. Hoskini. Hardman, Or , March 17tb, 1895. for Go I nnd Home and Every Land Edited 6.7 MRS. HI AT TIE SUE AD, SlTl'. OF PllESS WOUK. HHPPNER, MARCH 19, 1895. Hand In hand with anfrela Through the world we go; Blighter eye nre on us Than wo blind ones know; Tenderer voice cheer hi Than we deaf will own; Never, walking heavenward, Can we w alk alone. luey Larcom. Is tbe habit of profaning the name of God on Ihe ircrease? We are onn straiued to ask Ibis because of wbtit e hiive heard rpoently on our streets and in places nf inistness. MeD nf intelligenop. men of good hnsinpss ability and who are among tbe first in public spirit or deed of kind nesp, seem nimble, in oonversa'iou with encli express their ideas with out fnq'ieot lapses into profanity. This habit, like that of slang, uooon- soionsly gros on the one wbo permits himself to use it. FOR fr'ALE OR TRADE. Ib-vea j'Ck of flrst-idass breeding onlicifs, eight years old, lht I would 1 ke to sell or tmde. If O 'Bb is not c n- f.r thin ven lent, win ine iu riui6 valnnble animal either cattle or sleep. Call on oradJress me at H'pjner, Or. , J. R. SlMlNS. Now is the time to get tbe Weekly Oregoninn, the greatest newspaper of the Wet. Wi.b .he 0 -tfbntb strict y in advance, for one PMr. $$ N better oombininion of ne-ppapers can be made in the state. Besides will give nri-mmm an B(Mioonm j a,, foot Planter, an Rtirif-nltcral Come in now nnd suboribe. The f..ll'wing p'ices are quoted on l.oUlc- Wheat. 40 CPU'S I" ""i barley, 40 cents per 1UU; iye, o t 103. Mrs Tfh, who has been visiting bf I daughter-. MeMlnmes E. G. Sloan arid D A Herren. ai d families, leaves this veiling for Portland. paper. Scott Emulsion has been endorsel by physicians of the whole world. Theri is no secret about its ingredients. Physicians prescribe Scott's Emulsion 7 iuj muw jj'flu j Hiiuijji.wwi-ii!iwa:'J.gr3g3aa3Zy because tliey Lnow what great nourishing and curative prop erties it cont dns. They know it is what it is represented to bo ; namely, a perfect emulsion of tho best Norway Coil liver Oil with the hypophosphites of limo ami soda, lor Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Consump tion, Scrofula, Anaemia, Weak Babies, Thin Children, Eickets, Mar asmus, Loss of Flesh, General Debility, and all conditions of Wasting. The only genuine Scott's Emulsion is put in salmon-, colored wrapper. Refuse inferior substitutes I Send for pamphlet on Scott's Emulsion. FREE. stt A. Bowna. N. Y. All DruRglst9. 50 cents ana i . Bpecliimii Cases. 8. 11. Cliff ord. Nrtw Cassn, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, bis s'oniHOh was dixnrdered, bis liver was hffHoted to an alarming degree, npp-tite ffll nway, and he whb tttrrihly reduced in 11uhI) and strength Three bottles uf ElfOtric Hitters cured him. Edwa d Shepherd, il inishurg, Ills., had a runtiing sore on his leg of eight eais's taiidii'g. TJhi d three bollK sof F.lectfio Bit'eis and sp"uli"Xesof Bnk- len's Arnica Hulve, and bis leg is sound and well. John Spenk-r, Catawba, O., had Hve larue fever sores on Ins leg, don. tors said lie was incurable. One bottle of Electric Hitteis and oue box Hucklen's Arnica Salve cured him eulirely. Sold by T. W. Avers, Jr. Here is something we wish a great manv of the "children of a larger growth" would learn and beed, tbe pledge of tbe Loyal Temperance Legion: "God helping me, I promise not to buy, drink, Bell or give Alchoholtc liquors, while I live, From all tobacco I'll abstain, ana never take Ood's name la vain.' ' Pennslvania W. 0. T. U. petitinrs the state legislature to close the saloons nn Memorial Dav. Our own state organ, The Oregon Wbi'e Ribbon, February is fa rlv frHgrant with the breath of good thim. All our fiiends should erjoy this paper with us. Eight Western state legislatures bsve voted on woman suffrage during the past few weeks: viz North D.iknta, South Dakota, Montana, Washington, Oregou, Califoriiia, Idaho, and Arizma. From the Oregonian wa learn an anti-mnrphine crusad is being wsgi d against druggists of tbat citv. Accord ing to recent developments it is h g'l time that that system of dealing out death tu body and soul wub interfered with. Miss Willard has decided upon con sultation with tbe other general officers of the W. C T. U. to return to Eng and, March 6 b with Lady Henry Somercet. Her unceasing labors during the past winter make a change and rest imper ative. Mis. Amelia J. Mead, state evangelist W. 0. T. U , expects soon to start not on n tour, the nt j ct of which is to elu oate our membdis in bible study, to awaken cliri-tians to a sense of their d ut v and to carry the gospel to the drinking ol as . True Economy rlm-sn't buy it doesn't need. Indices- J tion. lViliousness, Sick- V Headache, do not C need a dollar's worth of doctor, but a f quarter's worth of Beecham's (72&m) PUIS a Box. 8 Price s cents. Q QQQQQQQOO & WSflTS TRADE i&7 For a COPYRIGHTS CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT f prompt answer ami an u..i i its w 'i.. who have lincl nearly nfiy rc.-r experience In tlie Patent buslrrts. Commnnica. tlon strictly confldentla . A Inm I'""'' f formation concerning ' n tculs an 1 bow to oo- tain them sent iree. aisuk uuiuiuew 1C:1 una suilmiliiiu u,,io pcu. ..v. . , . "',Ll.l",i' " in i...cnii. and thus are broinlit widely before the P"Wlc with out cost to the Inventor. This splendid rarer, issued weekly, elenantly Illustrated. baa .by far t e , . In,lnn tt ntlT MP OTlt. flfi WOrK IU tliQ world. : a venr. Fnniple cor'ce sent free. "iHdlMK.mion.mnntM conies, ii-? cents. Fvery numwr eontijlns beau tiful plates. In colors, and nPotoirinplis of new loiiies. wltfi r'--. enabllmrhull. era to show tu latest deslcris....j secure contracts. Address MUMS CO, Nkw XOUk, 301 BboabwAT. City ! Hotels THIS Popular Hostelry has again 1 been re-opened and will be run in first class style. Meals and Rooms at Popular Prices. Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop. The Lancashire Insurance Co. or)- MANCHESTER! ENGLAND K. W. PATTFRS IN. MiKN T. (2ii2nElJiiJ-y LIST OP LE ITERS. T ETTERS ADVEKTISED AT HEPPNER. I j 0..,Mur. 18, 18'Jj. Brarllcv. .Innr T Jones, John J Davie, V ldcr John 2 Bkinner, W illlara L When rallliiK lor thesi lettors please sny advertised J. " . wii.mam, r. M. Hon. .1. A. N'nioriT rpturtird lioiuft last wi'k niul ninny fii'Lvh ytvrt liim h liPHtty wplooiiiw nml coiirttiilnto liim on tho Md ntvl f.'nilt fit t-laii'l In' mill nyriiiiwt J,l.'i mimI li.llii,' ii.t for tl.o lutn !.-'. ..f tii" 1 1 i l i. Ilii hl'ilnl . . . I.I I . M IIH II fif I t I.I'll II 'I Ulf "'i- Hill l'"t That notorious lior an thii'fatiil fugitive, HhkIi Meillnok, Iiak ''bobbed up" ftktain, 1'iyn the O'iniloti Globe. Liixt Fridny HTfiiinif a week ho be oame tu the home uf Dc'l (to-, threw miles uortb nf Ouudoo, wlicru bii wife Ihih been utoppiuu a luantU or ni'ire, MeJluuk wanted her to in itb bun but alia refuaed, mid be then tried to OHioli br burse tbat whi in tbe imnttire, but failed iu tbat bIho. Word whb quickly dent to Sheriff Wilonx who, armed with a warrant and ancorupauied by Tom Johnson nod Jay I'. Lnoiis, started nut to bag tbe Uitine. Wedlock $o wind of wliat was tfomif on, and hi int across the country iu tbe direction of Hook oieek, via Hix Mile, his horse (trained (or tbe purpose) jd'Uping tho barbed wire fences with Ihe ability of a deer. Uy the time Ihe abet i IT and deputies Kt out there be had over an hour's start of tli;n. They o oild not follow him through the iielda mid were ubliited to keep iu the roads, wloo'i eflorJed the fugitive au eidel tent oil mn t'l eiaip- wtii"h bts did, iiroHainK K ick creek one mile ab.ive tin French pUoe. After huntiiiK roo of tbe nitfht without suoiirtis the ulll-era ifave it'i the chase and returned home. It will In remembered Unit Uat January Me.llock left the Lone Itork country with a borse he had borrowed from William ltrowo, of Loue Rock, ant was traced to this city by a Uilliara oonnty ofllcor whenConHlableWhelatone Joined in the pursuit. However, they failed lo catch the fugitive, thoiiuh I iter he was bo bard pressed by IV dletou clUders Ibat be was forced abandon tbe borse, which Mr. Utowu iifierwarilt recovered al Pendleton. lj'iat Thnrsdsy a week ago a man, tiiviDtf hi name as Mouttfomery, came to Lsiins IVuland's ranch aud was (vemiiited to sleep in Ihe turn over iiiiilit. lbtt ilurind Ihe tight lie de- parted, taking with bifU a pair of spurt an I a canteen, and on Ihe following nulil returned, ll ii Illoilhl, with the l .trillion of lakui some b it fiooi the stitile, wliitili h hd urestly a '.mired during bis visit on the brevloni veiling though lu this attempt he tailed. Slirriff lUrringtou. with lbs brliif that Montgnoiery was Done other than the Dot. flmu Wedlock, started In parsuit of bun 8turdy, bit retnrne.1 Wednes day having followed Ihe thief over io Umatilla county where be lost all trace of hen M.' II ck iein to fs lea ing Hit' i ill 'cis a tn'r eh ie h'I arniin t. uuacsr ok land ami minkkal flSIOXS. Furnished by W. I). Harhn. Ltnd and Muiing attorney, Washington, 1). 0. Lnnd uooe "tillered and subsiqueully euliancpd in price and not afterwards re-off-red," is laknu out of tin ciileg ry of InnJ silhjeot to "private eutry, Hml pre emplmu olmmaiit iherfor is entitled to S.J mouths from il it e or eettlemeut in which to timke tinnl proof. A lire eruption Ucolaratory statement died without pri-r seltleuiHut is made gootl by nutiK- qiiMiit s-'ttlement in the atHeiioe of any intervening adverse riiiht. lu determiniug whether lbn resulance and imprtiveineut showu bv a vr emptor indicates good f-iith, the degree and condition m liM of the entrimiin may be properly tHkeu into consider ation. MINING OLAIg. The aalnnn sets itcelf utrninat the 0'io'ch. and ii wotulerfullv rtliuieut in indouig Ihe g-od woik the cuiicli tries i ueif.'rrr. See how in every filort the church mnkei ehe is thwarted hy the suloi'll Her divine iiiU-Ioii la Io lend nun to a hiuhfr and purer life. To do tnia ehe miiit have ha mHieruil to woik with 'lie nidil'iil nv.ll with all bis hu man qualiiii'S, bs rennon, bis freedom of will. If there is oue peculiar nchive- meut that d"iink-uueia can pride Uselt on it ia its faoility to deprive man of bit reason aud to rob him ot Ins free will : and to make a chnst.ian out of s oonaiHiit drnukiird is likf milking brinks without atraw, or trying to build a sol id etructure ou tbe running airs Kev. A. P. D.0le. The right ti Ditrobme mineral land is restricted to oitlzeus of Ibe United l ateS, or those who have deolared tbe.r lu teution to bt'coraH snah. Hloouni- Jobnsnu Drug Co. desires tit to publisli the following extract from a letter of Chas. M. (luttelil. ot lined Icy Fresno Co, Cal . as they haudled the remedy referred to and waut then cus nmers to kuow what a spleudid medicine it is: "It is with pleasure I tell you that b one ilsy suae of Clianjoei leiu taiugli remedy I was relieved of a very severe coltl. My bead was completely stopped no and I could not sleep at uiulit. can recommend thia remedy " cold nearly always staits in the bead and afterwards extends Io the th'oat am Iiiiiks. Hy using this remedy freel as soon as Ibe coul has beeu contracted it will cure the cold at once aud prevent it from extending to Ihe lungs. Summons. Dm't forget the entertainment tt the opera huiiHH next Sntii'day night. TheFnz'r Axle flieiise advertising wHgon, io charge of some veterans iu the biidiueB!), pagaed through town Ibid week. TO i;ONSl'MPriVK3. A ftkh Thkiu Si Atre Last week the democratic state oeutral committee met in Portland Io atteutl to Ibe ordinary busiuest incident to Mich ocoasinu, but more particularly to scold Collector Blacknian, Surveyor Oeneial Arnold aud Postmaster Prolzmsn, of Fortlaod, for kci'pii'K ci tin iteiit repnblicaus in I heir employ. Mr. lilackmau's wife, whom every one knows to be a most estimable lady, was drsgged ill) It mcs, which asa sn uncalled for pre eeediug. Mr, itlackman hud a iwrfecl right Io employ iia lfe ll be chose Io do so. such a precedent having In en rstnhliahetl I'V tu predecessor Hull. Milton Uelllcr. Mrs. lllhcktuail lo not lieen on Hie py roll mum be bi'auiHloo ill n atteml lbs iluiies al,iiri tier, an I ibe liju-lics of th proceedings at Portland Inst wet k sr aptiareul Kepublicau have oft I continued in their employ eoruielut democrats, and ll wonld appear 'hat in Ihe alMive rueiiiioned caa nr great wrong bas been prpetrsted. It m not likely Ibat Prrsnietil I'Kvelsnd will notioe the houls of ihe hungry, sod it the bos show bsckbona and stand by their oolors tliey will be generally com- nieioti il . Tbe nndersivned having lieen restored to health by simnle meaua, alter suffer ing for several years with a severe lung Htr.-ctiou, and that dreatl disenae. Con sumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow snOerers the means or cure. I'o those who deaire it. he will cheerful. ly send, free of charge, a copy of the pre scription used, which Ihev will Und a sure cure for Consumption, Asthra i, Ca tarrh, Brouchitis and all thrust and lung maladies. Me hopes all sufferers will nse his remedv ss it is invaluable. Those desiring tbe prescription, winch will cost them nothing, aud may prove ahl'ening, will please address, K"V EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, N. Y. juull-w. It is the Ciztte's Intention to more Oarefully note in ilie future Ibe prices of cereals, etc , ss will a Io improve Ihe paper generally. The force are once more down Io business id the old stand, and tin se who are owing us need have no hesitancy in coming in with a few dollars now at a y lime. It takes money lo run a newspaper. Tiles! Piles! lulling Tiles. hvmtitoma Moisture; intense Itching am! stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bld and ulcerate, Ii ming very sore. SwT a OlNTMKNT stop Ilie itching and bleed liiir. heHls ulceration, and in roost casts removes Ihe Inmors. Al hv mail, for Moenls. Pr.SwajueA Son, PhiladelphiH, THE CIRCriT OURT FOR THE COUNTY of Morrow, State of Orcgjn. The Northern CoiL.tiesi luvcKlmeiit I rust Limited l'lalntlil. vs. O. W. Stewart. .Imcs li Hamilton, o w. HiirriiiKtnn Addle I'ar- vin ami J N. Brown. I ni'Tt'inlanU. I To O. V. Stewurt und James D. Hamilton, De- fenotoOs. IS TUB NAME OF T K STATE OF ORE (iON. You are hereby required to appear and answer the eoniplniiit tiled acdnst you In the atvive entlt'cl coiite on or ta'fnre the drat day of the in. t reioilar term of he aliovii named court. to-wtt: March IS ij; and If vo'i fail o to iinswiT. (or want thereof the plaintiff will take judiriut'ut HKidio't vm and will apply to the court fur thu relief dcinantlud hi Its complaint, t0AWriVcree for the sum of One Thousand Dollars trnld coin with intcrot thereon at the rate of eiirlit percent er niinuni from the Hist ilay of Jniv. ls!U. until imld. Forth" sum nf Hix tnnl Fifty Two lliiinlrelhs Hollars with interest thereon tit the rate nf eiiiht per cent per annum from the !lth iIhv of January, IK'.i.') and the sum nf Hue Hundred Dm ars attorney's fee, and eokts and disbursements of this suit. Also for th.. fiirec Insure of tne mortL'tiie exeeuteil oy lie- feudaiittl IV. Stewart s is ire ' lie paymenr oi the snine nnd convevlnir the vt'ii of the sVV( See. M. The" Sot ihe NWl, the or the SK and the of theSK'4 8 . 31, a"d the SWL, of the KVt'i of See. :t, all In T 5 South of Hanirc ii K V M. for Ihe side of said premises and lor jiidirment and execution airatnst thede fendnnt (1. XV S'ewart for any delcleticy whi h may remain after applying t e pro-eeds of the sale of altl in payment of the above named sums, aud 'or such further relief as Is demanded In plaintiff's complaint. This summons Is erred by publication by or der of W. I.. Bradshaw, Jutlif ol the above named court. J. N. BROWN, Siiy-Jl. Attorney for Plaintiff. FOR INVENTIONS. t i nt. .vfaMBf ftf t iSncA tiavitinr rlaims fltrainst the eovernment 19 JUUdi VV ILIA IIIC lllix.ix.av vi v- -"o , " , that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incomrjetency or inattention ot tne attorneys cmpioycu w ... patents. Too'inuch care cannot be exercised in employing competent ana reii. able solicitors tc procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, it not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys. and of seein? that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we nave re taiucd counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents In the United States and a'.l Foreign Countries, Conduct I terferences, Make Spedal Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to. eether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at ones advisea as u tne Dest couras tv. Hirnc. ut. o.v. - j - -- others are infringing on your rigt ts, or if you are charged with infringement try others, submit the matter to u? for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, u.u. p. 63 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. y Cut this out and send it with rocf lonuiw. JB 3000 PARCELS 0? MASL'L TEK SUMMONS. IN TMK C1RCTIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY of Morrow, tat of Oregon. J. II. ToMrnseiKl. 1 . liilntlfT vs. I Thomas VX'aldcn, XV, It. Scott. Oeo. XV. llitrris. I l.ifmirfanta. To Thomas Xnltleti nj 0. ". Harris, Defend tints. IS THE NAME OF THE (STATE OF ORE GON. You sre herebv required to appear ami answer the pnmplHlnt tiled atrslnst you lu the alMive entitled eusc nn or helore the tlrst day ot the next retfiilsr term of the above entitled rnnrt, to lr: Mo lv, the .'".'h il March Iwi.'i: and If von fall to answer, for want thereof the pluliitlir will apply to the curt for the rellei dene ndeil In his ronipliilnt. to-wlt: Jiiiluinent airvtift defendant. Thomas 'Vail, dim, lor tho sum nf Two Hundred Kour and Mxtv On 'nndreilt'-s lolla-a In t'. H. (inlil Colli with Intetvst thereon nl the rate of 10 per ce' t per annum from the first dav of rehruary. lv-'t, until paid, and for the further sum of 1 hlitv rhe Dollars a'tornev s fi e. ttjether with tlieci'stsaiid Ulibitrwinets of this suit to Le taxed and lhat the mnr'raire deserthed In p'alntlfT s eoniplnt be furecloaid and thst the premium therein described, to. It: The OX 14 of See :'4 1 p 1 N. It ii E XV M, be Id to auitl-f) said ItnlKinrnt. A nd that the snltl (ieo XV. Harris and all per sons rlnlnili K bv, ihrnush or under him be lurever barred of all tight or equll)' of redein' tl..n In siinl ireml" s. Till, snniiii lis is served 'y lntiiiication rv 0'itcrol I . Hr 'ahaw I'ldue "f tne lV)enth Judicial dlstrlrt f the 'title ol Oretco't. 1 1.1 tea Juuuary ou, 1 '.'. j. n nuoxw. 3KT-1 1. A tor ey ..r I'laMtllir. I ir-sv .ff u wnwo 1' AND ff ftSSOUITSlY f&M, WtifrVJt. ItiALtilitL vSiffl-ra money ur Ki.iT .. . r-. r- s& yA.u:t. stwma MACHINE MAD 2 WE C.l OCU DEALERS can ael! von ma chine cheaper ihurt you can get ol where. The NEW IIO.nK a our best, bat we make edeaper klnde, urh mi th CLIMAX, IUUAL nod other Hlch Arm Full Nlclicl MTated Sewlna Machine for $15.00 ouluft. Call on our agent or write un. Vo nor.: yonr trade, and Ifprleee terma nd .quare dealing will win, we will bnve tt. We challenge the world to p -odacea BETTEll 850.00 Soulnat iti ucalne for f 50.00, or a better '-0. " ivlnit Machine for i0. 00 fion J "" cua buy from as, or our Agent. ... tu.ii,'iiM-o.t:AL. FOR BALE DY Be New Hume Sewing Machine Co. 257 Market St. San FrancisC". Cal. n;y i NIK iu l-utn 1 01 Ami-a UjF tirHiiiiii- nricti -m'.i your ad dress if vecelvMl within SI be lor 1 yenr Bcioiy nieil on Kimiuied iuiiclH. (111. liirectory gimntnteeiiiK Ii5.aue ciMtmnera; fnini pub. Ilslicm u iu 11 uuiu tic- IIIIUH t,..,,'ll rMt'iviv SMI prnbiiliit', tlinuaunda in u,'a I" vulimblu luniks, papenv 1 -.i'ii'H Kiiinpie,i!)nK7.i!ie,r tti 31111. All t ree nnd each parcel with pasleil t!l(!ltin. KMHAI e," ulwi print antt nrejiy intHneoii.ii ol iiir luliel ntltlrewa to yon ; which itllt k on vtmr enveltiit'i,l)ioks, eic., tt pre' out Ihelr Iiuik toai. a. of lleldsvllle. X. L'.. writes : " h rem I my 4' cent address in yon r l.lirblnint Di-ectt rv I -e rueelven myi"untirria ln'teis aiid over iiooo l'r-ela ol 3) Alt. 1V atltirciwo .vim, "nui-i aiiionn pithllahcra and mHniifiit turers me arrlvlna: dullv, on valuable narceu of wall from all iiarts of the Vorltl.' XVollLU'S Alll DIRECTORY CO. So. U r"rank(oril and Ulraid Aves. FhlladeU Phla. Ha. The reirnlHr mibaoription price of tbe Semi-Wet kly (itizette in 82.50 eud the regular price of the Weekly OreKorjinD i 81.50. Anyone aubacribiDg (or the Otizt-ite ntitl paying fur ope year in iiitvHDce etin vet both the GHzette and Weekly OreKouiHu fur $3. All old nb act 1 lie r a paying their aiibacriDtionB fnr one ear iu advance wilt be entitled to the smiie. Singe lenvei fnr Echo Mondays, Wed-eatlnya. and Fridaya, returning od Tnesilaxa, Thnradava and 8atarday. 11. Wade. Prop. T. W. AyeraJr., agent. I K T 'a !.. r ll.t, the greitt I limit pnr ll r, uiv.a Irealmias and CleHflleaa 10 , , ! ; j It tm Ii t i Hud cur a l'.inl atmii, fl-a Li-1. - L at;iU . 0- ( y, vmf lt Jiy, L W. eVMi, 1 Jr. rnivxT 8at.. lltiring the next 40 day Annual Charlton mill sell al private aale al lna rauoh nut near lliMiaeherry all hit litinse hold goods, farming implement and atiwk. c. initiating nf iltihen ulenaila, hedrtmni eel, aein niHcliine. waiiun iln. harneaa, lmrea. etiwa. rliickena. eto AH I lie ery cheap f ir caati. Avail yuifaelf of tins tippurliiuiiy l aeiure a oa-gaiu. 13 in. The painter lella na lha lh apefllal hrHndtiitf ul (M b I C Thnmipenn 01. . at Wlcenla ter gallon.) ha lieller ataing qnalitiea than pure lln-eed oil bn wilt it"! lo lr houae painting be cane f Ita lendenc In Inrn 1U1 k on eipoanre In light. Made for the pur pone of branding tueep Pr!ng your own cana to put il tn. It. P.O. K"Vil B"e bail yeate'dar in lh annnffM and I n ice m u free P ut .t 1 1 ootk tii mit'ii'i'g i'h a ili T. XV -r ir , an I l ..'iil it lie - a I" l of ffMtd licre ii' hop- thul It" II g lf "I , . . . , . 1. 1 .1 I. la ,,H. Ill t.HI"l'', a IU") I" tine ...... 1.. a Ut xlllkUa of l4; ti" uciLuUU- UumUj Ik b ulJ. I IF YOU YJAUT INFORMATION ABOUT aiejuauput jkiii m p Tlte bnttct i f anini. men tuav le le.l.d bv iM'iip.ini'K l e ptio.-a if ,.,r,4., I ) I mid Kts'i l I. 11 IV iiirnil l..r liri IblMlg allreimf I'. U I'lMinipa'in t UMMOHS. ix TtiR cinn iT i-iii'Rr or tiik htatk 1 0! 1 irt nioi for Ihe Comity of Morrow. (.fine ix. llarrluaton, a Adiiiltil.tratur "I the Klat ol Ja'iicsKt.-narl, deltas d. I'latnllll', 1 Ja. 0 tUnillton. Dora C llsii'llt"". J N Hroirtt, 1 he .rtlicrn rontitlet liivi siineiil t rust (l.lni ami 'die I'arvlu, U-fendant To li-iv. P llamlltiin. lXi.ra (". flsmlit.m and Ibe Snr'herii t nnnllrs Inveatuietit Trust, 1 l.lml'c.1 1. Ii'eiitlaiit. ! I II K NMK tif Tllf. aTXTK OF OKF in: Vnii are betebv rtnre.l to appear and n,iHr the cmi'l ilM ftle.1 aialn.t tu the alwiv en'lt'eO a linn b. tit first dsv 01 tn next t -nn ol IIih ah ! e"t Ibil confl, to It : iu Mnn dav the J.Mh dav ol Xlarch. 1-eiX. and If vnti fa I so loans er. lor aant tliensd the plalntitf will tke I i.U'iiiflit aratnst Hie detendaiil James P. Hamilton I'-r thesum of (Hie I hoti.and a,lara uh Intereat thetwn Imm tne.Msi ni ot June. i at ihe rata ol ten per cent per annum; a d the sum of on hundred and Ten' r It llats as a'tornev'. fet-a. and tha costs and it'shnrwinents this action. Also tnr derrea of I lila eonrl for th for bai'tre of a e. rtal minus drscih. In Oh- itmiplalnt and r ei 'Ur iby the deifinUnts .lame . anitlion ii.t li.ira c. Hamilton. " tha J"th day of Jan- ioa v l't tn .Hiiw Ibe pat'oen'of a eertat i .m ii . .t ni'te iM.'te t.v M-ii I IN '! t m t.t.,1, 1 1,1 .t I li.' ill .b-. ' IU- I In fie ' c, ,i.',..,t 1 ,..,.ii. a"i inr ti.-c t.n-1 tn.Mi,.r 1 , .ii' Ml 1 ! I ! c .ii''i'liH'"i Uril Ihla.,, i, m. I. pll'.'l"! c.l i.r.'t-f .. the 11 1, w 1 . lit ,.:.ii. j i t .-.- 11 iin'ti. i'ii t I .-I r.'i'it. I'll c hn'ii at 11 cu Uw-i tie! "'' 'x -.. k m.i'H.ti k. 111. 'tiiHA I ADDRESS A LETTER OR POSTAL CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney, P. 0. Box 463. Washington, D. C. .lf.?.1?if!ib' vl"f h,T!r.' r,ol,lr" ""era m'.ui aerved ninety dnvs.or over, In the late war. areentul-d. if now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary manuaf labor, wnether disability W'i,".U.w'.V:Wv'lf "r "'""'I ret.rdle.s of their pcc.iuiary circumstances. lo" a,"Dl" " luJorauchsoldiersaiidsnilotsatenititledlifniit remarried) whet her ioldler'adee"i was due to army service 01 not, If now dependent upon Iheirown lalor for supoott. Wis" U ,lT.TtrlZr'"n xhl'-" M" '"titled if the aoldier-s deslh wa. die to seri vldow.VnaVmc"!.'!.' ' "m0,t U h" b" " PARrTH are emitted If aoldier left neither widow nor child. rvMed soldier dl l rvlc, or from .free., of .-rvlre. and thev arc f...w .l.pen.lrnt vpJnhtiTOoifaaZ port. B,.k. M.iUctf m whether aoldier rv4 or died la Uu war or la rSguUi arm, Tt to i.hwwVI. mCV UUler ne UWl B,fl3r for blh" .thW wi.IHf!i!?i.J,0,.ol'i"".lr,",",'r,"B ' Pr tnonth under the old lav, rt ittedt ntiTX&XKtiZtti ttJIi- r'0yor nary ala-lh. war ar. d?rt " ",""" h" 'ow. .i.ual, ,f yr. of .t. or 4l.able4 li,rVj;rorBp,,t,4"a,,tt:,w,B,0,,ta,B4' ?,ft!Kr P,n,l0B h" " rUd.adet l"iecet t'siatitrsMl ae .eri'eiw,.. ,.e--ee,1, ff,lertnn mroeter Ot literal war whu THE PRESS CLAIM". rnMonvv JOHN WEDDERBURN. Mann, A'... B, n f, j r - ' w'S "llu' UfcV. I r & 1 aat - L" iMiwrvuo