Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 12, 1895, Image 2

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    President Hamsori. And still the
expenditures of the 53d congress,
under Cleveland's economical (V)
administration, exceeds tbe ex
penditures oE the 51st congress,
called by our democratic frieuds
the "billion dollar congress," by
$5,000,000. A few more bond
issues to carry on the current
expenses of our government and a
little more democratic economy ( ?)
such as we have been given under
Cleveland's lidministration, and
there will be no further need of
congressional legislation the
country will become bankrupt not
able to pay its honest cUbts and
will drift back under the yoke of
oppression, tyramcal ana mon
arcttical power in the subservance
of the interests of titled foreign
Dotentates. erold and other
A silver lining encircles the d : t t against the
political horizon and envelopes weltare aml free and independent
within its magnetic scope we governmental principles of the
ffx re
people of America.
sentiments and verdict of the
masses of the people of these
United States m their clamor tor Tf)E 8iver aUeBtion wji ur)
just congressional legislation in cioubtedly be the leading issue in
behalf of silver, and the ultimate tne next presidential campaign
reptoration ana tree coinage ot ine TJje peope are aive to their own
white metal, with an equal mone- be(j(. lnterest8 an(i demand recotr
tary valuation for bond ledemption nition of the white metal at the
and commercial exchange, aloDg uandf of the government, and the
with gold at a ratio of not to exceed next president of the United
10 to I. 1 lie political complexion state8 will most certainly be a
of tho republican party at tne man in favor of the free cDag0 0f
present time lias a silver lining, eiiver ht a ratio o 1G to L jt wiI
and if we may judge from the be impossible to elect to the presi
"hand writing ou the wall" in the dency a advocate of the single
greht national struggle ior political d 8taDdard-hence it mav
supremacy iu 1890, now dominant LHtural be eSpected of both
in this country, we would predict tLe olJ parties to irjser(. ia their
and read in emblazoned and nHtionai platform in 1896 a strong
characterise letters tne eaict mat aud ig siver piank.
it tne republican party nopes to
achieve national success, ana nave pnESIDENT Cleveland Lbb an.
its hopes realized, the republican proved 8Uudry amendments to the
i i .lit - ' c i one ! 1 1 I -
national piiuiorm oi ioju win civil 8ei.vice rules. One amend
contain a strong silver plank in mH)t ;vea tbo civii Berv;c0 com
A N it t 1
tavor ot uie restoration ana ireo m-mm authority, in its discretion
coinage of silver at a ratio oflG to to reject tLe application or to
1. The elimination of the silver rofnHa the certification of an
question from tho last presidential applicant who has been guilty of
campaign was oiougnt niimu y I criino or disgraceful conduct.
Uio proposition to can an inter- nmendmonts were made
national money conference, but in )f,ceHHft,.y ; C01,8eqaece of the
tne coming prvsmeiuiai canvas t extension of the classifi
Uieroi3i.oloopU'.lm)f escape for C(ltion in the departmental service
the IcadeiM of the republican party, t() inciudo messengers, assistant
who will bo brought f-ice to face n)PHHengers and watchmen, and the
with this great quest.on ot hnance I (lHHfu.(ltion of tLe juterna
and tho demands of the masses for revenuo office,
leginlation in tho interests ot silver,
which will surely be followed by Jav F. Lucas has handed in his
a return of national prosperity nnd resignation as county clerrc oE
ultimate relief from the present Gilliam tothecounty courtand that
oppressive hard times. The body has appointed If. N. Frazer,
musses of the people are f-ist Mr. I.ucas' tleputy, to succeed him.
becoming sorely tired of trilling Mr. LUCM will continue in office
and "boating about the bush" on until May 8th, when his resig
the money question, and will de- nation takes effect. The times are
inand a plain and frank expression out of joint, surely, when a county
of opinion on the same in the dork is willing to stop down and
party platforms of 189(5. That out of office. East Oregonian.
the republican national party
leaders duo not eliminato and A STRIKE is on in full force
cast aside, tho demands and wishes among tho coal miners iu tho
of the bono and smew oE our Pittsburg, Pa., distiict. Over
country the laboring and pro- 21,000 men are numbered in the
ducing classes in tin) interests of ntril(G and all work has been
Wall and Lombard streets, gold suspended throughout the district
android holdings, is plainly ap- Operators will probably concede
parent, :md they, the party leaders, to the demands of tho striking
realize oi ly loo well that thei-only minors, two mines having alreadv
hope for political success in the resumed work at ft) cents, the rate
future lies in a just recognition of demanded by the men
the sentiments and wishes of tho
people at large.
It is erroneous to think for a
moment that the West alone de
niands freo coinage and that the
restoration of silver would only
benefit the people residing in the
Western slates; nor is it the silver
miner's demand alono. Tho farm
er, the planter, tho manufacturer
and tho toiling masses f the East
and South need the free and un
limited coinage of silver at a ratio
of 1(5 to 1 far more than the people
of tho est. Aside fioin the
silver industry the West today
stands foioinost iu its tidiness and
vast extent of undeveloped re
Hoinces. Millions of acres of
tillable and productive land at
present lie in :i dormant m d un
yielding state within tho boun
daries of tho Wet, but awaiting
the investment and progresrive.
lies of capital in a system of
irrigation that will turn our mil
and sago lands into a productive
garden n.it, giving bom 's and I fe
BiHten uieo t itliOiHUti U f fainilieH
and to the niaiki ts of the woiK
the ehoieeht product ions of I he soil
.V, llio live coinage oi silver is
not the light of the West alone; it
'is the fight of tho masses of the
whole nation as against gold and
a few gold holdings.
With the restoration of silver
will folli w an increase of prico iu
our commodities in the markets of
tho world, which in exchange will
bring to our nation sufficient gold
with which tho Uidted Stabs can
pay its gold obligations.
The Allianeo Herald greets its
readers once moio niter a bus-
pension of nearly four months
It comes out as bright and newsy
as ever.
It is Baid that Harvey Scott usei
some very forcible language w hen
confronted with Clarence Cole'
15,000 libel suit.
Uekufut L. CiILL tho founder
ot tho Oswego Iron Worker
again at the helm, John W. Kelley
having retired.
(From the Newark, N. )., Evening News.)
On the summit of B pretty little knoll
in the heart ot the village of Clifton,
J., stands a haudsnrr.e rtsideoop
ab"ut which olnster the elements of
but is regarded by the country people
round about as little short of a miracle.
The house is oooopitd by tbe family of
Mr. Geo. Aroher, a former attache ot
the polio department of New Toik
City, but who now holds a responsible
position with the Standard Oil Company.
Mr. Archer's family consists of his wife,
sprightly little woman, who presents
picture of perfect health, and a son,
twenty-seven years of age. No one
would suppose to 1 k at Mrs. Archer
now t mi she was for Dearly nine years,
and less than two months ago, an invalid
so debilitated that life was a harden.
Yet such was tbe case, according to the
statements made by Mrs. Aroher and
her relatives to a reporter who visited
their pretty home recently.
In 1885 she strained herself in running
to oatob a boat. Then ensued a long
spell of illness, resulting from the tax
upon her strength, Doctor after doctor
was consulted and while all agreed that
the patieDt was suffering from a valvular
trouble ot tbe heart, none could afford
her the slightest relief.
Oh the agony I have suffered," eald
Mrs. Archer, in spenking of her illness
"I could not walk across the floor;
neither could I go np stairs without
stopping to let the pain in my chest and
left arm cease. I felt an awful onu
striction about my arm and cheat as
though I were tied with ropes
l'ben there was a terrible noise nt my
right ear, like tbe labored breathing ol
some great animal. 1 have often turned
expecting to see some creature at m
side. The only relief I obtained was
wheii I visited Florida and epeut several
months there. On my retnro, however,
the pains oame baok with renewed force
Last July," continued Mrs. Aroher,
"I was at H i ink field, Mass, visiting
and my mother showed me an account
in the Springfield Examiner, telling ot
the wondetful cures effected by the use
of Dr. Williamh' 1'ii k Pills for pule
people. My mother urged me to try the
pills and on Novin;ber li5th last I bought
a box and begun taking them, and
have taken them ever siuce, txcept for a
short interval. The first tox did uo
seem to benefit me, but I persevered
encouraged bv the revests of ni)
relatives. After beginning on t tie
second box, to my onder, the noise at
my right ear ceased entirely. I kept
right on and the distress that I used to
feel in my chest and arm graduall
disappeared. The blood bus returned to
my face, hps and ears, uh'ch were
entirely devoid of color, aud 1 feel well
and strong again.
"My s in, i . h oi been troubled with
gastritis and I in loo-" I him to try tb
Piuk Tills, with great benefit. I feel
that everybody oinrht to know of my
wonderful onre and I bless God that
have found something that has given
me this great relief."
Mr. Aroher continued his wife's state
ment and said that a year ago Mrs
Archer oould not walk one humired feet
without sitting down to rest.
Dr. Williams' Tink Tills for pale
people are not a patent medicine iu fie
seuso iu which unit icim is usually
understood, but are a seienlitio prepar
ation successfully used in general
practice for many years before beiug
ffered to the puhlio generally. Tlmy
contain iu a roudtnsed form all the
elements necessarv 1 1 give new life and
richness to t blood, and restore
shattered nerves. '1 hey are an nnfniling
specitlo for snob diseases as locomotor
ataxia, partial pa alysis, St. Vitus'
dai oe, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism,
nervous headache, the alter effects of
the giippe, lalpnation of the heart,
pale and sallow connexions, that tirrd
feeling resulting from nervous prostra
tion; all diseases resulting from vitiated
humors in the blood, suoh as scrofula,
chronio erysipelas, etc, T' i y are also
a specific for troubles peculiar to females
such as suppressors, irregularities, and
all forms of weakn s. They build up
the blood anil restore the glow of health
to pale or sallow cheeks. In men they
fleet a radical cure in all cases arising
from mental worry, overwork, or excesses
of whatever nature.
These pills are manufactured by the
Dr. Williams' Medioine Company,
Schenectady, N. Y., ami are sold only in
boxes bearing the firm's tiade mark and
wrapper, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes
for t?'2 5(1, and are never sold in bulk or
by the di r.ou or hundred.
An Experience That Netted Some Profit
to the Old Sen Captain.
"1 am i-eminded." said an old coast
ing captain to a Washington Star man
recently, "of an experience I once had
with sea turtles on the edge of the
gulf stream, about sixty miles from
liatteras. I was part owner and cap
tain of the Mary Lyle at that time, and
was coming up from Savannah with a
half cargo of rice, when, one morning,
the lookout yelled to me to come up on
deck and look at the sea turtles. When
got up and looked over the rail, the
whole ocean; as far os 1 could see
ahead of us, was covered with turtles.
They were tremendous follows, and
were paddling along lazily in the op
posite direction to that in which we
were going. It didn't take us long to
rig up a windlass and tackle and begin
pulling some of the old follows aboard
We picked the biggest, as the came,
and in the course of three hours we had
caught twenty-six, about all that we
could handily dispose of about the
ship. Only nine of them lived until
we reached New York, and we sold
them for good prices. The shell of one
Lat weighed four hundred and seven
ty pounds Is now in front of an eating
house on liouston street; New York. I
would hate td say how many turtles
were in sight of the Mary Lyle that
day, for fear somebody might think I
was fish-yarning, but they oame by us
steadily for five hours, and when we
got well into the school it extended as
far as the eye could reach on all sides,
and there was a turtle to about every
forty square feet of water, and I didn't
see one that weighed less than one
hundred and fifty pounds."
I protected bodies. According to Lit
I tell s Living Age, a coat of mail ia not
I to c c ;npLrod to a coat of feStucrsfor
I Mifety, so far as a bird's life is con
cern.. Layer upon layer of feathers
. can withstand any amount of water or
any ilo:,rroe of cold. Ill proof of this,
see how tho delicate tern, after winter
ing in comparatively mild weather,
goback to the ice floes of the polar sea
and lay their eggs on the bare ice.
For two or three weeks the tender
breast of the sea swallow is pressed
against a cold block of ice. Again, as
another example of the influence of
food rather than climate in governing
bird ncti.v.1. t:i!;e the colony of bec
cafieos. The boccaiieo i.; a Mediter
ranean bird common on the southern
shores of Spain and Italy, in the Gre
cian islands. Sicily and Malta and on
the northern shores of Africa, ior-
inerly it was quite unknown in the
British isles, but some years ago a
largo orchard of fig trees was planted
near Brighton, and the beecaiieos have
discovered the fact and come over to
share the spoil. Doubtless the night
ingales told them the story ot uignsn
figs and showed them the way over.
He this ns it may, the little birds from
the warm shores of the Mediterranean
bid fair to beeome established as nat
uralized British subjects.
The Longevity of ToniM arid Frogs Said to
Uo MurpriiUn.
The persistence of life in frogs is
very long. fpauanzani preserveu
some frogs in a mass of snow for two
vears. Thev became drv. stiff and
almost friable, but a gradual heat
brought them back to life. ulpiar
observed a return of life in frogs am
salamanders that had been poisonec"
with curate and nicotine. In both
cases the animals in question had beer
for several davs in the condition oi
cadavers. Toads have been shut up ii
blocks of plaster, and then, bavin?
been deprived of all air except wha:
may penetrate through tin; material
md of all sources of food, resu .;citate
several years afterward. The que.itioi
present:? one of the Most curious pi'ob
loins that biological science lias beei
called on to explain. The longevit;
and vital resistance of toat. s are sur
prising. Besides the experiments wi
have cited, nature sometimes present;
some already made, and vastly more
astonishing. Toads are said to have
been found in rocks. Such cases are
rare, but it would be as unreasonable
to doubt them as to believe in some of
the miraculous explanation" that have
been made of the matter. The phe
nomenon is marvelous, it is true, but
it is supported by evidence that we are
not able to contest: and skepticism,
which is incompatible with science,
will have to disappear if rigorous ob
servation shall eonllntl it.
Blood Diseases !
Burh as Scrofula and Anaemia, Skin Eruptions anJ Pale or 0
Bailon Complexions, are speedily cured uy
CrATt'c Fmulsion
I ill I II II MB 1 1
Worth a Guinea a Box.
Stubborn tendencies
to digestive troubles
in children will always
I yield to a mild dose
I of (
t; cents a bo
the Cream of Cod-liver Oil. No otherrem
edy so quickly and effectively enriches and
pnrifies the blood and gives nourishment
to tho Whole system. It pleasant to take
and easy on' tho sumach.
Thin, Emaciated Persona and all
suffering from Wasting Diseases a rc"
storcd to health by Scot's Emulsion.
Bo sure you get the bottle with onr
TRo rnrc
Sti J for pamphlet on Scott's Emulsion. A -fc c
nnn. N. Y. All druggists. s,ow
..'. i
City ! Hotel.
THIS Popular Hostelry has again
1 been re-opened and will be run
in first class style.
Ale tils fin tl Rooms at foptilai?
Bradley, Prop.
Dew is tne greatest respecter of
colors. To prove this take pieces ot
o-lnss or boards and paint them red,
yellow, green and blade.' Expose them
at night, and you will find that the
yellow will be covered with moisture,
that the green will be damp, but that
the red and black will be left perfectly
How to Cine Klic iiiimt iiu.
Aim oo, Coos Co, Okkuos, Nov. 10,
181111. I wihIi to inform yon of tho t'reut
tjood ClnimhHrliuu's Pain Biilui lniH.dore
my wife. She Ims been troubled with
rheuinutiwm of the iirms nnd hinds for
six months, and has tried many reinKdieo
prescribed for that complaint, but found
no re iff until elm used this Puin Ualm ;
ons boltl of which has oompletel)
enrfd her. I take plpasurH in reeoru
mendini! it for that trouble. Yours
truly, C. A. Billiard. CO cent and 81 00
bottles for sale by 8 ocum-Johnson Drug
The honesty of some men niiy be
tested by comparing tbe prions of
Linseed Oil and Fish Oil. Buy your oil
for branding sheep of V. C. Thompson
Co., who are not dimples of Isaac
WaltoD. It.
W.L Douclas
Over One Million People wear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
AH our shoes are equally satisfactory
They give the best value tor the money.
They equal custom shoes In sty le and lit.
Their wearing qualities arc unsurpassed.
Trie prices are uniform, --stamped on sole.
From $i to S.l ssved over other makes.
, If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by
Dealer whose name will shortly up
Piirhnre. Bvt tr-iiitcd. Anplvitonce
Sold 0"triBht, no rent, no roynltj. Adnpted
to Oily. Villuiie or Country. Npeileil in urery
home, hoi, worn nnd office. Greiuent conven
ience nnd Itetit pel 'er on enrth.
AlfvllIM miikr I '" S3 ioSftO P'i fl.
One in u icimlence menns n wile to all the
neiyhbnr. 1' ine instruments no toyi, work.
imywliere, nny aista'ire. wmpimfl. rewi,
ue when elum ed. t'nn he put up b)' "'ny ne,
never out of order, no renoirmir, lsvt a l:H
uj p. Harrison & Co., Citm 10, Columbus. 0
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
The fippropii'ttioiH for pensions
to tho ilefi'iiiltM-a of Uio repuMio in
(lie Into wnr, iiiul t their wIIowm
(in I oiplrun I'V ihil'i!i i'int:nH,
un l.'r ( '! Wi lli. I, im !? I J, I 1(5
lt'K-i tli.in tho-,' miiil' liy tin' fcM
oougrcHrt, tho last two your under
Tho um1rik'iit'l having been restored
to lieallli liy f)iuiil tueaux, niter sntlVr
lii if fur Hi'veral years with a swore lun
iilT'Olinii, anil tlinl ilretul dist'HHe, Con
mi ni pt nut, is Niixioiia to make known to
his frlliivv mitTiirerit the mi-tun uf rnre.
To thou whu doxire it, be will cheerful
ly sen. I, free of charge, a copy nf the pre
nuiptioii uncil, which thev will Qml
sure Pine fur Consumption, Ant hum, Cti
tnrrh, Urouoliltis mul sll threat nmt Inns
maUdies. lie hope all snfTfri'rs will
iisx hut remedy il Is inrahiMhle. Those
ih sirina the presoription, which "ill cost
Itiera nolhip-ir, and my prore ahlessinii.
will pleme address, li-v. EDWAKD A.
WILSON, Urooklyn, N. Y. jiinll-w.
II. A. II nti. iker tuns stiiite between
II 'iipner ami Moniuvelit, arriving every
iltv ms.pt Moiulav Hiul leaving rvery
irt v eji eiit ii.iisv. NlioMent and etirap.
est Mull to tu Iulelior, Oidiu,
agnt. v "
Ht'itrmsK raKTY. On Shturday Ust n
number nf friend of Mrs. 0. Nelson
teudered that lady a pleasant surprise
in honor of her oith birthday. Karly
Saturday tuurnintf she hnd been tsken to
IjexiiiKton to visit a nek child, lietnrn
iiiii about dinner lime, she found the
house tilled w ith hiohIu. A suniptiiini
repast whs partaken of and the crowd
dispensed wishing her many more mii'Ii
Hlocnin-Johnsnn Drug C. desires ns
to publiah tbe fullowinii extract fruru a
letter of Cha. M. Outfeld, ot Iiesdley,
Fresno Co, Cal , as tiny handled the
remedy referred to and want their
customers to know what a s pie mil J
medicine it is:
"It ia with pleasure I tell yon that by
one dsy'a use of Chamberlain's Co nub.
remedy I wa relieved of a very severe
cold. My head was completely stopped
np and I could not sleep at biuht. I
curl recoiivnend thia remedy " V cold
liexrly alHa Unit' in tlie head ami
aftcrwaril txiemU to tli tlrnul and
luiikt. liy usii'tf this temedy frwl
as soon as the Cold Iihs been Contracted
knclent nnd Minli'rii W onion Whose lloml
l.o'iks l.aHti'il Till I.ate In I. He.
Helen of Troy conies upon the stupre
it the a're of forty. Aspasia was tlnr
t.v-live when married to Pericles, and
she was a brilliant lifjure thirty years
thereafter. Cleopatra was past thirty
when she met Antony. Diane de Pol
tiers was thirty-six when site won the
heart of Henry II. The liintr was half
her ii''e, but his devotion never
L'hniiL'-eil. Anne of Austria was thirty
eifht when described as the most beau
tiful woma i in Knropc. Mine, de
Maintenon a us forty-three when unit
ed to l.oui . imil Catherine of Russia
thirt v-tlr. . e when sheeei.od the throne
ahe occupied thirty-live years. Mile
Mar was most beaut iful at forty-five
and Mine. Reeamier between theatres
of tbirtv-live nnd fiftv-tive
The old saw about sweet sixteen ia
exploded bv the truer l;novlecl'e that
the highest, beauty does not dwell in
immaturity, l'or, aeeordinu to Science
Siftrii.rs, beauty does not mean alone
the fashion of form ami colonic, as
found in the waxen doll. The dew of
youth and a complexion of roses some
times combine in a face that Is un
nioviii)' anil unresponsive ns though
lackiti.' utterly the life spark. In the
course of years, however, a time ar
rives when the enminu; of ae must bo
rcco.L'ni .e,l, i hen the muscles berin to
relax, the skin to lose its polish and
rimndtie-. and softness (five place to
unifies. Contentment and p(,od humor
will still outrival all medical inven
tious as a I Tcvervntive of youth. A
woman beautiful in all else, but want
ing "mirth, will prow old. sour, thin
and sallow, while the merry, lun
lovinir woman will be fresh and
sweet, di
For a
prompt nnswer and un honest opinion, wrlto to
H I' IS N iV CO., who Imvo lird nearly tlf ly jcr.rs'
p-innrhMipo In the patent busirrss. Corotnunira-
Hons strictly conflrtentlnl. A HaiHllinoH or In
formntlnn concerninn 1'nteiils and upw to on
tuln them sent freo. Also a entnlogue Of meclian-
Ical una solonnno dooks snnt jreo.
I'ntants taken thronch Munn CO. receive
sneclul notice In tho Seleiitlllc Anirrlrnn, nml
tlius are brouslit widely before tho public with
out cost to the Inventor. This splendid rarer.
Issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, has by far t e
liirirest cireu anon or onysciemiuc m mo
nrld. :i 8
llulldlna K
lat.'st deslcns uud seoure contrnnj. jianrv
world. ik:Jayenr. Fmnple conies sent free.
KllltlOD, mnnony, f-'.wa yrnr. dimiw
onies, 'i cents, r.vcry nuinnor uuhibius uc
ilul Plates, In colors, and pliotnirrnphs of new
houses, with rfl, enanllns bulioers to snow tu
test. neslKn iiuu peuurw wmii"
MUNN & CO.. New YoiiK, atit BboauwAT.
Tf,,,ai tp.Mi v,. intprpst of those havinsr claims acrainst the eovernment it
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
of the incomoetency or inattention ot tlie attorneys employed to omoiu luy..
patents. Toe much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and relh
able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatlj , it not
entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney.
vVltn tlie View OI protecnug luveuiors irom wui micoa vi v.a.,.ii.
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have
tained counsel expert iu patent practice, and therefore are prepared to
Obtain Patents in the United States and a!l Foreign Countries, Conduct I
terferences. Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejectes cases
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
Invention on band send ft sketch or photograph thereof, to.
gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at ones
advised as to the best course tt. pursue. Models are seldom necessary, it
others are infringing on your ngtts, or it you are cnargeu wun lnmngemem. uy
others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting oa the
p. o. box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
3- Cut this out and send It with your iouir.J
of Morrow, htate oi uregon.
The Northern Counties
Investment trust
G. V. Stewart, Jnmes
11. Hamilton, (!. w.
HarriiiL'ton Addle ear-
vlu anil J. N. Brown,
To ft. Vi. Stewart und James D, Hamilton, De.
iv"-?!!?" ViME rtf T 'E STATE OF ORE
GON, You sre hereby required to appear snrl
answer the complaint nieo. puni nm in uir
above entitled CHime on or before the first day ol
the no -1 regular term of I he above named court,
to-wlt : March i 1H'!.V, and If you fall so to
Answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take
jndiiiiieiit RKKlnst you and will spplv to the
court for the relief demanded in Its complaint,
A decree for the mm of One Thousand Dollars
gold coin w ith Interest thereon at the rate of
eiKht percent er annum from the first day nf
J 1 1 1 v , ls'ii, until paid. Forthpsum o( 8U nml
Fifty Two Hiindreths Dollars with Interest
thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum
from the nth dav of January, 1M!V. and tho sum
of Ono Hundred Doi'nrs sttorney's fee. snd
costs and disbursements of this suit. Also for
th" foreclosure ol tne mortcnue executed by de
fendant (i W. Mewart sosecure Hie payment of
the same anil eonvevinu ine 'i oi uio r
See. lie. TboVM, of'the NWi, the E4 of the
SKi, and tbe NW'j of the SF.'i 31. snd the
S I. of the HVVH of Sim-. :. alt In Tp S South of
Its nee '.! K W M, for tbe sale of said premises
snd lor judgment and execution aealnst thede
fendant li. W S'ewart for hiiv defli lency w hb-h
after iiolvinr the nroreeds ol the
sale of sunt premises in paynient of the above
named sums, sun ior sncn inrint-r icmi
demnndi'd In plaintlirs complaint.
This snmnions Is erved bv publication by or
der of Vi. 1.. Bradshaw, Judg ,.. the abovs
nam-d court. J- N. BKOWN.
m-Jl. Attorney for I'laintlit.
IT 13
The Best
oa ms chines cheaper llian yon can
ietelwher. The NEW IIOJIR U
onr beat, bat we make cheaper kinds,
nch 3 the CLIMAX, "DEAL and
other Hleh Arm Full Nickel Plaicd
Sewing machines for $15.00 and up.
Call on our agent or write ue. We
wani your trade, and If prices, terms
and square dealing will win, we will
hare It. Wo challenge the world to
ptoducea BETTEIl $60.00 '
Machine for 60.00, or better 20.
Sowing machine for 840.00 than you
can buy from ns, or onr aKc...
Osisns. Mass. Bostos. Mass. U t JKsSs.'
tiucAiio. It.u ST. Loi is, Mo. Dallas, isxa.
bA lUASClftCO, Ul. atui
The New Homo Sewing Machine Co.
257 Murket St. 8bo FrRncisoo. Cal.
'3000 PARCELS OF MAIL" llll
FOR 10 1-CENT BlAmfS
(regular price Z5c.) your ad
dress If received within S
days will be for 1 year doioit
tinnteu oil Biiiuium
hcl. Onlv Directory
guaranteeing 125,000
I customers! from ptil
llnbeni ana ruaniuuc
valuable hooks, papers,
Ail frM and each narce .
with one of your pr hi ed siWress Ubel!
pasted thereon. BXTHA! We iwil
also print snd prepay postage on MOol '
your label addresses to you ; which .
stick on vour envelopes, books, etc., W
prevent their being losL J. A. Warh
of Iteidsvllle, N. O., writes : " From
m n. .i .Hflrrnw In vour Llghtnlni
Directcrv f'e recelvwl my 6011 addresi
liiheis and over 30OO Parrels ol
Jl'sill. Mv addresses you scattered
among publishers sna manutaciurere
are arriving dally, on valuable narceU
of mall from all iiarts of the yi orld."
Wunutio lAlti U1KECTORY CO.
So. 11" r'raukford and G I rani Aves. Plilladel
nhla. Ha.
Th reirnlHr etibscrlption price of tbe
Setui-Weekly CiHZette in 82.50 arid tbe
regiilHr price ot the Weekly Oregon'mo
is 81.50. Anyone ftubficribiDg for tbe
Gnz-tte Rod payii'R for ime year in
mlvHDce rao Bet bulb f lie Gftzette and
Weekly OrpgoDiBii for 83. All old inb
eenbera paying their sabscriDtiona tor
one year in advance will be entitled V
the Bunie.
Htnije lenvea for Echo Mondays.
Wednesday, and Fridaya, retaruing on
Tuesdays, Thnrsdnva and 8atnrdaya.
H. U'Bde.Prop. T. W. AyersJr, agent.
1 of Morrow, etat.- ol Oregon.
J. II. Toimsend.
: laintinr.
vs. I
Thomas Walden,
W. il. S-olt.
Ueo. V. Harris,
To Thomas Walden an
c.iiv v.. ii n hereby reoiilred to appesr and
answer tbe complaint tiled sirainst : ou In the
sboe entitled esse on or before tlie first day of
O. Vi. Harris, Pclend-
The Fnrsult of Tom Tempts Hlrda to
llrave the Most KlKoroua Climate.
Tn tho countiiva tiordcrinfr on the
rmlnr aa, who re the chungini sonsous,
liriiijr alternately tho two cstrX'Uics of
dearth and plenty birds arc uioro nu
morinis in tho short summer thnn any
who tv rise all the world over nml lu
winter arv absent altivether. All are
Immigrants then ty force of eircuni
HLiive. In 5 '.he in. inner the Hri i tf
t.'iii;vi elii.i itei ore ulTe t.-,l lv the
ko:i-;imi:i1 i'!u:tV'i, th.m ;i In ii I.' de
iriv, t'lr-ui 'h the l.uliii nee ef eol.l utul
It ill i tue tlm duUl Hi uueti and preveut i heut mvin their fnl supplier), ruthcr
il from tilaudiog to tha latifs, thjitn by eflf.vt of nbl upon tholr wij. I
JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney,
P. C. Box 463. Washington, D. C.
Honorably discharged soldiers and sailors wio served ninety (lav, or over, In the late war,
are entitled, if now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary mauuaf labor, whether disabilllv
was mined bv service or not, and reiiardlens of their pecuniary circuniitnnces.
WIDOW Sof such soldiers aud sailors are ent it led (if not remarr ied I whether soldler'srles'''
wss due to srniy service or not, if now dependent upon their own lnbor for support. Wi"
not dependent upon their owu labor sre entitled if the soldier's death wss due to service.
CHILD KKN are entitled (if under sixteen years) in almost all cases where there was g
widow, or she hns since died or remarried.
FARENTHsre entitled if soldier left neither willow nor child, provided soldier dlsd la
SSTTle. or from rffeeis of service), and they are now dependent upon theirown laborfor sop
port, it makes do difference whether soldier served or died in late wsr or In regular army or
Soldiers of the late wsr. pensioned under one law, may spp!y for higher rates under other
laws, vUhout losing- any rights.
Tnousandsof soldiers drawing from $1 to$io per inoptli tinder the old Is-sre entitled Is
higher rates under new law, not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned, but
also for others, whether el us to senricaor not.
Soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty in regular army or navy sines the war sre also
entitled, whether dischsmed for dissbilitvor not.
Survivors, and their widows, of the Hlselc Hawk, Creek. Cherokee snd Seminole of Florw
Ida Indian Wars of to 18-41. sen entitled under recent act.
therein ilex rllcl. tn-ll : The ' ot I "n" uij i.g jc.ui Scu.
tV'l 'n'tit1 & E M' U1 1 " Od cisVm's completed and settlement obtained, wtiether pension has been granted under
save bs. their original papers.
tteud for laws sinl inlormation. Kochargc for advice. Ko fee nr.less successful. Address,
pite hU-n iitmicti nn ami the nest reir-tmr term ot ne "'" "
1 i i r court. In D : Mo clnv, the lh day of March.
ivi.v soil If von full to ansoet fornsnt thereof
I the plaintiff lll snoly to the curt for tbe
rem-l ,lem-iiiei in nis coinpiaim. i,..n.
1 1 i.l itien t ttL-ALl.t defendant. Thomss Wsl-
don. lor the sum of To Hundred Four and
elxtv tne .'uudrcltea lolls'S in f. d. Gold
t olii llh lnterrt tbereon st the rste of 10 per
re-t per annum. Irom th first dsv of rehruary.
11. until paid, snd (or the further sum of
I hi'tv five Hollars s'tornev's fee. together with
the costs and dbhunenieUS ol this suit to t
And thst the mortrsce de rihed In p'slntlfT's
mic nl I II t he foreclosed and that the prenillM'S
I.n, ,, r Ivrre.l ol nil illit or eiUI'y Ol re leu.,.
tl. 'i I I Ml.l ilen.l. S
III. .'.iii.n l ser-ed cy piiMlcstlon bv
O'oer i I I r . ,ui . J i.l ie ( tin. elitll
Jn.'i, .il ai.tfli t I i'ie 'Ule ol urcu'i'i.
ITC l. sianrneir fcw rlalnlKf.
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
P.&eoi4X "'"'MQTON.O.a
, 3