Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 08, 1895, Image 3

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    Notice to Advertisers.
rHOSE deslrine the Insertion of display ads.,
or change of same, must eet their copy in
lot later than Monday evening (or Tuesday's
tdltioii, or Thursday evening for Friday's edi
.on. Ths Pattkkson Publishing. Co.
Take Notice.
1. The turn of five Rents per line will be
hargrsd for "cards of thanks," "resolution of
respect," list of wedding; presents and donors,
tai oMtnary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
otices olspecial meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
SBterttilnmenU from which revenue is to he de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
jests a line. Those rules will be Btrictly adher
M to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
lpon application.
"We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
orrespondence will be published unless the
WTiter's real name is signed is an evideuce of
good faith.
.LJ ing Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange,
San Francisco, is onr authorized agent. This
'fper is kept on file In hiB office.
'Gvee your business to Hevpnerpcopte,
ind, therefore assist to build up Hepp
nttr. Patronize those toVo patronize
v?0tt. '
Stage Tor Hardman, Monument, Long Creek,
'Iqhri Yifcy and Canyon City, leaves as follows :
JEvery day at 6 a. m., except Sundav.
&ives everv dav at 6 t. m., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country,
Phill Cohn, Agent.
City Hotel Bar!
The Public are informed that 0. B. Tedrowe
ia located in the Cltv Hotel Building, and keeps
the best brands of Uquors and Cigars to be
lounu in Heppner.
Uambrlnus Beer on tap. Served in largest
isd mugs. G. B. TEDIIUVVE, Prop.
Here and There.
The Heppuer region needs rain.
Kaley's medical bill is now a law.
Get Yesger's prices on wall paper.
15 2.
Miss Elsie Joues is reported as being
selle meat lower tbiin
prices t
Grain fed meats Bt sammer
Wm. Wilson was. in from Butter creek
Andy Cook was in from Butter creek
Milt Moreen was in yesterday on
For bargains attend August CburltonV
private Bale.
Mvor G. V. Bolton, of Tbe Dalles,
di& yesterday.
Phntncranher Dowe will return 10
Heppner in July.
j. E. Colemau was down yesterday
"rom Gooseberry.
Bet. Gregory made this office
pleasant call today.
(ton. Muir was in Wednesday from
tb lower country.
J. D. Hickev was over tbe first of tbe
week for supplies.
The Niles-Vinson. Marble Works,
Walla Walla, Wash.
Mr. J. W. Vaughan got back from tbe
valley yesterday morning.
Dnrino the month of Marcb Ynger
will tall wall paper at cost. 15 2.
W. E. Kahler, the Hardiian merohant,
waa over last week on busineee.
Attend August Charlton's private sale
during the next 40 days.
J. T. MoAlister and wife will leave
M .nday for tbe Palouse section.
The Weekly Sun and the Gazette $2 75
per year, both strictly in advance.
W. F. Reininger spent a f-w days
with friends in Heppner this week.
Henry Thorns m and wife were in
from Butter creek Wednesday last.
The streets are so dusty as to need
sprinkling. Ruin is badly needed.
Yeager is selling wall paper at oost.
Call on him and be oouvinced. 15-2.
Born This morning, in Heppner, to
tbe wife of George Thornton, a son.
Oonnty court is grinding this week
without the presenoe of Com. Baker.
Now is the time to kill r- quirrele; and
Swaggart's "dure Shot" is the stuff to do
it with. t(-
Wm. Hale, son of Mrs. F. R. Sherman,
is over from Pendleton visiting his rela
tives. E. G. Sperry depaited Wednesday
for Canyon City to meet the Grant
county court.
Full supply of garden seeds, botb
package and bulk for sale by P. C.
Thompson Co.
Anyone baviug one, two and tbree
yearold steers for sale should see Him
Kinsman at Heppner. if-
T. W. Ayers, Jr., was ill Wednesday
nd yesterday, but is o deck Hgaiu
almost as good as new.
Rev. W. E. Potwine wi l hold services
in the M. E. church Tuesday evening,
Marob 12, at 7 :3J o'clock .
W. H. Swaio, of The Dulles, is on the
rosdinJ.A. Patterson's pine. "Pat"
is down to Portlaud for a brief periud.
The bin rush Gilhousen Bros, are
having will oompl tbeun to miss tilling
their orders on lime by several days. tf.
Poor branding oil is expensive at any
prioe, because the brand will soon come
off. Call on Minor Co. aud get the
M. E. Smith has returned from
Junction City and will superintend
affairs over on i. W. Morrow' ranch
this year.
Hey there! where are yon going?
Why npto Gilhousen Bros, for pictures.
Their cot prioe will be up by tbe l.itb.
you know.
Ben Swsggart returned this morning
from a visit to PeDd eton where be is
selling large quantities of bis "Sure
Shot Squirrel Poison."
G. B. Hatl, the tonsorial artist, can
be foood at his parlors, Matlock oorner,
where be will dispense at popular prices,
shaves, shampoos, haircuts, etc.
Born To the wife of E. G. 81'innm.
in this city, Saturday, Marcb 2, 1895, a
girl. '81oke" says he has three girls
oow, end threes are alwa; butter than
any pair.
M jir S. L. Skeeh and Colonel
Flaisig, special agents of the Manhattan
Life Life Ins Co, arrived at Heppoer
this morniug and will remain a few
dny. The gentlemen both have war
records of which any person might well
be proud, and indeed it '.s interesting to
hear them talk over old times. Major
S tteeis was regular officer for a number
ot years and was conneoted with
tli9te's famous 7th cavalry from '66 to
'77. Colonel FlaUig is accompanied by
his wife who is a member of the famous
Eentncky family, the Carlisle's, and
indeed a very pleasant and fascinating
Exposure to rough weather, dampness,
extreme Cold, etc., is apt to bring on an
sttnek of rheumatism or neuralgia;
chapped bands and face, cracked hps
and loleut itching of tbe skin also owe
their origin to cold weather. Dr. J. H.
MoLenn'e Volcanic Oil Liuiment should
be kept on band at all times for im
mediate applicMtiou when troubles of this
nature appear. It is a sovereign
remedy. 2oo, 50o and $100 per bottle.
ForsMle bv Slonum Jobnaon Drug do.
Jacksonville Times: Representative
Cole, of Multnomah county, whom tbe
Oregoiiinn railed a ''stinkard" and
severely criticised for not voting for the
re-election of Senator Dolph, has com
menced a suit for libel against that
journal. His attorneys are Hume & Hall,
a d I he personal warfare made by tbe
Oegonian against them as wel1 as their
client will nerve them for lively legal
Now is tbe time to get the Weekly
Oregonmn, the greatest newspaper of
the West. With the Gazette, botb strict
ly in advance, for one year, $3. No better
combination of newspspers can be made
in the state. Besides we will give as a
premium an additional journal, the Web-
foot Planter, an agricultural paper,
Come in now and subscribe.
The Gazette is in receipt of some Ha
waiian patters, sent it by an old friend,
Evan W. Eteb. who is a resident of the
Maoris. They oontain a full acoouot of
the Hawaiian rebellion and "make
mighty lntereRtin' rendin. It our
friends want Hawaiian news from first
hands they have but to oome to tbe Ga-
z tie office to get it.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hall, proprietor of
Hall's h-.tel in John Day, and W. W.
Bunu, of the same plane, got in Thnrs-
lay. Mr. and Mrs. Hall are going to
Portland whre the latter will enter the
hospital to have a tutmr remove.!. Mr.
Boon departed on tbe return trip today.
Tl.e Gaztte is pleased to annonnoe in
this imie that Jas. 'tVylsnd, of Hard
mn, has been selected by the county
court a soab inpeotor for ton coming
venr. The selection of Mr. Wylaod, we
'hink, will give general satisfaction.
Snhscribers to the Weekly Snn, the
rviruing paper or. Oregon, 1 per year.
With the Gz tte, both in advance,
2 75 pT year. A good combination.
rwo of the people's papers at one prioe.
Subscribe at the Gazutte office.
Hon. J. S. Boothbv writes that be and
daughter have finished their visit and will
irrive home tomorrow morniog. - The
people of Lexington are preparing a
Brand reception for Mr. Boothby, to
which all are invited.
B F. 8waggart is prepared to furnish
his "Sure Shot" squirrel poison in
boleale lots. He has already received
a large order from Washington and
Idaho Every where it has been need
t Ins not failed to exterminate the little
pests. tf.
B. A. Huosnker has sold the Heppner
Monument since line to Walt, Thompson
wbo i now iu charge, and Jerry Oohn
ha sold hi1 erocery store to Mr. Hnn-
iKker. Our be t wishes for success are
with both.
Shiloh's Cure, the great Conch and
Croiin Cure, is in great demand. Pocket
-"'Z' ojtituins twenty five doses only 25c
Children love it. Sold bv T. W. Ayers
The honesty of some men may be
psted bv comparino the prices of
Linseed Oil and Fish Oil. Buy your oi
'nr brending sheep of P. C. Thompson
C-v, who are not diciples of Isaac
Walton. tf.
V bo should tbe Gazette s editor see
down at Snlem during the session of
'puislatnrn but Editor Shntt, of the
C mdon Globe. He was enjoying bis
vacation immensely.
Ka-l's Clover Root will pnmy yonr
Rlood. cltMr y inr Complexion, regulate
vour bowels and mtke your bead clear
ma ball. 25c . 50a, and $1. Sold by
L W. Ayers. Jr.
T M.: Captain N. B Humphrey, the
well known joke cracker, a familiar
Pendletonian. has resolved to reside in
the future in tbe soldiers' borne at Rose
Green Mathews for shaving, hair
cutting, shampooing and all other work
in that line. Baths at any time durins
business boors. CM. Jones, assistant
Don't forget P. C. Thompson Co. when
vou get ready to brand your sheep
Oil. lamo black and tnrpent'ne now o
hand. Bring your cans to put tbem in
Ed. Reeoe. tbe erstwhile nreman o!
the branch, but now an engineer on tb
main line, is here to visit friends and
erj y a much-needed reit.
R v. J. M Denison will preach
Ri ht Mile Centre the third Sabba'hol
this moith, tbe 17th inst. Sabject
"Baptism." All are invited.
Hick Mathews still runs the City Hotel
barber shop. Shaves, shampoos and
tiai'Oiits always ir s'ock. Batha iu oon
oeot'on. C'di on him.
Coueressman Ellis will arrive home
from WaHhuiuton about the 15 b inst
His many frwuds in Oregon
to R'.-e bin) home amn.
A sure oure for the liquor hhbit. Ni
enrenopay. for run particulars sun
terras -h on T. W. Ay.r, Jr., City
Drug gture. 9-t'.
After the 15th of March Oilbonsen
Rros. will make a special out on large
siz-d family groi'f. Be ready for
Tbe Corvallis Gztte is Benton
oonnty'sonly republican paper. It is
auti- muobiue, and a red hot number, too.
Expected to arrive at Minor & Co.'i in
the next, few days, tbe lareest stock of
dry goods ever brouaht to Heppner. tf
Mrs. Rash is visiting her daughters,
Mrs. E- G. Sloan aud Mrs, D. A. Herren
and their respective families.
Wanted Plain or fancy sewing. Will
an to i he bonse or take sewiDg at borne.
Mrs. Mary Henderson.
m i
Is a necessity because the tonic of winter
air it gone, and milder weather, increased
moisture, accumulated Imparities in ths
blood and debilitated condition of the
bodyt open the way tor that tired feeling;,
hervous troubles, and other ills. Ths
skin, mucous membrane and tbe various
organs strive in vain to relieve the im
pure current of life. They all welcome
TT 11
H Oparilla
to assist Nature at this time when she
most needs help, to purity the blood, tons
and strengthen the laboring organs and
build up the narves.
" I was not able to wait on myself and
could not gain any strength until I began
taking Hood's barBaparilla about three
months neo. Now I am doinir ray house
work. My right lung was badly effected,
and in the spring and summer I was very
weak, but Hood's Saritaparilla has done me
much good and I have great confidence in
it." Mrs. E. R. Knight, Tecumseh, Okla
The Blood
" I have taken Hood's Sarsaparllla and it
has always built up my Bystem, given me
a good appetite and cleansed my blood."
Thomas Krooek, Tulare, California.
Iveeei Bros.
Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for
Cash Only.
It is the Headquarters !
jpalnta, Drue
let Artioea
Oil. OlaasK Tot'
Patent ertlclnes,
Office of all stages running out of Heppner.
PHIL. COHN, Proprietor.
drod's Pills
the nftcr-Tlniipr pill and
family cathartic. 25c
Toilettes fob March The fashion
magazines, now before tbe pubuo, deal
th tbe subject of the new spring styles.
Among the best aud most favored of
those publications is Toilettes, whioh in
its March edition seems to have surpass
ed itself. An examination of this num
ber will satisfy our lady readers that its
illustrations oover tbe whole field of the
spring fashions, being a complete re
pertoire f tbe very latest designs by
the leadiDg Krenob modistes. Walking'
visiting, reception, aud eveuing dresses;
new oapes. jackets and wraps; Bleeves,
onrsages and garniture are among its
attractive features. There is a bridal
continue by worth ot exquisite workman
ship, with ball dresses by Hounet and
others. Children's costumes, hoods,
bats and dresses, oomplete tbe list of its
attractions, there being no fashion journ
at for tbe month whioh oompares with
it, either for tbe variety or novelty of its
admirable midels. Can be procured
from cewsdealers.
Tbe following reoipe for making squir
rel poison was recently sent us. We
know nothing, personally, as to its merits,
but by request publish same, together
with accompanying letter.
Mb. Patterson: As several parties
have asked me f it the recipe to prison
squirrels I will give it to you as it is
O. K. I got it out of the examiner last
To 6 gal'ons of wheat take ouuoes
of oyanide of potash, one ounce of pul
verized strychnine, 9 eggs and 5 pints of
sugar. Powder tbe oyanide of poUeh
and dissolve it in very little water. Beat
the eggs, add the strychniue, suar and
cyanide of potash and pour over the dry
wheat, stirring until the whole mass is
wet with tbe poisoued eggs. Tbe mass
will dry in a day or two without being
spread or spoiling. Add oil of rhodium
to scent SBine as you take wheat out for
use. Yours,
Ernest Ibtman.
Ionk, Feb. 29, 1895.
Four big MiccexiteH.
Having tbe needed merit to more than
make good all tbe advertising claimed
for them, the following four remedies
have reached a phenomenal sale. Dr,
King's Now Discovery, for consumption
O'inghs and colds, each b ttle guaranteed
Eleotrio Bitters, the great remedy for
Liver, Stomach aud Kidneys. Bucklon's
Arnica Halve; tbe best iu the world, aud
Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are a
perfect pill. All these remedies are
guaranteed to do just what is claimed
for them aud the dealer whose tame is
attached herewith will be glad to tell
you more of them. Sold atT. W. Ayers
Jr., drug store.
Has no future value to up, and
we don't want any maiTe
Upon any other than a money basis. "We
can't place "credit" at any kind of interest
We Don't Want
Aa Kaicer aud a Nipping Wind,
A continuous down pour of rain, iodetu-
nut weather, izeneially in winter and
spring, are unfavorable to all classes ot
invalids. But warmth and activity
infused into tbe circulation oontnots
these influences and iuterpot9 a defense
against them. Hostetter's Ktomaoh
Bitters, most thorough ana eneotre or.
stomaohios and tonics, not only enriohs
the blood, but accelerates its circulation.
For a obill. or premonitory symptoms of
rheumatism and kidney complaint,
nartioularly prevalent at these seasous,
it is the best possible rt randy. It is also
iuvaluable for dyspepsia, liver complaint,
constipation Bud nervousness, wever
set out on a winter or spring journey
without it. Elderlv persons and the
delicate and oonvaleeoent are greatly
aided by it.
X of Morrow, State of Oregon.
The Northern touhiici i
Investment 1 rust
G. W, Stewart, Jumes
1). Hamilton, U. W.
Harrington AddiePar
vlu and J. N. Brown,
To O. W. Stewart and James D. Hamilton, De
GON. You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed aitniiist ynu in the
above entitled cause on or before the first day of
the ne t regular term of iheabove named court,
to-wit : March 26. 18!I5; and if you fail so to
answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take
Judgment against vou and will apply to the
court for the relief demanded in Its complaint,
t0 A decree for the sum of One Thousand Dollars
gold coin with interest thereon at the rate of
eight percent i er annum from the first day of
.lnlv. 1MM. until nald. For the sum of Six and
Fifty Two Hunciretns uonars wiui luiewi
thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum
from the 9th day of January, 1895, and the sum
of One Hundred Dollars attorney's fee, and
costs and disbursements of this suit. Also for
the foreclosure of the mortgage executed by de
fendant a. W. Stewart so secure the payment of
the iirnn and convevine the WW of the SWVi
Sec. 30. The of the NW4, the EH of the
SEU and the N Vi of the SEW Sec. 31, and the
8Wi of the HWi of Sec. 2, all in Tp 5 South of
Range 25 E W M, for the sale of said premises
and for judgment and execution against the de
fendant G. VV. Stewart for any deficiency which
mav remain after applying the proceeds of the
Bale of said premises in payment of the above
named sums, and for such further relief as is
demanded in plaintiff's complaint.
This summons is served by publication by or
der of W. L. Bradshaw, Judg" of ths above
named court. j. n. bkuwin,
309-21. Attorney for Plaintiff.
Tha cash buyer to pay for losses occasioned
by bad debts. We treat all alike, and sell
goods for less money than you can Ret
them elsewhere.
ill k mm
Habd on the Head. E. 0. Ash
baugb, ot Eight Mile, was iu Heppner
over last nigbt. Ed now wears
patched-up cranium, tbe result ot an
acoideol that happened to him on
Tuesday while on bis way to lone with
a load ot wheat. He uses trail wagons
and while defending a bill something
went wrong with the bind wagon where
it joined on to the one in front, and
while endeavoring to make matters right,
Mr. Ashbaugh's bead was caught be
tween tbe bed of tbe rear wagon and the
front wagon, it having in some manner
slid forward onto him. Tbe result was
a very uncomfortable squeeze, whioh
bad it been a liitle harder, might have
proved fatal. As it is Ed now carries a
prettv sore head, but is extremely
thankful that it was no worse.
Wedded. The Gazette takes pleasure
in anuounciug in this issue tha merri
age of Mr. Lewis Kinney, of Milton.
Oregon, and Miss Myrtle Swagtpirt, of
this place, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
(J. W. Uwsggart. on last Tuesday evou
mg, at the residenoe of Mr. and Mis.
Dave MoAtee, of Heppner, Kev. F. C.
Adkins officiating. There were present
about twenty relatives and friends who
after witnessing the solemn rites were
ushered out to a table loaded to the
breaking down poiut wi'h those
delioaoies which noue but the good
house-wife know bow to prepare. Mr
and Mrs. Kinney will hereafter reside at
Milton where Mr. Kinney is in the
milling business. The bride was raised
in Heppner aud has a host of friends
wbo have none but the best wishes for
her and husband.
JL Oregon, for the county or Morrow.
In the matter of thei
estate of ElishaJ CITATION.
fcnerrv. deceased.)
To Hulila Edwards, and all unknown persons
interested in said estate.
GON, You are hereby cited and required to ap
near In the County ourt of the State of Oregon
tor the County of Morrow at the Court Room
thpreof. at He'nnner In the County of Morrow on
Wednesday, the ftth day of March, 1WI5, at 10
o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and
tlmra tn lmw cause If anv exist, u nv an ore er
of s-,le shall noi be made of the real property of
said estate, defcnlicd as follow s, to-wit :
Beginning t a some 4x.xiu lncnes ai a point
5 m chain west of the southeast corner of the
donation land claim of Charles Rice, notifica
tion No. 2l(i:iand claim No. 49, In Township 13
south, of range ;i west, of the Willamette Meri
dian, and rnni'ing thence norlh and parallel
with the enst line of said claim 47 chains to a
stake on tho north line of said claim, thence
west 2.H4 chains to a stake, thence south 47
chains to a stake 9x10x11 inches, thence eat 2.84
chains to tho place of beginning, containing
thirteen and thirty-four niie-hundredths acres,
more or less, situate in County of Linn and
State of Oregon.
WITNESS, the Hon. Julius Kclthly.
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Morrow with the Heal of said Court
ultixed. this 5th day of February
A. II.. WIS.
This Space Belongs to
Bloonm-Johnson Drug Co. desires us
to publixh the following extract from a
letter of Cbas. M. Outfeld, of Keedley,
Fresno Co, Cat., as tbey bandied the
remedy referred to and want their
cus'omers to know what a splendid
medicine it is:
"It is with pleasure I tell you that by
one day's nse of Chamberlain's Oongh
remedy I was relieved of a very severe
cold. My head was completely stopped
up and I could not sleep at uight. I
can recomtneud this remedy." cold
nearly always staits in the bead and
afterwards extends to the throat and
lungs. By using this remedy freely
as soon as Ibe cold bas been contracted
ill I m on " '"re ,u" 0,,ul "uno hiici preveui
III oa kiou jt from ex,eU(ling to ,he n0Bii
Han't pat it Off.
Thn necessity of a sunns medicine is
universally admitted. This hi the beet
time of year in which to purify th bloof,
to restore tbe lost appetite, and to build
up tbe entire system, as the body is now
peculiarly snoeptible to benefit from
medicine. Tbe great popularity at
taiued by Hood's SarsapanliH, owing to
its real merit and Ms remarkable Hiiccnn,
bas eetablinbed i bh the very best
medioine to take iu the spring. It cures
sorofula. salt rhenm, aud all humors,
biliousness, dyspepsia, hwaduobe, klduev
and liver complaints, catarrh, and tV.
affections caused or promoted by low
state of the svstem or impure blood.
Don't put it off, but take Hood's Harsn
parilla now. It will do yon good.
PliIVATB Salb. Dunug tbe next 4U
days August Charlton will sell at private
sale at his ranob out near (Jooseberry
all bis house hold goods, farming
implemcnta and stork, consisting of
kilchen utensils, bedroom set, aein
machine, wagon plows, harness, horses,
cows, chickens, etc. All will be sold
very cheap for oash. Avail yourself of
this opportunity to secure a bargain.
of Oregon, for Morrow county.
In the matter of thecstuteof i rod rick Kretz
schniau. To any and all persons known and unknown
Interested In said estate, greeting :
You hereby cllcd and required to appear iu the
countv coiirt of tho stt.te of Oregon, for the
County ot Morrow, at the court room thereof,
at Hemmer In the county of Morrow on Mon
day the (itii dav of May. li.r. at 10 o'clock, In
the forenoon of that day, then and there t show
cause. If any exist, why an order of siiln should
not be made for following described real
property belonging to the above-named estate,
towlt: Ilciiiuutuir 9 M-lw chains from 8 E cor
ner of SV H of sec 2(1, tp 2 H, It 2ii E W M ; thence
north at rluht aneles with south Hue of said
section 2 U-loo chains; thence at rlvht angles
west distance 72 Hull, thence at rlgh' auirle
south 2 lit im chains, thence at right angles
east 72 links to beginning, containing nU-WOO of
an acre.
Witness, the Hon. Julius Kclthly, judge of the
county court of the state of Oregon, for the
County of Morrow with the sed of said court
alllxen, Mils i snn uav oi reuruary, a. u. jtod.
ISEAL Attest:
f l'J-m 19 Clerk
Wanted Laundry work by Mrs. C.
Ne'soo, old Monotain House. Mending
neatly di"l.
Loin stek, 8 ct. j round steak, 6 cts.;
rib steak, 5 cts., at H prays.
No fish oil sold bv Minor k Co. for
branding sbeep. tf
To Make Pare Blood
There is no medioine before tbe people
equal to Hood's tiitrsapiirilla. It is tbe
standa'd spring medicine and blood
purifier and it ponee peculiar merit
which other try IU vain ti reanh. It
rallv nMk-8 the wenk olrnnff. Do not
Something. Nbw. Col. N. W. Flaisig
and MajorS. Lane Hkeels, representing
the Manhattan L'fe Iusaranoe "ompaoy,
ot New York, are stopping at Heppner
for a few days. Tbe gentlemen bring
with tbem a tie feature of life insur
ance, issued very recently and only by
tbis company- It is worthy tbe Oureful
consideration of every man carrying life
insnrance, or contemplating such. Sev
eral citizens of Heppner are now looking
into tbe matter and some have applied
tor insurance. Col. Flaisig is the special
agent of tbe company, bis boms being in
New York City, and as such be visits
Oregon on bis annual tonr wt. Hs is
also looking over tbe country for bis
Eastern friends witb a view to investments.
Symptoms of kidney troables should
be promptly attended to; they are
nature's warnings that something is
wrong. Many persons die viotims t
kidney diseases wbo could have hem
saved bad they taken proper precaution.
The prompt nse of Dr. J. H. McLean's
Liver and Kidney lialm has saved
thousands of valuable lives. If you
have any derangement of the kidneys
try it. Price $1 per bottle.
I reflect to i nrifv )onr blood this spring,
J. B. Natter bas reopened the Brewery ( Hood's SarsspanlU now.
Ralonn. keeoinir on tap at ad tim-s III
bast beer on tbe Faoino oo-t. Also ou
bands tba best braeds ot liquors, wines
tad eigr. 0Clt'
Hu'd's PiUs brooms tha favorits
etbaitio wttb every ooo wbo tries tbem.
S3o. per b.
Marilna in salts
From a letter written bv Rev, J,
Gutiderman, of Dimondale, Mcb., w are
permitted to make this extract: "I have
no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's
New Discovery, as tbe results were
almost maryeloui in tbs oat of my wife
While I was pastor of ths Baptist eburoh
at KiV'-s Junction she was brought down
with Pneumonia succeeding La (iripoe.
Trrib!e paroxysms of nonghiug woold
Inrt hours with little interruption and
it seemed as if she conld Cot survive
thfio. A friend recom
Kwirf' New Discovery
Its woik and logbl
result." T'ial bottles fres at T. W.
Ayers, Jr. drug store. KfQl' site
ti ted l , -
O. W. Thompson arrived from
issoori yesterday morniog, bringing
back witb bim a brand new wife and bis
mother who will hereafter make ber
home with bim. We are all glad to see
Wasb back, and hope that be may
always succeed.
A Walla Walla boy, Chss Rose, aued
9 years, waa shot accidentally by a
neiuhhor bov. Arthur Isitt, aged 12
veara. a few days ago. dying in a short
time. The wespon was a '22 calibre
rifle. These guns are too daugerous to
trifle witb.
Tba painter tells us that ths special
branding oil fsold by V. C. Thompson
O. . at&0 cents per uallon.) has tetter
taviDi Qualities than pure linseed oil
but will mi do lor bouse painting be
cause of its tendency to torn dark on
exposure to light. Made for tbe pur
pose of branding sbaep. linng your
own cans to put it in.
Aarkks's A rule Baits.
Tbe best salve in tbe world for eats,
Hruises, Hores. Dicers, Walt Kbeum
Fever Horn. lVttrr. Chapped Hands
commended Dr. Chilblain.. Corn., and all skin ernpMoo.
it was ouirkin "d positively cures Piles, or no pay
'SlrequirVl. It fa gan.eed
pe'iecr si)Bicii(iu r criuoT inunuru.
nPee 25 cents pr b". Fr ! by
T. W. Acfefs, Jr.
1 of Oregon for the County of Morrow
Ueoigen. Harrington, a"
Administrator of the
Kstat"Of James Stewart,
deceased, Hlalutlll',
Jas. t). Hamilton, DoraC
Hamilton, J. N Brown,
Ths Northern Counties
Investment Trust. (Lim
ited) and Addle Parvln,
To .lames D. Hamilton, Dora C. Hamilton and
The Northern Counties investment Trust,
f Limited!. Defendants
OON: You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint Hied against In the above
entitled action by the first day of the next term
of the above entitled court, to. wit: On Mon
dav. the 2.'th dav of March. ln't.V and If you fai
so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will
take uctifinent against the defendant James I).
Hamilton for the sum of One Thniisand Dollars
with Interest thereon from the.'JIst day of June,
ln'.fl, at the rate of ten per cent, per annum : aim
the sum of One Hundred and Twenty-rive
Dollars as attorney s fees, aud the costs and
disbursements ot this action. Also for a decree
of this court for the foreclosure of a certain
mortifHve described In the complaint and ex
ecuted by the defendants Jnnio- D. Hamilton
and DoraC. Hamilton, on the 2uth day of Jan-
nary, noi. to secure the payment oi a certain
promissory note made by Jaws p. Hamilton
to tne defendant, J. N. Hrown, descrllied In the
complaint herein: and lor other and further
relief, according to the prayerol said complaint,
I his summons is puiiiisneo ny oruer oi me
Hon. W. I., Bradshaw, Judge of the above en
titled coiirt. made In ehamliers at The Dalles,
Oregon, on the 2nd day Kebruary, IWi.1.
fH tn'22 Attorney for I'lalntirf.
Tho Kcclcy In
For the Cure ox
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It la located at Salem, Oregon,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the 0r.KTTS office for particulars.
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure
IBMliis, Diiwson $s Iyons,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
... .THE
iw-8m I'roprletor,
Between Second & Third,
I'oriintKl, Ores
P. C. Thompson Company
Are Still on Deck with Bargains for Cash
run i nmirn i
Jl' firm of Minor fc Co.. has dissolved by
mutual consent, W. A. Johnston retl log from
Die business. A II accounts and noU'S are pay
bl to Minor iv 1,0., escent those that have been
notified by letter. All debts are pavsble by
Ml or i n. im-a
Corner Main and Willow Streets,
Any person who desires to trao iinod
unincumbered farm lands, suitable and
in condition fur raising wheat, for
property in Portland, sbonld call at (he
Gazette oflloe.
B. A. Linussker runs stage between
Heppoer and Monument, arriving every
day except Monday and laaylnir every
day eicept Sunday, nhortest and cheap
est route to the interior. P. Gohu,
McFarland Mercantile Co., hare
utiMiied their bnxiiKss to an absolute
nah bsh's. hevintnntf wi h Hi" new year.
Their prices compare with the lowes.
Alao sell ths Oold?n West Halting Pow.
der, as good as the best la the market
and r&oapor , fVe aov cd, , .
Land Patents
Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible line.
Contested Cases
Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims and disputes speedily settled.
Between individnals hsyina conflicting claims under the Sfrrienltfcral lend
taws, snd tboee between claimants under Ibe Mir-eral Laws snd agricultural
claimants; and slap between -irnnts nnder any ot tbe pnblin Ixnd laws and the
Uailroad companies and their rsntefs, and the stales and their grantees, under
the Hwstnp-Land and Hcbool Land Grsnis. ..... , ...
Hpeclalty made of securing patents In the shortest possible time tor settlers
wbo bate oomplied witb Ibe laws nndrr whioh Ibir entries wers made, and wbo
are annoyed and worried by delsys in tbs issue of their patents, caused by Tnfliog
Irregularities whioh can be easily and speedily removed.
AdTloe also given in all matters relating te tLe publio lands, especially on
points arising under tbe new laws wbioh have been recently passed proidiDg tot
tbe disposal o! the pnono domain.
If yon want your laod patent in a bnrry-if you want your lsnd bnelnees. of
any character, attended to by ikilllul aud competent attorneys, and promptly die
posed of, write to
John Wedderburn, Gen. Man.,
P. O. Vum, SJtt