Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 05, 1895, Image 3

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    Notice to Advertisers.
rHOSE desiring the Insertion of display ads.,
or change of same, must Ret their copy in
lot later than Monday evening for Tuesday's
idition, or Thursday evening for Friday's edi--on.
The Pattukson Publihhino Co.
Take Notice.
1. Th mm of five cent per line will be
"jhargcS for "cards of thanks,1' "resolutions of
reelect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
ind obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or hall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whateverpnrpose.
li. Notices of church and society and all other
Entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
enU a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
lpon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
ponsible for his or her communication. No
.orrespondence will be published unless the
riter s real name is signed as an evidence of
;ood faith.
JLi. ing Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange,
Jan Francisco, is onr authorized agent. This
paper Is kept on file in his office.
Oive your business to Heppner people,
md therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner, Patronize those who patronize
Btage for Bardman, Monument, Long Creek,
John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows :
Kvery day at 6 a. m., except 8unday.
A rrives every day at 6 p. m., except Monday,
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
- Phiil Cohn, Agent.
City Hotel Bar!
The Public are informed that G. B. Tedrowe
Is located in the City Hotel Building, and keeps
the best brands of Liquors and Cigars to be
louod in Ueppner.
JambrInu Beer on tap. Served in largest
Uedmugs. G. B. TEDKOWE, Prop.
Here and There.
Win. Brown is in from Lena this week.
Get Teaser's prioes on wall paper.
15 2.
Spray aells meat lower tban ever
before. ,
Grain ted meats at enmmer prices at
For bargains attend August Charlton's
private sale.
Tbe Niles-Vinson, Marble Works,
Walla Walla. Wash.
Smoke T. & B. Tobaoco for sale bv P.
O. Thorn psou Company. it.
John Eerns will get tbe Gazette at
Monument this summer.
During the month of March Yenger
will eell wall paper at cost. 15 2.
Attend August Charlton's private sale
during tbe next 40 days.
New supply of blacksmith coal just
reoeived by P. C. Thompson Co. it.
Yeager is selliug wall paper at, cost.
Call on him and be oonvinued. 15-2.
Now iB the time to kill squirrels; and
Swaggart's "Sure Shot" is the stuff to do
it with. tf.
Harvey Akere, Assessor Willis and
Coon BooDe were iu today from outside
Full supply of garden seeds, both
package and bulk for sale by P. C.
Thompson Co. tf.
Born To the wife of F. Sprowla, of
Alpine, on Thursday, Feb. 28, a uirl.
All doing well.
Anyone having one, two and tbree-year-old
steers tor Bale should see Sam
Kinsman at Heppner. tf.
Where are tbe numerous Dolph re
publicans that we have heard so much
about in Morrow county?
The big rush Gilhousen Bros, are
having will oompel them to miss filling
their orders on time by several days- tf.
Miss Ada Ward arrived from Long
Greek last Friday and departed Imme
diately for her home in The Dalles.
Everyone is praising the elegant dis
play of photos put in Horner & War
ren's window by Gilhousen Bros. tf.
After the 15th of March Oilhousen
Bros, will make a special out on large
sized family groups. B ready for
them. tf.
R. J. Gilmore and wife, formerly of
MonumeDt, have taken up their resi
dence in tbe J. B. S perry property, in
It is almost certain that if Morrow
connty has a Bpring term of oourt. it will
be a special one provided for by tbe
A sure cure for the liquor habit. No.
cure no pay. For full particulars and
terms call on T. W. Ayers, Jr., City
Drug Etore. 9-tf.
Hey there! where are you going?
Why np to Gilhousen Bros, for pictures.
Their cut prioe will be up by tbe loth,
you know. tf.
Hiok Mathews still runs tbe City Hotel
barber shop. Shaves, shampoos un.1
baironti always lr, stock. Bathtunoon
ceotiorj. Call on him.
G. B. Hatt, tbe tonsorial artist, oan
be foUDd at bis parlors, Matlock corner,
where ha will dispense at popular prices,
shaves, shampoos, haircuts, etc.
Shilo's Cure is sold on a guarantee.
It cures lnoipient Consumption. It is
the best Congh Cure only one cent a dose.
25cts.,50ots., and$l. Sold by T. W.
, Ayers, Jr.
W. F. Lnder, of Grant county, arrived
here from St. Louis lust week, and left
yesterday for Long Creek. Mr. Loder
has been attending meaioai lectures ana
has completed bis first year's course.
J. B. Natter has reopened tbe Brewery
Saloon, keepiog on tap at all times the
best beer on tbe Paoiflo const. Also on
hands tbe best brands of liquors, wines
and cigars. 6&.f.
Clearance sale of perts furnishing
goads at the store of P. C. Thompson
Co., to continne till Maroh 1st. Now is
the time to get bargain. Bring yonr
rash. All gents furuisbiug goods at
Born To the wife of Paul Tmedson,
of Douglas, Or., at thi home of Mrs. D.
R. Jayne, in this city. March 2. 12
pound girl. Mother and ohild doing
nicely, but Paul, nt last reports, bad not
yet recovered.
B. F. 8waggart is prepared to furnish
his "Sore Shot" squirrel poison in
wholesale lots. He has already received
large order from Washington and
Idaho. Every where it has been used,
it has not failed to exterminate th little
pests. tf.
Judge Bennett!" np (mn The PhH-!
May nnd volunteer the lafp'i; r t tint
owing to the pnssif (f the Ihw rreeHnc
new jodioir.I Jib'r.et no term f "'irt
en l LelJ in Morrow com.iy tbi'
pring. If this is thscuse it is the re
oWof Mavtrvtgat,
Exposure to rough weather, dampness,
extreme oold, etc., is apt to bring on an
attack of rheumatism or neuralgia;
chapped bands and face, cracked lips
and violent itohing of tbe skin also owe
their origin to cold weather. Dr. J. H.
McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment should
be kept on band at all times for im
mediate application when troubles of this
nature appear. It is a sovereign
remedy. 2do, 50o and $1.00 per bottle.
For sale by Slocum-Jobuson Drug (Jn.
Now is tbe time to get the Weekly
Oregoman, tbe greatest newspaper of
the Went. With the Gazette, both strict
ly in advance, for one year, $3. No better
combination of newspapers oan be made
in the state. Besides we will give as a
premium an additional journal, tbe Web
foot Planter, an agricultural puier.
Come in now and snbsorlbe.
The painter tells us that tbe special
branding oil (sold by P. C. Thompson
Co., at 50 cents per gallon,) has better
staying qualities than pure linseed oil
but will not do tor bouse painting be
cause of its tendency to turn dark on
exposure to light. Made for the pur
pose of branding sheep. Bring your
own cans to put it in. tf.
While the writer was below he saw
Joe Deal, Mai Church and Noah Mulkey,
who as many know in this community,
are confined in the Oregon State prison.
All seemed to be in good health. Church
was in exoellent spirits over the com
mutation of his sentenoe, for he Lbs
now less than two years to serve.
Mr. T. E. Fell, manager of the Pen
dleton Wool Scouring and Faokicg Co.,
has made arrangements to erect a wool
warehouse in Baker City, 60x100 feet in
size. The warehouse is to be conducted
as a publio market place where all buy
ers are free to enter and compete.
Mr. E. L. Mims, deputy collector of
internal revenue, with headquarters at
Pendleton, arrived here this mordng on
his way home. He has been out on the
income tax proposition, and reports a
fearfully bard trip.
Charley Ingrabam was in from Eight
Mile today. He says that farmers are
very busy plowing and sowing out in
his neighborhood. Very little fall grain
wan sown last year owing to tbe lateness
of the harvest.
The honesty of some men may be
tested by comparing the prioes of
Linseed Oil and Fish Oil. Buy your oil
for branding sheep of P. C. Thompson
Co., who are not diciples of Isaac
Walton. tf.
S. S. Horner by virtue of having filled
the Master's station in an Iowa A. F. & A.
M. lodgp, received the Past Master's
degree InBt Saturday evening. Quite a
number of the brethren were present.
Foot-ball, spring fights nnd the
presence of tbe goods box fiend too
dearly indicate the presence of spring.
These incidents form a local barometer
that never fails.
Any person who desires to trade good
unincumbered farm lands, suitable and
in condition for raising wheat, for
property in Portland, should sail at the
Gazette office.
Late news from Salem states that
Hon. Andrew N. Gilbert, of that place,
has been appointed superintendent of
the Oregon penitentiary to sucoeed
They are simply fine, the best 1 have
ever seen, is the remark heard by many
who stop to look nt Gilhousen Bros.'
photos in Horner & Warren's window.
Karl's Clover Root, the great Blood
purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
the Complexion and enres Constipation,
25 cts., 50 cts.. SI. Sold by T. W. Ayers,
Green Mathews for shaving, bair
cu'ting, sbiimponiug and all other work
in that line. Baths at any time during
business hours. CM. JoneB, assistant.
Poor branding nil is expensive at any
price, beranse the brand will soon oome
off. Call on Minor & Co. and get tbe
best. tf
Buy vour oil for marking sheep of
P. C. Thompson Company at 50 cents
per gallon. Bring your own cans to put
it in. tf.
Geo. Noble came in Saturday from
his MuKinney oreek ranch. George has
developed into a full-fledged granger.
J. A. Williams on lastSaturdiyproved
np before Clerk Morrow, with A. B.
Ferry and W. S. Conner as witnesses.
Exppcted to arrive at Minor & Co.'s in
the next few days, the largest stock ol
dry goods eyer brought to Heppner. tf
W. M. Pierce, a prominent farmer of
tbe Idea neighborhood, was in town
yesterday on business.
Wanted Laundry work by Mrs. C.
Nelson, old Mountain House. Mending
neatly done.
Sam Meadows has rented A. M. Gnnn's
blacksmith shop, and will fhortly take
Joseph Luck man was over yesterday
from the beautiful glades of upper
Hinton creek.
Mrs Geo Gray, of Arlington is visit
ing relatives and .riends in Heppner.
A S60 sewing machine for 810 cash, a'
tbe store of P. C. Thompson Co. 2t.
R J. Hill and Bob Wilbelm were id
Saturday from the lower country.
Loin steak, 8 ots. ; round steak, 6 cts.;
rib steak, 5 cts., at Sprays.
No fish oil 'sold bv Minor A Co. for
branding sheep. tf
Bud Spivey came in from The Ealles
Friday last.
You've no Idea
How nicely Hood's riarsaparilU bits the
needs of the people who feel all tired
out or run down from any "arise. I'
seemi to oil op the whole mechauism of
the b dy so that all moves smoothly
and work becoms delight If you are
weak, tired and nervous, Hood's Sarsa
parilla is just what you need. Try it.
Hood's Pills cure liver ills, consti
pation, biliousness, jaundioe, liok bead
ache, indigestion.
Everybody stops at Horner 4 War
ren's show window and we don't blame
them, for a finer diaplay of photos has
never been seen in Heppner. It is a
lovely frost scene a large eaiel
feet wide by 1 feet high. mad.
of rustio and fringed with glittering
mnss, inside of which represents an old
fashioned window. Tbe whole is inlaid
in the most beautiful and artistic man
or, with as rr e specimens of tbe photo
art as one ever sees. Tuey are taken of
- tnm-n nnil hv Oilhonaen
I Bros, and will rival the best city dis
plays, everyone snooni wo iuiuiyij
at evening when the electric lights are
! on. Gilhousen Bros, will snrely win a
j name for their pictures.
R A. Hnn'iker runs fetage between
H -ppn. r ml Oonnment, fiTivirs ev.-rv
jav tx i-pt Moii'v and U-uvag ever
ihv eio-pt sundav. Shortest and cheap
lest route to the interior. P. Cobo,
Hr. Charles O. Fansher
Walla Walla, Wash.
Much Treatment Without Avail
Hood's Sarsaparllla Effects Benefi
cial Change In Constitution
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
" Dear Sirs : At the age of 10 years I was
confined to my bed with Inflammatory
rheumatism. I was treated by a local
physician, but relief only came to me with
the warm weather. For 12 years doctoring
did me but little good. We read about
the great change Hood's Sarsaparilla
could effect in the entire constitution.
We concluded to give it a trial and it has
Made a New Young Man of Me.
After taking the content of three bot
tles I was able to walk a little. I have
continued to take It and have not missed
a day for six months. During the bad
winter weather nor any time since have I
felt any of the symptoms of the return
of my rheamntic trouble." Chas. Q,
Fan'SHKR, Walla Walla, Washington.
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and do
not purge, pain or gripe. All druggists. 29e.
Veto Mbasurb. The governor has
vetoed the bill authorizing sheriffs to
ooliect mileage, and also the bill of
relief for Miss Ida Templeton who fell
through a rotten Linn county bridge a
few years ago and thereby lost a limb.
Tbe bill asked for $5,000, and though
tbe county should be held in this case,
bv law it was impossible to do so. Miss
Temrleton is entitled to all that she
asked, but it was setting a bad precedent,
hence the governor's veto.
Four big Successes.
Having the needed merit to more than
make good all tbe advertising olaimed
for them, tbe following tour remedies
have reached a phenomenal sale. Dr.
King's New Discovery, for consumption,
coughs and colds, enob battle guaranteed
Electric Bitters, tbe great remedy for
Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Buoklen's
Arnica Salve; the best in tbe world, and
Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are a
perfect pill. All these remedies are
guaranteed to do just what is claimed
for them aud the dealer whose t Bme is
attached herewith will be glad to tell
you more of them. Sold at T. W. Ayers,
Jr., drng store.
Working forthb Settles. A letter
has been reoeived by parties in The
Dalles, says tbe Chroniole, from
Senator Mitchell, concerning tbe
situation of tbe settlers who have made
improvements on the forfeited railroad
lands, and stating that he has had con
siderable trouble iu accomplishing any
thing in tbe senate. The secretary of
the interior takes the position that tbe
original aot required "actual settle
ment," and that be has no power or
right to change it. Tbe commissioner
of tbe land office, however, takes tbe
settlers' view of it, that possession and
improvement are sufficient, without
actual settlement. Mr. Ellis has
sucoeeded in getting a favorable report
on a bill in the house for the relief of
such as have made improvements on
said railroad lands, in good faith, and
Senator Mitchell has strong hopes of
getting favorable aotion on tbe bill in
the senate before congress adjourns, as
be fully realizes the justness of the
settler's claim.
In tbe fall of 1893 a son of Mr. T. A.
MoFarland, a prominent merchant of
Live Oak, Sutter Co., Cal., was taken
with a beavy oold. Tbe pains in his
obest were so severe that he bad spasms
and was threatened with pneumonia.
His father gave him several large doses
of Chamberlain's Congh Remedy which
broke up the oough and cured him.
Mr. McFarland says whenever hia
children have croup be invariably gives
tbem Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy and
t always cures them, be considers it
tbe best cough remedy in tbe market.
For sale by Slocum-Jobnston Drag Co.
Married. At the residence of tbe
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
tndrews, on S-md Hollow.JFeb. 20. 1895,
Mr. Isaac L. Howard aod Miss Edith A.
Andrews, Rev. J. T. Hoskins officiating.
At 12 o'olock, Tuesday, Feb. 26th, more
tban thirty in all, by special invitation
of relatives and friends, assembled at tbe
resi leaoe of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Andrews,
of AipiDe, to witness the marriage of two
of Morrow county's most prominent
young people, Mr. lsaaj L. Howanl, tbe
son of onr county commissioner, J. L.
Howard, and Miss Edith A. Andrews,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Andrews,
of Alpine, pioneers of this oounty. Tba
marriage was a most enjoyable affair.
Tbe bride was most tastefnlly dressed
and more handsome oouple is seldom
seen. After tb marriage ceremony and
tbe congratulations of many friends, all
were invited to partake of a splendid
dinner. The Uble wss laden with every
good thing tbe land affWda nnd was
enjoyed by all in bonur of tbe happy
pair. Tbe contracting parties reoeived
many beautiful and uaefiil presents.
I'heir maoy friends j in in wishing them
a happy life together. On the 27th was
given an infare dinner at the residence
of J. L. Howard where a large party of
invited friends partook of bonntiful
repast ecjoyed by all.
Plleal Piles I ItfhlBg Pile,
byrnptoms Moisture; intense itching
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continne
tnmnrs form. hiol) iiften blevd atid
nVt-iale, Urtuoiag Very sort. SWAVSia
i)irtr.sT ".rm Hie ilohri? snrl bleed
if if. Ijfulh nlnt-r.tlioc, dud lu most c"n
removes the tumors, At drni-ts, or
by mail, for COosot. Dr.Swayne Son,
Big store at Heppner has a complete assortment of
Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware and Gener
al Merchandise.
We Sell
Tbe Celebrated ,
Baking Powder f
A IV 1
We will Retail Goods at Wholesale Prices,
Our books are closed to any
Further Credit Business.
A Few Cash Prices.
They Speax Louder Than Words.
Best Syrup, per keg I'i.50
Beans, 27 pounds for 1.00
Roast Coftoe, 4 pounds 1.00
Green Coffee, pounds 1.00
Granulated Sugar, 16 pounds 1.00
Extra C Sugar, 17 pounds.., 1.00
Best Rice, 14 pounds 100
Tomatoes, 10 cans 1.00
Sugar Corn, 8 cam 1.00
Golden Gate BakiDg Powder, rbs l.oo
Dr. Price's Baking Powder, 24 lbs 1.00
Golden West Baking Powder, 1 pound 40
5 gallon Keg Pickle 1.00
5 gallon Can Coal Otl 1.25
20 lbs. Rolled Oats 1.00
3 pounds Chocolate 90
6 cans Table Fruit 1 00
12 pounds Seedless Raisins 1.00
16 pounds Extra Kalsins 1.00
Pbivatb Sale. Daring tbe next 40
days August Charlton will sell nt private
sale at bis ranoh out near Gooseberry
all bis honse-hold goods, farming
implements and stock, consisting of
kitchen nteosils, bedroom set, sewing
machine, wagon plows, harness, borses,
oows, obiokens, eta All will be sold
very cheap for oash. Avail yourself of
this opportunity to secure a bargain.
Symptoms of kidney troubles should
be promptly attended to; tbey are
nature's warnings that something is
wrong. Many persons die victims of
kidney diseases who oonld bnve been
saved bad they taken proper preoe Mi o is.
Tbe prompt nse of Dr. J. H. McLean's
Liver and Kidney calm bns saved
thonsanda of valuable lives. If you
have any derangement of tbe kidneys
try it. rnoe f 1 per bottle.
Boabd of Tbadb Mebtino Tester lay
Heppner's board of trade met at tbe
oounoil chambers, President Geo. W.
Oonser presiding, Ed. R. Bishop, neore-
tary. Tbe report of Messrs. Minor,
Sperry and Gilliam was then heard, Mr.
Osoar Minor acting as chairman and
spokesman. He described every part
of tbe proposed new road to the Miloh-
ell section, the greater part of which In
detail oanoot be given, as the report was
a verbal one. Tbe estimated expense of
making the road will not exceed $1,000,
which does not inolude the right-of-way.
The principal expense will he on Parrisb
creek, but tbe road through the Hay
stock region will be comparatively in
expeusive. A letter was read from E.
H. Clarke who reports that the Mitobel
people are very anxions for tbe road and
desire to haul their spriug clip over to
Heppner which is about half the
distance as the present one to Tbe
Dalits. Tbe ford across tbe John Day
is ft good one, and will be passable
most of the year. The Kabler creek
route through Haystack was selected by
the committee as the shortest aud baat
route. The meeting selected r. E. G.
Sperry to attend tbe session of the
oounty court in Grant county wbiob
meets this month, to present tbe claims
of the people of Grant county for tbe
immediate opening of tbe proposed road.
The meeting adjourned subjeot to call
by the president.
Bncklaa's Arnica Salve.
Tbe best salve in tbe world for cuts,
Brnises, Sores, Ulcers, Halt Itbeum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all skin eruptions
and positively cores Piles, or no pay
required. It is gna'anteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
riPce 25 cents per box. For sale by
T. W. Ayers. Jr.
Notice of Intention.
1 J Jan. 19, 18K.r. Notice is hereby given that
the following named settler has filed notice rf
his intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will b made
before 1. W. Morrow, Co. clerk, at Ueppner,
Oregon, on March 6, 18!, viz:
Hd. No. 4832, for the SVi NwW and lots .1 aud 4.
Sec. I, Tp. if it, K2.) K , W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vis:
R. 1, Hill, C. A. Johnson, of Lexington, Ore.,
J. T. Yount. Win. Esies, of Heppner, Ore.
303-14. Jas. F. Moors, Register.
administrator's notice.
J Notice Is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration on the estaie of T. F. harton, de
ceased, were granted to the undersigned on the
'JAth day February, 1S96, by the county court of
Morrow county. All persons having claims
against said ctU are required in aihtl.lt them
to me for allowance, at my home In Eight Mile,
Morrow Co., Or., wlUjin six tooitha aftar toe
data of this notice, or they shall be forever
barrad. ttSmlt J. 8. YOUNG, Admr.
'lliU ttth day of February, ISK5,
1' fmio' Minor A Co, hu dissolved by
r utual consent, W. A. Johi ston retl In froi.t
lh business. A II accounts and not. a are pay
ble to Minor A Co., xeDt those that hart been
BnUUd ky IU paJPt' T
These Roods are Strictly Pure and
give the bestol satisfaction.
Dry Goods
Boots & Shoes
At prices to compete
with any cash store
in the country.
Notice of Intention.
LiND Office at The Dai.lks, Oregon,
January SI, 18R.
followlne-namert settler has filed notice
of his Intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will he made
before J. w. Morrow, county i;ieri,anicppucr,
Oregon, on March 14, 18115, viz :
Hd. E. No. 2895, for the E', SE!4 Sec. 11, and N14
KVM Sec. 14. Td. 8. B. K. 2d K.
He nnmes the follnwine witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon ana cultivation 01,
sum lmio. viz :
Mat HiielieA, John Woodward, John Hickey,
Sherman Letller, all ol ueppner, ureiron.
Notice of Intention.
J Feb. 14, 18(15. Notice is hereby given that
the follow ing named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof In support of
hi claim, and that snld proof will be, made
before J. W. Morrow, County Cleric, at Heppner,
Oregon, oil March 30, 18i)5, viz:
Hd. No. fifiM for the N4 8Wy SW14 Bee. 11, and
NWJi NV4 fcec. 14, Tp. 1 N. K 27 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and culiivatlon
of suld land, viz:
Isaac Vincent, W. M. Ayers. Isaac noward, J.
L. Howard, all of Galloway, Ore.
H5-m24!. Register.
Notice of Intention.
Lanp Office at La Grande, Oheoon.
January HI, 1H95.
i fiillowlng-uiiHied settler has filed notice
or his intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that eaid proof will be made
before the rountv clerk of Morrow county at
Heppner. Or., on' March 1H, lx'.ift, viz :
William W. iosne.
Hd No. KM I, for the WU NE, W', tiE'i, Sec.
21, Tp 5 ti. K 2S EWM.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, aud cultivation
of said land, viz :
W. E. Mikesell, Lanus Penland, W. R. Casey,
D. A. Hamilton, all of Heppner, Or.
flm!5 Register.
of Morrow, Stale of Oregon.
The Northern Counties )
Investment Trust 1
Limited I
Plalntlir. 1
vs. '(
Q. W. Stewart, Jamci j
1). Hamilton, G. W.
Harrington Addie Par- I
vln and J. N. Iirown.
Defendants. )
ToG. W. Stewart and James 1), Hamilton, De
GON, You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed agutnst you In the
above entitled cause on or before the first day of
the 1 t regular term of the above named court,
to-wit : March 25. 1W5; and If you fall so to
answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take
Judgment against you and will apply to the
court for the relief demanded In Its complaint,
A decree for the sum of One Thousand Dollars
gold coin with interest thereon at the rate of
eight percent per annum from the first day of
July, 1'.I2, until paid. For the sum of Six and
Fifty Two Huudreths Dollars with interest
thefeon at the rate of eight per cent per annum
from the 9th day of January, 1h'.)5, and the sum
of One Hundred Dollars attorney's fee, and
costs and disbursements of this suit. Also for
the foreclosure of the mortgage executed by de
fendant G. W. Stewart so secure the payment of
Range 25 E W M.for the sale of said premises
and for judgment and execution against thede
fendantO. W, Ktewart for any deficiency which
may remain after applying the proceeds of the
sale of said premises in payment of the above
iismH sums, arid for such further relief as is
demanded in plaintiffs complaint.
This summons Is erved by publication by or
der of W. I Bradshaw, Judge of the above
named eourt.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Oregon, for the county of Morrow.
In the matter of the.
estate of Kllshsj CITATION.
Hrterry, deceased. )
To Hulda Edwards, and all unknown persons
Interested In snid estate.
GON, You are hereby cited and required to ap
pear In the County Court of the Stateof Oregon,
for the County of Morrow at the Court Room
thereof, at Heppner In theCountyol Morrow on
Wednesday the fith day of March, lw.rt, a( 10
o'clock In the forenoon of that day, then and
there to show csuse If sny exist, why an order
of sale shall not lie made of the real property of
snld estate, described as follows, to-lt :
Beginning nt a stake 4x5x 10 Inches at a point
5 chains west of the southeast corner of the
donation land claim of Charles Rice, notifica
tion No. 2IIM and claim No. 4'J, In Township U
south, of range 3 west, 01 the w lllariette Meri
dian, and running thence north and parallel
with the east line of said claim 47 chains to a
stake on the north Hue of said claim, thence
west 2.M ehalns to a stake, thence south 47
chains to a stake xoxl4 Inches, thence eat 2 4
chains to the place of beginning, containing
thirteen and thirty four one-hundredths acres,
more or less, situate In County of Linn ana
State of Oregon.
WITNEY, the Hon. Julius Kelthly,
Judge of the Comity Court of tbe
etBie of Oregon, for the County of
SEAL Morrow with the K, a! of said Court
affixed, this illi day of February
A II.. m.
ATTlaT r ). W, MORROW,
the same and conveying the Yt'A 01 the MW'4
Sec.HO. The WU of the SW!4, the F.K of the
SHHand tbe N4 of the HE! Sec. 31, and the
HW( of the HWm of See. H2. all In Tp 5 South of
Has no future
we don't want
Upon uny other than
can't place "credit" at
We Don't Want
The cash buyer to pay for losses occasioned
by bad debts. We treat all alike, and sell
goods for less money than you can get
them elsewhere.
This Space
The Eeelsv In
lOllis, Dawson Ivyons,
All buiiuens attended to in a prompt and BntiBfactory .
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
sw am Proprietor,
Owing to tbe advantages gained through .
being a member of tba ....
P. C. Thompson Co.
Are in position to make prioes for cash as
low as tbe lowest.
Corner Main and Willow Streets,
Land Patents
Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible time.
Contested Cases
Contented caHcs intelligently and skillfully handled.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims and disputes speedily settled.
Between individuals havine conflicting claims, nnrler tba agricultural land
laws, and tbose between claimants under tbe Mineral Laws and agrionltnral
oUiruaots; and also between "lntmants nnder any of tbe pnblinland laws and tba
Itnilrnad companies and their grantees, and the states and their grantees, tinder
the Bwnmp-Land and Hcbool-Land Grants.
Hpeclalty made of securing patents in tbe shortest possible time for settlera
who bate oomplied with the laws nnder wbioh their entries were made, and wbo
are aonoyed and worried by delays in the issue vl their patents, canted by Trifling
Irregularities which fan be easily and speedily removed.
Adrioe also given in all matters relating ta the publio lands, especially on
points arising nnder the new laws wbiob have been recently passed providing for
tbe disposal of tbe publio domain.
If you want vour land patent in a hurry it you want your land busineas, of
any tharaoter, attended to by skilllnl and competent attorneys, and promptly dis
posed of, write to
John Wedderburn, Gen. Man.,
P, O. Boi, m. Washington. U &
value to us, and
any mail's
a money basis. We
any kind of interest
Belongs to
For the Cure Oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It la located at Salem, Oregon,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast .
Call at the Gazrttr office (or particulars.
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
Between Second & Third,
I'ortlnnd, O