Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 05, 1895, Image 1

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iii:!)PIiiiiii i in i in i i.i 1 1 1:1 1 i niiriwii iri-i i in i mil iinr
The persistent wooing lover
Is the one who gets the maid ;
And the constant advertiser
Gets the cream of all the trade.
The man who tries to advertise
1 With printer's ink consistent, ' I
I One word must learn nor from it tarn, f
And that one word's persistent !
I . . - . 1
III I III 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M in 1 1 iimi.i1
Tuesdays and Fridays
At fa.50 per rear, $1.25 for six months, 75 cte.
lot three moncna.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
The BJLGHjE, " of Long Creek, Grant
County, Oregon, is published by the same com
pany every Friday morning. Subscription
price. 12 per year. For ad vertlslng rates, address
JRST Xj. PATTEBSMT, Editor and
Manager, Long Creek, Oregon, or "Gazette,"
Heppner, Oregon,
THIB PAPER is kept on file at . C. Duke's
Advertising Agenoy, M and 85 Merchants
Exchange, Ban Franoisoo, California, where cou
. racta for advertising can be made for it.
Union Pacfic Railway-Local card.
No, 10, mixed leaves Heppner 9:45 p. m. daily
xoept Sunday
io, " ar. at Willows Jo. p.m.
9, " leaves " a. m.
' g, " ar. at Heppner 5:00 a. m, daily
except Monday.
East bound, main line ar. at Arlington 1 :26 a. m.
West " " "leaves " MM a. m.
West bound local freight leaves Arlington 8:85
a. m., arrives at The Dalles 1:15 p. m. Local
passenger leave The Dalles at 2:00 p. m. arrives
at Portland at 7:00 p. m.
United States Officials.
President Grovor Cleveland
Vice-President Ad ai Stevenion
Beoretary of Htate Walter Q. Gresham
Heoratary of Treasury John G. Carlisle
Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith
Meoretary of War Daniel 8. Lamont
Secretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert
Postmaster-General.. Wilson 8. Bissell
Attorney-General Richard 8. Olney
Secretary of Agrionlture J. Sterling Morton
State of Oregon.
Governor S. Pennoyer
Secretary of State ,...G. W. McBride
Treasurer Phil. Metschan
Bnpt. Publio Instruction E. B. McElroy
. ( J. H. Mitchel
Senators JJ. N.Dolph
, j Blnger Hermann
Congressmen.... J w ft. e1Ub
Printer I'rank C. Baker
IF. A. Moore
Bapreme Judges W. P. Lord
( B. 8. Bean
Seventh Jadlcial District.
Circuit Judge W. L. Bradshaw
Prosecuting Attorney A. A. Jayne
Morrow County Officials.
Joint Senator A. W. Gowan
Representative. J. 8. Bootbby
knnty Judge Julius Keithly
' Commissioners J.R.Howard
J. M. Baker. ro w
" Clerk , J. W. Morrow
" Sheriff .... G. W. Harnnirton
Treasurer.... . Frauk Gilliam
; Assessor.... J. Willie
Hnrveyor , Geo. Lord
" School Sup't. .- Anna Balsiger
Coroner ,ACf , T.W.Ayers, Jr
Mayor T0WN. P. O. Borg
Councilmen ( K- Frnsworth. M
LichUnthal, Otis-- .vJon, Julius Keithly.
W. A. Johnston, S. Pwrwer.
Uecorder F. J. Hallock
Treasurer. A. M. Gnnn
Precinct Officer.
lustioe of the Peace E. L. Freeland
Nonstable N. 8. Whetstone
United State Land Officers.
f. F. Moore RpgtHter
A. 8. Biggs Reoeiver
B. F, Wilson Register
3. H. Bobbins Receiver
G. A. R.
Meet at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of
sech month. All veterans are invited to Join.
,' C. Boon, Gio. W. Bmith.
Adjutant, tf Commander.
dressed Lumber, 16 miles of Heppner, at
what la known as the
j io on
17 60
L 15.00 per 1,000 feet, additional.
D.A.. Hamlltoni Man'itr
The comparative value of these twocarda
la known to most parsons.
Thar Illustrate that greater quantity la
Net always moat to ba desired.
Theee carda express tha beneficial qual
ity of
Aa compared with any previously knows
Klpaoa Tabulea : Price, so centa a boa)
Of druggists, or by mail.
IPaNS CHEMICAL CO., 1 0 Sprue Sf ., N.T.
. Ea.ile.t
Moat MoUero and progressive
Kor catalogue or Information write to
New llavoa, Coaa.
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details call on O. R. A N.
Ag nt at Heppuer, cr address
Geo. Pass. Agt.
Run Two Fast Train Daily
Between St. Paul. Minneapolis, and Chicago
Milwaukee and all points In Wisconsin making
connection in Chicago with all lines running
East and South.
Tickets sold and baggage checked through to
all points In the United States and Canadian
For full information apply to your nearest
tieket agent or JA8. C. POND,
Gen. Pass. amlTkt. Agt., Milwaukee. Wis.
ioial Bank ol HeDDner.
President Cashier.
Made on Favorable Terms.
prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to
M l! N N it CO., who have tand nearly fifty years'
experience In the patent builnpos. Communica
tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In
formation concerning Patents and bow to ob
tain ttiem sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan
ical and scientific books sent free.
Patents taken through Munn ft Co. receive
sneciul notlcelnthe lrlentlllc American, and
tbus are brought wMoIt before the public with
out eoKt to the Inventor. This splendid paper,
trailed week-lv, elegantly Illustrated, has by for the
Inrirest circulation of any scientific work In the
world. S3 a rear. F ninple copies sent free.
Building Kdltlon, monthly, 2.50a year. Single
enMe, '24 cents. Fvery number contains beau
tiful pistes, in colors, and phntograpbs of new
houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the
latest dee'gTis aua secure contracts. Address
ilU.NN & CO N-w Youk, 301 BuoaDWAT.
quzok: tijveu i
JScin Franoisoo
And all pointa in California, via the Mt, Shasta
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
The great hiohway through California to all
pointa Kast and Sonth. Grand Hoento Ronte
of the Pacific Coast. Pullman Buffet
Hleepers. Hecond-class Sleepers
Attached to expresa traina, altording superior
aocommodatiani for second-class passengera.
For rates, ticketa. sleeping car reservations,
etc.. call upon or add reus
R. KOEHLEK, Malinger, K. P. ROGER8, Asst.
Gen. F. A P. Agt.. Portland. Oregon
Tit K PRF.aa fLlDl CO FA ITT,
I0HN weODERBURN, Manaolna Attornee,
P.O-Boxeoa. WASHlNiirOS.D.C.
Als f r So'."r sni llnrs MashlM In the line
Jutv in tl.e rrsrnlar Armvr N'-v alaethe war.
iirvlvor of i InJ'in wars of lia to 1S44 and
thi tr vldnws, now ent'tlcl. O'dsmt releeti-l alalr.is
t siIiIit. Thousands entitled to bUrtMr rates.
i for new law JJo caarge for tUvlce. S fee
81.00 Bottie.shi ii in rs X 9
i It la mM nn a amnraTitsa trr all druev
Kists. It cures incipient ConsumptioA
and Is tha best Couch and Croup Cure. -
ror sule by T. W. Ajerc, Jr., Urugglst
The thumb Is an nnfaillng Indei
of character. The Kquurv 'l.vpe in.
dicates a strung will, great energy
and firmness. Closely allied Is the
Epatulated Type, the thumb or those
of advanced ideas and businesi
ability. Both of these types bcloni
to the busy man or wonmn; and
Deinorest's Family Magazine pre
pares especially for such persons a
whole volume cf new ideas, con
densed lu a small space, so ihut the
record of the whole world's work
for a month may be rrtul In half an
hour. The Conical Type Indicates
refinement, culture, and a love of
music, po' trr, and fiction. A person
with this type of thumb will thor
oughly enjoy the literary attractions
of Deinorest's Muguz'ne. The Ar
tistic Type indicates a love ol
btanty and art, which will find rant
pleasure in the magnificent oil-picture
of roses, lt'i x 24 inches, repro
duced from the original painting by
Do LoiiRpre, the most celebrated of
living flower-painters, which will
be given to every subscriber to
Dc morest's Magazine for 11-95. Tha
cost of tn iu superb work of art was
i-350.00; and the reproduction
cannot be distinguished from the
original. Besides this, an ciquieita
oil or water-color picture is pub
lished in each number of the Maga
zine, and the articles are so pro.
fnsclyand superbly illustrated that
the Magazine is, in reality, a port
folio of art works of the highest
order. The Philosophic Type is the
thumb of the thinker and Inventor
of ideas, who will be deeply Inter
ested in those developed monthly
in Demorest's Magazine, in every
one of Its numerous departments,
which cover the entire artistic and
scientific field, chronicliug every
fact, fancy, and fad of the day.
Demorest's is simply a perfect
Family Magazine, and was long ago
crowned Queen of the Monthlies.
Send in your subscription; it will
cost only 2.00, and you will have
a dozen Magazines in one. Adiess
W. Jknninus Dkxorkst, Publisher,
1.1 East 141 h Ktreet, New York.
Though not a fashion magazine, its
perfect fashion pages. and us articles
on family anil domestic matters, will
be of superlative interest to those
possessing the Feminine Type of
Thumb, which indicates in its email
size, slenderness, soft nail, and
smooth, rounded tip, those traits
which beione essentially to the
jentler sex, every one of whom should subscribe to
demorest's Msgazine. If you are unacquainted with
ta merits, send for a specimen copv (free), and
ou will admit that seeing these THUMBS his put
ron in the way of saving money by finding In one
Magazine everything to satisfy the literary wants at
be whole family.
, Great-HuovAh
This extra
ordinary Be
Ju7enator Is
the moat
discovery of
the age. It
baa been en
dorsed by the
men of
Europe and
Falling Sen
sations, Nerv
ous twitching
of the eyes
and other
I n v 1 g orates
and tones the
entire system.
Hudvan cures
Deo 111 ty,
and restores
weak organs.
Pains In the
back, losses
purely vege
Hudyan stops
of the dis
charge In 20
days. Cures
by day or
julcklv. Over 2,000 private endorsements.
Prematureness means iinnotency In the first
singe. It is a svmpiom of seminal weakness
and barrenneB". It can be stopped In to days
by the me of Hudyan.
The rew discovery wns rnsd" ry the Bneclal
leu of the old famous Hudson Medical Institute.
It is the strongest vitalizer made. It is very
powerful, but harmless. Sold for $1.00 a pack
age orS packages for $5.00 (plain sealed boies).
Written guarantee given for a cure. Ifyoubuy
six boxes and are rot entirely cured, six more
will be sent to you free of all charges.
Bend for circulars and testimonials. Address
Ju nction Stockton, Market k Ellis Sts.
San Francisco, Cal.
if you use the Pctalaaia
IncabaUrs a Breeders.
Make money while
other are wasting
time by old processes.
Catalog tells all about
it, and describes every
article neeaea lor uu
poultry business.
The "ERIE"
mechanically the best
wncci. rmummauci.
we are Pacific Coast
Acenta. Birr'. esta-
lcgue.mafled free, rives
full description , prices, etc., AOFWTa WABrrito.
BaANca Horse, sn a Main St., Los Angeles.
fc: C I f00 worth of lovely Music for Farty
V 3 III.. Cants, consisting of too pares
li; " full size Sheet Music of Un n
aw latest, brightest, liveliest and sjost popular 3
fc; selections, both vocal and mstrumental,-!
- gotten up In the tnosl elegant sunner, la- a
eluding four large slie Portraits.
CA)HCITA. tilt SDanlMk Dancer.
; fADMBWSKI, the Great Plsuiltt, 2
JfT A0UM PATTI nnd 3
I y. Broadway Theatre Bl.tg., New York City. )
yii lilted! 1
Pollajcou) was the son of a poul
terer, Whence his name, and began his
career as a wood carver.
BcmoKMAiB was one of the first paint
ers to execute court scenes, "such as
coronations and marriages.
Guido's later works are very inferior.
They were painted in haste, to raise
money for the gaming table.
D'Avakzo was the first modern
painter who attempted to give an op
tical illusion to his pictures.
IIolbein was only sixteen years old
when first engaged in painting altar
pieces for the churches in Basle.
Durkr was the son of a goldsmith,
and, showing an appreciation of art,
was apprenticed to a draughtsman.
Valesquez was a self-educated
painter. His scenes and models were
generally taken from peasant life.
Titiak began to sketch before he
was four years old. Hi favorite
models were his wife and daughter.
Jaksbkn's life was made miserable
by an extravagant wife, and his last
years were passed in extreme want.
JiAjf Cousin was originally a glass
stainer, who left that business to be
come the first historical painter of
Thkbb are three times aa many wid
ows as widowers.
Lettuce and onions, eaten just before
retiring, cause sleep.
Boilino tar, applied to masonry,
makes it impervious to water.
Seven thousand insects are required
to make one pound of cochineal.
Geoboe Bunbabt, a Dublin short
hand writer, can record 250 words in a
Fully 4,000,000 people in this country
are sustained by the wages earned by
railroad employes.
The redwood forests of California
have become almost depleted by the de
mand for railroad ties.
Photographs have been taken of the
bottom of the sea, fully five hundred
feet below the surface.
The apple grows wild in the Sand
wich islands. There are forests of them,
most of them neglected.
Seventeen transatlantic cables have
been laid, but only seven are in use.
The others have given out.
A catebpillab is so greedy that in
one month it usually devours six thou
aand times its own weight in food.
Tleterla Said to Take aa Active and Bea
efleeat Fart la Public Affairs.
a corner oi ti.e veil whiun screens
the inner life of royalty from the com
mon gaze was raised the other day by
Mr. Rentoul, M. P., at a meeting of la
dies in support of the women's suffrage
movement, says the Westminster Ga
zette. Mr. Rentoul said his idea had
always been that the queen was a
merely ornamental sort of personage,
who signed such documents as were
submitted by her ministers, .and was
restrained from doing any harm by
constitutional safeguards. He had,
however, recently made the acquaint
ance of two lords in waiting, who have
been in attendance on her majesty for
many years, and the information he
had obtained from this source had com
pletely altered his views as to the in
fluence exercised by the queen in mat
ters of domestic and foreign policy,
lie had learned that she is proficient in
eleven European languages, and that
she has during the last four or five
years completely mastered Hindus
tanee, in which she converses with
great correctness and fluency with any
of her Indian subjects who are pre
sented at court. Her majesty frequent
ly writes to every important sovereign
in Europe, and her influence on the
side of peace is said to have been very
beneficial, her knowledge of foreign af
fairs being most intimate and accurate.
At several critical stages in the rela
tions between European nations the
queen's personal influence has been suc
cessfully exerted to prevent war. It is
even alleged in court circles that her
majesty would have been able to pre
vent the . Franco-Prussian war . if
Emperor Louis Napoleon had not pre
cipitated hostilities on the Rhine be
fore any opportunity was afforded for
mediation. ' t '
Institution for the Training of Jewish
Youth at Hanover.
A novelty in practical philanthropy
is described by V. C. Fox, formerly
consul to UrunRwiclt, Germany, who
has just returned to Washington.
"During my visit to Hanover," said
Mr. Fox in the course of a recent conver
sation with a St. Louis Globe-Democrat
correspondent, "I examined an insti
tution for the training of Jewish
youth. The institution is something
entirely new. It has been established
by Alexander Moritz Simon. Mr.
Simon is the American vice consul at
Hanover, where he is also a prominent
banker. Those who have knowledge
of the situation in Russia and Germany
to-day fully understand that one of the
chief causes of the anti-Semitic move
ments in those countries is that the
Jews are solely dealers and traders.
This is because children naturally ac
quire a taste for and follow the occu
pation of their parents and other rela
tives. "Mr. Simon told me," continued Mr.
Fox, "that in his visits to the United
States in 1882 and 1S90, he remarked
the distressing conditions of the Jew
ish immigrants, arising mainly from
the fact that they were unable to per
form such work as they could obtain
from labor. Knowing no mechanical
trade, they were of necessity driven ta
peddling. Mr. Simon, some time ago,
became convinced that if many of tha
Jewish youth in Russia and Eastern
Persia were properly taught trade, it
would be the best answer to the chief
argument of the anti-Semitic agitators.
Actuated by this belief, he founded
this institution. He has purchased
aome seventy acres of land near the
city of Hanover. The necessary build
ing have been erected so that sixty
boys can be accommodated. The prime
object is to teach agriculture, garden
ing and fruit culture in all their
branches. Carpentering, locksmithing,
shoemaking, baking and other trades
will be taught. The movement and
the institution have already received
the hearty indorsement and assistance
of prominent Israelites in Europe.
There is every evidence that the ex
periment will prove successful and pio
neer the way for similar institutions in
other parts of Europe."
The Way In Which They Care for and
Manage Their Moc'ci.
Sheep farmers in England do not all
follow the same methods of care and
management of their tlooUw, cays John
Jackson, of Ontario. In some auctions
where they have shaded permanent
pastures the sheep are allowed to roam
at large for a portion of the season. In
other parts of the country they are
folded in hurdles summer and winter.
, In some cases they are folded on
grass land, and moved every day; in
others they are kept in folds, the grass
being cut and fed in racks in this case
they are moved at regular intervals, so
that in either case by this system the
land is regularly and evenly manured.
And again, in other cases, the laud is
sown with vetches; the sheep are then
folded on this land, the vetches being
cut forward of the fold, and also fed in
the racks. Another thing the flock
masters are very particular about is to
use nothing but a first-class ram, even
in the flocks that are only kept for wool
and mutton. They attend the ram
sales and buy the best they can get. I
know of a breeder that sold last year
at the Cirencester ram sale forty rams
that brought enough money to pay the
rent on a good farm of eight hundred
acres, and the most of these rams
would be bought for crossing.
But to determine just how far we
can follow the English practice of
management in our flocks we must
first consider the different circum
stances in which we are placed our
hotter climate in cummer, the more in
tense cold in winter, the smallncss of
our flocks, cost of labor, value of the
product, etc. Yet in many ways, to a
certain extent at least, we would do
well to follow their example in the
care and management of their flocks.
And, while the hot sun and severe
frost may be against us to some extent,
our climate as a whole is ahead of the
English climate for the health and
growth of sheep.
The Children of a Vienna Banker Who Had
Money to Burn and Burned It.
Princess Ypsilanti, who died in Vi
enna a few days ago, belonged to one
of the oldest families in Austria and
was born in Vienna March 12, 1845.
Her father was the late Baron Simon
Sina von Ilodos und Kizdia, and her
mother a member of the famous Rou
manian family of Ghika. Baron
Sina was the son of George Sina. the
wealthiest banker in Vienna. Baron
Sina received on his father's death
90,000,000 florins, or $45,000,000. This
immense sum was divided on the death
of Baron Sina between his three daugh
ters, each receiving nearly $15,000,000.
One of the daughters married George
Mavrocordato, a member of one of the
noblest families of Greece. The second
married the spendthrift Due de Cas
tries, a relative of the late Marshal Mc
Mahon, of France.
The third daughter, Ilelene, Novem
ber 23, 1862, when she was but 17 years
old, married Prince Gregory Ypsilanti,
a native of Epirus and son of Deme
trius Ypsilanti, whose valorous deeds
during the Greek revolution made the
name of Ypsilanti famous throughout
the world. During the siege of the
city of Nauplia, Demetrius, with a
small body of Greeks, one night sailed
forth and attacked the enemy, creating
such terror among the Turks that they
raised the sally the next day.
Prince Gregory Ypsilanti was the
Greek envoy in Vienna for many years.
He was n man of independent means,
aside from the great fortune brought
to hiiu by his wife, and served his coun
try for h . Her alone, refusing all com
pensatii.r. for his duties as its diplo
matic rcf w-'entatlve in Austria.
Pri ici; . iv j'ury Ypsilanti died in Paris
on February 20, 188(3, and was succeeded
as head oi his family by his eldest son.
Prince Emmanuel, who is now a lad of
10. Three weeks after his death the
bankruptcy of the princess was an
nounced, to the amazement of the aris
tocratic circles of Vienna and Athens.
Prince Gregory had been a man of ap
parently quiet and retiring disposition,
but he and his wife had managed to
get rid of $25,000,000 in ten years, and
the widowed princes found herself
4,000,000 in debt.
Personnel and Towers of Great Britain's
Unpopnlnr Legislative Branch.
The English hou;;e of lords (or peers)
consists of the whole peerage of Eng
land and of certain representatives of
the peerages of Scotland an 1 Ireland;
but, according to the St. Louis I'ost
Dispatch, many of these last have also
English titles which give them seats in
the house. As, for instance, the duke of
Buccleuch. a Scotch peer, sits as earl
of Doncaster, and the duke of Leinster,
an Irish peer, as Y'seount Leinster.
According to the late J oliieial list, ex
clusive of twelve minors and one baron,
whose claim is not established, the
present house of lords is composed as
follows: Five princes of the blood, two
archbishops, twenty-one dukes, twenty-two
marquises, one hundred and
fifteen earls, twenty-five viscounts,
twenty-four bishops, three hun
dred and four barons, sixteen Scot
tish representativo peers elected for
each parliament, and twenty-eight
Irish representative peer elected for
life. In all, five hnndrnd and sixty.
All peerages are now hereiitary, but
until 1S5'1 there were occasional crea-
I tions of 1 if peerages. In that year.
; however, it was decided that such peers
! could not sit in the house, and since
then none havj be .-a naile. Peerages
are lost by attainder for high treason,
rd an a'Uiut pecrag can only be
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
restored by act of parliament not by
the crown. The house of lords may
originate legislation of all kinds ex
cept money bills, which must come
from the house of commons. The for
mer has also a veto power upon the
legislation of the latter, and can throw
out any bill from the lower house, no
matter how large a majority it has re
ceived there. It is this veto power
which, more than any and everything
else, makes the house of lords unpopu
lar with the great mass of voters.
How the Klectrlo Headlight la Now TJsed
on Numerous Railroads.
The electric headlight is now used on
many railroads, and W. B. Sparks, who
is interested in a Fsuthern road, re
cently told a writer for the Pittsburgh
Dispatch that his company had found
it a very profitable investment. The
lights cost about three hundred and
seventy-five dollars each, fixed on the
locomotive, and they cost no more
than the oil light to maintain. The
old headlight would not throw its
light on a very dark night more than
one hundred and fifty feet, and it is
impossible for an engineer to slow
up his train in that distance, even
with the emergency brake. Quite an
item in the expense of the road used
to be claims for cattle killed. During
the rainy season the lands along the
line of the road become very wet in
places they are entirely covered with
water and the cattle come upon the
track seeking some dry spot on which
to sleep. When the old headlight was
in use as many as thirteen cows have
been killed at one time and the damage
claims have sometimes amounted to
over one thousand dollars per month.
Now the electric light throws its rays
from half to three-quarters of a mile
in front of the engine. Obstructions
can be easily seen at that distance and
some of the engineers insist that a
switch disk can be more easily made
out by it at night than in the daytime.
The lights, moreover, do away with
switch lights, which is quite a saving
to roads that use them to any great
extent. Mr. Sparks says that the en
gines using the electric headlights on
his road have never killed a cow, and
he is confident that the saving in stock
claims alone will more than pay for all
the headlights on the road within two
Stringent State Laws for the Preservation
of Forests from Extinction.
Timber depredations, according to
the New York Evening Post, have been
stopped practically in Mississippi by a
law which punishes offenders severely
There are large areas of forest land
there belonging either to the United
States government or to the state, and
the temptation to settlers in remote
regions to enter upon them and
help themselves to wood was often too
strong to be resisted. When drivers
from federal land by deputy United
States marshals, the timber thieves
found refuge in the state forests,
which were not so well policed, and by
moving from the one territory to the
other they contrived to escape arrest.
The federal officers finally became so
vigilant that timber stealing proved a
dangerous business, and the thieves
transferred all their operations to the
state lands. The legislature thereupon
passed the law referred to, and it has
improved the morals of the people so
much that some districts which former
ly were the scene of wholesale depre
dations are now almost free from the
raids of poaching woodmen. The stat
ute imposes a fine of two dollars per
acre for each acre in every forty-acre
sub-division of land upon which any
trespass is committed. For the pro
tection of private owners it also pro
vides that for every tree cut down
without their consent a fine of five dol
lars shall be paid.
A Word Which Has a Queer English
I remember a long time ago hearing
a singular definition of a term very
well understood by most of us, given
by an old Scotchman, who spoke with
a strong accent. "What's a flirt?" said
he. "A man who proposes and is re
fused." How he came to be in such a
sate of benighted ignorance is more
than I can say, but so it was, and I am
reminded of the story by seeing in a
book that the verb "to flirt" means "to
more to and fro with a pert motion, as,
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is the , whole story
4 S f3rfr"inrC 08ts M more thaa other pwlcaee soda never spoils W
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4 Hifls only ty CEURCH k CO.. flew
Write for Arm and Bammer
to flirt a fan." The fan being used for
coquetting, those who coquetted were
called "fan flirts." Lady Frances Shel
ley introduced the word.
While on this subject, says a writer
in the New York Journal, I should like
to mention, as the result of observa
tioa, that flirts are born, not made,
and that unless the faculty comes by
nature, it is not very much use to try
and acquire it, because not only does
the effort recall sometimes the at
tempted gambols of a cow, which only
draw attention to the natural heavi
ness and solemnity of the animal, but
it is as likely as not that in putting on
a manner and "ways" that are not con
sonant with one's temperament, one
may make hideous mistakes, just as
when a very shy person tries to be cool
and assured in bearing it happens
often that the coolness seems like
rudeness, and the assurance like inso
lence. I don't believe we can really
alter our natural selves even external
ly, any more than we can change our
physical appearance much without its
being found out. It is the "ass in the
lion's skin," after all.
Very Falatahle.
The Mexicans have a way of making
a kind of hot bread, called tortillas,
that is quite appetizing to a hungry
man. The cooking utensils used in
the making of it are simple in the ex
treme, consisting merely of a smooth,
flat stone about two feet long and a
thin plate of iron. On the stone is
placed a mass of corn that has been
thoroughly soaked in alkali. This is
mashed until it becomes a smooth
paste. It is then taken up in small
handfuls, patted into thin cakes and
seasoned with cayenne pepper, after
which each cake is wrapped in a leaf
of corn and placed on the hot iron
plate to bake over a hot fire.
The Quter Effect of Photographing Upon
Some Slberlana.
"I have witnessed a good many
amusing incidents in the course of my
career," said a New York photographer,
the other day, "but I think the one
that struck me as the most ludicrous
occurred while I was in Siberia a few
years ago. I had my camera with me,
and spent considerable time in taking
pictures of the people and-surrounding
country. I had engaged the services
of two native servants, and one day,
having nothing better to do, I induced
one of them to sit for his photograph.
The fellow had never seen a mirror in
his life, and I dare say had no concep
tion of the degree of ugliness exhibited
upon his countenance. At any rate he
manifested no delight at seeing his
picture, though his companion ap
peared very much elated, and could
not rest until I had taken his picture
also. When the latter saw his picture
he also seemed depressed. The
portraits appeared to have brought to
the minds of both strange revelations,
and they retired to their tent in a
thoughtful mood, each trying to
smooth down the bushy locks which
crowned their heads. Presently one of
them came to me and borrowed a pair
of scissors, and shortly after they re
turned with scarcely a vestige of hair
remaining on their heads and implored
me to take their pictures again. The
fruit of the camera was to them like
the fruit of the tree of knowledge."
What He Wanted.
At the hospital the other morning,
says Life, one of the patients was just
recovering from an attack of delirium
tremens, and, as is usual in such cases,
desired to dress and go home more than
anything else. It happened that one
of the young ladies connected with the
flower mission saw him, and, approach
ing, said: "I have some beautiful roses
here. Wouldn't you like some?" No
response. Again she said: "Wouldn't
you like to have some of these roses?"
Slowly his head turned, and, slightly
opening his bleary eyes, he said, much
to the embarrassment of the young
woman: "I'd a blamed sight rather
have my punts."
It is said by experts that practical,
even-tempered' men usually write a
plain, round hand, in which every let
ter is legible, and that more ambitious
men write hastily and carelessly.
"Justice," remarked Jupiter, after
he had read the morning papers, "you
seem to be falling down pretty often
these days." "Yes," replied the god
dess addressed, regretfully, "I keep
losing my balance." Detroit Tribune.
York. Sold by grocers everywhere, f
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