Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 05, 1895, Image 4

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Tbere was never a time In the history
of onr eoantry when the demand for
inventions and improvements in the Brts
and eoienoes generally was so great as
now. The oonvenienoes of mPiikind in
the faotory and workshop, the household
and on the farm, as well as in official
life, require oontinuai accessions to the
appurtenance and impliments of each
in order to save labor, time and expense.
The political ohange in the administra
tion of government does not affeot the
progress of the American inventor, who
being on the alert, and ready to per
ceive the existing deficiencies, does not
permit the affairs Df government to de
ter bim from quickly oonoeiving the
remedy to overcome existing discrepan
cies. Too great oire "cannot be exer
o'sed in choosing a competent and skill
ful attorney to prepare and proseoute
an application for patent. Valuable in
terests have been lost and destroyed in
innumerable instances by the employ
ment of incompetent oonnsel, and es
pecially is this advice applicable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
pay" system. Inventors who entrust
their business to this class of attorneys
do so at imminent risk, as the breadth
and strength of the patent is never oon
eidered in view of a qulok endeavor
get an allowance and obtain the fee.
John Wedderburn, General Manager
618 K street, N. Washington, D. C,
representing a large number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals of the eountry, was in
stituted to Droteot its natrons from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
in this line of business. The said Con
pany is prepared to take charge of all
patent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, and prepare and proseoute
applications generally, including me
chanical inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer
ences, infringements, validity reports,
and gives espeoial attenion to rejected
cases, it is also prepared to enter into
competition with any firm in securing
foreign patents.
Write for instructions and advice.
John Wbdoehihjbn.
18 V Street,
p. 0. Box 885. Washington, D. C.
While yon p yonr snbBoription paid up yon
cun keep your brand in freeof charge.
Allyn. T. J., lone, Or. Horses (Mi on loft
houlder; oattle siimo on Inft hip, nndor bit on
right nnr, and upper bit on the loft; range, Mor
row oonnty.
ArmBtronK, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar nn
der it on loft shouldor of horses; cuttle same
""Allison, 6. 1)., Kiuht Mile, Or. Cuttle brand,
O D on left hip and horsns same brand on right
shoulder. Itunge. Right Mile.
Ailkins, J. J., Iloppnnr, Or. Horses. JA onn
nanteil on loft Hank: cattle, sameon loft hip.
Hnrtholnmew, A. (., Alpine, Or. Horses
hriinilmi 7 K on either Bhonldur. Hango in Mor
row oountv
niinnlitiir, J. W., flardman. Or. Cattle brand
ed Hon left hip and thigh: split in each ear.
Hrennor, Peter, Hnoseberry Oregon Horses
brawled P II on luft shoulder. Cattle same on
right side.
Hurko, M Ht C, Long Creek, Or On cattle,
MAY eonii'inted on left hip, oiop oil left ear, nn
dor half nroi) oil right. Horses, same brand on
lei ft shoulder. Hangs iu Oraut and Morrow
"iTnmt'nan, Jerry, ljena, Or. Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle H on the left side.
Left ear half crop nd right ear tinner slope.
Hnrton, Win.. Heppnor, Or. -Horses, J Hon
right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in
each ear.
Hmwn. lea, Lexington, Or. Horses IH on the
right stifle; oattle name on righthip; range, Mor
row county.
Brown, J. C, Iloppnor, Or. Horses, nirole
C with dot in not tor on left hip: oattle, same.
Hrown, W. J., Ix'tm. Oregon. Horses W. liar
over It, on the lull shoulder. Cattle same on left
'"'lliiyer, W. 0.. Heppnor, Or. Horses, box
brand on right hip oattle, same, with split in
""Iti'irg'p. O., Heppnor, Or. norsos, P B on left
shoulder: cattle, same on left hit).
Hrownloo, W. J., Fox.Or Cattle, JH connected
on left side; crop on left ear and two split and
middle piece cnt out on right our; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Hango in Fox valley,
Urnnt oountv.
Carsner Warren. Wagner, Or. Horse brand
ed O on right stille; cattle (three bars) ou
right ribs, crop anil split in each ear. ltaugo iu
OrHiit ami Morrow oounlies.
Cstn.K., Caloh.Or. V l on horsed on loft stifle!
0 with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder
and on left stille on all colls nndor ft years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over ft years. All
raniie in tlrant county.
Cate, ('has. H Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H 0 ou right shoulder; cuttle same on right hip.
Hange Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Corrigall, M M, Oallnway, Or Cattle crop out
of taulienr Bnd nnderbit, wattle in forehead;
horses half circle 0 on left stille, Hange Mor
row and Umatilla counties.
Curl, T. H., John Day, Or. Double cross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Hange in (Irimt
county. u sheep, inverted A and spear point
ou shoulder, liar markoii ewes, crop on left ear
punched upper bit in right. Wethers crop in
right anil under half crop in left ear. All raugs
iu (Irant ooiiutv.
f.u.b .1. lna.Or. Horses. OOon rivhtshonl
dor; Cattle, Mine on right hip; ear mark siiiaie
orop oil left and split iu right.
Currm. H. X., Currinsville, Or. -Horses, on
left at.ittn.
Cox Kil. H., HardmBti, Or Csitla, C with
E In center; horses. CK ou left lip.
('iHihrs.ii, H. K., Monument, (Irant Co , Or.
Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left
shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark
miller shine both ears and dewlap.
( hapin, H.. llardman, Or. Horses branded
Onii right hip. Cattle branded the same. Ainu
brands CI on horses right thigh; ok' tie sane
brand ou right shouldor, and cut oft end of
'llmglass. W. M . Galloway. Or, Cattle, H Don
right side, swallow-fork iu each ear; horses, It D
"'Viv ' ll'r'.Mi.. Douglas. Or. Horses branded KI,Y
on left shoulder, oattle same on luflldp. hole
in right ear.
Emery, C. H., Hardinan, Or. Horses branded
: . I reversed I with tail) on left shoulder ; cat-
tie same u right hip. Hange ill Morrow county
Klorence, L. A., Ileppner. Or, I attle, l,v on
right hip; horses, V with bar under on right
Klorence. n. 1'. Ilepimer. Or Horses, r on
right shonlder; cattle, V on right hip or thigh,
h r,mi' h. tleorge. Ilomuier, Or. Cattle lirande.1
WK, with bar over it. on left side; crop oil left
ear. ttorsei., same tiraud ou lin tup.
ilenirv. Kliner. Kcho. Or.-Horsee brsnded H
8. with a quarter cirri over it, on left stifle.
lUnue in Morrow and lluiatillsconiities.
Iliatt A. II., Hidge, Or.-t'allle. round-top
with quarter circle under It on (he right hip.
It.,, in Morrow and I'matiHa counties.
liintoll A Jeuka, Hamilton. Or- Cattle, two hsis
on either tup; crop In right ear and split in left.
Horses J ou rigiii liitgn. uangein omni ctniuiy
Hughes, Hamnel, Wagner, Or- h (T K L
roiiuiH'Icdtoii right shoulder ou homes; on cattle,
on right hip and ou left ante, swallow roi k in
right ear and slit in left. Kange in liayatai k
tli.trlnf.. Mrriiw eimlltv
lisle. Milton, Wagner, Or. Horses hranded
-O- (cattle with parallel tails) on left shoulder
('Httiesaine oil loll hip also large circle on left
n.iwurit .T L. Osllowar. Or. Homes T (cross
with btr ahovo ') ou right shoulder; cattle ssme
on left side. lUngj in Morrow and I inslilla
CHalirKdwin, John Dav, Or. Cattle K Hon
right hip; hors -s same on right shoulder. Hang
lu ((rant ooonty.
Hughes, Mat, Hopper, Or. Homes, shl.l
heart on ths left shoulder, Hange Morrow Co.
Hunsakar, H A, Wagner. Or.-Uorsvw, II on left
hnuider; oattle. ton left hip.
Humphreys, i M. lUnlinsn, Or. Horses, H no
''Hust'on. I.nthsr. Right Mils, Or. Horse H od
ths lerl slionuter sue ii"in u um ir-n i,n rtv
.I- ..,... Infl hln. II nine ill Morrow eOMTi'y
.Lines. lUrrv. Htppmr, Orllorse brsndetl
II J on I lie left sh ell t r: onttU baaud,! J on
right hip, sis.) uudorliit iu left ear. liange iu
Morrow ceuuty.
in. .ii in rt- M.. Hemmer. Or. -Horses, hoi
shoe J n left shoulder, Cattle. In sauis.
W KIM v.-lfotsjes), ir.T
1 The Lil - y lay
Then fin - gers, flashed
blue, And
clear, And
V 4J 0-0 -
m-f 0-0-0-0 0-0-c
fill ins
for Htrango scenes
sweet - est words
eft stifle: oattle. same on right hip, under half
iron in riht and split 'n left ear
Kennv. Mike. Henimcr. Or. Horses branded
RNV on left hip cattle same and orop off left
ear: under sloiat on the right
Kirk, J. T Heppnor, Or. Hones OH on lort
shoulder; cattle, HH on left hip.
Kirk. Jesse. Iloppnnr. Or.: horses 11 on loft
suonlilor; cattle same on right Bide, undorbit on
right ear,
Kumberland.W.fl.. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on
oattle on right and left sides, swallow fork in If ft
ear and under oiop in right onr. Horses sains
brand on left shoulder. Ilnnge In timet conntv.
Lofton. Mention. Fox. Or. L on left hip
on oattle. crop and split on right ear. Horses
same brand on loft shoulder. Hange (irant
Lionallen, John W., IjexIeo'i. Or.-Horses
branded half-cirole J Ii connected on left shoul
der. Cattle, same on left hiu. Hange, near Lex.
U.nhev. J. W. Honnnor Or. Horses branded
Land A on left shoulder; cettle same on left
hip, wattle over right eye, three slits iu right
Lord, Ooorgo, Heppnor. Or. Horses branded
double II connect ' Sometimes called
swing H, on loft shonlder.
Minor, Oscar, itoppner, nr. rattle, M D ou
righthip; horse. Mon leftshoulder.
Morgan, M. Heppnor, tr. Morses, m )
1 left shonldei cattle same on loft hip.
Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on right
hip; eattle, 77 on right side.
MoClaren, D. ii., Itrownsville, Or, Horses,
Figure fton "ach shoulder; oattle, M2 on hip
Momrr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe
ith toe-oork on cattle on ribs nail under in
each ear; horses same brand on loft stifle.
Mcllaley. u. i .. neoiliton, Or. tin Morses, n
ith half oircle under on left shonlder: on t:atfle
four bars oounecteil ou top on the right aids
Ilnnge in (Irant Conntv.
Neal. Andrew. lone Hock.Or. Horses A N con
nected on left shoulder; oattle same on both hips.
Nordvke. E.. Hi verton. Or. Horses, oircle 7 on
loft thigh: cattle, same on left hip,
Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A t on cattle
on left hip; on horses, same on left thigh, Hange
in Hrnnt county.
Oiler. 1'erry, lioxlngton. vr.r u on len
Olp, Herman, rintrln t'lty, or. on cattle, ti
LP connected on loft hip; horses on left stilts
and wartle on nose, llanue in Orant comity.
Pearson, Olnve, Kignt Blue, nr. norsos, quar
ter circle shield on left shoulder and 24 on loft
hip. Cattle, fork in loft ear, right cropped. 1M
on loft hip. Hange on Kight Mile.
Parker A (lleason, llanlman.ur, Horses 11-on
left shoulder.
Piper. Frnet, Lexington, Or.- Hordes brand-
K (L K eonneoted) on left shoulder ; cattle
s moon right hip. Hange, Morrow count.
Piper, J. II., Islington. Or.-Horses, JK con
nected on left shnuliler; cattle, same ou loft hip.
under bit in each ear.
Piittys, A. C lone. Or.; horses diamond P on
shonlder; cattle, J II J connected, on ths
left hip, upper slope iu loft ear and slip in the
Ii. .,,,1 Amtrew. llnrdman. Or. Horses, sniiarv
cross with quarter-circle over it on left stitle.
Heninger. Chris, Ileppner, Or. Horses. C H on
left shoulder.
Kunh Bros., Heppnor. Or. Horses branded J
ill the right shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hit)
crop oil left ear and dewlap on neck, liange it
Morrow and adjoining counties.
lteanoy, Audrew, Islington, Or Horses
branded A It on right shoulder, vent quartm
circle over brand; cattle same on right hip.
Hange Morrow county.
Hoyse, Win. II, Dairyvllle, Or HH oonneotot.
with quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip
and crop otl right ear and split in left. Horse
same brand on left shoulder, liange in Morrow
Uraut and (illliaiu counties.
Hector. J. W., Ileppner, Or.-Horses, JO oi
left shoulder. Cattle, O on right hip.
Spicknall. J. W.. Gooseberry, Or.- Horse
branded 111 on loft shoulder; range IU Mor"
county. , ,
Hailing. C C Heppnor. Or Horses branded
on left shoulder; cattle sains on left hip.
Hwaaaart, H. 1'.. Islington, Or.-Horses
with dash under it on loft stifle; cattle H with
dash under it on right lup, crop off right ear and
waddled on right hind leg. Hange iu Morrow,
Hilliamand Umatilla counties.
Murt. A l,..Aihena. Or.-Horses brand' I
mi left .shoulder: cettle same ou loft hip. Crop
on ear. wattle on loft hind leg.
Htraight W. K., Ilotipner. Or.-H.irae shaded
J 8 ou left stifle; cattle J H on lft hip, swallow
fork iu right ear, nnderbit In left,
happ. Thus.. Ileppner, Or.- Horses, 8 A P on
left hip; cattle same on left hip,
Hhrmr.John, Fox, Or.-NO connect M on
horses on right hip; cattle, sains on righ' hip,
crop otl right ear and under bit iu loft ear. Hang
in ttrant conntv.
Hmith Pros.. Hnsanvtlle, Or. Horses, bran. led
H. Z. on shoulder; cattle, inson left shonlder.
Ntiuires, James. Arlington, Or.; horses branded
Jtionlt'tt shoulder: cattle the sums, also nose
waddle. Ka"(in Morrow and (lilllamoo intiea.
Htephens, V. A., Harttman, Or-; horses 8S on
right slide; cattle hortaontal L on the right si.ls
Hievenson, Mr A. J., Heppnor. Or. Cnttl.t, r
on right hip: swallow-fork in left ear.
Hwsggart. 0. W.. Heppnor, Or.-Horses, W on
left should' ; cattle, on left hip.
Hnerry. V. I) . Ileipner, Or. Cattle C on
left hip, crop off right and nmterhit iu left year,
ilewlan: horses W Con left shonlder.
Thompeoi., J. A., Ileppner, Or. Horses, 8 on
left shoulder; cattle, 2 on left houlder.
Tipoets.H. TKnterpriso.Or. Horses, C-on left
Turner II. W., Hoppner, Or. Small capital T
left slionldsr, homes. oaMfct smm oa Ml lup
wtvh syUst Ww aasw.
I Sznzzzztlrrzp0z0z J TT J--t- , J 1
I cres .... cen . . - am.
(3 f f -j --l-g-. 1-;-1 zf. j , e -1
u m 0 9 .
, i rn 1-" .- r- - -4ds-
Cupyii,;'-.!, i.ij, I y 'i'Uc New '-.i Alu.-ici! Uo-uiJ i. :
on the breast of Uie laKe, inat
with their bright jew - els rare. They
And Bighed as she mur-murcd,
And plucked from her bed - ding
J fSte STT9 J pn . . y
-) ' a ' : s 0 J J I T.
-00 "a S 0 o-jr.
P Meno
bright and new.
to her ear.
Thorn ttm, II. M lone. Or. Horses branded
HT ooniioctefl on loft stifle; aheep same brand.
Vanderpool. H. T.. Ijena, Or; Horses HV oon
neotod on right Hhonlder;cattle, same on right
Walbridge, Wm.. Hoppner, Or. Horses, TJ, L.
on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
orop off left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, John C! Hiilent or Hoppner, Or.
Horses branded J'; on the left shonlder. Range
Morrow comity.
Warren, W H. Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter
circle over it, on loft side, split in right ear.
Horses same brand on left shoulder. Hange in
Grunt comity.
Wade, Henry, Hoppner, Or. Horses branded
ace of spailea on left ehoiildnr and loft hip
Cattle branded same on left side and left hip.
Wolfliiger, John, John Day City. Or On horses
three parallel bars on left shonlder; 7 on snoop,
bit in both ears. Hange in Grant and Mulhner
Woodward, John, Hoppner, Or. Horses, DP
oonneotod on leftshoulder.
Watkins, Lishe. Heppnor, Or. Horses branded
OK oonnected on loft stifle.
Wallace, Charles, Heppnor, Or. Cattle, W on
right thigh, hol in left, ear; horses, W on right
shoulder aorur same otl leftshoulder.
Whittier riroe., rtuntingion. Baker Co., Or.
Horses branded W B connected on left shoulder
Williams, Vasoo, Hamilton, Or. Quarter cir
cle over three bars on left hip, both oattle and
homes, liange (irant oonnty.
Williams, J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, qnar
tor circle over throe Iflirs on left hip; cattle same
anil slit in each ear. Hange in Orant county
Wton, A, A., Heppnor, Or. Horses running A
on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip.
Young, J. H., (looeelierry. Or. Horse brand)
THonth rlalit shonlrle
For Pleasure or Profit,
Should see that the Journal thev subscribe
to is the best and most rehab. o
authority obtainable.
It deals practically with fruits and treffetables,
trees, shrubs and flowers, and covers the
Held of horticulti re systematically
and thoroughly, it Illustrates and
describes methods of cultiva
tion, improved vartetiesand
labor-saving devices.
It is, without doubt,
ifhe Paper for tie People!
f.0 a Trar (?4 toontrrt).
Specimen copy and nO-page catalogue o(
horticultural books FREE on application.
American Gardening, 1 70 Fulton St., N.Y.
Every patriotic cinen should give hit
personal effort and intluence to increase
the circulation ot hi home paper which
teachra the American policy of Trotec
tion. It la his duty to aid in this respect
in every way poasible. After the home
paper U taken care of, why not sub
scribe for the Amuican Economist,
published by the American Protective
Tariff League? Ooe el its xrrepon
denU says i " No true American can
get along without H. I consider it the
greatest and trueet political teacher in
the United State."
Send postal card request for free
sample copy. Address Wilbur F. Wake
man, Goneral Secretary, 1)5 West sjd
8U Mew York.
riwit.iuranha 81 M) nei dozen at Sbl'D- I
pard's gallery, near opera boose, north
Maw Bt. Hsutvser. Ore. Jfltf.
- r
mir-rorea me ueuv - ui
part-ed the wa - ters so
A I V-
for - sake
bo fair,
guaranteed cure for Hon and Chickbn
Cholera, which his stood the test forseven yours
without failure, that I know of, but has elleet
cd thousands of cures. I have sold over ttl 000
receipts and family rights in eight months, and
not a single complaint received yet. I Bold each
and every one on a gtmrnntee, and I still sell
that way. If Holland Ch.oleraCurea.nd Preven
tative falls to cure or prevent Cholera, 1 will
refund your money. ThlB Is fair enough. Hix
pounds of the medicine can be made at a total
cost of from 1 to Jl.liO, enough to doliOhogs and
100 chickens a year. You are then assured
against cholera for one year. If you will try
this remedy, I assure you you will never regret
it. Use it, and your hogs and chickens will
look better and healthier than ever before.
Recipe and family right only J1.00. Ready
prepared medicines 50c and II per bottle or
package. Address
Agents wanted at once. Cowarts, Ala,
Dallas, Texas, April 13, im.
Mrs Rachel V. Thomas, Dear Madam: I have
thoroughly tested your cholera remedy and ttnd
it O.K. It's grand. I e .close 110 will try the
agencv. K lease send at once and oblige. Very
respectfully, H. W. Harper.
Dallas, Texas, May l'Vh, 18IM.
Have sold out. I enclose $o0 for which send
me all the recipes you can and the rights to the
counti s named below. I never saw anything
sell so fast. hat is the least yon will take for
the stte. If your price is reasonable will take
the Btato. Very respectfully.
H. W. Warper.
(I have not room for nil his letters. He took
the state. Here is one more of his letters.)
Dallas, Texas, July 17th, 1XW
Mrs. Rachel V. Thomns, Dear Madam; Hlnce
tokiiiR the state right I canvassed three weeks
and made 'HT selling recipes -.nd territory. I
will start several sub agents nexi week. Could
I exchange a portion of Texas for a portion of
Kansas? Very rcBpcctfully, H. W. Harper.
Milieu, Georgia, Dec. 14th, ISM.
Mrs. Thomns; I write a letter o' enquiry.
How much of this state is unsold ? 1 want bal
ance of tne state. Uolland s Chalet. Cure is
just w hat It is represented to be. It has proved
a blessing to the farmers of tbl- county. ery
respectfully, C- o. Edknmkld,
Agent for Screven County.
Itock Brldce. Ohio. Dec. 4th. ISM.
Mrs. Thomas: Recipe came to hand audit's
all O. K. Kudosed 111 a :tu lor jiocMiig, ricna
wav and Fatrheld counties. What will you
lake for the state? Yours truly.
P. Hanstein.
I have thousands more testimonials. I guar
antee Holland's Cholera Cure and Preventative
to cure and prevent hog and elilcien Cholera in
each and every case or refund the money. ThlB
Is fair enough Don't i ostpoue ordering because
VOU ltlRV not ' present ooiurn.i ......
era The idea is to prevent it in time. 1 his my
remedy will do and will also keen your hogs
and ohVkens in a nice healthy condition, lien
em! and local agents wanted. State and family
riKllls lor sale or unin.
Mrs. Rachel V. Thomas,
Cowarts, Ala,
Chicken Cholera
Oareats, Trade-marks, Design Patents, Coprights,
And all Fstsnt business conducted for
taformatloa and sdTle given to la venter wltbot
abartw. address
llansfinc Attorney,
O. Bo 46S. Washixoton, P. C
CThts Compter Is msnairea by eomnstlon ol
the Isrirrst snil most Inrlurnttsl nrwiivx'ra in Iht
.nltrtl Statrs, for tnevxprmi putHs of pmtM
tng their sHbarrlbrra a-xlnt uwrutiulots)
and lncouptrut l'airnt ATnl, anil r. h psi
aria un tela alrsrtlMmrni veucnr for Uie rvsponsb
MiMr age mat suti o b fsss 'T'ami Comaaaa
iiie wea - ry un,y ""-j
The Lil - y lay on the
r9 rv v-h N-r-i j -g- F
jow to the breeze, The gwal - low I beck - on in vain;
breast of a belle, Swept on with the mu - aie - al t.de.
J-t 1 j I i ' rl" I gjpjr 1 "
6 0-
hast-ens on and
'mid the charm of
J0 0-B-.0-0HJB.0 0-
w w a w v w- i i
rr rTrrrr-r.s-g:g:
wM mmwm w v
ritard. nf
Magician Kellar's Very Unpleas
ant Adventure in India.
He Thinks It Was the Clever Trick of a
Fakir, Hut Cannot Tell How It Was
Done At Any Rate the Fellow Got
Money tor Killing the Reptile.
"I had been in India a number ot
times and had visited all the principal
cities," says Magician Kellar, "when
in 1883 I found myself in the prettv
city of Lucknow. I had been in th .
city lonpr enough to have acquired the
ennui of the people and was falling
easily into their listless, luxurious
ways, when one morning1 this adven
ture befell me and caused me to all at
once lose all that sense of serene and
peaceful quiet that I had before pos
sessed. In India in the summer season
it is too hot to sleep upon mattresses or
under much bed clothing1. In my room
in tho neat little bungalow where 1
was stopping I had a bamboo couch,
without a mattress, and my only cov
ering was a linen sheet. I had rested
there in comfort for many nights, and
was just about to arise one morning
when a Hindoo fakir entered the door
He was a tall, lank, solemn-visaged in
dividual, and salaamed profoundly a.i
he entered. I sat up on the edge of
my cot to get a good look at him and
asked what he wanted. He looked at
me an instant and then slowly drew
from his breech cloth a small reed pipe.
" 'Heap big snake in sahib's bed.' ho
ejaculated in the same calm, unruffled
" 'Snakes in my bed!' I yelled, as I
bounded to the floor with visions of
writhing, hissing cobras in my mind.
'Snake! Whore?
" 'In sahib's bed heap snake,' the
rogue replied, as he slowly released a
small earthenware pot or jar from his
girdle. Then he placed the reed pipe
to his lips and proceeded to extract,
from it the most painful music I ever
listened to. Serpents galore would
have been welcome if that music could
have boon banished, I thought, but as
I watched the bed my sentiments
underwent a rapid change.
"In the middle of the couch, under
neath the sheet, I saw something mov
ing. The sheet became elevated in a
conical form and there was a hissing
and spitting underneath it that mado
my blood run cold. Then there emerged
from the edge of the covering the
slimy, horrible head of a monster cobra
that wasn't an inch loss than eight
feet long, and slowly slid from the bod
and coiled himself upon the floor. I
stood looking at him with my eyes
bulging with terror.
"The doleful, seductive, plaintive
strain of the pipe continued and the
head of the monster slowly arose to a
level with the cot. His hood began to
swell and he showed every sign of in
tense anger. The weird music grew
faster and faster and the oscillating
motion of the serpent's head kept time
to it. The little pipe shrieked and the
fakir was perspiring from every pore.
His eves were hiilTfnT from his head
and his foot was Keeping double time
to his piping. Shriller and more pene
trating grew the notes, until of a sud
den they lxcanie again plaintive and
sad; the time was slower, the tune
sweet and harmonious. The motions
of the monster's head were slower and
slower, and then the fakir's hand stole
quickly to his side. A sword leaped
out, there was a Hash, a glint of steel,
and the cobra's head rolled upon the
floor, while the dismembered bodv
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the ball - room's rich spell,
rallentando molto.
bird spreads its wings far a -
droorsd. and un-heed - ed she
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thrashed itself about the apartment.
I staggered to the door, almost over
come by nervous strain, and the ordeal
was over. The muttered backsheesh
of the fakir was generously responded
to, you may be sure, and he left my
bungalow, leaving only the severed
head and body of the cobra as remind
ers of the scene through which I had
'TIovv was it done? I don't know. I
never knew whether that scoundrel
brought the snake in with him or not.
but while he was playing I saw him
crowding another cobra, as big as the
first, into that little earthen pot which
he carried at his girdle."
The Cool Man Objected to Helng Riddled
, with One Ilullet.
"Down in my neighborhood, once upon
a time," said Congressman John Allen,
of Mississippi, recently, "there was bad
feeling between two lawyers. A chal
lenge was sent and duly acknowledged.
The hour was appointed and this two
men met in a secluded spot. One of
them was a great sufferer from St.
Vitus' dance, the other was cool and
collected. As they faced each other,
the afflicted man began to tremble
from head to foot, while his pistol de
scribed an arc with varying up and
down strokes. His opponent stood firm
as a rock, waiting fur the signal to fire.
I'.ofore it jamo, however, he laid his pis
tol ou the ground, walked iuto the woods
and cut a limb of a tree, with a fork
in the end of it. This he brought back
and stuck in the ground in front of bis
antagonist. Then, turning to the sec
ond, lie said: 'I must request you to
ask your principal to rest his pist 1 in
that fork.' 'What for?' asked his op
ponent's second. 'Well,' replied the
other, 'I have no objection to running
the risk of one shot, but I certainly do
decline having one bullet make a hon
eycomb of mi. If that man was to
shoot while his hand is shaking the
way it is now, he would fill me full of
holes at his first shot.' This was too
much for the seconds, and, by mutual
agreement, a truce was patched up
and no shots were exchanged."
An Odorless Region.
"In that country once known ao the
'Great American Desert,' embracing a
portion of Texas and Arizona, there are
no odors," said a citizen of Dallas to a
Cincinnati Enquirer reporter. "There
luscious grapes and many other fruits
grow, especially near the cross timber
country, but there is no perfume; wild
flowers have no smell, and carcasses of
dead animals, which in dry seasons arc
very pientitul. emit no odor. It was
always supposed to be a treeless plain,
upon which no plant could grow or
breathing thing could live, but a large
part of it is now successfully cultivated,
and but for the rarity of the atmos
phere, causing the peculiarity I have
named, and the mirages, which are
even more perfect than in the Desert of
Sahara, no one would look upon it as a
barren country now. Another singu
lar feature common to the desert land
is that objects at a great distance ap
pear greatly magnified. A few scraggy
rnesquite bushes will look like a noble
forest; stakes driven into the ground
will seem like telegraph poles.''
Jons Wkmf.y IUriu.1. the terror of
Texas in the seventies and one of the
worst desperadoes the world has ever
produced, his victims numbering be
tween twenty and fifty, recently
walked out of the Texas penitentiary a
free man, having served a twenty-five
years' sentence.
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The bird spreads its wings far a -She
drooped, and un - heed ed she
MM BO Mm fW my. WW - IsTV W r w
How to pet $100 and TerliHps Make a
We eecQre pntent8 and to induce
people to keep trsck of their bright
ideas we offer a prize of one hundred
dollars to be paid no the first of everjr
month to the person who submits to as
the most rueritotious invention daring
the preceeding mouth. We will also
advertise the invention free of charge in
the National Recorder, a weekly news
paper, published in WwdiiDgton, D. C,
wbioh has an extensive circulation
throughout the United State and is
devoted to the interests of inventors.
The idea of being able to invent some,
thing strikes most people as being very
difficult; this delusion the company
wishes to dispel. It is the simple things
arid small inventions that make the
greatest amount of money, and the com
plex ones are seldom profitable. Almost
everybody, at some time or another,
oonoeivee an idea, which, if patented,
wonld probably be worth to bin a
fortune. Unfortunately suob ideas are
usually dismissed without thought. The
simple inventions like the car window
which could be easily slid tip and down
without breaking tbn passenger's back,
the sauce pan, collar button, the oat look,
the bottle stopper, the snow shovel, are
things that almost everyone sees some
way of improving upon, and it is these
kind of inventions that bring the greatest
returns to the author.
The prize we offer will be paid at the
end of esoh montb, whether the appli
cation hss been aoted upon by the
Patent Office or not. Every competitor
must apply for a patent on bis inventioa
through ns, and whether be secures the
pi'ZQor not. the inventor will bave
va'a'ible pntent.
John Weddkrburn. Geu'l Manager,
61 F 8t. N. W. Washington, D. 0.
P. 8. The responsibility of this
company may be judged from the fact
that its Stork is held hv nhnnt seventeen
hnndred of the leading newspapers of
tho United StHtf s.
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