Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 08, 1895, Image 4

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A y-
Tbere wjs never a time in the history
ot onr coaDtry when the derannd for
inventions and improvements in the arts
and sciences generally was bo great as
now. The conveniences of mpjkiod in
the faotory and workshop, the household
and oo the farm, as wi: as in official
life, require continual wccfcsn'ons to the
appurtenance bdU implimeDts of each
in order to save labor, time and expense.
The political change in the adminmtra
thm of government does not affect the
progress of the American inventor, who
being on the alert, ami ready to per
ceive the existing deficiencies, does not
permit the affairs of government to de
ter bim from illicitly oouoeiving the
remedy to overoome existing discrepan
cies. Too great cire cannot he exr
oVed in choosing a competent and skill
ful attorney to prepare and prosecute
an application for patent. Valuable in
terests have been loot and destroyed iu
innumerable instances bv the employ
ment of incompetent counsel, and es
pecially is tbis advice applicable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
pay" system. Inventors who entrust
their business to this class of attorneys
do so at imminent risk, as the breadth
and strength of the patent is uever con
sidered in view of a quick endeavor to
get an allowance and obtain the fee.
John Wedderbiirn, General Manager
618 V street, N. W ..Washington, D. 0.,
representing a large number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals of the eonntry, was in
stituted to oroteot its Datrons Trom the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
in this line of business. The said Cun
pany is prepared to take chi -ge of nil
patent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, and prepare and proseoute
applications generally, inoluding me
ohanioal inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer
ences, infringements, validity reports,
and gives especial attenion to rejected
cases. It is also prepared to eutor into
competition with any firm iu securing
foreign patents.
Write for instructions and advice.
John Wkddtchbiihn.
(il8 F Street,
p. 0. Box 885. Washington, D. C.
While yon kmp yimr siihsorintlrin raid up yen
esn hnop yonrbran.l in free of chin-no.
Allvn. T. 3.. lone, Or. Homes fid on loft
shoiililor; Rattle sump on left hin, undxr !!f. on
riuht our, and upper bit on the left; ratine, Mor
row connty.
Armstrone. J. I!., Alpine, Or. T with her nn
der H on left shoulder of borons; cuttle sumo
on left hip.
Allison, (). 1)., Kiiiht Mile. Or. rattle hrimrl,
O Don left hip and horsns aaine brand on riht
shoulder. lUn'je. Kindt Mile.
Ailkins, J. J., Hanpnor, Or. Tfornnn. ,TA min
tic"ril on left, flank: nntll". nameon left hip.
Hirtdolamnw, A. ft , Alpine. Or. Horses
branded if H n either shoulder. liimun in Mor
row no'intv
MannWer, .T. W., nardman. Or. tlittln brand
ed H on left dip and filial.; split in o'inli inr.
llrenner. Peter, Onnsolierry Oreton Homes
branded Pit on loft ahonlitiir. Cattle siuue on
riu'dt side.
Hnrke. M Ht 0, luina I ;reolc. Or On nnttlp,
MAY cmniwtii'l nn left din. (import left ear. mi.
der dalf nron olT ri.rtit. Hornns, hhiiiii limnd on
letft. sdoulilor. It'inno in Omtit and Morrow
Hrot'nan, .Terrv, Lena. Or. Horses drmded 7
on rinht slioulcl'ir; nattle H on the left side,
Left oar half erop nd riht enr nennr slnnn.
Harlon, Win.. II 'ppner. Or. -Horses, J Hon
riuht thif'.u cattle same on riulit hip; split in
ea'ih ear.
Hrown, Isa, Tinxinirt'in, Or. Horses III on the
rlirht st illn; oatllo name on riuht, hip; ranae, Mor
row eonnty.
Hrown, .1. 0 Heppner, Or. Morses, circle
C with dot ine teron l"ft dip; eattle, sn-ne.
Brown, W. ,I Lena. Oregon. Horses V tier
over It, on the left shoulder. (liittlusntiinon left
hi p.
Hoyer, W. 0., Heppnnr, Or. Horses, lint
liriuvl on rind hip oattlo, same, with split in
and ear.
Ilora, P.O., Heppnnr, Or. Horses, I' II on left
shoulder: entile sume on left hin.
llrnwniee. W..T., Kox.Or-t'attle. ,111 eoeneeted
on left aide; erop on left ear and I wo unlit end
micldle piece cnt. out on ritfdt oiir; on li.irsns seine
branil on the left thtKh; Itiumo in Km valley,
(jrant , oountv,
('arsner Werren. Wanner, Or. Horses brand
ed O on riuht stiHe; oettle : (three barn) nn
rilit ribs, erop end split in eaidi ear. Hiiimo in
Grant anil Morrow Bounties.
Caln.li., Caleb.Or.-Y. I) on hones on left stitho
U with utiarter "irtde over it, on left, shoulder
end on left stltle on nil eolts nailer ti veers; on
left shoulder only on all horses over IS yenra. All
runup In tlrant nouetv.
('ate, ('has. It,, Vinson or l.nim, Or. Ilorsi's
H (1 on riadt sdonldor; cattle same en riuht hip.
Henna Morrow and Ibnatllla e unities,
Corrlsnll, M M. (Iii'lnw ty. r - V t Ip erop out
of f ai d enr and ni'dorbif, wattle in forl d;
horses half uirclsO on left tittle, Ifnuun Mor.
row and U'naiilla eonelies.
Hurl, 'I'. It. John U'iv, Or Deiihlo eross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork mid under bit
in rlijlit ear, soni in leu osr. imnun in itrnni
county, "n hip, inverted an I spear point
on shoulder. Kar marko.i ewee, crop on left oar
pnuohed tipper bit in riuht. Wethers, eroii in
riudt nod nu ter half orop in left ear. All rau
til Orant county.
Cook, A. J. .lieiia.Or. Horses, Winn ruilit xli'iill
der. Cattle, semaon riuhl hip: ear mark s.putia
orop off left end split in riuht.
Currin, II, Y. Currinsvillo, Or, -Horses, OQ I)n
left still".
Coi Kd. H Hardeian, Or Caitlo, 0 with
t in neuter; hiirsen CK on left 'nn.
Cochran, It. K.. Monnnient, Orant Co, Or.
Horses btand"d ulrele with bar beneath, on left
shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both oars and dewlap.
Ctispin, II.. Hardeian. Or. Horses liraiulml
O on riuht hip. Cattle branded Ids same, Ala,,
brands CI on horses riuht tliiuli: is t e s ine
brami on rinlit shouldur, and cut oil end of
riuht ear.
Ooiixlass, V. M .llallowav. Or. Cattle, II lon
rixdt si le, swailow-fork ill each ear; horses, It I)
on left dip.
Kly, Br w., lonqlss. Or. Horses drandel Kl.V
nn left shoulder, callle same on luftdip. holx
ir rmdt oar.
Emery, C. H., llardman. Or Horses branded
Ireveraed t' wild tail I on left shoulder ; cat.
tlesameou riudt hip. IWnii n .Morrow cimnly.
Florence, L, A., Ilepooer. Or. Cvtla, l.K i
rivht hip; horses V with bar under on right
Klnreiice, H. V. Hepnner. Or Horses, V nn
riuht shoi'.lde' ; oattle, V on ri (lit hip or tdiiili.
Kreneh, (leorne, lleppner. Or. Cattle br iud 'd
WK, with bar over it. on left si le; crop nil left
ear. Horses, same brand in left dip.
lientry, r'.lmer, Keho. Or - Horses hrn le I II.
H. wild a tpiarler cir'le nr it. en It.ft st.th,.
He'we in Morrow and Uei ili!Ueountie4
Hmtt A H., Itilj'. 'r. -I'lttle I'.UMd topA
wit d quarter eirels H I I ir It Ol t'l ri (dt hip,
lan- in M irrow a 1 1 II n itill o in,'es
llmlon V I inks. Hi nit n .Or- f pile, two lis s
on adder dip: crop in ridt ear and split m utt.
Horses J ourindt tdiud. II mile in 1 1' oit eounty
llimdee, Mainnel. SVanner, Or-J (T K I,
etiiinerU'dlon rntdt sd'tolderoii hois -s; on eatil'',
on ria-dt hip sad on left si l", swallow fork in
riadl ear and slit in left. Iliinte in Heysiwk
tlislrlet. Morrow e .'intv
Hsle, Milton, 'Vajtier, Or. Horses tirao le I
-O- (cattle w th parallel tadel on lefl should r
Cslllssanis on left hip hIho laip cirvle nu lefl
Howard J I;, 'Hllow av, Or. II i"es f (cross
with h r s'iovp i'l in rm'il sdo il ler; eat' I s one
on left side. Uangt iu Morrow and I'matilla
comities . .
Hall. Klwia, John Dav, Or. -("Hit's t. Hon
rUhthio;hirs s a usou ri.ht sh niKier, llnih"
in tlrant Co Mity.
Hiwaes, M It, Heinmer, Or. Horses, shaded
heart on the left sho ililer. Uai! Morrow i '.
It insaker, H Wanner. Or. -Ilursas, It on left
Siioulder: eaitle. Hon .f dip.
Hamuhrsvs, J M Hardiusu, Or.-llerses, II nt
lf Hank
Hn'o-i, I.Tds', Pid M le Or Mo Hoe
ie t.vTi s'l Ml I i i I , -t TI t ' 1 ''" '
' U'1 svll o i I i'l f i H l I : i'l 'ill,.' .
,1 i ins. II tr-v, II 'one r. tt- le" ' I
II J ,n His 1-ifi i 1 1 I "i cvn . I -ii i i I ' .oi
riarht hip, eU mil ul.it in 1H e..r. I... ..
iifiri'.t e nnitv.
Jii'aiu S. I , It !. tf - 'I , li"'
shi J in left s i.iulj.il. I .i.u,
ttanu o fl,t MU. . .
ii Bes.( .k Y-T irt
l-fr- T
T H . v Inv
fin - gcrs, flashed
'nft MiMn; niitl In, Rnmo on riht hip, under half
lpnftin pi.t'f mill mil it n ldf t iwr
Kminy, Mik", J i i p' or, Or. llorsns hmndod
KNY on lf ft Ii 1 1 tmltlH Hiune find crop otf lft
oar: nnil'r lnn nn thft riirlit
Kirk J. T-s Hunnnnr. Or. Horses 09 on left
H,"wi!(,tsv futtl", nil ht hip.
Kirk. .TnHr, HMppn'M'. Or.: ImrHfv 11 on loft
ibnn'flnr; ciiMln hhiiib on riht mhIh, nudorbii on
rur-tl 0'ir.
Kiimlirliind.W. fl.. Mount Vi'rnon. Or, I t nn
find In on riRhl and loft aidnR, nwuilnw fork in If fl
mr find luirlnr mon in riirht enr. MorHoflHatni
brund on loft Hhniilttnr, Unnuo in (Jmnt ennntv.
Lortnn, Htnpnen. Fox. Or. S ti on left hip
on find It, crop find up! it. on HkM oar, HorHop
trnmn brand on Ir.ft shouldor. Uhiiko Grant
Iiionn11on, John W. Or, Ifornn
liraudnd luilf-nirdlo .1 , Cfinnootnd on loft nIioiiI
dor. Cal'lo. hiliiu1 on lufl hiu. llaiitfu, near Lex
Loalioy, J. W. Heppnor Or. -Hornon brundttd
Ti a thI n'i loft. Hlomldor; ootlle mime on loft
hip, wadlo over rmUl i'ye, tlirtte hU(h iu r. k' ' t
Ij-ir.1, (JfoiK. Hoppnor. Or. Tlornon hrandoH
douliie (I ont.tiootf SoinotiineB calloil n
hw'mut H, on loft Hhtndtlor.
Minor, Onoar, nnppnr 'tr. Pat tin, M D on
rii'ht hip; horno. M ofi lofl Hhnuldor.
Mnrtran, H. N., ll'MPr, Or. HorneB, M )
nn tft nhniltl'' out tie name nn loft hip.
Miteholl. Osoar. Inno. Or. -UoraoH, 77 on right
hi"; nitti, 77 nn riuht iUU.
Mot'laron, 1. (t., Hrownsville. Or, -Honmn,
piinrA t on noh nhonlder; cuttlB, !ion hu
MiMlirr, Frank, Km Va'l'w, Or. Mule hfc
with toe-eork on rattle on rilm nnd nmter in
each nr; hornon Hame brand nn loft stifle.
Midbilty. .. nHinitr,.in. Or. in ttorne. h
with half r.irole undron loft honldor;on V Httt,
four burn onnmWnd on top on the right buIo
Hnito in Hrant t nnntv.
Nnal.Andrnw. l.nno Itoek.Or. Howon A N enn
ijooiMd nn loft nhmilder: onttlo Maine fin both hiip,
Nonlykn KMHilvorton Or. Hornon, circle 7 on
left diiirh: oa tie, wame on loft hip.
Oliver. .loi'Uth. Canyon t'itv. Or. on oat Of
on left hip: nn horsoH, mmie ou left thigh. Kange
in Orant enmity
Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P 0 on left
Olp, Horman. Prainn City, Or. On cattle. O
I,P uniinw'twl on loft hip; horMon on left Htille
and wartlft on no. Hante in Omnt comity,
Ponrmm. Olnv, Kitfht Mile, Or. Homo, qtiar
tnr cfle "bi'tld on left. nhould'r end 21 on left
hip. fat'lrt, fork iu lofr ear, right cropped, W
on left hin. ltangon Might Mile.
Parkor OIohhou, llanliuan.Or, I In rues IP oi
oft shoulder.
Piimr. Kron t, liexl'igton. Or.--Hnr en brand.
WK (L K eonnectd) loft whouldor t eatllp
moon HuM bio. Hange, Mormw county,
Pul,r, J. H., litnlngt)Mi. f. - llornoH, .IK enn
neotttd oi loft nhonldor; oattle, tta'tmni, loft hip
ondr bi' in adi ear.
PottVH, A. lone. Or.; honea diamond P on
Khntildor; rattle, .1 M J (Mnnectid, on the
loft hip, upver slope in left ear und blip in the
Hood. Andrew, rardmnn. Or. Hornon. M inarr
ornn with iptart'r-oirole over it o.j left Hlirlo.
Uiotinirnr, iuid, lleppner, Or.- Horsea, (' 11 on
bo' Nhnnldor.
Idmh 1'r.w., Hetumer, O'.-Homw hmndmi y
on the rtklH ithoultler; cattle, IX on the left htt
criip oft lofl ear Hud dewlap ou n.H'k. littngo ii
Morrow and adiniidngcoontioH,
KoMMoy, Andrew, Lexiiortin, Or, MorHw
lirandod A K on right Hhonldor, vent quartet
circle vh brand; cattle naino on right hip.
liHMire Mo row ciMintv.
Huvho Vm. H. nairvville, Or MU oorin.ct(H
with O'tarlor oirdo over top nn cattloi ri rht hit
nnd crop off right ear and pbt in loft, llorwt-
name brand no loft nhoulder. Mange iu Morrow
(imnt ami tii'liam onntiiw.
Hootor .1. W.. lleppner, Or. Monte, JO m
left houldor. Tattle, o on right hip.
SioekonM. J. W.. Ontwlwrry, Or. Horwo
bnooh'd M on loft nh mlder ; lange iu Morr.
pOM Ml V,
So'-noi. V O Hopmior. Or Hor. branded
o" h'l pniihbr; enttln vifi b-fr hip
.iVi Mnri, H K. 1,'ottm'ioii, Or. - HorwoM
wth d'i-h "".br ii on bfi Mt'lU ohkIp M wH
,Hh MM.br it oi ri'tht ton. pn otl right r ant'
w-i Mb-d nn nuM bml leg. Uauge iu Morrow
Oilham and I'liiatiltn cnu'iH,
Hwirirt. V I . A'h-Mia t r. - -Morten brande 1 I
on loft nhonMMf; ooto Miini on loft hip. t'roj
OP iwtr, wntt'rtoo loft hold log.
Straight W. K.. H"tmM"v, Or Moinn Aha.bvl
J K nn lf ' wit tie: CHtOe J H nn bft hip, nwaUow
fmk in fabt underbit in left,
K.t.!i, ThiHt.t ILiponer, Op. - llorf'K, H A P nn
loft hip: oH'tlr hmhoii left bin.
NhrptrJolm. K-oi, tir.-NC smtoctfli on
horwoM r ght hio-.caMie, a-ne on riht hip,
crop otl riahf far and utidor bit iu loft ear. llnjig."
in Mra-'l o.nutv.
H-nith Hm . MuMvillf, Or. II or, bran. I
II ', oMdhniil dr; cattle, ate ou left h e.M ir
spiir. JatT rbn'oh, Or,; ho-n.w hraitd-i'
Jrt on t't rdomld"'" cat lb th i"-, hUo eon
w id I". Mi"g iu Morrow and ttiliiam co "iie
K'.i. I, -"(, V. A., lUr-lumn. i)t- hoise H tw
roht l i fl; ct U hor'o"nl . on the rih idc
H'fvoMiuin, Mr At J.. M 'ponor Or Vtb
on riwt bit : fwallow fork in loft r.
WwHgaHf. O, V loin'tr, ir U nno, 41 or
.,l I
!.. II
in I 'ft Ion.
: t .'
.r. ( !r ' V" 1 I 01
, I i, -. I ',-l i-.i l.ft .:.r.
i..ft ..,-,l -.r.
tt,M t 'r - is, ;
in l.,r l,,i.l,l.,r
J A.. I
I :
:l.'rl i:!citni ,Or. - Uorwt. t'.c i l.,fi
I ufi " H. W ll..nn' . f.-S nail entil T
lli li,.iil,lr, horsf; vuii muiui tn htt hif
A mf y Lu i I
:i:r-iz:M: -n , , 1 5 t '
VI 1 ' Lggrrfl y sj-i---
. , tamm S I i S-
; 1 , r.ua v' ' " 73 " 1 1 ff -j; '
-J-rrtrx:zz: :ii.j-r -j-- m zzizzi tzhz.
, ;r -0 -a-e f. , 1 ::JriZzW ?,&o trg
; y- " " . ir sr
:'i ZLiz:. 1 g -trzzi
i r ij- -nrfczt: J I 0 s ! zfrzii
' 1 1 e a a 1
I iu '
blue, And niohed as sho mur-mured, "Oh could I for - sake -These
clear, And plucked from her bed - ding the Lil - y so fair, And
Ensuring r r1
f UJZ 0).M-(i,&-m--j - j , A 1 iTZZIZZ HQ. 9. H J r ? -A
ir o S'r' ?? V
crgs Kji . . . ceu.
1 jassgsa J j !
. a '. HI 1 & j
i Z 1 1: 3 : 1 4- -SHHHHH tHHHHl J
; O . T?"
J) Meno moitfio.
fa ! V 0 m p, , iHj.. --
HHHHH-HHH-i Y ' 1-6- - 0 $0-1
culin-i for strango scenes bright and new." Tho wea - ry day I may
I .poke sweet -est words to her ear. The Lil - y lay on too
! XJiT-- r -Mbs:
(hzhhhhh p-
1 111 i 1 sc 1 . I
II. , I .s . 1 1ST 1 1 1
- V-
on the breast o the lake,
with tbeir bright jew - els rare, They
I, I y The New Vwl. Mu:.ice! Ktcuid - j
Thornton, H. M.. Tone. Or. Monies branded
HT oonnootod on loftntitte; Hheen Hame brand.
Vandorpool, H. T.. Lena. Or: HoreeB J IV eon
neotpd on right Hhotildor;cattle, eame ou right
Wulbridgo, Wni.. llnppnor, Or. Hornee, U. h.
on the loft. Hhonlflnr; onttlo piinio m light hip,
erp off left oar end rit'ht ear lopted.
WiIhou. ,7onn O,, Sf-'em or TTnpnner, Or,
HorNrw brandod ,T.; on the loft shoulder. Hung"
Morrow Count y.
Warren, W 1). Oaten. Or Cattle W with tpmrtm
circle over it. on loft nide, uptit in rieht. ear.
MorHOH Hame brmul on left Hhoiildor. llautroii'
Cimiit, county.
Wade, Henry, Hnnpnnr. Or. Horace brmide.j
ace of RpadoH on loft ehoiddnr and lft hip
Oiittln brioidod name 'n left Hide end left hip,
Woltlnger, John, John ' ny t'itv. Or On horRCF
throe imratlol bare on left nhonldor; 7 on neep.
bit. in both enrp. Ilauie in Grunt and Malhnar
Woodward, .lobn, Menreior, Or. -KorB03, VI
Cftnnecteil on lnft(lnoildni.
Watkiim, liiHhe. Meppnnr(Or. Montes brandofi
UK c(oniectoo on left etillo.
Wnllfi'.m. OUarloH, H pp'ier. Or. fntttrt, W or
rurhtthiivti.hob in left, oir: Ihhwih, W righ'
Htioubior Houn eamooii left whouldor.
Whittior trow., riuiiungton. Maker Co., Or. -HorsoH
brand' 1 W H ennuectod on left shoulder
WtllmmH. VaiHio, rtnuuiton, Or. Quarter oir
do over throe ham on o hip, both cuttle ami
borMcH. Mango G.aiit county.
Willianm. J O. Lnn'T t'reek. Or HorneH, quar
tor circle over throe bars on loft hip; cattle name
H'id tit in Hch oar Itango in Orant fmnnty
Wren, A. A., Ocppner, Or. Horeea rimmiigA A
on thouldor; 'attlo. hhuih i;n right hip.
Vomig. J. S., t-bMV-terry,Or,--M(rv.e bmnd
TM H rl.rht -il.-.MlH
Yo: Pleasure or Profit,
fl.ou'd ' that V.q Journal V.c? snbficrlbe
t i t i;-e best and u t'st rciiub.t1
authority cbtniuublo.
U rtrnlsprnrt Vnll y with fruit a and veRotnliles,
ti i'os, ulirul.s ami llowuis, anU tuvt-rs thu
Ia-UI of limtitMiltuie svstcmatically
unit tliormiKhlv. It Illustrates and
Uisinlx-s nu'thfuls of cultiva.
tion, improved varieties iiuj
latior -8avinif devict'3.
It is, without doubt,
lie Psperfcrtlis Perjpls!
$1.00 a Yen r ('.'I iinf.ri0,
Specimen copv an,t .lo-nae catalogue oi
hoilicuituial looks FREE n application.
Amencan Cardiininj, 170 Fulton St., N.Y.
CatcaU, Trailo-natks, Design Falenls, Copjfijhts,
And all Psteul bnloiM conducted ftr
Infermntlon ml sdvlro given to Inrentors wlUwul
Ctutrgv. Aildrr..
Msnsglntf ttornrf,
.aios 40s. vnu.vw, r. :
'Th!. Cf,"it !iy it eunsMl b en"'' i !'ia
t'n- Isircs! suit m.wt Inlti-m-M -. I '
'tiUt-.t StiU'., f,,r t'.v rx'. r, . i i-r,v, r. ,.i. a
In lhlr n:H-riH-i u: : m . 1
ar.U liu-iiiriiotiut l.i,r:u A tn',, , - .
I'ltlit;...! !!,. .1 iV; -t;.. IUv Vn'V'we .. J ;
4.HIJ' SBilLitsutlulCstof ill,' 1im i i'l
riiotivrsuli S1.:,0 pet ilc?,on t 8licr
rr,r eftll. rj , nt'nr oper house, north
Ci)iy.i;;l.t, 1,
the heav
the wa
ens of
ters so
Stockholders' Meeting.
ri'iiulnrnniiiml mi-rtlnit of the stockhold
ers of the Morrow County l.anil & Trust Co. will
tie hohi lit the oillce o Its t ennirer on the see-
ou l Kiitiinhiy in March, lhllfi. hetween the hours
of 10 a. in. suit I p. m. for the purpose ol electing
olllcers for the eiiBtiing year.
U1U. 11. J) 11.1.1 .
Heppnei, Or., Feb. 21st 1S5. f22-ni8.
Administrators Notice,
Estate of John W. Dawson, deeensert.
tcrs of mliiilniKtration on the estate of
John W Pnwson. decensed, were (nnnted to the
undersiKiii'd on the l.itn nay ol rvlirtinry, ln!in.
Iiy the county court of Morrow county. All
persons 1m viiipr claims airalnst snid estato arc
required to exhibit them to me for allowance af
lleppner, Oreitmi, within six montlis after the
dale ol this notice.
Dated this l!th dnv of Fehrtiarv, 1 Hv..
t l'.hiiHi ,T. ii. LYON. Administrator.
I i Notice is hereby elven that letters of ad
ministration on the estniB of T. F. Barton, de
ceased were grunted to the underslinied on the
2iHh day February, istlj, by the county court of
Morrow county. All persons having claims
against ssld estate are required to exhibit them
to me for allowance, at my home in Eight Mile.
Morrow Cn., Or,, within six month alter the
date of this nniiee, or they shall be forever
barred. fiiinilll J. 8. YOL'NU, Adair.
Hits 2(ith day of February, ltiDS.
Notice of Intention.
1 Feb. I'J. lH'Jl. Notice Is hereby given (hat
the following named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make ttnal proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on April 10, 1M, via :
hd e no KW7, for the H'i, NE4 and Ntf PEKi, sec
7, tp 1 s r 2l KH'M.
He names the follow'ng witnesses to prove
his continuous resident c upou and cultivation
of said laud, viz:
E. P. Vnruj and A. T McNav, of Heppner ;
Paul Ulctiimn and A. T. Wood, lone
fJ2m2!) Register.
Notice of Intention.
j Feb. 14, Wift, Notice Is her, by given tliat
the following named settler has tiled notice of
his Intention to make 11 mil proof In snoport of
hs claim, anil that said proof w ill be luadr
before J. YV. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, 011 March ;, isyj, viz:
lid. No. 61W1 for the N'i 8U4 SW'i Sec. U, and
KIVi, NV4 S-c 14. Tp. 1 N. K 27 E. W. M.
He nsines the following w itnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cut ivatlon
ol said land. vU:
Is, lac Vincent, W". M. Avers Isaac Howard, J.
L. Hoivard, all of lialiowav, Ore.
B. F. WII.S1N,
fi;.in22. Hcglster.
Notice of Intention.
Lanp Orrirr at La (iiuNpr. ORrr.oN,
Januiirv .11, istii.
tiillowiug-iiiiHU'il .ctltcr hii tiled nnlice
of lN tntctitioti to iiuikc tlniit proof in support
of his cUtin. slut tlm. nld proof will be made
before the eoiintv clerk of Monnw county al
lleppner. dr., on March , Ivm, vii :
William W. i;nsiiir.
lid No Will, for the XV, NE'4. W4 SE';, tiec.
21. Ip ,S H. K 2S l-WM.
He names the following witneses tn prove
his contiiinoni rcsldeuce upon, and cuUivatiou
of said land, viz :
W, E. Mik sell, I.auus Penlsnd. W. R. Casey,
P. A. lluiiiiltoii, ail of Heppner, Or
flinIS Register.
Notice of Intention.
Land Orrtrt at in is Pa ilk, Orooji,
Jamiarv SI. IniV
i iolUiwtiig iiaine.1 settler hst filtd 110t.ee
of his Intention to mki final prooM'i support
i t his elHim. Mild (hat raid proof w ill ht made
tiefo eJ W Morrow , t oiiiuv Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on March 14, lij, viz :
Hd. F, No 2S" for the E'j SK 8r. 11, and S4
N l- See. It. I p ;l. h . J.i K.
Me luiuii s Hie tollow leg ltesses to prove his
cnttnnoiiH ii iddence upo and cu!tiatioi'. ol,
-.!.; ! vi. :
Mat I' li 'iies. John Woodward, John Hi, ley,
Mierinau Ltdlter, s.j ol llepiuier, utmnn
to , tlio breeze,
of a belle,
wind hast-ens on und
there 'nrid the charm of
j8 0&&M-Q-0Ji)- 0
9 9-m-0-0-&-s-2 -1
-so da io ffl --
V)Sf O 0-9 9 &
Th- Lily. 2.
Old English Words Appear In New
Guiso Here.
Loral Rustic Dialects Are Composed Al.
most Entirely of Older Forms ot
Words Now Obsolete Somo
Queer Fhrasos.
The EDprlish of bock-reading' Ameri
cans differs from that of educated Eng
lish people, writes Edward Egleston
in Century, only in those superficial
traits that are the unavoidable result of
a different environment and the lluetua
tions of fashion. But along; the bhoro
of a stream the current moves more
slowly, and suffers eddies and backsets.
Much old English of the days of Crom
well, some that goes back farther even
than to "Queen Marie's daies," will be
found in the dialect speech of rustic
neighborhoods in America. There are
facts in the history of Euglish words
that will never bo known until some of
the younger American philologists go
afield in seaivh of the living forms that
grow in the soil about them, and that
are not less instructive- than the dia
lectsof England assiduously gathered
by a multitude of observers, or the
patois of the V rench country to which
Littre was not above paying his re
spects. Disavowing any pretension to be
a philologicul expert, I propose to write
here as an observer of American folk
speech. On that portion of the history
of the English language which has to
do with its conditions and changes in
this country, and on that alone, I may
claim to speak with some authority, if
the life-long habit of studying tho
people's speech, exceptional opportuni
ties for observing it in many widely
separated districts, and an extensive
acquaintance with writings of all sorts,
printed and manuscript, of tho colonial
period, can give authority.
English travelers very early mention
the differences, between colonial speech
and that of the mother country. This
arose partly from tho great number of
new objects and processes that must
have names and partly from English
provincial words adopted into general
speech in America. For example,
"swamp," with a far-reaching Scandi
navian ancestry, and uo doubt a long
provincial use in England, had to .be
explained to English readers, though
its use appears to have been general in
the American colonies. l!y 1070 it had
passed into a verb in common use in
Massachusetts; thus Xiniret, the Iu
diau chief, is said ta have "swampjd
hiiUM'lf when he had hidden iu a
wooded morass. In 1T;;0 "swamp"
formed part of a compound word;
"swamp-law," in Maine tdood forcer
tain oxira-judicial methods of attain
ing ju:,tioe known to all rude and pio
neer lands, the word swamp, like
many other provincials of tho time,
bettered its fortunes by immigration,
and was received into good English so
ciety when it went bade.
There ore indigenous words in our
folk-speech, but our local rustic dia
lects nre composed nlmrwt entirely of
words m tneir older forms or older
senses, of English words cow quite ob
solete, aud of words from provincial
English dialects. When first I heard
farmers in the Lake (Jeorge region call
u "em.-; lip" a "cov:dop," I smiled to
think li,-.v modern the corruption wa
and how ea-.v to murine thai the
muuo ln.l tn-i.u thing t. do wi'.U tii4
focuii' ci a iv.v. lint r h gocn h
etyuudy ure ever uu a;; vujm-'
It jri""! t '-via of t- Ar.fftoM"
J-n -j ! t 1 fn 1 T-H-J- I
c aoo a a - yp
. TI 1 S-L J 1 r -i 1 i
w js aj-y w-a-e--rf- -e e v-w-v-w- ti
Vj p-ZZTQ Li -
ff n
f f L , . T I T V 1 . 1 A t
-W f WJ
PC f 1 7-J -f , ! rrT HHHHHHHHHHH- 1 l-l
died. . HHHH.'' "
ca - ress - es the trees,
the ball - room's rich spell,
Tttllentnndo molto.
bird spreads its wings far a
droorsd. and tin -heed - ed she
J L- 1 1 hmn 1
word nine centuries ago. The etymol
ogists miss tho history of this word,
and of tho word "slop," by not know
in that, both as noun and verb, "slop"
refers to any liquid or semi-liquid food
for cattle, and this over so wide a re
gion of America as to make its an
tiquity certain.
Take another expression that seems
strictly American. "Sho is in a perfect
gale," one says of a little girl or a
young woman in a state of effervescent
mirth. It is easy and natural to sup
pose this to be modern, and to derive it
from a seafarer's figure of speech. Eut
the Danes who settled in England
r.poke a tongue very much like the
Icelandic, and there is in this speech
the word "gall" with a long vowel
meaning a "tit of gayety," so that
Anglo-Danish ladies in the court
of Knut probably "got into a
perfect gale" as our American wom
en and girls do now. In New
England they have the verb to "train"
for to romp. For this I can find no re
mote ancestry; it may have come from
the New England "trainin'," with its
rum, cider and ginger bread, but I do
not think it so recent as that.
I have given enough examples to
show that the mor.t ancient and least
mutable part of a language is the
residuum the folk-speech. Fashions
may change, but the countryman is
slow to give up the ways and words of
his forefathers. If the world'schangcs
knock tho sense out of a word, he will
put another meaning into it with at
little alteration as possible. Some ol
the provincial English people 6ay "hal
lo wday" for holiday or holy day. But
New England hallowed no holidays,
and kept holv no holy days but the
Sabbath. So from holiday, or the broad
sound of hallow-day. some of our
northern farmers get "hollow-day"
that is, a day with no work in it. They
attach quite another sense to "hollow"
when they note the condition of the
atmosphere in which sound is easily
carried. "The air is so hollow that I
can hear a train ten miles off," one will
A Coek;ito: s IVralinr Whim.
In the exhibit of Mile. Mariska 5Iik
losy, attached to Ilagenbeek's trained
animal show, there is a cockatoo that
appears to have an aversion to Old Eng
land. Ono of the features which help
j to make Mile. Miklosy's trained cock
j atoos a welcome item on the pro
I gramme consists of the hoisting of a
! number of national flags. The third
I ilng to be hoi., ted i 1 that of Great llrit
r.in. Until recently the patriarch of
I Mile. Miklosy's floek. one "tiringoiro,"
: did the hoi ,tirr. Ilecently, however,
I another cooknt.xi, named "Vert-Vert."
! hr.3 been doing the work inr.ter.d.
J "Vert-Vert" does his work splendidly,
j except in one instance1. At every per
formance h? pyjitively refuses to hoist
the English "Union Jack." Neither
I threats nor bribes can induce him to
I elevate John Bull's banner. lie runs
j the red, white and blue nnd the red,
! white nnJ black aloft with neatness
! and dispatch. Ho sends the stars and
stripes upward in gallant shape, but
i when he gets to the flag of England he
strikes work.
Tun lvi icer. Diamond Mining com
pany of s-onth Africa has paiditsshare-
The fiwal low I beck
Swept on with the mu
holdersan average 01 auout -a per
cent yoarlv profit during tho pat live
wars. It paid li'. p,r C0I!t "r tUo
fit- t h:;lf of last year, und had over
S10,COO,CM,wwi'tl4 ct wjrty credited
pft in t- , . UV tl Is
nh.i.ii 4.i.fni.tij.
... -ff . ,u,i nt m i'i 11 si I.ISI'S "'lis1 f
- al
bird spreads its wings
drooped, and un heed
- main,
far a -
she . ;
How to get
6100 and
Fortn tie
Petlinps .Vakis a
We eeenre pttntn arid to indue
people to keep track of their bright
ideas we offer a prize of odb hnndred'
dollars to be paid on the fiist nf (tvirjr
month to the person wlin Rnbtnils fa w
the most meritoiioiiR invention during
the preeeedioK month. We will also?
advprtise the invention free of chnrije in
the Nuiiounl Recorder. 11 weekly news
paper, published in Washington, p. C
which hn an exteptivs cirenlittioD
tbronjihoiit the Unit"d States and is
devoted to the inteif-pta of in ventors,
The idea of being iible to invent some
tliinu strikes most people bh beiiitf very
difficult; this delusion the company
wiHbes to dispel. It is the simple things
und small inventions ibut mnke the
grantest amount of tv.onry, and the com
plex ones Hre seldom profitable. Almost
ever) body, at some time or Buotber,
oouceives mi iden, which, if pStented,
would probably be worth to him a
fortune. Unfortunately eneh ideas are
iiFUHlly dismissed without thought. Tbe
simple inventions like tbe car window
which could be easily slid np and down
without breaking tbe passenger's back,
the sauce pHn, collar button, tbe nnt look,
the bottle stopper, the snow sbovel, are
things tlint almost everyone sees some
way of improving upon, aud it is thes
kind of inventions that bring tbe greatest
returns to the author.
Tbe priz we rffer will be paid at the
end of eaoh mnutb, whether tbe sppli
OHtion bus been soted upon by the
Patent Office or not. Every competitor
must apply for a patent on bis invention
'lironuli ns, nnd whether he seonres tbe
pnz'or nnt. the inventor will have a
VRbisb'e phtent.
JoriN WEDiiBRBrRS. Geu'l Manager,
CIS F St. N. W. Waebirstuo, D. C.
P. S. The responsibility of this
PnttitiRny may be judged from the fact
that its stock is held by about seventeen
hnndred of the leading newspapers of
the Dnited HtMtfs. tf.
iiTTinAi Di
11 J HI8
cures It. us well rt Hlllo-.nness. S1r k IIc.1che
ml Ms'arla. Tho onlv mMroKTABiE rl!t In
1I11" wori.l. tkiM by nil i.UKrtsit or sent by
tiisll 011 receipt o( pr1e, ii tmtt per box
PRESTIW CHEMICAL 10., i'l r:!rrnl