THE it LEAD1SQ IS THAT DIRECTION. The Dulles Chronicle, a repub- licftu journal, ntid heretofore op po3ed to government ownership of railronds ns tending too much towards paternalism, 1ms about cbaDged its opinions on the subject, or at least thinks that the oppor tuuity is now presented to try the experiment without great cost to the government, Since the Union and Central Pacifies, that were in the main built by governmental help, are in the bauds of receivers, appointed by the United States court; and further that it appearing to be impossible for the government to examine into the afftur of thpse road to learu when aud where their earnings have been diverted to pi ivate pockets and enterprises instead of beDg used to pay back the money loaned it by the govern mentthe people's money; and there being but little oppoitunity for the government now in its unenviable financial position towards these roads to obtain its just rights and dues other than by full governmental control and ownership, the temptation to try the experiment advocated of government ownership of railroads is very great. If one litis any great objection to government ownership of railroad?, it certninly can bo no worse than the railroad ownership of the government. The spectacle of state tifter state electing to the U. S. senate aud to the louver house of congress men whoso pay as railroad attorneys amount yearly to five and ten times as much as the salaries paid them by the government, is dis gusting in the extreme, and lead.- one to ask iu such enses which is more apt to receive the attention of the law-maker, the niition or the railroads? It is this unfortunate r.ud oft-iepotitod mistake of this country which has caused the aff.ii'Sof the government to bo placed as second and last to thrse of corporations, nnd why the mortgnges held by the government are not the first of record. It vyhf not always bo. When the govern ment consented to help in the work of girdling the continent with the iron rail its cluim whs made to precede those of others. Designing individuals in the interest of the milronds nnd those hold the bond 4 of private capitalists had the first mortgage bonds changed to the place intend ed fo" the private investors, while the latter took first ploce. It wns a shrewd trick, and had the poople's representatives been clenn and true to their trusts o mid never have been accomplished. What might have been and what is, are obviously two different propositions, and hence, like Oregon, the state of the Union must endeavor to do better liere. after by electing men of the people to represent them, free from cor poraiion taint. They should be in league with tho best interests of the masses and not those of the bosses and of the banking element. "Equal rights to nil nnd spociid privileges to none" must be their motto if this government shall stand as our forefathers would have il, "of tho poople for tho people and by the people." In this dilemma when the cor partitionists nre asking for fifty years more time in which to twiddle the government out of iU meagio right to the claim of millions which it has loaned in good taith tho temptation to try a little governmental railroading is very great, and it must becouceded that tho results attaiued cannot make- matters any worse. Aud if the government should try a baud in this iu order to get its junt rights, proving that the plan is feasible, it will overturn tin cor poffiti hi ownersliip of railr.i'ids mi I much re bue the great sphere fir tho inviMtni'nt ff private capital. iW this uo Dim 14 uu 19 o selves. It can be charged to their insatiable greed and general un fairness. The Gazette believes that the day is not far distant when the government will be com pelled to own and operate the roads referred to in this article, and the soonpr it comes the better, for it will settle the doubt in the minds of many as to its feasibility. TREPekin (Ilia) Post comes out for McKinley and Fifer as the team for 189G. The election of McBride is meet ing with universal satisfaction, even with those who were very much in favor of the re-election of Senator Dulph. Hep. Hoothby comes back to Morrow couuty, lie says, thorough ly rested and in good health. JJe has a clear conscience, too, because he has done Lis duty bis whole duty. Ueppner's board of trade promises to be a very useful organ ization. It is starting out well, but our people must remember that it takes money to make money. The Portland Telegram is worrying because Senator Mc Hride is attending to his own business and not filling tho press with what he proposes to do. Mc Bride is all right. The assertion has been made that our fiiend, S. A. Lowell, of Pendleton, could have been elected U. S. senator at one time had Senator Pi ice and Representative Suutrum come to him. We think this statement is correct. Wivr. K. Vanderbixt and wife are divorced aud now the press can rest easy. It is said that Vanderbilt has a decided fondness for a Nevada Jewess who is at present in Europe. Charges both pro and con were made eaily in in the legal scrap between hus band and wife, but William is the more severely conciemued and is doubt I ess the wrongdoer. The Fossil Journal calls at teutiou to the talk of the Oregoniau about the seiviug of apprentice- ships by senators before they can expect to receive the position of chairman of important committees, and then recites tha fWfc Hint. vVilson has scarcely been elected as U. S. sontit.or f Washington before he is favorably mentioned as the probable chair- nau of tho committee on com merce, one of Mr. Dolph's import ant chairmanships. The people of Oregon and the entiio Northwest extend their sympathy to Hon. II. W. Corbett and family in the loss of Mr. Coibett's only son, Henry J. Corbett, who died in Colorado. Tho father is one of Oregon's pioneers and has done much towards the upbuilding of the state, anil had tho Bon lived it was very naturally expected that with the advantages of education and wealth given him by his prosperous and progressive lather, that he too would grace the state that gave him birth. Senatou Steiweu has returned to Fossil and is rogaling the people over there about how slick the ring got away with the "antis." U'e know that the senator was one of the twenty-seven men who stood by the ling to the end, and who by Simon's suggestion was re corded as voting for McHride. Outside of the senator's stand on all ring measures, ho made a very excellent legislator, and for this he should receive due ciedit, but he should bo very careful not to re peat his htory of tho selection of Geo. W. Mcliride as U. S. senator to people who know tho truo facts of tho affair. Senator Bkownell, of Clacka mas county, has placed himself right before the people of his own county ami also of the state. On the I ist day he ennio out for C. W. Fulton in a strong speech, and finding that he could not bo elected, was the first man to vote for Geo. W. , McUride. Senator Jirowuell provfd that he was iu dead earnest when he said that he was not iu favor of adjournment without electing a senator. The Gazette has seen fit to criticize the senator on his course at Salem, aud now must confess that such criticism was not merited. ISvory man knows his own busiucss best and Senator Krownell's case was no exception to the geuotal rule. OHi.tiiio swiihv. V S. A . Hoi Weco. i Ctl. t.: '.Sliiluli' Oiu-ib Iteniriiv m the limt lurdloiUB I liV ever fmiud tlml . , . ........ , ..... SENATOft SMITH-8 BILL. The Pnrtaee Rnat Measure Which Became 4 Law Carrie no A pprnprla luu. The following is the portage road measure introduced by Senator Smith, of Sherman and Wwwr, nod which will proye very beneficial to the producers of (he iolaod empire: Section 1. Whenever any person or persons, company or corporations shall grade and furnish . V:h ties without cost to the railroad company a awitch, siding or incline from the line of the Oregon Railway and Naviu; ition Company at or near Celilo to the water line of the river adjac-nt thereto, and from the trade of the said company's Tne at or near the oity of The Dalles to the water lirjp adjacent thereto, it shall be the duty of he company ownion or operating snob line to furnish with rails and all other necessary appnrtenancea and to connect iiinh switch, nidinrf or iodine with their rail track, and from time to time as ordered to furnish suitable freight oar? neoesssiy for the traosportation of snol: ire'ght to ar.d from the above points so named, and to Any other point or points on the line of tbe Oregon Railway and Navigation Company, or of tbecompanj owning or operating suoh road, as other freight is transported on such road. Seo. 2. It shall be unlawful for the oompany or corporation owning or operating such road to oharge or receiv for the transportation of freight between Oelilo and Tbe Dalles a compensation or charge greater than the sobedule of rates as appear below, tbe freight to be 'oaded by consignor and unloaded by consignee: For oarriage, machinery, boiler, household goods, furniture and other artioles of this olass, in oarload lots, 82 Oil per ton ; in less than oarload lots, $2 75 per ton. Sec. 3. For groceries of all kinds, ngar, atffu, syrup, ham, bacon, lard, pork, canned goods. Hop, beans, peas, lead pipe, iron pipe, iron castings, hardware, floor bsgs, burlaps, cotton -nnd 4, woolen goods, driwd and greet' fruit in boxes, barrels or sacks, wagons, tgricaltnral implements and other good of ibis olass, in oarload lots, $100 per on; less than carload lots, 81.3,3 per ton. Sec. 4. For grain, corn, fliur, meal, millstuff, potatoes, ooal, coke, oement, lime, plaster, rock, ore, salt, lumber, vo' d, grain bsgs iu bales, wool bays in bales, baled wool, barbed wire, nail, posts, piokets and other articles of tbic nlaps, in carload lots, 40 oents per ton; in less than carload lots, 60 cents pei ton, Seo. 5. According to the menniug of this Act, a oarload shall he held u. d construed to meau ten tons of two thousand pounds avoirdup lis each ; provided, tnat when ten tons of freight oannot he placed in a car, such car shall be deemed and taken to b a oarload. 0. It shall be uulawful for any person or persons, oompany or corporation, owning or operating such msd to fail, neglect or refuse to furnish such cars as may 03 needed or ordered by any shipper; provided, that there shall bo twenty-four hours within which time to furnish suoh freight carpj provided, further that any shipper ordering n oertiiin number of freight cars and not having completed the loading of them withiu twenty-four hours from the time .Mich oars have been furnished may be oharged by the company operating such road at the rate of ten dollars per day for each oar not loaded, and any con signee who shall allow ours to remain unloaded for over twenty-four hours after snch oar or oars have been pl.ioed us ordered by such onuigiie, he nmy be charged by the company operating taoh road at the rute of ten dollars per day for eaoh car unloaded. Seo. 7. In enao any person or persons, oompany or corporation, own ing or operating such road, shall do, snfW or permit to be done, any aot, matter or thing in this Aot prohibited or forbidden, or shall omit to do any not, matter or thing in this Act, r quired to be done, or shall be guiky of any violation of the provisions of this Act, such person or persons, oompany or oorporation, shall forfeit and pay to tbe person or persots who may sustain (I ii tun go thereby a sum tqnal to three times the dHtuige sustained, which damage shall inolude Buy exoess of fi tight mobey puid, even though such pa) men t whs msda voluntarily and with out protest, sin h treble damage to be reoovered by the person or persons so dti. aged, by his or their nssigus, by an action in any court of competent junt dioiinn, where the persou or pers dm causing suoh damage csn be fouml, or may have an agent or oftioe or a plaoe of busiuess; and iu tha onirt bnfore which such aclioii is to be tried shall be of the opiuion thai the violation of the law was wilful, it shall make allowance, by ways of additional costs to tbe parly it'jured, of a sufQoieut sum to ouver all his council and attorney fees. Seo. 8. Any director or officers of any corporation or company operating nob road between two points herein -before mentioned, or any person encaged hs agent of suoh oompany or copurNtion, or any receiver or trustee or person aforesaid, who shall wilfully do or oause, or wilfully snffdr or permit to be done, any act matter or thing in this Act prohibited or forbidden, or who shall aid or abet, or shall wilfully omit or fail to do any act, mutter or thing so rf quired by this Act io he done, or hall aid or abet therein, shall b guilty of a inisdmeMUor, aud upon couviciion thereof, be flued not less than five hundred dollars and be impnsoned until such tine is paid, computing one day (or ra h two dollars thereof. (irrtt Oaks From little acorns grow, so also do fatal diseases spring from small beginnings. Never neglect symptoms of Kidtiey troubles; if allowed to deVelop they ci i io in noli stiffiJiin and sorio. l'r. ,1 M. Molj-an's fiiver Hiul Kidoey Bitlni It a eertMiii care '. r an d isnne nf weak upm of the Kidney. A immI will nnn- tKuix mil ill ill u i rul itnleiicv. 1'riOf il ill .... v.. i.i- v.. ..i.. w. iiu...... 1 HARD.VAN IHOCbHTS. Ed. Gazettb: There has been s strong pnll made in the religious circles of Hardman by tbe R?vs. Gallagher and their esoorts -eoently, bet with what snooess, per haps eternity will more fully reveal than my pen can posubly tell, but tbe meeting is still in progress and we hope that a moob needed revival will tbe final ultimatum. But be that as it may, I think the Adventists have been pretty well handicapped in thn place, for it has been thoroughly shown that we are not under the old law but are now under a dispensation of graoe and it oertmnly is far better to be under grace than ti be bound to keep a law which the Jaws were not able to keep. Now it will be remembered that tbe Jews were a well drilled people and very zealous in bII their habits, and yet they were not able to keep tbe law which necessitated tht iomgnration of the law of grace. Ii seems that it would be the height of folly for us, who live in this degenerate age, to be striving ti get under the old law wbioh was given on Mount Sinai tbe glory of which has long moos passed away. But, perhaps, your readers will not oare to read a sermon from the pen of one who believes in all manner of reformations, and who needs teformiug graoe as often as I do. But they will agree with me when I say that they need more money with which to trans aot their business and to soare tbe gaunt wolf from the land, and we believe there has been a bill presented be ore the sub committee of the house by J. 0. Coxey wbiob, if passed, wonld be just the thing for the people and would injure a less number than any other which has ever been presented. Heno we stand boldly for this much-needed monetary reformation, but I do expect the long f vored bankers to raise their voioes in opposition to this needed re form, but if they will walk out pqaart ly upon Iheir platform of two per cent favoritism we will meet them and rely upon tbe good judgment of the people for a true dr oision. Of course tbe bes' interests of the people are at stake, wbioh would give ns a deoided ad vantage. Will Hoskins. Habdman, Or., Feb. 26, 1895. How to Care Kltcaniiiti.sui. Abaqo, Coos Co, Oregon, Nov. 10, 1893. I wish to inform you of the great good Chamberlain's Pnin Balm has done my wife. She has been troubled with rheumatism of the arms and bands for six months, and has tried mnnv remedies prescribed for that oomplain'. but fonud no re i f until she used this Pain Balm ; one botllrt nf which has completely cured ber. I take pleasure in reoonu mending it for that trouble. Yours truly, O A. Billiard. 50 cent nnd 81 00 bottles for sale by Slooam Johnson Drug Co. - . KIND WORDS. From the Dalles Chronlile. We notice that tha L'epimes Ouzette has gotten into its 'teens It is a lusty youngster, growing tip with the country, or a lit la Ahead of it, and is doing good work for Morrow county. May it live to a ripe old age, nnd mny its genial editor remxin on earth to reprint tbe comment we shall mike when it reaches its one hundredth year. A PEIIT1N ENT QL'EtTlO.N. "Our country if right, ehould be kept. right; if wrong should be put right," is a political maxim which paraphrased applies to other oondilhns of life, thus: our health it right, should be kept right; if wrong should bi put right, especially in bodily ailments, snch as inins and aches, which St. Jacobs Oil promptly oures. Many out of woik should heed to give it a chance to on re and it will give them a chance to go to work oured. Another adage is: "Heooeth b?st, who doeth well." Writ, of conrse, you want to be we'l from all sorts of aches, and tbe best thing to do is to nse the greet remedy. He who does so is doing well iudeed. Close Shavb. Wednesday as Geo. Van Winkle sod John Jenkins we-e paesiug the residence of Mrs. D. R. Jayne with a partial load of brick and some mason tools, Mrs. Jayne's little Sve-year-old boy ran out and attempted to get up ioto tbe wagon, but fell and one of the bind wheels passed over his body. Neither one of the men in the wagon paid any partionlar ctteotion to the little fellow, thinking th:tt he was all right. Some member of Mrs. Jay ne's family, however, cime out and took the injured boy into the house, where an inventory of injuries reveiiled nothiug more seri ins than a few bruise. Boys should be careful in climbing up on moving wagon", and teamsters should he very careful to keep them away. In this osse, yonug Jarne cau call himself lucky. In tbe fall of 1803 a son of Mr. T, A. MoFarland, a prominent merchant of Live Oak, Sutter Co., Cal., was taken with a heavy cold. The pains in his obest were so severe that he bad spasms and was threatened with pneumonia. Ilia father gave bim several large doses of Chamberlaiu's Cough Remedy which broke un the oi ngh and i-U'ed him. Mr. McFtrlaud says whenever his children have croup he invariably gives them Ctismherlain'a Cough Itemedy and it always oures them, tie considers it the best cough remedy in the market. F-r sau by Slornm-Juhustoa Drug Co. to coNstwirnvEs. The nndersigned having been restored to health by simple means, after suffer ing tor several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Con sumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of rnre. To those who desire It. be will cheerful ly send, free of charge, ft copy of tbe pre scription nse,', wbioh they will And sure out for Consumption, Asthma, Ca tarrh, Hronehitie and all throat and lung maladies. He hopes all suff-rer will his r-medv as it in invahiutile. Thi'se d-Hiring IIih prescription, winch illo .t IIimii nothing, aud my irove n hi f .uS. 'l pleae a.tJress, v. IjUVVAKUiA. IDAHO'S DEADLOCK HKOKLN. George It Slinnp lte-elerteil Senator Fruiti Xdaliu-Knil of a B.tti-r r'iUt. BolSE, Idiiho, Match 7. George L. Shonp has been re efeo'ed United States senator. The vote today was: Shoup,27; Sweet 12; Crook, 14. Absent, 1. Necessary to choice, 27. 8100 KcHind 1100 The renders of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at leBst one dreaded disease that 8Cinoe bus been able In cure in all its stages and ii Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tbe on ly positive cure now known to tbe med ioal frHternity. Catarrh bpiog a con stitutional dinease, requires a constitu tional treatment. Hull's CatairbCnre ie taken interiiHlly,actingdirectly upon the blood and mucous surface of the eyetem. thereby destroying the foundation of tlu diseasp, nnd giving the ptOent atrenutli by building up thf constitution and a jisliiif nature in d ang it work. The proprietors have so much faith in l'scnra fve poprs, lliat they i fferOne Hniulreri Polltirs for any case that it tails to cure Send for list of Testimonial. Address Tt leduF. J. CHENEY & Co., Ohio. tSSold by Drnggist, 75. Dombrtic Difi-icdlties Mr. F. L Weldon, of Ciliforniii, was here thii week to see his wife, who, with net ohildren, hud left him, coming to Hepp ner. Mrs. Weldon is a niece of George Sml'.h, and will be remembered bs the lady who gave writing lessens in Hepp. ner last winter. When Mis. Weld n heard of ber husband's coming she ab sented herself and was not to be found. Tbe whole forms a mass of domestic difficulties that are not at all interesting to tbe public, and wliio'j our reportei will not endeavor to nnrsvel. Tom Darnel1, . a Maguuspn and J. H. Piper represented the Lexington regi !! Wedii'edsv In . OOOOOOOOOOOf "Many diseases arise horn one cause blood impurity. Beecham's Pills (Tasteless) t Purify the blood and, 1.1 . A. t U n n t. W1U3, IU LUC 1WI of many maladies. 5 cent a box. SOOOOOOOOO 1 Leave Doubtful Seeds alone. Tho best lire easy to got, and cost uo more. Able your dealer for FERRY'S SEEDS Always tho best. Known ' Itnminl " Ifatll folio vmt i ucibi irjc, n i iu ;uiiiuao 1 D. M. FERRY Ci CO., uctroi:, Mic.:. mwmm TOV.-'-''i vt'.';:.';. .'.' vV-:v MP ' - A YOURS GIRL'S FORTIUS.' am rM-riTT'roT'! crrr?"rru ' AN INTERESTING SKETCH. Notu!:;,7 r.ppo"l3 bo strongly to a tnother'u nCxtlcia r.i lior r.aurj.ittr ju5t building Into uniuuuhouil. I'dlowiiift is au instance: "Our daughter, ho, nr.v 15 years of use, had been torriy.7 aiilu'tcd vrith nervousness, and hail l"ot llio cu'are i-so cf ber r ghi niui. bho was in such a condition that no had to fceep her l'roia cchojl a:nl nhamloa her musio les sons. In f.ut, wo fijr.-d St. Vi:ii3 dance, end are pwitlvj Im: i'cr uu lavuluabM remedy cho wou.d have lud tl-..t Unib o cdlk-tion. V.'o had employed physic!.--3, t.:t rr.c icccivcd no ben?lit fnna H10.J. T':3 f.:;t cf l,'.;t urksi iho wcli?hcJ but 7i pounds, end r.ltl;ri!;;h ibo Im:i taken only t!irco bottles cf Kcrvir.o tho now weisrcj luopviad;; bur ncrvcor.c s cud rytip to:ns cf M. Viius u i.rj entirely Rone, fbe ottecdJ school r.'T.u.irly, r.i:d su.d:i.s v iilj ccn fort end ea e. t uj h is rccoviKd rrmplcts u;o of tcrcr;a. b?r is sphr.uld, and r.o momy could pr jeuro iur err rtaugl-.tLr l-c health lr. Miles' .Ncn-ii'.e lias Ircucbt ber When C7 bnith.-r rccon.uicndcd tis repiody I had no fiil'li iu 1 aten". medicine!'. e.r.d would not listen tohhn, I ut r.s c lu;i r. so.t he sent us a bottle, via besin ;ivi::n it 1 1 IHauehc, and ilia efTect was iriu 1 t imuicd ate " K. li. Bullock, lirU'hto.i. X. V. l'r. Miles' lictomtlve Ncrvlns Is sold by all dnnrKlstson s inIUve pmr.r..ite, or pent direct by iho Pr. Miles Medical to, lilkhart. lnd.,oa receiptor price ?t nor bottle. 9ix lottks lor f, expn-ss prcpnid. It Is loitively freo from pmii cniuajci-ou.; drugs. Foral by T V. Aver, jr. SUMMONS. TN T"K riRCl'IT COURT FOR THE COCSTY J of Morrow, tut of Oregon. 1. 11. Townteiiil. 1 iiuintirr 1 v 1 Thomas WsUten, . 1,, j-coii. tieo. W. Harris, I'eierirlHnts To Thonim Wulden and G. W. Harris, Defend iii. 1 fHK NAME OF THE STATE OK ORE GON, You lire lierebv rninlred to appesr noil anawer the rnniplntnt riled nliit yon In the nlxive euro on ur li-r.ire the first dsv o( the nest reirulnr term of the shove entitled oiirt, to i: Mo ilny, the .'Mh dnv i-f Msn-h lio; and If vou fil to answer, i.irwmit thf rent the pliiliillir 111 annly to the r nrt for . the rellt l deiiinideii in bin cnniplsint. to wlt: Judgiiient sirniiiht defendant. Thomas Hat don, for ihe sum of Tim Hundred Four nn.l Mxly On "nuriredtt-s IVilla- in f. S. Cold Coin ith Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per oei't peran.ium from the first dav of ehruurr. 19. until paid, and for the further sum of 1 hlrty ove miliars attorney's fre. tifethr with the-ostsaud dlbureraei.ts o( this suit to 14 tjts1 And that the morr? ape dicr1hed In p'ainHflT's eompUInt he foreclosed and that th prerilst-s therein dem rlhed. to- It: The S of iSh-'.'1 Tp 1 X. K JJ W M. b Id to satisfy said Judirment. And that thasntd On W. tfrrt and a'l per sona 1-lHi hv. thN.nvih or uinli-r I ill tic forever lin-v ni nil 1 i 1, t or m' 1 j ,.i rcdeuip tl.'li Ii: h.,i iiresui-" s Thl sioiuii i' in MTivd tv p'lt.'icnfion bv 0r.l1r.1f u I . Itr oilin v j i.U,. . f ti. sjvci.tii Ju.lii- nl ilMiii t Ii."IiUuI urVaO'i. ICUINEAj Jauusry Ml, m I. DROWV , 1 1 j,, 1 m 1 IIIIM I 11"T r-gprrrTT . k v- f ?-,rm i'V rn' innn'iiWKlifcta AreYou Fortified? Tvfcen you are in a state ct health, and on tLcf vurga cf illness," there is no nourishment in the world like Scott's Emulsion mvvmmmsisimr 111 1 1 i lirMUflllHllli lliU'ii" mi Hill il illF toroRtoroH'rcngth. Scott's Emulsion nourishes, strength TBAOt MASK. Jit Scott & Bowno, hi. Y. All Druggists. 50 cents and $1. City ; rpHIS Popular Hostelry has again 1 been re-opened and will be run in first class style. IVIetils fincl Rooms at I?opitlax Prices Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop. NOTARY PUBLIC AN CONVEYANCER is Pa Tiir Lancashire Insurance Co. O ANCHE8 TB5 ENGLAND . W. I'AnEllSHN. ini'A'T. 0"e oftheBeatlnthe World T ' 1 m&-Ji!k T f mi J FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government Is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain theif patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and relb able solicitors tc procure patents, for the val ue of a patent depends greatly t if not entirely, upoe the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorney!, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have rr taincd counsel expert in patent practice, aud therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct I terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and 1 Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch ir photograph thereof, to gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course tc pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing on your rigrts, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to uf for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, O.O. p. 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. 9 Cut this out and send It with :our lniiul.. IT IS ABSOLUTELY The Best SEWING MACHINE MADE SAVE MONEY WE C!X OVn DEALERS con oll you me thine cheaper lliun yon can CCt cl whore. The NEW IIOITIR Is an r be t, bat we make cheaper kinds, orb. 3 the CLIMAX, IDEAL and other Ulan Arm Full Nickel Plated Sewing machines for $16.00 and up. Coll on onr agent or write u. We xvar.i your trade, and If prices, term and iquare dealing will win, we will hive It. We challenge the world to p.-od jco a BETTER 050.00 Sewlnsc machine for (60.00, or a better $20. 3 wind Machine for $40.00 than you can buy from na, or onr Agent. T3E HEW HOME SEWIHG MACHINE CO. Ojuirni. Mam. BoeTOK, Mam. M Union BqnARF. N. Y. bt. Loin, Mo. Paixas, TEiA. Ua41'1uxcisco,Cal. atlaxia.Ua. FOR 8ALE DY Tlie New llumc icwii.g Machine Co. 257 Market St. 8nn Frnncisprt. Cal. lr YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT ADDRESS A LETTER THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney, P. 0. Box 463. Washington, D. C. Honorably discharged soldiers and sailor who terved ninety dv.or over, In the lite .r ! f; 11 D0" rarU or wh0"y dibied for ordinary manual' labor, whether! diWbiliUr w".".".fA,.,,L,rvKe or not' nd regardle of their pecunfary eircumst.nees. auD"u J . "cn soldiers nd sailor areentitled (if not remarried) whether o1dier'deli no,r u',.',"il'i Lpon thr ,rowu ,nbor ,re " 'f he oldier' eth w. du. toerrlc. CHlLDRtN areentitltd (if under sixteen years) in almost all case whirt than wu widow, or she has s nee d el nr rm.rri,4 ' wucr mtrt waj Bw PA RENTS are entitled if soldier left neither widow nor ehnd. provided soldier Hll a. rv ii port. It mate, no differenc. whether wldier navr. tfiMziiX&M'ffi:!? aaieT one laws, olthout lotlna; i i nousanasoi soiuicr drawing from j to Ito per mor-th nnder the old ltr arc tHl higher rie. under nw law, not only on accounf of disability, for which now mSw also for others, whether due to aerric) or nob -"" now pinsioneu, Soldiers and snilor disabled in line of duty In regular army Or navy lino th war r .1M entitled, whether discharged for disabilltTor not. ' oiBe war are alao i a 1u7.:vo; nd ' iTLr widow- f 'he Mack Bawk, Crwek. Carokee and Beaninaia ar Ida Indian Wars of I as to ar. entitled coder rtZ MW,IW " d?pendTnt " olii"t ,od their widow lo entitled, if aixty-twoytan of .g, or dlsaUad ile?inw,"0r"Vt0n,p,eted'n1,ett!em",ebUi,,t,1 wt,etaer ,ioa " gmnl4!or Kr.iected c'aim reo ned nd settlement ecnred. If rejection Imoroner or Uleral ta4v,;o; WK., wk. bei.dlcr law a.d intimation. No cha'ge for advice, fco feennles.ucceful. Addra THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY JOHN WEDDERBURN. Man ens, promotes tno maKing oi ho.ia flesh, enriches tho blood and tones up the wholo system. Tor Coughs, Golds, Sore Throat, BronohitiB, Weak Lurgs, Consumption, Scrofula, AnaBmia, Loss of riesh, Thin Babies, Weak Children, and all conditions of Wasting. Buy only the genuine! It has our trade ma k on salmon-cohrcd wrapper. W for tamtihlrt on Scott's Emulsion. FREE. Hotels ATP Of I o ' 3 000 PARCELS OF MAIL" f m FOR 10 KENT STArV'rS (reKtilar price 26c) your If wltliln 30 will be for 1 year bold!) ' irlnted on fclninjea libels. Only Directory guaranteeing 123,00a customers; from pub llflhera and manufuc turera you'll recelva probabiy. thousands 01 valuable Nxkn, papery pamniert.maKai'.ineH.etg. All frc and each rjarcel With oneofvourprlnted aildreits labeli pasted thereon. KXTRAI We will bIho print and reiay pouatre on 500 01 your label adaretuK-B to you; which stick on your envelopes, books, etc., tc prevent tbilr beins lobt. J. A. Warb of KeldKville, N. C, writes : " From my 25 cent address In vour Lightning Directory re received niyfiOO addreot labels and over 3000 Farel oi St'oll. My addresses you scattered among publishers and manufacturer are arriving dally, on valuable ncel of mail from all carts of the "orld.' WORLD'S AIR DIRECTORY CO. So. 147 Frankford and Olrard Ave. Philadel phia. Pa. The regular enbeoription price cf tb Semi-Weekly Uazftte is 82.60 and tbe remilBr price of tbe Weekly Oregonisn in $1.50. Any one (mbscribiDg for tbe Grizette 8Dd psyiDu for one year in RdvHDce ceo set both the Gnzette and Weekly OregoDian for 83. All old sub scribers paying their obscriDtioni for one year ia advanoe will be entitled to tbe Bhme. Stage leaves for Echo Mondars, Wed' eday. and Fridays, returning oB Tneda)s, TbnrpdHys and Saturdays, a. Wade, Prop. T. W.AyeriiJr., agent. OB POSTAL CARD TO .erved or died in UtTwYi "or StiSSSSlS: UWi mtr ,pp,y for h,hCT Itf- WXjO but tho vwporjitioD thota-i T. w. in, jr. M.a -tSrotXfeo ( V