Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 05, 1895, Image 2

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    .9 71 Mi
V i V"
H tftrwn
An uprising of Spanish inhabi
tants of Cuba is reported but the
rebellion will hardly last long.
The recent legislature did not
do as much good work as it ought
to have done, but the people must
take into consideration that it was
no small job to down the ring.
This is pretty good work for one
Some small-fry newspapers of
this state of ring tendencies put
in their spare moments abusing
Gov. Lord nnd Secretary of State
Kincaid. These gentlemen are
good and honorable servants of
the people who think all the more
of them because they will not be
dictated to by the ring.
No ONE objects to Rimo" :
boss because he is a Jew. The
republican party does not need
any boss, and that is the reason for
the routing of the clans. Many
influential Israelites of this state
are opposed to Mr. Simon and his
methods; so no one has any right
to bring up the matter of religion
or race in the content that has and
will be waged on bossism in the
state of Oregon.
The Hon. Wm. L. Wilson, the
professor from West Virginia, has
secured a fat job through the
resignation of Hon. II. L. Bissell,
Cleveland's pobtmaster-general.
The Prof, deserves this in reward
for his courage in makiug tho race
for congress last summer, againHt
big odds. He is personally a
very agreeable man and will grace
the cabinet as well as any man
Pres. Cleveland could select.
PEncnANCE Messrs. Harvey W.
Scott, Joe Simon, Joseph N.
Dolph, ot al, have discovered that
thoy are no longer tho salt of the
earth and entitled to all the fat
ness and abundance thereof. The
people aro beginning to realize
that they possess a few saline
properties themselves, are entitled
to Borne of tho fat of their own
creation. The last legislature did
not accomplish much iu tho way
of legislation, and tho state has
paid dearly for the few laws passed,
but it delivered a staggering blow
between the eyes at bossism and
tho gold power. For this let us be
thankful. Weston Leader.
Senatoh Smith, of Sherman, one
of the ablest and most conscientious
members of tho recent Bession of
legislature, introduced and secured
the passage through both houses
of a bill regulating railway traffic
between Celilo and Tho Dulles. It
causes the U. It. & N. tracks to be
used as n portage at a maximum
rato for transportation, whenever
any person or persons, company oi
corporations shall grade and fur
nish with ties without cost to tho O
It. & N. a switch, hiding or incline
from tho lino of tho O. H. fc N. to
the water's edge at Celilo, and also
at Tho Dalles. It is tho first great
stop towards on open river, and
proposes to do this without cost to
tho state. Mr. Smith is today, and
always has been, a democrat. If
the Btate of Oregon had more pub
lic servants of tho kind Mr. Smith
has proved himself to be, there
would be but little need of bo
much partisanship. In our next
issuo we shall publish tho bill in
its entirety, which has been signed
by the governor and is now a law.
We I'.U'se long enough to re
mark that tho Gazette Las passed
tho mile-stone of its twelfth year,
and now has entered upon the
thirteenth. Seven years of that
period tha present editor has been
at the helm, and while he looks
back over tho past and reflects
that the Gazette could have been a
much better and more valuable
paper to tho people of Morrow
county, yet it is some eatisfaction
to know that during these seven
yeatH lloppnor has nmdo all of its
great pei inaneut improvements,
nn.1 u1.ii Unit 1 1 1 ii Hit lnm 1 ni'ii
, , ,
a ournl of more or es prop-M.I
sive ideas, advocating such meas
ures as have been taken to further
the interests of our little city. The
paper has always been fearless and
outspoken, and it is no great won
der that some do not look upon the
paper with any great favor, yet in
the main we have maDy good
friends that we appreciate very
much. And now with the kindliest
of feelings for all, with hatred to
wards none, we begin the work of
the new fiscal year, trusting that
the Gazette may yet be of service
to the good people of Ileppner and
of Morrow county.
MarveloH8 Krsnlt.
From a letter written bv Rev. J.
Ouudermao, of Dimondale, Mch,, we are
permitted to make this extract: "I have
no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's
New Discovery, as the results wpre
almost marvelous in the onseof my wife
While I was pastor of ttie Baptist church
at Kiv.-s Junction she was brought down
with PneumoDia succeeding La Grippe
Terrible paroxysms of ooughing would
last hours with little interruption and
it seemed as if she could not survive
them. A friend recommended Dr,
King's New Discovery ; it was quick in
its work and btgnlv satisfactory in
results." Trial bottles free at T. W,
A vers, Jr. drug store. Regular Bize
50c. and $1.
Pleasant weather and farmers busy.
Wheat coming in at a more lively
Poisoning squirrels is the order of the
The farmers better-halves are busy
Hark I 1 Did you hear them wedding
bells a ringing ?
Annual school meeting Monday.
Don't forget to turn out Bnd eleot your
beBt men. lone wants able and
enthusiasts men at the head of its
educational interests.
Louie-Male On Sunday, Feb. 24,
Frank Louio and Miss Flora Male, of
this place were united in the holy bonds
of wedlock, Justioe T. J. Carle official
ing. Quite a number were prevent and
enjoyed the many good things which
were Berved. Our best wishes for
long and happy life.
Fairview school appropriately oele.
brated Washington's birthday. The
entertainment was given Friday evening
of the 22 1, and consitited of a number of
patriotic songn, reoitations and dialogues
The apeoial feature of the entertainmen
wan that all the exercises referred
ntriolly to Washington, with the
Hvception of one or two songs. A short
magic lantern exhibition followed
Quite a number were present.
Iouc's marksmen, who have long
hi are gained an enviable reputation as
export hunters, have made another raid
one is not only known m the biggest
little town in Morrow county but it has
also the reputation of having the biggest
little sportsman in Morrow county
Messrs. Tom Woolery and John
Oochran departed reoeutly ou a grand
coyote raid, ami all kuow that when
these sporting gentlemen mean business
they never fail to be "iu it" and there'
fore no one expected to see them return
empty banded. Writers generally are
addicted to the habit of makiug a big
story out of a little one, bat we must
acknowledge that after trying every
available moans under the sun to make
this story small enough to suit on
limited space, wi failed. After two days
limiting, tney killed 1!) ooyotes and thus
have broken tha record. We challenge
any one to beat that.
Feb. 28, 1H!5.
How to Cure Itlienniatlsm.
A baoo, Coos Co , Orkgon, Nov. 10,
181)3. wiidi to inform yon of the great
irfoncl Chamberlain's Piiiu Halm has done
my wife. She hat bpen troubled witl
rhenmstiem of the arms and hands f
six months, and has tried many remedies
prescribed for that complaint, but foiin
no re it f until she used this Pain Balm
one botllrt of which has complete!)
'ured her. I take pleasure 10 reooru
me n el i n ii it for that trouble. Yours
'ruly, 0 A. llnllnrd. 50 cent and 81 00
bottles fur sale by iSlooum-Johnson Drug
RsotiiiAB Council Mkktinu. Connci
met in regular session Inst evening
Mayor Horg presiding All present
except Conncilraen Johnston and Keith
ly Minutes ot Inst regular meeting
read and approved The ne
ooiincilnieii, Messrs. llornor, SSIocum
and Ayers and Mayor Morgan reported
as sworn in Reports of reoorder
and treasurer reBil and referred to ti
nance committee for further report and
action Mayor Rorg introduced at
this jiinctiire the new mayor, Tho
Morgan, who took the ohair with a fe
appropriate rttmnrka. The new members
of the council aloo took upon themselves
the duty of ofllceand were ilnly installed,
The mayor therefore announced
the following oommittees: Health and
Tolioe-Lichtentbal, Nloriim and Horn
er; Street and Public Property Lich
tent luil, Horner and Patterson; Finance
Patterson, Hlnenui and Ayers; Fire
and Water-- Sloettm, Farnaworth an
Horner; Way and Means Farnsworth
Sloouni Biid Licbtenthal; Ordinance
Ayers, Farnsworth and Horner; F.lec
tion Horner, S'oonm and Farnaworth,
Hills allowed: F. J. Hallook
tl9.lt. N. 8. Whetstone, 839; Oaaette,
J7; Mrs. Bradley, $2.75 The bond
of JS. It, Freeland was read and spprov
ed ,'lhs Ileppner Light it Water
Co. bill for 570 was allowed Conn
cil adjourned.
Ureal Oak
From little acorns grow, so also do fata
disease spriug from small beginnings
Never neglect svmptom of Kuluey
troubles; if allowed to develops they
rne much sntTering and sorrow. I
.1. II. McLean's Liver and Kilnev Haim
is a eertnin cure f ir Hnv ,tis ot weV
nees o( tlie Kill lie):). A tlii will
vines you nf it grput potency. Price
tf.00.r IhUI. For Mis by Sloeiim
j0rlio Prut Co.
That Ik W hy Sheriff Bears Is
Makes a
by the Rinis. His Deputy
Fram the Portland Chronicle.
Sheriff Geo. C. Sears was seen yester
day by a reporter of the Chroniole and
requested to give an explanation of bia
encounter with ex-Senator McGinn,
which has caused no little excitement
this oity where both are so well
known. After reading the garbled and
istorted asseverations of alleged eye
witnesses that appeared in the Oregonian
and Sun, the reporter was prepared to
find the sheriff a complete wreck. To
his glad surprise, however, the sheriff
was feeling as well, phytioally, at least,
as usual. Re bore no signs of having
been "knocked out" or having received a
single blow. Asked for particulars of
the fracas be said: "I bad been np to
Representative Long's offioe in the
Woroester building to inquire about
the bill that McGinn bad smuggled
through the legislature, and found Mr.
Long was greatly surprised at its
passage as anybody else, declaring be
had never seen or heard ot the amend
ment until be read of its passage in the
papers. In coming out of the building
noticed McGinn ooming toward me,
and with a contemptuous grin on bis
faoe he spoke and extended his band.
I said that I did not shake bands with
one of bis kind, adding that be bad
sneaked that bill through the legislature
in an underhanded manner and there
fore I did not reoognizo him as a gentle
man or a man. With this I started to
walk away, not wishing to bave any
trouble with bim, but be struck out
with bis right band for my faoe. His
blow was not effective, as I dodged my
head, letting bis fist pass my ear.
immediately pulled my revolver and as
be again came toward me I struck him
on the side ot the head, a blow that
dazed him and at the same time sent
my revolver flying in the air. We then
clinched but no further blows were
exohanged as s large crowd separated
"The Oregonian 's statement that I had
gone to Malem in searon ot senator
Butler is as near the truth as that dis
gruntled sheet usually gets. I was
going direot to the jail to take Convicts
Snyder and Burger, who bad that day
been sentenoed to Salem. The origin of
McGinn's animosity to me is principally
in my refusa' to make a contract with
bis brother, the baker, to supply the
jail with bread. He (Senator McGinn)
came to me once regarding this matter,
and because I re'used to conour in bis
desires, be declared his intention of
taking away the hoarding of prisoners
from the sheriff Another cause of
grievance is the faot that a law firm of
which a brother of Henry McGinn was
a member, could not have permission to
run matters to suit themselves with my
jailor and the prisoners. Ou this
matter my ohief clerk, Mr. Meyer, will
tiilk with you. 1 wish to say a few
words regarding the injustice of Me
Gi mi's bill. Heretofore the sheriff has
been allowed per diem expense, 33 per
day, for taking prisoners and insane
people to Hulem. The legislature of
two years ago placed this office on i
salary basis, cutting down the emolii
nieutrt as low as they considered safe,
knowing that law suits are liable at all
times to be brought against a sheriff,
even after his term of office expiree
By the terms of the McGinn bill, the
per diem expanses and tbe boarding of
prisoners may be takeu away from the
sheriff, which leaves him practioally
nothing for his services." Sheriff Sears
exhibited several letters and telegram
from represent ilives and senators, de
clanug emphatically that they were
wholly uuaware of the iniquitous
measure that had luen passed as a rider
to Butler's bill.
Judge Northup bus frequently ex
pressed himself as beiug opposed to the
cutting of official salaries during an
incumbent's term of office, and it re
mains to be seen whether he is sincere
in the matter, as it n-sts entirely with
him to say whether the sheriff shall re
tain control of the boarding of the
prisoners. Regarding the use of a
revolver in his scrimmage with the
senatorial bruiner, SheriffSears declared
he had lived in this county for 23 ears
and hud never beeu involved iu a
quarrel, therefore he did not propose to
enter the arena of thugs to do battle
with a reputed tough, who has a record
for fighting ministers, and making
asaaults upon all who do not agree wi'b
him. Another interesting bit of history
iu connection with the mutter is found
iu the following nffidavit of chief clerk
Kmaunel Meyer, the truth of which can
be verified by consulting ex-Clerk Ous
Marqnam. It shows to what extent the
pugilistic McOiuu has beeu in the habit
of runuing things, either directly or by
working "iidtuential" strings around the
court bouse. It also hos that in
Sheriff Sears, the attorneys of the city
as well as the people, generally, have a
faithful friend aud servant.
mr. k. Meyers' affidavit.
Mr. Meyer ays: "Some time ago N.
D. Simon, of the firm of McGinn A
Simon, approached me on the subject of
securing for his firm the clientage of
prisoners who had money in their
possession. He declared that Jailor
James, (tin ex jtilor) hml always stood
iu with bim (MoOiun A Simon) in having
the prisnuer secure Simon' Arm to
defend them. Ha said he had at tini'S
received over a thousand dollarn in fees
from this aiurce, aud in conatqueuce
bad paid Jailor James a handsome
commission. H then prop ed a
imilar deal with me, but I toli him I
should refer the matter to Sheriff Sears,
which I did, and whirb tu eoorofuliy
rejected by Mr. Sear who declared he
would discharge the jailor or any
oepmy ne totitia miDg any wucu aei, . tnf(t eiu fr Consumption. Astbras, Ca
lhjtil was open to all attorneys ,rrh, rr"criit:s and MH It-r-m hivI ''if H
tia,ni bu-iuDas there. Mr. hnunu then n i! i l!e t ne h!l suffrrfi u i
i .... a i . J.
a-ipt'ti t Hrra:ii Mi-- itntur
.i. :..,i .,m..,Iw.
iUhi; -"
laiu) whom ha would ootni))usta as well
M myifil, ijaw, wpm i p n oini
about the bill proposed by Senator Mc
Ginn, be stated that inasmuoh as bis
firm was not getting any business from
the jail he oouid not be expected to in
fluence Senator MoGinn to withdraw
the bill."
Signed, Emanuel Meter.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 28th day of February, 1895.
O. A. Wheeler,
seal Notary for Oregon.
Slocum- Johnson Drug Co. desires us
to publifh the following extract from a
letter of Cbas. M. Ontfeld, of Reedley,
Fresno Co , Cat, as they bandied the
remedy referred to and want tbeir
cus'nmers to know what a splendid
medicine it is:
"It is with pleasure I tell yon that by
one day's use of Chamberlain's Cougb
remedy I was relieved of a very severe
cold. My head was completely stopped
up and I could not sleep at night. I
can recommend this remedy." A cold
nearly always starts in the bead and
afterwards extends to the throat nnd
ungs. - By using this remedy freely
as soon as tbe cold has been contracted
it wilt cure tbe oold at once and prevent
it from extending to the lungs.
From tbe Salem Statesman we clip tbe
following in regard to the change in that
law :
Tbe two important changes made in
the bill are as follows: Tbe existing law
ooutemplates tbe printing of tbe names
ot all candidates for any offioe in alpha-
betioal order. . Thus, in tLe matter of
representatives in Marion county, with
four parties iu the field and five members
to elect, there would be twenty names,
which, being placed in alphabetical order,
would oause the voter considerable
trouble to pick out the five be wished to
vote for. The new law direcrs the names
to be printed in groups in such cases,
each group to oontaiu in alphabetical
order tbe name of each party's nominees,
Tbe same is true of state senators, or
presidential electors or any position for
which more than one is to be chosen
To illustrate:
Representatives Vote for five.
H. L. Barkley. I
J. L. Calvert,
Dayid Craig, Republican.
Ernest Hofer,
0. B. Moores.
Geo. E. Allen, I
Wm. F. Dngan,
Webster Holmes, I Democratic.
Jeff. My res,
T. B. Wait. I
George Cline, I
H. F. Jory, I
R. R. Ryan, Peoples.
Jim Smith,
Bill Thomson,
The other change is: The present law
provides that the voter shall cross out
all tbe candidates for whom he does not
wish to vote. The new law directs that
he shall "prepare his bal ot by marking
immediately to the left of the name of
the candidate of his ohoice for each
olliae to be filled," in A space left for that
In effect May 24th.
Mrs. T.S-Bawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn.
savs. "Shiloli's Vitalizer 'Saved My
Life.' I consider it the best remedy for
a debilitated system I ever used." in:
Dyspepsia, Liver or Kiduey trouble
excels. Piice 75 ots. Sold by T. W,
Ayar. Jr. , .
McFarlaod Mercantile Co., have
uhanged their business to an absolute
oah banis, beginning with the new year,
Their prices compare with the lowest,
Also sell the Goldan West Baking Pow
der, as good as tbe best iu , the market
and cheaper. See new ad. a
O AgOny ii3 annoyance O
O concentrated. g
I a Guinea I
a Uoi. '
are concentrated
remedies for the
annoyance of
Indigestion or the
Agony of Dyspepsia.
; cents a box.
9. cordovan;
. . ... . 4
j09 SI 73
"t5 I -A4
Over One Million People wear tho
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
AH our shoes are equally satisfactory
1 her give the oet value for the money.
They equal outturn ehoe In (tyle and fit.
iThsIr wearing qualltlea aro unaurpasied.
The price are unllorm, -tampeo on sole.
'From ti to f t eaved over other makea.
, li your dealer cannot supply you wo can. Sold by
Dealer whose name will shortly ap
pear here. Agent wanted. Apply it once,
?:'u?ir'rJ Agents. S73
kr. I .euti-t.rriUMV.
i. fui laiiill 10 out nun
W -h nu-a ftU'l drill l
Bfdl WrlllUC lli bnU.
U ilR' hM'inii, (ft- . -hilar .lot
tn r tt. Hrt.hi. tti-fcm ultbrft
. itltwful Mlipa. i Wt.'l
: i t iiai.iti-r i n inii
b-t-vru'tt h ,! Hi it-, t (ii hp
( .,rit'ii tv-'itirrrtt
C'UVlN .i CO V. li t vlutaou
Tb nndersigned having hpen re stored
to health by simple means, after suffer
ing for several years with a severe Inng
affectioD, and thai dread disease, Con
sumption, i auxions to make known to
his fellow sufferers tha mean of enre.
To those who desire it, be will cheerful
ly send, fre of chart;, a copy of tba pre
scription used, which thev will find a
- " 1 " ,
! " : "'- n- P't"W.,'t.-U. wi'L!- U! C.st
,,.,,. ,lt,;,. . .. ,,v pr..v a . eciii. i.
will plea addre. R-v. EDWARD A.
' ii-V.i vmoujn, A. juun-w,
1A 5.V 1
tLa... -i 5
W. IV II.. I
School Meeting The annual sohool
meeting, for the purpose of electing a
director to serve three years and a clerk
to serv-i one year, was held at tbe court
house vesterday. The miuutes of the
meeting one year ago were read and
proved, as was also the clerk's report.
Mr. A. Wright was chosen as director to
succeed Otis Patterson, and Mr. J. J.
Roberts was selected for the third time
district olerk. The distriot made
good selections in the matter of officers,
and as the representation was good
63 persons being present there should
be no grumbling on that soore. The
great diffiaalty that now confronts the
new board is the faot that the district
has not provided adequate means to pay
p what is now due aud payable, much
ess to run the school for another vear.
It can mean but one thing the down
fall of lbs school which is tbe pride of
unprejudiced people all oyer Morrow
oounty as well as at Heppner. I be
board will endeavor to keep up tbe
school and in this they should have tbe
hearty support of every oitizjn in this
Some Fiohtinq Joe Turner and Tom
Buckley oame together in the Belvedere
Friday last, in which scrimmage Tom
received a badly disfigured countenance
The Guzette does not know wbat
coasioned the row. Later in tbe day
Hick Mathews and Turner met in com
bat near the Guzette office. This diffi
culty was the result of some comuentH
made by Hick oonoerniog tbe other
iffieulty earlier in the day. Tbe re
corder pulled the boys up before him
and assessed them the regulation.
J Or.. Mnr. 4. 1895.
Coleman Nora Oraham Alex
Crank Joseph I'vbren Mrs Sarah J
wnen canine nr tries lerters pieaie say
advertised. J. r. 'William-, r. M
Notice of Intention.
14 Feb. 19. 1891. Notice is herphv given thnt
the follnwtnc named settler hns filed iiotleeol
his Intention to mnke tfiml prnnt in support oi
his claim, and that said proof n il! he made
before J. W. Morrow, nonntv clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on April 10. 1S9. viz :
hd e no W7. for the Sk, NE4 and N', SE'i, sec
tpls rWEWM.
He names the follow'nir witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said liuid. viz:
E. P. oruz and A. T. McNav. of Heppner ;
Paul Kietman and A. T. Wood. lone.
f22m29 Register.
Stockholders' Meeting.
reeularannunl meetine of the stockhold
ers of the Morrow County Land & Trust Co. will
be held at the office of its t eamrer on the sec
ond Saturday in March. IW.i. between the hours
of 10 a. m. nd 4 p. m. for the purpose of electing
oilk'er.t for the ensuing year.
Uttu. i). r Jii.i..
Hepphes ' r., Feb. 21st 1890. f22-m8.
Administrators Notice. .
Estate of John W. l)nnn. docet-sed,
ters of administration on the estate of
John W Dawann. deceased, were minted to the
undersigned on the intn flay or e etirnary, iw,-.
by the county court of Morrow county. All
persons havnifr claims aealnst stud estHto are
required to exhibit them to me lor allowance a1
HeDiinor. Oregon, within six months after the
date of this notice.
Dated this l'.lth day of February, isu..
..fl9ml9 T. K. LYONS. Administrator.
of OreEon, for Morrow county.
In the matter of the estate of i red rick Kretz-
lo any and all persons known aud unknown
interested in stud estate, preetme :
You hereby clled and required to appear in the
county court of the stute of Oregon, for the
County of Morrow, at the court room thereof,
at Heppner in the county of Morrow on Mon
day the (ith day of May. W5. at 10 o'clock, in
the forenoon of that day, then and there t show
cause, if any exist, why an order of sale should
not be made lor tnc loiiowing aescrioen real
property belonging to the above-named estate,
towit: Beginning 9 RS-IW chains from s E cor
ner of SV H fif sec '.!(, tp 2 H, K 2ti K W M i thctice
north at right ang es with south line of said
section 2 Ui lOO chains; thence at riitht angles
westdistance 72 im'a, thence at righ aime
south 2 M WO chains, thence at right angles
east 72 links to beginning, containing nh-1000 of
an acre.
Witness, the Hon. Julius Keithly, Judge of the
county court of the State of Oregon, for the
County of Morrow with the e 1 of said court
alnxeu, 'his v.iu day ot reuruary, a. v. isaD.
SEAL Attest:
f 10-m 19 Clerk
1 of Oregon for tbe County of Morrow
lienrgevt. Harrington, a
Administrator of the
Ktat"of James Stewart,
deceased, Plaintiff,
Jas. D. Hamilton, Dora C
Hamilton, J. N Rrown,
The Northern Counties
InvestmentTrnst. (Lim
ited) and Addle I'arvin,
To James D. Hamilton, Dora C. Hamilton and
Tbe Northern Conntie Investment Trust,
(Limited). Defendants.
GON: You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint tiled aeainst in the above
entitled action hv tbe first day ol the next t"rm
of the above entil ed court, to wit : On Sinn
day. the 2.'ith day of March. W' and if you fa 1
so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will
tske ludirment acninat'tli' defendant James D
Hamilton for thesum nfJOne Thousand Dollars
with interest thereud Main tbe JIst dav of June.
1K9.1 at the rate of tfTer cent, per annum; a d
the sum of One Hundred and Ten'v-h v
D dlars as a'toriiM'l- fees, and the costs and
disbursements "t Ibis action. Also for a decree
of this court for th foreclosure of a certain
mortta e described in the complaint and ex
ecuted by the defendants .!me D. amiltnn
and Dora C. Hamilton, on the 20th day of Jan
nary. 1V.H, to secure the payment of a certain
proinlsory note' marie by Jauv-s I). Hamilton
to tne defendant. J. N. Hrnwu. described in the
complaint herein; and tor other and further
relict, according to the prayerof said complaint
This summons Is published by order of the
Hon. V. UBradshaw. Judge of the above en
titled court, flnade in chambers at the Dalles,
Oregon, oq The 2nd day vhrnary l4"i.
-hiJ! Attorney for Plaintiff.
of Mnrrow, -tat i of Oregon.
J. II. Towniend.
Thomss Walden,
W. t). Scott.
Geo. W Harris,
To Thomas W allien an
G. W. Harris, Defend-
GON, You are hereby required to appear and
answer Hie complnlnt tiled nexin.t (n in the
above entitled CH.ecn or helnre (lit trst dny of
the next regular term of the above entitled
court, to i' : Mo day, the '.'-Vh dav ff March.
liS; Slid If yon fail to answer, for w ant thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the curt for the
reik i dem-tided in Ms complaint, to it:
Judgment against defendant. Thomas Wl.
don, (or the sum of Two Hundred Four and
sixty One Hundredths Dollars In l". S. Gold
Coin with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per
cert per annum, from the first dav of lebrnarv.
1"5!, until paid, and for the further sum of
Thirty-five Dollars attorney's fee. together with
the costs and disbunemeLt of this suit to t e
And that the mortgace dwrlhed in plalntifT's
complaint he foreclosed and tht til premise
therein described, to-wlt: The of See Jt.
Tp 1 X. K iS E W M, be t.ld to satisfy said
And r'lat the said Ceo W !Hrr1 a-d all pr-
. C' ., :i . ' - i f UtluCi i .. I ,H-
i. , r r -. ed ot n iu-; ,ir e," ' - -of rvtiemp-
t'lt In .! "., . ..
, . , . ., . . -
.., . . w rt h-.o,.
i ne sjie' ti I
hMr Ml.'.srri, i . : 'h--ti;
laW Jsmwry A w4.
. A.tViflry Fl
leak M others I
and all women who are nursing babies, derive almost iuco,,
ceivable benefits from tbe nourishing properties of
Scott's Emulsion
This is the most nourishing food known to science. It en
riches tho mother's milk and gives her strength. It also
makes babies fat and gives more nourishment to growing
children than all the rest of the food they eat.
Scott's Emulsion has been prescribed by physidans for
twenty years for Eickets, Marasmus, Wasting Diseases of Children,
Coughs, Colds, Weak Lungs, Emaciation and Consumption.
Send for pamphlet on Scott's Emulsion. FREE.
Scott & Bowne, N. Y. All Druggists. 50 cents and SI.
City ;
rTHIS Popular Hostelry has again
1 been re-opened and will be run
in first class style.
Meals and Rooms at Popular
Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop.
Otis Pa
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
IV UlTTFUenV IfiVVT nn oftheBoatinthe World
II 1 .4 I I .11 111 1,1. ill I.
Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
nf thA inenmnetenev rr innttpntion of the attorneys emoloved to obtain their
natents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent ana reih l
able solicitors tc procure vatents, for the
entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney.
With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys,
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re
tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to
Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct I
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. . .
Tf vou 1mve an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to
gether with a brief description of the
advised as to tne oest course to- pursue, ivioueis arc seiiii ucvcoa jr.
others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged vsjfjnfringement by
others, submit the matter to up for a reliable OPINION iforj acting oa the
matter. ...
p.o. box 83 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
JW Cut this out and send It with your lnaul.
The Best
you m chine cheaper than yon can
get olM where. The NEW IIOTCK U
our belt, bat we make cheaper kind,
inch a 3 the CLIMAX, IDEAL aud
other High Arm Full Nickel Plated
Sewing Machines for $15.00 and up.
Call on our agent or write u. We
wani your trade, and If price, terms
and tquare dealing; will win, we will
hive it. We challia ihe world lo
p -ortjcea BETTER $50.00 Sewing;
5 achlne for $50.00, or a better $20.
wine machine for $20.00 than you
can buy from a, or our Agents.
&Ui l-lUXClSCO, CAL. ATLAJilA. Oi.
The New Home Stwing Machine Co.
257 Market St. 8hu FrHncinoo. Cal.
JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney,
P. O. Box 463. Washinoton. D. C.
Honorably dischar(reJ soldiers and sailor who erved ninety day.
emmea. u now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary manual
V-. v. V vll-e or nol "na regardless ot their pecuniary circum
was due to army service or not, if now dependent upon theirown labor for anpport. Wif"
noV'p'";'e','."Pn their owu labor are entitled if the soldier's death wa due to errlc.
.jj ? , re entitled (if under sixteen years) in almost all case where tbsre wa t
widow, or she has since died or remsrried.
PARESTS are entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child. proTlded oldler dlai l
-.tlr10?. r , m 'ft ot tvIob. nd they are now dependent upon their own labor for sup
port, it makes no difference whether soldier aerved or died in late war or in rerular army or
oMii",of ,tjie late war. pensioned under
laws, without losing any rights.
"""au,gi suiuie-a arawingiromiitosis per tnopth nnder the old la are entitles
metier rales nuder neve law, not only on account of disabilitie for which now peneioaed. I
a, so for others, whether doe to aenioa or not.
Soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty In rerular array or nary slaeathe war ara al
entitled, whether dischtrired for dissbilityor not. J" J
Id. ihi. w:-Vnfa. ,VV.W
Ida Indian n ars of ISaa tn ant kioi.i
or depen'de,utWr ,0llUer nd widow
fcte?iaws1or,t"otmp,eted "d ,ett!emtnlo''lo'i. whether pension has been rraatad nader
Rr-ected claims reopened and settlement
nac . t tneir onuinf. p e
:oio' at:r- Nocharge
W r:r-; rs
I JOHN WEDDERBURN, Manajjing Attorn
' V WVA wV ,7,
z:". ji j
value of a patent depends greatly, it not ,v,J
important features, and you will be at once
'3000 PARCELS OF MAIL" llll
,!SW iWrniru r Driee 2fc.) your aa-
rewi ir receive! wiuuu m
will be for l year
printed on gummed
labels. Only Directory
guaranteeing IS3.000
customers; from pub
Ushers ana manufac
turers you'll receiva
nrobabif. thousands ol
I valuable books, papers,
' KaniDle8.mairailnes,etc
til free aud each pareei
wltt! one ofyour printed addr
pnsted thereon. KXTBA i We wiU
also print and prepay posuwf on WO oi
your label addresses to you ; whlcb
stirk on your envelopes, books, etc., U
prevent ihelr being lost. J. A. WM
of Heldsvllle, N. C., writes : 'From
my 25 cent address In your Mgbtnln
Directory I've received my 500 addreal
labels and over 8000 Frla oj
Mall. Mv address you scattered
anion: publishers ana manuracuire
are arriving dally, en valuable parce
of mall from all sarts of the orla.
No. 117 Frankford and Girard Ave. Fhiladel
chla. Pa.
The regular subscription price of tba
Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.60 aDd the
regular price of the Weekly Oregoniaa
is SI. 50. Anyone subscribing for the
Gazette and paying for one year in
ndvnnce run get both the Gazette and.
Weekly Oregonian for $3. All old sub
scribers paying their subscriptions for
one year in advanoe will be entitled to
tbe same.
Stage leAves for Echo Mondays,
Wed"erlay. and Fridays, returning on
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
H. Wade, Prop. T. W. AyersJr., agent.
or OTer. In the lat war.
labor, whether diaabilif
one law. may apply for hither rate nndaratha
1 r '
1 WffiH Irl
Hawk, Cre-k. Climkw aad fsils1aar
. . .
Joiuaad, if irtywoyaJ of tf or dii
ecnred, If releetlon Impro
Improper er literal.
oi tne ls-e war wa
f - a-' : f itir-etful. Ad're,
ajva-, rn.r-AMY.