PATENTS! PEARLS OF DEW. i'ra. i Tj- rjg.V'f NOTICE TO INVENTORS. EE (CAPRICE BRILLANTE. EDUARD HOLST. i i i3 ( Tbere was never a time in the history of our cocwtry when the demand for inventions and improvements in the arts and sciences generally was bo great as now. The conveniences of mpjkind in the factory and workshop, the household and on the farm, as wl! as in official life, require continual accessions to the appurtenance and impliments of each in order to save labor, time and expense. The political change in the administra tion of government does not affect the progress of the American inventor, who being on the alert, and ready to per ceive the existing deficiencies, does not permit the affairs of government to de ter him from quickly conceiving the remedy to overoome existing discrepan cies. Too great care cannot be exer c'sed in choosing a competent and skill ful attorney to prepare and prosecute hq application for patent. Valuable in terests have been lost and destroyed iu innumerable instances by the employ ment of incompetent counsel, and es pecially is this advioe applicable to thoHe who adopt the "No patent, no pay" system. Inventors who entrust their business to this class of attorneys do so at imminent riHk, as the breadth and strength of the patent is never con sidered in view of a quiok endeavor to get an allowance and obtain the fee. TliE FRESH CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderbnrn, Oeneral Manager 618 V street, N. W.,Washington, D. C, representing a large number of impor tant daily and weekly papers, and gen eral periodicals of the eountry, was in Btituted to protect its Datrons from the unsafe methods heretofore employed in this line of business. The said Oon pany is prepared to take charge of all patent business entrusted to it for rea sonable fees, and prepare and proseoute applications generally, including me chanical inventions, design patents, trade-marks, labols, copyrights, interfer ences, infringements, validity reports, and gives especial nttenion to rejected cases. It is also prepared to entar into competition with any firm iu securing foreign patents. Write for instructions and advice. John VVeddbhbiirn. HIS F Street, P. 0. ttox 885. Washington, D. C. VTOCK BRANDS. Whila yon op your subscription paid up yen OBii keep your brand in freenf oharue. Allvn, T. J., lonn. Or. Horses Ui on loft aliinilibir; cattls aninn on loft, hip, nnrlHrhiton riwiit car, and uppor bit on tlie loft; range, ruw county. Armstrong,.!. C,., Alpinn, Or. T with bar nn lor it on loft alionldor of horum; cattle Baine on !"f! ti i (. AlliHon, ). I'.. Kiwht Milo. Or. Cuttle brand, O I) on lufl hip and horwia Hume brand on rift-lit alionlditr. Itim Kittlit Mile. Adkins, J. J., H'Mipnor, Or. Hnrana. ,TA oim Tittctnd on left Hunk: cuttle. aaniHon infl liiti. liiirthnlii'ncw, A. !.. Alpine, Or. Ilnraas bninilnd 7 K on nillinr Blionldnr. ItaiiKe in Mcir--ow cniintv niinniNlcr, J. W., Ilanlman, Or. Cut tin brand, od H ou l"fl hip and thiurli: split in nach ear. Itrcnncr. Pntcr, Uimsi. berry Oregon Horses branded I'll on loft Hhoiililor. Cattle same on riitht. aide. Ilnrkn. M Ht Intuit Creek, Or On cattle, M Y cninu'iiti"! on loft hip, ciop nil left ear. mi. dor half crop oil riulit. Iliirani, mime brand on lot ft shoulder. II:uik ill (Imiit and Morrow "llroaman, Jerry, linnn, Or. Homes brandiMl 7 on riuhl Hhoiihior; cuttle H on the loft aide, Ijoft ear half (Top 'nd riuht ear miner alopa. Harton, Win.. ll'Ppnor, Or. - Ilorana, J Hon rixht tliiuli; tmltle anine on rinht hip; aplit in eic'li ear. Hrown, laa, Lnniintton, Or. lioraea III on the ritdil stillc; cattle aaiuo on ritihthip; rautie, Slor row enmity. Hrown, J. ('.. lleppner. Or. Homed, circle C with ilot in coi tor mi left hip; cat! le, name, Itrown. W. J., Lena, lircitiin. Horm'it V Imr over II, on thu left shoulder. Cattle aitinuim kilt lliiycr, W. (I., Ilnppnnr, Or. Ilorawa, box brand on ruth' nil" cattle, name, with aplit in each ear. Horn, P.O., Iloppnor, Or. Horsna, V II on left shoulder; cnltle. annul on left hip, Itrowiiiee, W. J., Kin, T -I 'at tie, .III connected on loft Hide; crop on loft ear and two aplitsand middle piece enl oul on rinhl ear; on horses sinna brand on the left HiihIi; Ilium" in Kox valley, Orant coinitv, ('nraiicr Warren. WiiKiier, Or.- Home brand, ml O on riirM elille; callle - (throo ham) on riuht i'iIih, crop and Hplit iu each car. ItaiiKe in (iranl and Morrow coimtiea. Caui.K., ( aleb.Or - Y 1 on hnres on left stlflel V with ipiiirler eirolo over it, on loft elimildor and on left slide on all colla under A yearn; on loft shoulder only on all horses over Jl yean, All ranue in Oralit county. ( ate, Chan. It., Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses II (' on rntlit shoulder; cattle Maine on rinht hip. Itaime Morrow anil t'inatllla counties. ('orrli:ull. M M. Onlloway. Or --Cat t le crop out of nrh ear and uiiderbil, wutllr in forehead; horac half circled on loft Mithi. ItaiiKe Mor. row and I'niattlln cout'liea. Curl, T. II., John Dev. Or.-Ihinbla crnas on each lup on cattle, awallow fork and tinder bit in rinht ear, aplit in left ear. limine in (irant roomy. On alecp, inverted and apear point on shoulder. I'iar niaikoii ewes, crop oil left ear punched upper bit in rmht. Wet hem, crop in rittht and under half crop Hi left ear. All ran u li rant count v. Cook. A. J.,l.ena.Or, - llomeii, Whin rinht nhonl tier, ( utile, sameoii riulit Inpi ear mark sinara urop otl left and snlit in ria-lit. ( Y., CurriiiHVille, ()r. -llornea, 33 on loft at i lie. Coi Kd. H., Hardiiian, Or -Call Its (' with r iu center: homoa i'b'. ou left 'up. Cochran, It. K., Mniiuiiient, (Irani Co, Or. lloraa hiand'il circle with bar iMMieatli, on left nhoitlder; cat'leaaute brand on both liiptt, mark under alotie both cam and iiewlai. Cliaiin, H., Hardiiian, Or. - HomiMi braudml on rmht inp. Cattle braiehl the name. Aha braiula Ci on liornoa rtald IhiKh; ra'tln hubia brand ou nxht ahoulib r, and cut oil end of ridit ear. Doimlaa", W. M .(lallowav. Or.-Cattl, It Hon rihl aide, awailow-fork in each ear; homo, H 1) on left hip. Kly, Hi I.iui(la, Or.- Iloraea brandeil KI.Y nil left alioulder, I'tttlln nllld oil leflliip. hole in riuht ear. Kniery. ('. H., Hardiiian, Or.- Ilomea branded rtveraial ( with taill oil lel( ahollldcr; cat tle aanie on null! hip. Ilanite in Morrow county, Klorence, li. A., Ileppner. Or.-Cattle, I.K on ritfht hip; horaea V itli bar under on ritihl hoiilder. Horence. H. V. Ilepimer. Or llomen, K on rmhl aliouldei; cattle. K on ruhl hip or iIukIi. h'n'iifli, (ieoia"e, Heppuer, (ir. Callle branded V K, w ith bar it. on h'fl aide; crop oil left oar. lloraiM., nailio brand on left hip (ienliy, r liner, Kcbn, Or Horaiw bmidnil It. H. witti a ipiarter cm le over it. on left atltle. Kaoire in Morrow and I man I la count tea Hu.i I A. II.. llotae. Or. -Cattle. r,.iind top ml h ipiaiier riicln under it on the ritfht hip, Hhiiu-c in Vbirrow aod C niHlllla count ica. Ilmtoll A J. 'iik. Itailiillon. Or- Cattle, two h: mi either hip; crop in nM ear and pln iu left. lloraiMi J oil rmht Ihltfli. Uaiufe in Oanl couitly lletfhea, Maunicl. Wauiicr, Or-J" (T K I conlic.'11'.l i on nil of an. ei h lor ou tioin.mi; on cat Me, ill null hip nd on loft aide, nwallow folk III ritfhi ear and alii in hfu liana" iu llaatack do." icl. M'irr,w c v Ibde, Milloti, 'Vaiio r, Or. -Iloraea hralnle I -t tcatllc w 111 p-rallel tailaloll left ithiiilliter Cnlileaaiue ou lull Inp aio larue cm'le ou led .1,1... Howard I I.. lllloway. Or.- Itnr-awT (ci-oaa v il h li r above i' on rmli' t,,,ll(,r; calf I aanm on left unlit, litiiui III Morrow mid ImaiilU roil nt tea Hall. 1', John iav, Or. Cattle t II on fit-lit Inp; hoi eft'.lie oil I trfht alioulder. ItaiiKO in lirael ccoity Huvlca. M il. Hoppner, Or. - llnnai. ahadtal heal on th" hdt al "id dor. IWn Morrow Co. Hiinaiiker, H A Wanner. Or. llurtaai, on left h"ill'.r cl lie. f on left hip. Hit'iipliren, J M Hardiiian, (r.-llortKH, II on lcr Hank Hili'on. I.n'her, Clittit Mile. Or - lloi-ae lln th.. I..'! . I I .i I li. in on the loft litt ( at 1 k.,'11'. o i l.'fl ' 1 O. II .'.IO ill M I'M COiO't . I, ..!.. II "m , II -..fl r. tlr II brut l I II ,1 in, i;,.. .. i i 1 1 I t : rvl'a bam I it J t II t v'ii hip. !' on 1 i I'll In l"(t en. II time m Jlloi ro i '-nil v Ju iWiii. :i. C. II M'i,T Or - Home, horwtt. lot J ou I 'M '"i.l i'.r. ( t.(M. llaaanin. (hm o K'uht M!. J.-H f - Hiw". eii'lf J"" Attttro mfideratti. I . r left atilln; cattle, name on riKht hip, under half iron in riwht and anlit. ',n left ear Kennv. Mike. Ilniipncr. Or. Home branded KNY on left hip cattle same and crop olf left ear: under aloiatnii tlie riidit K rk. J. T.. I eminer. Or. Hones 69 on left ahoTildnr; cattle, ail on loft hip. Kirk. Jeaao. Ilnppnnr. Or.; homea II on left aboulder; cattle aauie on riKht aide, uudorbit on rittht ear. Kiinilierlanil.W. It.. Mount Vernon. Or. 1 I. on cattle on ritfht and loft sidon, nwallow fork in It ft ear and tinder mop in rittht ear. llornea aauie brand on left flhoulder. Kantfa in (Irant county, Iioften. Hteplien. Fox. Or. H u on left hip on cattle, crop and aplit on ritfht ear, llornea Hanin brand on left alioulder. llalitfe (irant oouutv. ljitniullnn, John W., 1al"rf''i Or. Iloram branded half-circle J I. connected on left alioul der. Cattle, aauie on lufl hip. lUtime, near liox. Ilmton a'a iev. J. W. Hoppner Or. Momoa branded I. and A on left alioulder; cettle aauie ou left hip, wattle over rittht eyu, three aim in ritfht our. Lord. (laortfR, Hnppner, Or. Horace branded double II oot.neett'1 Hometiiuea onlletl a awinii H, on luft alioulder. minor, (lanar, neppner. Or. rattle, m D on rittht hip; horaH Mini left alioulder. Moruan. M. N.. Heppuer, Or. Ilorana. M ) on left ahonldet cattle aame cn left hip. Mitchell. Oacar, lone, dr. ltoie, 77 on rmht hip; cattle, 77 on rittht aide. Slut laren, IJ. (., iirownaviue. or, llornea, Fiirure him each alioulder; cattle, M2on hip Mollirr, Frank, Km Valley, Or. Mule aline with tia-c-nrk on cattle on rilm aad nnder in each ear; homea aauie brand on left atitle. Mcllalet. u. .. nanlllton. Or. On Homea. M with half circle under on left alioulder: otl Cattle, four bara connected on top ou the ritfht aide Itaiitfe in (trautt ounty. Neal. Andrew, lame Kiaik.Or. Iloraea A N con nected on left alioulder, cattle aame on both hi pa, Nonlyke, K Hilverton. Or. Homes, oirele 7 on left Hindu cat tie. name on left hip. Oliver, Jiateph, Canyon City, Or. A I on cattle ou left hip: on lioraea, same on left thiKh, Kauife ill (Irant county. Oiler, Terry, Leilntfton, Or. P O on left ahoiiidet, Olp, Herman, Ptairle City, Or. On cattle, O t,l' cimiiecltal on left hip; homea on left at l lie and wart Icon noae. Hamre in Orant county. Tonraon, Olave, Kitfht Mile, Or. Homea, quar ter circle ahield on left alioulder and 24 on left hip. Cattle, fork iu le'f ear, ritfht cropped. 24 on left hip. limine on Kittht Mile. I'arker A (ileaaoii, Hardiiian, Or, llornea U" or. left ahollliler. 1'iper. Krce-t, leilntfton. Or.- IIor-e brand e K (I, K connectill tin left alioulder; cattle a me on ritihl hip. Ituiine, Morrow count. Piper, J. II., Ijcibmton. Or. -Homea, JK con. nia'ttal on left ehouhler; cattle, Mine on left hip, under lot In each ear. l'ellva, A. C, lone. Or.: homea diamond l1 on alioulder: rattle, J II J cnnnectiM. on the left hip, upper alope iu left ear and alip in the ritfhl, lbaal. Andrew, Ilanlman, Or.- lioraea, a,iiart nrnuilli onarler-circle over ll otl left atlHe. Ileniinter, Chna, Heppuer, Or.- Ilorana, C II on left alioulder. KhhIi Hroa., lleiipner, Or. lioraea hrandiHl S on the ritfhl alioulder; cattle, 1 on the left hip iTop oil left ear and dewlap on neck, liaiitfe it Morrow and adjoining coimtiea. Ibmney, Andrew, lamiitfton, Or lloraet biauiltal A II on ritfht ahouhlnr, vent ipmrlei circle over brand; cattle aauie on ritfht hip Itamie Morrow county, Iti'jae, Win. H, Dairyville, Or lilt eonnett.. with ipiarler circle over top on entile on rittht hit and crop orl ritfht ear and aplit iu left. Home, nine brand on left ahouhler, lUlitfe lu Morrow (iranl and Ollliaitl coilliliea. Iba'tor. J. W., Heppuer, Or. lioraea, JO left hoiilder, Callle, O on ritfht hip. Spieknall. J. W., OiMMteberry, Or. Home branded il ou left alioulder; laiitfe in Morro county. HailiiK. C C lletipner, Or Homea brandetl on led ahouhler; callle aame oti left hip Hwatfuart. It liuton, Or.-lioraea with ilah under It on left atllle; callle II will daah ninlnr tl on ritfht hip, tmn of rinht ear and waddltal on rutht hind letf. lUiitfa in Morrow (illliainalid lUliatllla coitntiea. hwaniiart. A l Atheim. nr.- Home nmnue- J nn led ahouhler; cettle aame on left hip. Cn on ear. wallleoli left bind leu. Mimiahl W. K., Heppuer, Or.-Ilorean ahaded ) H on left atitle; call le J 8 on lfl hip, awallow fotk in rmht ear, nnderbil In left. happ. 'I'ltoa., Heppuer, Or.-lioraea, 8 A I' on left hip: callle aauie in left hip. Khner.John. Km, Or.-NC on horaee on rmht hip; oa'lla, aame on naht hip, crop oil ritihl ear and ui tier bit in left ear, liana Hi ttrant ivntntv. Hmilli llnai , Huaanvlll. Or. Homea, branded II. . on alioulder; rattle, -anie on left ahouhlor. Hipuree, Jamea, ArliiitfltHi, Or.; horaea branded JHon lfl ahouhler. i-ellle the ftaine, alao low waddle. Ila in Morrow and (lilham co intiea Hiephena, . A., Ilanlman, Or-t horaea Ht on rmht atirle; rattle horiaoi'ial L on the ritfht aide hieveiixm. Mr A. J.. Heppuer. Or !tl, t on rmht lut ; awallow fork in left ear. W., Heppuer. Or -lloraee, 41 or left liouhe.;taMle. 44 on led hip. Hoeiry. t . (I.. Ilet.pner, Or. - ( attle W C or i l.t loo. crop off ritfht a' J nnu""ni in lert er ,t.l.,.i kiiix W I i"l left ahouhler. rho, J A II -ppiier. Or - lloraee, t or ,.t 1. 1 r; callle. J on left ahiMllder. j I ipoela H. r,.Klllcprlae.Ot.- Holaea. I'.oll left alo'iilder. I I inner II. W.. Hoppner. Or.-iuall capital T I led IumiMw. horaeei oaltle sui paj Kip j fllh n'H lnVrthear., gva Ala Mazurka. uimm ra'ra Ffi F5n fi fun ff?i m jfe s i- -t LzzZjj it 1 i l I SJ a tempo, marcato il canto 'g-?g5r- ' " KJXi!inw ess zsa ssa iTn Fl ssa r33 Fl mTI i1 1 " ' 1 j -- ,1 ? wr-z: 1 - S -rvJ-S -7" ' i 1 1 i a ; 1-0 , j ii majmmn mmmm .-------- tmmmm JSmSm I -nw-F-ti .-wi m l i 'a - - - Hi 4m- m- -sCrr a i -c- -if- f n - 1 -, 5 rT-H -h g 10 isstr. ' )f" A - y -g-r . r 5 - S :r.-r- a -t-a& rnai ;.n. 0'0?:- mm?--m p'm -00 aZ-o?-zLy.V, ".l.w.,;-' -rri-"- yt.T. .... TT.H 1 ) ( 1 1 1 1 A 1 I 1l""3- 1 ? ,--tPh.-TT mmrrfrr l-mil---w-flt - rit-IMi::a ' V.TtfJti- n.v-:'-- Mlyl ew--j'ia SImII ' & ' jiy-iatwa ""a1" mi' " ; - .i? 2? -s: 3!j : - 1 - vZ m v i Copyright, 84, hV Tlie Neva Vorlc Mevicil V'vonl fit. Thornton, II, M., Tone, Or. Horaea branded HT connectiMl on leftatiflo; Bheep aame brand. Vanderpool. H. T., Iua, Or: Horaea HV con nnctod on ritfht shonidur;cattle, aame on right hit. Walbridire, Wm.. Hnppnnr, Or. Horaea, TJ. L. on the left ahouhler; cattle aame on right hip. crop tilt left ear and rittht car lopped. Wilaon.John 0., Halem or lleppner, Or. Homea branded Jy on the left shoulder. HiinKt' Morrow county. Warren, W H. Caleb, Or Ctittle W with quarter circle over it. ou left aide, aplit. in riirhtoar. Horaea aamn brand on left Hhoiililor. Halite in (Imiit noniity. Wade, Henry, lleppner. Or. Horaea branded ace of apadea on left ahouhler and left hip ('attle branded eaiiie on left aide and left hip. Wollliitfer, John, John Day City, Or On horaea three parallel hum on left alioulder; 7 on ahoep, hit in both earn. Hatute in (iraut and Malbunr ooiintioa. Woodward, John, Heppnor, Or. Horaea, UP connecttxl on left alioulder. Watkina, I.iahe, lleppner, Or. Homes branded U K connectetton left atitle, Wallace. Charlca, lleppner, Or. Cattle, W on rittht thitfili, hole in left ear; lioraea, W ou right ahollliler aouii aame on left ahouhler. Whittier nroa., niiiiiititfiou. Baker Co., Or. -Horaea branded W 1) connected on left shoulder Williams. Vnaco, flaintlton, Or. Quarter mr cle over three Intra on left hip, both cattle and homea. Illume (irant comity. Willinma, J O, Ijonit ('rei'k. Or Horaea, quar bir circle over three bam on left hip; cattle aame and alit in each ear. Kanire in (irant conntv Wten, A. A., Ilepimer, Or. Horace rnmiiiitfA A ou ahouhler: Cattle, aame tm ritfht hip. Youuk, J. K., (looaeiierry, (ir. Homea brandet1 TM nt the rlvht ALL WHO CULTIVATE FRUITS FLOWERS VEGETABLES For Pleasure or Profit, Should see that fie Journal thev subscribe to is the tvat u 1 1 il most rehab. authority obtainable. Il deals practically with fruits and reRetahles, trcra, aliriiha and tlowrra, uud covers the . helJ of horticulture systematically 1 and thoroughly. It Illustrates and dfuriht-a method of cultiva tion, unproved varietieaand labor - saving devices. It is, without doubt, The Paperforthe People! ti.OO a War 94 tiumhrrt). Specimen copy and M-nage calogu o( horticultural book FREE on application. American Gardening, 1 70 Fulton St., N.Y. Daieatt, Trade-mails, Design Patents, Copjiigliti ADiltll Pstnit butlnraa reniluctril fir MODERATE FEES. Information sml sdtlce (Ivrn to luvennrs witttool kbart. Atl'trew PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEOOERDURN, Vluaflni Aitornr), Bot 4 AS. WAniinov, D. C Thlt f cinpany Is trunsrei hy eor.i V n"cn o? the larfti suit nioal larta-ntisl a. '' 1 1 fit tille.1 autet, for I'tf rcr pni.,M" cf mrrt las Ikrlr est bar rl arn jtu'l u'i - , .....'ii autt tncouita'trnl I'strtil Aicnl., S'ul ia It it n tirtatlnic this slverttiiticat voiirlirs '1 c t" ert WlUy ua IU4lii'.uiui4 oi iltr ln ."ao'i.c m ui riinoi?rplm fl.TtO r tlnr.t'0 l Shep nuril'd aallerr, near oier )0Uf, nnrtb Maiq 8t.. nnpnr. 0r. Stf, i i I ri i i f ' 1 V mw m 1 mm ;T 1'.' I . . i i N Wx. t w 1 . ... a.. STANDS FOREMOST IN THE LIST. FFi Ft3! rrT Administrators Notice. Kntiite of John W. Diiwaon. (Icccascd. NOTICE IS 1IKKKIIY (ilVKN THAT I.ET ti'ia of adiniiiiHtriiHoii on the estate of John W. DiuvKon. deceased, were granted to the iinilcralu'iit'd ou the l;"itli day of February, 1HH"), by the county court of Morrow county. All persona liuvintr claims uiriilnst said estate me required to exhibit them to me for allowance ar lleppner, OrcKon, within six mouths after the date of this police. Dated this I'.itli diiv of February, isn."i. I llinUll T. K. I.VON.V, Ai'lministrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. TSTATK OF T. F. BARTON'. DECEASED. J J Notice is hereby given that letters of ad ministration on the estate of T. F. Harton, de censed, were grunted to the undersigned on the at. rli day February, Iwi.'i, by the county court of Morrow county. All persons having claims iigiiliist said estate are required to exhibit them to me for allowance, at in v home In Eight Mile. Morrow Co., Or., within six months alter the ilnte of this notice, or thev shall he forever barred. fJOmHI J. s. YOl'NU, Adinr. This Ji'.th day of February, IK'.i.i. Notice of Intention. r AND OFFICE AT THE DAIXEH, 015KG0N I 4 Feb. 111. IS'.U. Notice is hcrt bv given that thf following nanicil settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his chum, and that said proof will he made before ,1. W. Morrow, conntv clerk, at lleppner, Oregon, on April 10, lt'.iii, viz : II I It K M M. THORNTON, hd enoM'tT. (or the H'j, NEU and K',1 SEi,sec 7, tp 1 s, r '.il EWM. He names the following witnesses to prove his conllniious residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: E. I'. Voruz and A. T. McNav, of Ileppnet ; I'aul Kletiuan and A. T. Wood, tone. J. F. MOORE, Wm'J.l Register. Notice of Intention. FAND OFFICE AT I.A (1UANDE, OKF.IION. J Feb. 14, Wi.i. Notice Is hereby given that the follow lug named settler has filed notice o( hla Intention to make final proof In support of lis claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W, Morrow, Conntv clerk, at lleppner, Oregon, on March ., I.i, viz: FRANK t'l.F.M, lid. No. ft'.'! for the K'i sVi4 ttWU Sec 11, and SWVj NW i4 Sec 14. Tp. 1 N. h :7 E. W. M. He nanicB the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and ciiliivatlon of said laud, viz: Isaac Vim cut, SV. M. Avers. Issac Howard, J. I.. Hoaard, all of (billow iiv, Ore. B. V. WIIjiiN. flVni-.'.'. . Kcgistcr. Notice of Intention. I, ASM Orfli r. AT I.A liltANPF. OIlSllON, .laiiuarv ill. lyi.Y X'OTICF is HEREBY C1YKN T II A T THE ' follow iug iiiihii'iI settler ha tiled notice of his Inti'inioii to make Mnul proof Iu support of his claim, and thai ahl proof w ill he made before the couniy clerk of Morrow county at ticppiier. it., on .Marcn i, iti., vij : 1 1 1 1 ll ill W. t.naiic) . lid No i'.'UI. for the W, NF'4, Wu SE'., See VI. Ip : S. R .at I H M He name the f'l'owine wltncases to prove hl coiiiiiiuoiia rcside.o f upon, and cultivation of .aid bind, viz : H. K. Mike ell, I,ann renlainl. W. R. Casey, D. A. ilaiii'ltoii, all of lleppner. Or B. F V It SON. flmIS Kigistcr. CI T A HON. IS THE OorSTY COI RT OF THE STATE of Oregon, lor Morrow conntv. In the matter of the dale of ircdrh k Kri'U ihiiiaii. In anv and all persons known and unknown Interested In said e.littc, irrectinc IN I II K SAMt: OF 1 11 K i. I A I K OF OREiiON, Yon hereby died and required to appear In the county court of the stale of Orcs-on, for the County of Morrow, at the court room thereof, al lleppner iu Ihe county of Morrow on Mon day the nth r.av ol May. !, at 10 o'clock. In Ihe forenoon ol that day. then and there! har cause. If any exlat. w hv an order of sale should not le made lor the lollowltm deta-rlla-d real property iMrioiitfln to ihe aNne-named estate, tow It : lb minium 'i en; chains from a E cor ner ol S i of mi .tl, tp t N H Jri K M. thence north at r'uht ang:.' with south line o( said sta ttoti 4f l'i chains: thence at rlshl amtlK w "t tll.taoi e ?' lints, thence st rkh stole son Hi tio thalna. thence at tight 'iglca ca.t 7; links to U'gllinlitg. t'ontalnllitf .'i I.tiol ao a. ic. Ho,-... the lion. Julius Kelth'y. lu-lge of t'ie coqiitv ot the tiate of frivoii, lor the t -'illo of M.-ri-oit with Ihe ae 1 ol l, court ai''M'.. 'his ! "h '1st of ret.rusrv, A. U. l-.'i. i-KAl Attest: J. W MoRKoW. flil ' t'lark 1 1 r ' r I i Hva. 8va U Sim - -f- -m- Pail of Dew. -8, SOCIETY IN ENGLAND. Circles That Are Not Open to Mere Men of Money. Aristocratic Noblest AVho Are Above Asso ciating with Yealtliy American llecauae of Their Financial Eminence. There is a marked difference be tween the main body of the Americans who annually invade London nowadays and those who used to be seen years ap;o. Time was when the traveling; Americans did not care for society, pre ferring to do the sights as Rpeedily as possible and hurry off to other show places. Now visitors from the land of the free considur themselves quite as much in the social swim as any lord or lady in the peerage, are "up" in all '' i ways and customs of society, and are regarded by London swelldom as rep resentative Americans. In general these are the sight-seers of the past grown anglicized and their sons and daughters. I regard Mr. Astor as a fair sample of the new American in Englund, says a correspondent of the Argonaut. Ilis money, of course, en ables him to do anything he likes, lie might stand on his head on the top of the duke of York's column or play leap frog down Pall Mall with Mr. Vander bilt. It is doubtful, by the bye, if either of these performers would make him a cause of more pitying smiles and compassionate shoulder-shrugs than his forced intrusion Into London jour nalism or his ostentatious purchase of tlie duke of Westminster's Thames bank villa, lie has too much money to let the people who find it pleasant to know him show what they really think of his desertion of his own country. And I rather suspect that he knows very few who are great enough in themselves to be Indifferent to the money power he wields. There is a class of noblemen among the Knglish aristocracy who are above any and all outMile influences al together men whom gold does not du..le. I regard them as the highest type of nobility in every sense, unit ! consider the duke of Northumlierhidd as a striking Instance of the sortot. man I mean. The duke of Kutlana i.. another. The poorest, humblest Amer ican, were he a gentleman, might en ter tlie society of these noblemen and be cordially received by them. Hut nil the wealth of the Astor mid Vnn derliilts combined could not get recog nition for its possessors from tlie same men, were there no other recommenda tioit. And I am morally certain of one thing: Ituy ing und hiring grand houaes in'and by foreigners fur no rhyme or reason but the exhibition of a bit of vulgar swagu'er. would not lie in nnv sense a credential of respectability to them. Much the reverse. I should imagine. As for the duke of West minster, he is a shrewd man of busi ness. ind. like all the (irosvenors, has ns keen nn rye to the main chance as a horse-dealer or patent medicine drummer. Yet 1 cannot somehow think that any very lnatinrf friendship has sprung up ietreen nis grace tni the American pittvhaser of t'lieveden. Indeed, the rep"rtetl controversy con cerning the ri ;ht of property in the visitors' iok would seem to negative the presumption of the existence of very ui.tien'.le rel.ttion t. I oflort won der how men like Mr. AsU r can w i .'.i to liil a fourth or tiith-r it aitinti in Kin' 1. iiid Instead if the lirst place in America. He cunuot it one moment rr- rrj trto fvt that h, i an Atti C,C) m-0 m --r -V--i 1 K "T :i" L m cs f T.i.Tjrg3rfc m0J,.-m--.m f jL,-n-jpi- z3& ' fS mf 5: . -mZ N J iCT5 1 m m 4 m g m -m ( feZXZZrZZ 2t g f i--8R EE!EOE ? VI ; . ' 1 1 1 V "- : ' ' 5 3 mwiiitnTOa iw1 i"tv mmmm I mmmammw mwmmmtm II I 1 m -hJ4m v -m- ) 1 1 1 1 mf --- p " -m- -m- -a- ) ft 5- -f: ! ) 1. Sva. l 2. 8va. I J J S I m t 1 i m m- -i -ft- -t i -.W mill Wwdr-- 1 . HhhM i 1 "" tmanaam- l J a f AsdtimeD.C mf Sd time Sva. I j i i i r -- i r L- .. i rr 0 . ) p c0- L i w g 7 s ! r ! sg -4 l 0 j, ' I- ' r " i I ' trite V S $1 1 r '.J 1 1 -H H 1 , im. r i r ' i JP ! 1 m a I i i Z JTj -J3 .2 ; ican, and therefore the equal of any man, and at the next set up as an Eng lish country Rquire, or a London ed itor, and therefore several pegs below the dukes and other nobility. He must make his choice. STRANGE DISCOVERY IN AFRICA Ilalzuc' DresMir,' l. own in (be Wardrobe of the King of Dahomey. Unlooked-for things have been found in unlikely places, says the Illustrated London News, but there has probably been no discovery more remarkable than that of Iialzac's dressing gown In the possession of the king of Dahomey. Monarchs are rarely literary, and his dusky majesty, one would think, was the very last of them to have set much value upon the personal re Me of a nov elist, however distinguished. Never theless, the French found it in the royal apartment at Abomey. There were some ingenious theories founded upon this circumstance. One of the ama.ons, it was thought, might have been a novel reader, and had sent to l'aristo secure the interesting memen to, and, ou the affair coming to the knowledge of her sovereign, had hastened to say she had purchased it for his own shoulders, tor, indeed, he always wore it upon state occasions. It was not a dressing gown, such as literary persons in this country are wont to wear (of second-class llannel worn at the edges), but of purple vel vet embroidered with gold. As a mat ter of fact, it had been given to llalzac by some of his admirers and after his death had bet bought by a dealer in curiosities, who had placed it, with other showy articles, on the West African market. It is sad to think how a plain tale will "put down" that is, destroy the materials of a fine ro mance. DEADLIEST KNOWN POISON. Shophanthldln, from an African Plant, an Atom of Which I Dangerous. To the best of our knowledge, sayg the Itnxiklyn Eagle, the most deadly poison is that which was discovered by l'rof. Frazer, of Edinburgh, Scotland, and known as shophanthidin. He sep arated it from the African poison plant, shophanthus hispidus, by means of ether and alcohol. As little as a one-thousand-millionth part of an ounce of crystallized shophaDthidin produces a distinctly Injurious effect upon the heart, and a very small quantity is fatal. Another deadly poison is cyano gen gas. the principal Ingredients of hydrocyanic or prusaic acid. At ordinary temperatures it Is sim ply a gas, but can lie condensed by cold ami pressure into a thin, colorless liquid and Itecomes a solid at thirty degrees Fahrenheit. The inhalation In its gaseous state of a miast minute quantity would cause instant death. One of the moat deadly poisons is arsvniuretted hydrogen, or arsenic, which Is formed by decomposing an alloy of arsenic and tine with sul phuric acid. It is a colorless gas, pos sessing a fetitl odor of garlic, and acta a a most deadly poison. Adolph Ferdinand Oehlen. a chemist, born about 1775 at Ilutow, in Pomer ania, was the discoverer of It. While experimenting with it at Munich, on .Inly 15, he Inhaled a single bubble of the pur pas ami died in eight days from the effect. The accident oc curred through his smelling at the joint of hit apparatus to diacover a flaw. Others engaged in chemical operations have died from tht eff.s.U of tali polsirxs In threw day. Sva.. m-m ! 1 1 a p PRIZES ON PATENTS. How to Lfzet SHIO and Perhaps Make a Fortune. We secure puteuts and to ioduce people to keep track of their hriohl ideas we offer a prize of one hundred dollars to be paid on the first of every month to the person who submits to na the moBt meritoiioufl invention daring the preceeding month. We will also advertise the invention free of charge in the National Recorder, a weekly news paper, published in Washington, D. 0., whioh has an extensive circulation throughout the United States uud ia devoted to tbe interests of inventors. NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. The idea of being able to invent some thing strikes most people ns being very diffloult; this delusion tbe company wishes to dispel. It is the simple things and small iuvsntions that make tbe greatest amount r,f monev. mid the com plex ones are seldom profitable. Almost everybody, at some lime or another, conceives sn idea, whi,:b, if patented, wonld Drohnblv fortune. Unfortunately snob ideas are usually dismissed without thought. Tbe simple inventions like the car window wuicu coma oe easily liirj rjp and down withont hreiik iriO till rIQQ,m..r... ' V. ., k'."qclikoi a tinea, the ssnce pan, collar buttoo.tbenut look, mr. uuiiie stopper, me snow shovel, are things that almost everyone sees some way of improving upon, and it ia these kind of inventions that brirjgtbegreateet returns to tbe author. Tbe prize we offer will be paid at the end ofenoh montb, whether tbe appli cation hss been acted upon by tbe PateDt Ofhce or not. Every competitor mnst apply for a patent on bis invention through ns, and wbetber be seonrea tbe prize or not. the inventor will have a valuable patent. THE PRESS CLAIM COMPANY. JoH! Weddhrbcrx, Gen'l Manager, . 618 F St. N. W. Washington, D. C. P. 8. Tbe responsibility of tbia eompany may be judged from the fact hat its stock belt) by about seventeen r'ht ""tp papers of if 3 rr y -H777- PRENTISS ; YOUTH: UolWDTi) TAKK 'EM ir.svr sn t 'ontipati'i ere. I. ,,,,, I.,.,,,,,,,,,. , M, ,,.,,, nd Ma!,rU. TV. ,,!,-,, , , lb- ..r.d. s.,:, i,r rl d tstrtttata or sent by mall rc,.,,,, , vn u fWatt. tl f riViMr), f ll ' ' 3 1 kijii