. v ri 1 via THE BSSw. e r" -w jw OF SENATORS. ELECTION i The senate committee on privileges unci election has re ported, by a mnjority vote, against passing nn amendment to the constitution of the United States providing for the election of United States senators by direct vote of the people. Wenro not at all sur prised at this. We expected it. Not a few of the United States senators are the creutions of rotteD politics, which have secured them their seats, either by direct bribes to members of the various legis latures, to vote for tliem, or by using their own monev, or the money of corporations, to debauch the election of members of the legislature, by which they fastened collars on the the necks of the members of the legislatures that enabled them to coorce them into voting for those persons to be senators. It was in no way surprising that a body constituted in part of senators holding their seats by such a deg radation of the .method of choosing senators as has sent many of the present United States senators to Washington Bhould turn and fight a proposition to make their right ever to return there dependent upon the untrammelled voice o the free people of their states, They ate naturally going to set their faces against any such plan and do nil in their power to dofeat it. Never mind, there is a day o reckoning iiliond in spite of this action of the United Htates senate committee. The people are going to take this matter into their own hand and elect their own senators by their own vote, and as they well Know, mo winner me inacnine politicians in the senate ncknow ledge tlie fact and bow to the inevitable, the worse it will bo for them. Sal ein Statesman. in at least one newspaper, if there be one in the count?, and if not by posting on the court bouse door a schedule of the expenditures of the county, etc., ending with the proviso as to what shall be and what shall not be published. The Gazette has complied with all re quirements as to being declared the official paper, etc. But the county court at the beginning of the year put the compensation so ow that we cannot carry ont the provisions of the law. The com pensation shall not exceed fifty cents per square, which was taken by the court to mean that it might be one cent per square just as well as fifty, or about six cents for the publication of the entire list. Though the law plainly says that it shall be published, yet we can not do so owing to the low figure fixed by the court for same. News is news and business is business. The Gazette has no ill feeling in the matter at all, for if it had there has been aa abundance of opportunities to get even during the past two months. The com missioners will notice that their salaries have been increased from $3 to the old figure of $5 per day; that the county judge has not been molested with his nice fat salary of $:t00 per year. Perhaps the Gazette hasn't much influence anyhow, but there were chauces to get in some work on these things lad it been so inclined. Partisan meaness and small things are matters that the Gazette endeavors to avoid, and we take it for granted that our county court knows its own business best, and have awarded the paper in this matter all the county can afford to pay. D. P. Thompson was defeated for school director in Portland last Monday, and the proposition to collect tolls on the bridges also failed to carry, which leads an exchange to remark that it begins to look as though the Orogonian could no longer get on the winning side. Well, this could hardly be expected as the Oregonian wbs so thoroughly abolished by the last legislature that it is now a back number. In fact its influence works the wrong way. Rumor That President Cleveland had Been Shot While Hunting is Ka,e. HOW It STARTED. COUJITTCOCRT PROCEEDINGS. y. S. Homer brought home from Portland, on big arrival Wednesday morning, the report which was freely circulated on the streets of Portland late Tuesday evening, that President Cleve land bad met with aa aucident while hunting. In a short time it spread throughout the city of Heppner, but in the afternoon a telegram was reoeived saying there was no truth in tbe repoit. The following from the Sun gives eome ight to tbe foundation of the rumor: It was reported fr in polioe bead- quarters last night that Mr. Frank Cleveland, one of the olerkB of tbe Portland hotel, bad attempted suicide by shooting himself, bat particulars could not be obtained, as an herculean at tempt was being made to bush the matter up. Not h withstanding the evasive information obtained at the hotel, tbe foundation of tbe story from other reliable sources leaves but little doubt to tbe correctness of the report- Cleveland was not to be seen last night. Later reports showed tbe above report to be false, find tbe following from the Telegram gives tbe origin of both rumor: The report published this miming that Frank Cleveland, a clerk in the Hotel Portland bad attempted euioide last night, had no more basis of fact than the report that President Ulevelaud had bean shot, which was so freely circulated yesterday. They had a similar origin. The Grover Cleveland story was started by Con Murphy, a Third street saloon-keeper, as a joke, and soon got beyond his oontrol. Some wag then revived the story, after it had bsea almost worn out, so as to bring in the name of Frank Cleveland iustead of the president, and a Sun reporter was steered against it with the result of this morning's fake "scoop" on Frank Cleveland's attempted suicide. Bo after a'l neither Frank Cleveland attempted suicide nor President Cleveland met with a fatal accideut while bunting. The Following la a Complete Report of the County Court Proceed oiss In Brief Form Less the Official Lint Don't put It Off. The necessity of a spring medicine is universally admitted. This is the best time of year in which to purify the blool, to restore the lost appetite, and to htiild up the entire system, as the body is now peculiarly stioeptible to benefit from medioine, The great popularity at tained by Hood's Sarsapunlla, owing to its real merit and its remarkable sucoess, has established it as the very best medicine to take in the spring. It cures scrofula, salt rheum, and all humors, biliousness, dyspepsia, headaohe, kidnev and liver complaints, catarrh, nnd all affections caused or promoted by low state of the svstem or inipnre blood. Don't put it off, but take Hood's Sarsn parillu now. It will do you good. Ihn't it about time for the Oregon legislature to meet or has it met ? Iron Worker. Let us see. Yes, it has met. Somebody saw .loo Simon and Mr. Mcdinii at the dopot sometime ago, each carrying a gnp-sack loaded with rejected bills and empty UasliB. Tho legislature has adjourned. Salem Post. A Salem judge has decided that tho injunction against the location of tho Eastern Oregon branch asylum must stand. The razor back Salem hog is active and alert and his groedinoss has not yet been satiated. Kosoburg lleview. An Euurr and a Nipping Wind, A continuous down pour of rain, iucletu ent weather, geuerally in wiuter and spring, are unfavorable to all classes of invalids. 1) ut warmth and activity inftiHiHl into the circulation oontniots these iulliiencieH and interpose a defense HgaiiiHt them. Hosteller's htomaoh Hitters, most thorough and eflVotive i f aiomitchioR and tonic, not only enriohs Hie blood, hut accelerates its circulation For ii chill, or premonitory symptoms of rlieiiiimtiam and kidney oouiplaint, particularly prevalent at these seasons, it is Hie. brat pnsmhle remedy. It is also inviiliOihla for dyspepsia, liver complaint, const ipntiou nnd nervousness. Never set nut on a winter or spring journey without it. Elderlv persons and the d'lii'iitd and convalescent aro greatly aided by it. THE HOW IN INDIANA. Tho recent legislative fight in Indiana shows how great tho political excitement gets to bo in "lloosieidoni. llio republicans had not forgotten tho manner in which Kobertson was treated by a democratic wnnto in '87, headei by a bully, named Green Smith Legally elected lieutenant gover jmr, ho was not only not nllowoi t i . . . i , to piThMo over mo sentite ns president, but was forcibly ejectei from the senate chamber every time he attempted to enter. This created much hard feeling whie has never Hincedied down In the recent riot, as an exchange Mates. Governor Matthews was pritnaiily and chielly responsible- for the rowdy scenes. Ho ti it'll to cheat tho legislature out of its high con-r-titutionnl privilege of overriding tho veto power, by sending in bin veto inexnago at the last minute. Circumstances might possibly arise that would justify such con duct by the governor. A firm support of high principles makes tolerable many things that are intolerable when they aro dono in tho causo of partisanship; hut in this instance the struggle was distinctively partisan. Tlio gov ornor desire. I to oust a republican mnl put in a democrat, nnd to carry out Iim purpose resorted to n petty bit of trickery. Tlio republi can inembi rs of tho legislature .... ... , , , . I'llrsl Piles! Itching I'lles tvu.l 111 m in kit, i . an t out of tlnn , . hyinptonia Moisture; intense itching give and take spirit grow to a , . . H, ,,,,.-. ,,w stniggl.! w hich civiliz ttl )ii barely scratching. If allowed to continue tolci'.it es on the foot-ball gridiron, i tumor form, hich often Meed and I tilrerale, liiTotiiing very mre. Swaynk i OisrMKNT stop Hie itching and bleed. S THIS issue will nppear the i nig. lieHls ulceration, and in most casm remove I lii tumors, Al ilruggiM. or bv mail, for Ml cents. Pr.Swaync.l Son, I'bilnttelpliin, TO CUNSI MPTIVK.S. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, alter suffer ing for several years with a severe lung iilfectiou, and that dread disease, Con sumption, is hiiiioiis to make knowu to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerful ly send, free of charge, a copy of the pre scription used, which thev will find a sure cuie for Consumption, Asthma, Ca tarrh, llroneluliB and all throat and lung maladies, lie hope all sufferers will use. bis remedy as il is invalualile. Those ih siring the prescription, which will oust I loon nothing, and in ny prove s blessing, will lleae address, Kv. UPWARD A. WILSON, llroohlyn, N. Y. Juull-w. Oct in tiib Stkeets. What might properly be termed the social event of the season is tbe temperance drama entitled "Out In the Streets" to be put on by local talent, under tbe auspices of the Christian Endeavor, one week from tomorrow evening, March 23rd. This play is well arranged with a good plot, ending will, the beautiful tableaux, snd in all tenches nn excellent moral. Ths following compose theoimt of ohnraoters: Harry Kagley, John lloruor, I'ercy Oarrigues, Harry Warren, James Hurt, Lena lie lime, Ada Minor, Eva Brians and Leah Minor. Good amnio, both vocal and Instrumental, has)heen secured for the oocasion, aud an excellent evening's entertainment may be expect ed. Admission, reserved seats, 3), general sdnitssion, 25 and children 15 cents. Tickets for sale at T. W. Ayers drug store. Oau you nllord to mins this treat? County court met in regular session at the court bouse, Heppner, Oregon; Wednesday, March G'.b, with the follow ing officials pnspnta : Judge Keithley, Com. Howard, Ulerk Morrow and Sheriff Harrington, and after opening in due form the following proceedings were bad towit: Report of Cyrus Leyde, Supt. of road distriot No. 17. considered, accepted and bid for services of C. Leyde for $25.50, allowed lu full. Miscellaneous bill allowed as follows: J. A. Adams, stock inspector's salary, 653.33; Mis. E. L Freeland, Asst. teacher's exam. 812; N. S. Whetstone, constable fees, $3 30; Anna J. Balsiger, school bunt, salary, 8104 CO; Frank Gilliam, Treas. salary, $83.33. Cost bill, Htate vs. Ed. Hale, total 822 60; allowed to the amount of 82210. Cost bill, State vs. Hugh Medlock, allowed in full, amouut 80 60. Application A. A. Ayers, et al, for a rebate on taxes of '93, considered and rejected. Resignation of G. D. Anderson, Snpt. distiict No. 18, accepted and Dave Pressley appointed to fill unexpired term. Report of W. C. Metier, Supt. of road distriot No 10, considered and accepted. Hcrip iesned for deputy district at torneys, confirmed by oourt. 8ulary, J. W. Morrow, oounty clerk $400, allowed. FH1DAT, MARCH 7. Miscellaneous bills, N. 8. Whetstone, constable, $17 40; G. W. Harring'on, justice c urt, $2 90, salary, $400; J. L. Howard, Com., salary, $14.00; G. W. Harrington, justioe court, 83550; V. Crawfotd, witness, $1.70. J. W. Wybmd selected stock inspector, and bonds placed at 8500. Same given and Bocepted. Clerk Morrow's books examined to Jan. 1, 1895, by court aud found to be correot in till reppets. Petition J. L. Kincaid et al.road appli cation No. 139, considered and accei ted. J. J. McGee was appointed surveyor and F. H. Wilson, J. J. McElligott and 8. P. Haney, viewers, to meet at place of beginniug April 15th at 10 a. m. No further business appearing court adjourned. How to Cure Ithrumatixm. Araqo, Coos Co., Oregon, Nov. 10, 1893. I wish to inform you of the great good Chamberlain's Puin Balm has done my wife. She has been troubled with rheumatism of the arms and hands for six months, and has tried many remedies prescribed for that oomplaiur. but found no re ief p til she used this Pain Balm; one bottln of which has completely cured her. I take pleasure iu recom mending U for that trouble. Yours truly, C. A. Billiard. 50 cent and 81 00 bottles for stile by Slocum-Johusou Drug Co. Gid Hatt has been confined to bis bed for tbe past week witb wbat is thought to be an attack of appendicitis. He will probably go to Portland for treatment. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal. says : "Sbiloh's Cata'rh Remedy is the first medioine I have ever found that would do me auy good." Price 50c. T. W. Ayers, Jr. Dr. E. R. Hunlock, of Lone Rook, came over from that berg yesterday to have a very troublesome tooth removed. The tooth was removed and he departed for home this morning happy. oooooooooooo D Patient Suffering O Bis no virtue if there Q be a remedy Q Beecham's OStlc GUINEA 1 O Xto (Tasteless) Q O positively cure Indi- O 0 gestion, Biliousness, O Q Sick Headache. Why Q 8 endure continued Q Martyrdom. 3s5 Q OOOOOOOOOsO IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT a lot-tor nr nnot.nl Pfirri to TUB PRESS CLAIMS COMPAKT, I0HN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P.O. Box 43. WA9H1MGIU1I.D. C. T-KVSIONS PROCURED FfW SOLDIERS, WIDOWS, CHILDREN, PARENTS. a ttnl.ll.rB aut Sntlnm rilflfthlpd In the line Ol Jutv In the retrnlRr ArmyorNnvT Mneythc! war urvtvnrs of the Indian wars of ISM to 184 and choir widows, now entitled. Old and rejected alatmi1 unerlnlty. Thousands entitled to Metier rates. -i for new laws. No charge for advice. No fee .0 Q1-PIMf0 Scott's" Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda, ia a constructive food that nourishes, enriches tlio blood, creates solid flash, stops wasting and gives strength. It 13 for all Wast in seases like Consumption, Scrofula, Anastnia, Marasmus ; or for Coughs and Colds, Core Tliroat, Bronchitis, "Weak Lungs, Loss of Ilesa and General Dability. Scott's Emulsion has no equal as Nourishment for Babies and Crowing Children. Buy only the genuine put up in salmon-colored wrapper. Send for pamplet on Scott's Emulsion. FREE. Scott II Bowne, N, Y. All Druggists. 50 cents and $ I. HIJMLJL. .IBMJllMli. 1W City : Hotel. THIS Popular Hostelry hsis again been re-opened and will be run in first class style. Meals and ItJooms fit Xonrnlnr1 Prices. Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop. Otis Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC A CONVEYANCER AT OPKICB The Lancashire Insurance Co. OP MANCHESTER, ENGLAND A W PATTERSflX AGENT o oithe Best m tne Worm w copyright; CAN I OT1TATN A PATENT? For prompt answer anil un honest opinion, write to IU IINN fc CO., who have lind nearly fifty years experience tn tne patent uuim-s. vmuwui.i.u ttons strictly confidential. A llnmllioou of In formation concerning I'ntcnl and now to ob tain tliem sent free. Also a catnlogm of mecnan lcal and scientific books sent free. Patents taken tlironizh Munn ft Co. feflelrs special notlcelnthe Scientilic Amevlrnii, and thus are brouaht widely before tbe public with ont cost to the Inventor. This splendid paper, Ixsued weekly, elegantly illustrated, bas bv tar the largest circulation of any scientilic work In tbe world. S3 a year. Pnniple copies sent free. Dulldlng Edition, monthly, 2.50 a year. Single oopiof. lJ. cents. Kvery number contains beau tiful plates. In colors, and photographs of new nouses, with pw. enabling builders to show tbe lut't deBicn secure contracts. Address ilU.NN It CO.. New Vonii, 301 BROADWAY. Summons. Hlooilin- Join. son DniK Co. desires ns to pnlilinh the following extract fnm a hitter of Clias. M. OulMd, of Ueedley, FreaiioCo, Cal.. as they liuudled the remedy rtTorreil to mid want their cllN'nruerH to know wtlitt a splendid medicine it ib: "It in with pleasure I tell yon that by one day's uko of (liHruHerlain's Gondii remedy I whs relieved ut h very severe cold. My heMtl wbh completely stopped up sod I could not sleep st uilit. I can recommend this remedy." A cold nearly nlwsys starts in the liend and afterwards exteuds to the throat and ImiKS. lly usiiitf this remedy freely as soou as llm oold has been contracted it w ill cure the cold ntouce and prevent it from rxtoiuling to the Iuuk. county com t jinxvpilinns nn of yore, with tli exception of tho ollu-iiil lit which jnil'liontion in nutlioiiz'-il ly liiw. This list Now is His tune tn get the Weekly Oretroniaii, the yrentrst newspaper of i i i i; , r ..11 I. ill.. ei. v mi me wrrne, tvoin sinei , l'v 1-nv III it linvn rjlVi.'ll, iMtl- f'li'. ivt nu'h.'M It ii p II I in tii, ii '. r in pul i.i.l nii'l tin net iii-t.oii!v Ihi.t "tho c iiiilv eoiwt ikU'l iviiMJia.-ioiiiTa shall (V'tvliinnium f n spspiT oitn be made lit t he s'ale, ll. ni.bx e ill LMe I r. iiii ini an ad llllotial j Mirtial.tl o Well t ' -i I'lsnler, an nk'i 'I'lillural paper, I'on.e in t.nw slid nilmulhe. '1'ln' bi rnh Uilhoiiden lirns. are bavitirf iil 0i Win I lln-ui to mis ttiltiiit CftUuO U) la) nudo out Hud iublihcl j hwr cWrt oo hm by vvr.l dsyt. 1, Tim ltow in Indiana Indiana lias sustained her reputation of being 'Hie hot bed of politics. The legislature broke up last Monday niht in a wild riot iu which almost every member partieipated. Revolvers, were drawn and many persons were seriously injured, and one representative perhaps fatally. II started over a veto from the democratic governor wbicu was held until the last moment, to prevent the legislature from overriding the veto power, nnd thus dofeat a republican appoint merit : As tbe private secretary left the governor' olU.'U with the message the roelee began, and ss be forced his way onto the floor of the house the stampede began iu earnest. After halt an hours struggling he reached the speaker's desk when some one snatched the message from his hand and escaped and tbe speaker declared the house adj. turned. Great excitement prevailed for a time, even ti e gallery stampeded and several ladies faiutcd. DIGEST OF LAND HECIS10NS. Fiirtus'-ieii by W. I). H'lrlau, Land and Mioinif Attorney, Washington, D. O. Notios defining the extent of a settle ment claim, ormspiouously posted on subdivisions thereof outside of the teohuiiial quarter Beotion oa which the improvements are placed, nro eff.-ctiial in uotifjiug subsequent settlors of tbe extent of said claim as improvements plaoed on the difU'rent subdivisions. MINKHAL. An actual discovery of mineral is a pn requisite to the location of a mining claim. A certificate of the location of a miuing olaim cannot ha aoo pted ai establishing the mineral character of a tract iu the absence of other evidence showing an actual discovery ot mineral. The existence of gold iu non-paying quantities will not preclude agricultural entry of the land. MINING CLAIM BXPENUtrrjUB. Work done outside the boundaries, of a claim, fur the purpose ot .ncilitating the extraction of mineral therefrom, is as availnble for holding the olaim as though doue within the botind'iries ot the claim itself. HOMUSTKAD ENTRY ARSA AmtOXIMATION. The rule ot approximation will be applied to a homestead entry that embraces fractional subJivisiotis iu two suctions. $100 Howard I10O The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to oure m all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the on ly positive cure no known to the med ical fraternity. Catarrh beiug a con stitutional disease, requires a constitu ti iiial treatment. Hall's Catui rh Core is taken internally, aetingilireetly upon the blood and mucous surface of the system, thereby destroying the Mini. latino of the disesse, and giving the patient strength by building up thecotistitiiliou and as sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in Usctira tive powers, that they oiler One Hundred IVillars for auy case that it (ails to cure. Send for list of Testimonials. Addren T ledoF. J.CT1KNEY A Co., Ohio. JlTSold by Druggist, 7.r. TN THE CinCUIT Ol.'RT FOR THE COUNTY 1 ot Morrow, State of Oregon. The Northern i;oui,ueB Investment irust Limited. Plaintiff. V8. O. W. Stewart. Jtmes I). Hamilton, O. W. Harrington Addle Par via and J. N. Brown, Defenilants. J To n. W. Stewart and James D, Hamilton, De fend ants. IN THE NAME OF T 1 E STATE OF ORE GON. Von are, herehv required to appear and answ er the complaint filed aeuinst yon in the above entitled cause on or before the firstday of the tie t reirn ar term of i lie above named court. to-wit: March '-'A. ISO.",; and if von fail so to answer, for want thereof the plslntlir will take judgment lutalnst you and will apply to the court tor the runet uemanuea in its complaint, to: wit: A derree for tbe sum of One Thousand Hollars prolil coin with interest thereon at the rate of eitflit percent er annum from the first day of .luiv. I''.!, until paid, rortnesiim ot mix ana Fifty Two Hundreths Dollars with interest thereon at the rate of elcht per cent per annum from the iith day of January, lxsr, and the sum of One Hundred Dollars attorney's fee, and costs and disbursements of this suit. Also for thn foreclosure of the morteaee executed by de. fendaat. o W. Stewart so secure t lie payment of the same and convevinir the V", ot the SV l4 See. :). ThoWiofthe NH'H, the K of the SK'4 and the NW of the HE1- Sw. 31, and the of the SW'i of Sec. W, all in Tp 5 South of Kant'Ci'i K W M, for the sale of said premises and for juilL'inent and execution apunst thede fendant (1. W.S'ewart for any (iericiency whh'h may remain after applymtc the proceeds of the sale of said premises ill payment of the above named sums, and tor such further relief as is demanded lu plaintiff s complaint. This summons is erved bv publication bv or der of W. L. Bradsbaw, Judg- of the above named court. J. N. BROWN, iiiitl-21. Attorney for Plaintiff. FOR INVENTIONS. Earns! with the interest of those havintr claim9 aeainst the eovernment is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain theij patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli. able solicitors tc procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly t if not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, aud therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct It terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to I Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and I Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc, If vou have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course tc pursue. Models are seldom necessary. II others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to up for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. , THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, D.d p. o. box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. Cut this out and send It with your lnuuiM.O SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY I of Morrow, tat of Oregon, J. 11. Towimend, 1 t'laintlft. VII. Tlimnnd Waklen, V w. I,. Scott. Oeo. W. Harrin, I lefendantR. To Thomas aldeu and G. W. HarrU, Dofend antn. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE GON. You are hereby required to appear and mmver the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled cafe on or before the rlrst day of the next regular term of the above entitled court, to wit: Mo' day, the iith day of March 1W; and If yon fail to atinwer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply tn the c urt for the relict deiti" linen in tin complaint, to wn: Jiiilk'inent ak'aiiiKt defendant, Thomai Wal don, for the mini of Two Hundred Four and Mxtv one "undredthi Dollar In I!. 8. Gold Coin w ith Intereit thereon at the rate of 10 por ce't per annum. Ironi tnetlriitdavoi rehruary lwi), until paid, and for the further imn of Thlrtv-iko Dollara attornev fee. together with thccnstiiaud dlsburemei.t of thia luit to be taxed Ami that the mortgage dcucrlbed In plaintiff" complaint be foreclosed and that the premlm' therein described. to-H it: The WW'4 of fee '24. Tp 1 N. K 2.". E W M, be dd to atUfy laid Judgment. And that Uir oa id Gen. W. Harris and all per sons claiming by. through or under him be forever barred of all rlht or equity of redemp tion iu said preinles. This siiuiiii'iisls served bv publication bv orderof 1 I . Br dshaw. Judge of tne Seventh judicial iiinrict t the Hale ol Oregon, listed January 30, lt!ij. J. N. BROWN, 307-l'.t. Attorney fur I'latnilir. AND SAVE MONEY IT 13 ABSOLUTELY The Best SEWING MACHINE MADE TK cil OTJH DEALrnS can ell you mi chlue cheaper thun yon can get elii where. The NEW HOTIR :. our beet, but we make cheaper kinds, urh bj the CLIMAX, IDEAL and other Hlch Arm Full Nickel riaiea SewlnK Machines for $15.00 and up. Call on our agent or write u. We wir.i your trade, and If prices, term and tquare deatlns will win, we will have It. We challenge the world to p. odace a BKTTEIl tSO.OO Sewlnsx iHacblne for $SO.OO, or a better fftO. a wins machine for $30.00 than you can buy from ua, or our Agents, TH3 HEW HOME SEHIMG MACE1KE CO. Oju:"i!. Mai Bostok, M sa, M Tmo BwrtRC, S.V. tuiti"". llt HT. I.OV m, Mo. IIUiUlLiU. UUlllUCllCO,CAU An.AJ(IA. OA. FOR SALE BY The New Home Sewing Machine Co. 257 Mnrket St. Sao FrancifOo, Cal '3000 PARCELS OF MAIL" FUSS FOR 10 l-CENJ STAMPS regular pricu i5c.) your ad li'eMK If received Willi In ffl days will be for 1 year boldljr ubeK Only Directory KUaruuteeing 13.000 ciiHtoineni ; from pub lisher and iuanufac (; turera you 11 receive. probalny, tiiousauaa (Jt valuable nooks, paper, Riinmles.niaKazineN.etc Ail fV and each narcei with one of your pr n J wldrej lal Ii patd thereon. KXTBAl We wll klso print and iireiy poataKe on 500 ol your laliel addreHReB to you ; whtcb Mick on vour envelopes, books, eic, tc prevent their b?ing lost. J. A. !f Heldsvllle, N. V writes: "from my 45 cent address In your I.lghtniin Ulm'tory r-e received my m addreai labels and over aooo Parrela ID1!!. Mv addresHes you lterei niihluhpra and manufacturers are arriving dully, on valuable pttrcelj of mall from all Darts of the World.' WORLD'S fAlK DIRECTORY CO. No. 147 Krankford and Glrard Avei. Philadel phia. Pa. mm IaT" Tbe re alii nr subscription price of tbe Semi-Weekly Unzette is $2.50 and tbe reizulnr price of tbe Weekly OreeooiaD in SI. 50. Anyone anbgcribiDg (or tbe Gazette and paying for one year in advHoce ran get botb the Gazette and Weekly OregoDian (or 83. All old nb gc 1 1 berg paying their aubacriptions (or one year in adyanoe will be entitled to the mine. Stage leaves (nr Echo Mondays, Wednesday", and Fridays, returning on Tueadaya, TburRdaye and Satardays. H. Wade. Prop. T. W. AyeraJr., agent. IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT till t'pixirttiuity Iti pet'iirtt it I'll Discovery Mavrd Ills Life. Mr. CmlliH'tl, Driuuirt, tever vllle. Hi , "Tn Jr. Kiim'a New piseoverv I tiw my life. VVim tnk'U llli L Oripp and tried a'l tli iim CHtu for m i lea alioiit, but ( u avail and u'veu rip and told I could not live. Having lr. Kum'sNew Iliaoovery in my ator I sent (nr a bottle and begau ita im and Irom tint flrat doa beaan to get getter, and after lining three bottlea ml and about aaia. It ia worlli its weight In gold a won't keep atore ' iwnre to light. Made or Imuae aitbotil it." Get free trml at , " "'anilmg alieep T. W. A)er'a Jr.. drug atore. Fit i vat Sai.R. louring the next 40 days Anuiist Charlton will sell at privat anle at Iih rrttioli out near Gooeeberry all hia liotiKe hold good, farming iniplemetitM and atock, cotiaiHtitig of k 1 1 1-li ii utensila, bedroom aet, aewin inat'hliie, wagou plows', Imrueaa, horsta, cowa, cliii'ken, eto AU will be auld very i'lieiu f"r P'lsll, Avill ) (HiraeK of ! answer the n.intdalnt tiled sualnst In the above SUMMONS. TN TIIK CtRfTIT OOl'RT OF THE STATE 1 of ( rec'ii for the t'omity of Morrow. licoiite". llarrliiKtoti. a Administrator ol the Klut of .I'lnies Stewart, dctcaa'd, I'laiutliV, vs. Jas. p. Hamilton, Pora C Hamilton. J. N Hrown, The Northern Counties 1 nvrntmcnt Trust. ( Lim ited) aud A'tdie I'arvlu. lielendanta J To.lani'-sP Hamilton, Pora C. Hamilton and 1 he Northern Cnuuttci Investment Trust, il.lmlte.il. ,.'endaut IN II K NiMK UK THK STATK OK ORB- i(iN Vou are herehv ri'onlred to apix'ar and a ass i mu mt n i mi ammmmmmmmmmmmmJk bargain. is m. entitled action b the first dav ot the next t-rm ol the ah' entitled court, towit: (In Mon dav. the '.'Mil dy of March, WV and If vou fa I to to sn er. for ant thereof the pli.lntlir wlil tske linUinent attslnst the defendant James II. Hamilton (r the turn o( One Thousand Dollars 1 1 H Interest thenon Irtim the Jlst day ol June, l'H. st the rale l trn per cent per annum: am the sum of One Hundred and Twentv .re ADDRESS A LETTER OK POSTAL CAED TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney, P. 0. Box 463. Washington, D. C. Honorably discharged soldiers and sallort wno aerved ninety davs.orover, In the late war arc entitled, if now partially or wholly disabled fur ordinary manual' lsbnr, whether disabiliiv was caused hv service or not, and renardlms of their pecuniary circumstance. WIDOW of such soldiers and sailors are entitled (if nut remarried) whether soldier's de was due to army service or not, tf now dependent upon t heir own labor for support. Wie"'" not dependent upon their owu labor are entitled if the soldier's death waa due to service. CHILDKtCN are entitled (if under sixteen years) ia almost all cases where thera was Bv widow, or she has since died or remarried. PARENTS are entitled If soldier left neither widow nor child, provided soldier died la service, or from enVrta of aervlr. and thev are now dependent upon their own labor for sup port. It makes no difference whether soldier served or died in Ute war or in regular armr or navy. ' ta..?'..?. h,Bh'T rt' "d" oth" Ld, bat o or not. The painter tella na thai the apeoial branding oil (sold by 1. C, Tborapaon Co., at M) centa er gallon,) baa Ixdter atainir ivmlittea than pur Hnaeed oil but will not In tor lintiae painting because- of ita tendency to turn dark no for the pur- bi'.ni! viuir1..,.! i.... i it. .mu. ,,, .... th i ti i,, on ca-ii t . put it n. i '. l"t- to secure the payment of a certain '''''' completed and ettlement obuined, wtiether pension ha been rranted II IH'lf I . I H ' It ."UllltV. I ' IIRHlll'iii - " Kl.h r.?e.dinde,?'rWlrt fr,0ra to'8 P" "nder theVraiiaZ'" nio t s and sailors disabled in line of duty In rernlararmvor Ban tntit ed, whether dist harea f..r hi..kiiu. l7 "or B1TT lae the war aurvfvors. and their t.. t, , , r. . M . Ida Indian War. of ias9(0 1 so. . r. . ,T, , J. : ZZl.TZtl d ilaol.ot IToav l dlars as attornevs fees, and the costs and' .r. ' aailora disabled in line of dutv In rrnlsrirn .i .t il'snimenients "f this action. Also lorade-re ' l.wnether discharged for dissblllteor not. ' war art auo of this court for th foreclosure of a eertalo tttrl-.a it..tlh.l tn tl, mmiil.lnt and mx. II. y the deiendants Jsine- p. eamllton' . ".emi nar aoiuieraaad their widows also t ntltlad. if iiiv.ii..m e (. ovoepennent. " .ivuroiHDiia The li.'liectv of emue. men Inly le tested bv ootnp triog I' e riii of Linseed Oil and Kind Oil, Huv your ml lor brau bug a beep of I'. C. rbotiiiot It. A. Hu ','iker rut et ! 1lw.. n iipnor tn il MomiiiK tit, nrtiving ew;y iliy esoej.t Monday e,t l-.vit.r .-eery dav levpt Sstudav. Sbo, lvt ao I oln ai). YValtOD. ar uol dkiiple of laaaOjeat imiir In Xlits itiSorur. If. aKent. P. i.hu, I" . to t ie H. ':.';i 'a .t. J. N liron u. .Usi-'llwl In the t .", i i it brie1": ad lor o'her and further tl I. mm In I he r- . of Mid eo plaint. ; 'lhtuui:i. .i, is p '.mhe.l t,y f.ler of ttie 11 -i I . ' d i. Jnilce ol the atxiv en I.: 'i .it. in .' . i lim . ' ' . 1. ,i-s, 1 OI i hi. uu IU liul tUj 'iiiii.t 1 i vn s iu, I fn.31 K-,-tiu claims reopened and settlement sece-ed. If re'ect ,c, If'tlfirnicr.inildiKllultco J. . J. v'jie tm, e lo-ttnnroriirt-nlj. .perv ' ' ' n-. Int. nn:. .an. orbar -fr:- id-' v0 THf: PRrTSS CLA,MS CCM.PNY have end for U a n l-tiroii.r or l!1r-il aud su.iors . th-: Uu. war bs No ! KHANK KKl.lJKiil. Attorney (of Pialnthf, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Manajjing Attorney,