Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 15, 1895, Image 3

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    Notice to Advertisers.
rHOSK desiring the insertion of display ads.,
or change otsame, must get their copy in
lot later than Monday evening for Tuesday's
idition, or Thursday evening for Friday's edi
.on. The Patterson Publishing Co.
Take Notice.
1. The sum of five cents per line will be
3harged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
ind obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
aotices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
jntertaiuments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rata of five
ents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
lpon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
ponsible for his or her communication. No
orrespondence will be published unless the
writer's real name is signed as an evidence of
ood faith.
inif Asent. 21 Merchants exchange,
jan Francisco, is our authorized agent. This
paper is kept on file in his otliee.
Give your business to Heppner people,
2nd therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek,
f oh u Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows :
Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday.
Arrives every day at 6 p. m., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
Phlll Cohn, Agent.
City Hotel Bar!
The Public are informed that G. B. Tedrowe
is located in the City Hotel Building, and keeps
the beat brands of Liquors and Cigars to be
found in Heppner.
Gambrinus Beer on tap. Served in largest
sized mugs. G. B. TEDROWE, Prop.
Here and There.
Orange blossoms are in the sir.
Get Yeager'a prices on
wall paper.
sells meat lower tbun
Ethel Kinsman
is now visiting in
prices at
Grain fed meats at summer
For bargains attend August Charlton's
private sale.
"Out in tbe Streets," Saturday even
ing, March 23.
Photographer Duwe will return to
Heppner in July .
The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works,
Walla Walla, Wash.
S. S. Horner arrived home from Port
land Wednesday morning.
During the month of March Yeager
will eell wall paper at cost. 15 2.
Geo. and Eugene Ely were up from
the Douglas country today.
Attend August Charlton's private sale
during the next 40 days.
Gilliam & Bisbee have a new ud. in
today's issue. Look at it.
Mrs. Geo. Fell returned Wednesday
from a brief visit in Portland.
Can you afford t miss th drama,
Saturday evening, Ma oh 23rd?
Tbe Weekly Sun and the Gazette $2 75
per year, both strictly in advauoe.
Mrs. M. J. Baling, of Eight Mile, is
visiting with friends in Heppner.
Conductor Dunn and wife returned
from Portland Wednesday morning.
Yeager is Belling wall paper at. cost.
Call on him and be oonvinced. 15-2.
Hon. W. F. Matlock, of Pendleton
spent Wednesday with relatives io thin
Now is the time to kill squirrels; and
Swaggart's "Sure Shot" is the stuff to do
it with. tf.
Congressman Ellis, wife and baby,
departed last evening for a week io the
Full supply of garden seeds, both
package and bulk tor sale by P. C
Thompson Co. tf.
Rev. Cnrren, of Condon, has been io
Heppner for the past week visiting
with friends here.
Anyone having one, two and tbree-year-old
steers for sale should see Sam
Kinsman at Heppner. tf.
Mrs. C. W. Gilhonseo retorned this
morning from a three months visit with
relatives and friends in Missouri.
E. O.: Rev. W. E. Potwine returned
this morning from Heppner and con
ducted services in bis church here.
3. B. Spaulding, who has been herd
ing sheep for Allen Evans for somj time
past, was brought up from lone by T. J.
Carle and Ohas Bperry Wednesday
morning and taken before Judge Kelt ley
who adjudged bim insane. Spauidiog's
insanity, though of mild form was
brought on by dissipation. This is his
second confinement in the asylum.
Sheriff Harrington, and eon, Homer,
departed for Salem with their charge
Wednesday eveniug, returning home this
Exposure to rough weather, dampness,
extreme cold, etc., is apt to bring on an
attack of rheumatism or neuralgia;
chapped bands and faoe, oraoked lips
and violent Hading of the skin also owe
their origin to cold weather. Dr. J. H.
McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment should
be kept on band at all times for im
mediate application when troubles of this
nature appear. It is a sovereign
remedy. 2do, 50o and $1.00 per bottle.
For sale by Slocum-Jobnson Drug Co.
Sam Meadows and family, of Hard
man, have moved to Heppner and taken
up their residence in Grandma Hayes'
property on Chase street. Sam has
rented A. M. Gunu's blacksmith shop
and will herenfter be considered a full
fledged citizen of our city. We
welcome him and his family, and wish
Sara success in bis new place of busi
ness. W. W. Smead, having been to con
siderable expense to improve his fowls
by the Introduction of new blood from
the prize pens of S A. Wells, of Almeda,
Oal , Is now prepared to furnish egs of
tbe Brown Leghorn breed that caunot be
excelled in Oregon. 17-tf.
Rev. W. F. Cowden, who bo ably
assisted Elder J. W. Jenkins in the
protracted meeting at tbe Christian
ohurcb, departed for bis home at
Taooma, Wash , on last Friday evening.
Owing to ill health he was obliged to
leave Heppner sooner than be expeoted.
B F. Swaggart is prepared to furnish
bis "sure Shot squirrel poison in
wholesale lots. He has already received j
a large order from Washington and
Idaho. Every where it has been used,
it has not failed to exterminate the little
pests. tf.
Wednesday evening Rev. Moore, of the
Baptist church, began a series of
sermons, or rather lectures at the opera
house, iu answer to some of the state
ments made by Revs. Jenkins and
Cowden, and in defense of the Baptist
E. Y. Judd arrived in Pendleton
Wednesday evening on his retutn from
the Enst, having completed a journey of
23,000 miles, covering six months time.
The trip whs praotioally a journey
around the world.
Shiloh's Cure, tbe great Cough and
Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pocket
sizn contains tweuty-flve doses only 25c.
Children love it. Sold by T. W. Ayers
Greou Mathews for shaving, hair
cuttiug, sbamponiog and all other work
iu that line. Baths at any time during
business hours. CM. Jones, assistant.
Don't forget P. C. T' ompson Co. when
you get ready to brand your sheep.
Oil, lamp black and turpentine now on
hand. Bring your cans to put tbetn in.
Mrs. Dora C. Hamilton arrived from
California on lait Saturday's train and
is visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Allen Crabtree, of Clarks Canyon.
Hick Mathews still runs the City Hotel
barber shop. Shaves, shampoos and
hairouts always u stook. Baths moon
neotiou. Call on bim.
Jeff Hayes and Mrs. Andrew Neal
came over from Lone Rock Sunday for
a short vimt witu Heppner relatives.
They returned borne Tuesday.
A sure cure for tbe liquor habit. Nr.
cure no pay. for mil particulars aud
terms call on T. W. Ayers, Jr., City
Drug Store. 9-tf.
After the 15tb of March Oilltonsen
Bros, will make a special out on large
sized family groups. Be ready for
them. tf.
Expected to arrive at Minor & Co.'s io
the next (ew days, tbe largest stock of
dry goods ever brought to Heppner. tf
Wanted Plaiu or fancy sewing. Will
go to tbe bouse nr take sewing at home.
Mrs, Mary Henderson,
Wanted Lanndry work by Mrs. C.
Nelson, old Mountain House. Mending
neatly done.
Loin steak, 8 ots. ; round steak, 6 cts.;
rib steak, 5 cts., at Sprays.
No fish oil sold by Minor A Co, for
branding sheep. tf
Fever Bores and Erysipelas,
Farmington, Or., Feb. 9, 1895. I was
troubled with a fever sore from tbe time
I was nine years old until I was forty.
At that time erysipelas set in. I saw
Hood's Sarsaparilla advertised and
began taking it. I kept on until I bad
taken eight bottles when I was perma
nently cured. S. S. Ogden.
The Only
Great and thoroughly re
liable building-up medicine,
nerve tonic, vitahzer and
Before the people today, and
which stands preeminently
above all other medicines, is
It h is won its hold upon the
hearts cf the people by its
own absolute intrinsic merit.
It is not what we say, but
what Hood's Sarsaparilla
does that tells the story :
sfs Cures
Even when all other prepar
ations and prescriptions fail.
Formerly every year I had an erup
tion on my body, and a kind of biting
pain besides. I have had it now for
four years every summer, but since I
began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla I
have bad no trace of it. I have taken
seven bottles." Fred Foster, 3101
Black St., Denver, Colorado.
1 H Kl 1 III H
luuiiumuiiju uvi1
Big store at Heppner bas a complete assortment of
in i u
Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware and Gener
al Merchandise.
We Sell
The Celebrated .
Baking Powder
These (roods are Strictly Pure and
give the best of satisfaction.
Our books are closed to any
Further Credit Business.
Hood's Pills J,'
re tasteless, mild, free.-
ve. All di'usirisis. 2&c
Poor branding oil is expensive at any
prioe, because the brand will soon come
off. Call on Minor & Co. and get tbe
best. tf
E. O.: E. H. Clarke returned from
Heppner this morning. Two and one
half inobes of snow fell there on Toes
day. 15. 25 and 35 cants are the very low
prices of admission to the dramatical
entertainment Saturday evening, March
John Q. Wilson arrived from ?alem on
this morning's train lo look after bis
interests in this section. Hewill remaiu
several days.
Hey there! wb"r) arc yon going?
Why op to fiilhotiien Bros, fur picture.
Tbeir cut prioe will lie up by the l.Vb,
you know. tf.
Horner & Warreo received this morn
ing a large order of dry goods and
ladies and gents furnishing goods. All
of tbe latent style.
Patrick Soillane made final proof on
his bometad yesterday before Clerk
Morrow, with Mat Hngh aud J. V.
Ilickey as witnesses.
O. B. Hatt, the tonsorial artist, can
be found at his parlors, Matlock corner,
where be will dispense at popular prices,
haves, shampoos, baironts. etc.
Mr. Durham, fireman on tba branch
line ooorr.oiv. has moved bis family
into Will Kirk's honw on Chase street,
where they evpect io tbe future to reside.
J. B. Natter has reopened tbe Brewery
Saloon, keeping on tap at all times tbe
best beer on the I'aoitio coast. Also on
bands the host brand of liquors, wines
and cigars. 5Cif.
Subscribers to the tteekiy Hud, tbe
(viroiog paper of Oregon, Jl per year.
With tbe (Jsz-tte. both in advance,
tl' no" y-r. A good combination.
Vt - of ' e ; op' ' er l on pn .
H'llni ri'i- at .h Um-ue niiie .
K'' Clovf I- p'infy yo.tr
Bio i .1. i If xr j ir.r C"fnnleX;i.i, 'e,.'nlte
Pills cure biliousness, indi-
A light fall of snow covered the
Heppner bills last Wednesday morning.
It snored nearly all day Tuesday; but
melted as it fell ntitil lute in tbe after
noon when tbe flakes remained. During
the night the storm continued and the
followicg morning the thermometer
registered 9 degrees above zero, and
ever)tbing was as wintery in appearance
as any time during tbe seasou.
Hark ! Do yon bear the sound of that
carpenter's hummer? Where? At lone
of course.
lone is taking on airs. Our gradual
growth bas turned into a snddeu boom,
which will not collapse.
Mat Halverson, oar enterprising
merohant has a new store building in
oouroe of construction. It is situated
just Eiist of Postmaster Carle.
Several families are contemplating
moving into lone 'or the coming school
term, We hope our directors will
endeavor to give tbem all tbe induce
ments possib e.
Paul Riimau w as elected director and
Ferd. Buleiger olerk, of scbood district
No. 8. School will begin there on
M outlay and continue three months.
Fred Balsiger is employed as tesober
llHg lie wood, having formed a partner
ship with Ben Case, our blacksmith, will
rent bis ranch and move to lone. '1 he
new blacksmith firm have reoeived
shipment of building material and will
build a new shop.
New buildings are to be ooustructod
on Iouo'd favored lota during the sum
mer, namely : Anew stoi e, a bUoknmitl
shop, a residence, a wagon-maker's shop
and how many more is merely a question
of time. Who says that lone does no
At the school meeting on Monday
Walter Cason was elected director aud
Fred Balsiger clerk. Our present board
of directors will undoubtedly do all in
their power to advance our eduoational
interests. A six month school is already
talked of.
Tbe Saddle Butte school will com
mence on Monday for a term of tbree
months. That dietriot is not as anxious
to join ours as we were informed. Uoy
Glasscock, of Heppner, is employed as
teaoher. Roy is a graduate of Heppuer's
noted sobools.
Thursday evening a Lutheran mm
ister gave ns an excellent sermon. We
bave failed to learn bis name at this
writing, but notwithstanding the short
notice given, tbe house was packed to
its utmost, and bis sermon greatly
Ber. Curreo, Congregational minister
from Condon, bas agreed to preacb at
tbe lone school bouse once a mootb.
Last Sunday being tbe regular Sunday
of bis appointment, be gave us an ex
cellent sermon after Sunday school at
about 3 o'clock. The school boose, as
usual, was well filled. Rev. Cnrren
though comparatively a young man, is
sboul as entbnslastio a young miuiater
as we have ever met, and bis discourse
was well received.
Ione, Ob., March 11, 1895.
Best Syrup, per keg, W.50
Beans, 27 pounds for 1.00
Boast Coilee, 4 pounds 1.00
Green Coffee, 4V4 pounds 1.00
Granulated Sugar, 16 pounds 1.00
Extra C Sugar, 17 pounds 1.00
Best Rice, 14 pounds 1 00
Tomatoes, 10 cans 1.00
Sugar Corn, 8 cans 1.00
Golden Gate Baking Powder, 24 rbs 1.00
Dr. Price's Baking Powder, 2 Ris 1.00
Golden West Baking Powder, 1 pound 40
5 gallon Keg Plcklek 1.00
5 gallon Can Coal Oil 1.25
20 lbs. Rolled Oats 100
3 pounds Chocolate
We will Retail Goods at Wholesale Prices,
Has no future value to us, and
we don't want any man's
Upon any other than a money basis. "We
can't place "credit" at any kind of interest.
We Don't Want
A Few Cash Prices.
They Speak Louder Than Words.
6 cans Table Fruit 1 00
12 pounds Seedless Raisins.
lt pounas extra naisius.
Dry Goods
Boots & Shoes
At prices to compete
with any cash store
in the country.
The cash buyer to pay for losses occasioned
by bad debts. We treat all alike, and sell
goods for less money than you can get
them elsewhere.
lid & COMPANY,
Leeer Bros.
Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for
Cash Only.
The Malodorous Experience or Two
sophisticated Policemen.
Two policemen were trudging along
their beat on Pequot avenue, in the
heart of New London, at a late hour
the other night, says the Boston Her
ald, and they were not hunting at all
not scenting game at any rate when a
thickset looking cat sauntered along
the sidewalk, clad in a gay striped
suit fashionable in country walks at
this season.
"Kitty! Kitty!" called one patrolman,
kindly. "Come here, kce-eety!'' and
then he tapped the stranger gently
with the tip of his night stick.
But it was not a cat in the least not
a cat of the kind they were used to
and it grossly and basely abused their
confidence, and so they fairly hanv
mered the stuffing out of the ungrate
ful beast, both men did.
In fact it seemed as if they could
never get their fill of satisfaction out of
it, so brimful of indignation and resent
ment and other emotions and things
were they; and then they bore the frail
remains of their prey into the police
station with more deference than tenderness.
But the police captain temporarily
excused them from doing further duty
in the populous and cultured walks of
the town, and nightly now they patrol
a lonesome and sequestered picket in
the far outskirts, and relations are
strained between them and the rest of
their fellow-citizens.
It is the Headquarters!
palntsi Druua Olla, Glnssea ToU
let Artloea( Patent Medicines,
ICto. ......
Office of all stages running out of Heppner.
PHIL. COHN, Proprietor.
Here are
Which we wish you to
Remember :
Fikst: We Keep
Second: We offer it
Third: We sell
We are enabled to give moie
for a dollar than the usual
"Dollar's worth."
Hi Keeley Institute
Cure for ilrailarhp.
An a remedy for all forms of Hpniluohc
Klectrio BiMern hai proved Io be tb
very best. It effects a pormanunt cnr
nod tbe most dregdml habitual iflk
bpsdarbes yield to its influence. Ve
nrge all who are afflicted to procure a
bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial.
Id ompi of bahitual constipation EIa"
trio Bittpra cures by giving tbe needed
tnn to the bnwpln, and fe caen Ions
rpfiit the un of tliix medicine. Try
oore. Larga hottUs only fifty oenti at
T. W. Avers, Jr., drni; store.
Th prntraotd meeting of the
Christian rhnrob oloeed on Taetdsy
evening. There were 19 aooeMion to
tbe church and splendid interest was
mooifented th'onahonl tbe entire meet
ing. Elder .Tenkios departed for hie
home at Hi Dulles on Tuesday night's
trsin, after having spent about tbree
weeks itb bis church here.
In tbe fall o( 1803 too of Mr. T. A.
McFsrUnd. a prominent merchant of
Live Oak, Hitter Co., Cal , was taken
witb a heavy cold. Tbe pains io bis
chest were so severe that be bad spasm
and m threatened with pneumiola.
Hi father irave him several large doses
of f 'tiamberWiti' Cn no R-itnedy wbieli
bn !.e up tb c null uoJ ruiel bim.
Great Oaks
From little scums grow, so also do fatal
diseases spring from small beginnings
Never neglect symptoms of Kidney
troubles; i( allowed to develops they
cause much suffering and sorrow. Dr.
J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm
is a rertaio ours for any disesse of weak
Dees or tbe Knlneys. A tnsl will con
vince you of its grerit potency. Price
81 IK) per bottle. Eur sale by Hlocom-
Johnson Drug Co.
Mountaineer: Elder J. W. Jenkins
returned from Heppner this morning
where be bas been engaged in a revival
meeting, assisted by Hv. V. F. Cowden,
of Tsooma. The meeting cuutinned
seventeen dsys and resulted in adding
nineteen persodS to tbe church.
A Mew View or the Ox.
"A railroad train that I was on the
other day," said a man, "went with a
rush and a roar across a little bridge
under which at that moment there was
a man driving an ox team. A moment
later as we rushed on we saw the team
out on the road, the oxen jumping; and
skipping; and apparently trying to run
away. The driver was standing; in the
cart and swinging' his goad around and
bringing it down on them with vigor
ous whacks; finally he checked 'em. I
don't pretend to know much about oxen,
maybe they're given to running away,
but to me it was a new view of the dull
and plodding ox."
fly upturn of kiduey troubles should
be promptly attended to; they are
nature's warnings that sometbing ie
wrong. Many person die viotnns of
ki'lney disease who could have be n
saved bed they taken proper prensmio is.
The prompt ne of Dr. J. II. McLean'
IJver and Kidney lialm has eaved
th"nand nf valuable lives. If yon
bsve any derangement of tbe kidneys
try it. Prioe 1 per bottle.
J. Kobn,
tbe Han Franciseo
ss interviewing the
boy i
David Johnson, of Alliance, O., has In
his possession probably the oldest vio
lin in America. The Instrument has
been a family relic for many years,
having been the property of Johnson's
futircr, Ellis N. Johnson, the centen
arian who died a few years ago. The
violin is a very handsome piece of
woodwork, the rim around it having
Wen cut from thick wood and richly
carved. On the stem is carved a bust
of one of the old-time masters. On the
back, In inlaid work, is a design re pre
senting one of the ancient towns of
Italy, while the keys are mounted
with pt'arls. The instrument has a
very rich, deep Vine, but cannot bo
tuned to any of the violins now manu
factured. It is almost an exact coun
terpart of the famous Mojetta violin,
and has )iecn handled by some of the
finest musicians of the land. Around
the edge is a Latin inscription signify
ing: "Whilst living I was In the wood
for God, but dying I passed away Into
a sweet death." The exact age of the
violin is not known, but exceeds two
centuries and poaslt.lr four.
Maiu Street, Heppner, Or.
A Great Mistake.
A rrent dlwovery Is tlmt headache,
dlzzlnuHH, dullness, coufu .Ion of the iiilnd
etc,, are due to drruu,'cim iit of tho nerve
centers which supp.y tlio br .ln wltb nerve
force) that Indigestion, dyspepsia, nciiruliii
wind In stomach, etc, arlo fro n lliodcrunpc
nient of the nerve cen'erv.:pplyiiii: liicse or-
(tuns with nerve rluld or force. Tlil l likewise
true or many uiKfexm m nt'iin mm iimyi.
Tim nerve yt-mlllks s telrirrsph nVHteni
ss win ue s-eu
cut. The lltlltt
will's lines are
the nervtta which
ro'ivev Um nro
f r e from the
I erva centers to
every p:trt of tho
IhhI y iUHt as tho
elecirfc current Is
conveyed aionif
the telexritpit
wires to e v e r y
station, I ii mo or
small. Ordlmry
phylclnrn full to
regard this fact:
Instead of Irttat
Ink Ilie nervecen
tera for Iheciiimo
o f the disorder
srUlnii I herefrom
they treat the
part affected.
I'ninlitln Mile.
M. I)., 1,1,. It., the
hlulily ri'liitirated
s pec 1st 1st and
xtudriit eif nervoia dlwaws
Mr. fl. Far!i.:-.d '-J
rhiMreM bave ifii(j he i
ivariehlv gives
h.,i f'i,urr.vf -Ifci' ' CMsU lten Iv k0'
yoor Dove ,,il mine y-ur head clear I tf stwava e' i've luero. Hi onrisid.r it
a a bell. Wo. 60j., and 81- bold by tbe best eontrh remedy Id tbe market.
T. W. Ayers, Jr. j Tor ei by Slotfam-Jobtstaa Drag Oo
I Rstklea's A rales alvs
! Tbe beet eslve in the world for ents,
Tirniee, Mores, Ulcers, Walt Hheuin, j
'Fever More. I'e'tr, Cuspped Hand,
Oilhlntn. (rua. and all skin eruptions
mi, I ..lnly i,rs IM'-a, nr U'i pay
r.qnired. li i guaranteed t.i give
p"iot atii.Nction or robev re'ondeil.
rippn 2 rent per bi. For isle by
T. W. Ayer. Jr.
Notice of Intention.
I j March II, lati Sotlr Is bsreby slvsn that
the following named settler bss ti amies ft
his Intentlwn to mske nl prnof Jn support nf
his elalm, and thst ssl4 proof will I marts
before i. W. Mormw, Co. clatk, at Htppixr,
OrrfOfl, OB April 21, 1A vis:
lid. ?.. Kn. W71 for the WH NW4
aid w't HWta ff. SI, Tp. 1 H. It. ft E.
W .
fir nai-es the fol!.wl:ig wiMeases to prove
hit ro'i'tnno'ia feslilsnoe upon and cultivation
of said land
n W. Smith, Fra k smith, W. D rtlmsr, Tbos.
Bsniew. all of Inlsrm,
1A. . f. M's. rU'ef
For the Cure Oi.
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Salem, Oregon,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Gazkttk office for particulars.
Strictly conlldentlal. Treatment private and sure
Illlss, Dawvson s lyyons,
All business attended to in a prompt and Bntisfaotory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
-attar a trF SNi
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
sw-Stn Pruprletor.
Between Hci inid V I lilrd,-
I'ortinnil, Or
P. C. Thompson Company
Are Still on Deck with Bargains for Cash
Corner Main mid Willow Htreets,
of mall r not4!(l IrMatWct on IIih lilt li-r uli
I'CIU since rIUed the truth of t tlrt
ataM-rni'iit, and liU K-toatlvM Nirvlne
N iri').tr-(l on that prlm-lple. Its Miriams
In curing all dleaae arNInK from d rim'''
rufiit of Iho ritfrvoua ayatcrn H HnnCi-r-f
nl, ss too tlioimandi of unwilkltcd t l I'm
hi iU In ni-Mfoxion of tlm company inuniifui -turlm
the remi-djr amply prove.
Dr. Mile' Iteaiorailvn Nervine l rellili's
rem'-dy for all nervous dleaiw-, u Ii us
iH-adinhn, nervous delilllly. pne.i nil loi,
siei'pli b.piiv s, dUilncaa bysierla, wi'ial d'
li 1 1 1 v. M. Villi (Ian, a, cplli-r-v, el'' I1. I
sold liy all drniilt on a nnliive iiirnui ,
nrwnl direct ,y Ihn )r. Miles Medical t o,
! Ik hurt, I ud., on rwelpt of price. l per but
tle sis bottles for tV BSpiwa prepaid.
It w'oratlvo Norvlne fxrdtlvu.y i.untu.1. no
oplutcsor daogeroiu drugs.
Por sals by T. W. Ayers, Jr.
Any pwrsoo wbo desire Io trsds good
tmtiotimbered fsrm Isods, suitable snd
in cot dition fur rstsiuf wheat, for
property in I'ortlsod, should cull st Hie
Osteite offloe.
McFsrUnd Merosutlla Co.. bsve
tihsfived their business to sn almoin ts
eah bsais, beiniiing with tbs new year.
Tbelr prices riompsre with the lowest.
Also sell the Golden West Baking Pow
der, as good u tbe beat In the market
sod ob"epr. B sd.
Land Patents
Lftnil patoritH socurnd for hnttlnrs in tlm hliortcHt iioHHillo l,n e.
Contested Cases
Contented ciihoh intolligciitly im.l skillfully handled.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims arid diHputcH Hpccdily nettled.
Between individnsls hing conllicting elsims nnder tba jf rioullL.rI land
lews, snd tboew between olsimstits under Hie Miiiernl I n wis snd sgriotiltnrnl
clsimsuts; snd lo iiHtween eUimntits nnder any of His pnlilm land Isw snd the
Jiailrosd oompanies snd Ibcir grsntees, snd the sttilcs snd their grantees, nnder
the Hwstnp-LsDd snd He h io Land Grsnis.
Hpeclulty rnsde of securing patents in the shoth-ht possible time for settlers
wbo bsve ootnplied with the laws under whiob their entries were insde, and wbo
are annoyed and worried by delays in the isauu of their patents, caused by Trifling
Irrfgoiaritiea wbioh can be easily and speedily reninved.
AdTioe also giyen iu all matters relating tx the pnhlio lands, especially oo
points arising under tha new lawa wbioh )mv been recently pnsad providing for
tha itiarwiaal nf tha nnblia llfilnain.
If yoa want ymir laod patent in a hurry if yon wsnt yonr Isnd bnslneas, ot
any chsrsotr, attended to by sailllul and oompetenl attorneys, and promptly dis
posed of, write to
John Weddkruurn, Gen. Man.,
P. O. Boi, 3W.
Wasbinaion. I) C